What keys enable wifi on a laptop. Enable WiFi on laptops of different models

Nowadays, more and more people use the Internet. Technologies do not stand still, but develop at the “speed of light.” Any Internet user with even a little knowledge of hi-tech technologies will eventually appreciate the delights of the absence of “kilometers” of wires that constantly had to be untangled.

Wi-Fi is especially loved by laptop owners, because this device itself is portable, and the wires trailing behind them limit freedom of movement. Despite the widespread use of the network, many people wonder: how to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, how to set up Wi-Fi, why doesn’t the laptop see the network? In fact, connecting a wireless Internet is not a very complex task, and this article outlines the main ways to connect a laptop to Wi-Fi.

Dear users, the Wi-Fi module is not built into all laptop models.

This must be taken into account before looking at the most common problems and reasons for lack of connection. To find out if your laptop has this feature, you can simply use search engines. To do this, you will need to find a laptop model on the Internet (go to the website of an online store that sells computer equipment: Eldorado, MVideo, Yandex Market, etc.), and in the technical specifications pay attention to the inscription “Wi-Fi”. If the description found says “no” or “absent,” then this can be solved by purchasing an external signal receiver (adapter) that looks like a flash drive.

If you see that the network icon is not active or is not displayed at all, we hope that this article will help you troubleshoot this problem. So, how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop? Let's look at the most used options.

HardwareWi-Fi connection method

Some laptops from well-known manufacturers, for example, devices from Sony Vaio, have a built-in slider that turning on The network must be moved towards “on” or “1”. This mechanical button is most often located on the left or right side of the laptop, but there are also models with the desired key located on the front.

Sometimes instead there are two buttons with the values ​​of turning on and off the connection to a wireless network. Manufacturers often highlight the Internet connection button in blue, red or orange, thereby making it easier to find.

It’s just that it lights up when Wi-Fi is working. But don’t get discouraged ahead of time, because here the indicator built into the laptop and located on the front of your device will come to the rescue. If it is highlighted in green, then Wi-Fi is connected and you can start using the Internet, and when it is red or orange, then there is a problem with the network connection.


You can also enable Wi-Fi on a laptop using a combination of active keys that activate one or another command, in our case this is a Wi-Fi connection. It should be noted that each manufacturer has its own characteristics:

  • In Asus, for example, Wi-Fi is turned on when the “Fn” and “F2” keys are used simultaneously;
  • In Acer, activation is triggered by a combination of “Fn” and “F3”.
  • HP connects Wi-Fi by holding “Fn” and “F12”;
  • Lenovo usually responds to "Fn" and "F5";
  • For Samsung, one of two connection options is possible - “Fn” and “F9” or “Fn” and “F12”;
  • In laptops from MSI, in order to connect to Wi-Fi, the combination of “Fn” and “F10” is widely used;
  • Toshiba devices respond to “Fn” and “F8”.

But this is on devices from fairly well-known companies, and as for less common brands, in this case you will have to look for the direct Wi-Fi button on your laptop yourself. Most often it is in the “Fn” - “F12” key range. In appearance, it resembles the network icon on your smartphone or has an image of an antenna providing a signal.

Software enable Wi-Fi

The keyboard or laptop does not always have a key to turn on the adapter; some Samsung and Intel models may initially have a factory program that is responsible for connecting Wi-Fi to an external device that receives the signal. For Samsung laptops, this software is called “Easy Setting”, for laptops from Intel it is called “Intel PROset”. In such cases, a wireless Internet connection is made when using this utility. To connect, launch one of the programs and select “Enable”.

Switching on via Windows OS

If the above methods are not effective, and you are still tormented by the question “how to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop,” then you should try to launch it through the settings. This is done in two ways:

  • To search for a network through “Settings”, you need to follow the order of the commands “Start” / “Control Panel” / “Internet Network” / “Network and Sharing Center”. On the left side of the window, select “Change adapter settings.” Here we hover the cursor over “Wireless network connection” and right-click on “Enable”. If it is replaced by “Disable”, then the connection has already been established.
  • You can get to the Network Control Center in another way: to do this, right-click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen (right) and go to the desired section. Then follow the sequence of actions listed in the previous method.

