Windows 7 with services disabled. Disable autorun functionality from removable media and CD drives. Program to disable services

Step-by-step instructions for improving performance and optimizing Windows 7

Optimizing the operation of Windows 7 is extremely relevant today and is available not only professional engineers specialized centers, but also for ordinary users.

Since the release of the operating system by Microsoft Windows 8, the popularity of her predecessor, Windows7, doesn't get smaller.

Prevalence Windows versions as of March 2014 (according to

Windows 8/8.1 - 12.54%

Windows 7 - 50.55%

Windows7 proved to be the most successful and user-friendly version of the OS on Windows platform, especially in comparison with its predecessor - Windows Vista.

Currently, the objectives set by software manufacturers and user expectations regarding system speed and performance have increased significantly.

The number of programs has also increased preinstalled by manufacturers on new laptops and personal computers, which often only take away system performance. In addition, over time it accumulates great amount temporary and unnecessary files, generated by programs and Internet browsers.

In connection with the above, all larger number companies are engaged in both development specialized utilities to optimize the performance of Windows 7, and by creating multitasking programs that clean and configure the system, optimizing its operation based on the needs of a specific user, along with a set of other software (for example, all-in-one antivirus software, CCleaner, RegOptimazer and others).

But let’s not forget that all cleaning and optimization programs act superficially, without affecting the depths of the system. Thanks to simple steps, any user can safely and effectively optimize Windows operation 7 , without resorting to in-depth analysis and practical study of its work.

To optimize Windows7 performance, follow these steps:

1. Completely disabling UAC (User Account Control)

First of all, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this tool is one of the most important regarding the security of the system and disabling it will inevitably reduce the overall level of its protection from external threats. However, many users have greater confidence in high-quality antivirus software.

In this article we offer you the ability to either completely disable UAC or change the protection level.

Before performing the suggested actions, you should log in using your account. Administrator.

1. Click the Start button
3. Go to User Accounts
4. Change User Account Control (UAC) settings
5. Select the required degree of protection by changing the position of the slider.
6. Click “OK”
7. Reboot the computer.

2. Setting the standby mode (“Sleep mode”)

In the default settings, using sleep mode is inconvenient: the computer wakes up at the slightest movement of the mouse.

To this to correct, needs to be done the following actions:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Go to Device Manager
4. Open the “Mice and other pointing devices” tab
5. Find the “Power Management” tab

6. Uncheck the option “Allow the device to wake the computer from standby mode”
7. Click “OK”
In the future, for exit from standby mode, use the keyboard (by pressing any key).

3. Speed ​​up the Start menu

One of the most commonly used controls in operating systems Windows is definitely the menu "Start", whose functionality grows with each new version OS.
If you use a “non-classic” design mode, it is possible to significantly speed up the operation of this indispensable control.
So let's get started:
1. Right-click on the Start menu icon or on the panel tasks
2. B context menu select “Properties”
3. Open the “Start” tab
4. Click “Configure”
5. In the “Customize the Start Menu” window that opens, find the “Highlight recently installed programs” option and uncheck it
7. Click “OK”

4. Aero Visual Effects

Problems with Aero interface most often occur if the computer has a video card integrated into the motherboard or a weak video card is installed - problems are very likely to occur when using the Aero interface. Also difficult to process graphic elements Windows 7 low-cost laptops and netbooks are often tested.
However, it is possible to reduce the Aero interface's consumption of PC resources by without turning it off completely. By disabling some elements, you will relieve computing power computer and video card, practically without losing the beauty of the Aero interface.
To do this you need to do the following:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Login to the System
4. Open Extra options systems
5. Go to the “Advanced” tab
6. Click the “Options” button in the “Performance” section

7. Disable the following parameters:
7.1 Animated controls and elements inside a window
7.2 Menu fades after calling a command
7.3 Casting shadows on desktop icons
7.4 Displaying window contents when dragging
7.5 Displaying shadows cast by windows
7.6 Displaying samples and filters in this folder
7.7 Displaying a transparent selection rectangle
7.8 Displaying a shadow under the mouse pointer
8. Click “Apply”.

