iPhone 4s does not see SIM card. Lock iPhone for a specific carrier. Why iPhone doesn't see SIM card

The problem when the iPhone does not see (does not read) the SIM card is quite common today. Despite constant updates iOS and the release of new devices from Apple, you are not immune to this error. If your iPhone (X, 8, 7, 6, 5, SE) no longer sees the SIM card, you will not be able to make calls, use the Internet, and in general, you will be cut off from the outside world.

It’s quite easy to notice this error, because the iPhone will automatically notify you about it: “SIM card not found or not installed” (SIM card is invalid). You will also notice that in the left or right corner (depending on the version and iOS settings) of the screen, the signal reception bar has been replaced with “No SIM card” or “Searching...”.

Fortunately, this error Quite easy to fix, below we give the most common ways to do it!

The reasons why the iPhone does not see the SIM card may be different. In some cases, the problem may be related to physical damage to the gadget, in others to a software malfunction. We tried to collect the most popular causes of this malfunction and, of course, wrote instructions for each item to help solve the problem.

Physical malfunction of the smartphone. Enumerating the entire list of what could cause this malfunction would be very long, tedious and impractical.

However, the most popular reasons why the iPhone does not read the SIM card lie on the surface. A physical malfunction can be caused by a smartphone falling from a great (although in the case of an iPhone not a great) height, moisture damage, incorrect installation tray with a SIM card or its inability to work at all.

Malfunction software. Perhaps this is the second most common reason and we are not talking about a crooked update released by the developer (although this has happened). We are talking about system error, which could occur due to incorrect completion of updates, installation of applications, or restoration of the smartphone.

Malfunction related to the SIM card or operator cellular communication. This is perhaps the only problem in which the phone is not the culprit. Your SIM card may be physically damaged or completely blocked.

Also, the source of the problem can be engineering works telecom operator, however, this happens extremely rarely and all subscribers are warned about such an event via SMS.

What to do if the iPhone does not see the SIM card? That's right, reinstall it!

Reinstalling the SIM card is the most banal, but quite logical idea. There is nothing difficult in reinstalling a SIM card; the only problem may arise with removing the tray, since not all users save the paperclip that comes with the smartphone. This doesn’t matter, because you can always use a needle or any fairly thin and durable object. But be careful not to damage the SIM card tray and hands.

1. To reinstall the SIM card, take a paperclip (some iPhones come with a “SIM card eject tool”), straighten it, and poke one end into the SIM card slot hole.

2. This will make the slot pop out. Make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly and fits securely. Reinsert the tray.

3. After a few seconds (in different cases time can vary from a few seconds to several minutes) the “No SIM card” error should appear, and then the connection level and operator name will appear again at the top of the screen.

4. If this does not happen, remove the SIM card completely.

5. Make sure the card and slot are clean. If they are dirty, clean them. You can simply blow into the slot, but it’s better to take something more powerful, like a hair dryer (using a cold setting) or a can of compressed air. Then install the SIM card again.

iPhone still doesn't read the SIM card? Turn airplane mode on and off!

If you still have the error “iPhone does not see the SIM card”, your next step– turn on and off airplane mode. This may reboot iPhone connection to cellular communication and solve the problem. To do this, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (or down from the top right on iPhone X) to open the Control Panel. Click on the airplane icon to make it highlight. This turns on airplane mode.

Wait a couple of seconds and click on the icon again so that it no longer lights up. Swipe down the control panel to hide it. Wait a couple of seconds to see if the problem is resolved.

Reboot your iPhone to fix communication error

If none of the above helped, restart iPhone- this is a universal solution for most problems, such as: iPhone does not see (does not show) the SIM card. You'd be surprised at the number of problems that a reboot can fix. There are two ways to reboot:

The first method is carried out through the interaction of the mechanical and software parts. As you understand, we're talking about about a soft reboot.

The second method is carried out exclusively with buttons, using only the mechanical part.

How to soft reboot iPhone?

1. Press the power off button and hold it for a few seconds.

2. Wait until the message “Slide to Power Off” appears on the screen.

3. Swipe your finger across the screen.

4. Press the button again to turn on the phone.

5. You will need to enter a password to identify yourself, even if you would normally use your fingerprint.

How to hard reset iPhone?

