Modem zyxel keenetic lite 3. Zyxel keenetic lite III: setting up a network with step-by-step instructions. Login to Control Panel

Setting up Internet access

Setting up the router involves specifying the MAC address from your personal account. For normal operation it is important that these addresses match.

You can:

1. Specify in the router settings the MAC address of your computer specified in your personal account;

2. Specify the MAC address of the router in your personal account.

In the first case, you have the ability to quickly switch to working without a router, without any reconfiguration. In the second case, you will be forced to change the MAC address in your personal account every time you turn off the router. Therefore, we recommend using the first setting option.

Setting up a router for DC++

For the DC++ file sharing network to work correctly, you must do the following.

1. Assign specific IP addresses to your computers (not all routers have this feature). This is necessary for port forwarding to work correctly. The fact is that to work in DC++, your computer must be able to receive incoming data from the outside. This is exactly what Port Forwarding is used for, which redirects all incoming data on a specific port to the IP address of your computer that you specified when setting up Port Forwarding. If this address changes, DC++ will not work. To keep your computers' IP addresses unchanged, we configure Static DHCP. In other words, we tell the router to always assign a specific IP address to a computer with a particular MAC address.

2. Configure incoming data to be redirected to the appropriate IP addresses of your computers.

First, reserve specific IP addresses for specific computers on your home network. Open the Home Network menu and select Networking. In the window that opens, in the “Leased IP address” section, the MAC and IP addresses of all connected computers will be listed. Check the box next to the IP addresses that you want to assign to the corresponding MAC addresses. Click the "Commit" button.

IMPORTANT: Remember your reserved IP addresses. This will come in handy when setting up Port Forwarding.

If for some reason there is no data in the “Leased IP address” table, you can enter it manually in the form below.

The MAC address can be found in the following ways.

1. If the computer received an IP address from the router, then its IP and MAC addresses will appear in the corresponding columns of the “Local network settings” list (network connection properties).

2. Click “Start” -> “Run” -> “cmd /k ipconfig /all” -> “Ok”. Find the line with your IP. Two lines above, in the “Physical Address” field, your MAC will be indicated.

3. Click Start -> Run -> getmac. This command will display a complete list of MAC addresses on your computer without indicating their corresponding IP addresses.

Configuring Port Forwarding

Let's expand the menu home network and select the item Servers.

In the window that appears:

Place a check mark next to the item Open access to home network services.

In some firmware versions this item may be called "Enable port forwarding".

Click the "Apply" button.

In the “List of open home network services” section, you must perform the following steps.

1. In the “Service” field, select “Other” or an empty line (depending on the firmware version).

2. In the “Computer IP address” field, enter the IP that you reserved earlier.

3. In the Protocol field, select TCP and UDP.

4. In the “Port Range” field, enter 4000.

5. In the “To” field, also enter 4000.

6. In the Description field, enter DC++.

Click the "Add" button.

If everything is done correctly, then just below the button Add you will see an entry about the added rule.

If DC++ is intended to be used on several computers, a similar operation must be performed. When adding rules for other computers, you must specify the IP addresses of other computers and other ports.

For example:

computer 1: IP, port 4000, rule name DC++;

computer 2: IP, port 4001, rule name DC++_2;

computer 3: IP, port 4002, rule name DC++_3;

To avoid future problems, all IP addresses should be reserved. How to do this, read above.

Setting up a connection in the DC++ client

    Go to your DC client settings: “File” -> “Settings” or just press Ctrl-O. Then select the connection settings section.

    In the first field Network interface for all connections select address

    Make sure Firewall with Manual Port Forwarding is selected and the TCP and UDP ports are set to 4000.

    Make sure that the “Update IP at startup” checkbox is checked, and in the “IP update interval in minutes” field, set it to 10.

    Make sure that your IP address is indicated in the External / WAN IP field.

    In the first line under the button Find IP addresses the address must be http://dc..php

    In the firewall, for your DC client, ports 4000 must be open for the TCP and UDP protocols. The UDP protocol is needed for search to work.

    In the settings of your favorite hub, the “IP” field should be empty.

    You can easily find out your internal VPN IP address by clicking “Find IP addresses” in the same window. After clicking to the left of this button, your VPN IP address will appear.