Launch via Device Manager

Wi-Fi in a laptop turns on less often this way than other methods, but it still needs to be considered. Network adapters are extremely rarely disabled on the system, but if this happens, you will not see the “Wireless Network Connection” icon, since it will not be active. To correct this error, you need to use the key combination “Windows” (on laptops it is indicated on one of the keyboard buttons with the abbreviation “Win” or the image of the “Windows” logo) + “R” in the active line of the “Run” window, enter “devmgmt.msc”, Device Manager will open.

Select it, right-click and go to the “Properties” section, where you can see the device status and adapter name.

If for some reason the selected device does not start, then the reason is most likely an incorrect driver for the adapter or its absence. To fix this, download the network adapter software (driver) for your laptop model from the manufacturer’s official page. Use a search engine: go to the manufacturer’s website, find the “Support” section, in this section enter the name of the device, find “Wireless Lan driver”. Most often, in the absence of a driver, there is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in front of Wi-Fi or Wireless services, but as in any case, there are exceptions.

You can also get to the task manager through “Start”; to do this, in the context menu that opens, select “Computer”, click “Manage”, then go to Device Manager on the left side of the window.


Now you are familiar with almost all the ways to troubleshoot problems turning on the Internet on a laptop. We believe that this article has come to the rescue in resolving most issues related to connecting a network on a portable device. If none of the above options suits you, then we recommend contacting your provider’s technical support and troubleshooting the problem over the phone.

Typically, the WiFi wireless module is activated by default, or can be turned on in one or two touches. But often laptop owners are faced with a lack of WiFi power controls, or a known key combination does not work. Therefore, the material we prepared contains detailed instructions for solving the problem of turning on the WiFi adapter.

Ways to enable WiFi module on a laptop

If the wireless network adapter is not enabled by default, there are two ways to enable it:

  1. At the touch of a button.
  2. Key combination.

Turning on “at the touch of a button” is the simplest and most accessible way to activate WiFi. Just press a button or move the switch to the side.

A key combination involves briefly pressing two buttons on the keyboard. This method is usually found in netbooks or ultrabooks that do not have separate power controls.

Instructions on how to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop

Install drivers for the WiFi adapter. Use the disk included in the package. If there is no disk, download drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

Activate WiFi using a button or a combination of buttons on the keyboard. Please note that the combination is different for each manufacturer: ASUS - FN and F2, Acer - FN and F3, Hewlett-Packard - FN and F12, Lenovo - FN and F5, Samsung - FN and F9 or F12. Look for the antenna icon.

Make sure your wireless network is active.

On the taskbar, in the lower right area of ​​the screen, click on the antenna-shaped icon. In the window that appears, select a WiFi network, enter the password and click the “connect” button. Check the “connect automatically” checkbox so that you do not have to re-enter the password when connecting to a wireless access point.

If WiFi doesn't work

Check the functionality of the WiFi wireless module. To do this, open Device Manager. In the list of connected equipment, expand “Network adapters”, which contains the WiFi module.

The presence of an icon in the form of a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark indicates that there are problems. Drivers are not installed or do not work correctly. In this case, update the drivers or perform a clean installation, removing the current version.

If the driver is installed correctly, but the module still does not work, in the properties of the network adapter, open the “Power Management” tab. Uncheck the box that allows you to turn off the module in power saving mode.

Often, users who have purchased a laptop or netbook encounter difficulties when turning on and setting up wifi. The procedure itself is quite simple, but in some cases there are various snags and unforeseen difficulties, and sometimes you need to configure the router before you start connecting Wi-Fi to the laptop. In this article we will look at both the standard connection and options for solving such problems.

