Programs for finding and removing left traces. Let's cover our tracks. How to make Windows delete history, logs, caches and forget everything

PrivaZer is a free, highly specialized program designed for Windows cleaning. The program does not have additional functions type of uninstaller, analyzer disk space, an impressive list of tweaks, etc., but offers extensive capabilities specifically for cleaning Windows-based computers.

We will talk about it and the methods of its work in detail below.

1. About the PrivaZer program

In addition to the standard list of cleaner functions - removing temporary and unused files, cleaning system registry, destruction of traces of work in the environment operating system and on the Internet – PrivaZer also helps to get rid of files from previous Windows installations and installers system updates. The program doesn't just clean your computer to improve its performance, it is a professional tool for covering up traces of activity on your computer and ensuring user privacy. During the cleaning process, multiple passes (including 35 passes using the Gutmann method) can be assigned to remove data from disks to completely erase the information and make it impossible to recover in the future. Among the optimizing functions of the program are disabling sleep mode, stopping the local indexing service Windows data Search and delete the swap file “pagefile.sys”.

PrivaZer has a friendly Russified interface and is equipped with a step-by-step task wizard primary settings with an explanation of their essence. PrivaZer is designed for both audience experienced users, and for beginners. For regular and advanced users, the program provides separate environments with settings appropriate to their level of experience. The program’s operation is flexibly customizable: for scanning and, accordingly, cleaning, you can select individual types of data to be deleted, individual disk partitions, individual removable devices. PrivaZer works not only with hard drives computer, but also with a number of connected external media(flash drives, USB-HDD, memory cards, etc.) and network storage.

2. Installation

We will encounter the flexibility of PrivaZer already at the stage of its installation. The distribution kit downloaded from the official website not only installs PrivaZer on Windows, but also allows you to run the program without installing it on the system to run one-time cleaning and provides for the creation of a portable, portable version.

3. Optimizing program settings at first launch

At the first launch, you will be asked to optimize PrivaZer to suit the user's needs. This is the one mentioned above step by step wizard specifying initial settings. With its help, the user sets the cleaning parameters step by step, including or excluding certain types of data from this process.

The first thing you need to do is choose your level of computer proficiency—simple or advanced user. At first, naturally, it is better to choose a level simple user.

  • data of the programs used;
  • document history office applications and programs for working with graphics;
  • history of Windows card games;
  • thumbnail cache;
  • authorization forms in browsers;
  • Internet cache;
  • files previous installation Windows;

  • Windows update installation files;
  • other types of data.

The last setting you can configure is to disable the computer's sleep mode. You should not use this PrivaZer feature unless absolutely necessary. At the final stage, save the parameters.

Optimizing PrivaZer for user needs is permanent settings, applied for each case of computer cleaning. You can change them in the future by selecting the “Options” menu in the main program window and going through the wizard steps again. And directly in the PrivaZer working window we can select settings for each individual cleaning case.

4. Scan

Once we have completed setting up the cleaning parameters, we can immediately start the scan by selecting the first option in the next window that says “Ready to run my first analysis.” In this case, a scan of all provided types of data on drive C will start. To access custom computer cleaning, you must go to the PrivaZer main menu.

Since PrivaZer also works with connected storage media, the first thing you need to do in the main menu is select the device to be operated on. Click “Computer”.

Next, you can select from the drop-down list ready-made templates scanning for specific types of data. The "In-Depth Scan" option allows you to select to scan all possible types data, this is a template for comprehensive computer cleaning.

Whatever template is selected, in any case, directly in the working window of the operation, data types are re-selected by unchecking or checking the necessary checkboxes. The scanning areas are indicated in the upper left corner of the window. To preset system partition You can add non-system partitions so that the search for data to be cleaned can also be carried out on them. To start scanning, click the “Scan” button.

Based on the scan results, PrivaZer will present results with the number of objects found for each data type. A specific list of objects can be found in a separate window by clicking on the link for the data type of interest.

Users who are keeping track of their activity on their computer and are concerned about their privacy can do one more thing before the cleaning step: by clicking the “See cleaning options” link, you will be able to select the number of passes for storage media and random access memory.

Before starting the cleaning process, it is advisable to take advantage of PrivaZer’s ability to create points Windows recovery And backups registry After this, you can start the cleaning process.

5. Cleaning

The PrivaZer program is so flexible that even the cleaning process itself is offered in three options. Two of them are “ Quick cleaning" and "Turbo cleaning" - can be used in the future with regular disposal of system garbage. For initial comprehensive cleaning of your computer and ensuring confidentiality, it is better to select the first option – “Normal cleaning”.