You can disable some other options, but the effect will be more noticeable.
Attention! If after saving the changes the “transparent” Aero interface disappears, right-click on the desktop and select “Personalization” » “Color and appearance windows" » Check the box next to "Enable transparency" and click "OK".

5. Changing the display of Service Pack

There are times when we are unable to completely install all elements of the game, or after installing it we see a notification about installed in Windows 7 Service Pack 2. In order to correct the situation, we need:

1. Press the Win+R keys simultaneously (or Start » Run)
2. In the “Run” window that opens, enter the command: “regedit” and click “OK”
3. The Registry Editor window will open.
4. Find the folder
5. Change the “CSDVersion” value from “0” to “100” ( SP1). Click “OK” and exit the Registry Editor. If you set the parameter value “CSDVersion” = “300”, then the system will display that
Service Pack 3
, and if the value “CSDVersion” is = “0”, then the system will display that the Service Pack is installed is not installed
6. Reboot the computer.

6. Disabling services

Shutdown rarely used services will free up some of the computer's RAM, and will also allow the system to access the system less frequently. virtual memory, which will result in faster system performance.
Although unforeseen complications as a result of service outages are unlikely, we nevertheless suggest that you create restore point, which, if necessary, will allow us to roll back the system to the required time (control panel » system » system protection » create). To ensure maximum stability of the system and applications, we recommend that you use the “Manual” option when disabling services.
For disabling services perform the following actions:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Select Administration

4. Select Services
To disable a service, double-click on its name with the left mouse button. The service control panel will open. In the “Startup Type” drop-down menu, select “Manual” and click on the “Stop” button. Save changes by clicking "OK"
Absolutely safe You can disable the following services:
Service entry Tablet PC
Support IP Service
Remote registry

Disabling other services can lead to unstable operation of the operating system and should only be done when absolutely confident is that you know what result it will lead to. Be extremely careful and careful when handling this tool.

7. ReadyBoost function

In the operating system Windows implemented the ability to use USB flash memory devices as additional to the resource's RAM for data caching, which speeds up the execution time of data read-write operations and increases system performance. Expensive RAM modules or lack of free slots in motherboard Often they do not allow you to physically increase the amount of memory.
Using USB drives or Flash cards as additional RAM using ReadyBoost technology makes it possible to virtually expand memory and increase computer performance. The system writes to the media memory data from the most frequently used programs, which can significantly reduce their launch time.
To activate ReadyBoost features You need to do the following:
1. Insert the USB drive into the port.
2. In the Autorun window that appears, select “Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost»
3. Activate the “Use this device” option
4. By moving the slider, we set the limit of used space on the media
5. Save the changes by clicking on the OK button.
After performing these operations, the ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be automatically created on the flash card. Don't take it out flash drive from your computer!

8. Performance Tuning

When installing the operating system, the default power plan is “Balanced,” which reduces system performance and responsiveness.
In total, the Windows 7 operating system provides three main power plans:
Balanced (system performance when necessary and energy saving when inactive).
Energy saving (reduced system performance). This scheme helps mobile PC users make the most of a single battery charge. but for a desktop system it is not relevant.
WITH high performance(increases the performance and response speed of the system).

Your computer may also have other energy saving settings configured by the PC or laptop manufacturer. In this case, we do not recommend changing their settings, because The manufacturer has already selected the most optimal values ​​for all parameters.
To change the plan, do the following:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Go to Power Options
4. Choose a plan that meets the needs of our system and device.

9.Customizing the Taskbar and Superbar

Superbar Windows 7 has wide possibilities for personalization and customization for a specific user. To optimize the panel, follow these steps:
1. Place the mouse cursor on the taskbar and press the right mouse button. The taskbar context menu will open. Uncheck the “Lock the taskbar” checkbox.
2. Now move the cursor over the edge of the taskbar until it turns into double arrow. Click and hold the cursor with the left mouse button. Move the cursor up, the dotted line will show the location of the taskbar. Release the mouse button.
3. Now we fix the Panel again by checking the “Lock taskbar” item in the context menu. This is necessary for the normal display of tabs and panels. If this is not enough for you, the size of the taskbar can be increased to suit your needs up to half the screen. Ease of navigation can also be improved by opening the taskbar's Properties context menu and changing the way the taskbar buttons are grouped from "Do not group" to "Always group, hiding labels."