How to enable WiFi on a laptop

Usually, to turn on wifi, it is enough to perform 2-3 simple operations. Which ones exactly depend on the model and manufacturer of the laptop. Here are the options for enabling a wifi network on beeches from the most popular manufacturers:

  • On an ASUS laptop, you need to press the combination of the FN and F2 buttons.
  • On Acer and Packard bell, hold down the FN button and press F3 at the same time.
  • On HP laptops, wi-fi is activated by touch button with a symbolic image of an antenna, and on some models by the FN and F12 key combination. There are also models that have a regular button with an antenna design for this purpose.
  • To turn on wi-fi on Lenovo, hold FN and press F5. There are models that have a special connection switch for wireless networks.
  • On Samsung laptops, to turn on wi-fi, you need to hold down the FN button and press either F9 or F12, depending on the model.

To connect Wi-Fi, laptops of different models and different manufacturers can use their own original key combination. A detailed description for a specific model can be found in the article on how to enable WiFi on a laptop by hardware, or look in the user manual that came with the laptop. The FN button is found on almost all models of modern laptops. With its help, you can connect various functions and connect the beech with other devices. If the laptop does not have an FN button, then a special button or switch is used to turn on the wireless network. As a rule, it is indicated by one of these drawings.

If you don’t find it on the keyboard, examine the ends of the laptop; perhaps the switch is on the side. Also, take a close look at the bottom of your laptop. There are models in which the switch is located on the bottom cover. Moreover, manufacturers make this button barely noticeable. It practically merges with the body and may not be visible at first glance. It may be signed Wireles or Wlan. Have you turned on wifi using the required button or combination, but it doesn’t work? You should set up Wi-Fi on your laptop.

Example of a hidden WiFi switch


Attention: It is worth saying that such switches can be located in the most unexpected places, even on the back cover of the laptop. So if your WiFi does not work, carefully inspect your laptop for a switch.

How to set up WiFi on Windows 10

And so let's figure out how to set up WiFi in the Windows 10 operating system. By following simple steps you can do this with ease, you just need to exactly repeat the instructions presented below. If they don't help, you can always ask for advice in the comments.

Connecting to WiFi on a laptop

Let's immediately look at how we can connect to a wifi network if everything is in order with the laptop settings. Let's do simple steps, the first thing we need to do is in the lower right corner of the screen on taskbar find the icon in the form of network divisions (Wi-Fi antennas). Don't forget that this icon can be hidden behind the up arrow. Click on it and fields with WiFi networks available for connection will appear. And click on the connect button.

After which, if the network is protected, you will need to enter a password.

If the password is entered correctly, a window will appear asking you whether you want your computer to be visible on the network. I won’t go into details, but if you are connecting to your home Wi-Fi network, then click on the button YES.

After these simple steps, you will successfully connect to the WiFi network.

Let's check if your WiFi adapter is turned on on your laptop

Now let's look at one of the most common connection problems. So you moved your glance to the lower right corner to find an icon in the form of network divisions (Wi-Fi antennas). But it wasn’t there; instead, there was an icon in the form of a monitor with a red cross on it. This means that your Wi-Fi adapter is disabled and you need to reconnect it. To do this, right-click on the icon in the form of a monitor, and select the item in the pop-up menu Network and Sharing Center. In the window that opens, click on the item in the left menu Changing adapter settings.

After which a window will open Network connections. In it if you enter the icon Wireless network, and under this inscription it is written Disabled. Then you just need to turn it on; to do this, right-click on it and select Turn on. And make a connection.

If, when opening the window Network connections, nothing type icons Wireless network not found, this may mean that your Wi-Fi adapter is disabled by hardware. You need to look for the WiFi power button on the laptop body, as I described above.