It is quite simple to do a hard reboot of a smartphone, however, with the release of new series of smartphones (starting with the iPhone 7), this method was constantly changing.

To learn in detail how to reboot any Apple smartphone model, read the article: or take a look at the screenshot attached below.

iPhone doesn't see SIM card? Try updating iOS!

If pulling out and reinstallation SIM cards were not successful, see if there are any updates for iOS, operating system iPhone systems. You'll need to be connected to Wi-Fi and have enough battery power to do this. Install any available updates and see if that solves the problem.

To update iOS, do the following:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Open the “Basic” tab.

3. Select “Software Update” from the list.

4. If available a new version, follow the onscreen instructions to download and install it.

See also:

iPhone does not see SIM card - is the operator to blame?

Your phone number may not be valid. In order for your phone to connect to telephone network provider, you need a valid Account. If your SIM card has been blocked or your access to services has been temporarily restricted (for non-payment), a SIM card error may appear. We recommend contacting your operator for clarification.

Check for updates to your carrier settings

Another reason why your iPhone does not see the SIM card (does not show the SIM card) may be that your telephone company has changed the settings at which the phone connects to their network, and you need to set them.

1. Go to Settings and select the General tab.

2. Tap in the “Other” function.

3. If an update is available, a window will appear. Click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.

You can also get a carrier settings update if you install new SIM card, which connects to a different network than the old one connected to. When you do this, you will be able to download the new settings. The network connection problem should be fixed.

Try using a friend's SIM card to connect to the network

If none of the tips above helped you, then try using a SIM card from your friend or relative. Maybe it's her and not the phone. Insert the card into the tray, if the “No SIM card” (SIM card is invalid) error disappears and everything works fine, then we have identified the culprit - it is your SIM card.

Instead of visiting those. Support in Apple Store, we recommend visiting your operator and telling them you need a replacement SIM cards for iPhone. This fast process and you will receive a new one in no time.

Likewise, you can try changing your phone by inserting a SIM card into another device. This way you can quickly determine why the iPhone does not see the SIM card.

Reset network settings if iPhone does not show SIM card

A rather unpleasant item is resetting the network settings. Why? As soon as you reset the settings, the passwords for all previously saved WiFi networks will be reset along with them.

To reset network settings:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Select the “Basic” section.

3. Then select "Reset".

4. Select "Reset network settings" and confirm your actions.

This will restore the network configuration to factory default settings. This will help you troubleshoot software problems in processes occurring in background and are responsible for managing your iPhone's connection to cellular and other networks.

Update your carrier's wireless settings using iTunes on your PC.

Connect your phone to your computer (you can also use a friend's computer). We recommend using iTunes because before updating your phone, iTunes will automatically check your smartphone for updates to your provider settings and, if there are any, prompt you to install them.

If nothing helps, what should you do?

If none of the tips helped, most likely the problem is physical. iPhone malfunction. You can solve it yourself, but to do this you need to have certain skills and special tools.

Therefore, the most reliable way would be to contact the service by having your smartphone repaired.

Carry out your own gadget repair

Let's say right away that using this method, without having certain skills, you risk aggravating the situation. If you consciously take risks, then the first thing you need to do is get specific set tools.

This set includes several brackets (for prying off the screen), special screwdrivers with different tips and a suction cup. The sets may differ in different sets, it all depends on the manufacturer.

1. First, use special tools to disconnect the screen of your iPhone.

What to do and how to fix it?

Iphone 4S - does not see SIM card

Reasons and how to fix?

The most important function of any phone is the ability to make calls. Initially, mobile phones were created to simplify communication between people at a distance; over time, this function expanded with messages, and the telephone ceased to be just a communication attribute and was supplemented various functions and applications. It has become much more convenient and easier to use. But what should you do? Your iPhone cannot perform its main function, the call function, and it says that your smartphone does not have a SIM card? This article will look at various options that could contribute to this problem and try to help you solve it.

