How to download applications from the app store. How to download paid programs and games for free on iPhone, Pad and iPod Touch. Review of services for free downloading of paid applications

This instruction/manual describes slightly illegal actions. After all, with the help of one magnificent Chinese program we will be able to install paid games and applications completely free of charge. This path may not seem new to many users, but it will be useful for beginners. The Chinese, as I already said, are a very inventive people in terms of electronics. From them we get jailbreaks, attacks on the world's largest websites and, in fact, the method described below. We already told you about it once. Now we’ll tell you again, but in more detail and in relation to new versions of iOS. Go.

The program is called PPHelper. And, besides free installation paid applications, she can do a lot. In particular, these same Chinese guys released a jailbreak for iOS 8.4. In general, they are common in China similar programs, PPHelper analogues: , and many others. All of them are aimed specifically at China, so they are not even properly translated into English.

PPHelper, in my opinion, is one of the most thoughtful services. It works great without jailbreak, and with jailbreak, you'll see for yourself soon. It can even be found for Android. But let’s not drag the cat by the tail for too long, but rather look at the procedure for installing applications from this store. The first instruction below will not cause any harm to your gadget, don’t worry.

So, to master the service you will need a PC with Windows control with access to the Internet and iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch with working USB cable.

Instructions for the easiest installation

Step one. If you have not previously used it on your computer iTunes program, you should definitely download and install it. To do this, go to . After installing it, connect the iOS device via cable and open the newly downloaded iTunes program. She will set everything necessary drivers and at the end our device should appear on the screen. If you already had iTunes installed, just connect your device to your computer.

(I launch iTunes and connect the iPad to the computer)

Step two. After the first step, you need to download PPHelper itself from the official website. I warn you right away, you will see a lot of Chinese characters on it - don’t be scared. Follow the link: . There you should click on green button With Windows logo. This is our program. After downloading, install it. If you don’t want to wait a long time (and you will have to wait, because the program is on a Chinese server), I recommend using my file hosting service.

(Downloading PPHelper)

Step three. Installation is a normal process. We just press the same key several times. After installation, launch the program using the characteristic blue icon with Chinese characters. The home screen of the service will open in front of us.

(I launch PPHelper)

Step four. Once you launch PPHelper, it will begin the device detection process, after which your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch should appear in the center of the screen. Just like it is shown in the screenshot below.

(Definition connected iPad in PPHelper)

Step five. Next, think about what app or apps you would like to download. PPHelper allows you to download games and programs without any restrictions. There is almost the entire database of paid applications from the App Store, which can be downloaded completely free of charge. So how? Already chosen? My application (as a test) was an old one, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting game. Moreover, I have long wanted to see it.

(I type the name of the application into the search bar)

Step six. So, having found the familiar logo of the program or game you are looking for, we move the cursor to it and press the green button that appears next to it. It will start downloading. You can track the process by clicking on the item in the lower left corner of the application display. While downloading, do not disconnect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from your computer so that the application can be automatically installed on it.

(The process of downloading applications in PPHelper is in progress)

Step seven. Installation completed. But that’s not all, you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time when you see the icon of the treasured game on home screen your iOS. Apple has a protection mechanism in case of such unauthorized piracy. After installing a paid application from PPHelper, it will crash on startup. To fix this annoying problem without disconnecting the device from the computer, again go to the section with the “hand and an apple on it” and look for the button on the right top corner- there is a red settings icon on it. Click on it. The cleaning process will begin, which can be quite long in duration. We are patiently waiting for it to finish.

(Fixing application crashes in PPHelper)

Step eight. Without disconnecting your device from the computer, we try to play the toy. For me personally, it ran on iOS 9.0.1 without jailbreak. Just look at the screenshots below.

(Installation and launch of World of Goo were successful)

So the game works. What needs to be done next? Of course, pump up even more cool ones and now the devil paid games and programs! The main thing is, do not forget to follow the seventh step of the instructions after each download.

Attention! If after some time your applications on iOS start to crash, again, just repeat the seventh step of the instructions and this is guaranteed to solve the problem.

