Pros and cons of online accounting services. Review of the “My Business” service

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. A successful modern business requires constant control by the owner. The use of various professional accounting programs implies the presence of a highly qualified employee on the organization’s staff (although it is possible) who knows all the intricacies of the work process.

But in this case, the business owner receives only a general overview analysis of business activities, and in some cases this is not enough to make an important decision.

Active use of Internet accounting “My Business”, the principle of which is based on providing software services for the financial side of your business using the Internet.

Clients of this online accounting have the opportunity not only to independently keep records of business transactions, but also:

  1. Fill out tax returns;
  2. Send reports to regulatory authorities;
  3. Receive professional advice from consultants;
  4. Use an integration system with the servicing bank.

And this is just at a glance. Want to know more? Then don't switch...

General overview of work in My Business

Historical reference

But in general

Online accounting “My Business” can rightfully be called a successful program. The goals and objectives of the state program to support Russian small businesses are reflected in the work of the service. Both novice entrepreneurs and experienced owners receive a reliable assistant in the form of the service, capable of relieving the owner of the company as much as possible.

Accounting, tax and personnel records at the enterprise are organized in accordance with Russian legislation. The services offered are fully consistent with the target policy of the service: maximum savings of time and money for small business owners.

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Grade: 5

I opened my own individual entrepreneur six months ago, I planned that I would do all the accounting myself, but I was constantly torn between all sorts of bureaucratic tasks and the desire to devote all my time to business development. At a certain point, I finally realized that time is not rubber, and I am not a super person, so I chose online accounting My Business. Cheap, cheerful and saves me a lot of time))) A good service that I can confidently recommend to those who want to keep abreast of their business, thanks to Moe Delo.

Grade: 5

I myself live in a small town, and we have a problem finding a good accountant - I would be happy to pay a specialist a salary, but I don’t want to just give money for something that I can do myself. And then you’ll have to tremble during tax audits and wait for fines. Therefore, the My Business service became a real godsend for me - I tested it first for three days, then they gave me two weeks of free use, and I realized that this is what I need. I outsourced my accounting to a company, and now I know that my company is handled by professionals. If any questions arise, I can always contact the consultants - an answer is guaranteed within 24 hours.

Grade: 5

I have been using the “My Business” service for four months now - this time was enough to form an opinion about the company. By the way, the opinion formed was good. With them I save a lot of my time - most of the work in the field of accounting is now automated - accounts, primary documentation, taxes, reporting, etc. I contacted the company’s managers a couple of times for advice - they gave comprehensive answers to my questions with links to laws and articles of legislation of the Russian Federation. So there is a little time left for yourself.

Grade: 5

The service helps well when running a small business. I've been using it for 5 years and it has never let me down. When I started, I calmly figured everything out, now I do everything automatically. The tariff is the cheapest, there is no one on staff, no one needs to take out sick leave/vacation leave. Cleanly process income/expenses, calculate taxes, write out various documents, remake contract templates for yourself, etc. Everything is in a user-friendly interface. During the entire period of use, there have never been any inspections, all taxes are paid on time, the authorities have no complaints. The price may not be the cheapest, especially now when dozens of analogues have appeared, but I don’t change it for 2 reasons:
1) I completely trust here, the quality is time-tested; 2) during the test periods it is clear that the functionality I need from analogues will be more expensive than here, and I don’t see the point in overpaying

Grade: 4

Without accountant skills (or at least an idea of ​​how everything works), using the service is not as easy as it might seem. Plus, there are errors in it: in particular, according to the universal transfer document for sale, VAT on the buyer’s advance payment is not deducted. This leads to incorrect filing of the VAT return, and as a result – excessive payments of taxes to the budget. How does support react to such problems in the system: they suggest creating a receipt invoice (act), and not a universal transfer document. Despite the fact that I do not accept (i.e. it is not an admission that is being processed), but I implement it. In other words, the so-called experts do not really understand the topic. Otherwise, as far as the most common operations are concerned, everything is in order. At least it works stably and you don’t have to constantly update the data and wait until everything goes away. And yes, 1C is much simpler. Even if, in total, that program will be, as it seems to me, more functional, for ordinary entrepreneurs online accounting from “My Business” is better. At least if you don’t want to spend money on an accountant.

