What is the difference between nano-SIM and micro-SIM? Micro-SIM and Mini-SIM - how do they differ?

As it became known from the presentation, iPhone 5 owners will need to change their SIM cards from micro SIM to cards of a new type - . But this is not always convenient; you have to go to the operator, bring your passport, and stand in line. Is there another, easier way possible? To answer this question, let's first delve into history.

The development of nano SIM was carried out not only by Apple, but also by many other giant companies, such as Nokia, Motorola, RIM, etc.

Apple proposed this nano SIM card format, a standard arrangement of contact pads, but smaller in size:

To which the Nokia developers proposed another option. In their opinion, such a card should be inserted into the phone like a memory card - on the side and without a SIM slot, and for these purposes the card was equipped with side protrusions:

But Apple said that the SIM card is too long and may get stuck in the classic micro-SIM slot...

Motorola and RIM decided to combine all the best qualities of the two offerings and created a card that had the standard pads that Apple offered, as well as spare pads in the center. Also, the new card received contact pads in the center and a side protrusion on the side, as Nokia proposed:

In principle, everyone is happy with the solution from Motorola and RIM, the card is not long, the contact pads are in place, even with a protrusion! But Apple engineers used their own version in their devices no matter what...

It follows that this is, roughly speaking, a smaller copy of a micro SIM. But by how much is it reduced? Is it possible to cut it, as is the case with SIM->micro SIM?

To do this, let's look at the dimensions of the card and compare it with micro SIM.

  • nano-SIM – 12.3x8.8 and thickness 0.67;
  • micro-SIM – 15 x 2.5 and thickness 0.81;

It turns out that you need to cut off all the plastic from the micro-SIM and leave only the chip. After that, file the chip with sandpaper so that the card becomes thinner and we get a nano-SIM.

Of course, this is not easy, but sometimes it’s easier than changing, for example, if the number is registered to a company. If you need to adapt a card, contact our service, we will help!

Experienced communication store consultants still remember the time when customers were perplexed by the fact that there were SIMs of non-standard sizes. Nowadays, having several types of SIM cards is commonplace. Manufacturers are giving preference to increasingly smaller cards, because this saves space inside the device body. Standard-sized SIM cards, bulky by modern standards, are about to “sink into oblivion.”

In this article we will talk about all types of SIM and teach you how to turn a large card into a small one.

In terms of size, SIM cards are classified into 3 types:


Mini-SIM– this is the “scientific” name for a standard SIM card. Its dimensions are 25x15 millimeters.

If the phone was released before 2011 (inclusive), you can be sure that exactly what is inserted into it Mini-SIM. For modern smartphones, such a card is too large, but this does not mean at all that Mini-SIM– anachronism. Standard SIM cards are used in simple dialers, in phones with large buttons for the elderly, in secure phones for fishing enthusiasts and factory workers. The listed devices cannot boast of an abundance of functions, so there is plenty of space inside their cases - in some models, manufacturers even allow you to install 3-4 Mini-SIM.


First card Micro-SIM began to be used by Apple - in iPhone 4 devices. Dimensions Micro-SIM– 15x12 millimeters.

Nowadays, the vast majority of smartphones are installed with Micro-SIM. The “baton” was taken over from Apple by Nokia, which equipped its Lumia devices with slots for Micro, followed by HTC, Samsung, and BlackBerry.


Nano-SIM– the newest and smallest card for the phone. Its dimensions are only 12x5 millimeters. Visually, the card is a chip with a minimum of plastic edging.

Apple is again the innovator. Exactly Nano-SIM users had to insert the 5th modification into the iPhone. Later, other well-known manufacturers began to produce devices with Nano-SIM slots - for example, Samsung And Meizu.

The following illustration will help you understand the differences between the three types of SIM cards:

How to change the SIM card size for your phone?

The most obvious way to change the SIM card size is replace it in the operator's cabin. This procedure is completely free, takes only a couple of minutes, and the phone number does not change subsequently. However, this method still has a number of disadvantages:

  • The new SIM card will not contain the numbers stored in the memory of the old one. Of course, a similar problem easy to solve: in the article “How to transfer contacts from iPhone to computer” we talk about several ways to export phone numbers. But, alas, many users consider their time too valuable to waste it on mastering third-party software and methods for creating backup copies.
  • You have the right to replace your SIM card in the office only its designer and only according to the passport. If the card was given to the user, for example, by his parents, he himself will not be able to replace it. Sometimes this becomes a real problem.