10. Memory diagnostics

If your operating system is prone to failures and is unstable, we recommend diagnosing your RAM. This also applies to users who overclock system components.
Settings for OS Windows 7:
1. Open the Start menu
2. In the Search column, enter “Memory”
3. In the search box, select "Windows Memory Checker"
4. In the window that appears, select one of the options:

- Reboot and check (recommended)
— Run the scan the next time you turn on the computer
5. After restarting the computer, wait for the RAM test to complete. This process can be quite lengthy.
After the diagnostics are completed, the computer will automatically restart.
You will see the results of the scan when you log into the operating system.

11. Defragment hard drives

Built-in Disk defragmenter organizes fragmented information for more efficient and fast work systems.
The disk defragmentation program runs according to a specified schedule, but you can also start fragmentation manually.
To run the built-in disk defragmenter, you must perform the following steps:
1. Click the Start button
2. Select Computer
3. Select drive C
4. By clicking the right mouse button, call up the context menu and select "Properties"
5. Open the “Service” tab

6. Select a section "Run defragmentation". You can also run a disk analysis, after which the system will make a recommendation whether there is a need to defragment the selected disk and indicate the percentage of fragmentation.
Depending on the hard size disk and the degree of file fragmentation, defragmentation may take from several minutes to several hours. During defragmentation, work with the PC can not be interrupted, however, the system may slow down significantly.

12. Startup control

Many programs installed on a PC are automatically registered in the startup of your computer, even when there is no urgent need for it.
Being constantly in RAM, they significantly reduce system performance.
Ideally, the startup list should contain no more than two or three programs that you urgently need. As a rule, this is an antivirus and mail client.
The easiest way to clear the startup list is to use free program CCleaner, open the Tools section, then click on Startup and manually set the launch parameters for the programs you need.

Don't delete from the list system programs Windows. They can be distinguished by their location in the \system32 folder.

13. Cleaning and defragmenting the registry

System registry is a database for storing information about the computer configuration, operating system settings and program settings to which the system
accesses hundreds of times per second during system boot and operation. A cluttered and fragmented registry can seriously slow down your computer.
When installing and uninstalling various programs, various “garbage” may remain in the registry: program settings, links to shortcuts, incorrect file extensions, and much more.
With time, a large number of Such erroneous registry settings can significantly slow down the operation of the operating system, lead to crashes and various problems, interfering with normal functioning OS.

To optimize the registry Let's do the following:
1. Open the CCleaner program and go to the “Registry” menu
2. Click on the “Search for problems” button
3. After completing the search, click on “Fix”
4. The program will offer to save backups changes made, if you are not sure, save
5. In the window that appears, click “Correct marked” and confirm your choice.
Perform this operation once every two to three weeks.

Windows 7 Registry susceptible to fragmentation, which causes the system to gradually slow down. System defragmenters do not work with registry files, so for these purposes you will need to install a specialized program.
One of the best solutions for defragmenting the registry is the utility Auslogics Registry Defrag.

14. Disabling the autorun function from removable media and CD drives.

Disabling autorun is not only speed up work With external media information, but also will protect protect you from a number of viruses entering your computer.
Launch Notepad (in the Start menu, in the Search line, enter the word “Notepad”).
After launching the Notepad program, copy there next text:

3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type “All files”
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Close the Notepad program.

7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes.
If the autorun function is still present, do the following:
1. Open Notepad
2. After launching Notepad, copy the following text there:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type "All files"
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Then exit the Notepad program.
7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes
8. Restart the Computer and check for autorun on the media.
Attention this method will disable autorun for you from all storage media:
Flash and portable drives;
CD, DVD, BD discs;
Network drives;
Local disks.

15. Move the recycle bin from the desktop to the taskbar

If you feel like it fully free your desktop from icons, then you can do this. After all, in Windows 7 not only is it possible remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, but even pin it to the taskbar.
1. Right-click on empty space on the desktop.
2. In the context menu, select Create - Shortcut.

