Backup the smart way. Choosing the right information backup program. Incremental backup. System backup

Greetings to all blog readers! :) In one of the articles where I talked about ways to protect your computer from various threats, I also touched on simple measures security that is recommended for every PC user to always have a stable operating system and not lose important data. Data safety and ability to quickly recover Windows performance(or whatever system you are working on) - this is very important for each of us.

For example, you make money on axleboxes, you already have the necessary programs, everything is configured for your convenience, and suddenly your system crashes and refuses to boot no matter how hard you try. Those. simple ways to bring the system back to life do not work. The system could “die” for a number of reasons: infection with viruses, installation of “crooked” drivers and programs, failure of some computer component, and much more.

In this case, the solution for most is to reinstall operating system, then installing all new programs again, setting everything up for the convenience of your work and a number of other actions to make everything as convenient for you before. And all this can take up, if not the whole day, then definitely half a day :) And it’s good if you have some experience and can copy important data to return it later. But imagine if you can’t do this or they are damaged and part of them is deleted, for example, if the hard drive is damaged? This can become a very big problem.

Knowing all of the above and what I had to deal with many times, I decided to write a couple or more articles about how you can conveniently make a copy of all the files you need from your computer, as well as create an entire copy of your system with all the programs already installed and the necessary settings .

For this purpose it is possible to use both built-in using Windows, and third-party. Data backup tools in Windows itself are extremely inconvenient, slow and lack large quantity convenient, useful functions. Therefore, I recommend using third-party tools for this purpose, for example, the program - Acronis True Image. The program is paid and the cost is simple home version for one computer per this moment– 1700 rubles.

But, as is the case with antiviruses (for example, Kaspersky) and others paid programs As a rule, it is always possible to download an already activated full copy from the Internet and use it for free :) The program is very, very useful and sometimes simply necessary.

Now I will tell you how to create a full system backup, going through each step of the settings and explaining each function.

Let's start by installing the program.

Installing a data backup / recovery program - Acronis True Image

The installation process, as well as the interface of the program itself, of course, may differ with the release of new versions, but the essence of the program and its functions remain unchanged. Therefore, having learned to do backup and recovery with this manual you can do this at any time new version Acronis.

    You can purchase the program from the official website at the price indicated there, or download the activated full latest version right here:

    Acronis True Image Home 2014
    ZIP archive
    216 MB

    The downloaded archive “Acronis True Image Home 2014” must be unpacked before starting the installation from the file inside. To do this, click right click mouse over the archive and select “Extract all...”:

    A window will open in which by clicking the “Browse” button you can select the path to unpack the archive. By default it will be unpacked into the same folder where it is currently located. I recommend checking the box “Show extracted files” and then after unpacking the folder with the unpacked contents will immediately open. To start unpacking, click the “Extract” button:

    After unpacking we launch installation file. For this version it has the name: “ATIH.2014.PREMIUM.v17.0.0.5560.exe”:

    The first installer window will appear, in which you just need to agree to continue the installation by clicking the “Yes” button:

    After unpacking, the first window of the Acronis True Image installer will appear, in which we simply click the “Next” button, since there is nothing you need to do here:

    We accept license agreement in the next window, select “I agree to the terms of the agreement” and click the “Next” button:

    In the next window we are asked to select the installation type. I recommend always choosing “Custom” when installing any programs in order to remove completely unnecessary components:

    A new window will open where we see the components that will be installed. In this case, nothing unnecessary will be installed, and therefore we leave everything as it is and click “Next”:

    In the next window, select “Install for all users” and click “Next”. This parameter I also recommend choosing when installing any software, and if only you or your loved ones work at this computer:

    All that remains is to click the “Proceed” button and the process of installing the program on your computer will begin with the parameters we have chosen:

    After the installation process is completed, which does not require your intervention (takes about 2-3 minutes), the last window will appear, in which we click the “Close” button:

This completes the Acronis True Image installation process. Now let’s look at how to make a complete backup copy of the system: the operating system and all the programs installed on it, so that if the system “crash”, you can very easily return it to the same state, with the same programs and settings.

Creating a complete copy of the system with all data for further rapid restoration to its original state

First of all, you need to take care of where your backups will be stored, which you will now, I think, regularly create for your own convenience and safety.

If you have 2 on your computer individual hard disk, then you can store backups on one of these disks. The main thing is that there is enough space, because a backup copy of the entire system without compression will take up exactly the same volume as the system itself, along with the files, actually occupies in your space. For example, if the volume of everything stored on your computer takes up 200 GB, then a backup copy without compression will take up approximately the same volume. Acronis allows you to compress your backup, which I always use, and with maximum compression, the volume is often reduced by as much as 2 times. Therefore, based on the explanations above, you can already estimate how much space you need to store a full copy of your computer.

I create backups to an external HDD, which I connect to the laptop via USB. This is very convenient if the space on this hard drive allows. And after copies are created on my external HDD(hard drive), I sometimes transfer them to cloud services (online storage), for example, to, where 100 GB of free space is given for free.

