How to increase battery life by 5s. Motion visual effect and dynamic wallpaper. Minimum auto-lock time

Taking into account the new possibilities of the operating room iOS systems 8, we can conclude that the OS offers decent time battery life. For users who still lack the “autonomy” of devices under iOS control 8, MacDigger offers 15 tips on how to curb your firmware appetites.

In this article we will tell you how to configure certain iOS options 8 to improve battery life for iPhone and iPad.

Disable automatic Wi-Fi search

The first and easiest way to extend battery life iPhone work and iPad – disable background search wireless networks. Go to Wi-Fi settings and move the “Confirm connection” toggle switch to the “Off” position.

Get rid of power-hungry apps

iOS 8 has a special section with which you can identify services that consume battery power. The menu item is called Battery Usage. Go to the menu “General -> Statistics -> Battery Usage”. There are two subsections here - “After the last fully charged" and "Battery Usage". The first indicates the total operating time of the device in active mode and in standby mode, the second is divided into two subsections - “Last 24 hours” and “Last 7 days”. You can remove the most resource-intensive applications or replace them with more energy-efficient alternatives.

Turn off parallax

Parallax effect on home screen and the lock screen continuously uses data from motion sensors, which, of course, affects the battery life of the device on iOS 8. Therefore, go to Settings -> General -> Universal access and activate the Reduce Motion item.

Disable background loading of content

Despite the obvious convenience, using the automatic content download feature consumes battery power. Disable this option can be found in the section " iTunes Store, App Store» Settings applications. Here in the section Automatic downloads deactivate the Updates item, as well as Music, Applications and Books, if you do not want to synchronize content between your devices.

Disable background app updates

Applications in iOS 8 can load information into background. However, this option consumes battery power no less than other functions. Go to Settings -> General -> Content Update and disable the use of services in the background. You can disable the feature completely or limit its use for certain applications. We recommend using the first option.

Disable location services

Geolocation services in iOS 8 actively consume battery power. If your main applications are not location-based, you can safely disable location services. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and deactivate the function completely or set individual settings for every application.

Turn off 4G LTE

Turning off the LTE connection will help extend your iPhone's battery life. If in a particular situation the speed wireless connection is not important for you, this option should be disabled (Settings -> Cellular).

Disable automatic screen brightness adjustment

From the very first iOS versions can independently adjust the screen brightness depending on the lighting. In Settings, in the Wallpaper and Brightness section, activate the Auto Brightness option. Note: fifth generation iPod touch cannot automatically control the screen backlight; gadget users will have to do this manually from Control Center.

Disable push notifications for unnecessary apps

Push notifications are definitely a useful thing. However, this feature is not needed for all applications. In the Settings -> Notification Center section, you can turn off notifications from unnecessary programs. Likewise, if you don't need notifications about every email, you can turn them off by going to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Selection. Here you can set either manual mail receipt or interval checking. The longer the interval, the longer the battery will live.

Use Airplane Mode

Because iPhone constantly tries to establish a connection to the cellular network, in areas with low level signal or outside the range of a cellular network, power consumption increases significantly. At such moments, to save battery power, you can turn on Airplane mode on your device (“ iPod mode"). Another time this feature can come in handy is at night. Throughout the night, the smartphone remains active, continuously scanning cellular network. It is also useful to turn on Airplane mode at this time.

Disable geolocation for system services

System Services iOS 8 actively consumes battery power. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services. Scroll down to System Services. Here, turn off the following services: Diagnostics and usage, Geolocation iAds, Popular nearby, Time zone, Traffic and Frequently visited places.

Disable date and time synchronization

This option in iOS 8 is used by iPhone and iPad to synchronize clocks. If this is not relevant for you, go to Settings -> General -> Date and time and disable automatic update data.

Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

If you are not using Wi-Fi, be sure to turn this setting off in iOS settings 8. The device will not waste valuable charge in the background Wi-Fi search networks. The same applies to Bluetooth. If you rarely use your headset or car kit, turn off Bluetooth to save battery.

