Utility program for cleaning the registry. Full versions of programs with keys. Registry cleaning programs

Any program for cleaning the Windows 7/8/10 registry will save the user from having to do it manually. This is especially critical for beginners, who sometimes don’t even know about any system registry, and then suddenly hear that it needs to be regularly cleaned of “ garbage", otherwise the computer will slow down and in general - Windows itself may " break down».

In the old days, cleaning the registry was the job of professionals. Today there is a wide variety of various programs designed for this purpose. Additionally, many of them will not only clean the registry, but also scan the entire system to detect unnecessary files, and clear the browser cache with all kinds of histories, and can do much more.

Here are just a few of these applications.


The undisputed leader among “cleaners”. It has been on the market for more than 10 years - since 2003 - and during this time it has acquired a large number of useful functions:

  • cleaning the registry and operating system from excess “junk”;
  • cleaning browsers from cache and all kinds of histories;
  • managing browser plugins and startup settings;
  • permanent deletion of files through repeated erasing;
  • identifying duplicate files;
  • managing system restore points.

The basic version of the application is free, but for advanced versions you will have to pay up to $40. There is also an option for the Android system.

Windows Cleaner

Also a free utility for cleaning the system from all kinds of “garbage” and optimizing the system registry. Windows Cleaner will also clear the browser cache, delete your browsing history, and download history. In addition, just like Ccleaner, it can work with system restore points and edit the startup group. In general, Windows Cleaner can to a certain extent be considered a direct competitor to CCleaner.

Clean Master

But the capabilities of Clean Master are poorer. However, this does not stop many users who do not want to delve into advanced settings, but want to do everything in a couple of clicks. In addition, according to test results, Clean Master and CCleaner are neck and neck - they free up the same disk space, both programs successfully optimize the Windows system registry, and both are free. But Clean Master is not localized into Russian, and this may be a certain obstacle for some users.

Glary Utilities

A wonderful package of utilities for optimizing and cleaning the system. Here are just its basic modules available for free use:

  • cleaning disk from " garbage", duplicate files, empty shortcuts, temporary Windows files;
  • working with the registry: cleaning and optimizing it in a fully automatic mode;
  • editing startup and hard drive defragmentation module;
  • secure deletion of files without the possibility of further recovery;
  • You can also view detailed system information and make backup copies of both the registry and the current state of Windows.

Overall, this is an excellent program for cleaning the Windows 7/8/10 registry and can perform many other tasks.

Advanced SystemCare Free

Except "gentleman's set" in the form of registry optimization and removal of unnecessary files, Advanced SystemCare Free can:

  1. speed up Internet access;
  2. identify and remove spyware;
  3. fine-tune Windows “for yourself”;
  4. monitor the efficiency of RAM.

The basic version of the program is free, but you will need to pay for advanced features. It is also important that Advanced SystemCare Free is Russified.

Wise Disk Cleaner

According to test results, Wise Disk Cleaner outperformed all the programs described above in terms of efficiency in cleaning the system registry and hard drive. Perhaps this is what sets it apart from other similar applications. In addition, Wise Disk Cleaner allows you to set up scheduled cleaning and defragment your hard drive. Alas, Wise Disk Cleaner is not localized into Russian.

As you can see, there is more than one wonderful program for cleaning the Windows 7/8/10 registry. The user will always have plenty to choose from. In the end, healthy competition in the software market always benefits everyone.

Interested in cleaning the Windows 7 registry? Then you've come to the right place.

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database for most MS Windows operating systems, containing parameters and settings for hardware and software, presets and user profiles.

The creation of the registry in Windows was intended to organize information that at that time was stored in many INI files, as well as to provide a unified mechanism for reading and writing settings.

The creation of the registry made it possible to get rid of the problems of short names, lack of access rights and slow access to INI files stored in the FAT 16 file system, which has performance problems when searching for files in directories with a large number of them.

All the problems that MS Windows developers solved using the registry disappeared with the release of the NTFS file system, but the registry remained in all subsequent versions of this OS.

At the moment, there are no real prerequisites for using such a mechanism and the only system that uses the registry is MS Windows (and its free software clone - ReactOS).

The register is formed from various data. When installing and subsequently configuring Windows, files are generated that store system configuration information.

During the process of loading the operating system, as well as logging in and out of its users, a certain abstract, virtual entity called the “registry” is formed.

Thus, one part is static and stored in files, and the other is dynamic and formed in the process.

Disadvantages of the MS Windows Registry

The method of storing operating system settings using the registry has a number of significant disadvantages. Below we list the most significant ones.

    Relatively low fault tolerance. One wrong byte in a hive file (a registry branch similar in nature to the root directory in file systems) when trying to load it causes the OS to crash.
    This problem in modern versions of MS Windows is solved using two-level logging, and in case a situation arises where the registry cannot be restored, the system can reinitialize damaged registry entries during boot.

