Typical iPhone faults. When will it be possible to buy Huawei Mate X? Responsiveness of the XYplorer program developer

It is clear that if you wanted to get an innovative device in a new case and with an abundance of unusual features, you lost. Conversely, if you expected the fifth iPhone to be just a continuation of the fourth, eliminating previously discovered shortcomings and improving existing functions, everything is in order.

Apple Fixes Antenna "Stranglehold" Issue Responsible for Power Drop wireless signals and sudden disconnections. Processing and video graphics power has risen to such a level that the iPhone 4S acts as a miniature iPad 2. If you protect its fragile body with a reliable case, you will have not only a phone in your hands, but also a compact photo and video camera, an excellent game console, powerful pocket computer, convenient GPS and GLONASS navigator, terminal for accessing cloud services.

If you own an older Apple smartphone like the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, or, most unlikely, first iPhone- choosing the latest iPhone 4S will be the right decision. This phone combines both excellent hardware and equally pleasant software. Lack of high-speed LTE communications, large display And fresh design shouldn't be off-putting.

But what should those who have an iPhone 4 in their hands do? Yes, definitely the fifth iPhone is faster, it has a great camera and a voice Siri assistant works only on it - but it’s unlikely that any of this will be a convincing reason to open your wallet: the differences between the two communicators are not fundamental.

And one more thing: Apple offered the iOS 5.0 mobile platform with its two hundred new products not only iPhone buyers 4S, but also to owners of iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. It seems that many will wait to switch to new smartphone, since iOS 5.0 will easily breathe fresh energy into their old phones.

Putting aside the problem of the iPhone 4S case, which is easily broken or scratched, as well as the endless question of when a truly breakthrough Apple product will appear, for example in iPhone face 5, all the advantages of the Apple phone become much more obvious. The power of the iPhone 4S manifested in a functionally rich mobile iOS platform 5.0, ecosystem of 500 thousand unnecessary applications and an extensive selection of legacy accessories that seamlessly interact with the new product. Without regard to whether the iPhone 4S is in your hands or attached to car holder or streaming AV content to a stereo or TV, it showcases its own brilliance.

Of course, the appearance of the iPhone 4S did not force competitors to frantically come up with an adequate answer - as was the case with the advent of the iPhone 4, however, even now Android and Windows Phone devices you will have to rack your brains trying to produce more advanced products. Rivals put on large screens that are easy to operate for those with large palms and long fingers, especially highlight the presence of LTE communications, which are not yet available everywhere and pretty much drain the battery, and talk with ecstasy about greatness dual core processors and outrageously high clock speeds- Apple, on the contrary, is in no hurry, content with systematic improvements instead of throwing in bright, but not so effective solutions.

A bit of poetry. Taking in iPhone hands 4S, the feeling of good quality comes to mind as from any Apple products. It's not about technical specifications, services or applications, and the phone itself is not perfect - there is room for improvement. And yet there is some intangible spark to it, something beyond the screen, the processor, iCloud...

Is the iPhone 4S the best smartphone in the world? The question is controversial. But, really, the last of Steve Jobs' lifetime creations is damn nice.

Pros of iPhone 4S:

- wonderful design;

- stunning camera;

Retina screen Display is still best in class;

— fast processor and powerful video graphics;

— geopositioning in addition to GPS supports GLONASS;

— Bluetooth 4.0 has a great future;

— half a million applications;

- competitive price among rivals.

iPhone 4S Cons:

— the glass-metal body is magnificent, but fragile, quickly gets dirty and scratched;

— The 3.5-inch display diagonal is already perceived as modest;

- duration reduced battery life on battery;

— 3G speeds are inferior to LTE speeds;

— 16 GB of built-in flash memory in the initial model is not enough: 1080p video recordings will fill this capacity very quickly;

- weak front-camera;

— Siri, firstly, works 100% only in the USA, and secondly, it definitely requires the Internet to be turned on;

— the age of iOS is noticeable.

Problem of choice

Those who have already decided to get an iPhone 4S still have to decide on the color of the smartphone and the amount of built-in flash memory. Let's try to figure it out together.

Black or white iPhone 4S is a matter of taste.

It is clear whether a phone is black or white is a subjective question: everyone chooses according to their taste. Meanwhile, the argument against the white iPhone 4S, as well as the same iPad 2, is simple. While working with an Apple device, it seems to disappear from consciousness, because you are completely immersed in the process, be it exciting web surfing, enjoying a game, watching a movie, reading a book or flipping through photos. And a much deeper “disappearance” is noted if the frame around the screen is black. On the contrary, the white body once again hints that all your attention lies within the desired boundaries of the display: some of the magic effect in applications and movies is lost - which is why TVs, by the way, almost all come with a black frame. Again, dirt and scratches on white iPhone 4S is more noticeable. Some people won't like the obvious contrast between the black screen of the phone when it's turned off and the white frame around it.

We can safely say that the owners white iPhones The 4S simply follow fashion. True, reading books or scrolling through websites with black text on a white background still looks more harmonious on a white phone.

