Beeline router personal account. We connect and configure the Beeline router. Zyxel devices

The mobile operator Beeline at one time acquired the business of one of the major players in the Internet provider market, so today its subscribers in the field of providing high-speed connections are millions of users. Therefore, I decided to write this step-by-step article on setting up a Beeline router, which describes connecting to the Internet using the L2TP protocol and can be used for any model, regardless of the manufacturer - Asus, D-Link DIR TP-Link Zyxel Keenetic and so on. The only differences may be in the layout of settings functions and menu headings in the device admin panel.

Find the WAN port on the router of blue color(if it has color). We insert a cable into it from the Beeline Internet provider, which was previously connected directly to the computer. Next, we find one or more yellow LAN ports there. We insert the network cable from the router box into one of them. We insert the other end into the network card on the computer.

Turn on this PC or laptop and go to the section: Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections > Change adapter settings.

There will be one or more icons for network connections; we need “Local Area Connection” from them. Call up its settings menu by right-clicking and go to “Properties”

There is such a section as “Internet Protocol version 4” - check the boxes to receive the IP and DNS server “automatically”.

Save the changes with the button.

Setting up a router on the Internet from Beeline

We return to the computer and type the IP address from the label in the address bar of the browser.

We find in the router menu the section responsible for connecting to the Beeline Internet - it can be called Internet or WAN

  • In the Type column WAN connections select “L2TP”
  • WAN IP address - automatically
  • DNS - automatic

In the “Server” section we write “”
Username and password - we indicate from the agreement with Beeline.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

Configuring a Beeline router to broadcast a wireless signal

Finally, all that remains is to configure WiFi. Open the “Wireless Network” section in the menu and set eigenvalues For:

  • — the name of your wifi network, which will be displayed in the list for connection
  • Network security method - WPA2-Personal

Access to worldwide network All cellular companies offer it, but Internet access from the Beeline provider is considered one of the most popular options. The operator provides its consumers with both mobile Internet operating according to the 4G standard and home Internet.
To obtain wireless Wi-Fi coverage, branded routers from other manufacturers are used, the settings of which vary depending on the device model. Our article today will tell you exactly how to connect a Beeline router.

Contents of the article

  • 1 Setting up a router from Beeline
  • 2 How to configure the D-Link DIR-300 router
  • 3 Asus devices
  • 4 TP-Link devices
  • 5 Zyxel devices
  • 6 Conclusion

Setting up a router from Beeline

If several computers are used in one house, then setting up Wi-Fi becomes more than relevant. Wireless Internet access is extremely convenient when working with modern smartphones, tablet PCs or laptops. Setting up Internet access through a router can be done automatically or manually, which directly depends on the model of the device used.

Basically, when signing an agreement with the Beeline provider, a company specialist comes to the new client’s home and sets up the correct connection. But if the Wi-Fi router was purchased later, or the device was replaced, the connection will need to be configured again.

Each router has its own guide for entering settings, but the individual steps are absolutely identical for all devices, for example:

  • Connecting the cable to the router itself.

  • Connecting the second cable directly to your laptop or PC.

  • Entering the correct settings (device address, type of connection used, setting a password, etc.).
  • Router connection diagram

    How to set up a D-Link DIR-300 router

    There are such famous models routers that are used by the majority of all consumers. This is exactly the model DIR-300 is. Few subscribers choose devices without Wi-Fi, because, basically, this is the only reason they buy the model.

    Setting up a D-Link DIR device is carried out in two stages:

  • Physical connection (Fig. 1).

  • Managing the created connection via the browser.
  • First, you need to make sure that the network adapter has the most latest version drivers. This mostly applies to owners of old PCs.

  • You need to unpack the device and connect the power supply to it, and then connect the cable to the port labeled WAN. The second cable connects to any LAN port on the router and, accordingly, to the computer.

  • Next, the subscriber needs to open the “Start” tab on the PC and go to the “Control Panel” section, and then enter the “Network Control Center”. Here you need to click on the “Adapter parameters” column and set the protocol version to line “4”, and then open “Properties”.

  • The user needs to make sure that the “IP” and “DNS Server” items are set to “Automatic”.

  • Then the subscriber needs to go to internal menu. To do this, you need to enter the value in the browser line and confirm the transition. A special form will appear in which you need to enter your login and security password. To get to the admin panel, you need to enter the word “Admin” in both lines. This is the factory method for gaining access.

  • In the interface that appears, you need to select the “Manual settings” item, enter the “Network” section and press the “Add” button.

  • Then set the connection type to “L2TP”, and set the IP to “Dynamic”.

  • In the fields that appear, enter the client login and security password. They are issued by Beeline when purchasing a router.

  • Then you need to check the boxes next to the items “ Automatic connection" and "Keep Alive", and then press the "Save" key.

  • Press the “Save” button again, after which the connection will be made in automatic mode.
  • That's it - the router is configured.

    Asus devices

    Another well-known router manufacturer is Asus company. The disk included with the device does not contain a utility for obtaining settings automatically, and therefore the subscriber will have to enter all the parameters manually.

    ASUS router

    You must enter the settings for the Asus router as follows:

  • The device must be connected to the network and connected directly to the PC using the included cable.

  • Then you need to open any browser and enter the value into the search bar, and then press enter.

  • To gain access, the user needs to enter a login and a security password - the word “Admin” must be entered in both fields.

  • After entering the internal interface, you need to go to the tab called “Advanced Settings” and select the “WAN” column. Then set the connection type to “L2TP” and make sure that the “IP” and “DNS Server” items are in the “Automatic” mode. In the “VPN Server” field we enter the following address – You also need to enter own login and a security password - they are issued to the subscriber when purchasing a router.

  • To activate Wi-Fi you need to go to the “Network Map” tab.