    Selectivity when saving system settings to the registry means that not all system settings are entered into the registry. Because of this approach, transferring system settings by copying its registry is impossible.

    During the operation of the operating system, the registry undergoes fragmentation, which leads to a gradual slowdown in access speed.

    In addition to settings, the registry also stores other system and application information, which leads to a gradual increase in the size of the registry. This problem can be partially solved with the help, which we will talk about in the next part of our article. By the way, in our material you can read about the five best free programs for fixing errors in Windows 7

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry manually

    Let's move on to directly deleting information about programs , which have been removed. To do this, go to the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” section (which is located on the left side of the registry editor window), open the “Software” subsection and look for the name of the software developer company or directly the name of the program that was deleted.

    To delete, select the entry by clicking on it and pressing the “Del” key on the keyboard.

    You can also search for a program automatically using the search function. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + F and in the window that opens, enter the name of the program and click “OK”, after which all found entries will be selected.
    If the found highlighted record is correct, i.e. belongs to a remote program, press the Del key on the keyboard and press F 3 to go to the next entry.

After deleting unnecessary entries, close the registry editor.

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry using programs

Software registry cleaning is intended for beginners, as well as users who want to save their time, because manual cleaning, as it became clear in the previous section, is quite a painstaking task.

Let's look at the 3 most popular programs for optimizing and cleaning the system.

Reg Organizer

This program has good functionality and, in addition to actually editing the registry, allows you to search and replace its entries, completely remove installed software, create and compare snapshots of registry keys, as well as manually and automatically clean it.

Additional features of the program are the function of fine-tuning the OS, editing configuration files and the ability to clean disks from system debris.

Note! The free version of the program only looks for registry errors; to fix them, you need to purchase it; the license price is $10.



Russian-language interface.

Ability to work on 64-bit systems.




This utility is no less multifunctional and registry cleaning is one of the many options of the application, but unlike Reg Organizer it is free for non-commercial use.

The functionality of the free version is not reduced, and the only difference is the lack of priority technical support.

The program is very popular; at the end of 2012, more than 1 million downloads were made from the official website of the program.

Every month a new version of the program is released, and you can find out about updates by clicking on the “Check for Updates” link in the lower right corner of the program.

The registry is the heart of the Windows operating system and depending on the state of the registry, it depends on how quickly and stably the operating system will work. Accordingly, in order for the register to always be “clean and tidy”, it must be monitored. To do this, you can use both tools built into the operating system and third-party programs.

Fortunately, there are a lot of utilities for maintaining the registry, and in order to choose the right program for yourself, we will look at several utilities in this article.

The Reg Organizer utility is an excellent program for cleaning the registry in Windows 10, as well as in earlier versions of this operating system

The peculiarity of this utility is that it is focused on working with the system registry. It contains the entire necessary set of functions, thanks to which Reg Organizer can not only put things in order in the registry entries, but also optimize it for faster work.

Also, there are additional functions that will help get rid of excess garbage in the system and fine-tune it.

Registry Life

Registry Life is a free utility from the developers of Reg Organizer. Unlike the program described above, this utility has only basic functions that will help put the registry files in order.

However, there is no deep scanning, so Registry Life can only perform superficial analysis and error correction.

Despite the fact that it has rather limited functionality compared to Reg Organizer, the Registry Life utility is quite enough to fix most registry errors.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a good registry cleaner for Windows 7 and more.

This utility implements all the necessary functions both for a superficial scan of the registry and for a more in-depth analysis. The last function is perfect for fixing an already “running” registry.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner can find almost all errors and fix them in just a few clicks.

Convenient work with the program is ensured by a simple wizard that will help you find and correct errors not only for novice users, but also for more experienced ones.

Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities is a package of utilities that is designed to maintain the health of the system as a whole. Among other functions, there is also a tool for working with the system registry.

Just like other similar programs for fixing registry errors, there are several ways to find errors.

For regular analysis, a quick search is suitable, which allows you to look for errors in the main sections.

If you need to conduct a more thorough search for errors, then in this case you can use in-depth analysis.

Vit Registry Fix

Vit Registry Fix is ​​a good program for cleaning the registry.

In addition to a convenient interface, the program also has a special scanning algorithm. Thanks to this feature, Vit Registry Fix allows you to find almost all errors compared to other programs.

However, special care should be taken here, since Vit Registry Fix can either fix the registry or damage it. Therefore, this program is more suitable for experienced users.

In addition to finding and fixing errors, you can also make backup copies of registry files here, which will allow you to return the system to its previous state if cleaning the registry is unsuccessful.

TweakNow RegCleaner

TweakNow RegCleaner is another program for fixing registry errors. Using this application, you can find all the erroneous registry entries and also make a copy of the files.

The program has a simple and user-friendly interface, so even novice users can understand it.

TweakNow RegCleaner is also suitable for removing various garbage from the system; for this there are additional functions for optimizing the system.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner is a utility that is included in the Wise Care 365 package.