3. In the Object location field, insert:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

4. Click Next.
5. In the window that opens, in the Shortcut name field, enter Trash and click Finish.
6. A shortcut has appeared on the Desktop (to make sure it is the Recycle Bin, open it double click), but it looks like an Explorer shortcut, not Baskets. To fix this, right-click on it and select Properties, then click the button Change icon.
7. In the Look for icons in field next file enter:
and press Enter.

8. From the proposed collection of Windows 7 icons, select the Recycle Bin icon and click OK twice.
9. Now our Recycle Bin icon looks authentic. Drag it with the right or left mouse button somewhere on the taskbar.
10. Right-click on the desktop, select Personalization, then Change desktop icons and uncheck the Recycle Bin.

16. What to do if your hard drive partition disappears after installing Windows 7

Suppose HDD your computer contains two partitions (C and D) and after installing another OS on the second partition, the first partition disappeared. In reality, the section remained where it was, but Windows 7 did not assign a letter to it. Therefore, we do not have access to the data stored on this disk.

To assign a drive letter, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.

In the left menu, select Storage Devices -> Disk Management. This displays information about all drives connected to the computer, including logical drives(partitions), drives and removable disks. Our lost partition is located here - it is displayed in the list and has neither a letter nor a volume label, but is recognized by the system as a hard drive.

1. Right-click on it and in the menu that appears, select Change drive letter or drive path.
2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
3. In the window that opens, in the Assign a drive letter line, all free letters are presented in the form of a drop-down list; we can assign any of them to our “unidentified” partition.
4. Select a letter and press the OK button.

As you can see, setting up and optimizing the operation of Windows 7 with the proper approach is not a difficult and quick way to both improve the process of using your computer and increase its performance and speed.


If, after optimizing Windows operation, you have not achieved the desired result, or your actions have led to disruption of the system, USService specialists will help you.

Hello dear readers, today I would like to talk about:

1. ABOUT Windows services, what it is, what it is needed for and which ones are responsible for what.

2.And how can you increase the speed of your computer?

So what are these Windows services?

Services- applications that are automatically or manually launched by the system when Windows starts and perform various tasks regardless of the user’s status.

Open list of services can be done in several ways:

1. Hold down the windows button and press R, a window will open, enter services.msc there

2. Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

3. Start > right-click on my computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services

As you can see, there are quite a lot of them in Windows and by downloading, you can familiarize yourself what services exist and what each of them is responsible for.

Since services are applications, they operate and use some of the computer's resources. you can improve its performance. Let's see what can be disabled.

What services can be disabled in Windows 7, 8

I did not make a list of those services that can be disabled, because... many services are individual. I just tried to describe each service and in what situations they can be disabled. If you need to turn something off mindlessly, then just use .

* BranchCache The service caches network content. If you don't use your home network, you can turn it off altogether.

* DHCP client - If you use the Internet, do not touch it under any circumstances. It is this service that assigns you an IP address.

* DNS client Also necessary service to use the Internet. Works with your DNS (serves in the right directions).

* KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator - system transaction function. We leave it the same way.

* Microsoft .NET Framework - We leave all such services as is. They serve for normal operation most applications.

* Parental Controls - Parental control service. If you don't use it, you can turn it off.

* Plug-and-Play serves to automatically recognize changes in the system. For example, when you connect a flash drive, this service wakes up... So we leave it as it is.

* Quality Windows Audio Video Experience - transmission of audio and video over the network in real time. It is not needed only if there is no network (or Internet), in other cases we leave it.

* Remote Desktop Configuration - For remote desktop. If you do not use remote connections, disable it.

* Superfetch - Useful feature, works with cache. Speeds up Windows, so leave it.

* Windows Audio - Controls sound. If you don't need the sound, turn off the sound. In other cases we leave it.

* Windows CardSpace - unnecessary and unsafe service. That's why we turn it off.

* Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework - For normal operation of the drivers, do not touch. Let it remain as it is.

* Windows Search - Indexing files for search. If you don’t use it and have time to wait until the file is found, then disable it. Be sure to disable it on the ssd!