  • WITH right side A table with the configuration for a quick wireless connection will appear. The following parameters need to be entered here: “Connection name” – come up with any name; “Protection type” – WPA auto; “Encryption WPA” – enter “TKIP+AES”. In the “Password” field, you need to enter any one you come up with, if necessary. Then click on “Confirmation”. Now the router is fully configured and ready to go.
  • This completes the configuration of the router for Beeline.

    TP-Link devices

    This device model is quite popular and in demand due to the fact that it has an installation wizard that can connect to the network automatically. Basically, a disk is supplied with the router, on which the master is located. The user only needs to connect the device to the PC, insert the disk into it and launch the installation wizard. If according to unknown reasons The connection could not be established, then there is only one way out - entering parameters manually.

    Router TP-Link

    The device is configured as follows:

  • After connecting the router to the PC, the subscriber needs to go to any browser and enter the value in the line, and then press enter.

  • Next, go to the “Network” tab and open the “WAN” column.

  • Then we set the connection type to “L2TP”, enter our login and security password, which was issued by the provider when purchasing the router, and for the IP server we enter the following address -

  • We indicate “Automatic connection” and for “MTU” we set the value to 1400. Then press the “Save” button.

  • To activate Wi-Fi, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and open the “Settings” column.

  • Next we come up with a name for the network being created, set the region to Russia, and also set the “Channel” and “Mode” items to “Automatic”. Click on “Save”.

  • Next, go to the “Wireless Security” section and activate the “WPA-PSK” item. For all other items, set the value to “Automatic”. Press the “Save” button. The router is now fully configured.
  • Zyxel devices

    Some customers prefer to use devices from the manufacturer Zyxel. Let's look at how to set up a router from this company. They connect to the computer in the same way as the above devices. And here internal setting carried out in this way:

    Zyxel router

  • Go to the browser and enter the value in the line.

  • In the fields for login and security password, enter the word “Admin”.

  • Then go to the “Internet” tab and click on the “Connection” column.

  • Next, fill in the following items: the name of the Internet center - enter any; Set the “IP” and “DNS Server” items to “Automatic” mode; Opposite the “ping requests” item, check the box and set the UPnP value to “Allow”. Click on the “Apply” button.

  • Then go to the “Authorization” tab and set the connection type to “L2TP”, and for the server we register the following address – In the login and security password fields we enter the access that was given when purchasing the device. Click on the “Save” button.

  • To activate Wi-Fi, you need to go to the “Wi-Fi Network” section and select “Connection”. Then check the box next to “Connection points” and come up with a name for the new network. The field called "SSID" is not filled in. We set the standard to 802.11g/n. We switch the next two sections to the “Automatic” mode. Click on “Application”.

  • Next, go to the “Security” tab and set the value to “WPA-PSK” for authentication, and set the value to ASCII for the format. If necessary, we come up with a password for the network. At the end, click on the “Apply” button. Now our router is fully configured and ready for the first connection.
  • Conclusion

    We reviewed all the most popular models of routers for Internet access from cellular company Beeline, and also talked about how to connect them and configure them correctly.

    In fact, setting up a Beeline router should not cause any problems for users. All that is needed is just to repeat all our actions in practice and a positive result will not be long in coming.

    Many people have difficulties in the process Wi-fi installations. In fact, setting up Beeline routers and connecting to the Internet is extremely simple. To do this, you just need to know the correct procedure.

    How to set up a Beeline router

    If you want to connect to the Internet via Wi-fi from Beeline, then first you need to connect it to your PC.

    For this:

    1. Run a cable from the Internet to the device.
    2. Connect the wire to the port labeled WAN.
    3. Run the wire from Wi-fi to the computer, as well as to any of the ports called LAN.

    The received data will be processed and stored in the system within one minute.

    How to set up devices from other companies

    The procedure for connecting any routers to a computer is no different from that described above. That is, you need to connect the wire from the device to the computer on one side and in LAN port on the other, and connect the cable to WAN port.

    The setup is carried out in a similar way, but has some distinctive points in devices from different companies. Below you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for establishing a connection on devices from different manufacturers:

    Router Asus
    1. Launch any browser.
    2. Enter
    3. An authorization window will open (to log in, enter admin in both fields).
    4. Next, the device’s web interface will open.
    5. Select "Wireless Network" and "General".
    6. Fill in the parameters: SSID - network name, Hide SSID - specify NO, Channel - Auto, Operating mode - Auto, Authentication - WPA2 Pesonal, Encryption - AES, WPA key - create a password.
    7. Click Continue.

    The connection will be established within one to two minutes.

    TP-Link (green interface)
    1. Enter in the search bar.
    2. Log in to the system (enter admin).
    3. Open the “Network” section.
    4. Select "WAN".
    5. In the “Connection Type” tab, select “Dynamic IP”.
    6. Save.
    7. Next, open “Wireless”.
    8. Fill in necessary information and enable SSID broadcast.
    9. Then go to the “Protection” section demon wired connection"(Wireless Security).
    10. Enable WPA/WPA2 – Personal, set automatic encryption and create a password.
    11. Save your changes.
    1. Enter the IP address in the search bar.
    2. Log in to the system (enter your username and password).
    3. Go to the "Network" section.
    4. Next, you need to do: in the SSID item, enter the name of the network, in the authentication mode, select private, in WPA2 select AES, create a password.
    5. Save.
    6. Wait for the settings to update.

    How to set up Internet on a PC via a Beeline router

    Above are instructions for connecting the router. However, to gain access to the network on your computer, you also need to additional settings. For this:

    Processing of the received data is carried out within 1-2 minutes. Then, if you did everything correctly, you will receive a notification “The change was successful.” After this you will have access to the Internet.