But such a choice can take a long time - from 15 minutes to 1-2 hours (for example, if a lot of time has passed since installing Windows). In progress PrivaZer cleaning asks you not to load your computer while executing parallel tasks and to speed up the process, it offers the ability to change priority with maximum use of system resources.

In particularly serious cases of computer clutter, you can run the cleaning process, for example, overnight and instruct the program to turn off the computer upon completion of the operation.

6. Clear Internet activity in one click

A separate button in the main window offers PrivaZer prompt cleaning only traces of Internet activity.

In just a couple of seconds they will be erased history visits, cookies, Internet cache and other data that would help unnecessary people resume your browser session.

7. Advanced user level

The advanced user level will offer more detailed setup types of data to clean.

8. Deleting data from the Windows context menu

PrivaZer is being implemented into contextual Windows menu and works like a file shredder. Overwriting data without the possibility of recovery can be done from the context menu of the Recycle Bin, Explorer or Worker Windows desktop. The number of data erasing passes for this function is set in the “Advanced Options” program menu.

Deleting website browsing history.

The article provides step by step instructions on removing “traces of presence” of the user in Google, Firefox, Dropbox, Facebook, Internet Explorer.

The Internet makes it possible to maintain anonymity. However, for this you must follow certain rules. Otherwise, it’s easy to “follow” what sites you visited. If we view pages in a browser window, then we are engaged in a kind of “surfing”. Because this is what is called “surfing the waves” of the Internet. Over time, the browser and services accumulate our “personal” data. Some of them may compromise us. Therefore, there is a completely natural desire to clean them quickly.

How can we do this better?

Below are the most relevant tips.
1. Clean Internet Explorer. Experts do not recommend resorting to external utilities, but using your own tools. For Internet Explorer 10 to remove temporary files(passwords, log, information from forms) when you finish work, you must check the box next to “Delete browser log when exiting.” This inscription is located on the “General” tab (in the “Browser History” section).

2. We put everything “on the shelves” in Firefox. Currently, Mazilla Firefox offers users to try out new additions. If you want to use them, then the address “abot: addons” will point you to a page where you can easily remove unused add-ons in the extensions section and thus get rid of unnecessary addons.

3. Clean up Dropbox. Famous for its excellent online storage. However, to prevent it from turning into a landfill, it is absolutely necessary to periodically restore order here too. And do this procedure preferably very energetically. WinDirStat is an excellent utility that will help you quickly organize your data. There is no need to even log into the site. IN Windows Explorer there is an integrated Dropbox folder. WinDirSrat will prompt you with location information separate folders. It will also clearly display their “workload”. Using colorful hints smart program“Memory eaters” will be detected, and you will be able to part with them without regret.

4. Organize Facebook. Here the passage of the year accumulates great amount applications. Although you may have used each of them only once. The best option– view and delete unnecessary items. IN such a case This is best done using the program (see section “Used in Lately"). In addition, Facebook carefully stores literally every request. The Activity Log will help you remove them from your profile. You just need to type “Search” again in the menu (on the left), and then click the “Clear search history” button (it’s located at the top).

5. “At the end of the day” we clean up Google. Any Google service(at your discretion). For example, Gmail has proven itself well. At the top (in the right corner) next to your profile picture (if you are already registered), you will see a small arrow. You need to click on it and select the word “Privacy” from the menu. Then (in the Google section) go to “ Personal Area" The “Web Search History” category will allow you to see the link you are looking for. It's called "Delete entries from Web History." If you click on it, Google will provide a list of all your online surveys, which it has faithfully saved. Now you can delete them with literally one click (button – “Delete records”).

If you follow these tips, you can easily and simply maintain order in your personal data on the Internet, even after long surfing.

Among a large community Windows users It is customary to reinstall the system from time to time along with formatting the entire partition. However, clean Windows system Is it possible to install all programs and drivers without having to re-configure them?

Formatting the partition and reinstalling Windows, according to many people, is the solution to all problems. The truth is that after completing this process you will also have to install everything necessary programs, configure various parameters and move files from previously created backups.

Making your life easier is very simple! The same effect can be achieved without deleting all data from the partitions and reinstalling the system. To do this, it is enough to use several standard tools offered by Windows, or clean your computer of junk for free using one of special programs created for this purpose.

