What will happen in Windows 10. Integration of Microsoft services. Expanded support for line breaks in Notepad

In Windows 8 and 8.1, we saw a new Metro interface with large square icons instead standard menu Start, also a complex way to enter computer settings and the new control panel.

However, for tablet PCs, hybrid PCs and laptops that received Windows 8 and 8.1, it brought huge improvements in the user experience and the interface became user-friendly on touch devices. In any case, it seems that Microsoft has realized its own mistake and using Windows 10 will win the hearts of users now. In this article, we'll take a look at what's new in Windows 10, exploring how it's going to erase all the bad experiences that Windows 8 and 8.1 brought to many users.

If you have not yet updated to Windows 10, then you can do so using the official link. Of course, you can get Windows 10 without paying anything if you have a Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 license. You can upgrade to Windows 10 without losing your license.

Now, the time has come for those who began to hate Microsoft for the release of Windows 8. To bring back love for the OS, we will look at what is new in Windows 10 that was not in Windows 8 and 8.1 and the main differences between Winodws 10 and previous ones operating systems.

Windows 8.1 users got a Start button, but it was just a button that opened the Start screen.

In Windows 10, Microsoft decided to listen to the dissatisfied Windows users 8 and 8.1 and will return to the excellent user interface of Windows 7. Now when you press the Start key, you will see a redesigned Start menu.

2. New Microsoft Edge and Cortana browser

Yes, you heard right, Microsoft realized that Internet Explorer is not popular among users. Therefore, we decided to create a new and powerful browser, codenamed Project Spartan.

Voice assistant Cortana is coming to Windows 10. Cortana is by far the smartest compared to its competitors like Siri, S-Voice and Google Now. After using Cortana, we were impressed. Now the best thing is Cortana isn't just yours personal assistant, it will act as a full-fledged desktop assistant and will help you every time you need it. Cortana can anticipate user needs. You can allow her access to your personal data, and she can also work with some applications from the Windows Store.

The downside is that it does not yet support the Russian language.

3. Multiple desktops

Have you ever used Mac OS X? Then you noticed the numerous multi-desktop features there. Even Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux can switch between desktops when you press Ctrl + Alt + arrow key! It's not your regular Alt+Tab, it's more powerful and will provide you with a clean desktop to work on while keeping your old data intact. At the same time, it's cool and productive.
Windows 10 brings multiple desktops feature! Or in other words, it can be called a “Workspace Switcher” alternative.
You can see that the square button is black with a “+” symbol in the center. Designed to create a new desktop. It will be like a new clean desktop, and your data will remain open on the old desktop, and you can also switch between them without any problems.

4. Improved multitasking and command line.

Windows 10 allows you to place up to four applications on one screen. Windows will also prompt you to Choose an application to fill the free space on the screen. You can switch between open applications using the familiar Alt + Tab keys. a button has been added for presented tasks, after clicking on it you will see running applications on this desktop, also from there you can create a new desktop and move applications between virtual desktops.

Experienced Command Prompt users will rejoice that the copy and paste functionality is included in Windows 10 in the Command Prompt.

5. Free upgrade to Windows 10

As Microsoft stated, all users can upgrade to Windows 10 for free, but only those who already have licensed Windows 7, 8, 8.1 will receive licensed Windows 10. Microsoft has also confirmed that all users will continue to receive the update.

Apart from the features mentioned above, you will also find some changes in the administration process and some changes in the UI (user interface).


Windows 10 brings with it many new features that will make users love it. The above features are the top 5 features that we consider the most striking ones in the affordable Windows 10 build. You must try it to rate it or criticize it!

Windows 10 has brought many new features that users will love. We showed 5 functions that, in our opinion, are the most striking in Windows 10.

If you know any other interesting ones, useful features that appeared in Windows 10, tell us in the comments.

On July 29, 2015, we will receive Windows 10 - probably the most successful Microsoft release since the advent of Windows 7 in 2009. The new operating system is notable for the fact that it has undergone global changes: the company took into account all the shortcomings that negatively affected the popularity of Windows 8/8.1, optimized the code and worked on the user interface. In this article I will try to answer the most pressing questions related to transition to Windows 10.

What's new in Windows 10?

Now short review the most significant features of the upcoming release. Windows 10 has been redesigned both deep inside and out. The Start menu has become flexible: it can be compact, as in Windows 7, or expand to full screen, as we see in Windows 8.1. When launched, application windows take on their usual appearance: you can move, minimize, stretch and close them by clicking on the cross in the corner.

Support for virtual desktops has been introduced, a single “control center” (Action Center) with access to the most popular system functions, plus the Cortana voice assistant. Windows 10 loads faster than Windows 7, it also provides a wider range of drivers than the 7, a more visual resource monitor and diagnostic utilities.

This innovation in the OS is a prototype of the system that Microsoft ultimately wants to get. Notification Center will sync with everyone Windows devices 10 that are under one account. In the notification center itself, much more information can now be displayed, and it is also possible to fine-tune it.

Microsoft's voice assistant is officially coming to desktop computers. The company decided to personalize Cortana; she now knows how to place accents in her speech and “make a face” a little. Most likely, we are talking about template phrases, but its arrival on desktop systems will potentially become huge base to study what may allow it to be quickly improved in the future. As expected, the voice assistant is deeply integrated into the system and search (including local) has become part of it. The functionality of Microsoft's voice assistant has something in common between Siri and Google Now, combining the most attractive features of competitors and complementing it with its own developments.