    How to set up a USB modem from Beeline

    If you use a modem, then to connect to the Internet you need to follow these steps:


    As you can see, setting the necessary settings for the modem and router is quite simple. So, if you do not want to call a specialist, you can do everything necessary yourself using the instructions from this article. Also, do not forget that if problems arise, you can contact support.

    Many providers provide network access, but Beeline is considered one of the popular options. The company provides mobile 4G Internet or home connection. You can set up a connection through a proprietary modem or a router from another company to receive Wi-Fi coverage. Configuration may vary depending on device model.

    Setting up a router for Beeline

    When using several computers at home, the task of setting up Wi-Fi becomes urgent. Wireless Internet especially convenient if you have modern smartphones, tablet or laptop. Setting up Beeline through a router can be done automatically or manually, it depends on the device model. As a rule, when a contract is concluded, a master comes home to help create a connection. If the Wi-Fi installation was carried out later, or the device was replaced, then the connection will have to be configured again.

    For each device there are instructions for setting parameters for proper operation, but there are points that are the same for each case. Eg:

    • connect the wire (cable) to the router;
    • connect the device via the second wire to the computer;
    • Configure the device (enter the Beeline router address, set the connection type, set a password and connection security).

    There are several popular models of devices that are used by most customers. Few people take options without Wi-Fi, because, as a rule, the device is purchased for it. Setting up the router Beeline dir occurs in two stages: physical connection, connection management via browser. First, make sure that your network card has the latest firmware. This applies more to owners of older computer models. The configuration is then carried out as follows:

    1. Unpack the device, connect the power supply and cord to the connector labeled “WAN”. Connect the second cord to one of the additional inputs and connect it to the computer.
    2. Next, set up the connection in the Start menu. Go to “Control Panel”, here click on “Network and Sharing Center...”. Click Adapter Settings. Set the line to Internet Protocol Version 4, then click “Properties”.
    3. Make sure that items with automatic issuance of IP and DNS servers are active.
    4. Next you need to go to the internal interface. To do this, in any browser, enter “” into the site address field. A form for entering your login/password will be displayed to log into the admin panel. To go inside, you must enter the word “Admin” in both fields. These are factory access options, if they do not fit, it means they have been changed. You can reset the values ​​by holding down the Reset button on the device. You should hold it for about 10 seconds.
    5. When you log into the back-end interface, select “Configure manually.” Next, go to the “Network” tab, click “Add”.
    6. Select the connection type - L2TP, dynamic IP.
    7. Enter your Beeline-issued login and password into the appropriate fields.
    8. Check the boxes next to “Keep Alive” and “Connect automatically”. Click "Save".
    9. Click “Save” again. Next, an automatic connection will occur. To find out if the network is working properly, just go to any website from your phone.

    Setting up an Asus Beeline router

    Another popular device manufacturer is Asus. There is no program on the disk to automatically connect to the network, so you will have to do everything manually. You need to configure the Asus Beeline router as follows:

    1. Connect the device to power, network and computer.
    2. Open your browser, write in the site address bar, press enter.
    3. To access, enter the password and login “admin”.
    4. In internal interface Click on the “Advanced Settings” tab, select “Wan”. Next, enter the following data: “Connection Type” - “L2TP”, “Get the WAN IP automatically” - “Yes”, “Connect to DNS Server automatically” - “Yes”, “ VPN Server" - "". In the login/password fields, indicate the access granted by your provider.
    5. For turn on Wi-Fi go to the “Network Map” item.
    6. A table will appear on the right for quick wireless connection configuration. You need to configure it as follows: “Wireless name” - specify/create a name home network, “Security level” - “WPA-Auto-Personal”, “WPA Encryption” - “TKIP+AES”. On the “WPA-PSK key” line, write the Wi-Fi password. Click the “Apply” button.

    Setting up a TP-Link router for Beeline

    This popular model thanks to the presence of an installation wizard that is able to connect to the network independently. As a rule, a disk on which the program is located is sold along with the device. You just need to connect the router to your computer, insert the CD and launch the application. If the connection does not open, you need to do everything yourself. Setting up a TP-Link router for Beeline is carried out as follows:

    1. After connecting the device, go to the browser, type in “”, press “Enter”. Enter the login/password “admin”
    2. Open the “Network” tab and the “WAN” item.
    3. Specify the connection type “L2TP”, enter the login/password issued by your provider (Beeline), IP server – “”.
    4. Specify automatic connection (“Connect Automatically”), MTU size– 1400. Click on the “Save” button.
    5. To enable the Wi-Fi network, go to the “Wireless” section and click on “Wireless Settings”.
    6. Come up with a name for the network, specify the region “Russia”, channel and mode – “automatic”. Click the “Save” button.
    7. Next, go again to the “Wireless” section, click on “Wireless Security”.
    8. Here, activate the “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK” item, then set everything to “automatic” mode. Create a password for the connection and click “Save”.

    Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic router for Beeline

    Some users prefer Zyxel. The physical connection of the router is carried out in the same way (a wire to the WAN connector and a second one to network card computer). The intranet setup of the Beeline keenetic router is as follows:

    1. Type in your browser.
    2. Enter “admin” as your login/password.
    3. Go to the “Internet” section, click on “Connection”.
    4. Specify the following values ​​in order: think of any name for the Internet center, configure IP parameters and getting DNS set it to automatic, check the box to respond to ping requests and enable UPnP. Click on "Apply".
    5. Next you need the “Authorization” tab. Do not check the first item, the protocol should be L2TP, the server address should be, write down the login and password in the given access lines. Save your changes.
    6. To activate Wi-Fi, open the “Wi-Fi Network” section, the “Connection” section.
    7. Check the box to enable the access point. Come up with a network name, the SSID field should be left blank, the standard is 802.11g/n. The next two items should be in “auto-select” mode, then leave everything as is. Click on “Apply”.
    8. Go to the "Security" tab. Set authentication to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, security type to TKIP/AES, format to ASCII. Create and write a password for access. Click "Apply".

