The phone fell into the water and does not turn on. Isopropyl and ethyl alcohols. What to do if your phone falls into water

In emergency situations you need to act quickly and deftly. Knowing in advance what to do if your phone falls into water, you can “heal” your favorite device. It may suffer from your carelessness or inattention. People often leave their mobile phone in their jacket pocket when putting the item in the washing machine. Even more often, it falls into the toilet or into a washbasin with an open tap. An accident doesn't only happen when a phone is dropped into water. One overturned cup of tea on the desktop is enough for liquid to penetrate into the case, damaging the buttons or screen.

The main rule for saving a mobile device is to remove it from the liquid as quickly as possible. Moisture instantly penetrates into the connector for the charger, headphones and USB cable. The less time the phone has been in water, the greater the chance that it will work again after drying. After removal, be sure to turn off the mobile phone so that a short circuit does not occur.

If the phone was charging when it fell into the water, do not try to pick it up with your bare hands.

No matter how scared you may be, don't panic. Rash actions can permanently destroy your phone and cause damage to your health. If a mobile phone falls into water and is being charged from the mains, you may receive an electric shock when you try to remove it. Water is the best conductor for electricity. It is necessary to de-energize the entire apartment to avoid receiving an electric shock. Health and life are not worth saving the device. When removing, try not to press buttons or switches.

Immediately after removing the device, blot it with dry wipes or a dry towel. Then you need to remove the back panel and remove the battery. Some modern touch devices have a solid body, and without special screwdrivers the back cover cannot be removed. The chances of their salvation are slightly less. In the corner of the battery hole there is a small white indicator in the shape of a square or circle. It can be used to determine whether the mobile phone has been damaged by water. Damage is indicated by a pink tint of the indicator.

Remove the SIM card. This will help you save all or part of your contact numbers. The maximum amount of air should enter the device, so you need to release all connectors and remove the memory card. If there is protective film or glass stuck to the screen, it is advisable to remove it. Anything that can be unscrewed and unscrewed must be removed. The main thing is to know how to assemble a touchscreen phone after drying.

Drying the phone

Once you've figured out what to do if your phone falls into water, you need to know how to dry it safely. In order for the mobile phone to start working again, the moisture must not be blown out as far as possible, but, on the contrary, blown out of the case. This can be done using a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle. Turn on the lowest setting and blow through each hole and each removed part for 10 minutes. After sucking out the moisture, the chance that the phone will work again is very high. The main thing is not to lean the vacuum cleaner tube close to the connectors, maintain a distance of one centimeter.

Another surefire way to save a push-button or touch phone is to place it in rice grains. Rice absorbs moisture very well, which gives your mobile phone a chance to “recover.” A special absorbent material, which is found in small bags in shoe boxes or leather bags, is better suited. Pour the contents into a container and place your mobile phone in it for 48 hours. If it doesn't turn on after the specified time, try charging it (it might just be dead). If the phone still refuses to work, contact the service center.

You cannot use a hairdryer to dry your phone!

Errors when rescuing a mobile device

Many people immediately grab a hairdryer and start blowing a hot stream of air into all the holes, on the buttons, or simply on the touch screen. After such drying, the device may stop working forever.

Why can't you use a hair dryer?

  1. Too hot air can melt the thin plastic parts of the mobile phone.
  2. The powerful air flow blows the droplets even further into the device body, which will lead to further corrosion of individual components.

The second mistake is trying to hold the device over gas, place it on a hot radiator, or use a microwave oven. The instructions for using mobile devices clearly state that overheating damages the battery and other parts.

The most difficult thing to save is the touch screen. If moisture has reached it, you will notice spots or stains. Most often, the sensor immediately stops working. Do not try to take the entire phone apart to clean the inside yourself. Without certain knowledge and skills, it will be impossible to perform this procedure. If the device works after it's completely dried, but the screen still has streaks or streaks, the part will likely need to be replaced.

Take your time and think sensibly. If your beloved phone falls into the water, you need to act as quickly and judiciously as possible. The faster you get rid of excess moisture, the less likely it is that water will penetrate under the touch screen or reach the internal elements of the phone, causing subsequent corrosion. If you strictly follow all the tips listed, your phone will work again.

