Adobe Lightroom in Russian. Program settings

When you open the program for the first time, you will be prompted to create a directory. The Lightroom directory is the place where previews of your raw files, settings and adjustment history, etc. will be stored. By default, directories are created on system disk in the My Pictures folder.

Disk C is not the most reliable place, because the system (Windows) may crash and directories will be lost. Therefore, we choose Choose a Different Catalog

In this window we select CreateaNewCatalog. Next, select the drive, just not the one on which Windows is installed, for example diskD. I usually call it that, but otherwise it doesn’t matter what you call it.

Congratulations, you have created a Lightroom catalog!

Now you can proceed to the settings, Edit/Preferences

By clicking, you will see this window, be sure to uncheck the item in the General tab Show import dialog when a memory card is detected. Otherwise, every time you insert a flash card into your computer, a Lightroom window will pop up asking you to copy the files. This really annoys me, if it suits you, leave it, but even by copying the files you will not avoid this offer again.

The next very important tab, FileHandling. Change the location of the cache folder from disk WITH, another.

This is what my settings look like. Cache moved to diskD, size increased to 20 gigabytes. It is highly desirable that the cache be located on a high-speed hard drive; if you have solid-state drives, it is better to indicate the path there. This will speed up the work

Next setting, This CatalogSettings.

In the first tab, you set the timing for backing up the directory. See to taste, I put it once a week, as indicated below. A little below about why this is so.

Tab FileHanding I leave it unchanged.

Lightroom catalogs “grow” over time to large sizes, which makes work difficult. In this case, click File/Optimize Catalog. Your directory will be compressed, which will improve performance.

If you install a backup directory every time you exit the program ( Everytimeexits), then optimization will occur every time. In this case, the settings will need to be set as in the picture below:

I came up with this algorithm for myself. Backup ( backup) 1 time per week and most importantly, set up automatic saving of settings files next to the raw files.

Some will say that this makes the work of Lightroom more difficult, yes, but not so much that it bothers me. So, the point is that with this I am insuring myself in case, God forbid, such a failure occurs that both the system and the catalogs “fly.”

This is very important in my work. What it looks like below:

We have configured the catalogs, now we move on to loading images for subsequent processing. This is not entirely common. We can't just take and open photographs like, for example, in Photoshop.

Click File/Import Photos and Video or Ctrl+Shift+i

If after clicking you see such a window, then press the button under the red arrow, otherwise go to the next picture.

  1. On the left, in this window you will see your drives and folders.
  2. Choose the desired folder, thumbnails will appear in the center. You can select all the photos in a folder at once by clicking CheckAll, if you need to select some specific photos, click UncheckAll and select each photo individually. To do this, left-click on the photo and press the spacebar (the most long key, in case someone doesn’t know) on the keyboard.
  3. Here we select the preview size, this determines how soon we can start processing. If you have little time to wait, then choose Embedded &Sidecar, this will be an image “embedded” in a raw jpg, it, as a rule, is not processed additionally by lightroom and we minimum term We can start processing the photos. 1:1 – This preview is the same size as the size of your matrix and takes longer. if I have free time, I choose this option. And when processing, I have a minimum of waiting from the transition from photo to photo to the processing itself.
  4. Apply During Import – here you can select saved preset pressing Develop Settings. And all these photos will appear for processing with the selected settings. For example, if it is some kind of special tinting. You can also apply keywords to all photos, which is especially convenient if you sell your photos on micro-stocks and photo banks.

The Don’t Import Suspected Duplicates item means do not import duplicate images. I don’t check this box, because if you process one photo from a folder, then, after a while, return to this folder and import all the photos, then you will not see the first, previously processed photo, and when exporting (saving) you can overlook it.. How be it for you, decide for yourself :)

Click Import ivo tab Library, you will only see the added photos. Processing occurs in the mode Develop.

Rustam Shanov

Like any other program, things sometimes go wrong with Lightroom. It may stop starting, start to slow down terribly, and produce some errors and mysterious messages.

To avoid problems, first of all, don’t do typical mistakes when working with the program, which you can read about in the article ““.