About remote storages I have written a number of separate articles and I recommend, first of all, that you read the very first one:

It's up to you to decide :) The main thing is not to store backup copies of your data on the same hard drive from which you make these copies. This makes no sense, because if this HDD is damaged, you will lose all the data along with the copy, since they were stored on one disk. I hope everything is clear here :)

So, let's start creating a backup copy of your system, including everything that is in it:

    Launches Acronis program True Image from a desktop shortcut or from the Start menu.

    After the program starts, go to the “Backup and Restore” tab. To create a backup copy of the entire system along with all programs and settings, click on open tab“Back up disks and partitions” button:

    A new window will open for you to set backup options. Starting from this, all subsequent steps are very important. First of all, on the left, select the sections for hard drives, a copy of which will be created.

  1. And now let's move on to the last ones important settings, which will be located on several tabs. To do this, click on the “Disk backup options” link, which is located on the left:

    A window will open where we go to the very first tab – “Scheme”. On this tab, you configure the backup scheme - i.e. the method in which the current and subsequent backups will be created.

    I recommend choosing the "Custom Scheme" scheme and setting everything up manually. In the “Backup method” item, it is best to select “Incremental”. In this case, a complete copy of the partitions you have selected will be created first, or in its entirety hard drives, and subsequent times small copies will be created, storing only changes since the last full copy.

    For example, my backup plan is as follows: I make backups daily and once a month I create full version, and only changes are saved for the next 30 days. Therefore, in my example, I set the value to “after every 30 incremental copies.”

    And since with the advent of a large number of copies (especially with regular creation of full copies), all this will take up more and more space on your media, I also include the function automatic cleaning chains of old versions. I also recommend that you use this to save space.

    To do this, enable the item “Delete version chains, since the creation of which ... ... has passed” and indicate the number of days.

    Since I make backups once a day and a full copy is created after every 30 incremental ones (that is, after every 30 days), I set automatic removal old versions that are older than 30 days. Thus, it turns out that I create another new full copy, and the old chain (from complete to the last incremental one for a given month) is deleted. Due to this, I don’t waste a lot of space on my drive and there are no 2 or more complete copies stored there, which will take up a lot of space :)

    To avoid having to configure these settings again, I recommend checking the “Save as default settings” checkbox.

    Go to the “Advanced” tab. On this tab we will go through all the sections and set the necessary settings. In the first section “Image creation mode” we check that the “Archive in sector-by-sector mode” option is disabled. This function will create a copy for us, taking into account all errors on the disk, i.e. will create a complete copy along with the disk structure in addition to the data itself.

    1. In the “Backup protection” section we are asked to protect the created archive with a password and encrypt it. I recommend creating a password primarily to protect the archive from viruses. And secondly, in order to protect the copy from prying eyes, if you think that someone might spy on or destroy your data.

      If you are setting a password only for the purpose of protecting against viruses, then I recommend setting a simple one, for example: “123”:

      We will not choose an encryption method, since it is advisable to do this when working in an environment that is dangerous in every sense, and at the same time, the time to create a backup copy will increase due to encryption.

      Nothing should be included in the Pre/Post Commands section, check:

      In the “Backup splitting” section, make sure that the value is set to “Automatic”. In this case, Acronis will split the archive itself depending on the selected scheme or even create a copy from one file:

      In the “Verification” section, you can enable checking the backup copy for its functionality. Since I constantly create new copies and every month a new full copy, I turn off the check so as not to take up resources again and not be distracted by it. You can enable verification after creation or on a schedule:

      In the next section “Duplication” backup copies» you can ask extra bed to store your backup, and it will be duplicated in this storage. This will give even greater security to your data, since a copy will be stored in as many as two places. But not everyone has the opportunity to allocate additional memory space on some storage medium for this. I don't enable this option and just periodically manually copy backups additionally to other locations:

      In the “Setting up removable media” section, I recommend unchecking the only checkbox. This is so that when you schedule an automatic backup, you do not need to manually confirm that removable media(for example, a flash drive) connected to the computer:

      Let's move on to the "Comments on the backup copy" section, where you can optionally set any notes regarding the backup copy being created. You can leave the field empty:

      The Screenshot Settings section allows the program to take a screenshot when starting a backup. The function is almost never used, so it's easier to leave it disabled:

      Let's move on to the "Error Handling" section. Here I recommend unchecking the item: “If there is not enough space in the Security Zone, delete the oldest backup copy”:

      I’ll tell you later what “Acronis Secure Zone” is and why it might be needed.

      The penultimate section, “Turning off the computer,” sometimes turns out to be useful. Here we can activate the function to shut down the computer after the backup is created. It is good to use this function when the backup is, for example, planned for the night or at a time when no one will use the computer, so that the computer then turns off itself and does not remain idle.

      The last section “Windows Account” is, in principle, never needed if you work under the user – Administrator. Therefore, we leave the function of starting a backup from another user disabled here:

      That's it with the "Advanced" tab :) Let's move on...