Disable Handoff and suggested software

Unified communications in iOS 8 has become one of the main innovations in iOS 8. The Handoff function provides for easy transfer of work context between mobile and desktop environments, as well as the ability to receive calls and send SMS from a computer. If you have only one iGadget or you do not use this function, it is recommended to turn the Handoff toggle switch in the Settings -> Handoff menu and the offered software to the “Off” position. Here you can also turn off My Programs and the App Store in the Suggested Programs section - the gadget will not scan your location in order to display relevant applications on the lock screen.

Turn off AirDrop

AirDrop is a great feature for sharing files, but if... this moment You don't need it, it's better to turn it off. This can be done through the Control Center, called up by swiping from the bottom of the screen. After this, the device will stop wasting energy on iPhone search or an iPad nearby.

Among user complaints about devices Apple the most common - insufficient time battery life, so one of the main tasks of developers is to save battery iPhone batteries. The creators try to make each new OS as productive as possible, but the battery drains faster and faster. At the same time, there are a large number of ways to save charge on iPhone 4, 5s or other models. A number of tips are universal for any device on the iOS platform.

Finding and disabling energy-wasting programs

iOS 8 introduces a special section that makes it possible to identify services that consume too much battery. You need to go to the “Basic” section, then “Statistics” and “Battery Usage”. You can view an analysis of the energy consumption of each service as a percentage for the week or the last day. For regular monitoring, it is more rational to display the charging status as a percentage on the screen.

If this is a built-in program, then it should be disabled or configured to work only when directly using it. In the case where the loaded one is wasteful third party application, you should remove it and find a more economical replacement with similar functions.

Limit software updates, background loading of content and notifications

All versions of iOS have Background App Refresh enabled by default. Therefore, applications download updates in the background without notifying the smartphone owner. In the settings, you can prohibit these actions for all functions or leave the ability to update only those that you use regularly (for example, instant messengers).

iPhone battery saving is poorly compatible with regularly downloading content, most of which is usually not used. Entering iTunes section Store, App Store, it is better to deactivate updates, as well as the “Books”, “Applications” and “Music” items to avoid synchronization between gadgets.

Push notifications from games, E-mail and other programs used should be carefully sorted and disabled, leaving only the most necessary ones. Email can be checked regularly manually.

Display and sound optimization

Most tips on how to save battery on an iPhone start with the advice to reduce the brightness of the screen. Retina display really very energy-consuming - it is the leader in battery consumption. The experiment showed that when watching a video on maximum brightness The iPhone 5 lasted a little over 6 hours, and at 50% it lasted almost 10 hours.

Manual brightness adjustment Apple products still remains more reliable than automatic. For normal use of the phone, a brightness level of 25-35% is sufficient.

It is advisable to set the screen auto-lock to a minimum (30 seconds), and it is better not to forget to lock the screen yourself immediately after the call ends. The parallax function, which constantly requests information from motion sensors, dynamic (“live”) wallpaper and the zoom effect make the device interface attractive. But you have to pay for it increased consumption battery charge.

The same goes for sound. Using equalizers, built-in speakers and high volume music quickly drains the battery. Therefore, it is better to turn off equalizers and use headphones. Keyboard clicks are also unnecessary.

Geolocation for applications

If you are interested in how to save battery power on the iPhone 4S, 5S, you need to remember that in all models, the second most wasteful service after the display is determining the geolocation of the smartphone. A large number of applications (weather, maps, camera) constantly or periodically use GPS data.

You need to go to “Settings” - “Privacy” - “Location Services” and disable some applications that require GPS, which you can do without.

In iOS 9, in the “System Services” subsection, you can disable services:

  • frequently visited places;
  • geolocation iAds;
  • Sportlite and Safari offerings;
  • Timezone;
  • compass calibration;
  • geowarning, etc.

It is better to forget about the fashionable function of telling your friends your location by sending GPS coordinates in a message and remember only when traveling in which there is a risk of getting lost (for example, in the mountains).