What to do if Lightroom is broken? The main thing is not to panic.

Then - always have a backup copy of the directories. You've probably noticed that Lightroom periodically asks you to back up catalogs. Do you close this window or do what is recommended to you? Maybe it's time to pay attention to the advice before it's too late?

Ideally, in addition to backing up directories, it is worth making a backup copy of the source files, but with a large number of images, this can become problematic.

But having backup copies of catalogs and sources, you can sleep peacefully. No matter what happens, you won't lose your pictures.

Now let's look at the list of the most typical problems problems arising with Lightroom and what to do about it.

Lightroom won't open

Solution options. Firstly, a banal reboot of the computer. It may be funny, but it helps.

If this does not help, then first of all delete the file with the .lock extension, which is blocking the directory while you are working with it.
In a normal situation, the file is deleted automatically after closing Lightroom. But sometimes, if the work was completed incorrectly, it may remain and interfere with the launch.

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This file is located in the same place as all the files in the current directory. The default is

  • Windows: \Users\[username]\Pictures\Lightroom
  • Mac OS: /Users/[username]/Pictures/Lightroom

If there was no .lock file or deletion did not help, try deleting the Lightroom settings file

You need to look for it here:

  • On Mac OS X: /Library/Preferences
  • On Windows: c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\

On Windows these are files with the extension .agprefs on Mac - .plist

If the directory still does not open and you have backup copy, try opening it instead of the current directory.

At worst, try completely uninstalling Lightroom and installing it again. In this case, it is advisable to install the latest version.

Lightroom is slow

Optimizing Lightroom for maximum performance is a separate topic. But the main tips are as follows.

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First of all, try optimizing the File -> Optimize Catalog directory.
Increase the cache size for Lightroom. Also, be sure that there is enough free space on the disk where the cache file is located.
You can find out where the cache is located and change its size in the Edit->Preferences menu (Lightroom->Preferences on Mac) on the File Handling tab

Lightroom is quite demanding on computer resources. Therefore, for speed, close everything unnecessary programs, update lightroom to latest version, and also be sure that with RAM the computer is fine.

Lightroom shows error when exporting

The easiest thing to do is to try restarting Lightroom first. If you are using any plugins that were applied during processing, make sure that the plugins are working correctly.
Do not use unofficial Russifiers for Lightroom - no one knows who made them and how. Delete the settings file as described above.

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Lightroom doesn't show preview or photo itself

First, try deleting the folder with previews of your photos. It is located in the same place as all the directory files. On Windows it is a folder with the directory name and .lrdata at the end, on Mac it is a file with the same name. Try updating your video card driver and monitor profile.

Lightroom is acting strange

There may be a large number of"oddities", but their treatment is mainly carried out using shamanic methods. Check if there is enough space for the Lightroom cache, update your video card drivers and monitor profile, be sure that hard drive and the RAM is fine.

A universal way to solve problems

Don't forget to update Lightroom. As a rule, updates include not only new cameras, as stated in official press releases, but also many bugs found and corrected in the program itself. Therefore, there is a possibility that next update your problem will already be solved.

In Lightroom, you can not only edit photos, but also create unique images using plugins. It is better to process a large number of photographs using presets. Many people create plugins well-known companies, producing photographic equipment. The article provides tips on how to install presets in Lightroom. A novice user can purchase plugins on the manufacturer’s official website.

How to create a preset in Lightroom

First you need to go to the presets folder, click on the icon with the “+” sign, create a folder and give it a name. Click on the create button. in which you need to set the settings.

How to add presets to Lightroom

Plugins must be downloaded from trusted sources. If you cannot find presets on official websites, then you need to search for them online using the phrase Lightroom presets. The system will offer many paid and free sets of settings.

Next, you need to solve the problem of how to install presets in Lightroom. After downloading the plugins to your computer, you need to unpack the archive. Only presets with the .intemplate extension are added to the program - the application does not recognize auxiliary files.