Stores with mobile devices sell special bags for drying equipment. Every owner of a mobile phone, camera, player or tablet would do well to have a couple of these miracle bags at home. User reviews confirm that they absorb excess moisture as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Today, gadgets have become an integral part of the life of any person. Any purchase of a new smartphone makes us feel joy and happiness, and when the smartphone accidentally falls into water, beer or other liquid, we begin to panic and worry.

In today's article we will tell you what to do if your phone falls into water and what steps to take.

As you know, in most cases the phone can be saved, and the liquid environment has a significant influence on this. For example, if a phone is dropped into water with high alkalinity, the chances of success are minimal.

The best chance of successfully resuscitating a phone is when it falls into running water.

What to do if your phone falls into water Samsung, LG, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Meizu, iPhone, Sony, ZTE, Asus, Android?

So, let's look at how to save a phone that has fallen into water. First, if your touch phone falls into water, turn it off immediately. After turning off the phone, remove the battery, memory card and SIM card. This step will also prevent your phone from shorting out. If your phone comes with a non-removable battery, turn it off using the on/off button.

Figure 1. If your touch phone falls into water, remove the battery as quickly as possible.

These were the first steps to take if your touchscreen phone fell into water. Now you need to dry all the accessories and the smartphone; we will talk about ways to dry a smartphone below.

How to dry a touchscreen phone that has fallen into water?

It's worth noting that you should not use your phone, headphones, or your phone's USB port until all components are completely dry.

Below we will give ways to dry a phone that has fallen into water, beer or other liquid.

Method 1. How to dry a touch phone in rice if it fell into water or got water in it?

To dry the outside of your phone, you can use a paper towel or soft cotton cloth.

Figure 1: A paper or alcohol wipe works great for absorbing water in tight areas of the phone.

You can use dry rice to dry the inside of your phone. Take a medium sized bag, fill it with rice and put your phone in it. It is very important that the rice completely envelops the phone

Figure 2. Dry risk perfectly absorbs moisture, which will allow you to rid your smartphone of water in a matter of days.

Method 2. How to dry a touchscreen phone in silica gel if it fell into water or got water in it?

Besides rice, you can use silica gel to dry your phone. Silica gel bags are used in shoe boxes.

Figure 2: You can find silica gel packets in a shoe box.

Method 3. How to dry a touchscreen phone on a battery if it has fallen into water or water has gotten into it?

Many people will ask, is it possible to dry a phone on a battery? Definitely yes.

This is perhaps the easiest way to dry your phone, but still risky. For example, if you simply put all the phone components on top of the battery, the battery may swell and will have to be replaced. Thus, it is best to wrap the phone and battery in a towel or thick cloth.

Method 4. How to dry a touch phone with a hairdryer if it has fallen into water or water has gotten into it?

Never try to dry your phone with a hairdryer. The reason for this is that the hair dryer blows hot air, which causes the circuits in the phone circuit board to melt.

Figure 1. If you do decide to dry your phone with a hair dryer, be very careful and keep the hair dryer at a distance of 30 cm.

How long should you dry your phone after falling into water?

In most cases, owners who drowned their phone note that their device worked properly after 3-7 days. Again, you need to consider how your phone fell into the water and how long it was there.


What should you do if your phone falls into water and no longer charges or the battery does not work?

Surely you have noticed that after the phone fell into the water, it stopped charging or sometimes a notification appears that headphones were connected to the phone. This problem usually disappears after drying the phone for a long time.

Of course, we cannot deny the possibility that the connector for charging the phone has become unusable. But before you contact a smartphone repair service center, it is best for you to thoroughly dry your smartphone and try to charge it again.

Figure 1. If after a long and thorough drying of the phone it does not charge, then the problem may only be in the USB cable or charging connector.

Why doesn’t the screen or sensor of a phone that fell into water turn on?

After dropping your phone into water, the touch screen may not respond to your touch for a long time. The reason is that the sensor has many layers, and liquid got into one of them. In this case, you need to place the smartphone in a glove or wrap it in a scarf, and then place it on the battery. If the problem is not resolved within 2 weeks, then your only option is to contact the service center.

The phone fell into the water, the sensor does not work - a frequent occurrence in our lives. What to do? Do the following:

The smartphone ended up in the water

Turning off your smartphone

This must be done to prevent short circuits. If possible, remove the battery. For a non-removable source, hold down the power button for five seconds, no more. Otherwise, the device will turn off and turn on again. Wipe the outside of your smartphone with a soft, dry towel.