Additional ways to save

A number of other little tricks that are relevant for everyone Apple models, and will help extend the life of your gadget’s battery:

Applications to save battery on Apple devices

In addition to manually optimizing the energy consumption of an iPhone or iPad, you can also use specialized programs:

Previous methods and tips for optimizing battery consumption with output new version Apple mobile OS has not lost its relevance at all. It’s just that the previous one has been replenished with new, interesting tricks.

In contact with

New view of the application energy use window

It first appeared in iOS 8, and was slightly improved during the development of iOS 9. Previously, opposite the names of applications, the amount of energy consumed to service them was reflected as a percentage of the total charge consumption per day. Now (on the way Settings –> Battery –> Power Saving Mode), by clicking the clock icon on the right top corner window, we can additionally find out how long a particular program was in active mode and how long it was working in the background. Data is displayed with minute accuracy and it is now much easier to calculate truly power-hungry services.

Mastering low power mode

According to Apple, it is optimized so much that it provides an additional hour of work for everyone iPhone models, with the exception of the last two. Plus one hour is great, but it’s better if there are three of them at once, which is what this mode is intended for. By sacrificing visual effects, automatic loading, background updates and a number of other non-essential services, as stated in the official warning, we are giving iOS the go-ahead for tough energy savings. You can constantly use the device in this mode by checking the box in the menu Settings –> Battery –> Power Saving Mode. Or rely on automation - when the charge level drops to 20%, the system itself will offer to start saving it.

Disabling applications' access to GPS

By default, almost every second program wants to be able to operate of this module. Often - without any argument for the need for this and without warning the user about non-target consumption system resources. An example of this is the Dictionary, in the case of which it is difficult to imagine a situation where knowledge of current coordinates is important for the operation of the program. This means we don’t put off visiting the menu for later. Settings –> Privacy –> Location Services, which provides a list of software that has access to GPS data. And we put things in order there.

Deactivating Bluetooth

Being a low-power technology, the Bluetooth receiver puts virtually no strain on the battery when idle. Troubles begin during active scanning of the space in order to monitor devices ready for pairing. The easiest way to deal with the problem is to disable the service entirely for the time it is not needed - we do not use Blutooth headsets, keyboards and other peripherals every second.

Disable unused widgets

Apple has done its part, back in previous version iOS has provided support for custom widgets, albeit only for the Notification Center for now. The task of users is to learn to understand the heap of interesting, but often useless content that is presented on the market. And remove from the system what is not needed on a daily basis - to familiarize yourself, study new widget and it often only takes a few minutes to get bored again.

Background updates are not for everyone

With the exit iOS 9 nothing has changed, all more or less serious applications constantly require access to parent sites in order to check and install updates. In reality, monitoring the appearance of small, tertiary patches takes a lot of work and, naturally, energy.

For the sake of saving the latter, it makes sense to go to Settings –> General –> Content Update to check the boxes in the right order or disable the feature altogether.

Disable animation effects

You can disable the parallax effect and reduce the amount of animation here: Settings –> Basic –> Universal access -> Reduce movement.

Black and white, reduced transparency, contrast, vibration

The choice between working comfort in iOS 9 and significant energy savings, each user does at his own discretion. If the second is more important to you, it makes sense to at least temporarily abandon the colorful palette. To do this, firstly, go to Settings –> General –> Accessibility –> Grayscale, where we deactivate the corresponding switch.

Secondly, next door is the Increase Contrast section, which has several useful sliders that make the picture look more iPhone screen faded appearance (signature transparency is removed).

But this helps to minimize energy consumption, for which, in addition, it would be nice to turn off the notification using vibration - the switch is still in the same menu Universal Access.

Disabling auto-update content

By analogy with the ban on searching and downloading new versions and patches, we can iOS 9 block automatic downloads latest versions of what was previously obtained from branded Apple stores. For example, applications and music. Going into Settings –> iTunes Store, App Store –> Automatic Downloads, you can set the corresponding switches to the “off” position.