The first thing you need to take care of is to check the correctness of all the actions you performed; you should not immediately blame the manufacturer, because it is human to make mistakes and not always do everything according to the instructions. You might have inserted your card the wrong way around or chosen the wrong SIM format that suits your iPhone - it could be a SIM card error. Perhaps the SIM card got dirty or demagnetized while it was waiting new smartphone. Often the iPhone does not see the SIM because of this.

Many people think that SIM cards are eternal, but unfortunately, like any other electronics, they have an expiration date and can fail. In order to check whether the card itself is working, just insert it into another phone, and then try to turn it on. If it is faulty, we would advise you to contact service center your his mobile operator and ask him to replace your card, this procedure will only take 1-3 days and you will again be able to use your phone number for calls and forget that your phone does not see contacts. In the same center or any other store that sells phones, you can cut your SIM card to the size you need. For example, the problem “iphone 4s does not see the SIM card” can be solved by replacing the old SIM card.

If the iPhone does not see the SIM card?

Only by purchasing mobile phone, the first thing we do is insert a memory card and a SIM card in order to synchronize the numbers and check the quality of the connection. But what to do if your brand new iPhone 6 does not see the SIM card? Even before, Quartet users wondered, “Why doesn’t the iPhone 4s see the SIM?” Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem with iPhones, but there is a solution.

We hope our article helped you, if one of the options for solving the problem of why the iPhone 5 does not read the SIM card did not help you, then we advise you to contact the service center for help, because the problem may be hidden in a breakdown of the SIM card slot or connections. There may be many types of internal faults that are difficult for the average person to identify.

The main function of any smartphone is the ability to make and accept voice calls. To identify subscribers in cellular networks SIM cards installed in mobile devices. When a phone or smartphone no longer sees the SIM card, all telephone functions stop working - you cannot make or receive calls, send SMS or connect to mobile internet. iPhone does not see SIM card - what to do? Check out detailed instructions to solve this problem.

We solve the problem by turning it on/off

Why can't my iPhone see my SIM card? The reasons can be very different - a failure in the operating system, static electricity has accumulated, the SIM card itself has malfunctioned, some kind of problem has occurred network error. After all, the smartphone could simply fall and hit, causing the card to move slightly or briefly lose normal contact. As a result, the iPhone stopped seeing the SIM card installed in it. What to do in this situation?

In such situations, it is customary to reboot smartphones - SIM cards are recognized at the very start of the operating system, so it needs to be started again. To do this, you need to press and hold the power button until a menu appears where you will need to select the power off option. After that we wait complete shutdown smartphone and turn it on again by holding down the same power key - as soon as operating system will boot, the smartphone will be able to see the SIM card and register with the cellular network.

If your smartphone is frozen, try holding down the power button and the Home button - this will send your smartphone to forced reboot, which passes without loss of stored data.

We take out the SIM card and put it back

The on/off process may not affect the functionality of the SIM card in your smartphone. If your iPhone doesn't recognize the SIM card, try removing it and putting it back in. This procedure will allow her to take correct position and cleans it up a bit contact groups . If the SIM card and smartphone are working properly, this will help solve the problem. To remove the SIM card, use the special tool that comes with your smartphone.

Checking the SIM card

Many users are not even aware that SIM cards can break. This happens often, since a SIM card is the same electronic component, like the iPhone itself. So why shouldn't she break? If you suspect that the SIM card installed in your iPhone 5s or 6s is broken, try installing it in another smartphone - this way you can check its functionality. Please note that iPhone 5 and higher use nano-SIM SIM cards, so they will only work in devices designed for this format.

iPhone 4s smartphones run on SIM cards micro-SIM format. It is easier to check such cards, since their support is present in many other smartphones and mobile phones.

If the SIM card installed in another smartphone works, then the problem may lie in your iPhone. To check its functionality, try installing a different SIM card into it and turning it on. If he does not see any SIM card, it is time to contact the nearest authorized service center to carry out repair work. If your iPhone is under warranty, contact the place of purchase - here they must accept your smartphone for inspection and repair.

Before handing over your iPhone to a service center or store, do not forget to do backup copy data stored in it - this will help you quickly restore important data after returning the device from repair.

