How to use adobe photoshop cs6. Adobe Photoshop is the hero of our time. Review of the program, pros, cons. Adobe Photoshop program interface

  • Cancel: Go back a step, in other words cancel last action.
  • Run again: Move one step forward, undo the undone step.
  • To help you work with undoing/redoing actions, there is a “Log” tab in the right corner of the window; by clicking on the lines with actions in this tab, you can move or return several actions forward and back, up to the initial state of the image.
  • Cut Copy Clear Paste: These actions are understandable to any computer user. If there is a selected area in the image, then actions are applied specifically to it.

  • Image Size: Allows you to change the dimensions of the edited image in pixels in width and height. Moreover, the size can be changed either with or without maintaining the original proportions, this depends on the checkbox next to the “Maintain proportions” parameter.
  • Canvas Size: The canvas is the area on which you can draw or edit an image. With this function you can zoom in and out. When you zoom out, part of the image will be cut off.
  • Items Rotate 180 degrees, Rotate 90 degrees clockwise And Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise understandable without comment.
  • Flip Vertical And Flip horizontally: Mirror the image.
  • Crop: Cropping the image, the cropping field is set using the mouse.

First, let's figure out what layers are in Photoshop?
The concept of "layer" in Photoshop has exactly the same physical meaning as in life - this is a layer or layer that is integral part something whole.
In Photoshop, as in other graphic editors, this is an extremely useful and irreplaceable thing; to some extent, layers are the main working tools in online photoshop. They allow you to work with each of the image elements separately, without affecting the rest of the image. They can be thought of as a stack of transparencies or tracings; you can draw on each of them, and if there is no image on the film, you can see through it the layers that lie underneath.

To make it easier to work with layers, there is a “Layers” tab on the right side of the program’s working window; it is shown in the figure on the right. The active layer in this tab is highlighted in blue. The visibility of a layer is regulated by the presence of a checkbox on the right; to turn off visibility, you need to uncheck the checkbox. Layers can be dragged up and down using the mouse. The purpose of the buttons at the bottom of the panel, from left to right: changing opacity, turning on a layer mask, adding layer styles (outer shadow, inner shadow, bevel, external glow, internal glow), new layer, delete the active layer.

For now, let's move on to the "Layers" menu items.

  • New layer: Creates a new layer.
  • Duplicate layer: Duplicates the active layer and places it above the active layer.
  • Delete layer: Deletes a layer.
  • Open image as layer: Opens an image from your computer and displays it as a layer, placing it above the active one on this moment layer.
  • Open image URL as layer And Open from library as layer performs the same actions as previous point, only the image is taken from a third-party site or online library.
  • Merge Layers: Merges the active layer with the layer below it.
  • Merge visible layers Merges the currently visible layers of the document; they are marked with a checkmark in the layers tab.
  • Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down Moves the layer's position in the layers tab.
  • Layer Styles Allows you to add decorations for the layer, such as:
    • Cast a shadow
    • Inner shadow
    • External glow
    • Inner glow
  • Rasterize layer Converts vector objects, such as text, into a regular image made of dots.
  • Add Layer Mask, Remove Layer Mask, Apply Layer Mask Working with masks is similar to layer masks in Photochop.

With other points Rotate layer..., Reflect... everything seems clear.

● Correction

This tool gives us the opportunity to change the brightness and contrast of the image, its color saturation, tonality, and also change each color level of the 3 primary colors separately.

Another one useful feature, which is called Automatic levels will allow you to do automatic correction Images.

Below in the menu there are a number of options with pre-configured and changeable parameters. For example, they allow you to turn a photo into a negative or apply a sepia filter to the image so that the photo looks like old photograph in light or dark brown tones.
An interesting option called Cross process. She gives digital photography kind of “photos from the 80s”, i.e. taken with a film camera.

● Filter

IN this menu There is a rich set of various filters for processing and applying them to an image or photo. Moreover, the very names of all these filters will eloquently tell us what will happen to the image if we apply them.