Varying the brightness of the screen backlight

A rule that is relevant for any similar gadget due to the fact that human eyes do not need 100% of the light that lamps integrated into the screen can produce. This is even harmful to vision - 50% is usually more than enough, but no one forbids lowering the brightness further, optimizing energy consumption. The required slider can be called up by swiping from bottom to top in Control room or by purposefully going to the section Settings –> Display and brightness.

Live Photos are also major energy consumers

An innovation called new iPhones formally uses mere crumbs of charge accumulated in the battery - from a technical point of view, the load on the smartphone’s power system is minimal. The problem is that when such an image is installed on the desktop, the human craving for an emotional message provokes people to start playing the video repeatedly during the day. It is estimated that this leads to an increase in energy consumption in the range of 1-5% of the total battery capacity, which is no joke. So, having played enough, we can, with a clear conscience, turn off “Live Photos” or simply refuse to use them as desktop wallpaper iOS 9.

3D Touch will sometimes also have to be turned off.

In most cases, when working with a shutdown, it can cause a lot of inconvenience (after all, this is precisely the main feature of the new iPhones), but if every mAh counts, there is no longer much choice. good old touch screen won't let you down - pass it on SOS signal or waiting for an important message that definitely needs to be answered urgently, can be done without using the innovation. So, let's remember the path Settings –> Accessibility –> 3D Touch, where the desired switch will be found.

Impressions from new iOS 11 are strange. It seems to have become more beautiful, but the phone consumes charge at some unhealthy rate - it feels like it is consuming the battery 2 times faster than before.

In any case, I encountered this problem; our readers and viewers on social networks also complain about the sudden “burning” of the battery. Although, in fairness, it must be said that not everyone was affected - some were fine. But what about the rest?

Apple usually solves problems in future updates, but no one knows when iOS 11.1 will be released, so saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Simple instructions appear on websites on how to optimize the power consumption of phones, let's not stand aside, let's share tips and proven methods.

How to check iPhone charge level?

To do this, go to Settings - Battery. There you can turn on the charge level indication, then an icon with a percentage will appear on the screen, and you can track how quickly the battery drains. At the same time, this menu also contains statistics, here you can see which programs are most actively attacking the system and consuming charge.

Decrease screen brightness

The brightness of the display greatly affects the operating time, maybe the selected settings are to blame? Try changing the settings manually, disable automatic adjustment backlight using only manual mode. But then you will have to change the brightness yourself by moving the slider. In my opinion, this option is not particularly effective, only unnecessary problems adds. The parameters change as follows: Settings – General – Universal access – Display adaptation. Yes, for some reason Apple hid them in the deep jungle of the system.

Disable notifications

One problem with notifications is that they constantly distract you from your work, another is that as soon as a notification arrives, the screen backlight turns on. To last longer, you can turn them off. To do this, you need to go to Settings - Notifications, and then select those programs that are not so important. You can completely turn off everything, but these are extreme measures. As my experience has shown, this does not really affect the operating time. Alternatively, you can leave notifications, but turn them off on the locked screen, then the backlight will not work. Although the value of such a technique is already quite minimal.

Disable background updates

Some applications may update in the background even though you are not using them. The thing is convenient, but it affects the operating time. So you can turn this off to extend the life on a single charge. To do this, go to Settings - General - Content Update. Here you can disable either everything, or only selected programs at your discretion.

Reduce flash brightness

In iOS 11, flash power is adjusted from Control Center, to do this you press the button and hold your finger, changing the settings. Place minimum level to save money. Additionally, some use flash to display notifications, a kind of alternative indicator light, can also be turned off to save money.

Disable Siri Quick Launch

I don’t believe that the assistant is quietly “eating up” the battery charge, but some say that she is the culprit of our troubles. Therefore, if you doubt its effectiveness, it would be logical to turn it off auxiliary function. Or you can deactivate the setting that launches Siri on command. That is, the phone is constantly listening to your speech, waiting for you to call it for help. To disable, go to: Settings – Siri – Disable “Hey Siri”.

Disable geolocation

No matter how much I turn on the phone, the geolocation icon always looms on the screen. I checked in the settings, the culprit of the activity is listed there standard application for the weather. Moreover, in its properties I had already turned off geolocation altogether, but the problems did not end there, even with active mode“Never”, the weather application still tried to determine where the device was located.

Settings - Privacy - Location Services, so you can see which programs use GPS. In theory, you can turn everything off altogether, but then you’ll lose geotags for photos and won’t be able to call a taxi through the app. Ready to part with these useful features? Then take action.

Enable power saving mode

In one fell swoop you can turn off " unnecessary functions": effects in the menu, quick launch Siri, background update applications, push loading of mail, the screen locks after 30 seconds of inactivity in standby mode. When the battery charge level drops to 20%, then the phone turns on this mode automatically; you can also turn it on yourself in the battery settings.

Instead of a conclusion

In general, in 2017, fighting for phone battery life is somehow painful and offensive. Devices are becoming thinner and lighter, although every second person asks for larger batteries so as not to think about whether the smartphone will work all day or run out by lunchtime. That's why all these neural networks and augmented reality in the phone, if all this then has to be turned off so that the device does not consume charge at an impressive rate? I'm waiting for Apple to solve problems with autonomy in iOS 11, but for now I don't leave home without a powerbank and charger. C'est la vie.

So, now I’m in a sect, figuring out the new apparatus. The first thing I encountered was that the battery charge was melting away before my eyes. I glanced at it, oppa, and there was already 4-5 percent less than it was literally 10 minutes ago. If I hadn’t known that my friend had this device for a day or more in the same mode of use, I would never have believed it.

We started to figure it out. It turns out there are so many unnecessary (for me personally) settings crammed in there that they consume both traffic and battery with great pleasure.

Let's turn off the damn geolocation services

No, we're talking about not about GPS functions in principle, but about those services that constantly track our geoposition in the background and try to do something about it.

Settings -> Privacy -> Geolocation and we go to the very bottom, here it is!

No, why do you need to constantly use these services? That's right - no need!

Disable synchronization of unnecessary content with iCloud(go to iCloud settings).

Indeed, why the hell do we need to constantly synchronize bookmarks with Safari? This eats up the battery and traffic. I only leave contacts, calendars and notes. Everything else doesn't bother me.

Let's go to hell iTunes synchronization via WiFi, if you have it enabled

This setting is located in the “Basic” section. If it is turned on and you are within range of your iTunes, then synchronization will occur once every 30-60 minutes. It eats up the battery well, noticed.

Turning off Siri, because you will never speak English with her. As soon as he speaks Russian, we’ll communicate, but for now, bye-bye, Charlie!

And now the most important thing - go to application settings and look for Skype there, if installed. It turns out that by default, this bastard does not want to go out and eats the battery like crazy! We remove the “keep in touch constantly” setting and set it to “disconnect after 5 minutes due to inactivity.” According to my observation, This particular program could consume up to 10% of the battery per hour in the background.

And one more thing - if you are in an area of ​​​​uncertain signal reception or in Moscow, then set the network to 2G mode- enough for mail and most services, and will save battery life.

Disable or not disable BT and WiFi- you decide. I don't turn it off, it's fine anyway.

But here's what to remember - average iPhone lives in use mode (screen on) about 7-8 hours. All of the tweaks we've made will only help increase standby time because they reduce the amount of time it's running in the background. I noticed this when I was studying statistics - why does the battery fly away?! And I found that the operating time is almost equal to the time in standby mode. This means that some program continues to run in the background. Skype turned out to be such a monster for me. It’s no wonder that the charge initially lasted for 8-9 hours.

Those. simple mathematics - we only have 100% battery charge, with a discharge of 1%/hour, our smartphone can theoretically last up to 100 hours (4 days). But we know that during use it will last for 8 hours, which means that during operation it will consume about 10-12%/hour. Now let's estimate by eye - with an average use time of about 4 hours / day, we will consume about 50-70% of the battery, and we will still have 20-30 hours of standby time left (the device will turn off at 10-15% charge). Total - a guaranteed day at such a load. IMHO - very good.

And what more app required from the smartphone, the greater the battery discharge during use.

In short - truisms... But maybe it will help someone :)