Well, that’s actually all “ simple instructions" Next I will tell you about more in a complicated way, which does not work on all devices. It is better to use the first manual described above. Use the second one at your own peril and risk, although, again, it is not able to cause any damage to your device. It allows you to install the PPHelper program directly on your device, so that you can then download paid games and programs without using a computer. Let me remind you that the instructions below may not work on some i-devices.

Instructions for more complex installation

Step one. Repeat the steps from the previous instructions until fourth step inclusive. That is, the computer must have open program PPHelper. We go to the section of our gadget by clicking on its name in the left column.

(Go to the connected device section in PPHelper)

Step two. We look for the blue icon with the “PPHelper” logo at the bottom of the program screen. This is needed to install the PPHelper application on your device. This logo looks like the one shown in the screenshot below.

(I launch the PPHelper icon)

Step three. Next, the installation of your personal application. During the process, one window may pop up, also on Chinese. You need to click on right button and the installation will continue. After its completion, you will see a green check mark and the PPHelper program can already be found on the home screen of your Apple gadget. But it is still not in working order.

(Installing PPHelper on iPad)

Step four. We launch the freshly installed PPHelper directly from your device. In the menu that appears, we approve the developer as reliable.

(I approve of the “unreliable” developer)

After that, go to Settings -> General -> Profiles. There in the section " corporate programs» select something like “Guangzhou...” and then click on the “trust developer” option.

(I completely “trust” the developer PPHelper)

Step five. Let's go back to the PPHelper program. We are redirected to some site, where we agree with everything, after which we find ourselves again in the same settings from fourth step. There we are asked to accept the “PPHelper...” profile, which we do, as shown in the screenshot below.

(I accept PPHelper profile)

Step six. Now go to the desktop version of PPHelper, connect the device to the computer and click on the lightning button at the very top of the program. This is necessary so that the iOS version of PPHelper can download applications. It will take just a few seconds of setup and PPHelper for iOS will be ready to use. I repeat once again, if you have a failure at one of the steps of this manual, repeat everything from the very beginning. If nothing works out anyway, then just accept it - your device is not suitable for these actions. And use the first instruction, because it works flawlessly.

PPHelper for jailbroken devices

In order to download the PPHelper program to a jailbroken device you need to:

1. Open Cydia.
2. Go to “Sources” -> “Edit”.
3. Enter in the input field: and add the repository.
4. Enter in the search: “PP Untether” and download the program.

(PPHelper for jailbroken device)

Attention! If your applications suddenly start to crash on startup, repeat seventh step from the first instructions.

The method described above works flawlessly for everyone. iOS versions, including the latest beta updates. Moreover, its use will not have any negative consequences for you. If you have any questions, write in the comments, we will definitely help you.

Every iPhone owner sooner or later he thinks about how to install games on it. There are many options for this. To begin with, of course, you need to figure out how to download toys for your gadget, and then choose convenient option installations.

One option is to install applications through iTunes. This program is suitable for iPhone 5/5S and below. First, download the program itself and install it on your computer. Next, connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable, launch the program, and it, in turn, immediately detects the device. Click on the detected device and you should see a tab with an overview of the iPhone. Now select the “Programs” tab - a window will appear with the applications that you have (those that you bought or downloaded for your iPhone). Select the game you are interested in and click on “Install”. To complete the installation and save the changes, click on “Apply”. If the installation was successful, you should see the following message: “ iPhone Sync

completed. You can turn off the device." There is another installation option - using the Cydia program. Often, when purchasing an iPhone, it has this program

, if not, then you need to do a Jailbreak to flash your version of firmware. Then you can install the Cydia program. If everything is in order with the presence of the program, then launch it by clicking on “Manage”, add new source

. Next, click on “Source” and then on “Edit” in the upper right corner. You should see an “Add” button - click on it, after which a window will pop up in which you enter the path to the source - Now click on “Add Source”, if the Cydia program reports that the source is not registered - do not pay attention, just click “Add anyway”.