● View

  • Zoom in, zoom out Increase/decrease the image display scale.
  • Actual pixels Display the drawing in real size.
  • Show all Display the image scaled to fit the window.
  • Navigator Show/hide the navigator tab located on the right top corner window.
  • Layers, Journal Show/hide tabs And Magazine located on the right side of the window.
  • Tool Options Show/hide the tool options tab located at the top of the window, below the main menu.
  • Full screen mode Very useful option. Allows you to position working window editor across the entire monitor window.
  • Change the location of the palette The option is still under development.

There is a toolbar on the left side of the editor window.
It is on it that all the most basic and frequently used tools for working in online Photoshop are located.
The functions of the tools are similar to those in regular Photoshop.

You probably know what it's for software under a big name Adobe Photoshop. This is not just an image editing application - Photoshop is a huge platform for ideas and creativity related to picture files, photographs and drawings. Here you can not only change already existing files, but also to create a completely new and unique product.

Welcome to Adobe Photoshop!

Indeed, almost all designers use Photoshop: from simple drawings to content to the full supply of illustrations for books, games and other products. To the delight of users, the developers are constantly improving the program, adding new functions and capabilities. Therefore, it is important to stay tuned for updates released by Adobe. Now, after a short tour, let's learn how to use Photoshop.

Where can I get the program?

You can download electronic version Software on the official Adobe website on the download page Here you must first register with Adobe to obtain an AdobeID. Then fill out the fields that the download page suggests and, after logging in, download installation file and go through the installation procedure. It is important to note that for the first 30 days you can use your copy of the application for free. After which, after trying the product, you will be asked to purchase a license.

The developer provides several options for using the program

Adobe offers its users quite acceptable prices for your products. So, you can purchase Photoshop for a certain price per month, that is, by subscription. The same option is available for the CreativeCloud suite, which includes several Adobe programs. The cost and composition of the kit should always be checked on the official website, as they may change. Please also note that the system has special conditions for students and teachers, as well as corporate clients. So, you can save a decent amount when using Adobe services.

First launch of the program

After installation, you should launch the application from the shortcut created on the desktop. When you first open it, a window will appear with a description of the program and a notification about the start of the 30-day trial period. Click on "Get Started" trial period" and wait until the program opens. Now let's move on directly to how to work in Photoshop.

The work area is very convenient and can be customized to suit you

Photoshop main menu

At the top there is a main menu with the following items:

  1. File. Here you can perform all operations such as saving a file, creating a new one, printing photos, importing.
  2. Editing. As the name suggests, this item contains tools for changing various settings, such as great amount. For example, here you can change the color settings. There is also the “Step Back” function, which will answer your question about how to undo an action in Photoshop.
  3. Image. Here you can find parameters such as color correction of the picture, trimming, rotation, cropping and much more.
  4. Layers. In general, if the file being edited contains many different elements, then each of them is created on a separate layer. For example, if you put text on top of a picture, it will automatically be created on a new layer. They are located at the bottom right. The point is top menu“Layers” controls all the settings regarding the discussed issue of layers. Here you can create a new one, delete an existing one, add effects to it, and so on.
  5. Text. From the name it is clear what exactly is regulated by this tab. All operations on the added text field are controlled in this item.
  6. Selection. Here you can highlight various objects(eg layers). This is also important to know in order to learn how to work in Photoshop cs6.
  7. Filter. All filters and effects like blur, distortion and others are located here. You can also find other filters on the Internet by clicking the corresponding “Filter” menu item.
  8. 3D. Here you can customize 3D layers and scenes for a photo or any other image.
  9. The “View” menu has all the options for displaying information on the screen: here you can display auxiliary elements (grid, ruler, etc.) and configure guides.
  10. "Window" allows you to add new panels to work area. For example, if you need a histogram, then you just need to check the box next to the corresponding “Window” menu item.
  11. Well, the last item is “Help”. This is where you'll find all the product information, a support center, and a tab to sign in to AdobeID for more features.