Grade: 4

The main advantage of online accounting is that you do not need to hire a real accountant for the company or outsource it. The service is much more economical. Less than 20 thousand is spent per year, this is the average salary of an accountant per month in the region. But you'll have to figure it out on your own. Of course, you don’t need to master accounting from cover to cover. But you need to know the basics. In principle, this way you understand your business even better.
The cost of the service can be adjusted to suit you. The difference in tariffs mainly depends on the size of the company where the service is being implemented. The cheapest option is for an individual entrepreneur without employees, I have a tariff for up to 5 employees (can be used by legal entities). You need to buy for a year at once, there is no monthly fee. The functionality is rich. Firstly, it calculates all taxes and contributions for employees. They are also counted as personnel and I calculate their salaries. Secondly, it helps with reports and their submission. I have an electronic signature, which means I send reports electronically directly from my personal account.
Thirdly, all work with documents is in the interface. Indeed, everything I ever needed: invoices, closing documents, various contracts (there are a bunch of templates in the database) and much more. The service also synchronizes with the bank. There is practically nothing to criticize the service for. Subjectively, I can only criticize the interface. But here it depends, I personally find it inconvenient. If you could customize your office, remove unnecessary blocks, add widgets, etc., it would be much more convenient. And it’s just a bunch of tabs. But over time you get used to it, I don’t even notice it anymore.
Well, support. She works around the clock, she has contacted me more than once even with the most stupid questions, and they always answer. But as it happens, if it’s a busy period (end of the year, quarter), when everyone is submitting reports, then the girls from the support are tired and weak in making contact, and don’t try to understand the problem. As a person, I understand them, but as a specialist, they must also work. And some still have doubts about their competence.

Grade: 5

I lead individual entrepreneurs through My Business. In principle, the business started with this service, and did not move to it with a ready-made business. To open an individual entrepreneur I was able to prepare all the necessary documents. Everything is written in detail about what is needed, what to fill out, etc. There is no need to search on the Internet or run to the tax office in person.
Because I am engaged in cargo transportation, then I work without officially registered employees, and most often alone. Here in the system you can conduct business this way without additional costs for unnecessary functionality.

The interface is clear, I figured it out on the first day. I hardly changed all the documents that I filled out (only my details). The calendar does not fail, I have set up all the reports, and receive timely notifications that I need to prepare papers. I also calmly set up a connection with the bank; I did almost nothing myself. As a result, what I have: I pay about 10 thousand a year for the service, I save a lot of time and nerves, without running through all sorts of authorities. This suits me 100%. I would pay a special person who worked with the papers - every month it would cost 5 thousand, no less.

Grade: 4

This is the best service for individual entrepreneurs. If we take business as a whole, it is not universal. For example, individual entrepreneurs will not be able to work here on the general taxation system (but you can almost count them on one hand), I haven’t found how to make reports on the number of employees, how to take into account the characteristics of Chernobyl victims (also special cases) when taking maternity leave and vacations, etc. .d. In short, if you find fault, you can find many shortcomings. But for the simplest general business cases, especially for individual entrepreneurs, when you work alone, this is really the best option. It costs a penny (10 thousand rubles per year), allows you to report to the authorities, make all the reports, there are thousands of document forms in the system, competent consultants who will tell you not only how to work in the system, but also how to make this or that document. You can set up notifications, even via SMS, so you don’t forget about burning reports. I didn’t notice any problems with the work, the service is always available.

Grade: 5

I use “My Business” in my own individual entrepreneur. The service is very convenient, I like that all work with documents is online without desktop applications. Those. I have access to reports and finances from any device, just log in to my account. This is a huge advantage over the “boxed” versions.
Separately, it is worth mentioning integration with banks. I work with Alpha, there are no problems. I received the current account information from the bank and sent the documents to the “My Business” partners. It is much more convenient to work with an integrated account; all bank statements are received automatically. The system crashes from time to time and has to be handled manually. HR records are also pleasing: all personnel documentation is seamlessly integrated into the enterprise’s accounting department. It was not particularly easy to master, it took 3 days, plus I actively communicated with support and on the forums.
Regarding the price: many criticize, but it seems to me that 1.6k per month for the functionality provided is worth it. I have an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system, 2 subordinate employees in the service sector. Without the service, I would have been faced with a bunch of hemorrhoids and outsourcing, most likely, but as it is, I do everything myself.
In terms of capabilities: I previously worked with FE, here it’s almost the same, but more functional, as it seemed to me. Although in Elba the interface is friendlier. There is a master in preparing reports and taxes. Everything is done automatically, all that remains is to enter the initial data. Manual routine is really reduced to a minimum. Plus, it’s easier to submit reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Tax Service. Everything arrives, there are no delays or penalties later.

