How to unsubscribe from the supervised child service. Child care service mts. What does connecting to this option give?

The development of cellular communication services has led to the emergence of services related to geopositioning of subscribers. One of these services was MTS Search package. We can say that this is a whole range of services designed for a wide variety of subscribers. The coordinates are determined here by calculating the location of subscribers at base stations. In dense urban areas, the positioning accuracy may be higher than outside the city - this is due to the large number of base stations. But errors are also possible.

However, given the number of base stations, the MTS operator allows you to fairly accurately determine the location of another subscriber. In this case, it does not matter at all what phone this subscriber uses. Today included in the package "MTS Search" includes four services:

  • Locator;
  • The child is under supervision;
  • My city;
  • Mobile employees.

The latest service is aimed at entrepreneurs and various enterprises. There are similar services from other cellular operators. So, for example, Megafon’s subscriber tracking service is called “Megafon-Navigator”, and Beeline’s is called “Beeline-Coordinates” - you can also find out about them from our resource.

MTS locator service

How to determine the location of your friends? For this you need connect to the MTS Locator service. It allows you to obtain information about the location of another subscriber from any mobile phone. Geopositioning is determined using cellular base stations. This service allows determine the location of MTS, MegaFon and Beeline subscribers– for this, each subscriber must give consent.

How to connect MTS locator

To connect to the MTS Locator service you need send SMS with the subscriber's name and number to number 6677. As soon as the other subscriber agrees, an SMS with his location will be sent to the phone. From this moment on, the service is considered connected, and the other subscriber will be added to the friends list. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month, and it already includes 100 requests. If you are unable to send SMS from your phone, check that the settings of your MTS SMS center are correct. The command syntax for connecting the service and adding a friend is: “IRA 9161234567” (the command is sent without quotes). You can determine the location of your friends using several tools:

  • By using SMS commands: GDE NAME or WHERE NAME;
  • By using MTS Search website;
  • By using applications for mobile operating systems iOS and Android OS.

The last two options are the most convenient.

How to disable MTS locator

Shutdown"Locator" service is performed using SMS commands with the text OFF, sent to number 6677. Simultaneously with disabling the service, the list of friends is deleted. If you want to save your list of friends, you can suspend the service by sending an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to 6677.

Child care service MTS

The “Child under supervision” service works in exactly the same way as the “Locator” service. However, there are still differences between them. In particular, the “Child under supervision” service implies the creation of a “family” to which parents, children and relatives are connected. To connect this service is necessary send SMS with text MOM or DAD to short number 7788. The response SMS will contain a code assigned to the family. Using this code, you can add up to nine relatives and an unlimited number of children to one family. For example, by sending the command PAPA LEONID CODE, you can add a father named Leonid to the family. Registration of children produced by the team CHILD NAME CODE. For locating children The following commands are provided:

  • WHERE ARE CHILDREN– to obtain the coordinates of all registered children;
  • WHERE IS THE NAME– to obtain the coordinates of a specific child.

All commands for the “Child under supervision” service are sent to number 7788. Shutdown services are produced SMS command DELETE, suspense– using the command STOP(with the preservation of the whole family). You can also determine the location of children using a mobile application or on the MTS Search website. Also, as part of this service, it is possible to organize control over the movement of registered children.

Using the "Children's Smartphone" application, you can not only control the child’s location, but also control his phone - the amount of funds in the accounts, the presence of charge in the battery, application control.

MTS My City service

The "My City" service is information and reference. You can use it on any phone connected to the MTS network. She allows find interesting and necessary objects in the city location of the subscriber by sending SMS with the text WHERE to number 6677. In the menu that opens, you can select the appropriate category and get information about all objects located nearby.

Information about the cost of requests and a more detailed list of SMS commands can be obtained on the MTS Search website.