How to install presets in Lightroom? The user needs to copy the plugins using a combination Ctrl buttons+ C. All presets should be sent to the modules folder. In order for the plugins to appear in the program, you need to restart the application.

How to load presets into Lightroom

After installing a set of settings, you need to go to the develop work area. How to add presets to Lightroom? To do this, find the presets folder and click on it right click computer mouse. In the context menu that opens, select the import line.

A file with installed or created plugins will open. After this, you can apply presets to process images.

How to use plugins

This tool makes working with photos much easier. Presets can be applied to either a single photo or an entire batch of images. To use plugins, you need to go to work area develop.

In the list of options on the left, you need to select the presets line, mark the required plugin in the list of presets and click on it. The changes will be instantly reflected in the image.

How to save a plugin in the program

The user can create custom presets. When you click on the create button, the plugins are automatically saved in the application. The settings remain in the folder with other presets that were downloaded or installed previously. When adding a plugin through the application interface or into a folder, it is recommended to ensure that the file has the correct extension and is not corrupted. Otherwise, the program will not be able to recognize and open it.

How to save a plugin on your computer

When creating a new preset or adding it through the interface using the import button, all files with settings end up in the add-ons folder on the PC. Other program plugins are also stored there.

How to delete a set of settings

When working with dozens of images, photographers create a large number of presets. After some time, new plugins appear or the author’s image processing style changes. IN similar cases It is recommended to delete unnecessary presets.

There are 2 ways to delete a set of settings. To complete the procedure, the user should go to the develop tab. In the plugins panel, you need to right-click on the extra preset and select delete in the context menu. You can also delete a set of settings directly from the Adobe Lightroom add-ons folder.

Where are program plugins saved?

All application presets are stored in the add-ons folder. You can find them in documents and settings using Explorer.

If there are problems determining the location of plugins, the user should go to the program and open the edit section. After this, you need to select the catalog settings item. A new window will appear indicating the path to the add-ons folder. To go to the presets, click on the show button.

How to transfer Lightroom plugins to another PC

When updating the OS personal computer and replacement hard drive You should save all application settings on another device or removable storage device. How to reinstall presets in Lightroom on a PC? To get started in standard mode, it is necessary to transfer to the new device not only all images and the program directory, but also sets of settings.

Installation of presets in Lightroom is carried out when automatic update built-in plugins. In order to transfer saved author's settings complexes, you need to copy them from the add-ons folder to removable media. Then you need to drop the files into the Lightroom folder on the new computer. After a normal system update, plugins are moved to where they were previously stored.

Today we’ll talk about how to set up Lightroom CC. Due to the need to rearrange the system, I had to once again install and configure programs on the computer. In order not to forget anything, I decided to make a small reminder for myself and everyone interested in setting up Lightroom CC.

Lightroom is a program from Adobe that combines the functions of a RAW converter, cataloger and graphic editor.

In principle, setting up Lightroom CC is no different from previous versions, just added a few new bookmarks and checkboxes. Therefore, the setup procedure below can be applied by you to more earlier versions Lightroom.

And before starting the setup, I want to remind you that in Lightroom, like in most modern programs, you can work using hot keys. Their full list you will find it at the link.

Setting up Lightroom CC

Lightroom catalog

The Lightroom catalog stores information about thumbnails (smaller versions of photos for preview), processing applied to photographs, metadata, keywords ah, etc. But source files are stored separately from the directory. The program only reads them from the drive, applies the processing settings that you specified and saves these settings and a preview of the processed photo to the catalog. And the sources themselves remain untouched. This type of processing is called non-destructive. The catalog consists of two parts:

Important! This file and folder should be protected like the apple of your eye. Especially the .lrcat file. If you transfer this file and all the sources to a clean computer, you will see gray cards instead of photographs. But you can start the process of creating previews with a given quality and everything will be the same as before. But if the file is lost, you will only have the source code and previews, and information about the processing and cataloging done will be lost.

Where do I store my Lightroom catalog?

If you do not back up the directory frequently or are not confident in the stability of the OS, then you can place the directory on a separate partition.