  2. Let's move on to the "Performance" tab, which is also not unimportant. Here I recommend setting the compression level to the maximum. In my experience, the duration of creating a backup copy in this case does not increase significantly, but the created archive is sometimes reduced by almost 2 times.

    The priority affects how much computer resources Acronis will consume when creating a backup. The higher the priority, the more of them will be consumed, but the faster the backup will be created. If the computer is very productive, then you can safely set the maximum priority, but I recommend “Normal”:

    The last 2 tabs: “Notifications” and “Exceptions”, as a rule, are not needed and I recommend leaving everything there as it is configured by default:

    The “Exceptions” tab can be useful if you want to indicate some files and folders that do not need to be backed up and Acronis will skip them.

    To save the settings, click the “OK” button at the very bottom of this window:

    To start a backup, in the main settings window, click the “Archive” button:

    If you click not the “Backup” button itself, but the arrow on the side, a list of options will appear: delay the start of the backup for a period of 1 to 6 hours or until it is started manually at any time.

As a result, the backup process we configured will start. Its duration will depend on the volume that is being archived, on the performance of the computer, the selected priority, the degree of compression of the archive and other parameters:

We just have to wait for the backup to finish.

After the copying is completed, its verification may begin if you specified this during setup. And then go to your media or the place where the copy was made and check that the backup copy is in place :)

This is what the archive created by Acronis True Image looks like:

In my example, the archived space had a volume of about 12 GB, and the archive turned out to be 4.9 GB in size. Those. maximum compression made it possible to reduce the archive by more than half, which is just great!

Now let's look at how to backup individual files and folders, rather than the entire system, for restoration if necessary in case of their loss

Backing up individual files/folders

As I mentioned earlier, in Acronis you can create not only entire backup copies of partitions for further restoration of your computer if necessary, but also individual files/folders. This way, you can save space on the media where you will store backups and back up only those data that are really important and cannot be lost.

For example, those who work in boxes using multi-accounts probably have big table with logins and passwords for the boxes themselves, wallets, mail. I know from myself that losing this data is a very sad situation :)

So, let's look at the process of backing up files and folders step by step:

    Having launched Acronis True Image, go to the “Backup and Restore” tab as before and click the “File Backup” button there, and from the list that appears select “To local storage”:

    The File Backup window will open.

  1. Now all that remains is to configure Extra options backups that you are already familiar with. Click on the link below “File backup options”:

    A settings window with 5 tabs will open. All tabs and settings on them are completely identical to those that we have already made when creating a backup copy of the entire system:

    We can only wait until the operation is completed and if the volume the copy being created big, then you can go about your business for now, for example, work :)

    After completing the backup process, just in case, go to the media where it was performed and check the presence of your backup copy (file with the “.tib” extension):

This is how you can create complete copies of your system on a regular basis so that in case of a “crash” you can then quickly restore it entirely or some separate files/folders. Of course, the instructions turned out to be voluminous and at first glance it all seems complicated :) In fact, the steps are simple, I’m just used to describing each action. But you won’t get confused anywhere and, having done this once, everything will become clear and next time you won’t need any instructions at all.

How to restore a system from a backup copy immediately to a finished one working condition, as well as recovering individual files/folders, I will discuss in the following article:

I won't say goodbye for a long time :) Bye everyone!

  1. Regularity. Creating backups should be as regular as brushing your teeth in the morning.
  2. Examination. Check the backup you just made. It will be very disappointing if, at a particularly tense moment, your lifesaver turns out to be a dummy. Open several files from the archive and make sure they work.
  3. Separateness. It is better to store backups not in one place, but in at least two. For example, on an external hard drive and in the cloud. After all, disks sometimes fail, and cloud storage may not be available at the right time.
  4. Demarcation. Divide what you plan to store into several clear categories. Data of varying importance require and different approach to archiving.

System solutions


Windows has a standard backup and recovery tool that allows you to save both individual files and an entire image from which you can restore the system in the event of a failure.

Windows 7

Go to the “Control Panel” by left-clicking on the “Start” button and selecting the appropriate item. In “Control Panel” select “System and Security” → “Backup computer data” → “Set up backup”.

Next, the system will ask you to specify a location to save the archive. Please note: if you want to backup data from drive C, you will not be able to save it there. To do this, you will have to select another medium, for example a second physical disk, flash drive, DVD or folder in local network. If we recall the principles of creating a backup, the archive must be stored on a separate medium, and not on the very computer from which the copy was made.

Next, the system will prompt you to automatically or manually select folders for archiving. Click on “Give me a choice” and in the window that opens, check the boxes for the folders you want to save. Click Next → Save settings and exit.

Now the “Archive” button appears in the “Backup or restore files” window. Clicking on it will start the process of archiving your data.

Recovery follows the same principle. To do this, click on the item “Select another backup to restore files” and indicate the one into which the backup was made.

Windows 8 and above

The built-in File History tool allows for real-time archiving. For it to work, only initial setup is required.

Go to "Control Panel". To do this, click on the “Start” button with the right mouse button and find the desired line in the context menu.