Grade: 5

“My Business” is very sensibly organized, all the functionality is at hand. It is based on a personal account, which is registered to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (as in my case), i.e. there is a link to OGRN/ORGNIP. All incoming or outgoing finances are processed through the “Money” section. You can download the cash book or KUDiR. Receipts and write-offs are processed manually; which category to enter into is clear from the description. “Documents” stores all invoices, invoices, acts, invoices. Agreements are presented in a separate section; on the one hand, there is no direct link to the corresponding accounts and acts, but on the other hand, the built-in templates are a brilliant thing. In total, there are more than 3 thousand of them in the system, according to various documents. The point is this: all the necessary information is entered into a separate section with counterparties, which is then inserted into the right places in the agreement (for example, parties, details). This makes working with documents much easier.
I don’t use the “Employees” section, because... there is no one under control. As the activity progresses, analytics are generated (functionality from Sineco is used). In principle, everything that is shown there can be done independently in Excel, but here it is collected automatically. Overall, it’s a good product that’s quick to learn, clearly structured, and conducive to running a small business.

Grade: 5

For an individual entrepreneur without employees, “My Business” is simply irreplaceable. It costs a penny (about 800 rubles, since the tariff without checking counterparties is 2 times more expensive with this option), and it significantly saves time. For example, the service can generate initial documents - contracts, invoices, acts. There are many forms, automatic filling according to details. Drawing up documents is much faster than manually in Word. Directly for business, it is interesting to keep a ledger of income and expenses (a mandatory attribute for individual entrepreneurs). As an accounting department, there is accounting of funds in circulation, operational accounting of products sold, projected income, and the possibility of inventory. Definitely worth the money. At the same time, everything works in the cloud, does not slow down, and access can be obtained anywhere.

Grade: 4

I have been running a business with the service for a couple of years. Not to say that My Business solves all problems, but in some ways it helps significantly. You cannot count on the service 100%, as there are occasional problems with it. Among these disadvantages, I would like to note system freezing and long updates. In addition, there is no tariff designer; I would be happy to give up some unused functions in order to save money. Although in general the price is reasonable, it is higher compared to competitors such as Bukhsoft or Kontur. There is no absolutely complete functionality here, for example, the system does not work with individual entrepreneurs on a common system with VAT (only a simplification, imputation). Now, of course, almost no one works like this, but functionality could be added.
Among the advantages - a good approach to accounting, many accounting functions, integration with banks (though not all), everything is intuitive and simple.

Grade: 5

There are 5 people in my online store with me. The tariff chosen by “Internet Accounting” was 1,624 rubles per month. For this money, a special bot does part of the work for me. Taxes are calculated automatically, and all reporting is completed with a minimum of my time. It is sent on time, this is monitored by the service accountant. The contracts are drawn up by a lawyer from My business, I sign them with suppliers, without delving into the nuances of the law. The service has integration with several banks. I have an account with Alpha, I import payments and all receipts are made online. The service is worth the money.

Grade: 5

When I registered myself as an individual entrepreneur, this service helped significantly. First, after registering, I looked at the interface for free. Then I downloaded all the necessary forms from them and, using the service’s step-by-step prompts, filled them out myself. I liked the service and decided to continue using it. I had to pay for a full year because they didn’t offer any other options. It came out to over 800 rubles per month. Convenient calendar - reminds you of deadlines for submitting reports and making payments. Reports are submitted without traveling to funds. So far everything is fine. I send reports from the program directly to recipients; there is no need to travel anywhere. This results in significant time savings. I liked that there is a free test mode. This allows you to decide whether the program is suitable or not for a particular organization. It is possible to automatically fill out contracts and forms, and enter the company details. If an LLC or individual entrepreneur has not yet been registered, using the program you can prepare the entire set of documents for the tax office for free. I had questions at the beginning of cooperation. I wanted to know specifically how certain numbers are formed. What I really like is that the consultants always answer any questions. The payment system is inconvenient; you can only pay for a year. Payments cannot be made quarterly or semi-annually. I bought a paid subscription for consultations. They answer quickly. But if the question is really complex, they either send a formal reply, or the answer comes in a few days. During this time, you can find a solution to your problem for free.
Despite all the shortcomings, the program helps save time and is cheaper than similar versions of competitors. A huge plus is the ability to access from any device from anywhere, the main thing is that there is an uninterrupted Internet connection.