Replacing the SIM card

iPhone does not see SIM card - what to do? First you need to suppress the panic attack in yourself - nothing terrible has happened yet. We remove the SIM card from the slot, insert it into another smartphone, check for functionality. If the SIM card does not work in another smartphone, you should go to your operator’s service center to obtain a duplicate. Here are the advantages of this approach:

  • The balance of your personal account is maintained;
  • Your subscriber number is retained for you;
  • The tariff and the entire range of services and options are saved on your number.

Thus, getting a duplicate SIM card is much more profitable than buying it new SIM card with a new number. When you contact your operator's office, you need to explain to the consultant what format of SIM card you need. iPhone 4 and below require SIM cards standard format, for iPhone 4S – micro-SIM cards, for iPhone 5 and higher – nano-SIM cards. As a rule, duplicates are issued completely free of charge.

When contacting your operator's office for a duplicate SIM card, do not forget to take your passport with you - duplicates are issued exclusively to the owners telephone numbers. If the number is not in your name, take the real owner with you. Otherwise, the issuance of a duplicate will be refused.

Other ways to solve the problem

If the iPhone does not see the SIM card from the first day of purchase, then this is a reason to go back to the store - they sold you a defective device that needs replacement or repair. Have you bought an iPhone abroad without understanding the documents for the smartphone and the terms of the contract? In this case, your device could be locked to SIM cards of a certain cellular operator.

Contact your nearest service center to resolve this issue. In some cases, the problem with the SIM card not being visible may appear after failed update smartphone software. Try converting it to DFU mode and restore it. It is possible that after this he will be able to see the SIM card.

In the most difficult cases, when all ways to solve the problem have already been tried, you should contact the nearest service center or the place where you purchased the iPhone - if the SIM card is working, then the problem is related to the smartphone that needs repair.

There are situations when the iPhone stops seeing the SIM card. There is no need to be upset, you just need to find the cause of the problem. Then try to deal with it on your own or contact a suitable service center.

This glitch is widespread and irritates owners. different phones from Apple. What to do if iPhone 5S does not see SIM card?

Why does iPhone not see the SIM card?

There are several common reasons that lead to SIM card failure:

  • Getting into the water. The SIM itself is a durable thing; if it was in a smartphone, moisture will not harm it much. And other components of the phone may be seriously damaged. Dry the device, wipe the contacts isopropyl alcohol, or better yet, give it to specialists who will clean the contacts. In such a situation, it is very important to immediately remove the battery from the phone.
  • A fall resulting in mechanical damage . Careless handling may damage the reader, which is responsible for reading the SIM card. DIY repair In this case, it is not recommended, take it to specialists.

  • Incorrect SIM card cutting. iPhone 5S uses micro-SIM SIM cards. If you previously used a regular one, and then tried to convert it into a more modern version, you might have done it unsuccessfully. You can solve the problem by buying new map in the communication salon. There you can ask specialists to cut it out. There is another option - buy a special stencil, with which you can easily turn regular card in micro.
  • Software glitch. It happens that a problem occurs in the device’s firmware, causing the iPhone to begin to function incorrectly. Connect to your computer, launch iTunes and roll back the software. You can try to reflash the device, it will take you about 25 minutes.

  • One of the most common situations is when the device is configured to work with a specific operator.. This happens in situations where you do not buy a device in a specialized store, but order it from its owner from another country. In such a situation, you can take the device to a service center, specialists will quickly unlock it. It is possible to cope with this problem yourself by purchasing a special chip.

If you suspect that the reason is software glitch, perform a factory reset. Please note that all applications and settings will be lost; we recommend saving them on another smartphone first. Sometimes the SIM card does not fit well into the holder, so you can try to secure it additionally.

You perform all operations with the iPhone at your own peril and risk, do not forget that the device is expensive, so repairs from specialists will pay off. If you are confident in your abilities, you should try to teach him to see the SIM on his own.