Main functions are accessed through a menu hierarchy


The next thing you see below the main menu is a field with settings for the tool that is currently selected. These tools are located on the left panel. Let's look at each of them. In parentheses there is a button for quick access to the function (all letters are in English). Also describes additional features when you click the right mouse button.

  1. Move (V). Allows you to move the selected object or area in any direction. You can also use it to spin this object, rotate it, reflect it.
  2. Rectangular area (M). Highlights in the shape of a rectangle. You can also highlight in the form of an oval, horizontal and vertical lines.
  3. Lasso (L). Also a selection tool. You can choose from a regular lasso, a straight line lasso, and a magnetic lasso.
  4. MAGIC WAND (W). Selects an area within a specific frame. There is also a quick highlight.
  5. Frame (C). Crop the image. Also here are cutting, perspective framing and fragment selection.
  6. Pipette (I). Recognizes color when you click on a photo (the pixel you hit is taken into account). There is also a ruler, commentary, counter, color reference and 3D material pipette.
  7. Healing Brush (J). There is also a spot tool, a patch tool, a content-aware move tool, and a red-eye removal tool.
  8. Brush (B). It allows you to draw over a photo or can help you create a new image. Has enough flexible settings. In addition to the brush, there is a pencil, a mix brush and a color replacement.
  9. Stamp and pattern stamp(S).
  10. History brush (Y).
  11. The eraser (E) erases the area you drag over. The background eraser removes everything, including the background (that is, when saving in certain formats, the background will be transparent).
  12. Gradient (G) and Fill fill the selection with a color or gradient.
  13. The action of the blur and sharpen tools is clear from their names; the finger moves the area like plasticine. You can, for example, move your eyebrow higher or lower your eyes.
  14. As in the previous case, the names of the tools coincide with their intended purpose: brightener, darkener and sponge. Fast access they can be accessed by pressing the letter O on the keyboard.
  15. The feather (P) in various variations is located below the clarifier. Helps with drawing, adjustments and other operations performed on the image.
  16. Next is the tool for adding text field. Is an integral part of understanding how to use Adobe Photoshop.
  17. Outline selection (A).
  18. Tool with various figures allow you to add an object of any shape that is available in the program’s collection to a new or existing layer.
  19. Next is the “Hand”, which makes it possible to move the photo. For example, if you have increased the zoom and want to edit the image in such an approximate form, then this tool will help you to move, for example, from one eye to the other.
  20. A magnifying glass increases the zoom of a photo.
  21. The two squares with black and white are the colors that are currently being adjusted. That is, if the color in the nearest square is red, then the brush from point eight will paint in red. The farthest square is responsible for the color of a regular eraser.

Many tools contain subtools

As you can see, there are a lot of tools and it’s quite difficult to learn them all at once. Therefore, try to devote some time to each of them. Then you will know how to work with Photoshop cs6, for example.

Right program area

This area of ​​the workspace is regulated using a special tab, where by default it says “Main Workspace”. It will be here color palette, a field with corrections and styles, as well as a window with layers, channels and contours. You can change the environment to space for photography, drawing, movement and other adjustments.

Additional panels for work


Now you know how to work in Photoshop and have studied the basic tools of the program. And from now on you can fully use various instructions on the Internet, which describes many interesting lessons on creating amazing effects. From now on, your imagination will work for you, and all your ideas will come true. Share your first works in the comments. Fruitful work, dear friends!

Graphic editor - a program that allows you to create and edit photographs. Using a graphic editor, you can draw, paint, make inscriptions, and even get a three-dimensional image of objects.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 is one of the latest versions famous graphic editor. The program is distinguished by a wide range of functions, high efficiency and speed. As an example, let's try to learn how to use Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Quick navigation through the article

Creating a new project

When getting started in Adobe Photoshop CS5, you first need to create new project. To do this you should:

  • In the drop-down list, select “Create”;
  • Specify the height and width of the future document;
  • Click on the “Create” button.