Let's check whether the WiFi driver is enabled and whether it works properly

Now let's consider the option that we checked our laptop and are 100% sure that the laptop's WiFi adapter is connected to the hardware. And the icons Wireless network no, or everything is there, but where available wifi networks should appear there is nothing, or you see that something strange is happening with the Wi-Fi adapter. Most likely there is a problem with the laptop's wifi adapter drivers. You will need to go to Device Manager and check what is happening with your wifi drivers.

Click anywhere (empty) on the lower taskbar with the right mouse button, and select Settings from the drop-down menu.

On the page that opens, at the very bottom, select device Manager.

Now in the window that opens, expand the tab Network adapters, The driver for the WiFi adapter should be displayed there; usually its name contains the inscription “Wireless”.

So what could be wrong with your wifi adapter drivers? First of all, pay attention to the icon next to the name of your adapter, if there are any extraneous icons on it such as “Exclamation mark” or “Circle with a dot”. This means that the driver is installed but does not work correctly; to fix the problem you need to update or reinstall the driver. Also if in tabs Network adapters, there is no driver in which the words “Wireless” are present, this means that the driver for your adapter is not installed. If so, then in the general list device Manager there will be an inscription “ Unknown device". It will look something like this:

The solution to this problem will also be to install new drivers. If there is no inscription “ Unknown device" and there is no driver in which the words " Wireless". This may mean that your wifi adapter is disabled, faulty, or simply missing.

How to set up WiFi on a Windows 7 laptop

Before setting up, you need to check the availability and connection of drivers. Checking drivers Checking the driver is to find out whether they are on your device at all and whether it is currently in use. So, in Control panels select an item device Manager, which can be hidden inside the item Equipment and sound.

A window opens in which we find Network adapters. There must be two items: Ethernet and Wi-Fi. One of them should have the word “Wireless” in its name. This is your adapter.

If there is no entry for the wi-fi adapter, or there is an icon with an exclamation mark on a yellow background next to it, this means that you have a problem with the drivers. If there is no entry, it means that the drivers are not installed and you will have to install them from the disk that came with the laptop. Or find it on the manufacturer's website. Without them, wi-fi will not work. If there is an entry, but there is a yellow exclamation mark next to it, right-click on this item. In the window that appears, select “Engage”. The reason for connection difficulties may lie in the fact that the adapter is set to a power saving mode. To disable it, right-click on it, then Properties - Power Management, now you need to uncheck the box “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save energy.”

Now everything is fine with the driver. Enabling the adapterwifi . To do this through Control Panel→ Network and Internet go to Network connections. Here we find Wireless network connection. This is the wi-fi adapter. Right-click to open the dialog box and select “Enable”. Connect to an access point. All that remains is to connect the laptop to the access point. Make sure the access point is active. Find the wi-fi icon in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar. When clicked, a network management window will open, select the desired network, click “Connection”.

If the network is protected by a password, the system will ask you to enter it (if you have forgotten the password for your network, you can find it out). Only after entering the required password will you be able to use the Internet. If the network is open, the connection will occur automatically. That's all. Enabling and setting up Wifi on a laptop completed. If you have set up Wi-Fi once, you won’t need to do this anymore, since they will automatically be saved in the laptop’s memory. You will only need to turn it on with the appropriate button or key combination. Remember that connecting wirelessly takes a lot of power from your device, so the battery will be used quite intensively. Pleasant and simple connections without incident!



The wi-fi function is the most important element of laptops that is very popular today. A laptop without wifi is like a gas industry without gas.

Usually, when you buy a new laptop, the wifi function is turned off by default or you have to manually configure the wifi settings.

Configuration is carried out differently on different operating systems. There are also external settings that differ by laptop model (turned on using keys).

In this article I will tell you how to enable wifi on different laptops and how to make internal settings.

First of all, you need to configure the router and check whether wifi is turned on on the router itself. There are two ways to enable or disable wifi on your router:

1. On the back of the router there is a wifi button to turn it on and off.

2. Wi-Fi is turned on and off in the internal settings of the router.

We carry out an external inspection of the laptop, if you see an icon in the form of an antenna that lights up, it means that wi-fi is turned on, if it doesn’t light up, it’s turned off.