ATTENTION!!! By clicking "Find IP Addresses" you will only get the correct IP if you have the correct addresses for the checking scripts. The first line should contain http://dc..php ,
and in the second http://dc..php

Wi-Fi setup

“Wi-Fi Settings” in front of the picture is changed to: “Open the “Wi-Fi Network” menu and select “Connection”.

In the window that opens:

Check the box next to “Enable wireless access point.”

In the “Network name (SSID)” field, enter the name of your Wi-Fi network – for example 2KOM-WiFi.

Check the box next to “Enable Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) mode.”

Leave the remaining fields unchanged.

Click the "Apply" button.

In the window that appears, click Ok

To ensure that only you have access to your Wi-Fi network, you need to enable security. Protection is carried out by encrypting the radio signal using a code word. There are several types of encryption: WEP, WPA and WPA2. Since WEP encryption is not strong enough, we recommend using WPA2 encryption.

The code word must be from 8 to 63 characters. To configure the protection of your WiFi network:

Open the "Wi-Fi Network" menu and go to the "Security" section.

In the Authentication column, select WPA2-PSK.

In the “Protection type” column, select “TKIP-AES”.

In the “Network Key Format” column, select ASCII.

In the “Network key (ASCII)” column, enter your password. It can contain from 8 to 63 characters.

Click the "Apply" button.

After applying the settings, your router is configured and ready for full operation.” correct it to “After applying the specified parameters, your router will be configured and ready for full operation.

A little over six months ago, Beeline began to actively distribute the coverage area of ​​its fourth generation mobile communications throughout Moscow.

The data reception speed in 4G networks can reach 50-70Mb/s, which cannot but please fans of torrent downloads, watching HD movies online, etc. In this article we will describe the simple process of setting up home Internet from Beeline using a ZyXel Keenetic router.

ZyXel Keenetic is a multifunctional wireless router, called an “Internet center” for its wide capabilities. In addition to connecting to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, it supports work with all major Russian operators, 3G and 4G standards. In the latter case, the connection is made using a USB modem.

Actually, at the time of release, 3 slightly different Keenetic models were presented - standard, 4G and Lite. They differ in configuration. 4G has a slightly weaker USB port; Lite doesn’t have it at all. Be that as it may, setting up the ZyXel Keenetic, regardless of its configuration, is done the same way.

Before setting up

First, go to the Control Panel and select “Network and Sharing Center” (Windows 7.8) or “Network Connections” (Windows XP). In the left pane, click “Change adapter settings.” Right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select properties. In the “General” tab, in the list of items, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Make sure that the checkboxes next to the items “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically” are checked, otherwise, set them yourself.

Connecting and setting up ZyXel Keenetic for the Beeline network

Connecting the router is done in three steps:

Plug the router into a power outlet
Connect the router to your computer using an Ethernet cable via the LAN port
Connect the Beeline cable to the router's WAN connector

To configure the router, open any browser on your computer (for example, Opera) and enter in the address bar. If you are asked to log in, enter the username admin and password 1234.

Find the Internet tab, click and select the Authorization section. You must enter the following in the appropriate fields:

1. Internet access protocol L2TP
2. Server address
3. Username/password that you received from the operator

You do not need to change anything in the remaining fields. From now on, you will be able to use the Beeline Internet, but it would also be a good idea to create a Wi-Fi point and secure it from unwanted connections with a password. This setting is done on the same page in the browser, in the “Wi-Fi Network” tab.

Internet center Zyxel Keenetic Lite is a basic device for home use. A router with good parameters and a reasonable price has become a favorite of many users, as it contains everything necessary for a stable connection to the Internet. This model was finalized and improved by the developer, as a result of which the following versions were born - Zyxel keenetic Lite ii and Zyxel keenetic Lite iii.

Setting up the Internet on different models is no different

Let's find out how the three router models differ from each other, how to configure the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router and replace the firmware.

We will start our review of routers with the first model, Zyxel Keenetic Lite - the router has an attractive appearance, embodied in a snow-white body, a combination of matte and glossy surfaces and the proprietary relief of the material by which this brand is recognized.

In most cases, Zyxel Keenetic Lite and its older brothers are equipped with external antennas that provide a powerful signal and a large Wi-Fi coverage area for the entire apartment and even a small office.

But the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 and Zyxel keenetic Lite 3 models have a different appearance - they are made in black, and unlike the first version, they are equipped with two antennas, which increases the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi connection.