    Connecting and setting up a router from Beeline

    Beeline's most advanced WiFi router is SmartBox ONE, which is a multifunctional device and is used to connect home Internet and digital television services. You will have to pay only 2500 rubles for the device. If not wired internet, you can use the ZTE MF90 4G router.

    Benefits of using a router

    latest model wireless equipment from the Beeline operator is equipped with a more powerful signal transmitter, which also now operates in two bands - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, which allows you not to worry that some device will not be able to connect to the Internet. Advanced processor ensures maximum reliability Wi-Fi signal throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment or house.

    The device has the following advantages:

    The 4G router provides network access at speeds of up to 74 Mbit/s. The kit includes a SIM card that allows you to use 30 GB of Internet per month. The subscription fee is 1200 rubles. Valid at night unlimited connection to the 4G network.

    Read also how to connect a Beeline modem and what to do if the Internet does not work.

    Connecting and setting up a 4G/WiFi router

    Connecting the router is very simple - you just need to connect the power cable to the Power connector, and the Internet cable brought into the apartment needs to be plugged into the WAN port. To connect the device to the network, you also need to connect the computer to the device by plugging the cable into any of the LAN connectors. The 4G router connects to the computer via a USB connector.

    The setup is as follows:

    1. After all the lights on the device light up, you need to open any Internet browser on your computer and go to The welcome page of the interface will open.
    2. To access Quick Setup, you must enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. The standard setting assumes name admin and the same password. After this, you need to click the “Continue” button.
    3. The main menu will open. For inexperienced users it is recommended to undergo the procedure quick setup. If you know what to do, then you can go to the advanced settings menu.
    4. Quick setup consists of four points:
      • Home Internet. Here you can connect your equipment to the Beeline network. All required parameters The device’s firmware already contains the network, all that remains is to enter the already familiar username and password.
      • WiFi network– this item allows you to set parameters for accessing wireless wired network. Here you need to enter the name of the network, which will be displayed in the connection menu on the devices used, as well as the password to enter the network. The password must be at least 8 characters long.
      • Guest network– here you enter the settings for guest access to the Internet.
      • TV – here you just need to select the LAN port to which the IPTV set-top box will be connected, if available.
    5. You need to click the “Save” button and let the router connect to the network. This should take no more than a minute.

    When the router establishes a connection, the message “Internet connected” will appear in the “Status” line. This completes the setup and you can use the wireless network.

    Setting up a 4G router is done in the same way.

    Software update

    The operation of the device is ensured by its firmware, which should be updated in a timely manner to prevent problems with the functioning of the router. The firmware must be updated carefully, and if something goes wrong, you will have to restore the device to a service center.

    1. Latest version The software is downloaded from the official website.
    2. In the browser you need to open page
    3. You can enter the menu by entering your login and password ( standard setting– admin in both fields).
    4. You should go to the advanced settings menu.
    5. At the top of the page you need to select “Others”.
    6. A list of settings will appear on the left, in which you need to select “Software Update”. At this point you need to select the address on the computer where the downloaded firmware is located.
    7. Click the “Update” button and do not touch anything else so as not to disrupt the setup process.
    8. After a few minutes, the router will automatically reboot and be ready for use.

    The 4G router firmware is not updated.

    Read also how to flash Bilay Smart-2 and how to flash a modem.

    Home » Devices » Connecting and setting up a router from Beeline

    Before connecting to the Beeline router, you need to configure the network card operating system your computer.

    Let's consider this action using the example of setup on the most popular OS.

    We set the IP address. To do this, go to “Start”, then to the “Control Panel” section and select “ Network connections».

    Click right click by section this menu“Local Area Connection” - select “properties” in the drop-down menu, click on “Internet Protocols TCP/IP” and select “properties” again.

    Check the boxes where the word “Automatic” appears and save the changes.

    After completing these steps, you can begin connecting the Beeline router.

    Return to menu

    We start working with authorization. Open the browser, in address bar enter the request, the data entry page will now open. Enter - admin in both lines, this data is standard for everyone. You can change them later if you wish.

    Now you will accessible page settings, it is better to give preference to selecting the function manually. To enter the desired menu, click on the “Advanced settings” link.

    On the page that appears, select “WAN”.

    The following sections must be completed:

    • connection type - L2TP Dynamic IP;

    • user - the login that was created for you when you connected to the Beeline Internet, it will definitely be in your contract;
    • password - the password that was created for you when connecting to the Beeline Internet must also be in the agreement;
    • VPN server address - write the following:

    Then you need to click the “Change” button.

    Go to the “Advanced Settings” section again, select WI-FI - then “Basic Settings”. In the “SSID” line, enter the name of your Wi-Fi network and click “Change”.

    Note! If you want to password protect your network, returning to the previous menu, click on “Security Settings”. Opposite the “authentication” section, enter WPA-PSK2, “key” - your own password. (This is the most common security connection and will help you protect your network from hacking and unauthorized use of the Internet.)

    Return to menu

    To configure a tp-link router for Beeline, you should enter your choice of one of the addresses - or in the address bar. An authorization field will appear, the standard login/password is admin/admin. After logging in, you will be taken to the settings page.

    Select the Network section, and in it the item - WAN.

    On the page that opens, opposite the line “WAN (Connection Type), you need to select L2TP/Russia L2TP, in the “user name” and “password” fields, enter the data specified when connecting to the Beeline Internet.

    Then in Server IP Address/Name enter Be sure to check the box next to Connect automatically. Save your changes.

    After this, the Wi-Fi network will be available for you to use.