Editing an Image

If you need to edit any image, then, first of all, you should open it in Photoshop. To do this you need:

  • In the menu located at the top of the program, click “File”;
  • Select “Open” from the drop-down list;
  • Specify the file and click “Open”.

Or click directly on the photo file right click and select “Open with…” -> “Adobe Photoshop CS5”.


There is a toolbar on the left side of the screen. To use them, you should:

  • Left-click on the corresponding icon on the toolbar;
  • If necessary, change the properties settings of the selected tool in the panel located below the file menu.

Layer management

A layer is an element of a document. To get started with it, you need:

  • Open the “Layers” window (F7 key);
  • Select the required element by clicking the left mouse button.

Photo size

Resizing a photo is one of the basic functions Photoshop programs. To do this, you need:

  • In the “Image” menu, select “Image Size”;
  • Specify the required value in the “Width” field (the height will change automatically);
  • Click "Ok".


Cropping photos is another commonly used Photoshop function. To complete it, you need:

  • Select the “Frame” tool;
  • Select the area to be left;
  • Press "Enter".

Error correction

To correct errors in Photoshop there is special function. To use it, you need:

  • Click “Window”;
  • Select "History".

Job Saving

After the work is completed, it should be saved in in the required format. To do this you need:

  • Click “File”;
  • Select “Save As” (you can use the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+S”);
  • Specify the path to save the image and desired type file (for example.jpg);
  • Click on the “Save” button.

Today Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the most powerful tool on working with raster images. To learn how to use this multifunctional graphic editor from Adobe Systems, desire alone is not enough. Photoshop's great friends and helpers are perseverance, patience, attentiveness and a sense of proportion. If you have exactly these qualities, then let's start studying.

Install Photoshop on your PC, but if you find it difficult, use our installation guide. Launch the program by first deleting the “File Adobe settings Photoshop", holding down the key combination "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "Alt" - this will help to correctly display the main work area, which is familiar to most users. Next, open the basic settings dialog box using the main menu and the command: “Edit” → “Settings” → “Basic”, or using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “K”. Familiarize yourself with the program interface and first, for example, change the color of the main window. You can also make small changes in the “Performance” tab to avoid freezing while working with the application - add another scratch disk, if your PC has one, and do not forget to save everything. The basic settings are predefined, now select any digital photograph on your computer and open it using the command “File” → “Open...”. Pay attention to the very top bar of the working window - this is the menu bar and it contains a complete list of all existing commands. If possible, study them all, but do not rush too much, but remember what this or that command leads to, or write it down for clarity. The elongated vertical rectangle on the left side of the program with various symbols is the toolbar. To start editing the selected photo, activate one of the tools - click on the icon with the mouse. For example, select the Crop Tool, drag the edges, and crop the image to your liking. Explore each tool individually by selecting and using it directly in the document window. Keep in mind that Photoshop records all operations that take place, and if you need to undo a completed action, use the “Ctrl” + “Z” key combination or the “Edit” → “Undo” command. Just below the main menu is the “Options Panel”, with which you can set various values ​​for the tools. Take the Eraser tool, for example, and experiment with its options. Next, turn your attention to right side working window – palettes are located here. To bring up any of the existing ones on the screen, just hover your mouse over the icon or name, or open the desired palette through the “Window” menu. Let's say to increase small parts on an object, you will need to access the “Navigator” palette - call it through the main menu using the “Window” → “Navigator” command or click on the corresponding icon in the main work environment Photoshop.

We hope that our short excursion into the world of Photoshop will inspire novice users to study the editor in depth.

Adobe is known to all users who have even a vague understanding of working with images and photographs. This is due to the fact that this company is the creator legendary program Photoshop. Today this application is the de facto standard in the world professional designers and artists.