Are you planning to open your own business or are running a business, but don’t want to spend extra money on accounting services? With the modern accounting service “My Business”, this will no longer be necessary: ​​keep records, draw up and submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, monitor current changes in legislation, without leaving home!


Bookkeeping is a process that requires skills and experience. It takes a lot of time, because you need to carefully study the Tax Code, a huge number of Letters from the Ministry of Finance, explanations, recommendations, additions and clarifications.

And what should an entrepreneur do in this situation?

You can save yourself from such a headache by entrusting the solution to a specialized company or hiring an accountant, or you can use modern cloud technologies and do everything yourself.

Project "My Business" - modern cloud accounting

Internet accounting “My Business” allows you to organize full-fledged professional accounting for an enterprise without hiring an accountant or involving a specialized organization. You can do all the necessary procedures yourself, saving money and time.

The advantages of accounting using an online service include:

  • saving time, because you no longer need to carefully monitor the updates of the Tax Code and the relevance of the forms (they are replaced automatically);
  • scalability allows you to add new employees and give them access to data by transferring a login and password, giving them specific rights;
  • integration of the service with other systems, for example, with the Alfa-Bank Internet bank, electronic services of the Federal Tax Service, mobile applications (the service provides access to data for owners of devices based on Android and iOS);
  • minimum maintenance cost.

Online accounting “My Business” is aimed primarily at small businesses(both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs) under simplified taxation regimes (STS and UTII), but in 2014 it was added the function of accounting for companies under the general taxation regime.


  • maintaining a cash book in automatic mode;
  • generation of expenditure and receipt orders;
  • automatic invoicing and filling of invoices;
  • data exchange with banks (for example, Alfa-Bank is a long-time partner of the project, which allows you to open a current account and register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the shortest possible time, using the same service);
  • calculation of taxes and contributions;
  • automatic generation of tax reporting and its transmission to the Federal Tax Service via the network;
  • generation of personnel records documentation (hiring and dismissal orders) and calculation of wages, vacation pay, sick leave;
  • automatic cash book maintenance;
  • “tax calendar” function (reminder of the deadlines for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service (depending on the chosen taxation system);
  • downloading contract templates and automatically filling them with customer data.

The “My Business” service is convenient for those who do not want to waste their time on tedious maintenance of personnel and accounting records, as well as the generation and submission of reports.

Service cost

The service offers clients 4 tariffs with a different set of capabilities. Their cost varies, depending on the number of employees and services used. The prices in the table below are for 1 month (if you purchase an annual subscription).

Figure 2. Tariffs and prices of the service

Price comparison

What is more profitable: contacting a specialized company (outsourcing), hiring a full-time accountant, or using “My Business”? In order to answer this question, it is recommended to carefully study the table below

Table 1. Comparison of the cost of external services, maintaining a full-time accountant and using the “My Business” service.

My Business"

Buh. firm

Accountant on staff



Reporting to the Federal Tax Service

333 rub./month.

750 - 1,000 rub./month.

not required

1000 rub./month.

1000 rub./month.

STS + UTII “Without employees”

777 rub./month.

1500 - 2500 rub./month.

not required

2000 - 2500 rub./month.

2000 rub./month.

STS + UTII “Up to 5 employees”

1222 rub./month.

5,000 - 8,000 rub./month.

25,000 - 30,000 rub./month.

3,000 - 5,000 rub./month.

15,000 - 20,000 rub./month.

4,000 - 7,000 rub./month.

17,000 - 23,000 rub./month.

USN + UTII “Maximum”

1499 rub./month.

OK. 15,000 rub./month.

35,000 - 50,000 rub./month.

6,500 - 10,000 rub./month.

27,000 - 35,000 rub./month.

8,000 - 15,000 rub./month.

25,000 - 35,000 rub./month.

The benefit is obvious; the cost of cloud accounting services is significantly lower than other methods of tax accounting. Check out the full tariff collection of the company "My Business",

To summarize: why you should choose the “My Business” service

In addition to a large set of site functions (and it has over a dozen of them), it is regularly updated and improved. At the same time, using online accounting does not require the purchase of a powerful computer or regular software updates. All processes take place in the “cloud” (on the company’s servers), and all updates are carried out automatically.