    Return to menu

    Connecting the router for the first time, you can use a cable or configure it using wireless communication Wi-Fi. The network address will be default -

    Open Beeline Smart Box.

    On this page you need to click on the “Continue” button, this will help you get to the authorization section.

    Login/password – admin/admin. After entering the data, it will open start page.

    Before installing the Beeline Smart Box router, click on the “Quick Setup” clickable button, after which a window will appear containing all the basic connection parameters.

    In the field opposite the “Login” line, you must enter the number of the agreement concluded with the provider, “Password”.

    If you have lost the data required for authorization, contact the Beeline service center - after confirming your identity, the operator will give you the necessary information.

    After completing all these steps, click “Save”, and immediately click “Reboot”.

    The router is connected, you can start setting up your Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to go to Smart Box.

    Select the section “Advanced settings”, which will allow us to go to the expert settings Smart settings Box. Click on the “Wi-Fi” section, in the menu of which we select the first item – “Basic parameters”.

    To increase network security, the “Authentication” line should be set to “WPA-PSK”.

    If you plan to use the port for programs and games, you need to forward it - open it. We return to the Beeline Smart Box interface again.

    Select the “Advanced settings” section and go to the expert settings. Next is the menu, it’s at the top, you should select a section in it such as “Others”. IN this section There is a “NAT” item, in the menu of which you need to select “Application Support”.

    In the menu that opens, select “Set user service”.

    On the page that opens, in the “Name” field, you need to enter the name of the application that you are going to use through the port. Next comes the line “Type” - choice transport protocol.

    Depending on the parameters recommended for the application, you need to select TCP or UDP, or both. After this, you need to fill in the “Start port”, “End port” - fill in the data for the range of ports of the application you selected.

    If after completing all the steps the port remains not working, it may be blocked by an antivirus. Try disabling your computer's security system for a while - if the port opens, then all the settings are correct.

    How to set up Beline Internet (beeline) on D-link, TP-link routers

    Setting up a Beeline Wi-Fi router

    Let's produce Wi-Fi setup router for working in the network of the Beeline Internet provider using the example of Netgear WNR-612 v2. The settings are identical for most router models, so you can configure your device based on this article. Below you will find a video on setting up this router model. And in the second part of the article quick guide By D-Link setup DIR300.

    First, you need to connect the Beeline Internet cable to the WAN (INTERNET) port, and the patch cord connecting the Netgear router to the computer’s network card to any of the LAN ports. Power supply into the outlet :) Next, launch the browser ( Internet explorer, google chrome, opera, mozilla) and enter the address of our Wi-Fi in the address bar Netgear router. Next, you will need to enter your username and password to enter its settings.

    The router address can be found on the back of the device:

    • Username: admin
    • Password: password

    Basic Beeline settings for any router model:

    • Connection type: PPTP, preferably L2TP if available.
    • VPN address (access point, server address):
    • - for connecting via L2TP protocol.
    • - for connecting via PPTP protocol.

    09/19/12 - I decided to edit the article in order to write what will happen in this video that makes it worth watching:

    1. Basic settings Wi-Fi connections router with the Internet: - selecting an access point for connecting Beeline, - filling in the basic parameters for connection, 2. Setting up a home Wi-Fi network in the Netgear WNR612 router: - coming up with a name and key for the wireless network, - selecting a mode Wi-Fi connections 3. Protect your Netgear router from hacking, change your login password. 4. Setting up IP-TV in Neatgear Wi-Fi router without using a router

    Part two. Setting up a D-Link DIR 300 router for Beeline.

    Connecting the router is done in exactly the same way as with Netgear setup the switching process is described in the first part of this article.

    Now you need to go into the router firmware. To do this you need to enter the following data:

    • router address -
    • login to access the interface - admin
    • password - admin

    If you get to the quick setup page from Beeline, then you only need to make a few consistent actions to configure the router.

    1. “Home Internet” - in this section you need to configure the connection to the network, all the data necessary for the connection is already in the router’s firmware, all that remains is to enter the login and password for Internet access in the appropriate fields. 2. “Wi-Fi” - here you need to configure the router’s wireless network. In the Network Name line, enter a name, for example, wifi_free, and in the Password field, you need to enter a password (come up with a password of 8 characters, for example, a phone number without the eight).

    3. "Television" - if you are a subscriber of the service " Digital television", you need to select the router port to which you connected the set-top box. If you watch TV channels on a computer, select "Yes" in the "Television on PC" menu. 4. "Access to the router" - here you need to change the password for access to the router. Next, click the “Save” button to apply the router settings.

    The router will automatically connect to the Internet after a reboot, and the “Connection established” option will appear opposite the Connection Status field. This completes the setup of DIR300 with Beeline firmware.

    Connecting a personal computer to the router's Wi-Fi network

    1. Turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop. To do this, move to the appropriate position wifi switch on the laptop case (if you have one) or press the key combination on the keyboard. On most laptops, this is the combination Fn + one of the keys in the F row (the number of the key depends on the laptop manufacturer; you can identify it by the image of the Wi-Fi icon or check it in the instructions). An example is shown in the figure.

    1. Click “Start” -> “Network Connections”. If there is no “Network Connections” item, open the “Control Panel” and go to “Network Connections”.

    1. In the window that appears, double-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon.

    1. In the list of networks, select the network you want to connect to. If the network list is empty, click Refresh Network List. Modern routers are capable of creating two networks: If your computer sees a network operating at a frequency of 5 GHz (for example, Beeline_5G_XXXXXX), we recommend choosing it. If you are connected to a 5 GHz network, but the Wi-Fi range is not sufficient for you, switch to the 2.4 GHz network (for example, Beeline_2G_XXXXXX). Select a network, click the “Connect” button (or just click on the name the desired network twice).