If you see an “X” on the wi-fi sign at the bottom of the panel, it means that the network is disabled.

Almost all laptop models have a mechanical wifi network switch or built-in software that turns wifi on and off. Laptop with mechanical wi-fi switches.

How to enable wifi on different laptop models

HP laptop:

HP Connection Manager software.

To open the program, go to “Start” - “all programs” - “HP Connection Manager”. Open this program in front of the device and press the power button. Let's look at the picture

Asus laptop:

For Asus laptops, Wi-Fi is turned on using a mechanical switch (on or off button).

In this case, managing wi-fi becomes convenient, but if the switch fails, there will be some problems.

Wi-Fi can also be controlled using the Fn+ F12 key combination on the keyboard, hold down the Fn key and press F12

Acer laptop:

But some Acer laptop models do not have a button on the case to turn Wi-Fi on and off. Therefore, the Fn+ F12 keyboard is used to control the wi-fi connection. You need to press Fn and without releasing press F12.

Lenovo laptop:

To enable Wi-Fi on Lenovo laptops, use the Fn+ F5 keys. Press the Fn key and without releasing it press F5. After performing these steps, the wi-fi indicator on the laptop should light up

Samsung laptop:

To connect a laptop to a wireless wi-fi network, you need to press the Fn+F9 combination on the keyboard. Hold Fn without releasing and press F9. As in all cases, if the connection to the network is successful, the indicator on the laptop will light up.

Toshiba laptop:

To activate wi-fi on Toshiba laptops, use the Fn+F8 key combination. Again, hold down the Fn key and press F8.

Internal wifi setup on a laptop

These settings depend on the operating system, which is configured differently. Basically, all settings are related to wi-fi in sleep mode, i.e. In some cases they must be enabled manually. Let's look at the settings on each Windows operating system. Before starting the settings, check the following parameter.

On the bottom panel on the desktop we look for the battery charging sign. Right-click on this sign and select “windows mobility center.”

In the window that opens, look for the wireless network section and make sure it is turned on.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows 7 operating system

Open “Start”, go to “Control Panel”, select “Network and Internet”. In the window that opens, go to “Network and Sharing Center”. Next, on the left side of the window, go to the “change adapter settings” section.

After that, the wireless networks window will open. Right-click on “wireless network connection” and select “enable”

If the network is on, leave everything as it is. If the data section is enabled, the window that opens will contain available wifi points.

Select the desired network and click connect. If you specified a password when setting up wifi on the router, then when you connect to the laptop network, it will ask you for that password, enter the password and press OK.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows vista operating system

In order to set up wifi on Windows Vista, you need to follow the same steps as on Windows 7.

Go to “start” and open “control panel”. On the left side, click “switch to classic view.”

Now you need to select “Network and Sharing Center”. On the left side of the window, click “manage network connections.”

Now go to “manage network and connections”, right-click on “wireless network connections” and click “connect”.

After completing these steps, a list of wifi connections will open. Select the required connection, click connect, if necessary, enter the password, click OK.

How to enable wifi on a laptop with windows xp operating system

In order for the laptop to be able to connect to a wifi network on the Windows XP operating system, you must complete the following steps.

Click “start”, open “control panel”, go to “network connections”. Right-click on the “wireless network connection” section.

Right-click on “connection” and select “view available wireless networks.” A window will open in this window, click on “change order of network preference”.

Next, click on “network and access point” and click on the “automatic connection to the network” checkbox. Now go to the “view available wireless networks” section, select the network you need and click “connect”. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the taskbar in the lower corner indicating a completely successful connection to wifi.

If, when applying the above settings, it was not possible to turn on wifi on the laptop, then you need to check the following parameters.