Just keep in mind where it is impossible or strongly recommended not to store the directory:

    The directory (DB - database) cannot be located on a network storage device due to the likelihood of its damage and slow operation.

    On RAID arrays. The advantage of RAID is high sequential read/write speed. But when working with small files it will only get worse.

When prompted create new catalog Click “Choose a Different Destination” and select the folder where the directory will be located. Just take all of the above into account!

A folder with the entered name is created in the selected folder. This folder stores the catalog file and folder and a couple of service files.


Most settings are in the menu Edit – Preferences .

There are several tabs in the settings. Let's look at them all in order.

General (general settings)

Here we can select the language, which is set to English by default (since we downloaded English version programs).

Check mark opposite Show splash screen during startup is responsible for showing the Lightroom logo on startup. Check mark Automatically check for updates is responsible for updating.

Next, you can configure which directory to load at startup (Default Catalog). I think many will find it convenient to leave the default setting. If installed Load most recent catalog , then at startup the directory with which you last worked is loaded. Can choose Prompt me when starting Lightroom . Then at startup you will be asked which directory to load. By selecting Other , you can mark any directory from which you would like to always start working.

Check mark opposite Show import dialog when a memory card is detected must be removed. Otherwise, Lightroom will launch every time you insert a flash drive with photos. For example, you just want to look at other people’s photos, and then an import offer immediately appears. This will be terribly annoying.

The next checkbox is responsible for displaying imported photos during the next import. She doesn't care about special weather. Therefore we skip. Ignore camera-generated folder names when naming folders – If there is a checkmark opposite, then the in-camera folder names are ignored.

Next setting Treat JPEG files next to raw files as separate photos Only used when shooting RAW+JPEG. Let's say that when shooting you save both RAW and JPEG files. If the checkbox is checked, both will be imported and placed side by side. Otherwise, JPEG files will be ignored. I recommend shooting in RAW only or JPEG only, depending on the circumstances. In the vast majority of cases, it is better to shoot in RAW. And don’t hesitate to shoot in RAW if you’re reading this article.

In chapter Completion Sounds You can select sounds that will notify you when import and export are complete. You can leave it as default. This feature is useful when you are importing or exporting photos while you are doing other things.

When you press the button Go to Catalog Settings The directory settings window will also open with several tabs. Let's move on to those and later return to the rest of the general settings tabs.

General (general directory settings)

Here you can find information about the location, creation time and size of the directory. An important element of this tab is the choice of the frequency of reminders about catalog reservations. IN set time A message will appear indicating that a reservation is required. By pressing the button it will be carried out. As I said, this is extremely important. So take this seriously. You can choose to create backups monthly, weekly, daily during completion Lightroom works and other options. In my opinion, best option- weekly backup. I also recommend that you occasionally manually archive the catalog on a separate medium or in the cloud (on Yandex Disk, for example).

File Handling

The settings in this tab have a significant impact on Lightroom's performance, namely the speed and ease of importing, viewing, and catalog size. Standard Preview Size – here we select the size of the preview (or rather, the resolution along the long side).

The size of the thumbnail along the long side should slightly exceed the length of the monitor in pixels. For example, if you are working with a FullHD monitor whose resolution is 1920x1080, then standard size thumbnails should be set to 2048 pixels. If you bet more or less, the speed will decrease due to the need to recalculate the picture.

Quality of previews ( Preview Quality ) can be left as medium as the default. This will be enough for viewing. Next setting Automatically Discard 1:1 Previews affects the time after which full-size (same resolution as the source) previews should be deleted. If you shoot a lot, process photos and then never return to processing them, it makes sense to put minimum time(one day or week). This will greatly reduce the size of the database and slightly increase the speed. If you shoot a little and/or return to processing images, then it makes sense to leave full-size previews for a long time or not delete them at all. In this case, to speed up work, it makes sense to leave only valuable images in the catalog and delete garbage. This will reduce the size of the database and improve speed.


This tab contains metadata settings. The first checkbox is responsible for suggesting keywords based on recently entered ones. Let's leave it as it is. Include develop settings in metadata inside… – exif records some data about how the photo was processed.