How does the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3 router differ from previous versions? In it, the antennas are moved to the side parts of the case, and at the back there is a switch for the modes of operation of the router - it is difficult to judge its practicality, it all depends on how a particular person uses it.

All three devices have indicator lights, five connectors, four of which are LAN format and one WAN type for connecting a network cable. The internal content of the models is slightly different - the first version has a smaller amount of RAM and a maximum speed of 150 Mbit/s, while versions 2 and 3 have these figures twice as high.

What can I say about speed? Both at 150 and at 300 Mbit/s, such parameters are more than enough for home use or installing a router in a small office. Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3 and other routers will cope well with connecting several devices at the same time, reviews indicate that they do not “cut” the speed, there are no interruptions or problems in the connection.

Considering the fact that users often install Internet speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s, the initial data is enough for comfortable use of these devices. Otherwise, the routers are almost identical - the first version has a slightly weaker hardware, the next two are the same, except that the Lite III has a different revision of the chip, which, by the way, is quite good in these devices.

The process of setting up a connection and changing the firmware is common to all three models; as before, it is quite simple for anyone, even the most unenlightened user, as you can see in the following review.

Setting up the Internet on Zyxel Keenetic Lite I, II, III

Configuration using a special wizard

A big and significant advantage of the Zyxel brand is that it has created a quick Internet connection setup. If you need to connect to versions 2 and 3 without understanding the parameters, it is advisable to do the following:

  • Log into the router's web interface through a browser by entering the combination in the address bar.

  • Select the Quick Setup Wizard, which will guide you step-by-step through the required settings.

  • Choose how to use the MAC address - you need to enter it if required by your provider. If it is not needed for the connection, select the appropriate line.

  • Specify the method for obtaining an IP address on the router - automatic or manually entered. If you select the last option, enter the address combination, numbers for DNS and other information specified in the contract.

  • Next, enter your login and password to access the network - if they are not needed, check the box next to “I don’t have a password to access the Internet.” If they are in the contract, they must be indicated.

  • Afterwards the connection status window with all parameters will be displayed.

Detailed equipment setup

If you want to change individual settings, reinstall the connection, or configure the connection yourself, when entering the settings on the Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2, click on “Web Configurator” instead of quick setup.

  • After logging in, you are prompted to change the access key to the settings menu - do this to protect your device from third-party interference.

  • To configure the network, select the Internet menu at the bottom and open the connection from the list that appears.
  • You will see a form for setting connection parameters - if you have a simple NAT connection with a dynamic address, select to automatically receive it in the Configuring IP parameters line. If your provider uses a static IP, you must enter it in the appropriate fields, enter the subnet mask and gateway.

  • To establish an L2TP connection on your router, follow these instructions:
    1. In the Internet section, Connection tab, select the existing connection again, in the form, mark the lines “Enable” and “Use to access the Internet”, a connector with a network cable and obtaining an IP automatically.
    2. Go to the PPPoE/VPN menu and create an authorized connection - mark the first two lines, indicate the protocol, “Connect via” Broadband connection ISP, server address, name and password, obtaining an IP address automatically.

  • Setting up the Internet for the PPPoE type is done in this way:
    1. In the form in the Description, enter Broadband connection, select the IP settings setting “Without IP address”.
    2. Make sure that the “Enable” and “Use to access the Internet” items are activated, and that the connector where the network cable is connected is marked on the diagram.
    3. Return to the Internet section and open another tab - PPPoE/VPN to create an authorized connection.
    4. Click on “Add connection” and in the form that appears, mark the first two lines, enter a description (network name, arbitrary), select the protocol type, in “Connect via” - Broadband connection ISP. You also need to write your login and password from the contract and select to automatically obtain an IP address.

Wireless connection

To configure the Wi-Fi module, you should go to the web menu of the router settings - no matter which of the three in question, select the section with the same name at the bottom of the window.

In the Access Point tab, activate the module, come up with a name for the network - if necessary, you can make it invisible, which will further secure the connection; create a password.

Software replacement

Changing the firmware to versions 1, 2 and 3 is quite simple; it is advisable to follow these instructions:

  • Download the current firmware version developed for your router model and save it on your computer.
  • Enter the router settings through a browser, select the System section, Firmware menu.
  • In the window that appears, specify the path to the firmware file, click “Update”.