Despite the fact that the operating system on the iPhone is much more stable than that of numerous Chinese Android handsets, troubles do happen. One of the fairly common problems is that the iPhone does not see the SIM card. Sometimes this happens with a well-worn device, but sometimes it happens that SIM does not recognize a brand new smartphone. For reasons that may not determine SIM card iPhone, this article will help you figure it out.

Despite the fact that traditional SIM cards have not changed in appearance for exactly 20 years (not so long ago they began making notches in standard Mini-SIMs so that the subscriber could easily break out a Micro or Nano-sized card from them), the inside of the chips is improved from time to time . If you bought a brand new iPhone, cut the card according to the instructions, but the phone does not see it, most likely the problem is in the old chip revision. Usually very old SIM cards suffer from this.

Solution: The problem can be solved by going to the customer service center. Usually the SIM card is replaced with a new one for free or for a symbolic amount. The procedure takes from several minutes to an hour.

Reason 2: Incorrectly cut/damaged SIM card

You bought an iPhone, but before that you used a phone with a format card mini SIM. Armed with instructions and scissors, you cut it, inserted it into your smartphone, but it doesn’t see it. Most often this happens due to improper cutting or damage to the chip during this procedure.

Solution: Same as in previous paragraph: going to the service center of the company providing communication services and replacing the SIM card with a new one.

Reason 3. Locked iPhone

Many iPhones sold at discounted prices by small shops and private owners are “gray” (imported unofficially). Usually main drawback Such phones lack a full manufacturer’s warranty, but sometimes it happens that operator versions of smartphones tied to some Verizone or AT&T end up on the shelves. Sellers carry out unlocking and untethering, but sometimes it fails. In such iPhone case does not see the SIM card or cannot catch the network if it belongs to a “foreign” provider.

You can check if your iPhone is locked to an operator using special service. Among them there are both free (the accuracy of the determination is not always guaranteed) and paid (usually the service costs 1-2 dollars). If the site reports that the smartphone is locked to an operator, this is the reason why the SIM card is not visible.

Solution: Sometimes telecom companies perform unlinking for free, but the procedure is quite complicated and bureaucratic. Sometimes you need to provide documents confirming the purchase, have SIM of that operator, but sometimes everything is simpler (for example, with AT&T): you just need to submit an application on the official website. You can also unlink your iPhone from your operator using a special online service. But such services usually cost money (from 1 dollar to 100 or more, depending on the complexity of the case), and no one is immune from scammers. So, you need to look for reviews about the service, check on forums, etc. Universal solution, unfortunately, does not exist. The best way out out of the situation - return the iPhone back to the seller, if possible.

Reason 4. Problems with the firmware

Sometimes the iPhone does not recognize the SIM card due to a software glitch in iOS (for example, the firmware of the cellular modem has crashed). To make sure that the reason is in the software, you need to try inserting another SIM card. If he doesn’t see it either, the likelihood that the modem has failed is quite high.

Solution: To fix the problem, you need to install iTunes on your computer (if it is not installed), download the latest firmware and reflash your smartphone.

Reason 5: Problems with the SIM card tray

Sometimes the reason for losing connection with a SIM card is a broken contact in the SIM tray. The card may come off if dropped, especially if it has previously been trimmed by hand. Even a slight loss of elasticity by the contacts on the board (due to the fact that the card was often taken out of the slot) can also lead to such consequences.

Solution: Remove the tray with the SIM card and see if it is positioned correctly. If there is any offset, correct the card and carefully insert the tray. If the SIM card “walks” around the slot (too much plastic was removed during trimming), it is advisable to replace it, since accidentally closing the contacts with a displaced SIM card can damage the communication module.

Reason 6. iPhone is physically damaged

At iPhone falling, water getting inside, using low-quality charger and other violations of the rules of its operation are not uncommon physical damage apparatus. Among them are short circuits, failure of chips and wiring elements on the board, burnout of diodes or resistors and other minor defects.

Solution: At home, it is impossible to accurately diagnose a breakdown, localize it and properly repair it without special knowledge and equipment. If the SIM card is known to be working (works in another smartphone), the iPhone is official, the firmware is OK, and the tray is like new, most likely the smartphone is physically damaged. Only a service center can accurately determine the cause and eliminate the defect.