Automatically write changes into XMP – you should check this box to ensure safe operation.

XMP are files small size, which records information about the applied editing. They are stored next to the sources. If you enable their creation, then if the catalog file is lost, most of the processing information can be restored.

You can skip geotargeting settings. Check mark opposite Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files is responsible for recording the editing time in exif. This function is useful if, for example, your camera clock is set incorrectly. Then the editing time will be recorded according to the time set on the computer.


Lightroom has a lot of useful tool called preset. A preset is a saved set of settings that will help you literally change your photo beyond recognition in an instant. Because Since everything in Lightroom is tailored to processing speed, it is possible to use presets during import.

Apply auto tone adjustments – when importing, automatic tone correction of the photo is performed. This is an analogue of a tool Autotone in Photoshop. Just as I didn’t use it in Photoshop, I still don’t use it in Lightroom. And I don’t advise you, because... automation often makes mistakes and leads to unexpected results.

Apply auto mix when first converting to black and white – in Lightroom it is possible to switch a photo to black and white mode by pressing one button. Usually there is a decolorization of the photo, rather than a full transfer to black and white. If this checkbox is checked, then a proprietary algorithm is used that enhances some colors (red, blue, purple) and weakens others (green, yellow, orange). The resulting conversion result will be better.

The next two parameters are responsible for the installation different parameters default for different cameras and for pictures with different ISOs.

Store presets with this catalog – saving presets in a folder with a catalog. I advise you to check this box so that if something happens, your set of presets will be safe and you won’t have to create them again when reinstalling.

Use the buttons below to quickly return various settings to default.

External Editing

This tab contains parameters responsible for subsequent editing of photos in third-party programs.

Top of the tab ( Edit in Adobe Photoshop CS5 ) is responsible for editing transition settings in Photoshop, and the bottom one is for editing transitions to other editors. So, we select the file format into which the file will be converted and with which we will work in Photoshop. You can choose either TIFF or PSD. There won't be much difference for us. Next, it is important to install color space, corresponding to your monitor. The fact is that the extended color gamut is set by default. A photo contains a lot of color information, but you only see a limited part of it and edit it to your liking based on visual representation pictures on the monitor. As a result, when viewing on another monitor or when printing, you will get disastrous results. The vast majority of monitors have an sRGB color gamut. It should be exhibited. However, it is worth checking the information on the official website of your monitor manufacturer. Suddenly you have an advanced version and the color gamut matches AdobeRGB.

Leave the color depth at default maximum. Optimal resolution will be 300 or even higher. It is better to disable compression. Regarding editing settings in a third-party editor ( Additional External Editor ), then they need to be set exactly the same.

Check mark Stack With Original Responsible for merging the edited photo with the original photo in the Lightroom catalog.

File Handling

This tab allows you to configure import into DNG format and Lightroom cache settings.

At the top, select the file extension: dng or DNG. Essentially the difference is the same as between jpeg and JPEG. That is, none. On the menu Compatibility , select which version of ACR (converter program RAW file ov with Photoshop) our file will be compatible. Select the size of the JPEG preview to display in Lightroom.

Embed Fast Load Data – recording data in dng to speed up the loading of the photo into the processing module.

Embed Original Raw File – the original RAW file is embedded in the dng file. Those. It turns out that at the output we have two files - the original RAW and RAW converted to dng. This is done so that if something happens, you can easily get the source and not complain that it cannot be returned. Algorithms for converting from RAW to dng are unknown and the result may differ slightly. This function is needed to avoid such situations. But in the case of an embedded RAW original, the file size increases significantly.

In the subsection File Name Generation indicates which characters not to use and what to do with spaces. I think you won't need such subtleties. At least for the foreseeable future.

Camera Raw Cache Settings – Lightroom cache settings. The cache is a folder in which temporary files, generated by the program during operation. An important point here is the cache location. The faster the drive where the cache is located, the faster the work will happen. In particular, the transition to the module will be accelerated Develop (edit mode) from the library. Ideally, the cache should be located on the SSD drive where the Lightroom catalog is located. If separate SSD There is no disk for the directory and cache, then you can simply place it next to the directory. The next parameter is the cache size. The more space it takes up, the more relevant data it will store. In my opinion, it is better to set the value in the range of 10-40 GB.