Mobile employees

The Mobile Employees service is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs and large companies. It can be connected to any of the MTS corporate tariffs. She allows track employee location, monitor movements and visits, monitor certain areas, generate employee reports on the completion of a particular task. If fulfilled vehicle tracking, then here you can get information about route tracking, perform fuel control, and monitor the driver’s accuracy on the route.

The functionality of the service is so huge that a description would take quite a lot of time. In this regard, to obtain detailed information about the service you need to go to MTS Search website. Here you can see the presentation of the service, connect the company and calculate the estimated cost of the service.

The website of the MTS Search service package is located at

The service called Child under the supervision of MTS is a unique development of the Mobile Telesystems company, which can be used by every network subscriber.

It implies the ability to control the child’s location with maximum geographic accuracy and receive information on the screen of a computer or mobile phone.

Service Child under MTS supervision

Almost every responsible parent asks the question, “Where is the child?” and wants to receive a detailed answer.

With the supervised child option from MTS, this has become a reality; now location data is available around the clock and is displayed in real time on the parent’s mobile device or the official website of the Mobile Telesystems company.

Helpful information: You can get information about your child’s whereabouts using a USSD command executed from a regular push-button phone without Internet access.

Main advantages of the function:

  • Displaying the location on the map with details.
  • Obtaining up-to-date information about the status of your personal account balance.
  • When installing the “Children's Smartphone” mobile application, you can obtain information on the current state of battery charge.
  • A list of applications installed on a child’s phone to ensure protection from adult and inappropriate content.
  • High tracking accuracy - from 300 to 500 meters in the central part of the city and 1000-1500 m outside it (with a small error).

Basic features for simple phones:

  • View your balance on your phone.
  • Analysis of location by LBS data receiving and transmitting stations.
  • Route tracking while moving.

Helpful information: A children's smartphone (mobile application) can be installed on phones with the Apple iOS or Google Android operating system installed and receive expanded service functionality for monitoring all installed programs, battery charge level and other statistical information of a technical nature.

How to locate a child:

  • In the new SMS, type “WHERE THE CHILDREN” and send it to 7788.
  • Receive the address in a few minutes in a reply message.

Cost and conditions

The service is provided for a monthly subscription fee set at 100 rubles. Upon first connection, a free trial period is provided for a period of 14 days from the date of activation.

Features of use:

  • The fourth and each subsequent number in the group is paid additionally in the amount of 5 rubles.
  • In total, you can make no more than one request within three minutes.
  • There is no tariff for sending SMS (free in your home region).
  • Internet traffic spent on determining the location is paid according to the current terms of the tariff plan.
  • Since 2012, it has been working together with the “Notification of Movements” service.

How to use

There are several options for working and interacting with the service. Carefully read the instructions for each of them and start using the most convenient method. It is worth noting that everyone supports this service.

Personal account and official website

  • Go to the website located at this address on the Internet: or enter it in the address bar of your browser and click on the “Go” button.
  • In the right corner there will be a “Login to the service” button, click on it and in the window that opens, enter your phone number and password. If necessary, you can restore access or receive a new code via SMS.
  • Register your child.

There is a mobile version of the site, available at: (designed to save traffic and provide better speed with a weak Internet connection).

Mobile application foriOS and Android

  • Go to the official extension directory according to the operating system version and find “Where are the children” there.
  • Install the program on the parent smartphone (supported by iOS at least v. 6.0 and Android from 2.3) and follow the instructions after launching the application.
  • To receive a password, you need to send the word “LOGIN” to 7788 or simply click on the “Get password” button.
  • Receive a group code - send an SMS with the text “CODE” to the same number.

Information about battery charge and other functions will be available immediately after connecting to the service in a convenient form. The application interface is clear and does not require additional time to master.