Why shouldn't Apple get involved? iPhone release in multi-colored, “cheerful” cases?

iPhone 4S is offered in three versions: with 16, 32 or 64 GB of built-in flash storage - the right choice directly depends on what functions of the phone you use most often and how large your collected music library is. Let's do the math.

We took one hundred of the most common applications, including a GPS navigator, a DivX player with several episodes of popular TV series, and a set of toys - everything took up no more than 6 GB.

A collection of 700 songs will require about 4.5 GB. If you love listening to podcasts and subscribe to, say, ten different ones with five episodes each, add another 5 GB. All together let it eat up 10 GB of flash space. Of course, in reality here you should start from a specific musical selection.

For example, it was decided to save two hundred photographs taken by the iPhone 4S itself, plus the same number recorded from the computer, plus 40 not too large video clips - prepare 5 GB. Remember: 8 megapixels iPhone camera The 4S records video in 1080p format, so it's very easy to fill a 16GB smartphone with just videos if you shoot continuously for more than an hour.

Pay attention even to email, hundreds of PDF documents and e-books not worth it, because their sizes are minimal.

Let's summarize. Firstly, you shouldn’t give up storing music on your phone, because the Internet offering streaming audio services or radio is not available everywhere, and you can enjoy your favorite songs without taking your smartphone out of your pocket. Therefore, it would be more correct to purchase a 32 GB iPhone 4S. However, if you simultaneously acquire a tiny music player iPod nano 8 or 16 GB, you can safely buy the initial 16 GB model of the Apple communicator. There's not much point in spending money on the top-end 64GB iPhone 4S, unless you want to think about what you're putting into your phone and storing everything indiscriminately into it.

It happens that iPhone doesn't see SIM card. The reasons for this problem may be different.

Firstly, if the device is new and was purchased abroad, then most likely the phone is locked to the operator of the country in which it was purchased. Accordingly, when you place a SIM card from a local operator that does not match the one to which this device is locked, the iPhone does not see the SIM card. It’s just that the card of the wrong operator is detected as someone else’s and blocked special function. In order to fix this problem, you need to unlock your device. Unlocking iPhone is done using special program, which provides access to those smartphone functions that have been blocked by the location operator. After unlocking, you must activate your phone. The reason that foreign iPhones are mostly blocked is politics Apple, according to which the devices are attached to to a specific operator. Accordingly, when changing the operator, cellular company, on whose network it was originally located this smartphone, loses income. However, in Russia this problem is being successfully solved. Specialized service centers have been providing iPhone unlocking services for a long time.

Unlocking the iPhone didn't help. What to do?

If the initial unlocking of the iPhone has been carried out, but the phone does not see the SIM card, then the problem may be a malfunction or mechanical damage the card itself, or its expiration date. Check for proper operation sim cards You can simply insert another working card into the communicator, preferably from the same cellular operator.

If the iPhone is unlocked, but does not see any SIM cards, then perhaps the problem is dirty contacts or a broken SIM card holder. To accurately determine the reason why the device does not see the SIM card, you need to contact the service and carry out comprehensive diagnostics. If moisture gets on the contacts and they become covered with oxide, or the conductors of the SIM card holder become dirty, then troubleshooting involves cleaning the phone. In some cases, when the device does not see the SIM card because it does not fit tightly or is not fixed due to a broken SIM holder, you may need complete replacement SIM card holder (SIM holder).

If, despite complete technical serviceability, iPhone does not see the SIM card, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics possible malfunctions at work software, which can also be done at a specialized service center.

More details about cost and terms Apple repair You can check your iPhone with our specialists or manager Service center "Service Market" by phone or ask a question in any feedback form.

Almost every new launch Apple products is not without minor misunderstandings and the release was no exception. Enough time has already passed since the start of sales, the “oohs and aahs” have subsided, and behind the general rejoicing and delight, spots in the sun have become noticeable. Exactly about iPhone problems 4S is what I would like to tell our readers today.

Same screen, same complaints

For several years in the first days after the release of the new generation apple smartphones(this happened with both the iPhone 3GS and ) users complained about the quality of the screen. Of course, the technology captured the imagination of even the most fastidious buyers, but complete happiness was prevented by the “yellowish tint” that appears in different places screens.

In previous cases, the yellowness did not last long and, as it turned out, was due to the glue not drying enough. Moreover, over time the problem disappeared by itself and there is no reason to believe that this time it will be different.

Also, some buyers noticed a slight difference in brightness iPhone display 4S compared to iPhone 4 and not quite correct work functions automatic installation display brightness.

Weak battery

Specific part former users iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS was disappointed with the battery life of the new smartphone and, especially, fast discharge in standby mode, although according to official data and various tests, the battery characteristics have changed slightly.

It is difficult to say what exactly influences this behavior of the phone, but the more demanding ones can be identified as the “main suspects” Apple processor A5 with no less powerful graphics adapter, improved location services and voice assistant Siri.