New Spartan Browser

Microsoft's new browser will not be included in upcoming builds of Windows 10, but its functionality has been demonstrated. The browser, codenamed Spartan, received a new rendering engine, as well as new interface, which is integrated into the overall design of Windows 10. The “notes” function allows you to make handwritten notes, notes, or enter text from the keyboard directly on Internet pages, as well as save and share the results. Thus, it is easy to subsequently read an interesting note or story where there is no Internet, simply by saving it in the device’s memory. In addition, a reading mode has been added. Cortana is also integrated with the new browser, and even when searching the Internet, it uses the data accumulated about the user.

Interaction between Xbox One and Windows 10

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Windows 10 now has Xbox app with the integration of a number of social functions, there is even an activity feed - a kind of Twitter, aimed exclusively at players in the Microsoft OS environment. Besides new DirectX, Microsoft demonstrated support for game streaming with Xbox One to other gadgets. At the presentation there was a demonstration of the function with the Surface Pro 3 tablet, but the function will most likely be available for mobile gadgets.

Microsoft Surface HUB

84 inch touch monoblock with 4K resolution. It integrates cameras, microphones and other sensors and sensors. This is a device that is aimed exclusively at business users for remote collaboration with employees. It also uses Windows 10, but adapted for huge displays and with specialized software that will increase productivity. Microsoft has not announced the price, but this gadget will clearly be very expensive.

Windows 10 release date?

Windows 10 is scheduled to be released on July 29. If your copy of Windows 7/8.1 was obtained officially (for example, you are the owner of a pre-installed copy on a PC or laptop), then there is no need to download the “top ten” on the day of release. You can upgrade to version 10 for free within a year after release.

Impatient users can now “book” an update from Microsoft. To do this, you need to run the Get Windows 10 application (by clicking on the windows icon on the taskbar), select Reserve your free upgrade. free update") and enter your email address. To find out about the compatibility of current applications and devices with the “ten”, select “Check your PC”. You'll be automatically notified the day Windows 10 becomes available for download.

If you don't have the Get Windows 10 icon, download the latest update through Update Center. Owners of computers with Windows 7 (x64), for example, can download the update from this link (~750 KB).

Windows 10 system requirements?

In general, Windows 10 is not demanding on resources - it can be run even on old hardware. Minimum system requirements requirements for the “ten” are as follows: a processor with clock frequency from 1 gigahertz, 1 (for 32-bit systems) or 2 gigabytes (for 64-bit) RAM, 16 or 20 GB of space (32/64x, respectively) on the hard drive, video card DirectX versions 9 or higher with WDDM 1.0 driver, and a display with a resolution of 1024x600 pixels.

Additionally, your computer must be running the latest version of Windows that it supports. This could be Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows 8.1 Update. It is impossible to make a direct upgrade to “ten” from Vista or an older version of the OS.

Windows 10 will be released in seven different versions. There are three basic “editions”: Windows 10 Home for home users, Windows 10 Pro for advanced users and small businesses, and Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones and compact tablets. In addition, a version of Windows 10 Enterprise will be released with a wide range of capabilities for use in large corporations, Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise for business smartphone users, and Windows 10 Education for educational institutions. Finally, the seventh version will be Windows 10 IoT Core for Internet of Things devices.

According to the official Microsoft website, users who upgrade from Windows 7/8.1 will receive a similar “edition” of Windows 10. For example, on a PC with “seven” (for Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium) Windows 10 Home will be installed, for Professional or Ultimate - Windows 10 Pro. The situation with Windows 8.1 is the same. Owners of smartphones with Windows Phone 8.1 (read about them below) will receive Windows 10 Mobile.

Will Windows 10 be free?

Not so simple. For now, we can absolutely say that if you are the owner of a computer with a licensed copy of Windows 7 or 8.1, then on July 29 you will receive the same, fully functional and activated version of Windows 10.

For members of the Windows Insider program who installed the technical preview version of Windows 10, things are more complicated. Last week, Microsoft posted on its blog that all testers "will receive a final Windows assembly 10 and will remain activated." The words sounded too good to be true. They were perceived in such a way that any user who downloaded the free beta of “tens” from the company’s website before July 29 will be able to upgrade to activated version Windows 10 and receive updates in the future.

However, a few days later, Microsoft edited the original post to remove the phrase “will remain activated.” A “clarification” was also added that on July 29, free Windows 10 will be sent only to owners licensed copies 7/8.1.

A little later, company representative Gabriel Ohl further confused the situation by saying that testers' copies of Windows 10 would indeed be activated - but only if they had performed a "clean" installation of the system (downloaded an ISO image of a preview version) and linked their Microsoft account.

What does all of this mean? There's a good chance that Windows Insiders who don't have Windows 7/8.1 licenses will actually receive a "legal" copy of Windows 10 on July 29. It will be fully functional, without a desktop watermark, and can be updated through official means. This, by the way, is what many “insiders” are counting on: they believe that they deserve Windows 10 by helping them catch errors.

On the other hand, upgrading from the preview to the final version does not automatically obtain a valid license from Microsoft. For most home users who simply need free Windows for personal purposes, there is no difference. From the fact that several million people will install free copy“tens”, Microsoft itself will not suffer much.

But for business this trick will not work. Large companies and organizations, in case of audit software, are unlikely to be able to prove that their copies of Windows 10 are a “gift” from Microsoft. So corporate users will most likely need to purchase a license without fail.

What should owners of a pirated version of Windows 10 do?

You can try to participate in the Windows Insider program - provided, of course, that the company's policy regarding free updates does not change until July 29. To do this, first, create a Microsoft account if you don't already have one. Second, join the Insider Program (Windows Insider) using the account you created. Remember to follow all instructions. Third, install the preview version of Windows 10 on your PC by downloading the ISO files from the Microsoft website.