The system also notifies its users about all changes in legislation and innovations. Businessmen registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC are offered a full range of completely free services - from filling out documents with the help of a wizard to issuing instructions for further actions at the Federal Tax Service (you can save at least 1,500 rubles on registration).

Finally, entrepreneurs will save as much as possible on accounting services. The benefit is obvious: the maximum cost of service in “My Business” will not exceed 18,000 rubles. per year!, and this is the price for organizations with 5 to 100 employees!

Conclusion: the Internet service “My Business” is the optimal way to conduct tax accounting for small businesses; during a crisis, it becomes even more relevant as it allows you to reduce costs on accounting issues without sacrificing quality.


Then I began to choose an online accounting service. Requirements for the service - maximum capabilities at the lowest price. There are no employees yet. We need to calculate taxes and contributions and generate primary documentation.

The most famous accounting service in Runet is "". This is where I will begin my detailed review of online accounting services.

My Business- cloud accounting system, operating since 2009. Its goal is to make accounting easier for professionals and entrepreneurs. Includes 2 versions: professional for accountants and simplified for businessmen. The company employs 400 people, the main office is in Moscow. Both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can use My Business.

Benefits and tariffs

Main features of the service:

  • Generating and sending reports to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Rosstat
  • Integration with banks for data exchange and electronic document management in real time
  • Calculation of taxes and contributions
  • Statements of income and expenses
  • Issuing invoices and sending payment orders
  • Tax calendar
  • 4,000 forms of acts and regulatory documents -
  • Contract templates
  • Free verification of counterparties by TIN or OGRN
  • Management reporting
  • Free unlimited consultations with professional accountants
  • Access levels for manager, accountant and other employees

My Business Tariffs:

Registration and closure of business

For those who have not yet registered their business, Moe Delo offers assistance in registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The service will prepare all the necessary documents for you and explain how to correctly submit an application to the tax authorities. You can also use it to close your business for one reason or another. You will learn more about how this service works below.

The service is completely free - you will only need to pay the state duty, which is charged by the Federal Tax Service when registering and closing a business.


To register an individual entrepreneur using My Business, go to the service page and click the button "Registration of individual entrepreneur". After confirming your personal and contact information, you will receive the required document forms and detailed instructions for filling them out. The service will check the correctness of filling out the forms and indicate errors, if any.

  • Application form P21001 for individual entrepreneur registration

You can print the finished documents or send them to the tax office electronically (in the second case, you will need a qualified electronic signature). My Business will explain in detail how to do this.

The service will also help you, if necessary, close the individual entrepreneur. With it, you can prepare an application for closure, pay all debts on taxes and fees, and send the necessary information to the Federal Tax Service.


The procedure for opening an LLC in My Business is the same as for an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will need to click the “LLC Registration” button on the service page. Next, you will fill out the required document forms according to the instructions. After this, the service will check for errors in them and tell you what needs to be corrected.

With the help of My Cause you will be able to prepare:

  • Application on form P21001 for LLC registration
  • LLC Charter
  • Receipt for payment of state duty
  • Application for transition to the simplified tax system (if you want to use this tax scheme)

You can also print these documents or, if you have an electronic signature, send them to the Federal Tax Service online. My Cause also has separate instructions for this.

The process of liquidating an LLC is more complicated than closing an individual entrepreneur. It is necessary to hold a meeting of the founders, distribute property between them, resolve the issue with creditors, and get rid of seals and forms. My Business will provide detailed instructions for liquidating a legal entity and help prepare the necessary documents.

affiliate program

Moye Delo offers regional representatives and webmasters an affiliate program. The company will pay a portion of the cost of its products to attract new customers. The affiliate program is suitable for companies providing services for entrepreneurs and websites on business topics.

To become a partner of My Business, go to the affiliate program page and leave a request. If you are a regional representative, then you will need to conclude an agreement, undergo training and organize sales in your region. The webmaster will need to undergo training, receive a referral link and add it to the site or blog. It is not necessary to be a client of the service for this.

My Business has a separate personal account for partners. Here you can track sales statistics and reward amounts for the current period. My Business will provide you with the necessary promotional materials and advice on any controversial issues.