If a consultant changes a SIM card to a person who is not its issuer, this is fraud! For such an operation, the consultant will, at a minimum, be deprived of his bonus, and at maximum, he will be fired in disgrace. Therefore, demanding to “make an exception” is meaningless; no one wants to find themselves unemployed with unflattering wording in their work book.

There are several ways to change the dimensions of a SIM card without resorting to replacement. For example, a user can purchase adapter(aka - adapter). The adapters look like this:

It’s better to order adapters for SIM on Chinese websites - there they cost a mere trifle. For example, a set of adapters from Noosy along with a needle for iPhone will cost only 17 rubles. When purchasing in a salon, the user may be charged up to 250 rubles - the difference is more than noticeable!

The set usually includes adapters of 3 types: Nano-SIM to SIM, Micro-SIM to SIM And Nano-SIM to Micro-SIM. Since SIM cards of reduced sizes continue to be associated with Apple, manufacturers do not forget to include needles in the kits to remove the SIM card slot. Adapters are easy to use: a small SIM card is inserted into a suitable adapter, then the adapter itself with the card inside is placed in the slot of the mobile device.

Adapters help when you need to increase the size of a SIM card, but what should the user do if, on the contrary, the card needs to be reduced? The owner of the gadget should think about the fact that such a need may arise even at the stage of purchasing a SIM card - and insist on issuing him a so-called Combi-SIM. Combi-SIM is a standard-sized card from which you can make a micro-SIM card in a split second.

Inside a SIM card, standard in size, Micro-Sim is already cut along the contour, so it is easy for the user to press with a finger and break off a piece of plastic.

There is no need to rush to throw away the frame– she is still capable of doing a good service. If you need to reinsert the card into the slot under Mini-SIM the frame can be used as an adapter.

Usage Combi-SIM- one of the ways to change the size of the SIM card downwards. Cards Combi provided to mobile users for free- of course, if they are available in the operator’s office.

If the user already owns a standard SIM card and wants to turn it into Micro, without losing contacts, he has no other choice but to cut the SIM card. Pruning is usually carried out using a special device called stapler for Sim(aka - Sim cutter, it’s the same - Sim-Cutter).

Make from a standard card Micro-SIM If you have such a stapler, it’s a second procedure. However, expect that the sales office or workshop will carry out this procedure for free, not worth it. The salon employees will demand 149 rubles for trimming and will even knock out a check for providing a paid service. Repair shops will also ask for money - or even send the user to deal with the operator.

Cutting a SIM card is associated with some risk - if the person performing the procedure is in a hurry or is inattentive, he will damage the chip and, as a result, the SIM card will not function. Hence the high cost of pruning services - no one wants to take risks “for nothing.”

How to cut a SIM card with your own hands?

Not all cellular communication stores have SIM staplers - some consultants continue to cut cards with their own hands and with ordinary scissors. The reader may be surprised to learn that no one trains consultants to do this. They hone this skill on their own, and many are able to successfully cut a SIM card the first time.

No wonder - in fact, the procedure is extremely primitive! Usually the main difficulty is finding a pattern. Consultants, as a rule, have their entire table littered with SIM cards of various sizes that work and have served their useful life - they use them as samples. The average user can only dream of such abundance - however, if he still managed to borrow a SIM card of the required size to serve as a template, he can safely try trimming it himself. If not, he should resort to using a printer and a template print(here is the relevant link).

To cut a SIM card, you don’t need felt-tip pens, rulers or pencils - if you follow these instructions:

  • Take the large SIM in your hand with the chip facing up.
  • Place the sample card on top so that it completely covers the chip, press it tightly with your thumb and do not let go. If desired, the template can be attached to a large SIM using double-sided tape, but experts do not recommend doing this - you can damage the chip.
  • Carefully trim the sides of the plastic. Try not to have too much, otherwise the SIM card in the slot will “dangle” and the signal will be lost.
  • Cut the card according to the template across. Here you can act less scrupulously; The main thing is not to touch the chip.
  • Remove the corner and round the edges a little - otherwise the SIM card will not fit into the slot.

Next, put the template aside and try to install the cut card into the phone to check its functionality. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, carefully trim the plastic and try again. If the card slot is just the right size and can be read by the phone, rejoice - you just cut a SIM card with your own hands!

note that not just any card can be “cut” to the desired size. Easiest to redo Mini-SIM V Micro SIM – such pruning should not cause any difficulties for the user at all. Trim under Nano-SIM always more difficult; plastic around the chip on the card Nano almost none, so the risk of snagging the chip with the blades of the scissors is quite high.

Old-style SIM cards with large chips are still in use:

Cutting such SIMs is a real nightmare! With some luck, from such a card you can make Micro-SIM, but turn it into Nano It definitely won't work.