It is important that the installation of test Windows 10 - in order to subsequently obtain a “legal” copy - is performed on a “clean” computer (you cannot install the system on top of a pirated one). In addition, everywhere (during installation, configuration, as well as for logging into all services and applications), use the same Microsoft account that was specified when registering as a Windows Insider.

According to the latest version (Microsoft has changed the wording several times in the official blog post explaining the conditions), after June 29, a full “license” will not appear on such PCs (with Windows 10 installed from scratch, without licensed Windows 7 or 8). However, users will be able to remain members of the Windows Insider program and will continue to receive next updates systems before others - as, for example, subscribers to the Chrome beta channel receive them. The only inconvenience of this option is that you will have to regularly install new system builds offered by Microsoft; without updates, the system will become unlicensed in a few months.

To make the new OS easy and simple to use, the company tried to get the best of both worlds, combining the bright and creative Windows 8 with the convenience and intuitiveness of Windows 7. Perhaps this was Microsoft's way of making it clear that Windows 10 is a massive reimagining of the experience recent years, which should not cause negative associations with the G8.

At the same time, Windows 10 promises to be the last “big” version of Microsoft’s OS. As company representative Jeri Nixon previously explained, in the future all improvements to the system will be made through the release of updates. "We will offer Windows as a service, which is innovated through updates on an ongoing basis," he said. Subsequent individual issues OS users may not wait.

“There will be no more Windows 11”

Steve Kleinhanz, vice president of development at Microsoft, noted. According to him, the company deliberately called the new OS not Windows 9, but Windows 10, in order to emphasize the “finality” of this operating system.

Kleinhanz explained that it used to be a huge effort for Microsoft to convince users to upgrade to new versions of Windows every few years. The new approach will avoid this problem.

Will the update be available only on computers and laptops?

At first - yes. The release of the "ten" version for smartphones - Windows 10 Mobile - has been postponed to a later date. According to Microsoft Vice President Joe Belfiore,

“Our smartphone builds didn’t go as far as our PC test builds.”

Most likely, owners of Windows smartphones and mini-tablets will receive the “top ten” in the fall, somewhere in September-October.

Moreover, as Belfiore said, in Windows versions 10 for other devices (including HoloLens and Xbox consoles), not all features will be available at first. As an example, the top manager cited support for extensions in the browser Microsoft Edge: It will appear on PCs immediately, on smartphones - perhaps within a few months. Let me remind you that Microsoft's previous operating system - Windows 8.1, released in October 2013 - also appeared on PCs earlier than on smartphones.

We're excited to announce that users around the world will begin receiving the free Windows 10 Creators Update today.

We believe that each of us in our souls creative person, and creativity is our integral feature. Whoever you are, Windows 10 is designed to help you realize your creative potential. In this post, we'll introduce you to the best new features in the Creators Update. Innovations in the Windows 10 Creators Update include 3D technology in Windows 10, built-in video game streaming capabilities, new tab management features and other innovations in Microsoft Edge, and improved protection for your personal data, including the new Microsoft Privacy Control Panel ( Microsoft privacy dashboard).

There are several ways to get the Creators Update. If you already have Windows 10 installed on your PC and have automatic updates enabled, you will receive the update as soon as it is ready. If you are an advanced user and would like to install the update manually, read our guide on how to obtain the Creators Update. Another great way to get the Creators Update is to purchase a new Windows 10 PC.

Here's a more detailed list of new features in Windows 10 Creators Update

3D technology in Windows 10

With the Creators Update, 3D technology became available for the first time in Windows 10. It allows every person to experiment, create and share their work in a new dimension. 3D technology helps us communicate ideas and express ourselves and learn faster because it is much more relevant to the world we live in.

With the Creators Update, you can enjoy the new Paint 3D app, as well as access to the online creative community Remix3D*. The updated Paint 3D allows you to create or modify 3D objects, easily change texture or color, and convert 2D images to 3D. To launch Paint 3D, click .

In our community Remix3D.com you can get inspired, find millions of ready-made objects and share your own. Remix3D.com allows you to connect with other creators, discover new ideas, and provides access to a library of 3D objects that you can edit to your liking and then share with the community.

New Windows features 10 for Gamers: Share your passion for gaming with each other - chat, broadcast, play together

Beam for broadcasting video games

Built into the Creators Update, Beam game streaming technology is the easiest and most interactive way to stream your game on Windows 10. Press Windows key + G during gameplay to open Game menu, and you'll see that we've added an icon there to launch Beam - no additional hardware required.

This gives all users the opportunity to showcase their creativity as a streamer. With Beam's low-latency technology, viewers will see your game in less than a second between broadcast and live, allowing the broadcaster to communicate and interact with viewers in near real-time. This technology gives Beam broadcasters the ability to embed new interactive features, such as animation and sound effects, directly into the video stream.

New gaming section in system settings

A new section has appeared in the main system settings Windows Settings - Games, indicated by the Xbox logo. This new parameter brings your Windows 10 settings together on one screen. The Creators Update has four customization options: Game menu, DVR for games, Broadcast And Game mode. Game mode can be easily turned on or off for individual games using the panel Game menu.

Game mode

We created Game mode(Game Mode) so you can get a better gaming experience on Windows 10 by using more computer resources. Game mode also works in Win32 and UWP games. To activate Game mode during the game, call Game menu(Windows keys + G) and click on the button Settings to allow current game use game mode. The Creators Update is a touchstone for our work on Game mode and improving Windows 10 PC performance for gaming.

Game menu supports more games

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, we continue to expand support for Game menu Windows in full screen mode, we have now added over 80 more of the most popular PC games. You can also manage this feature in the new section Games V ParametersWindows. Find a section Game menu and make sure that the option is selected Display the game menu when playing Microsoft-reviewed games in full screen. A regularly updated list of supported games can be found (in English). To learn more about all the new gaming features in the Creators Update, head over to Xbox Wire.