Approximate amounts of rewards for attracting clients are presented in the table:

Key Features

Checking the counterparty

Before concluding a transaction with an individual entrepreneur or company, you must first check its reliability. You need to find out whether the company is a one-day company, whether it has violated obligations to counterparties, whether it has declared bankruptcy or liquidation, or whether it has violated the laws and requirements of the Federal Tax Service. Verifying a potential partner yourself can be difficult, especially if information about him is needed here and now.

My Business will help you quickly check your counterparty for reliability. This service is provided by the Bureau service. Its specialists will check all the data about the organization with which you plan to cooperate and evaluate its reliability. The bureau will provide you with a detailed report with its findings - they will help you decide whether to cooperate with the counterparty or whether it is better to refuse.

In addition, the Bureau will help you correctly draw up documents and calculate your salary, warn you about audits and provide advice on legal and financial issues. The cost of the service is from 49,990 rubles per year.

If you do not want to pay for the services of a separate service, then you can use the function of checking counterparties built into My Business. You will be able to evaluate your partner's information at any time based on the main risk factors before concluding a transaction. When you enable the “Checking counterparties” option, the cost of service becomes higher - from 1,733 rubles per month.

Checking account

To operate My Business, you will be required to regularly provide information about your checking account or accounts. If you are served by a partner bank of the service, then you can set up direct integration with it. In other cases, you will need to provide statements that can be downloaded from the client bank.

You can add a new current account to My Business in the “Money” - “Current Accounts” section. Indicate the account details and details of the bank where the account is opened. If you have already added several accounts, you can make one of them the main one - it will be selected by default when performing transactions. If you do not yet have a current account, then My Business will help you prepare documents for opening one.

Integration with banks

My Business allows you to set up full integration with the client bank. The service will automatically process current account information and calculate all transactions. Also, through My Business it will be possible to generate and send payment orders to the bank

Unlike Kontur.Elbe, the service from My Business is compatible with many large banks. In addition to Tinkoff, Tochka, Modulbank and Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, PSB, Uralsib, VTB, Otkritie and some other banks are supported.

Full list of partner banks, supporting the service:

  • Alfa Bank
  • Dot
  • Tinkoff Bank
  • Opening
  • Raiffeisen Bank
  • Promsvyazbank
  • Uralsib
  • Binbank
  • OTP Bank
  • VTB 24
  • Modulbank
  • Loko-Bank
  • Banca Intesa

The procedure for connecting the integration depends on the specific bank. Sberbank clients just need to enable this function in the service settings, select a method for confirming transactions and log in using the data from their personal business account. In other cases, you need to additionally configure this function through the client bank.

If your bank does not support My Case integration, you will need to prepare and import account statements through your client bank to add account transaction information.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system

Often, beginning entrepreneurs choose a simplified taxation system. It reduces the number of taxes and reporting - for a small business this is very important. At the same time, the entrepreneur still needs to keep accounting records and report to the state.

My Business makes it easier for individual entrepreneurs and companies to keep records using the simplified tax system. The service automatically calculates taxes and reminds you of all important dates. You will be able to prepare and submit all necessary reports - from tax returns to certificates 2-NDFL and 6-NDFL. If you have any questions, you can seek advice from service specialists. Detailed instructions will explain the procedure for completing and submitting reports.

The basic tariff “Without employees,” intended for individual entrepreneurs on a simplified taxation system, costs from 9,996 rubles per year.

Act of reconciliation

The reconciliation report serves to confirm mutual settlements between two counterparties. It confirms the presence or absence of debt under concluded contracts. If a debt is discovered, the companies will be able to agree on its repayment or, if its size is very large, begin further proceedings.

You can create a reconciliation report in My File in the “Counterparties” section - to do this, just select the desired counterparty and indicate the period for which the document is being created. The service will automatically generate a document using data on all transactions made with the partner. The completed act can be printed or sent to the company electronically. You can create several acts simultaneously for different counterparties.

Zero reporting

If an individual entrepreneur or LLC does not conduct any activities, then he must still report to the Federal Tax Service and funds. For this purpose, so-called zero reporting is submitted. This requirement exists only for those who use the simplified tax system - on OSNO, UTII and other taxation systems, reporting is submitted in the same way as if there is an activity.

My Business will help you correctly fill out and submit zero reporting. Using the service, you can prepare and send all the necessary documents to the necessary authorities. Reporting is generated automatically according to the requirements established by law. If you have any questions, you can seek free advice from experts.