The fact that smartphone manufacturers began to produce gadgets that support different types of SIM cards, salon sellers have become quite rich. Of course, not all paid services go through the cash register - in many cases, the money for trimming goes into the pockets of consultants. Cutting SIM cards for sellers is a “bread and butter” business, which means free there is nothing to count on for help from consultants.

Therefore, a user who does not want to “feed” salon employees is better off mastering pruning skills himself. This procedure is quite simple and does not require “surgical precision”.

Currently, an acoustic system is present in almost every home, but the issue of selecting a high-quality system still remains relevant. There are several types of music centers, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is a music center?

The configurations of the music center imply the direction of technology of narrow specialization. An acoustic system of this nature is equipped with equipment for reading and playing audio files, including a radio module that serves to capture broadcasts of radio stations.

The music center format combines balanced and optimal sound, the achievement of which is made possible by design features. It is because of this that a standard quality mini-system often has better sound characteristics with increased clarity than an unbalanced complex of hi-fi components assembled on a whim.


Among the advantages of a microsystem is the ability to fill a small room with music without spending a lot of money and a lot of space. Buyers of this equipment require ideal sound quality, but not all models are capable of providing it.

A microsystem, in other words, a music center, is a package consisting of a compact head unit with a pair of small speakers.

The components include the following elements:

  • Remote Control;
  • wires;
  • user manual and other documentation.

At this point in time, the microsystem has the ability to play CDs and receive radio broadcasts. Many of them feature an audio file system (lossless), support for gadgets (there are information transfer methods such as Bluetooth and a USB cable), and even a local network connection for playing Internet radio with digital audio content.

From the above, we can summarize that micro system users get good quality music without putting in much effort. You just need to connect the speakers by plugging the connector into the outlet, and the connected equipment is ready for use.

When using microsystems, there are no problems regarding the compatibility of electronic components with acoustics, since everything you need is in the box.

Microsystems are music centers with a monoblock structure and small volumes. Among the main elements of the microsystem there is an optical drive with a radio tuner. Microsystems are a small number of functioning elements, and all of them have rather modest characteristics. They have low power.

The components include an amplifier with low power and small speakers. Usually this is a standard stereo pair. Even at a low price point, microsystems are capable of reproducing high-quality sound.

Such centers are lightweight and therefore suitable for transportation.


They are available in block and monoblock designs. Their overall dimensions are slightly larger than microsystems.

Regarding the functional elements and characteristics of minisystems, we distinguish:

  • conventional minisystems;
  • mid-level minisystems;
  • high-level minisystems.

Conventional mini-systems are the most popular among buyers, and this is not surprising, since they have all the characteristics and components required for a music center. Such music centers have an average power level. They are equipped with a good amplifier with speakers that contribute to a good, high-quality sound signal. Another advantage is the affordable price.

Mid- and high-end minisystems have more power. They have a better acoustic system compared to microsystems. They have a number of advantages expressed as additional elements.

The cost of mid- and high-level minisystems is slightly higher than the price of standard minisystems.

Suitable for home use. Simply listening to music at home, or, for example, for holding discos in small spaces.


Midisystems are a block design and have the largest dimensions compared to already presented music centers. A large number of models of this type are produced as component systems. In more expensive midisystems, the acoustics have enclosures made of wood, which, in combination with powerful low-frequency amplifiers, guarantee the music center high sound quality.

Quite often, midi systems are equipped with high-quality CD transporters and multi-bit processors for processing high-resolution audio, as well as high-quality cassette decks with a noise reduction system.

The main difference between these music centers is the function of supporting a huge number of formats. Most midisystems even have a karaoke function.

The price of a midisystem is quite high.

An ideal option for holding discos in large areas.

Having studied each of the presented options for music centers and understood their differences, there should no longer be any questions about which device is worth paying attention to.

Each mobile device works with the network through a special card with a chip, which is popularly called “Simka”. The chipset contains information that is used to communicate with the operator and provide services, storing a small amount of data. Now they produce several SIM formats, which differ in size.

What is a nano SIM card

Each owner bought a package from MTS, Megafon or TELE2 to use communication services. All owners of an iPhone model older than 4 were the first to become familiar with what a nano SIM card means. The new smartphone used a completely different card format, which was called NanoSim. The innovation was due to the fact that the iPhone had become 20% thinner and the manufacturer was looking for ways to reduce the content. The standard connector was replaced with a narrower one, and nanoSIMs began to be used instead of MicroSIM.