SMS commands

The method of adding a parent and child to a group was previously described, now additional commands will be considered:

  • Removing a child’s number from a group – DELETE NAME. Example: “DELETE STANISLAV”.
  • Find out the address - WHERE IS THE NAME. Example: “WHERE IS VLADMIR” or “WHERE THE CHILDREN”.
  • Disable location control from the parent's phone - OFF NAME. Example: “OFF GEORGE.”
  • Enable control – ON NAME. Example: “ON DMITRY”.
  • To completely disable the service, type and send the word “DELETE”.


The “Where is my MTS Child” service can be activated using proven instructions for the company’s subscribers. Note that you need to add the parent first and then the child.

Instructions for registering a parent:

  • Send an SMS with the text MOM or DAD + Name to the short number 7788. The sample looks like this: “DAD DENIS”.
  • A few minutes after sending, you will receive an SMS message containing a security code, which will be needed in the future to add a new parent to the group.

The second parent is added by sending an SMS with the text format: “MOM NAME CODE” to the same number (7788). An example looks like this: MOTHER ALENA m8ts7.

Important: within the basic conditions of the service, you can add no more than 9 subscribers to one group, including the child’s phone.

Instructions for registering a child:

  • Type in the SMS message the text of the format: “CHILD NAME NUMBER” and send to 7788. The sample looks like this: “CHILD MAXIM 79781112233.”
  • Subscriber numbers of MTS, Beeline and Megafon are subject to registration.
  • In a few minutes you will receive an SMS with confirmation, which the parent will need to gain control of the child’s number.

Helpful information: within one calendar month, you can apply no more than 100 requests about the location of a child with a SIM card installed in a phone from Megafon or Beeline.

Disabling or suspending a service

There are several proven and working methods that can be used to completely deactivate or suspend the option. To find out how to disable the supervised child service from MTS, use the following instructions:

  • Pause. If you just need to stop the monthly debiting of funds for the service, you can suspend it by sending an SMS message to the short toll-free number 7788 with the word STOP. With this action, all registered users are saved in the MTS database. Further resumption of work will occur automatically, after a new request about the current location of the child.
  • Shutdown. A parent can completely disable the service by deleting all connected subscribers by sending an SMS message with the word DELETE to 7788.

Helpful information: Please note that the operator has provided special USSD commands to disable individual numbers from using the service.

How to login

This service is available 24 hours a day at: Just open the site in a new browser tab on your personal computer, laptop or tablet.

After that, log into your account using a combination of login and password (the project is unified and access is identical for mobile communications).

Today, parents do not have the opportunity to fully control the actions of their children. On the one hand, this allows the child to feel more free and independent. At the same time, lack of control can lead to disastrous consequences. To prevent this from happening, MTS has developed a special service for its clients that allows adults to know the location of their household members. A child under the supervision of MTS is a modern way of control that will not be a burden for your child, and will keep you calm throughout the day.

You can take advantage of this service by completing the registration procedure. It consists of three stages:

  1. Parent registration. Send an SMS to number 7788 with the text MOM or DAD + YOUR NAME, for example: MOM KATYA. In response, you will receive a message with a code that will be assigned to your entire family. It must be used when registering a second family member so that the program recognizes you as one family.
  2. Register the monitored gadget. The parent who activates the option sends an SMS from his phone to the same number with the text CHILD + NAME + PHONE NUMBER. In this case, the number can be used by MTS, Megafon and Beeline operators. For example: CHILD MASHA 79167654321. Since children from birth have certain rights, including freedom, parents must obtain the consent of their child to receive information about his whereabouts. To do this, an SMS is sent to your phone asking for permission. Please note that for subscribers served by Megafon and Beeline operators, the number of location requests is limited - only 100/month.
  3. Registration of other family members. Send an SMS to the same number with the text PAPA (or another program participant you have chosen) + NAME + CODE. For example: PAPA IGOR f87g3. In this case, the maximum number of participants is 9.

Now you know how to activate this service and can do it in a matter of minutes.

How to use

To constantly be aware of where your child is, the company suggests using 4 types of means:

  • SMS commands;
  • Web site;
  • mobile version;
  • applications for IOS and Android.