As a storage location, select a disk other than the system one, a flash drive or network folder. Click Enable.

File History will automatically copy the following libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos - and standard folders user: Windows, Desktop, Favorites.

By default, backups are made every hour, but you can change this time, for example, to 10 minutes. However, this will require more volume disk space. The retention time for each copy can be configured in the Advanced Options menu.


Time Machine - standard solution Apple, designed to create backup copies of applications, files and folders, documents, videos, music.

To work with Time Machine you will need third party storage data, such as a flash drive, external hard drive or network solution.

When connecting an external drive to Mac computer You should be prompted: should I use it as a backup storage? Select "Use As" backup disk».

If the window does not appear, you must select the backup disk manually:

  • go to the menu and open Time Machine settings;
  • click on “Select backup disk”;
  • select the one you need and click on “Use disk”.

Backups will be automatically created once per hour, copies for the past month - every day, and backups for the entire time - every week. Don't be afraid that the capacity of your hard drive will be small. Time Machine will only save changed information, and old copies will be automatically deleted as disk space becomes full.


Android Backup Service

Designed to create backup copies of Google account data. With its help you can save:

To create a backup you need:

  • open device settings;
  • go to “Personal data” → “Restore and reset”;
  • enable "Data backup".

To restore data on another device, just log in with your account. To restore the settings of saved applications, go to “Personal data” → “Recovery and reset” → “Auto recovery”.


Android provides a standard synchronization tool that allows you to save user contacts, applications installed from Google Play, calendar, display settings, languages ​​and input methods, data Google Drive and settings for some third-party applications. The tool requires a Google account.

Synchronization in Android is enabled by default. If you want to get the latest backup copy, do the following:

  • open your phone settings;
  • in the “Accounts and Synchronization” section, select Google;
  • Check the required boxes and click “Synchronize”.

Data will automatically be sent to the cloud Google storage. To restore them on another Android device, just connect your account.

You can also sync most popular accounts: Skype, Telegram, Viber and VKontakte. To synchronize photos and images, Android has a built-in Google solution Photo.



Universal Apple app to receive and play content. Allows you to locally save data from a device connected to a computer under Windows control or macOS. This is especially convenient when you do not have Internet access.

To create a copy when iTunes help do the following:

  • connect the device to the computer;
  • go to the “Devices” tab;
  • click "Sync".
  • photos;
  • notes;
  • contact list;
  • calendar;
  • SMS/MMS messages;
  • Safari browser;
  • access point settings;
  • application data;
  • main screen view.


Cloud service for storing user data. Like any cloud, it has two limitations: the need for Internet access and a relatively small (5 GB) amount of free allocated space.

To save data when iCloud help On your device, open Settings → iCloud → Backup and start the backup process.

Saved in iCloud:

  • purchase history in the App Store;
  • photos;
  • Phone settings;
  • application data;
  • main screen view;
  • ringtones;
  • voice mail.



License: commercial software.

Russian language support: There is.

A simple solution for creating backups. Allows you to save both individual files (photos, music or movies) and mail files, for example from Microsoft Outlook or TheBat.

In the main program window, click “Create” new task» → “Create a backup copy”. From the directory tree, select the data you want to save. In our case, this will be the “Music” folder on the desktop.

Finally, give the task a name and click Finish. Archiving is complete.

Data recovery is performed using the same principle. Select the saved backup copy, and then select the location where you want to restore it.

The trial period for using the program is 30 days. The developers offer to purchase the full basic version for 800 rubles. There are other versions Handy Backup- Professional and Expert. Their capabilities are much wider and tailored to professional needs; for our purposes, the Standard version is quite sufficient.

License: shareware.

Russian language support: No.

Another solution for creating backups and recovering lost files. The interface is so simple and clear that even the lack of Russian language will not be an obstacle.

First of all, choose where to save your data. Let it be removable drive E.

The next step is to specify the data to be saved. The program offers how smart choice, where you can mark desktop files at once, system folders“Pictures” or “Video”, as well as the directory tree. Go to it and save the already familiar “Music” folder.

After clicking on the checkbox, the archiving window will open. On the selected drive, the program automatically creates a Genie TineLine folder, where it places the saved files.

Save and restore functions are available in basic version Genie Timeline Free. Advanced paid versions Genie Timeline Home and Genie Timeline Pro have much greater capabilities: sending notifications by email, highly secure data encryption, and setting up a schedule. But for saving home files, the Free version is quite enough.

Genie TineLine has an iOS app that allows you to check the status of your backups on your computer.

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: There is.

A powerful tool for creating backups and restoring data. You can store backups not only on physical disks, but also on Acronis’s own cloud service. True, for this you will have to subscribe for a year, and the amount of space provided will depend on tariff plan. With a standard subscription, 50 GB are allocated, when purchasing a premium version - from 1 TB.

Immediately after installation, the program prompts you to choose what data to send to the copy: from the entire computer, from disks and partitions, or individual folders.

Select "Files and folders" and select the ones you need. Let this again be the “Music” folder on the desktop. Click "OK" and proceed to select storage.