Residents of Moscow and other Russian cities were not ready, operators did not have time to issue new types of cards, so many needed to cut their SIM cards for a nano SIM. Old cards simply did not fit into SIM card slots (even MiniSIM and microSIM cards). All other smartphone manufacturers followed the giant's example and copied the new format to also reduce the thickness of the device.

Micro SIM and nano SIM - the difference

The most important difference between a nano SIM and a micro SIM is the size and thickness. The chip also works well, there are no innovations in communication or data transmission technology, just smaller parameters made it possible to make the iPhone even thinner. Problems arose only among users who decided to switch to a new smartphone from Apple, and among operators, because the main complaints regarding the size of the SIM card were addressed to Beeline, MTS and Megafon. However, this complexity did not stop people for long, because the difference in parameters is small, for example, a micro-SIM is 12x15 mm, and a nano-SIM is 9x12 mm.

How to cut a SIM card for a nano SIM

Those who had just purchased a brand new iPhone really didn’t want to wait and a pressing question arose: how to cut a micro SIM card for a nano SIM? The chip size of the SIM cards is the same, and the main problem was the amount of plastic around the edges. To reduce to nano format, you can do the following:

  • perform circumcision yourself;
  • take it to a workshop where the necessary tools are available;
  • send it to a mobile phone store and request a replacement card.

How to make a nano sim from a micro sim

If you don’t want to travel or go anywhere, you can try to reduce the size of the SIM card yourself. There is a proven way to cut a micro SIM card under a nano SIM if you have a printer, scissors and double-sided adhesive paper. It should be remembered that during trimming there is a possibility of getting a non-working SIM card from a working SIM card. You perform all actions at your own peril and risk. You will need:

  • double-sided tape (you can use glue, but this option is worse;
  • micro or standard SIM card;
  • printer and paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors (or nail clippers);
  • sandpaper.

The rules for pruning will not differ depending on the gadget, for an Apple phone or tablet. In order not to cut off extra millimeters and not damage the circuit, you will need a nano format SIM card template, which can be easily downloaded. Next you need to do the following.

  1. Print the downloaded template; there is no need to change the scale or location of the drawing. You don't need color printing, regular black and white will suffice. It is important that the drawing is simply clear.
  2. Using scissors, cut the template to the size that fits your card. Inside the picture, the parameters for the nano-SIM card will be indicated.
  3. Glue it with tape/glue to the side of the SIM card on which the operator’s logo is written (the chip should not be exposed to any impact). Focus on the cut corner of the drawing, which will prevent you from making a mistake with the correct sides.
  4. Wait for the glue to dry (not required in the case of tape), and carefully cut off the excess plastic along the lines of the template. If the scissors are not sharp enough, use nail clippers.
  5. Remove the glued paper from the SIM card.

Don’t worry that the cut lines will pass in close proximity to the chip; this will not affect the performance of the micro-SIM in any way unless you deliberately touch it. Use sandpaper to round the edges and sand down any rough edges on the plastic. If the card is difficult to fit on one side, sharpen it a little more with sandpaper.

How to make a nano sim from a regular one

The exact same method that was described above is suitable if you have a question about how to make a nano SIM from a regular SIM card. Please note that older card models have a larger chip, so you will have to remove almost all the plastic around the circuit. Residues should be removed carefully with sandpaper or a nail file. Another subtlety of old SIM card models is thickness. The new format has become not only small, but also thin, so in addition to the four sides, you will have to sharpen the back side, where you have Megafon or MTS written on it.

Another option is to buy a special device from an online store that cuts the card to the required size. Outwardly it looks like a stapler, a regular SIM is placed inside, the handles are carefully pressed and all excess is cut off in one click. The tool can cut Micro or Nano format. Exactly the same devices are used in the communications and mobile departments. The tool is inexpensive, but there is no point in buying it just to reduce 1 card.

Adapter for nano SIM card

This standard size is used only in new smartphones and gadgets from Apple. If at some point you took an older model phone, then you will need an adapter for a nano SIM card. This is a special adapter in which the card is placed and it is tightly fixed in it, enlarging it. The cost of such an adapter is very low. Then you simply insert the adapter into your phone and use it.

Where to change a regular SIM card to a nano one

If you don’t risk cutting your standard SIM, it’s better to exchange it for free for a new option from your operator. This is the only sure way to get a nano SIM with your number. Operators offer you to change to another card. All you need to do is come to the post office and take with you:

  • passport;
  • contract;
  • old map.