In the first case, the connected parent sends an SMS to number 7788 with the text WHERE THE CHILDREN are and receives detailed information about the location of the children. If you want to know the location of only one person, then send the text WHERE+NAME to the same number. For example: WHERE IS MASHA

Using tracking on the site, you can not only find out where your children are currently, but also view the entire history of their movement based on previously completed requests. Before doing this, you need to register the subscriber you are tracking. To do this, on the website, click on “Add a child” and perform all the specified actions. Please note that during the registration process you will need to send an SMS from the phone that you want to track in the future.

To use the mobile version, you go from your phone to the website and find the “Child under supervision” section.

This option can also be used through the “Where are the Children” application. The advantage of such a mobile application is that you can not only find out information about where your children are, but you will see general information about their phone:

  • battery charge;
  • installed applications and time of their use;
  • number of SMS sent and calls made.

But this is not all the functionality; you can also control and manage applications of the monitored gadget directly from your tablet or smartphone. If your younger family member is playing an interesting application, you can temporarily restrict access to it.

If you need to further manage functionality, such as changing a name or removing one of the participants, you can also do this using different tools. However, remember that a removed family member can be restored. To do this, you just need to go through the registration procedure again.

Notification of movements

You already know how to activate the supervised child service, and now we invite you to learn about the additional function that comes with it. Movement notification is the ability to independently create geographic zones in which the subscriber will appear throughout the day, for example, a school or stadium, and track the time he will be there. At the same time, you independently set the tracking time frame, and if your children appear in the geo-fence during this period, then you will receive an SMS message.

Click on the photo to enlarge it

There are two ways to create a geo-fence. The first is through the web interface, where by selecting the “geo-zones” tab you can create them, for example, school, gym, friends, or remove unnecessary ones. Here you can also set the tracking time.

The second - using your phone, send an SMS to 7788 with the text ZONE + its name. For example: ZONE HOUSE. You can also activate geo-fences using two methods. In the first case, this can be done through the web interface, in the “geo zones” tab opposite the children’s name. To enable control via SMS, type the text: ZONE + CHILD'S NAME + TIME to 7788. For example: ZONE Masha 9-16.

The procedure for disabling this function is the same as for connecting it. This can be done either using the web interface, or by sending a message with the text STOP ZONE to the same number.

Pausing and disabling

If you have certain circumstances and you do not want to use this option, then do not rush to completely disable it. There is the possibility of a temporary suspension, during which time the money for the service will not be debited. Just send a message to 7788 with the text STOP - it will be suspended, but information about family members and request history will be saved. At any time convenient for you, you can resume its actions using a request.

If you don’t want to continue using it, then you should know how to properly disable the “Child under supervision” service from MTS. Deactivating it is simple - just send an SMS to the same number with the text “DELETE” and you will not be able to use its benefits.

Prices for use

The total payment is made for each month in the amount of 100 rubles. In this case, only the first 3 requests will be free, and for each subsequent one you will have to pay 5 rubles.

Please note that at the moment this service can only be connected with the “Movement Notifications” function.

In order for parents to have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the advantages of the option and understand whether it is worth connecting it or not, a test period is provided. This is 14 days for which you will not be charged. In this case, the subscriber can use this period only once. If you like everything and continue to use it, then the fee will be charged after the trial period.

Only the family member who activated the option will bear material costs, and the rest of the participants can use it for free.

This popular service has managed to win the hearts of many customers. And it’s not surprising, because there is nothing more important than the lives of children. They are our future, so their safety must be taken responsibly. And one of the ways to protect children from unpleasant situations is to control their whereabouts. So connect this service and be confident in every step of your child.

In modern life, many parents do not have the opportunity to accompany their child to school, to a tutor, to a sports section, for a walk with friends, or to meet him after attending all classes, but they want to know where he is at the moment. MTS has been helping with this for a long time.