Its purpose is to search and eliminate all found errors. The program has a simpler interface and since it is part of the utilities, only those functions that are necessary for working with the system registry are implemented here.

Wise Registry Cleaner also does its job well, as do such popular programs as Vit Registry Fix and Reg Organizer.

So, here we looked at the main features and features of several utilities that will help maintain the system registry in proper condition. As you can see, there are quite a lot of programs for this and each has its own characteristics. However, even thanks to a short review, it will now be easier for you to choose a utility for yourself.

Category: Registry Cleaning

The operating system registry is a huge database that is formed according to a certain hierarchy. It contains mainly OS settings. It also contains device driver settings, profile settings for any account and user on this computer, and presets. After deleting or moving applications, games, or changing settings, unnecessary data remains in the registry, which slows down the entire operation of the computer. It needs to be cleaned periodically to improve Windows performance. Let's look at some of the best utilities that can do this.

No. 1. Auslogics Registry Cleaner

The first place in this top is occupied by a free utility from Auslogics – Registry Cleaner. It is a simple but powerful tool for keeping your system registry clean for a long time. Allows you to clear unused and faulty entries in any OS version and architecture. Its main advantage is fast and safe operation, as well as a simple and intuitive user interface. A quick search by error category is built-in, there is a filter to indicate the extension of problematic files, search in startup, the Internet, DLL and others.

Video review

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-GIODeeTo0 After scanning, the program algorithm independently determines which files can be easily and without consequences deleted and which ones can be corrected. Before scanning, you can create a restore point using a special wizard that will do this in a few simple steps. If your computer suddenly starts to malfunction, you can restore its settings before applying the cleaning. There is also another, improved search that provides deeper results. Another advantage of this software is its modest requirements for the computer system on which it is installed.

No. 2. Wise Registry Cleaner

Registry Cleaner is a secure software that cleans the Windows registry. Searches for unused, outdated or damaged files, provides detailed information about them, and also gives the user tools to solve these problems. When working with this program, cases of deletion or erasing of important system data are excluded. The user has the right to cancel certain data found for deletion.

Video review

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8sbYVQD4hQ The program can also work in automatic mode. To do this, it needs to be configured. With each automatic (can also be configured for manual mode) scanning, a copy of the data is created before the utility runs, so that in the future you can return the data to its original position. Any deleted information can be recovered from the REG file. After using the utility on their computer, users will be able to experience changes for the better.

No. 3. Reg Organizer

Reg Organizer cleans the Windows registry from a set of utilities intended for other purposes. For example, by installing it, you can not only clean, but also remove applications, as well as delete other files and configure autorun. Has a tool for identifying key snapshots. The startup manager has a full range of standard features: disable programs, delay startup

Hello dear visitors.
The registry is the main database where all information about the computer, settings, programs, operating system and much more is constantly stored. There is constant interaction with this area while the device is operating. Therefore, it is not uncommon for individual pieces of code and small unused files to remain here. All this leads to slower operation of the machine. To avoid such problems, the registry in Windows 7 is cleaned and defragmented. Using these procedures at least once a month will keep the equipment in order, which will significantly extend the operating time of the operating system. You can do this yourself, but it is better to use software from various developers.

This program is considered one of the most popular and effective in cleaning your computer from unnecessary files. It is free for home use, which cannot be said about many tools in this segment. At the same time, the functionality is not limited at all. The only difference is that there is no priority customer support.

It is important to note that the developers offer updates every month. You can learn about them by following the link “ Check for Updates", which is located at the bottom of the window.

CCleaner has many features. There is no need to describe them all. I will only tell you about the most useful ones:


    distributed free of charge;

    wide functionality;

    intuitive interface;

    work in systems with different bit depths.


    closed code - there is no possibility to customize individual functions to suit your needs;

    Previously, the program only worked on Windows, which was fixed in later versions.

Wise Disk Cleaner( )

Also a free app. The developers position it as the fastest in the world. It is worth immediately noting that the search is carried out automatically, and there is no need to carry out any manual actions. It is believed that this program is able to find even more than the previous one. In addition, it should be noted that initially there are tools here that allow you to clean out parts of files that relate to settings, updates, and other things.

The application has several tabs. The first one performs a standard scan. After that, click “Cleaning”, which will remove unnecessary files, their parts and the rest of the “garbage”. There should even be additional space on the hard drive. Although the other tabs will help deal with this issue better.

The second page of the program with the title " Deep cleaning» makes it possible to perform the necessary actions better. In other words, this process cleans up what is left after the first. The procedure will help free up additional space on your hard drive, in the registry, and simply optimize the entire system.

Third tab " System cleaning" makes it possible to remove all unnecessary things from the area " Windows" This will help clear about 4 GB at a time. True, this will only happen on the first launch. The tool removes installation residues, unused updates, etc.

It also provides " Defragmentation» disks, which again will speed up the system.

There are many similar solutions that will help clean your operating system of unnecessary documents and keys. You can choose based on your personal needs.

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