Where to cut a SIM card

If you decide that you don’t want to do anything yourself to avoid damage, then there are two options for cutting the SIM card. You can come to a communication store, they will offer you either to completely replace the plastic, get a new SIM, which has several layers and can be squeezed out of the shell to the required format. Or the employee will use the “stapler” described above. The second option is to go to your nearest phone repair shop. Each of these departments also has a stapler; for a symbolic price (and in some places for free) they will cut off excess plastic for you.

Nano SIM card price

If you contact a mobile phone store, the exchange will be carried out absolutely free of charge. Now this takes just a few minutes. And within a day, your old plastic will stop functioning completely. If you go to a workshop or hardware store, you should know how much it costs to cut a SIM card. As a rule, the cost of the service ranges in large cities from 100 to 300 rubles. The price may be lower, and some kind craftsmen do it for free.

Video: how to cut a SIM card for nano

Minisim- this is an ordinary and familiar SIM card, standard size, which is usually called a “SIM card”, without the “mini” prefix. The most common format of SIM cards, but today they are increasingly difficult to find in new smartphones.
The size of a regular, standard SIM card or mini-sim is 25 X 15mm

Microsim- this is the same SIM card as a mini-SIM, but unlike it, a micro-SIM has a smaller size of 15 X 12mm. As a rule, SIM cards are sold with the ability to turn a regular SIM card into a micro-SIM card by simply squeezing a micro-SIM out of the card’s plastic frame.

A universal or multi-SIM card looks like this (you can see the boundaries along which you need to squeeze out the required SIM card size):

What is a Nano SIM card?

Nanosim- This is the newest SIM card format, and today it is the smallest SIM card size for smartphones and tablets. The Nano SIM does not have any plastic around the chip like you see on the Mini SIM and Micro SIM. The size of a nano-SIM card is half the size of a standard SIM card and is 12.3 X 8.8 millimeters, which is practically the size of the chip itself, but still has a small border.

Micro-SIM and nano-SIM: the difference is in the size of the plastic or in the chip?

Based on the above characteristics of SIM cards, you can notice a significant reduction in plastic, directly along the edges of the SIM card chip. The dimensions of SIM cards are the key and main feature of what the SIM card is called. This size only affects the plastic; there are no and cannot be any changes in the chip itself. You can use a regular SIM card (mini-SIM), and if you upgrade your smartphone to a newer model that requires a micro-SIM, you can change it to the desired size at any time, be it micro-SIM or nano-SIM.

How to cut a SIM card for a nano-SIM?

There are several ways to make a nano-sim from a micro-sim:

First way- this means contacting a specialized store or communication salon of any operator, and in a couple of minutes they will give you the required SIM card size. The cost of this service, as a rule, does not exceed the cost of the starter package/SIM card itself, or is completely free. This service will definitely be free if you buy a starter package and immediately warn about what SIM card you need, in which case the operator’s representative must give you the required SIM card size.

Second way- this is to cut the SIM card yourself under the nano-SIM. Be prepared to need a ruler, scissors or a sharp utility knife, and possibly sandpaper. Attention! This method is less preferable, since there is a risk of touching one of the 6 contacts of your SIM card chip, which means you will need to restore the SIM card by contacting your operator.

So, if you decide to cut the SIM card yourself, then let’s move on directly to cutting:

Remember! Having cut a SIM card, for example, to the size of a nano-SIM, they may still differ in thickness, since the thickness of a nano-SIM card is 0.67mm, while mini-SIM and micro-SIM can be: 0.76-0.84mm.

How to insert a nano-sim into a micro-sim?

Changing the size back from a nano-SIM to a micro-SIM or mini-SIM is much more difficult, because you will need a holder/adapter or “holder” for the SIM card. If you have one, then you will not have any difficulties with changing the size, just insert the chip into the desired adapter and place it in your smartphone or tablet.

The image shows what an adapter for nano-SIM and micro-SIM should look like, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to buy a holder or save it, after buying the SIM card itself, as a rule, multi-SIM cards are sold.

Manufacturers of smartphones and tablets strive to reduce the size and weight of their devices as much as possible in order to make them more stylish, convenient and powerful, so new models have no place for excess and completely unnecessary plastic from SIM cards. Instead, you can reduce the size of the gadget itself or enhance it with other useful functionality: processor, memory, etc.

It is the size of the SIM card tray or slot that determines the required chip size, and this will determine which SIM card you need. As a rule, for smartphones that allow you to simultaneously use 2 or more SIM cards, you need to have a microSIM or nanoSIM.

Also, it is worth mentioning that recently, manufacturers have begun to increasingly use technology for SIM cards and memory cards, however, this is not always convenient, remember this when.