Select flash drive E, click “OK” → “Create a copy” again. A copy of the “Music” folder has been created on a flash drive.

Acronis has others useful features. For example, “Archive” allows you to free up disk space by packing files big size, and the Disk Cloning tool will create a complete copy of local disks, which will allow you to restore in case of failure the initial state systems.

The cost of the program is 2,700 rubles. A standard subscription for a year will cost users 2,400 rubles, an extended one - 5,100 rubles. Mobile applications work in conjunction with the desktop version and are downloaded for free.


Carbon Cope Cloner

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: No.

A utility for creating a duplicate disk. Russian language support is not provided, but understanding the interface will not be difficult.

In Source Disk, select the drive you want to copy. In Target Disk, specify the location to store the copy. Start the process with the Clone button.

The free period of using the program is 30 days. After Carbon Cope Cloner will cost 2,405.65 rubles.


License: shareware.

Russian language support: There is.

A convenient solution for creating backups and synchronizing applications on Android that does not require root rights. However for full-fledged work You will also have to install Helium on a computer running Windows, Linux or macOS.

After installing the application on your smartphone, you will immediately receive a notification about the need for the desktop version. To make installation easier and save time, the program offers to send a link to a user-friendly messenger or email. From there follow the link to the program website, download and run. Installation in the “Next” → “Next” → “OK” style does not cause any difficulties.

While the program is installing, mobile app asks to connect the phone to the computer and enable USB debugging.

After receiving a notification about successful synchronization, you can disconnect your smartphone from the computer.

Open the mobile application. From the list of installed programs, select the ones you need and click on the “Backup” button. Specify where the backup will be stored and wait for the process to complete.

To restore from a backup, go to the “Restore and Synchronization” tab, specify the storage location with the copy, select required applications and click "Recovery".

The basic version of the program is free, the cost of the extended version is 149.86 rubles.

The extended version allows you to:

  • disable advertising;
  • set up scheduled backups;
  • enable synchronization between Android devices;
  • save data in the cloud.

Owners will not be able to install the application Motorola devices and some Sony models.

License: shareware.

Russian language support: There is.

Most popular among users Android tool for application backup. Requires root access to the device.

To create a backup copy of one or more applications, open the "Backups" tab, which presents full list installed software. An exclamation mark next to an application indicates that a copy has not yet been created for it. The phone icon means that the program is stored on internal memory devices. The SD card icon indicates applications stored on the memory card.

Select the application and click “Save” in the menu that opens.

The backup has been created. Now, if you enter the application again, you can see the “Restore” button.

Titanum Backup supports group work with applications and backups. To do this, go to “Menu” → “Batch actions”.

This function allows you to:

  • check backups - both recently created and entire ones - for errors;
  • make backup copies of all installed applications;
  • make backup copies of all system data;
  • delete old backups;
  • restore all backups;
  • restore all system data;
  • clear application cache;
  • remove system or user applications.

Functionality Titanium Backup much wider, but for our purposes the listed possibilities are quite sufficient.

The extended version of Titanium Backup costs 349 rubles. Its main features:

  • creating multiple backups for the application;
  • encryption of reserved data;
  • checking all archives;
  • batch freezing and unfreezing of applications;
  • synchronization of backups with the cloud.



License: commercial software.

Russian language support: There is.

Compatibility: Microsoft Windows, macOS.

Actually it's file manager with provision for backup. In many ways it is similar to iTunes, but working in it is much easier and more enjoyable. You can transfer data both via cable and via Wi-Fi, and in iMazing there is no limit on the number of connected devices.

When you connect your device to your computer, iMazing automatically makes a backup of it. The function of changing data directly in a saved copy is very useful: the next time you connect, the changed data is instantly synchronized.

The free period is 30 days, after which you will have to pay $39.99 for use on one computer.

License: commercial software.

Russian language support: No.

Compatibility: iOS.

A tool for backing up devices with . Allows you to save notes, contacts, photos, messages, call history and much more.

To create a backup, just select what you want to save and click on the corresponding icon. A copy can be stored on your smartphone, computer, in the cloud, or sent by email.

To restore data, click on the Restore button in the menu on the left side of the screen.

BackupAZ costs $2.99.


License: free software.

Russian language support: There is.

Compatibility: iOS.

And this one software will require you to have a jailbreak. Free app iLex allows you to save absolutely any data from your device, and you don’t need a computer to operate it.

Having created a backup copy, save it where it is convenient for you, and after flashing the device or in case of loss, copy the archive to your phone and restore the necessary information.


License: free software.

Russian language support: There is.

To do this, just go to Manage Accounts, enter your account and select Installable Purchases. But this can only be done for purchased applications. Cydia does not save information about free ones.

Cloud solutions

Google Drive

License: shareware.

Russian language support: There is.


Allows you to store user data on Google servers, differentiate access rights to files and folders, open access and share them with other Internet users.

Storage includes:

  • Google Drive - used to store files;
  • Gmail - stores the user's contacts and is a powerful email client;
  • Google Photo - automatically finds images on devices and saves them to the cloud.