Microsoft Edge gets even better with new tab management features, new extensions and reading capabilities

Microsoft Edge is the fastest and... secure browser, created for Windows 10, and in the version for the Creators Update, the familiar Microsoft Edge has also become faster than Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. It also ensures the longest possible battery life. Now, when you're on the go and can't charge your device, you can stream videos and surf the Internet for much longer. Microsoft Edge can play videos up to 3 hours longer than Google Chrome and up to 5 hours longer than Mozilla Firefox, allowing you to watch your favorite TV series without stopping or charging your device. Plus, with Microsoft Edge you'll be able to surf the web for up to an hour longer than with using Google Chrome, and almost two hours longer than Mozilla Firefox.**

Tab preview bar: n It's not easy to keep tabs organized, especially if you have many similar tabs open from the same site, with similar titles and icons. The Tabs preview bar will allow you to preview each open tab without having to leave the page. You can move through the list using touch, the mouse wheel, or the touchpad.

Deferred tabs: We've added two new buttons next to tabs in Microsoft Edge to help you quickly manage all your tabs without falling out of your workflow. Function Set aside these tabs allows you to put open tabs aside, giving you the opportunity to return to them later. And in the section Deferred Tabs You can view thumbnails of pages you've shelved and restore an individual tab or collection of pages to pick up where you left off.

Import favorites from other browsers when switching to Microsoft Edge: Just one step to import your favorite pages, search history and other data from your other browser. Use the function Import from another browser on the menu Options to select the browsers from which you want to move data***.

Context menu for Microsoft Edge: Now you can open a new window or New windowInPrivate for Microsoft Edge with help icons on Taskbars. Just right-click or swipe up on the Microsoft Edge icon on Taskbars and select the desired option!

The Creators Update also brings new extensions to Microsoft Edge, including Ebates, Intel TrueKey, Read & Write, Ghostery, and RoboForm*****, among others.

Click the pen or highlighter icon in Create a web note, and you will see the complete set Windows colors Ink.

What's New in the Windows Store in the Creators Update

We've added a new digital category to the Windows Store called Books (US only) that can now be enjoyed alongside games, apps, movies/TV, and music. Now you can discover and read books from your favorite authors in a variety of genres, from science fiction to thrillers, children's books, and more* in the Windows Store.

In the Windows Store, readers will find their favorite books, including New York Times bestsellers and hundreds of thousands of others. We work with leading publishers and partner companies, including Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins Publishers, Hachette Book Group, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; and Content Group to bring you the widest selection of great books in the Windows Store. It features books such as George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones, Neil Gaiman's American Gods, James Patterson's Walk the Line, Stephen King's End of Watch, and Tim Ferriss' Tools of Titans*.

When you buy a book from the Windows Store, you can start reading it right away in Microsoft Edge, which supports offline reading without going online. Moreover, in Microsoft Edge, you can easily choose the font size, background, and themes. Integration with Cortana* lets you search the web while you read.

Dolby appAtmosfor Windows 10 now available in the Windows Store

Additionally, Windows 10 users with the Creators Update will be the first to experience Dolby Atmos audio in the Dolby Access app, available today in the Windows Store. In this app, listeners will be able to experience immersive audio by connecting to their device on Windows based 10 s installed update Creators Update soundbar with Dolby Atmos function, AVR or system home theater via HDMI cable, or just headphones. Check out the app today!

The Creators Update also brings new features to Cortana*, a personal digital assistant.

Enjoy improvements to music, maps and photo apps that run onXbox and Windows Mixed Reality

Built-in features including Photo, Cards, MusicianfGroove And Cinema and TV, use best opportunities Windows 10 to save your ideas and express yourself.

  • Use Windows Ink****, draw on photos and videos in the application Photo to personalize them. Have fun, express yourself, create something new by adding unique details to your photos and videos. .
  • Draw on 2D or 3D maps in the app Cards and personalize them with Windows Ink. Build routes, explaining each turn, measure distances between any objects, add notes and mark places you want to visit. .
  • With the Groove app, you can upload music from your PC to OneDrive to play your own tunes and create a playlist for all your devices at once, including Windows, Xbox, Android, iOS and Sonos devices.
  • Be completely immersed in 360° video viewing, watch all popular films and TV series in 4K or HD quality in the application Cinema and TV*****. You can watch videos from your own collection, or rent or buy popular movies and TV series ad-free to watch at home or on the go on your Windows PC or Xbox. And with the Creators Update, you'll discover new immersive 360-degree video for the first time from our partners including GoPro.com, Sliver.tv and NextVR.*

  • The picture-in-picture feature allows you to keep a small window open on top of all other windows at all times. This will allow you to watch your favorite TV series, chat on Skype, or keep track of music playing, whatever you're working on.

  • Windows can now automatically reduce the amount of blue light emitted from your PC at night using the Night light options. To turn this feature on or off based on sunrise and sunset times or your own schedule, go to Settings > System > Screen.
  • The Creators Update introduces new immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital world. With new developer kits (), experts are building amazing Windows Mixed Reality apps and features. Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP and Lenovo will begin shipping the world's first Windows Mixed Reality devices later this year, starting at just $299.

Maximum security for all your activities on Window devicess– from visiting websites to checking emails and uploading/downloading files from the cloud

Windows continues to improve security functionality in the Creators Update. The update will provide even more security capabilities to all users to effectively protect and quickly respond to threats across all devices and networks.