  • Do not shake the device in hopes of shaking water out of it. In this case, the liquid will only penetrate deeper into the smartphone.
  • Do not connect the device to power. This can also cause a short circuit due to the water in it.
  • Do not press the keys. This will push water inside the device.
  • Do not dry the device with a hairdryer! Firstly, under the action of an air stream, water spreads throughout the entire body. Secondly, the increased exposure temperature will damage the components.

Disassembling the device

Remove the back cover of the smartphone, the plug with a headphone jack, if there is one, remove the SIM card and memory card. If you are not an expert in device repair, stop here to avoid possible damage due to ignorance.

To remove water that gets inside, you can use a vacuum cleaner designed for cleaning computer keyboards. This must be done carefully. To avoid damaging the screen module, place the smartphone with the screen facing up if you decide to let it dry naturally. The remaining water will drain from it under the influence of gravity. It is better to place the device near a warm heating radiator, where the air is not only warm, but also drier.

Disassembling the smartphone

Drying the device with absorbents

You can speed up the drying of a smartphone that has fallen into water. To do this, use absorbents, substances that absorb water, for example, silica gel granules. It is used to dry equipment during conservation in order to avoid metal corrosion, used in cat litter as a filler, etc. And in our case, it will serve as a good moisture absorber.

Silica gel granules

Take a small, heavy-duty plastic bag with a snap-on seal. Pour two cups of silica gel into it. Now put the wet smartphone that you disassembled into the bag, immerse it edge-on in the absorbent, and sprinkle granules on the sides. When closing the bag, try to remove as much air as possible by squeezing the bag on both sides. If there is no clasp on the bag, tie it tightly to prevent air from entering.

Place the bag in a warm place for 24 hours. During this time, the silica gel will absorb all the water remaining in the smartphone that could not be pulled out with a vacuum cleaner from all its nooks and crannies.

Silica gel can be replaced with dry rice, which you probably have in your house. It is also capable of drawing water into itself, being a unique absorbent of natural origin. True, you will have to keep the wet device in a bag or jar with rice longer, about two days.

Before opening the package, check to see if the screen is foggy. If it fogs up, you need to keep the bag closed for some more time, perhaps for one day, until it dries completely.

Drying your smartphone with rice

After putting your smartphone to dry, do not rush, do not turn it on before the scheduled time. It is difficult to remain even for an hour without your faithful assistant, without contact with friends, family and colleagues, without information. And this is understandable. However, premature switching on may result in a short circuit. It is known that device chips made of silicon are capable of maintaining moisture for a long time. Please be patient.

After keeping the phone for the specified time, remove it from the package and connect it to a power source. Look how he behaves. There is a high probability that the smartphone will come to life, recover and work quite well. The Android and iOS operating systems will start loading in 10% of such cases. But the question here is also how long the smartphone will last after getting wet. It doesn’t hurt to consult a specialist for advice.

What should you do if your phone falls into water and doesn’t turn on?

First you need to dry it according to the method described above. The contacts begin to oxidize immediately after the cables and board are exposed to water, especially when the water is warm.

This causes the following to appear on the monitor:

  • yellow or white spots;
  • various kinds of stripes;
  • · sensor sensitivity disappears;
  • pixels light up in a separate order.

If partial oxidation has already occurred, use a special aerosol that can remove oxidation from the motherboard.

What should you do if the sensor does not work after your smartphone falls into water?

In this case, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. Since this is not an easy operation, it would be more correct to take the smartphone to specialists at a service center to replace the sensor. They have the necessary knowledge and skills in this matter.


Most likely, in a couple of years, all smartphones, and not just their expensive representatives, will be made waterproof. And it won’t be scary if you dropped your phone in the water. In the meantime, to protect yourself from worries and problems associated with possible getting your device wet, you can purchase a waterproof case for it.

Smartphone in a waterproof case

There is a consolation point in case the device becomes exposed to water. Smartphones that are not waterproof also have some protection against water. For example, in the iPhone 5 series of smartphones, the cable connectors are taped. The Apple iPhone 6 has a rubber layer behind the side buttons.

If, after conscientiously following all of the above steps, the smartphone is unstable or refuses to work at all, there is only one thing left to do - take it to a service center for repairs.

Methods for drying and repairing a phone after falling into water.