The capabilities of the person who works in it are limited only by his own skill. However, not all users are real luminaries: how to work in Photoshop CS6? There are special video tutorials for beginners, but not everyone has time to watch them. Well, let's try to shed some light on this issue.

Let us immediately warn you that it is simply impossible to squeeze into this article even a couple of percent of the amount of information that would be appropriate in in this case. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only the most superficial introduction to the topic and will reveal the basic concepts that will be useful to you when mastering the Photoshop CS6 program.


Layer is the main constant you'll have to deal with. By the way, what is this? In this case, a layer means separate image, which has its own boundaries, clearly delineated from other parts of the picture.

Why are such layers needed? This is very important question. The fact is that it is thanks to them that it is possible to carry out operations on almost every part of the image, without affecting the entire picture as a whole. In fact, an image in Photoshop can be represented as a giant mosaic, for each puzzle in which transparency, color, and other parameters are separately set.

Since it is impossible to work in Photoshop CS6 (for beginners the program may seem very complicated, but in reality everything is not so scary) without the mentioned tool, we recommend that you master the basics and consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice. Taking the first steps in this matter is very simple. To do this, open any image, go to the “Layer” tab, select “Create a new layer”.

Change something in the image. Then follow the above path again, creating a second layer. Also draw something on it. Then go to the same tab again, select the “Merge Layers” command. This is roughly how all the main work in the program is done.

As for the interface, “Photoshop CS6” in Russian appeared not so long ago. If you are looking for tips on working on the Internet, they often offer instructions on English language. Keep this in mind!

“Hot keys”, or Hotkeys

When using Photoshop regularly, it is very important to remember the most frequently used hotkey combinations. It’s almost impossible to keep all of them in your head all the time, but the most commonly used combinations are essential to know. The fact is that the combinations practically do not change in different versions program, so it will take much less time to master the new release.

So let's look at the most simple options. When you press CTRL+N, it opens new document. It is much easier to press the hotkey than to use the main menu with the mouse. In addition, it will be useful to use the CTRL+O combination, as it allows you to open a dialog box with a choice of files to open. The CTRL+K keys are useful, they open the main program settings. Surely many users know that the combination CTRL+Z cancels the last action. This works in Photoshop too.

Keys for layers

But in this program, working with layers is much more important, so you should remember at least some of the hotkeys associated with this term. So, to create a new level, press SHIFT+CTRL+N. After this, a dialog box with the settings of the newly created layer will immediately open. The F7 button is also important, as it opens the palette settings. To quickly move up a layer, press ALT+]. To move one layer down, use SHIFT+ALT+].

If you want to go to the most Lower level, then you must use the combination SHIFT+ALT+ [. If you need to set the current layer as the main one, press SHIFT+CTRL+]. Merging layers (which we talked about at the very beginning) is done using the CTRL + E buttons. As you can see, hotkeys are extremely important because they save a lot of time.

Using hotkeys when working with filters

Working with filters is quite complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, using hotkeys in this process is also important. Moreover, there are not so many basic combinations. So, if you want to repeat the last used filter with its default settings, press CTRL+F. If you need the same filter, but with open settings, use the keys CTRL+ALT+F.

Not sure how to reset all dialog box settings? Just press ALT together with the ESC key. The value of this combination is that it works in exactly the same way in all dialog boxes with settings.

Choosing brushes!

None of the masters or novice users of Photoshop can fully work without the most common tool, the Brush. Today we will try to choose it for work, having learned about ways to adjust the parameters. Using one or another option, you can create a shape that is ideal for your work, dynamically change the size, select dispersion, texture, as well as the degree of pressure and transparency.

First you need to activate the “Brushes” tool for “Photoshop CS6” by pressing the “B” key. Click on the icon we need, where you can adjust all the parameters. You need to press the F5 key on your keyboard or use the “Window” menu, where you can go to the “Brushes” item. It must be said that the menu has enough settings, the main ones of which we will consider.