To do this, the mobile operator offers its assistance to parents who can install the “Child under supervision” function from MTS.

What does connecting to this option give?

After connecting to this service, parents will no longer need to send SMS messages and calls to clarify their location: they can monitor their child’s movements directly through mobile technologies.

This function is also invaluable when children go long distances: relaxing in a camp, visiting relatives.

Logging into the “Child under supervision” service of MTS gives access to:

  1. Controlling funds on the child’s phone.
  2. Search for a location within the city within a radius of up to 300 meters, outside the city at a distance of up to 3 kilometers.
  3. Providing data on the subscriber’s movements online.

This function can be installed even on a regular push-button mobile phone.

How to activate the “Child under supervision” service of MTS?

You can find out how to activate the “Child under supervision” service and log into the service on the page in a step-by-step manner:

  1. Registration of mother or father by sending SMS to number 7788.
  2. Receive an assigned family code consisting of five characters.
  3. Activation.
  4. Attaching the required family members to the code.

Mother and father must be MTS clients. The number of requests about the location of another operator’s number is limited, it is up to one hundred requests per month.

How to disable “Child under MTS supervision”?

Do you want to get all the useful commands from your operator?

If there is a need to disable the service permanently, this will not cause difficulties. For the parent, you need to send an SMS to 7788 with the words “Delete”.

You can also suspend the option for the duration of a vacation or a vacation trip by sending a message by writing the word “Stop.” All information about the family is saved, and the service is resumed from the first request.

You cannot pause or completely remove the option from your child’s phone.

How does the service work?

If there are several children in a family, then you can clarify the whereabouts of each one using an SMS message. We send a request to number 7888 with the inscription “Where are the children” and receive an alert with a response about their whereabouts.

If you need information about only one child, then send an SMS with the inscription “Where is *name*.”

Advantages of the “Child under supervision” option

Service clients are provided with:

  • in the right place;
  • receive messages about leaving the established zone;
  • deny access to unnecessary contacts and track the leisure time of your beloved child;
  • check the battery charge indicator and receive a reminder when it is time to recharge;
  • control your phone account.

What is the price?

The cost of the service is one hundred rubles per month for checking the location of 3 persons without limiting requests. Each subsequent request for the fourth and subsequent persons costs 5 rubles.

If a child went to see friends, went to extra classes or training, or was late from school, parents want to know where their child is.

For this purpose, the company has introduced a service called - Child under the supervision of MTS. Now parents won't have to bombard him (or her) with SMSs or constantly call back to find out where he is now. You can control your child’s location directly through the mobile application.

This service is a logical continuation of the package that is offered to parents. This complex also provides the ability to control communication costs and monitor the balance of funds so that the number is not blocked at the wrong time. The "Children's Smartphone" application will allow you to check the phone's charging and display a list of applications used.

The cost of connection is 100 rubles per month. For this subscription fee, you can send free location requests (up to 100 requests per month if the child’s device operates on the Megafon or Beeline network).

How to activate the Child under MTS supervision service?

The connection can be made from the page You can recover a forgotten login and password by sending from the number registered as “PARENT” in the system, SMS to the number 7888 with text LOGIN.

If you are already registered as a parent, just send to the number 7788 SMS " DAD(or MOTHER) + <ваше имя>" ("PAPA YURA"). In response, you will receive a message with a code. Using this year, you can register another parent by sending to the number 7788 SMS with the same content, adding the code ("PAPA YURA 78god").

To register a child in the system, send an SMS from the parent’s phone to number 7788, indicating “CHILD +<ЕГО ИМЯ> + <ЕГО НОМЕР>"("CHILD SENYA 79167891234").

How to disable the Child under MTS supervision service?

If the service is no longer needed to monitor children, it can be easily disabled. This can be done from the PARENT'S phone by sending to the number 7788 SMS with the word " DELETE".