Most often, mobile phones that have been dropped or have mechanical damage are brought in for repair. Among the faulty devices there are many “drowned people”. Often the phone falls into the washbasin or toilet. But sometimes one cup of tea is enough to fail. In this article we will tell you how to resuscitate a “drowned man”.

No one will give a guarantee, even the service center will not say with a 100% guarantee whether the phone will work. It all depends on how long the device was in the water and how quickly you dried it. Water usually penetrates deep through the holes for the headphones and the charging connector. The likelihood of resuscitation of the device increases if you immediately disassemble the device and dry it.

Many people try to dry the device with a hairdryer, but this is an ineffective method of dealing with moisture.

Instructions for saving your phone:

  • Remove it from the water immediately. Remove the back panel and remove the battery
  • Some modern models are sold with a screwed lid. In this case, the likelihood of saving the device is reduced.
  • Unscrew the screws and remove the back panel, remove the battery, all cards
  • Using a dry, lint-free cloth, blot everything inside; the battery should also be wiped
  • Leave all parts of the device on dry cloths and let dry completely
  • Don't even think about turning on the gadget. Allow 2 days to dry completely
  • After that, assemble the phone and turn it on

What to do if a Xiaomi, Samsung, Lenovo, Asus, Zte, Sony, iPhone, Android phone fell into the water?

This is the simplest option, but not the most successful. The fact is that warm water accelerates metal corrosion, so all contacts will oxidize faster. But you can still disassemble the phone, wipe it with a dry cloth and put it on the battery overnight. In the morning, assemble the device and try to turn it on.

Rice is an excellent adsorbent that absorbs moisture well. With its help, you can dry the device, while moisture is absorbed even from hard-to-reach places.


  • Remove the phone from the water and quickly remove the cover
  • Remove the battery, add dry rice to a bowl
  • Immerse the device and battery in rice. Cover everything with cereal
  • Leave the gadget to dry in rice for 2 days
  • After 2 days, try to assemble and turn on the device

This does not mean that the phone is broken. Often during an outage the battery will drain within 3 days. After this it will hardly be possible to charge it. Many Chinese phones are sold with two batteries. Try making a replacement. Often the problem is oxidation of the USB connector through which the device is charged. In this case, you can resolder the connector itself. But you are unlikely to cope on your own, so contact a service center.

Why doesn’t the screen or sensor of a phone that fell into water turn on?

The phone may turn on after falling into water, but the screen does not respond to touch or does not light up at all. In this case, moisture has entered the screen. It is also possible to close the contacts in the screen. Perhaps the service center will be able to repair the contacts and dry the screen. But often you have to change the entire screen.

If only this happened to your gadget after falling into the water, then consider yourself lucky. This is a simple and inexpensive breakdown. The speaker is a hole through which moisture enters. The service center will quickly replace the speaker. You won't be able to fix it yourself.

It all depends on the quality and cost of the phone. Chinese copies, which are “clones” of well-known manufacturers, have built-in cheap cameras. It is almost impossible to repair them due to the complexity of soldering the cables. Sometimes it is not possible to make a replacement, since cameras that are identical in appearance can differ significantly. In this case, you will have to use only the front camera.

In known devices, the camera will have to be replaced. This will put a dent in your wallet, as spare parts for famous phones are not cheap. But perhaps everything can be done by cleaning the contacts, and the camera will not have to be changed.

First, try cleaning the microphone hole. This is done with a toothpick or needle. But if you do not have experience, we do not recommend doing such repairs. You risk puncturing the microphone. In this case, the part will need to be replaced. This repair is also inexpensive, so consider yourself lucky.

Never dry your phone with a hairdryer or microwave; overheating will negatively affect the serviceability of the device. You should not immediately try to turn on the device. You need to completely disassemble it, remove the SIM card and memory card. Place the device itself with the battery in rice for a day. Only after this assemble and try to turn it on. If the gadget does not respond, do not be upset, take it for repair. After cleaning the contacts, most devices work fine.

You should not try to deceive the seller and say that the device broke down on its own. Each phone has an indicator that changes color when it comes into contact with water. Therefore, any technician will see that the phone is wet. Unfortunately, this is not a warranty case, so you will have to pay for the repair yourself.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to guarantee that the phone will work after drowning. If you reacted in time, disassembled and dried the device, then there is a chance to save the gadget.

VIDEO: Drying a “drowned man’s” phone