Installing the wifi adapter driver on a laptop

In order to check whether the wifi adapter driver is working, you need to go to “Start” “Control Panel” “System and Security” and click “System”. Next, go to the left side of the window “Device Manager”

In the window that opens, go to the network adapters section. If there is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark as in the picture

This means that the driver is not working. To fix this situation, right-click on the non-working driver and select “update driver.”

In the window that opens, select “automatic update”, if you have Internet access. Or go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer, in the drivers section, download the required driver.

In practice, there are cases when the wi-fi adapter is disabled. In this case, right-click on the adapter and click “enable”.

There are also cases when the adapter is located under the energy saving filter. To check whether the adapter is under this filter, go to the “control panel” “security system” “system” “device manager” then right-click on the driver itself, click “properties” in the window that opens and go to “power management”

In this window, uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save energy.”

This solves the question of how to enable wifi on a laptop. I hope the information was useful to you. If you have any questions, write comments.

Let's figure out how to turn on wifi on a laptop

Hello, friends. In this article we will look at the question of how to enable wifi on a laptop. It’s a fairly common situation when everything seems to be working for friends and acquaintances, but not for you.

We highly recommend paying attention to the article about cleaning laptops in Minsk. It is the timely cleaning of beech from dust that determines how long it will work without breakdowns.


To begin with, it’s worth saying that to enable wifi you need to install a driver for it. Perhaps you have it installed (it may be pre-existing in the operating system), or perhaps not. If it is missing, then in most cases you will not be able to turn on wifi on your laptop.

Checking if the driver is missing

In order to make sure that the driver is installed, let’s follow this path in Windows 7: right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select properties there. The following window appears:

In it on the left we find the line “Device Manager”. It contains information about the main devices of the laptop or computer, including whether drivers are installed or not. We are interested in network adapters. There should be a network card and a Wi-Fi adapter, part of which is usually written as wireless.

There should be no exclamation marks in this network devices tab; they mean that the driver is not installed. If you have checked and no deviations have been found yet, then double-click on Wireless, that is, the wi-fi adapter.

There you can see whether the device is enabled or not. If it is written and enabled, then everything is fine, we have sorted out the technical part. Then all that remains is to turn it on on the beech itself.

Keyboard shortcuts to turn on wi-fi

  • And so, Asus, in order to turn on wifi on a laptop, you need to hold down the fn and F2 keys.
  • On MSI models this is done using the fn+F10 buttons.
  • On copies from Acer and Packard Bell, you need to hold down the fn+F3 keys.
  • On HP models, we use the touch button with the image of an antenna, and the combination of the fn+F12 buttons is also possible.
  • On Lenovo beeches it is connected by pressing the fn+F5 keys. There may also be a situation, as in the IdeaPad z570 model, where you need to switch a special switch on the right side.
  • On Samsung beeches you should press fn+F9 or fn+F12.

Also, in rare cases, the fn button may be missing, which means that wifi is turned on on the laptop with one button. She needs to be found. It usually looks something like this, although some manufacturers may place it in other places on the case:

If you don’t find anything similar to these icons, then you should examine the entire beech body and perhaps find a switch labeled Wireless or Wlan. Plus, if you successfully find it, after pressing it, if you look closely, the indicator light should light up, such as, for example, which shows the charging of the beech.

But it is not a fact that such an indicator will exist. After you turn on the adapter, the icon should change in the taskbar at the bottom right near the clock, where the network connections are located.

All you have to do is select it, and a list of available wifi networks will open in front of you. Select the one you need and connect to it. If you have problems with this, then we recommend that you refer to the article on how to connect wi-fi on a laptop.

That's it, we've sorted out the situation with you on how to turn on wifi on a laptop. You may not be able to do this, due to the fact that the beeches are different and there is no universal method. But you will be well informed about how the process is going, this will in any case bring you closer to your goal. Finally, if it’s not difficult, please leave a comment on the article, thank you.