Now you will see a list of new programs that you can install. Go to the source “” and install “Installous 4”. To do this, click on the “Installous 4” line, then on the “Install” icon. This program gives you access to many games and programs for your iPhone. Once the installation of the program is complete, you can close Cydia, and the “Installous” application will be located on the desktop of your iPhone. With its help you can easily install any games and programs. To do this, simply go to the “Browse” menu, the “Games” category and select games by description or by screenshots and user reviews. As you can see, everything is quite simple. All you need is a little patience and attention, and you will plunge headlong into the world of games with your universal device

for entertainment - iPhone! As you know, the App Store is one of the most online stores selling media content. In addition to paid applications for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, the App Store offers many free ones. Typically, free applications are disabilities or in other words demo versions.

In contact with

There are several ways to install paid games and programs. You can use jailbreak and install a hacked IPA file, you can accept a gift in the form of a promo code with your favorite paid application, or you can turn to services through which you can legally and free download software from the App Store.

In this article, we will tell you about services that will allow you not only to save a significant amount, but also to expand your collection of programs absolutely free of charge and without breaking the law.

This is a gaming service where you can earn credits and spend them on your favorite apps from the App Store. Credits can be spent not only on programs and games from the store, but also to purchase Amazon and iTunes cards. There is even a theoretical possibility of winning iPad mini, iPod touch and iPhone.

To start using the resource, you need to do a few things: simple steps. First, follow this link from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Secondly, go to the FreeAppSlots developer website and confirm the installation of the required certificate. The certificate is needed for identification Apple gadget. Earning credits is very simple - just press a button SPIN while playing the slot machine. Note that once the machine is installed, it can be spun 10 times. And all subsequent attempts will be available after downloading applications from sponsors. This can be done by clicking the button GET More Spins.

Paid applications can be downloaded provided that the required quantity points. You can use the glasses using the button Cash Out. It is worth noting that very popular paid applications are available using the service, the price of which ranges from 12,000 to 70,000 credits. And if you manage to collect 1,750,000 credits, then there is a possibility receiving an iPad mini.

Applications of the day

A simple service with which you can download one paid program every day completely free of charge. This program itself, together with the developers, determines the application for which the price will be reduced. It has a timer that counts down the days during which the program is available for free download. Each application has its own description, consisting of two parts. Attention should be paid to the second part, where the application is briefly described and its screen is attached.

Promotions that have already expired are located at the bottom of the screen. There, in red, attention is focused on those applications that have again become paid. If the application is free, a special green button is lit on it. Typically, those applications that are available for download cost about $2. But sometimes luck can smile, and programs for $10 or more are offered for free.

The program is simple both in design and in use. She doesn't have many options, and it's simply impossible to get confused. The application sorts demons paid programs by genres and subgenres. Adds a description, rating, etc. to each of them. Note that there is no advertising in the application. Instead, there is a “Ours” tab, where programs from developers are offered for download. The service will be especially appreciated by those who do not like to understand catalogs and who are annoyed by advertising.

The service is a kind of social network, which brought together users interested in inexpensive programs. The application collects all necessary information about various types of programs and their costs. The program has several tabs, the most popular and useful of which is "Sales". It is a feed that contains information about all changes in the cost of programs in the App Store. You can filter the feed by selecting, for example, only free apps, or only programs for iPhone and so on. You can select, for example, only those applications that have fallen in price. The application gives much more information for the user about a particular program than indicated on its page in the App Store.

The application is also simple in design and functionality. It is decorated in white and red. All content can be sorted depending on your needs - by cost, by genre, for iPhone, etc. I would like to note that the program can send notifications to users if the cost of selected applications decreases. Very useful application to track discounts in the App Store.

A Russian-language program that contains information about how the cost of applications changes. To find the desired program, you can use many different filters.

Among the disadvantages, we note the inconvenience of use and complex design. The developers chased modern look interface, but in this case the comfort of use noticeably suffered. Among the advantages are quite flexible search filters and the absence of intrusive advertising.