  • Security Center Windows Defender combines all device health and security management functions on one screen. A single control panel allows you to control everything from antivirus, firewall and network protection to assessing the health and performance of your device, managing application and browser security, and managing family safety features. For corporate users, the Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) service has a centralized portal, Windows Security Center, first implemented in the Anniversary Update. From there, you can navigate to Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection through the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph, so your system administrator can monitor attacks on network computers and email without interrupting your work.
  • Remote blocking: Windows Hello can use any phone you've paired with your device—iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone—to detect when you walk away from your PC or tablet and automatically lock it as an added security measure and to protect your privacy. This feature works on smartphones, fitness bands and other devices connected to your PC or tablet.
  • We've added new actions and visibility to Windows Defender ATP to help you investigate and respond to network attacks, including memory sensors and enhanced monitoring and remediation capabilities.

Simple privacy settings that let you choose how you interact with Windows

  • Microsoft's new Privacy Dashboard lets you monitor and manage data about your activity across devices. Additionally, the Creators Update changes the way Windows 10 privacy settings are presented.
  • , so that you can choose the ones that are most suitable for you, the number of options for collecting diagnostic data has been reduced from three levels to two: basic and full. Reduced the amount of data collected at the base level.

Skype makes it easy to stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family

The Creators Update brings the best version of Skype ever for Windows PCs. This version of Skype new generation is designed specifically for Windows 10 and includes exclusive features such as Picture in Picture, SMS for Windows Phone and Skype Translator for calls to mobile and landline phones. It's easy to use with hotkeys, a chat search option, and a refreshed look group video conference, thanks to which all interlocutors become even closer. Be productive on your PC and collaborate via Skype - share your screen, photos, videos, documents and files (up to 300 MB). Stay connected with instant video messaging, voice calls, or video, all for free on any device with Skype installed.

The Creators Update begins rolling out worldwide today. To learn more about how to get the Creators Update, click here or visit your Microsoft Store to learn about Creators Update features and get answers to your questions from our knowledgeable and friendly technicians, including free consultation about your device.

You can also book a free consultation with a Microsoft Store technician by visiting a Microsoft Store near you or at microsoftstore.com/answerdesk.

This publication is an abridged translation of the English original published in .

*Availability varies by region

At the end of July, Microsoft presented to the general public a new version of the Windows 10 operating system, which replaced the eight. It should be noted that there are several major innovations and changes that will be discussed today.

What's new in Windows 10?

Many users were looking forward to the appearance of the “ten”. Initially, the manufacturer stated that this system would be the most advanced in modern computer technology. Today we’ll look at the main features of Windows 10, and also try to find the answer to a question that interests many users: were the experts’ expectations met?

The main and most basic difference between Windows 10 and previous versions is immediately noticeable. The thing is that the manufacturer surprised everyone and decided to provide users with the opportunity to install a new operating system directly from the official Microsoft website. Moreover, you can download the new system absolutely free. This move, perhaps, can be attributed to the corporation’s means of popularizing new developments.

Installing Windows 10

If we talk about the process Windows installations 10, then there are two ways. The first option involves registering on the site or logging in with a user account. After this, the user will be placed in a queue. When the time comes, an icon will appear in the notification area in the system tray, and when clicked, the operating system installation process will begin. It is worth noting that these steps can only be performed if you first update the existing operating system.

However, the new Windows 10 system is installed only on top of Windows Vista, 7 and 8. Windows XP is not supported in this case. The second option involves downloading a special Media utilities Creation Tool. Using this utility, you can start the installation of the operating system. The developers have provided users with the ability to rollback if for some reason the new operating system does not suit them. However, it is not recommended to remove the downloaded distribution package with the operating system.


returning to Windows theme 10, it's worth mentioning what's new in this operating system. First of all, attention is drawn to the return to classic design. Many users will probably be pleased with the presence of the Start button. The menu is organized a little differently though. All buttons are located in alphabetical order without highlighting. On the right side of the menu there is an intelligent assistant and task scheduler, as well as news, weather, etc. If we talk about the user interface, then there is no relief in it.

Most likely, this element was borrowed from the G8. It's called Metro, although in fact it's a modification of Modern UI. From the system tray you can call up the notification center, which displays information about all recent events, as well as the state of the system as a whole. It should be noted that there is a Charms panel, which can simply be removed from the desktop settings. It should also be noted that the language for different applications does not switch automatically. For all programs active at the same time, it is installed the same way.

New elements

If we talk about the new features of the Windows 10 operating system, we should note the appearance of the Edge browser, which is used by default in this operating system instead of Internet Explorer. Today, according to preliminary estimates of performance tests, it ranks first. For those who use the operating system in tablet or desktop mode, there is a special Continuum function that allows you to connect faster. Of course, you can create multiple virtual desktops. The application store also received new features.

Safety system

Let's continue to look at the Windows 10 operating system. Has anything new appeared in terms of security? First of all, the operating system uses a redesigned Windows Defender that works in conjunction with the WAPS service. Additionally, you can use Windows Hello when using your computer in tablet mode. This is the so-called biometric identification. And one more thing - if Microsoft account data is set as a password, then it can only be changed on the official Microsoft website.

Trying to change the password to a combination like 12345 will not bring the desired result. The system simply will not allow such a change to be made. It can be deleted 60 days after submitting the application. The security system will need to mark the modules Secure Boot and Device Guard, which can prevent unknown malware from entering the system.

Internet, performance, multimedia and data exchange

If we talk about working with the Internet, then in this regard the new system is equipped with an improved e-mail client, Edge browser, which has already been mentioned above. There is also an updated traffic control system, the ability to exchange Wi-Fi passwords, maps, etc. If we talk about the speed of the system, then it does not cause any particular complaints. However, the system takes much longer to wake from sleep mode, especially when using a login password, than Windows7 or Windows 8.