Summing up the review, we can say that the routers from the Keenetic Lite line are definitely worthy devices - good hardware, high connection speed without interruptions, attractive design and powerful antennas, and most importantly - a simple and clear interface for settings and firmware changes made them one of the best internet -centers in their category. To the listed advantages it is worth adding an affordable price, fully justified by quality - this is really important when choosing network equipment. Therefore, Zyxel Keenetic Lite routers can certainly be recommended for purchase, and the choice of model depends on your requirements and taste preferences.

To start setting up Zyxel Keenetic Lite to work with Beeline, open your browser and go to In the form that opens, in the “Username” field, enter admin, and in the “Password” field - 1234 :

The start screen of the Keenetic Lite router will appear on the screen. What useful things can he show us? Firstly, the firmware version - in our case it is V1.00(AABL.0)D0. Secondly, the state of the Internet connection - if the ethernet cable is connected to the router, in the “Internet Connection” block your device will be assigned an IP address, and the traffic in the “Sent” and “Received” lines will show the connection activity. And, of course, here we will see that the Wi-Fi network automatically created by the router is already available to us for connection, although it is not encrypted.

However, the Internet connection and Wi-Fi will need to be configured for proper operation. Please note that with this firmware the router may slow down and react to opening pages and saving settings the second or third time, so be patient :-). You may be able to avoid this, but our specimen behaved very capriciously. If you encounter any difficulties during the setup process, we are always ready to help you.

Setting up a network (Internet connection) Zyxel Keenetic Lite

Let's move on to the setup. Open section Internet > subsection Authorization. To work correctly on the Beeline network, you need to specify:

Internet access protocol: L2TP
Server address:
Username: username given to you by your ISP
Password: password for connection (it is the same as the username if you have not changed it)
Authentication method: CHAP
Obtain an IP address automatically: check the box
MTU Size and MRU Size: 1400

To save the settings, click Apply.

After refreshing the page, pay attention to the line Connection Status. If the status is still in "No connection", then you need to click on the button To plug and wait a little (within 1-2 minutes) until the state changes to "Connected".

Setting up Wi-Fi (wireless network) Zyxel Keenetic Lite

Go to section Wi-Fi network and indicate in the field Network name the name of your Wi-Fi network. You can leave the default value unchanged ( ZyXEL_KEENETIC_LITE_six-digit number), however, for convenience, we recommend changing the name.

In the subsection Wi-Fi Network > Security specify the following parameters:

Authentication: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
Protection type: TKIP/AES
Network key form: ASCII
Network key (ASCII): password containing Latin letters and/or numbers, at least 8 characters

By pressing Apply save your wireless network security settings.

Setting a password for the Zyxel Keenetic Lite web interface

The last step that many people forget about is changing the default router password. This step is necessary for your own safety. You can set your router password in the section System > subsection Password. For reliability, you should specify a password of at least 8 characters, containing both letters (preferably in different case) and numbers.

Hello, this article will discuss setting up the Internet on the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II router for the Beeline provider, since many readers of our portal ask for detailed instructions for setting up the Internet for various providers. Let's get started with the setup.

Connections Login to the web interface

Connecting the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II router to a computer is described in detail in the article ““, the article also describes in detail how to log into the router’s web interface. Here I will refresh the memory of those who have already configured their router and are reconfiguring it for Beeline. Open any browser and write the default router address in the address bar or general address An authorization window will open in which you will need to enter the Username - admin, and the password - you should have set it when you first set up the router (you can also try admin or 1234). If for some reason you were unable to enter the correct password, then you will have to perform a factory reset. How to do this is described in the article linked above. Once you are in the setup interface, you can begin setting up the Internet.

Setting up Beeline Internet

First, let's go to the Internet settings section, it is located in the bottom menu in the form of a planet, click on it.

Once on the “Internet” page, select from the list “ Broadband connection", Click on it by double-clicking the left mouse button.

On the page that appears, we need to check the completion of certain parameters:

  1. Configuring ip parameters - make sure that “Automatic” is indicated;
  2. MTU size - 1400;
  3. The remaining parameters should be as in the picture;

Now select “PPPoE/VPN” in the top menu and click on the “Add connection” button.

In the page that opens, fill in the fields:

  1. Description - here we write what we want, for example, “Beeline”;
  2. Type (protocol) - select L2tp;
  3. Server address - here we write VPN - Beeline server;
  4. Username - indicate your personal account number (in the form 0895679107);
  5. Password - your password for accessing the Internet under the agreement;
  6. We leave the remaining settings unchanged;
  7. Save the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.