Before choosing a suitable tool, you need to choose the shape of its imprint. It all depends on the type of work you do. The same can be said about the diameter. There are a lot of options! However, when training, it is recommended to choose simple shapes brush and the average diameter of its print. It should be noted that you can quickly change the last parameter using the “[” (decrease the diameter) or “]” (increase it) keys.

Using the slider called “Hardness” you can adjust the center of stiffness of the tool. To put it simply, with the selected indicator “0” you will be able to soft brush. The “Opacity” tab, as you might guess from the name, helps you set a parameter that is often used when retouching photos.

What else should you pay attention to before working in Photoshop CS6? For beginners, it would be a good idea to look at the work of experienced artists and photographers: you can clearly see how and under what conditions it is best to use basic techniques, such as retouching or aging a photograph.

Often, when choosing a brush, its color plays an important role. There is a button on the toolbar (at the very bottom) that allows you to adjust this parameter. It should be noted that when selecting, the active color is the one in which the top square is painted.

Other principles for choosing a brush

However, the choice of brush for Photoshop CS6 is not limited to these parameters. For example, quite often there is a need to change the angle of inclination, which is achieved by adjusting the settings in the dialog box of the same name (if you remember, it is called up by pressing the F5 key). Here you can increase the size of the tool and also change its inclination.

It should be noted that when choosing brushes of an unusual shape (butterfly, star, leaves), it is necessary to set a sufficient interval, since otherwise the image may turn into a graphic “porridge”. Experimenting with various parameters, over time you will learn to set the optimal ones for each type of work, using hundreds of parameters available in the program.

Naturally, you won’t be able to master Photoshop right away, in one sitting. Program in Russian - best option for beginners, since you can always read help by pressing F1.


Plugins (also called external modules) are additional filters that plug into Photoshop. However, this can also be called some additional software modules, expanding the functionality of the application. At their core, plugins for Photoshop CS6 are small additional programs, running inside the main software package.

In Photoshop, they are most often used for advanced imitation of drawing methods; they are often used to reduce noise and improve sharpness; with their help, you can automatically set the focus on some object located in the photograph.

Plugins are most often developed only for a specific Photoshop version, which often provides a lot of difficulties when transitioning to new release. However, they are very good in that each user will be able to create a unique set of tools suitable specifically for their purposes. In general, Photoshop CS6 is the most suitable option for beginners, since it is more visual and contains more tools by default.

Thus, it is better to focus on the “advanced filters” option. They are also capable of changing the processed image, they can distort it or remove noise and adjust the sharpness correctly.

To install the plugin, you need to download its file from the Internet and then move it to the “Photoshop/Plug-Ins” directory. However, some “serious” applications often have own file installations. In this case, their installation is extremely simplified: you just need to start the process and follow the instructions. When the installation is complete, the new filters will appear in the program (you may need to restart it).

So, we looked at how to work in Photoshop CS6. For beginners, the information presented is still enough; you need to consolidate your knowledge in practice, and then comprehend all the intricacies of the process.

Some plugins for Photoshop

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of some “helpers” for Adobe Photoshop. For example, the very popular ICOFormat add-on is specially created to save especially small images up to 200x200 px using the standard .ico extension.

Genuine Fractals Pro can enlarge an image without losing quality. The Blow Up and AKVIS Magnifier add-ons can be used for the same purpose.

The AKVIS Chameleon plugin is ideal for: It allows you to automatically adjust inserted fragments to the color of the main image. In addition, it somewhat blurs the sharp edges, making the collages more “alive.”

In conclusion…

It should be noted that plugins can be distributed not only separately, but also in the form of large thematic packages. Most processes can be significantly accelerated with their help. However, you need to remember that success in using plugins will only come to those who understand the principle of their operation and can do all these operations manually!

Like these ones short lessons"Photoshop CS6". Master the program in practice, by trial and error - this is the best option.