There is something else too. Windows 10 comes with full support for devices like Xbox One for streaming PC games via regular local network. If we talk about displaying multimedia information, then this operating system has a completely new program for viewing images, an audio and video player, as well as a Game DVR module designed for recording streaming video and creating screenshots during the game. Also, the Windows 10 operating system has full support for Direct X 12.


You probably already realized that this article provides a fairly brief overview of the Windows 10 operating system. It is difficult to describe all the new features of this operating system in one article. To better learn about all the capabilities of the operating system, you need to try this operating system yourself at least once. As has probably already become clear, even after installing this operating system, you can always cancel the installation and return to the settings of the previous operating system. However, in general, Windows 10 looks quite decent. It can compete with some versions of Mac OS and Linux.

Also a big advantage is that it is free. However, many users who are already accustomed to the classic appearance and the menu organization system, and besides, for those who have never encountered Windows 8, the system may at first seem rather inconvenient and unusual. However, after a couple of days of work, the feeling of unusualness disappears. You just need to get used to the changed functions and organization of controls a little. With programs installed on more than earlier versions operating rooms Windows systems, no problems arise.

But her release was postponed.

Timeline extends Task View by adding a history of the actions you've previously performed on your computer. Click the Task View button on the taskbar or use the Windows key + Tab combination to see activities you performed “Earlier Today” or in previous days. Timeline can show sites opened in Microsoft Edge, articles read in the News app, documents you worked with in Microsoft Word and places you viewed in Maps.

The main purpose of this function is to resume activities that were suddenly interrupted or deliberately postponed. Timeline supports synchronization between devices. This way, you can continue any activity on another PC where your account is used. Personal voice assistant Cortana will offer a list of activities to resume when you switch to another device.

The user can use the scroll bar or search bar to navigate through activities. All activities are sorted by day, and daily activities are sorted by hour. you can use context menu to clear activities for a certain hour. You can set up Timeline in the Settings app > Privacy > Activity Log.

Microsoft plans to integrate this function V mobile applications so that users can switch between tasks even on different types of devices. However, app developers will need to first implement support for this feature for it to work with desktop and mobile apps.

Share files with nearby devices

Windows 10 (version 1803) has a new file sharing feature called Near Share, similar to Apple's AirDrop.

Viewing diagnostic data

Microsoft is trying to fix privacy issues in Windows 10 and make things more transparent. To this end, Redstone 4 will feature a new Diagnostic Data Viewer application. This program in text form will show diagnostic information that is sent to Microsoft servers. The tool even displays all the information about your device that is stored in the Microsoft cloud.

To enable this feature, go to Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback and enable the “Diagnostics Viewer” option. The page warns that this feature may require up to 1 GB of disk space. Once the feature is activated, you can follow the link to the Windows Store to download the free Diagnostic Data Viewer. This application allows you to view diagnostic data, supports search and filters for various types of events.

Microsoft also allows you to delete diagnostic data collected from your device. Just click the “Delete” button in the section Deleting diagnostic data on the Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback page.

Users who are not administrators will have greater control over the diagnostic data sent to Microsoft. Any user can go to the Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback app and select the amount of data to send as “Basic” or “Full”. Previously this parameter Only administrators could change it.

Microsoft has also expanded its online privacy dashboard. There's a new Activity Log page that lets you see the information Microsoft collects about your PC usage.

Quick pairing makes it easier to pair Bluetooth devices with Windows 10 computers. Simply switch your wireless bluetooth device into pairing mode near the computer. Windows 10 will automatically recognize the device and show you a pairing request—you'll no longer need to go to the Settings app to access Bluetooth settings.

The new feature will initially work with Surface Precision mouse pads and devices whose manufacturers have added support new feature. Similar technologies are used on other platforms: Fast Pair on Android or quick pairing of AirPods from Apple.

Progressive Web Apps support in the Windows Store

The Microsoft Edge browser is getting a number of new features that let you run progressive web apps(Progressive Web Apps, PWAs) in Windows 10. This new standard web applications that behave like regular desktop applications. Each application has its own window and taskbar shortcut, can work offline, and can send notifications. PWA technology is already supported by Google, Mozilla and Microsoft, and Apple has already is working on implementing support.

Microsoft will index and offer Progressive Web Apps in the Windows Store. They can be installed like any other Windows 10 app. It is expected that in the future you will also be able to install them directly from Microsoft Edge.

We'll soon be able to see Google apps like Gmail or Google Calendar in the Windows Store. Developers will be able to create applications that can run almost anywhere and there will be no need to prepare separate versions for different platforms. As a result, Windows 10 users will be able to get more quality applications.

Update installation process This change will be appreciated by all Windows 10 users. Most of the update installation process will now be performed in the background - during this time the user will be able to fully use the computer. This means that installation wait times will be reduced. The online phase of the update installation process will be performed with low priority, and the computer's performance will not be significantly reduced. According to Microsoft tests, this innovation has reduced the time of the offline update phase (when the system is unavailable) from 82 minutes to 30 minutes.

Installing Windows 10 feature updates has become faster

Focus Assistant will automatically turn on in certain scenarios when using the device - when mirroring the screen to a projector or when running a DirectX game in full screen mode. The tool supports different notification priorities, so you can allow high-priority notifications and temporarily block low-priority notifications. When you turn off Focus Attention, users will see a summary of any notifications they missed.

To configure the feature, go to Settings > System > Focus. From this screen, you can set notification priorities and set the hours when Focus Assist turns on automatically. You can also turn Focus on or off using the notification icon on the right side of the taskbar.