Remove all unnecessary programs and their remains

Of course, the first step should be removing all unnecessary programs. Click Start → Control PanelInstallation and removal of programms and view the entire list.

All applications that we do not use and have never used should disappear. If you think that “it might come in handy someday,” then it should still be sent to the trash – if you need it, you can easily download it.

It's also worth using an application like CCleaner. It will remove all kinds of unnecessary files, which are formed during normal operation operating system and other applications.

Clean registry entries

The registry is one of the key elements that is responsible for the proper functioning of the operating room Windows systems. All applications ever installed on the system create own recordings in the registry. Most of them remains there even after programs are uninstalled. This leads to a slowdown of the entire system.

Manual analysis of hundreds of thousands of records does not make sense. Therefore, it is necessary to use programs that will facilitate the search and selection of erroneous records, and then delete them.

The program automatically performs backup of all records that need to be deleted, in case of any problems, we can easily restore them.

Disk Cleanup Tool

Windows also offers a large group of standard tools to help you clear hard section disk from unnecessary files.

This program can be accessed in three ways:

  • Click Start, then Execute. Enter in the field cleanmgr and click OK ;
  • Start → All programsStandardServiceDisk Cleanup
  • Open Explorer window(for example, by clicking on "My Computer" and right-clicking on the drive icon, selecting properties and then tab Are commonDisk Cleanup.

The program can delete files created while browsing the Internet, logs, outdated settings, the contents of the system recycle bin and much more.

By the way, we can also use the option Clear system files to remove objects from the system that are generated during normal operation.

Analyze the contents of disks

Less and less often, the reason for reinstalling the operating system is the lack of free space on the computer. hard drives. However, for some laptops or netbooks the problem may still appear. What to do in a situation where we have deleted all temporary files, unnecessary programs and other elements, and we don't have enough space?

The last hope is applications designed for analysis hard content disk. An example of such a program would be Disctective.

The principle of operation of such programs is very simple - we launch it and scan the specified partition. The user can then view a list and chart that shows which folders or files are taking up a lot of space. If necessary, it is possible to immediately remove unnecessary elements.

Clear traces of your activity on the system

As you come to the end of the entire Windows cleaning process, you should also take care of the details. No matter what you did with your computer, it leaves behind a lot of traces.

Free Privacy Editor – With this small app you can remove almost all traces of your activity. This program will delete all logs, partition compression information, memory dumps, clipboard, list running programs and services, as well as many other data.

In addition, the application is well supported by 100 other programs that also produce various "traces". A few clicks are enough to delete all the contents of the history of all browsers that you have installed on Windows.

Hi all! In general, yesterday I didn’t stop at one program for , I was wondering if the company makes good free products, then what will it be paid product? And it was not in vain that I inquired, the program that I found was for total computer cleaning, but why a thousand programs when there is one good one?

The program is called Wise Care 365 Pro, it's paid, but for those who don't want to pay, it's available in . Of course, I am not a supporter of deceiving anyone, but it so happens that in our country the conditions are such and we cannot afford to buy all the programs. Especially the unknown ones. In general, I have bought few programs in my life, for example, I recently bought a program for designing templates for websites, well, if it has already brought me more money much more than the license costs, why not buy it? But now all updates are available, all new versions...

How to do a complete cleanup of your computer

So... For testing, I downloaded the portable version. If you don’t want to download torrent, you can download trial version on the official site :

At the bottom Free version will.

We launch it, and we see that this program has already assembled a set of programs... At first, it is similar to the program for, which I recently talked about.

After checking, the program reports a performance index. To make it clearer where this all comes from, let’s look at the windows further...

There is a search function large files, for example, I found files that I had not used for half a year. Perhaps I don’t need them, and I’ve already forgotten about them.

In the optimization section, there are also popular sections such as defragmentation and registry compression, the rest are not important.

I was also pleased that there is not only regular autostart, but also service management.

Cleaning up traces of work on your computer

For those who want to hide their traces of visiting the computer, the program has a whole confidentiality item. You can delete your visiting history, as well as erase free place and the files you want to delete. Those. It will be IMPOSSIBLE to restore them!!!

The creators also offer useful utilities. For example, the screen is clearing RAM.

The settings are also flexible. You can set the program to autorun and force the program to check for errors automatically.

There is a task scheduler.

In the cleaning section, you can protect yourself, for example, by creating a copy of the registry.

And in the exceptions section, you can specify what should not be touched.

In general, I liked the program, especially in my case, when it was portable, you can keep it on hand and sometimes clean your computer.