If you press the button Purge Cache , then the cache will be cleared. Those. All files stored in it will be deleted. From time to time it is useful to do this by pressing a button or manually. Last setting determines the cache size for videos. Because I don’t work with video in Lightroom, so I left it as default.


This tab is for customizing the appearance of Lightroom. Here you can configure the background, font size, method of separating keywords, displaying ratings, displaying a photo in the navigation window when you hover the cursor.

If you have high resolution If you have a small diagonal (for example, a 15” FullHD laptop) and everything seems small to you, then it makes sense to increase the font (parameter Font Size up). Check mark opposite Zoom clicked point center is responsible for ensuring that when you enlarge a photo, your cursor will be exactly in the center. That is, if you want to enlarge the upper right corner of the photo, then click on the dot in the upper right corner and this dot will appear exactly in the middle in the enlarged view.

Lightroom mobile

Lightroom Mobile gives photographers access to powerful tools Lightroom, including the following features:

  • Synchronize edits, metadata, and preset changes with the Lightroom catalog on your computer. Mac control or Windows;
  • Automatically import images captured from using iPad, and synchronizes with the Lightroom catalog on your desktop device;
  • Process images on iPad even without an Internet connection for truly mobile work;
  • Sync photos between Lightroom 5 and Lightroom Mobile. Additionally, synced photos can be viewed using any web browser.

In addition, two more bookmarks appeared: Performance and Network.


Lightroom 6 and higher has started using resources GPU(GPU) to speed up photo processing and viewing. However, with this option enabled, the system often starts to glitch. At least that's how it was on my computer. If your program starts to glitch, try unchecking the box in front of the item: Use Graphics Processor. Video card requirements: support for OpenGL 3.3 and at least 1GB of video memory.


I haven’t used the Network tab yet, so I’ll tell you about it as soon as I figure it out.

If you have any questions or have something to add on the topic, feel free to write in the comments and we’ll discuss it.

For those interested in the capabilities of this program, I suggest you read the article that tells you how to connect a camera to a computer and use the Lightroom program to take photographs directly to the computer. And that’s all I have for today.

I love Adobe Lightroom. But that doesn't mean I want to spend a lot of time using it. I'd rather be shooting or teaching Lightroom lessons, so I need to quickly edit my photos in Lightroom.

How to Process Photos Faster in Lightroom

1. Use Caps Lock to Auto Change

When you need to quickly work in a module Library(Library), my favorite trick is to press CapsLock on keyboard.

With enabled Caps Lock You can use keyboard shortcuts to add metadata to an image and automatically advance to the next one.

  • P to mark the photo as selected
  • U to uncheck an image or skip the current one
  • Numbers 1-5 are used for the corresponding star rating
  • 1-6 used for color label

I can't recommend Auto changer(Auto Advance) as a quick and simple trick, but it is also very effective. With it you can quickly move around the picture, while keeping your fingers on the quick buttons listed above.

If you don't want to use Caps Lock, you can activate the mode through the menu Photo > Auto change(Photo > Auto Advance).

2. Edit with Smart Previews

Smart preview(Smart Preview) - it's like magic. Lightroom can create smaller versions of your photos within a catalog so you can continue editing if you go offline.

This is very useful for laptop owners with huge photo collections on an external hard drive. When is it time to leave HDD home and on the go, you can continue editing thanks to Smart preview.

Another key feature for Smart Previews is that you can edit them and enjoy them. increased productivity. Here's how it works: Smart preview files are smaller than RAW files. You can work with them faster than with originals, even when you have access to full resolution. We can force Lightroom to use Smart Previews instead of originals during editing.

To work with Smart Preview, go to the window Parameters(Preferences) Lightroom and select the tab Performance(Performance). Check the box Use Smart Previews instead of originals for editing(Use Smart Previews instead of Originals for image editing) to enable the feature.