According to The Guardian, which received information from an anonymous user, engineers Apple has already are aware of the problem and are immersed in the search for a solution. However, it is possible that iPhone 4S owners should sometimes take a break from working with their smartphone and not use it all the time! 🙂

Siri ignores the other person

Some people even have difficulties with Siri, which does not respond to user requests. Most likely this is a problem on Apple's side and is unlikely iPhone owner The 4S may be able to do something about this. As a workaround, Business Insider's Ellis Hamburger can turn it off and on again. voice assistant, but it is expected that Cupertino will soon carry out the necessary engineering works so that the service can cope with the flurry of user requests.

In addition, sometimes it starts without the owner’s permission when he holds a brand new smartphone to his ear. The iPhone 4 had a similar problem (when the screen turned on spontaneously during a conversation and you could disconnect the interlocutor by touching your ear), but then Apple “calibrated” the proximity sensor in software. It is likely that if the “defect” affects a large number of users, we will have a similar solution in the future iOS versions 5.

It's impossible to create a perfect device, but Apple is one of the few companies in the world that manages to come close to the ideal. Let's hope that our wonderful readers did not have time to encounter similar problems.

It’s quite interesting that no matter how ideal the product is, there will always be consumers who have something “wrong”. Especially for those who have problems with their newly purchased iPhone 4S we will talk about typical “problems”.

First of all, I would like to say that production costs and imperfect technologies, unfortunately, have not yet been ruled out. So don't ask for more from your iPhone 4S. Collected here typical problems, which baffle iPhone buyers.

iPhone 4S display yellowness- this phenomenon does occur, it is explained by the fact that the display is “glued” to the front panel and for some time after the phone is released this glue may not completely evaporate. This applies, of course, to newly released devices, therefore, the solution to this situation is simple: take the phone to service center no need, just wait about a week and you will stop noticing shades of yellow on the screen of your smartphone. The owners of the previous one had the same problem. iPhone models 4 immediately after the device goes on sale.

The second problem on the agenda is device operating time. Here, unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that Apple has reduced the time iPhone work 4S compared to its predecessor. This is caused by various factors, such as installation additional module. But of course, the corporation has given its own for those who want their phone to work longer, you can read them at.

Well, the last, not the most popular problem among our comrades, therefore relegated to third place - problem with Siri. Of course, this innovation in the new smartphone takes the interaction of people with their phone by leaps and bounds. After all, now you have access to a full-fledged voice search, albeit still not without “bugs”.

So, first of all, let's clarify that for the cloud (related to remote server) of the Siri service, you will need an Internet connection, because the application sends all your questions to the so-called “cloud”, which processes them; the cloud, in turn, requests necessary information from the network and provides it as an application response. And of course you need knowledge of the language, this moment Siri only understands English, German and French.

Many at using Siri, to put it mildly, they want a lot using the first version of the application in iOS 5. Unfortunately, this kind of technologies are just beginning to penetrate our lives and therefore, when receiving many questions, the system may simply get confused that you want to give the wrong answer to your question. In order to avoid this, we recommend using the “start over” command, which restarts the logical chain.

For those whom Siri “doesn’t understand,” unfortunately, no advice can be given yet. The technology does not yet accept different accents very well, but we sincerely hope that this will be implemented in the near future and people with unclear pronunciation will not receive limited access to the service.

Just recently, sales of a new product from Apple started - iPhone 4S. And, of course, many users who want to purchase a long-awaited new product have various questions. Perhaps the main one is - what problems and defects does the new 4S have? This question is quite natural, because what a technical innovation without problems.

Especially for you, we conducted our own personal and unbiased investigation.

So, problem one- yellowish display. Believe me, this is not a defect at all. Simply, in iPhone 4S, the display is attached to the front panel using adhesive. On new models recently delivered from the factory, the glue may not have time to completely evaporate. This leads to the problem mentioned above. However, after a short period of time, the yellowness disappears by itself. Let us remember that with ordinary ones it was exactly the same.

Second problem, of course, battery life. Really, iPhone 4S, in standby mode, works almost 100 hours less than previous model. This also affected work in all other modes. However, still, the gap is not very large; rather, this is a payment for the power of the device than a decrease in the energy intensity of the battery itself.

Third problem- Siri. First of all, do not forget to enable the function in the menu, according to the “formula” - Settings / General / Siri. Possessing quite good artificial intelligence, virtual assistant, is quite capable of communicating freely using the question-answer scheme. However, Siri may not understand your question if the topic of conversation quickly changes. In order to avoid problems with this, you just need to say a short command - “start over”, and the virtual cache will be automatically cleared.

It should be emphasized that Siri requires the Internet to work. It is working with cloud server makes your assistant so much smarter. The “cloud” also helps to process web requests. This was not done by chance, because it is synchronization with the server that guarantees maximum “unloading” of your device. Unfortunately, he does not understand phrases spoken with an unfamiliar accent. And there's nothing you can do about it. Now, the program understands three foreign languages: English, German and French. And from 2012 there will be: Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Unfortunately, there is no need to wait for the Russian version yet. In any case, in the next year, or maybe two.

As you can see, with new iPhone 4S problems are not so many. It's just upsetting Siri function. But everything else, as always, is top notch.