    1. If you are connecting to a protected Wi-Fi network, a window will appear asking for the network key (password) and confirming it. Enter your password and click “Connect”.

    1. Click "Connect Networks".

    1. In the list of networks that appears, select your router's wireless network. Modern routers are capable of creating two networks:
      • at 2.4 GHz - a widespread but noisy frequency
      • at 5 GHz - a faster frequency, but with a shorter Wi-Fi range
      If your computer sees a network operating at a frequency of 5 GHz (for example, Beeline_5G_XXXXXX), we recommend selecting it. If you are connected to a 5 GHz network, but the Wi-Fi range is not sufficient for you, switch to the 2.4 GHz network (for example, Beeline_2G_XXXXXX). Select a network, click the “Connect” button.

    1. Click the “Network key or passphrase will be entered” button.

    1. Enter the password for your Wi-Fi network, then click the “Connect” button.

    1. Click the "Close" button. You have successfully connected to your wireless network and can work with Home Internet from Beeline.

    1. Turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop. To do this, move the Wi-Fi switch on the laptop body (if available) to the appropriate position or press the key combination on the keyboard. On most laptops, this is a combination of the Fn keys + one of the keys in the F row (the number of the key depends on the laptop manufacturer. You can identify it by the image of the Wi-Fi icon or check it in the instructions). An example is shown in the figure.

    1. Click the Start button and select Control Panel.

    1. In the Network and Internet section, select View network status and tasks.

    1. Select "Change adapter settings."

    1. In the list of connections that appears, select “Wireless Connection.” It must be enabled. If the connection status is “Disabled”, right-click on it and select “Enable”. Now double-click on the wireless connection icon with the left mouse button and select your router’s wireless network from the list of networks that appears. Modern routers are capable of creating two networks:
      • at 2.4 GHz - a widespread but noisy frequency
      • at 5 GHz - a faster frequency, but with a shorter Wi-Fi range
      If your computer sees a network operating at 5 GHz (for example, Beeline_5G_XXXXXX), we recommend selecting it. If you are connected to a 5 GHz network, but the Wi-Fi range is not sufficient for you, switch to the 2.4 GHz network (for example, Beeline_2G_XXXXXX). Select a network, click the "Connect" button.

    1. Enter the password for your wireless network, click OK.

    1. You have successfully connected to your wireless network and can work with Home Internet from Beeline.
    1. Turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop. To do this, move the Wi-Fi switch on the laptop body (if available) to the appropriate position or press the key combination on the keyboard. On most laptops, this is a combination of the Fn keys + one of the keys in the F row (the number of the key depends on the laptop manufacturer. You can identify it by the image of the Wi-Fi icon or check it in the instructions). An example is shown in the figure.

    1. If you have the initial Windows screen, go to the standard desktop.

    1. Move your mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the screen and then up. Click the "Options" icon.

    1. Click on the wireless network icon.

    1. In the list of connections that appears, select your router's wireless network. Modern routers are capable of creating two networks:
      • at 2.4 GHz - a widespread but noisy frequency
      • at 5 GHz - a faster frequency, but with a shorter Wi-Fi range
      If your computer sees a network operating at 5 GHz (for example, Beeline_5G_XXXXXX), we recommend selecting it. If you are connected to a 5 GHz network, but the Wi-Fi range is not sufficient for you, switch to the 2.4 GHz network (for example, Beeline_2G_XXXXXX). Select a network. For later automatic connection Check the “Connect automatically” checkbox. Click the "Connect" button.

    1. Enter the password for your wireless network. Click "Next".

    1. You have successfully connected to your wireless network and can work with Home Internet from Beeline.

    1. Make sure the Wi-Fi interface is turned on. Wi-Fi icon menu bar should be bright and underneath it should say “Wi-Fi: On” or “Wi-Fi: search is underway networks." If the Wi-Fi interface is turned off, turn it on in the Wi-Fi menu.

    1. After Wi-Fi interface enabled, find and select from the list available connections your network. Modern routers are capable of creating two networks:
      • at 2.4 GHz - a widespread but noisy frequency
      • at 5 GHz - a faster frequency, but with a shorter Wi-Fi range
      If your computer sees a network operating at a frequency of 5 GHz (for example, Beeline_5G_XXXXXX), we recommend selecting it. If you are connected to a 5 GHz network, but the Wi-Fi range is not sufficient for you, switch to the 2.4 GHz network (for example, Beeline_2G_XXXXXX).
    2. How to activate the on-board computer on a Renault Duster

      How to find out who connected to your computer on the network

    IN Lately have become widespread network devices, supplied by one or another wired Internet network operator, that is, the provider. Of course, the equipment is not produced by the provider, for example, the router supplied by Beeline WiFi models D150L is a device manufactured by D-Link under the name DIR-300NRU. And so on. Only the firmware differs in two “different” devices, and not very much. Let's look at the setup.

    If you have a router that is on the list of recommended ones (in this case, by the Beeline operator), then you can find instructions on the Internet for setting up an Internet connection. Enabling and configuring Wi-Fi is always discussed in the “manual” attached to the device, which should also be on the official website of the company that produces the routers. We will look at how to configure the Beeline D150L router, which has a customized of this operator firmware option, and then configure the Internet connection - we will repeat on the “regular” DIR-300BRU “D-Link”.

    Modern network harvesters "Beeline"

    It makes sense to purchase devices with customized firmware. But it seems that it only exists if the user “connects” to one operator. Not everyone can set up an L2TP connection, but this is the protocol used by Setting up a Beeline router equipped with operator firmware will be trivial (of course, if you use the services of the provider). Actually, setting up a connection here comes down to specifying a login with a password (see example):

    D150L router setup interface

    In addition to the “Save” button, we see next to it: “Advanced settings”. By clicking this button, we will have access to the router settings, the same as those provided in D-Link devices. That is, in theory, a customized router can be connected to any provider in the future. But don’t rush into making a choice. New firmware released by equipment manufacturers (D-Link, for example) appear more often, which is important.