15 GB is provided for free. For larger volumes you will have to pay from $2.99 ​​to $299. Maximum volume storage is 30 TB, and file download is 5 TB.

For free use 2 GB storage available. The cost of 1 TB will be 9.99 euros. Unlimited amount seats can be purchased for 10 euros per month.


License: shareware.

Russian language support: There is.

Compatibility: browsers, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.

Cloud service of Russian origin, former Yandex.People. Like previous solutions, it allows you to save data in the cloud and share it with other Internet users. Supports synchronization between different devices.

Users are provided with 10 GB free of charge. For an additional 10 GB, Yandex asks to pay an additional 30 rubles, for 100 GB - 80 rubles, and the cost of 1 TB will be only 200 rubles.

Backup to external hard drive and recovering information from an external drive is convenient ways to ensure the security of your data. Handy Backup makes backups to an external drive using a plugin Computer And various means task automation.

Copy via USB connection

The data backup task can be configured to run automatically when the selected USB drive is connected to the computer. In this case, it does not matter which one USB port external drive is connected.

Saving in original format

Information from a backup copy can be used without pre-recovery, since all copied data is stored unchanged and can be used directly at the storage location.

Data compression and encryption

To save space, a backup to an external drive can be compressed, and for added security, encrypted using a built-in algorithm.

Supported external drives for backup

  • External USB drives: from Western Digital, Toshiba and any other manufacturers, with a capacity from 250 GB to 3 TB and above, using USB interface 3.0 or even wireless access, can be connected for backup using Handy Backup.
  • USB storage devices (“flash drives”): familiar to many USB flash devices of all types, as well as memory cards (via USB card reader). Windows and Linux drivers are used to access devices, eliminating compatibility issues with USB devices.

Automatic backup to external hard drive

Handy Backup fully automates backup to an external USB drive, allowing you to automatically run a copy task whenever USB device, associated with the task, connects to the computer.

External disk for backup: connection with the task

The program always “remembers” specific device USB associated with a specific task. Therefore, it does not matter which USB port the selected external drive is connected to. Handy Backup automatically recognizes required device when connected.

Handy Backup is a flexible and powerful tool for backing up and restoring an external drive. Get to know it by downloading and installing the most modern version programs with full set tools and features for free trial period in 30 days!

How to backup an external hard drive?

To create a data backup task from an external drive, please use the sequence of actions below:

  1. Open Handy Backup and create a new task by clicking the button on the main panel, the Ctrl+N key combination, or selecting the appropriate item in the menu.
  2. Select the task type in Step 1 – data backup. If you want to use the function automatic start When connecting a USB device, check the “Advanced Mode” checkbox.
  3. Expand the data source group in Step 2 Local and Network Drives.
  4. Select a plugin Computer. In the right window, click on the letter corresponding to the name of the connected external drive for backup.
  5. In the window that opens, indicate the data that you are going to save as a backup copy of the external drive by checking this data.

  1. In Step 3, specify a location to store your data.
  2. Next, configure the task as you wish. These steps for backup tasks to an external drive are no different from task settings for other types of data.
  3. In Step 6, check the box that allows you to run the task when you connect the external drive selected in Step 2 as a data source to your computer.

  1. In the next steps, complete creating the task and give it a name. All is ready!

Recommended solution for backing up to an external drive



Version 7.20.0 dated December 20, 2018. 164 MB
Backup program Handy Backup. 800 RUB for a license

The Standard solution allows you to backup and restore data from an external drive, and also supports all popular formats and data warehouses.

Backup to external drive

Creating a backup task to an external hard drive using the Computer plugin is no different in logic from backing up an external drive described above. Just indicate external drive for backup in Step 3 as storage.

Recovering data from an external hard drive

Open Handy Backup and create a new task. Select a task in Step 1 data recovery. In Step 2, specify your external hard drive as the storage location for the recovered data and select the file on it backup.hbi, containing the necessary recovery information.

  • Automatic data recovery from an external hard drive is possible, but we do not recommend using it to avoid losing sensitive data, with the exception of cloning tasks (see below).
  • You can clone information from external hard drive backups by changing the location to restore data using the “Change location” button in the recovery dialog. In this way, you can create tasks for automatically cloning data from disk.

Video tutorial: Creating an automatic backup to an external drive

The video below shows step by step the process of creating an automatic backup task to an external drive (USB) when connecting it to a computer.

Attention: Following the instructions given in this video file assumes that a copy of Handy Backup is already installed on your machine. If you don't have it installed yet Handy programs Backup, please download and install it.

Recently, my friend asked me to explain to her how to backup data. She's a humanitarian, so she wanted options that didn't require any customization. Since she is not a stupid person who likes to understand the problem herself and make decisions, I decided to collect the basic principles for her and describe the pros and cons of certain options (as I see them). I decided to publish it here in case some of you find it useful - to help a friend or relative. I would be very glad to receive comments on how the text could be made simpler and clearer.