Language packs in the Microsoft Store

Language packs are now delivered through the Microsoft Store. You can install the required language pack directly in the Store or by going to Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language.

Microsoft says the company is using artificial intelligence and machine learning for its translations. Availability language packs in the Store means they can now be updated more frequently.

Screen Options: Advanced Zoom Options

Information about screens and monitors is now available in Settings > System > Display > Advanced display options.

The developers are trying to improve the display of old classic applications on high-resolution screens. To do this, a new option “Fix scaling for apps” has appeared in Settings > System > Display > Advanced scaling options. When you enable the feature, Windows will try to automatically adjust apps so they don't appear blurry. Additionally, Windows 10 will automatically detect blurry apps and offer to fix their display.

Additional settings for each application will be available by right-clicking on the executable file.exe and selecting Properties > Compatibility > Change High DPI Settings.

Opting out of “Home Group”

HEIF image support

Windows 10 now supports viewing images in High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) format without using third-party software. This graphic format is used by the Camera application on iPhone mobile devices. In addition, Google is also adding support of this format in Android.

The first time you try to open a HEIF or HEIC file, the Photos app will open and begin the process of installing the necessary codecs from the Microsoft Store. After this, images will open smoothly in the Photos app, and thumbnails and metadata will be available in Windows Explorer.

Login without password in Windows 10 S mode

Microsoft will now allow you to log in without entering a password. At first, this feature will only be available in Windows 10 S. To do this, you will need to download the Microsoft Authenticator application and configure the Windows Hello service accordingly.

After this, you will no longer see the password entry form, either in the Settings application or on the login screen. If you are unable to use your smartphone, you can alternatively enter your PIN code to log in.

New Options and other changes

  • OneDrive status in the navigation pane. Information about the synchronization status of folders saved in OneDrive now appears in the left navigation bar Windows Explorer. To enable or disable this feature, select View > Options > View and find the “Always show accessibility status” option.

  • Center Icon Windows updates . When a warning or alert appears, the Windows Update service icon will appear in the system tray.
  • Windows Update will block sleep mode: If your computer is connected to the AC adapter, Windows Update will prevent your PC from going to sleep for a maximum of 2 hours if a system update is required. As a result, you are more likely to install updates when you are not using your PC.
  • Recovering passwords for local accounts. Users can ask security questions for local accounts. You will need to answer security questions on the login screen when attempting to regain access to your computer. To set security questions, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options.

  • Improved emoji input. Emoji keyboard available via Windows + . or Windows + ; , will not automatically close after selecting an emoji. You can select multiple emoji characters at once. Press the Esc key or the “X” button to close the keyboard. The touch keyboard will also suggest emoji when you type certain words, such as “unicorn.”
  • Manage startup applications. You can now configure startup applications in the Settings > Applications > Startup application. Previously, this option was hidden in the Task Manager.

  • Windows Defender Settings: The Settings > Update & Security > Windows Defender page has been renamed to “Windows Security.” It now offers quick access to various security settings, including account protection and device security. Learn more in our review of Windows Defender Security Center improvements.

  • Categories in privacy settings: In the Settings > Privacy menu, the navigation bar now has separate categories that separate Windows privacy settings from application permission settings.
  • Quick access to application settings. You can now right-click an app tile or shortcut in the Start menu and select More > App Settings to quickly open the Settings page, where you can adjust app permissions, reset, or delete an app or its data. This screen is also available in Settings > Apps > Apps & features by clicking on the app name and tapping More options. The new screen also displays the application's version number, startup tasks, and command line alias.
  • Scissors and Paint 3D. The “Scissors” application, which is used to capture screenshots, now has a new “Edit in Paint 3D” button.
  • Keyboard settings. The new keyboard settings page is available in Settings > Time & Language > Keyboard. On this screen you can switch different layouts, configure autocorrect, sounds and other advanced options. Some settings have been removed from Control Panel and are now available in the Settings app.
  • Prefer cellular data. You can now choose to prioritize cellular data over Wi-Fi by either permanent basis, or when the wireless network signal is weak. This option is available in Settings > Network & Internet > cellular, if your device has the necessary hardware components installed.
  • Narrator in Safe Mode: Windows now allows you to use Narrator's text-to-speech feature even when the system is booted in Safe Mode.
  • Consumption Wi-Fi data and Ethernet. In the Settings > Network & Internet > Data Usage app, you can now set data limits, apply background data limits, and view data usage over Wi-Fi and wired Ethernet connections, in addition to cellular connections. You can right-click the Data Usage tab on the Settings app screen and select the Pin to Start option to see your data usage in a live tile format on the Start menu.
  • Select a handwriting font. You can choose the font your handwriting will be converted into. The setting is available in Settings > Devices > Pen and Windows Ink > Change handwriting font.
  • Built-in handwriting pad. Now you can easily use handwriting in some text fields, for example in the Settings app. When you set focus to a field, the handwriting panel will expand.
  • Reset game mode settings. You can reset all game mode settings to default by going to Settings > Games > Game Mode > Reset Game Mode Settings.
  • Simplified Windows installation Hello. In Login Options Windows section Hello can now be configured to log in using your face, fingerprint or PIN code.
  • Auto-hiding scrollbars in Windows: Windows automatically hides scrollbars in new UWP apps, but you can now turn off this behavior in Settings > Special abilities> Display > Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows.
  • Enable or disable color filter hotkeys. In Settings > Accessibility > Color Filters and High Contrast You can now enable or disable hotkeys. By default they are disabled.
  • View and clear the dictionary: On the Settings > Privacy > Speech, Handwriting, and Text page, you can view the user dictionary or clear it as needed.
  • Disk cleanup in storage settings. The Disk Cleanup tool is now available in Settings > System > Device storage > Free up space now.