3. Turning off the backlight will help you focus on the photo

Sometimes I need to focus on the photo I'm working with rather than the Lightroom interface. This is where the regime comes to the rescue Lights Out.

To activate this mode, press L while in the window Libraries(Library). The area around the photo is darkened, making it look bright and clear. Press the key again and the space will turn completely black. Pressing L again returns the original view.

Having the backlight turned off works great both when viewing a single photo and when working with a grid. Key Function- The interface dims so you can focus on the photo.

4. Add your logo to Lightroom

Let's add a little personality with new feature Lightroom - Personal inscription(Identity Plate). Use it to add your own logo or image to the top left corner of Adobe Lightroom.

Go to menu Lightroom > Set Up a Personal Caption(Lightroom > Identity Plate Setup). From the drop down menu select Personal(Personalized).

There are two options for a personal signature:

Check mark Text personal inscription (Use a styled text identity plate) will allow you to use system fonts to write your name or brand.

Check mark Graphic personal inscription(Use a graphical identity plate) allows you to use transparent png file as a logo.

A personal signature is ideal if you want to use Lightroom to show your photos to clients. This dose of personality gives Lightroom the appearance of a branded studio program.

5. Beware of clipping!

Clipping refers to the loss of detail in light or shadow. Essentially, when you overdo it in post-processing, highlights will be blown out or shadows will lose important detail.

This can also happen during shooting if the image is not exposed correctly, but it also occurs during the processing stage.

This problem can be avoided by pressing the key J on the keyboard while in the module Treatment(Develop). Or click on the small triangles in upper corners Histograms(Histogram) by enabling the function.

The red areas show highlights, and the blue areas show loss of detail in the shadows. Drag the sliders back into their range if you want to avoid incorrect exposure.

6. Drag and organize presets

I love Lightroom presets. These are one-click settings that can be used to stylize or correct images. If your Lightroom catalog is like mine, you've probably accumulated too many presets over time and it might be a good idea to clean them out.

You can drag and drop Preset panel items to reorder them and organize them into folders.

Need new folder? Just right-click on the presets panel and select new folder(New Folder). Give it a name and get another group where you can organize the necessary presets.

7. Improve your performance

If Lightroom is slow, I can suggest three ways to fix it:

  1. On the tab Settings > Performance(Preferences > Performance) uncheck Use GPU(Use Graphics Processor).
  2. On the tab Options > File Handling(Preferences > File Handling) increase the size in the field Cache settingsRAW files(Camera Raw Cache). I installed 30 GB for myself.
  3. Run periodically File > Optimize Directory(File > Optimize Catalog).

8. Frame creatively

You probably know that you can enter cropping mode by pressing the key R in the module Treatment(Develop).

However, you may not be aware of the various grids that can be placed over your photo while cropping.

This screenshot demonstrates the different cropping grids. Try them out for more creative framing.

While in trimming mode, press O, scrolling different variants. They can offer great ideas, how to crop your photos in an unusual way. Try placing key parts of the photo at the intersection of lines to attract the eye.

9. Reduce the effect of presets

We've already talked about organizing presets, but here's a great tip on how to change up how you use them.

There are presets that I love, but I want to loosen them up. Instead of full strength effect, it would be nice to be able to apply it as a layer in Photoshop and reduce the opacity.

This is exactly why The Fader plugin was invented. Download it and then go to the menu File > Plugin Manager(File > Plug-In Manager) to install.

After installation, go to the menu File > Connect additional devices >TheFader(File > Plug-in Extras > The Fader) after starting to use new plugin. You can select a preset from the drop-down list and apply it. Shrink Slider Opacity(Opacity) by adjusting the strength of the effect.

10. Automatically hide panels

I do most of my editing work on a tiny laptop screen, so space is a constant issue. It's hard to give enough space to an image with all the control panels that Lightroom has.

Right-click on the photo feed, as well as on the left and right panels, selecting Automatically hide and show(Auto Hide & Show). This will hide the panels, leaving more space for your shots. When you need the panel, just point it at the desired angle and it will appear.