    The Beeline D150L Wi-Fi router is completely similar in its functions to the DIR-300NRU device from D-Link. Now we will look at how to connect and configure a router if it is equipped with Beeline firmware.

    Connecting and logging into the web interface

    Preliminary steps before setting up

    The router must be connected to the computer’s network card (using a patch cord). The Internet port, installed separately, is designed to connect power cord provider. Having completed cable connections– you can turn on the router.

    Router hardware connections

    It must be remembered that the Beeline Wi Fi router (or D-Link) must boot after turning on. Which takes 30-40 seconds. During this time, you can check the settings of the network card on your computer:

    Setting up a wired connection on a PC

    You need “Auto” DNS, “Auto” IP. If the network card is configured correctly, all that remains is to restart the computer. Next step– we will go to the graphical web interface. It is better to perform any setup steps from a PC that is connected to the device via a patch cord (and not via Wi-FI).

    Connecting to the web interface

    Open a browser on your computer and go to the address The firmware installed on the Beeline WiFi router is equipped with this exact address value.

    Login to the web interface

    As a login with a password, the “admin” pair is suitable here. Previously, the devices of this operator used a login with a “beeline” password, but D-Link routers use the “admin” login by default. The user should not have problems setting up a “branded” router, but at the same time, the “improved” Beeline version should not be too different from the prototype. This logic can be defined as: “the same thing, plus something else,” which will allow you to easily and quickly set up an Internet connection. Of course, if we're talking about about an individual provider, in this case, Beeline (but nothing more).

    Setting up basic functions

    Internet connection in Beeline routers

    If we consider only the Beeline Internet, setting up the D150L router is not very difficult. Having entered the web interface, the user sees the start tab, where it is enough to set the subscriber’s login and password (then click “Save”):

    In addition to specifying the data, you need to decide whether you plan to watch IPTV via a computer (or via a set-top box). If yes, then in the line “Television on PC” it ​​is better to immediately change the value “No” to something else. You can specify “port for set-top box,” but then the value “No” remains. Easy setup of IPTV is another “plus” of customized firmware.

    In any case, the Beeline router is configured for the L2TP protocol used in the network of this provider. A minute after the "Save" button is pressed, the connection should appear.

    Additionally, note that the connection appears immediately after automatic saving parameters in permanent memory router. After setting up the connection, the user is not required to reboot the device (which is true for any DIR-300NRU firmware, and is a feature of the hardware design).

    Setting up an Internet connection in routers with D-Link firmware

    Which router is better for Beeline - with customized firmware or a regular one? Going to the “Advanced settings” of the D150L, ​​we will see a graphical interface that completely replicates the set of tabs of the DIR-300NRU router:

    Router web interface

    To set up a connection, you need to go to the specified tab (“Network” -> “Connections”). All unnecessary connections, except LAN, can be deleted, and then you can start setting up an “IPoE” connection (by clicking “Add”). By default, everything is configured correctly, you just need to check the IGMP box if you are using IPTV.

    At the next step, the L2TP connection is configured; below we give an example of the configuration for Beeline:

    Setting up L2TP Beeline

    Having set the values ​​on one or another tab, click “Save” (the button is located at the bottom right). When setting up L2TP, you must specify the subscriber's password and login, and the server name.

    It is important to know that the web interface address is D-Link routers– as a rule, it has the value (for Beeline firmware it ends as “1.1” or “10.1”). And the password in such routers is “empty”.

    Changing Wi-Fi network settings

    How to configure a Beeline router so that the wireless network works, and how can you disable the password in it, or return it again? For fine tuning Wi-Fi networks, the start tab of the D150L router is not intended. Therefore, select “Advanced settings” to go to the “Network” -> “Wi-Fi” tab:

    Wireless Settings Tab

    To Wi-Fi network worked, the “Enable...” checkbox at the top of the page should be checked.

    If you need to work “with a hidden name”, you need to “Hide the access point”. Next, the network is configured like this:

    1. Need to set network name (SSID text field)
    2. Country, number of clients, channel number - leave “by default”
    3. Wireless mode – you can leave “B/G/N” (the network will be “seen” by any subscriber devices). Also, if all subscribers work using the modern 802.11 N protocol, it is recommended to set the “N Only” mode.

    After completing the settings, you must click “Change”. Then you need to save the values ​​and reboot the router. Find in top menu“System” item “Save. and Reboot".

    You can enable or disable Wi-FI encryption in the following tab: “Security Settings”. If you select “Open” in the first drop-down list, you can log into the network without a password:

    Encryption settings tab

    Nevertheless, we recommend using network security, for which “WPA/WPA2 mixed PSK” authentication and the “AES” algorithm are suitable. The key must be set in the appropriate field. After setting, you need to click “Change”, save the settings, and reboot the router. We’ve covered how to connect a Beeline router to the Internet, so good luck with your routing!

    What to do if you don’t want to buy a router from Beeline

    If you will use a connection from the Beeline provider, the easiest option is to purchase “adapted” equipment. But as we have already said, routers with Beeline firmware, except for the options that simplify setup, are no different from their “prototypes”.

    The first conclusion is that you can buy a similar router in a store that is compatible at the hardware level with the Beeline device. Then, you can even install custom firmware, which is available on the Beeline website. The latter is true for all users (and not just for owners of an “adapted” router).

    And yet, which router to choose for Beeline? The previous option is fraught with two problems: firstly, the warranty ends immediately after installing firmware that differs from the “branded” one. But if the guarantee is of little interest, there is still a question that is rarely paid attention to.