Basic principles

1. Regularity and frequency
Data backup should be as regular as taking pills. It is for this discipline that you can thank yourself if some kind of collapse suddenly occurs. Sometimes losing even just a few working days due to a failure to backup can be very painful. It’s possible to answer the question of how often you can make backups by understanding the data for what period of time would be least painful for you to lose. One of optimal options- backup data once a week on weekends.
It is advisable that the data be saved to a separate external hard drive (or other storage medium) and stored in a separate place from the main data. The principle is quite obvious - if a problem occurs, it will be localized in one place. For example, if the hard drive on your computer fails, the backup disk will function perfectly. However, there is a balance to be struck between ease of access and security. HDD, standing nearby with a computer, significantly increases the motivation to use it for its intended purpose. And at the same time, this is not the most safe option for very important data that cannot be lost under any circumstances. That is why there is a distinction between data backup and data archiving.
Double check
As soon as the first backup copy of your data is made, you must immediately check that this data can be restored from it! This means not only that the files become visible. You need to open several files to choose from and check that they are not corrupted. It is advisable to repeat such a check once every certain period (say, once a year).
The best practice is to differentiate data into categories. The category could be their importance to you, the frequency of updates, or simply the topic.

Often backup programs create so-called “images”. They look like one single file. So, it is better to save various data in each such image.

What is it for. Data of different importance requires different handling, this is obvious. You will probably want to store your important documents more carefully than, say, a collection of films. By dividing the data by update frequency, you can, for example, save time spent on backups. Topic - what data is desirable to recover together in one step? A striking example of two types of backups that should be done separately:

Data backup
These are Word documents, photographs, films, etc. The same applies to this, but is often forgotten - bookmarks in the browser, letters in mailbox, address book, calendar with meetings, configuration file banking application etc.
System backup
We are talking about the operating system with all its settings. Such a backup eliminates the need to reinstall the operating system, make all the settings, and install programs. However, this is not the most necessary type of backup.

Where to make a backup

1. External hard disk. You can often buy it straight out of the box. There are laptop ones - such disks are small in size, but more expensive. Regular hard disks You can buy a 2 TB one relatively cheaply - then you won’t have to worry about disk space for a long time.

Fairly reliable (as long as you don't drop or shake excessively)
+ Relatively inexpensive

You must remember to connect the backup disk yourself.
-Not very convenient to carry (does not apply to laptop drives)

2. USB stick - suitable as additional remedy when you would like to transfer data from one computer to another and/or have it at hand. Also, if you don’t want to store the data itself on your computer.
There is one big but - a flash drive has a limited number of records, so if you store data from an application on it that will write intensively, then the flash drive (usb stick) will quickly die out. In addition, in my personal impression, they break quite often. A friend of mine, buying the most expensive flash drives, which were positioned as “unbreakable”, received a broken flash drive within a month or two. To be fair, I must say that I still haven’t had a single flash drive break; some have been working for 5 years already. However, I wouldn’t store data on a USB stick alone.

Mobile storage
+Takes up little space
+Very cheap

Unpredictable reliability

3. Data storage on a remote server (or in the cloud).

There are pros and cons:

The data will be available not only at home, but also at work and while traveling.
+Local separation of main data and backup copies (for example, if, God forbid, a fire happens, the data survives)
+There is no need to connect a hard drive for backup; as a rule, everything is done completely automatically.

It is advisable to encrypt the data, since it is unknown who can access it
-A large amount of traffic is wasted (if it is limited, problems arise)
-Often you can only store data up to 2 GB for free. So, such a backup is an additional expense item

List with good description services can be found

How to make a backup

Here is a list of applications that are worth paying attention to (in my opinion) when backing up to your hard drive.

Popular among the free ones

1. Genie Backup Manager is a very convenient program, but it is a little slow when working
2. Handy Backup - simple interface, works quickly.


Often in the settings of backup programs there is an option to make an incremental or differential backup. The practical difference is quite simple. With differential backup, you can save on the space it takes up. But there are only two recovery options: data in the state when a full backup was made + data at the time when a differential backup was made.

Incremental backup allows you to roll back to any point in the past when the backup was made. However, especially if changes in data occur frequently, the space will be consumed quickly.

When working on computer devices, we constantly have important data that we would not want to lose. To prevent this from happening, you need to back up the most necessary information. On computer language this is called "backup". What is a backup and how it is done you will learn from this article. I’ll say right away that this thing is extremely necessary and when the right approach It will take very little time, but it will save much more time + save your nerves. Tested for myself.

Backup (from the English backup - “spare”) is the creation of a copy hard content disk. Why do you need to back up your files? As a rule, for long-term storage of information, ordinary users use a hard drive that is in everyday use. Although magnetic media is a fairly reliable device, over time it loses its resource, and files can be irretrievably lost. A backup is made to prevent this from happening: lost information can always be copied from backup storage to a new permanent storage device. Unlike working ones, which are always available and temporary, backup copies are made on a disk or flash drive that is disconnected from the computer. How to create a HDD backup?