  • New sound settings options. Many audio settings such as input and output devices, troubleshooting, etc. are now available in Settings > System > Sound. The new App & Device Volume page allows you to set individual audio input and output devices for individual applications or for the system as a whole.
  • Language tips. You can now enable language suggestions when typing on the keyboard. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through tooltips, or use the spacebar to use the selected tooltip. This feature is disabled by default and currently only works in English.
  • Working folders on request:“Work Folders” feature, which allows companies to give employees access to separate folders, received a new option “Access files on request”. When enabled, the Work Folders feature will work like OneDrive in Windows Explorer - all files will be visible, but will only be downloaded when you try to open them.
  • Improved eye control: Microsoft added built-in eye movement control with the Fall Creators Update. There are now simplified scrolling and clicking functions and common tasks such as pausing. The function requires special peripheral device to track eye movements.
  • Multilingual text prediction: When typing on the touch keyboard, you no longer need to manually switch languages. Windows will automatically show the word in one of three commonly used languages. This feature can be changed in the Settings app > Devices > Input > Multilingual text prediction.

  • Curl and Tar commands. The Curl and Tar utilities for downloading files and extracting .tar archives, which are commonly used in Linux, are now built into Windows and are available in the paths: C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe and C:\Windows\System32\tar.exe.
  • Native UNIX sockets. Windows 10 now supports UNIX sockets natively thanks to the new afunix.sys kernel driver. This improvement will make it easier to port an application from Linux or other UNIX systems to WIndows.
  • The Registry process. In the Task Manager, you will see a new process named “Registry”. This is a minimal process designed to store registry data for the Windows kernel. Since the data was previously stored in the kernel anyway, the overall system memory usage remains unchanged. Microsoft says this will allow them to optimize the amount of memory used by the registry in the future.
  • Windows Defender Application Guard. Windows function Defender Application Guard for Microsoft protection Edge, which was introduced in the Fall Creators Update, was originally intended for Windows 10 Enterprise users. One is now available to Windows 10 Pro users, but is disabled by default.
  • New delivery optimization policies. New policies let you control the Delivery Optimization feature used for app updates in Windows Update and the Microsoft Store. For example, administrators can limit bandwidth based on the time of day. These policies are available under Administrative Templates > Windows components> Delivery optimization in the Group Policy Editor.
  • Windows Hypervisor Platform API. The new API allows third-party applications to create and manage partitions, configure memory layout, and control virtual processors.
  • User scripts during update: Companies can now configure their computers to run their own scripts during the Windows feature update installation procedure.
  • New power plan in Windows 10 Pro for Workstations: The new Ultimate Performance policy builds on the familiar policy “ High performance” and includes additional optimizations to reduce microlatency, as well as advanced power management techniques. The scheme will only be available for desktop computers and may increase power consumption.
  • Productivity apps in Windows 10 Pro for Workstations: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will now show dedicated productivity apps in the Start menu instead of custom applications and games like Candy Crush.
  • Windows AI Platform and other new APIs: Microsoft announced support for new APIs for developers, including the Windows AI platform. Developers will now be able to import existing machine learning models from various platforms and run them locally on Windows 10 computers.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) improvements

  • Native UNIX sockets: The new UNIX sockets work not only for Windows applications, but also for Linux applications in the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • Serial device support for Linux applications. Linux applications running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can now access serial devices (COM ports).
  • Background tasks for Linux applications. Linux applications running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) can now run in the background. This means that applications such as sshd, tmux and screen will now work correctly.
  • Permission improvements for Linux applications. Users can now run applications with elevated rights (administrator rights) and normal access ( standard user) in one WSL session.
  • Support for scheduled tasks for Linux applications. You can now launch a Linux application in WSL from scheduled tasks.
  • Remote connection support for Linux applications. Users can run WSL while connected using OpenSSH, VPN, PowerShell, or other remote access tool.
  • Quickly convert Linux paths to Windows. The Wslpath command allows you to quickly convert Linux to Windows paths.
  • Configuring launch options. The user can now change some launch settings for Linux distributions for the WSL subsystem. Each Linux distribution has its own file in /etc/wsl.conf. You can edit the file to change automount options and network settings.
  • Exchange environment variables: The new WSLENV environment variable is common to Windows and Linux distributions running WSL. You can format variables and they will work correctly on both Windows and Linux.
  • Case sensitivity for Windows: A new NTFS option can enable case sensitivity on a folder. After enabling the option, even Windows applications will process files in this folder with case sensitivity. This will allow you to work with two files named “example” and “Example”, and Windows applications will treat them as different files.

Sets interface for launching applications in tabs is available in Redstone 5

Microsoft has decided to delay the release of the Sets feature in Windows 10 - it is excluded from test builds of Redstone 4 and is available in preview versions of Redstone 5.

Sets introduces a new, unique tabbed experience that allows users to combine different apps and sites into a single window. For example, a user can open in one window Word document, Google search, and a note from OneNote and easily switch between each app or site. The idea is to allow users to conveniently group web content with app content.

Cloud Clipboard will be available in Redstone 5

Microsoft originally announced that the cloud clipboard would be part of Timeline. It was expected to appear in the system with the release of the Fall Creators Update. Cloud Buffer lets you sync copied text and data with other devices, improving productivity when working across multiple devices. For example, you will be able to copy a piece of text on a Windows PC using hotkey Windows + V and then paste it onto the iPhone.

This feature appeared in early versions of Redstone 4, but was then removed. It looks like Microsoft wants to spend more time developing the cloud buffer. We hope to see this feature in the next major update functions.

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