    A “suffix” is usually added to the name of a branded router, for example “DIR-300NRU”. It means the revision number. This could be A1, B2 and so on. The main thing we should note here is that the 300NRU A1 and 300NRU B2 routers are different and not compatible with each other. This is true for all models of any companies, and for any revisions. That is, the firmware from one hardware revision is not suitable for the rest. Will the user be able to figure out which revision it belongs to? best router for Beeline? If yes, you can go to any store and buy a “branded” model (not equipped with Beeline firmware).

    That is, you can safely buy a router that is compatible with customized equipment. But this is not the only option. There are many models of routers that work “without problems” with one or another operator. Information about them can be found on the forums. And, let’s say, it’s easier to choose a more “powerful” router among those that are not customized (it’s clear why: the operator should not sell too expensive devices).

    It is known that this list was significantly reduced in early 2013 (but still, there are 8 different routers). Routers recommended by Beeline can be configured to connect to a given provider in 100% of cases (however, this is true for many other models). The Beeline operator is obliged to provide free assistance in setting up the router that is on the list.

    But earlier this list was longer. The logic seems to be clear: why “load” your service center? In general, if free “support” is not needed, you can ignore the above list. And buy and configure another device, router or access point yourself.

    If you ask: which routers are suitable for Beeline, then the answer is - any that support “L2TP”.

    A common problem here is the following:

    • The equipment cannot cope with work using the L2TP protocol
    • A connection “via L2TP” can be created, but the VPN server address must be specified in “digital” form (and not as a server name)
    • It is impossible to configure IPTV (or - it is possible for a set-top box, not for a PC)

    Note that the second option is quite common. What can be considered a “minus”, and not only when connecting to Beeline. The choice is up to the user.

    Setting up the IPTV option (DIR-300NRU)

    WiFi setup Beeline D150L router for IPTV viewing– comes down to the choice of the subscriber (set-top box/computer). Let's look at how you can use this option in the D-Link router model DIR-300NRU.

    As mentioned in the chapter on setting up a connection, to enable IPTV you need to check the IGMP box. Moreover, this must be done only when establishing a connection via IPoE (but not L2TP).

    In addition, in the web interface you need to go to the “Advanced” -> “IGMP” tab, and check the “Enabled” and “version 2” checkbox here:

    IGMP Configuration

    By clicking “Change”, then saving the settings, you will be able to watch IPTV on your computer. The instructions for a customized Beeline router do not contain anything like that, and the setup looks much simpler.

    You can watch TV either through a computer or through a set-top box (which is true for the DIR-300NRU as well). But the setup in the D-Link interface for the latter case, for a set-top box, will be more complicated, and we will not consider this option here.

    The latter is in no way a “campaign” for the purchase of Beeline routers. Same as "against". Company D-Link, having released the router, provides support and updates the firmware (moreover, more often than the “competitor” in the form mobile operator). We will again leave the choice to the user.

    On the Beeline WiFi router, reviews tell us that the “simple” IPTV setup is worth it, the option really works. We will note: on networks. Although, in theory, this will happen in other networks (if multicast packets are used to transmit IPTV), but this, again, is only a theory.

    Common to all Beeline routers

    On the official website of the provider there is a program called “Setup Wizard” that is publicly available. The downside is that you need to run the program under Windows (2000 with the latest service pack, XP, and so on). The advantage is that even an inexperienced user can handle the settings:

    Setup Wizard program

    The list of Beeline routers that are fully compatible with the program contains models offered by the operator (all without exception). In addition, we need to add here the DIR300A/C1 from D-Link and TRENDnet model 432BRP D2.0 (if anyone needs this). The list will be updated over time.

    According to the set of functions, the program allows you to configure options that are displayed in the start tab GUI. In addition, here you can turn off Wi-Fi encryption. That is, the user can end up with a fully configured device with a wireless network and IPTV function. It seems that you can even configure a local network (DHCP server).

    In any case, the Internet router supplied by Beeline can be configured to connect, both from the web interface and using the program. The last option is specifically provided as “custom”.

    Using this program simplifies setting up the router. However, not so much. Device equipped Ethernet ports, you will have to connect it to the computer in any case (moreover, using network cable). LAN card The computer must be configured correctly, and the settings of the router must be “default”. If the latter is not observed, the program can detect the router “on its own” (though this is also not always the case).

    The setup looks much simpler when a Beeline mobile router is connected to the computer via USB. For USB-enabled devices such as cell phones, smartphones, and routers, the typical option is to install the program under Windows and configure the device. The program installer is stored on the built-in “hard drive”, defined by any OS as a “USB flash drive”.

    Maybe something similar will appear in “regular” routers, if we talk about customized firmware.

    Question answer

    Question: tell us more about Beeline TV, and what is better to use with it, a set-top box or a computer?

    If the subscriber does not use Beeline services as an Internet provider, you can watch TV through a set-top box. Otherwise, the same is available, plus several channels for viewing on a computer (use VLC or IPTV player).

    Question: how to configure a Beeline WiFi router if you cannot open the web interface?

    Most likely, someone has “already set up” such a router. You need to perform a reset. Why, after turning on the power and waiting 1 minute, press reset button. You need to hold reset for 10-15 seconds (but no more), then release. The router will be ready for use in 30 seconds.

    Question: is it difficult to use a router with custom firmware after switching to another provider?

    In the reviewed device models, as we verified, the modified version of the firmware “for Beeline” does not lose its functionality. Setting up a Beeline WiFi router in this case will not differ from that for a device that is a “prototype” (D150L -> Dir 300 NRU, etc.).

    The video shows how to configure “DIR-300NRU” (B5th revision) “for Beeline”: