Badge samples. What size is a standard badge? How to make a template for a badge in MS Word and print it on a printer. Step-by-step instruction

Creating business cards - quickly and easily!

A convenient program for quickly creating and printing business cards. The full version can be purchased through the most reliable online stores. Delivery on CD is possible throughout Russia.

A very clear and convenient program for creating business cards. Before that, I tried different ways to design business cards and badges, but it was either too difficult or not enough options. But “Business Card Master” is exactly what I need!

Mikhail Morozov, Moscow

Great program! It really allows you to create a beautiful business card in a couple of minutes. The secret of success is to create your own versions of business cards based on existing templates. Special thanks for the fast technical support.

Natalya Metelskaya, Ekaterinburg

In the modern world, a badge is an integral attribute of any large organization. This is especially true for those companies whose activities involve direct communication with clients. In addition, badges facilitate internal corporate communication. The main function of a badge is to provide information about the person to whom it belongs. That's why badge design plays a very important role and significantly affects the efficiency of the company.

Wearing badges, just like employee business cards or a manager's business card, is part of the corporate culture that supports the company's good name and image. At any major event - be it an exhibition or a conference - badges are used to identify participants. Therefore, if your company participates in such an event, pay special attention to the design of employee badges. A bright and laconic badge is the key to success in establishing the right contacts and expanding your base of potential clients. A well-chosen badge design will allow your organization’s employees to “stand out from the crowd” and increase the percentage of profitable deals in the future.

There are several species badges:

1. Cards with text

2. Badges

3. Stickers.

The most common are cards due to their low cost of production and ease of use. The design of the badge depends on the taste and needs of the customer, but there are some general rules.

Standard badge size 54x86 mm, however, this value may vary. In most large organizations, staff wear badges on a lanyard or clip, which is attached to the badge through a special hole. Typically, badges are printed on thick paper and then covered with a laminate.

The design of the badge must be done in the same style for all company representatives. Usually it is indicated on the badge first and last name its owner, as well as institution, which this person represents. Sometimes the badge may contain additional information, e.g. photograph or logo companies.

If you yourself are the founder of an event, and its participants are unfamiliar with each other, then making badges is an important stage of preparation. Prepare badges with the event logo - and it will certainly be remembered by all its participants.

In Microsoft Word, you can not only work with text, but also with pictures, diagrams, tables, formulas and more. Using the various features of the editor, you can beautifully design the cover of a book, or make a report, formatting it according to all the rules.

Now we will figure out how you can make a badge in Word. I’ll tell you about using templates: where you can download them and how to change them. Next, we’ll look at how to do everything ourselves from scratch: create a block of a suitable size and insert text, a drawing or a photograph into it. Then you will print what you have, cut it out and paste it into a badge.

Using Templates

If you want to use ready-made badge samples, then create a new document in Word.

Then in the search bar for available templates, type either “Cards”, or "Business Cards" and click on the search arrow. You need to look for cards, since there are simply no badges on this list, and they are most similar to them.

In the list of available options, select the one that suits you best and click “Download”.

When the template is downloaded, it will open in a new window.

If you don’t like anything from the displayed list, then you can find an option on the official website: Cards

Follow the link, select the item we need on the left, and then look for what you like. Make sure that Word is written under the image. Then click on the name of the template and download it by clicking on the corresponding button.

The next thing to do is to move on to editing and formatting the blank. Almost all the necessary buttons will be on the tab "Working with tables"– “Layout” or “Designer”.

Click on any word and look at the top to see what size the table cell is. In the example, the blocks are 8.82x5.08 cm. This may not always be suitable. The size of a standard badge in centimeters is 8.5x5.5. If you do not have a standard one, it is better to measure the width and height of the leaflet that you will insert there.

I will stick to the standards, so select the table and enter 8.5 in the “Width” field (your value may be different). Then change the height value, where 5.08 is, and press “Enter”. After this, each cell will become the size you specified.

To make it clear where the table boundaries are, you can "Display Grid", click on the corresponding button to do this. As a result, all transparent lines will become a blue dotted line, but they will not be printed.

Let's change the sample - enter your organization name.

Then we delete the text below - select it and click “Delete”.

By pressing “Enter” I made an additional indent from the top line and typed the person’s first and last name. Select them, go to the “Home” tab and here select the appropriate size and font, you can use italics or bold.

The bottom lines remain. We delete them, print the appropriate text, this is my position. Then change the font and letter size. To place words, for example, in the center, left or right, click on one of the stripe buttons.

The next step is to add an image. This is not necessary, so in principle, the badge can be considered ready. If you want your badge to have a picture, then click on the cell that you edited and on the “Insert” tab select “Picture”.

In the window that opens, select either a logo or a photo and click “Insert”.

Then you need to reduce the image using the markers on the frame.

To ensure that it is displayed correctly on the sheet and the words do not move, select it and select it in the drop-down list "Text Wrap"- "before" .

Again using the markers and arrows in different directions on the frame, move the drawing to the desired location. I have it in the top left.

Once one badge is ready, copy it and replace the pattern in the other cells. Then change names and positions. This way, you can make several copies for different workers or schoolchildren.

To print your badge, go to the File tab.

Specify the number of copies, select a printer and click on the desired button.

We do it ourselves

Considering that there are no ready-made templates, and the cards need to be remade, which is not entirely convenient, let's figure out how to make a badge yourself from the very beginning. As for me, this option is simpler - you don’t need to change anything, you immediately indicate the required dimensions, select the design and the like.

Open “Insert” at the top and add a table with the appropriate number of rows and columns to the page. In my example, I will have 2x3.

I insert the picture in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. I change the wrap around it and make it the right size.

Select the text in parts and change the font, size, boldness and more. To make the letters colored, select a color from the drop-down list by clicking on the button with the letter “A”. You can fill a cell with color by placing italics in it, clicking on the paint bucket and selecting any color.

To choose the position of text relative to the cell, use the Align button. The list that opens presents various options.

    As for Word, the badge can be made in different ways depending on your requirements for the badge, the complexity of the badge, and your skills in working with Word. For example, if you need to make a certain number of badges of the same type, you can use table cells. Insert a blank badge into them and then change your personal data.

    You can use a graphic frame. You can generally just print the badge on a regular page and trim off the excess.

    Don’t forget that in Word you can insert various graphic elements, autoshapes, inscriptions, and WordArt objects. If necessary, you can write and draw in different colors

    A badge is an element of a uniform that carries information about the owner. To create badges, there is an online badge website badge-online, where you can create your own unique badge in three steps. To do this you need:

    • Choose a badge design
    • Fill out the form fields to enter information
    • Get the finished result, that is, download it to your computer.
    • Print on a printer, cut and paste into a standard badge

    To create a badge in the Word text editor you need

    • open editor
    • insert table from one cell
    • write down your last name (font size 24), first name and patronymic (font size 16)
    • write down the necessary information, coordinates and phone number,
    • edit, save, print.
    • cut and paste into standard badge


    Standard badge

    Making a badge in Word is quite simple. As for me, you can use a pencil for drawing tables and draw two identical rectangles with it. Well, then, enter your full name (this is for a regular badge) and your additional information if you are an employee of the organization.

    If the badge is made for a child, then in addition to the FI, it is necessary to write down the class in which the child studies. Some schools also require you to write down the name and number of the school. For school, everything is written in black on a white background.

    Making a badge online is as easy as shelling pears, go to the online badge website, select a ready-made badge form, a ready-made template, make an inscription and an avatar, or your own or take it from the collection on the website, look at the result, if you don’t like it, adjust it, laugh and print it out.

    The easiest way is to make a badge online and then print it on a printer. Here's a good site for creating badges. You just need to select the appropriate template and place the necessary information on it, download or print. Everything is extremely simple

    You can also make a badge in Word, quickly and easily.

    • Ryssliki bookmark (at the very top of the header)
    • Stickers
    • Options button, select the desired size.
    • We write the text
    • Create.

    Of course, it doesn’t turn out as beautiful as one drawn using online services, but it’s done in 1 minute.

    Now there are many online programs with ready-made templates for badges - you just need to decide on the design, text and follow the prompts, and then print out the finished sketch, laminate it and wear it with pride :).

    It is better to use special services for printing business cards, so you can make beautiful badges. In Word you can create regular simple badges. Go to the Mailings tab and select stickers there. By default there will be identical stickers all over the page. And then print whatever you want on them. Print it out. All.

  • Badge

    Of course, you can make a badge in Word; there is nothing complicated about it, especially if you are well versed in this program. The main thing is not to miss the size, and the rest is a matter of experience. But there are specialized programs with the help of which it is not difficult to make a deed, in such programs you don’t have to worry about the size, and such programs also use many templates, you only need to type the text. And the easiest way is to go to the website and create your badge there, you don’t even have to install anything.

  • Printing the text of the badge will not be difficult. To do this, you can use text editors on your computer or online services. It is much more interesting to make an unusual badge with a plastic base and a magnetic mount, as in the video below:

    Or here’s another interesting option for an LED badge with a ticker:

Microsoft Word is an excellent text editor that is included in the Office software package. It is one of the most used in the world. Many users mistakenly believe that Word has earned such popularity solely due to its affiliation with one of the largest companies, but this is far from the case.

Editor "Word"

This program opens up many possibilities for formatting and layout of text of varying complexity, and it will be convenient for both beginners and professionals to work with it. Word is widely used by office workers, journalists, copywriters, schoolchildren and students. It can be both a complex mechanism for creating a unique design and a platform for editing quick notes. The program perfectly adapts to many text formats, synchronizes with other Office products, has a huge range of fonts and functions for modifying them, etc. Word will become an indispensable assistant for creating primitive information material.

A badge is a small plate that indicates the identity of the employee (first name, last name), his position and, as a rule, the name of the organization. Badges are worn suspended from a string around the neck or attached to a pin on the chest. You might have seen such cards from employees of supermarkets, beauty salons, large firms, corporations, and so on. The “trend” has reached schools and institutes. So, duty officers, interns, library workers and others carry such cards. Plastic holders can be found in a huge variety of office departments. But how to make badges and their informative content in Word? We will talk about this further.

How to make a frame for a badge in Word using a ready-made template?

There are several ways to make a badge. The simplest of them is to edit a ready-made template. Some of them are already installed by default, but templates such as badges need to be downloaded additionally. However, it won't take much time. First, you need to check whether such a template has been downloaded in advance and look at the available templates. To do this, go to “File”, then click “Create” and “Sample Templates”. If there is no badge template, click “ Templates” and download the required option. Further work will proceed in the same way as with any other document. We enter the required data, you can add the organization’s logo, play with fonts, add a border, fill it, and more.

But often the badge template does not meet user expectations. They want to create their own unique option from the very beginning. How to make badges from scratch in Word?

Create your own version of the badge

Even though all badge holders are made in a standard size, you still need to measure it to be on the safe side. We will make this version of the badge using table blocks. They are fairly easy to draw and cut after printing. If the badge is horizontal (this is the most common type), it is better to immediately set the sheet to landscape orientation. This parameter can be easily changed in the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Orientation" item. In the "Margins" item, you can set the "Narrow" checkbox. I would like to note that it is better to make several badges at once and print them on one sheet.

Badge using table designer

Open the "Insert" tab and select "Table". We denote the number of cells. It depends on the number of badges you want to receive as a result. When the table is ready, you need to adjust the size. To do this, hover your cursor over the table and click on the small cross that appears in the left corner. Go to "Properties".

Set the size to “Exact” and uncheck the “Allow line wrapping” checkbox. We set the line height to 5.5 (standard badge height, if your holder has other sizes, you should stick to them). Set the column width to 9. Now you can start editing the content.

How to make an inscription for a badge in Word?

If you need to place an organization’s logo on a badge, it is best to do it right away so that you don’t have to cut it, stretch it, or narrow it later. To do this, let's use the "Insert" tab again and do the work as with a regular picture. By the way, you can place a photo of a person in the same way. Now you can enter the personal data of the employee or student. The capabilities of Word allow you not to edit the contents of each cell.

If you need badges of the same type (for example, only the first and last names of employees will differ), then you can easily copy the contents of one badge, paste it into another cell and make minimal adjustments. You can even save the badge template in Word’s memory and then use it as a template. To do this, click “File” and select “Save as Word template”.

How to make badges in Word without the help of a table designer? To do this, you can draw a rectangle autoshape and then continue editing the content. This is less convenient, but it will work as an alternative option.

So we figured out how to make badges in Word. We hope that this process will be simple and quick for you in future.

You will need

  • - computer,
  • - Printer,
  • - paper,
  • - laminator,
  • - scissors or cutter,
  • - hole punch for laminated film.


Make a blank badge on a computer, it can be a simple one made in Word, or it can be an image made using Photoshop. The badge has a size of about 65 by 95 mm, it indicates your full name or name and, as well as anything else you need - department, position, photograph.

To make badges of the same size, the easiest way is to use Microsoft Word. Using Microsoft Word 2007 as an example: select “Mailouts” at the top, then “Stickers” in the upper corner, and in the window that appears, select “Page with identical stickers.” A window with templates will open in front of you, which you just have to fill out and click the “Print” button.

Another way is to create a table in Word, specifying the cell sizes you need as cell sizes badge. Subsequently fill in the cells with the information you need.

Take a cutter or regular ones and cut the workpiece into rectangles. With the help of a cutter you will definitely get straight edges badge, but if you use scissors, you will have to try a little more.

To make a laminated badge, take a film suitable in size and thickness and place a paper blank between its layers. Pass it through a laminator, which will soften the laminating film and seal it securely badge.

Make a hole for the clip. To make a hole in a laminated badge, you will need a special hole punch. Laminated film simply cannot be punched with a regular hole punch. Make a hole for the clip and attach it to the badge.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Do not use too small a font for the inscriptions on the badge - in this case, no one will see what is written on it. You can make one word (for example, first or last name) larger than the rest.


  • how to print a badge

Create seal possible at home. It is not necessary to use the capabilities of Photoshop, since there is a special program designed for creating stamps, which is quick and convenient to work with.

You will need

  • Computer, Internet, Stump 0.85 program.


Download the Stump 0.85 program from the Internet. It is usually presented in the archive. Inside the archive, run the file Stump085d.exe.

In the window that appears, select the “Start Feature Demo” button and follow the actions shown on the screen.

To start creating your own stamp, run the Stump085d.exe file from the archive again and select the “Continue” button.

In the “Top” field, enter the inscription that should be displayed on the seal in the upper part, and in the “Bottom lines” field, accordingly enter information for the bottom of the seal. In this case, you can constantly view the result of your work by pressing the button on a piece of paper and a magnifying glass in the program menu (preview). Set , boldness, italics.

Go to the "Center" tab and enter the lines that will appear in the center of your stamp. Set them up.

In the “Form” tab, you can change the standard round printing option to another.

In the “Create and Edit” tab, adjust the quality, clarity, and blur of your print so that it looks more realistic on . Click the "Create" button to see the result of your work. You can also paste into Word using the appropriate button.

Hair lamination is a hairdressing service that helps prevent color fading, prevents increased hair fragility and increases the effectiveness of styling for a long period of time.

Hair lamination is a relatively new hairdressing service. With normal care, their condition improves for a relatively short period, sometimes sometimes only before the first wash, and gives the hair a healthy, beautiful, radiant look and at the same time a dazzling shine for about a month.

Lamination involves the procedure of covering with a breathable, thin, transparent chemical film that prevents color from fading, closes gaps in damaged areas of the hair, compacts it and prevents injury. In order to carry out a safe and high-quality hair procedure, you will need an experienced specialist and quite large financial costs.

The lamination procedure can also be carried out under conditions. This option will be cheaper, but to carry out such an operation, it is necessary to have successful experience acquired earlier in, when a professional lamination master carried out this action clearly with sensible advice and explanations for the client. To carry out proper lamination, you must first perform steps to thoroughly cleanse and restore the hair before putting it in laminate.

Strengthen and is necessary in any case. Lamination should never be considered some kind of panacea that will prevent any type of split or brittle hair. By the way, all professional hairdressers constantly remind us of this. The laminate film contains nutritious biologically active substances that act as an external shield, but it is still necessary to undertake complete hair restoration several weeks before the lamination procedure, since the stronger and healthier the hair is, the more spectacular it will look in the end.

Video on the topic


  • lamination what is needed for lamination in 2019

If you make an educational raid through dictionaries, the word “badge” can be explained as “individual information card.” This is an element of the work uniform in the form of a card, badge or special sticker, which contains information about its owner.

Scope of application

It is these small cards that are usually present among employees of large offices, representatives of foreign companies, waiters, airport employees, medical workers of medical institutions, etc. This is a mandatory element of the uniform for participants in press conferences, seminars, exhibitions, scientific symposiums, business meetings and other public events .

In fairly large enterprises, not all employees know each other personally, so the names of employees are simply irreplaceable in order to avoid awkward situations. The simplest badges simplify the communication process as much as possible and increase the level of sociability among staff, because with the help of visual memory, the necessary information is remembered much faster. In addition, calling a person by name is a sign of good manners, and having one makes this all easier.

What it is

The plastic one looks like a small business card with the owner’s first and last name, his position, logo and the name of the company or department where he works. As a rule, this card is placed in a transparent plastic frame, which is equipped with a cord for wearing around the neck or a clothes pin. The presence of this simple element removes awkwardness during communication and increases loyalty, because the client receives complete information about the company, which simplifies the opportunity to file a complaint with management if necessary.

Where to buy a badge

In the price-convenience-quality format, the classic badge is 86x54 mm. The plastic base itself can be purchased at any stationery and office supply store or made to order from the manufacturer. The basis is transparent PVC with a density of more than 200 microns. For fastening to clothing, a carbine, clip, or tape are used when worn around the neck.

Today, under the guise of badges, badges can be used, which are made of wood, plastic, metal or other material. Branded badges are significantly more expensive than classic badges, but at the same time they look more stylish and aesthetically pleasing. They can be attached to clothing using a magnet or by puncture. Badges cannot be purchased in the stationery department; they must be ordered from printing companies that produce image symbols.

Sometimes there is a need to do emblem company, organization or sports team. It should be bright and original, unlike others and attract attention. Most often, designers are involved in the creation of such a sign, but their services are expensive, and the lack of necessary information about the company, mission, strategy often leads to the fact that the developed version does not correspond to the internal spirit of the company. Try to do emblem yourself using Photoshop.