Unlike Elba, My Business does not have a separate tariff for clients with zero reporting - they are serviced on standard terms.

Registration on the service website

On the main page of My Case, click the “Try for free” button.

On the next page, select the form of business - or the form of taxation - simplified tax system, UTII, patent or OSNO.

First acquaintance with the service

Personal Area

When you first log into the service, the My Case home page with demo data will open.

We see windows:

  • Money (accounts, buttons for creating receipts and debits, importing bank statements)
  • Sales documents (invoices, acts and invoices, document creation buttons)
  • Tax calendar (reminders of important events - payment of taxes, contributions, etc.)

My Business offers a three-day trial period, during which you can try out the service in demo mode for free.

Filling out registration data

We delete the demo data and go to the “Organization details” section. Enter the basic data of our organization:

How to work with My Business

My Business provides all the necessary tools for independent accounting and electronic document reporting. Many operations - for example, calculating taxes and generating documents - occur automatically: the service itself substitutes the necessary data and information. Each section is accompanied by detailed instructions and explanations - you won't get confused or make mistakes.

Let's take a closer look at working with My Business.

"Money" section

On the main page of the “Money” section, the receipts and debits of your money are presented in table form (to display, you need to set up integration or upload a statement from your bank).

On this page you can download the cash book and KUDiR (book of income and expenses), as well as add receipts, write-offs or cash flows.

You can manually enter data into the service. Creating a cash receipt:

You can enter data on product sales into the service:

To create a debit, select the type of debit:

Entering expense data for the main activity:

Section "Documents"

In this section you can create documents - invoices for payment or invoice agreements. Prepared documents can be downloaded in PDF or XLS format, signed and stamped.

Documents available for creation:

  • Accounts(invoice for payment, invoice-agreement)
  • Sales(deed, delivery note, invoice)
  • Purchases(advance report)

Section "Inventories"

In this section you can keep track of goods in the warehouse. First you need to enter information about stock balances. In the future, information about balances will be added automatically; data is taken from acts and invoices.

This is what the form for entering a new product looks like:

Section "Contracts"

In this section you can create contracts from a list of templates. All created contracts are displayed in table form. In the table you can indicate the status of the contract (approved, for signature, signed, suspended) or add a comment.

The system offers 19 contract templates. You can also load your template using special characters:

Example of a contract template

Section "Counterparties"

This section presents all your counterparties - clients and partners. On the main page of the section, you can add a new counterparty or check it, create a reconciliation report.

In the form for adding a new counterparty, detailed information is indicated:

In the service you can check the counterparty for free - you need to enter the TIN or OGRN and receive an extract from the State Register. The extract will be available for download in PDF format.

Section "Forms"

Catalog of forms and legal documents: 3893 forms in 116 sections.

Section "Webinars"

A large selection of videos on business topics: accounting news, training on working with the My Business service, registration and start of business, accounting and tax calculations, reporting and personnel records and other videos.

Section "Reports"

Here you can create and send any reports to the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat. You can also write and send a letter to government agencies and view reports that have already been sent.

Other sections

Integration with other services:

Service help:

Other products of My Business:

  • My Delo.Bureau - verification of counterparties, warning about inspections, advice on taxes and law
  • Outsourcing - personal accountant, personal lawyer and personal assistant from 1,500 to 19,000 rubles per month
  • Registration of LLC and individual entrepreneur - free preparation of documents for registration in 15 minutes

What is better - My Business or Kontur.Elba?

In addition to My Business, another accounting system is popular among small businesses - Kontur.Elba from SKB Kontur. Elba is designed for small individual entrepreneurs and LLCs - it does not have many functions intended for larger companies, and the cost of maintenance is lower. My Business is trying to be more universal - it is more suitable for an actively growing and expanding business.

  • Built-in advanced product accounting
  • Free period up to three days
  • Suitable for companies of different sizes
  • Which accounting system should you choose? Depends on your needs, goals and perspectives. If your business is small and you want to do your accounting yourself, then Elba is quite suitable for you. If your company is large enough, or it has a full-time accountant, then My Business will be a more convenient option.

    Do you use the My Business service, and if you do, are you satisfied with it? In the comments to our article, anyone can leave their feedback about the service.

    A young entrepreneur, he managed to open several projects of varying degrees of success. He shares his experience and opinions with our website. He will talk about what a novice businessman should know and do to make it easier to run his business and avoid possible problems.


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