When creating a copy of a disk, you need to be guided by several principles to ensure maximum data safety and “painless” information recovery:

Regularity. The frequency of creating a copy depends on how regularly the data on the hard drive is updated. The average user does not need to backup daily: in most cases, copying once a week is optimal.

Separateness. It makes no sense to keep a copy on the same hard drive that is the main storage location. The type of media used for backup depends on the importance of the information: in everyday life, any hard drive or CD is sufficient; for more serious backups - archiving - special expensive drives are used.

Double check. After making a copy, you need to make sure that it is not damaged - open several random files and ensure their safety. This needs to be done regularly, preferably with every backup.

Systematization. It is necessary not only to place all files in one place, but to divide them into categories according to a user-friendly principle. Often, data backup programs create images - archives, which are a single file in which all copied information is stored. Each category must have a separate image. This will allow backup files of varying importance and frequency. Thus, working data, which is more important and updated more often, will be copied weekly, and an image of the operating system can be created occasionally, only with the most significant changes.

There is no need to do manual copying - there is software that runs in the background and independently performs computer backup according to the specified settings when you connect the backup media to the computer. However, before choosing a program, you should decide on where the copy of the disk will be stored.

Where to save the copied data?

There are 2 main backup methods: on physical drives or using cloud services on the Internet. They have their advantages and disadvantages, different types carriers also have some features.

External HDD

This option is more popular than the others, as it is quickest and easiest to back up to an external hard drive. External hard drives exist in two versions:

  1. a regular hard drive inserted into a special box for connecting to USB;
  2. Large flash disk.

This device is quite reliable for storing copies at home and costs relatively little. External drive with flash memory the reliability is not inferior to HDD, but you shouldn’t use regular flash drives: they can break at any moment.


For computer backup, any type of disc can be used - CD, DVD or Blu-ray. They are easy to use and can be stored for a very long time, but have a number of disadvantages:

  • the need for careful handling, protection from sudden temperature fluctuations and mechanical stress;
  • the need to equip the computer with a recording drive;
  • possibility of disk damage due to frequent overwriting;
  • small volume - from 700 MB for CD to 25 GB for Blu-ray (the most large HDD currently has a capacity of 10 TB).

Because of these disadvantages, laser drives are more often used for archiving - long-term storage of files of particular importance that are rarely accessed. For this purpose, special rooms are even built in which ideal storage conditions are maintained.

Cloud services

Clouds are remote servers for computer backup. The most controversial option. Its advantages are the following:

  • copies can be accessed from anywhere in the world, from any device connected to the Internet;
  • maximum separation of data - a copy is stored not only on the user’s computer, but even in another country;
  • backups are created automatically.

The advantages are significant, but the disadvantages are also significant:

  • There is no confidence in the security of the data: it is unknown whether the information is encrypted and who will be able to use it, whether the backup of the servers themselves is reliable, etc. In this regard, you can rely on the reputation of companies providing cloud services.
  • Without access to the Internet, the data cannot be recovered.
  • You need an unlimited channel with good speed if information is copied in large volumes.
  • Not much space is provided for free to receive extra space you need to pay a subscription.

Today there are many cloud services for disk backup - Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. There is no significant difference between them for end user no (except for the cost of subscription and ease of access to storage).

Backup programs

If you are using Windows OS, you can use standard tool for computer backup - when connecting a flash drive or external hard drive the system itself will offer to use it as a backup storage, and will also provide the ability to select folders that should be saved. Very convenient and easy to use for inexperienced user. The only drawback is the lack of encryption.

Windows 10 can also save and backup data using the cloud Microsoft service. For a fairly modest fee, 1 TB of server space is provided, copying is performed automatically when changes are made to folders specified by the user, access to the storage is possible either through the Microsoft website or directly from Explorer on the computer. The downside is the lack of control over copying. Once the process has started, you can stop it only by turning off the Internet or turning off the computer; it is impossible to cancel the copying.

Among third party programs for file backup there are paid and free products. Among the paid ones are:

Acronis True Image. Standard version costs 50 euros, upgraded with 50 GB subscription cloud space- 40 euros per year, and premium, which includes additional products and 1-5 TB of space on the cloud, - from 80 to 240 euros per year.

Paragon Backup & Recovery. It costs only 890 rubles, quickly copies the entire contents of the computer and allows you to restore data even if the OS is completely inoperable.

ABC Backup Pro. Very simple program, which is controlled by literally three buttons. There is a scheduler that performs automatic backups at specified intervals.

Free programs for computer backup:

  • Genie Backup Manager. Easy to use, but demanding on system resources.
  • Handy Backup. Features a simple interface and high speed work.
  • Back2zip - backs up data in zip archives. The simplest possible program.

These products have many analogues, and they are all similar to each other. There is no particular difference what to use. The main thing is to ensure the safety of the drives and regularly update the backup copies.

Once again, I repeat that backup should not be neglected, since you can create a copy of data very quickly and effortlessly. It may seem that the probability of losing information is too small, and backup is a waste of time, but the time, nerves and often money saved in the event of a computer breakdown cannot be overestimated.