* WMI Performance Adapter - needed for services that require wmi, install manually. If any applications need them, they will launch them themselves)

* WWAN auto-configuration - service to use mobile internet. If you use usb modem, SIM card in the laptop, then do not disconnect it.

* Offline files - helps you work autonomously with inaccessible files that were downloaded before. We set it manually.

* Network Access Protection Agent - We set it manually, because... if necessary, the service will start if some program requests the necessary information.

* AIPsec policy gent - Needed if you have a network and the Internet.

* Adaptive Brightness Control - Leave it if there is a light sensor.

* Windows Backup - If you don't use it, turn it off. But it’s better to read about archiving in Windows, you never know, you’ll use it.

* Windows Biometric Service - needed only when using biometric devices. In other cases we disable it.

* Windows Firewall To be honest, I always turn it off, because... I have nothing to steal) And if they encrypt the data, I will restore it) But I advise you to get, for example, Kaspersky Internet Security, which has both an antivirus and a firewall. And turn this one off, because... it sometimes blocks things that are not needed) In general, it monitors the security of your computer and closes ports so that thieves cannot get into your computer)

* Computer browser IN home network need not. Manually.

* Web client - It's boring if you don't have internet. Used to work with files on the Internet. We leave it.

* Virtual disk - Service for working with storage devices. We set it manually.

* IP Ancillary Service - Works with protocol version 6. I always disable it itself, so the service can be disabled altogether.

* Secondary login - Set it manually, because... some games or programs will turn it on if necessary.

* Grouping of network participants - Needed for home group. Install manually, you never know...

* Disk Defragmenter - In principle, it does not interfere. You can leave it or turn it off. If you turn it off, I recommend doing it once a month. And for ssd drives, turn it off altogether!

* Dispatcher automatic connections remote access - We set it manually. Needed for remote connections.

* Print Manager - Needed if you have something to print from. In other cases we disable it.

* Remote Access Connection Manager - manually. Once I disconnected it completely and could not create a connection. So it's better to do it manually.

* Desktop Window Manager Session Manager − If you don’t use transparency from Aero, you can turn it off, it will give a big boost.

* Network Member Identity Manager − It's better to set it manually.

* Credential Manager - Better by hand. Stores your data, such as logins and passwords.

* Security Account Manager - It's better to leave it as is. If you disable this service, all changes to the local security policy will be lost.

* Access to HID devices - Access to shortcut keys. Disable it, if some combinations stop working, then put it back.

* Windows Event Log - records all events. Useful tool For experienced user. It is impossible to disable.

* Performance Logs and Alerts -system service, leave it as is.

* Software Protection - Also a system service, leave it as is.

* Windows Defender - Protection against spyware and malware. Install a normal antivirus and disable this service.

* CNG Key Isolation - Manually.

* Windows Management Instrumentation - System service, without it, some applications may not work correctly, so it’s better to leave it.

* Application Compatibility Information - A useful thing, it helps launch applications that refuse to run on your OS. We set it manually.

* Group Policy Client - We leave it. Responsible for security policy settings.

* Changed Link Tracking Client - Tracking ntfs files is not necessary. Turn it off.

* Distributed Transaction Coordinator - We set it manually.

* Cache Windows fonts Presentation Foundation - We set it manually. Applications will launch it if necessary.

* SNMP Trap - Some programs will collect information about you. So turn it off.

* Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator - Manually, if necessary, applications will launch it.

* Routing and remote access Need not. Turn it off.

* IPsec Key Modules for Internet Key Exchange and Authenticated IP - Not necessary, but better to do it manually.

* DCOM server process launcher module - System service, leave it as is.

* NetBIOS support module over TCP/IP - If there are no other computers on the network, then manually.

* Immediate Windows connections— setup recorder — Manually.

* SSDP Discovery - Leave it as is. Required for new devices.

* Interactive Service Discovery − Manually.

* Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - Not needed if you do not share your Internet over network connections.

* Shell Hardware Definition − necessary for the autorun dialog box of a disk or flash drive. Whatever suits you, most people need it. I left.

* Basic TPM services − Only needed to use TMP and/or BitLocker chips.

* Remote Desktop Services User Mode Port Redirector - If you don't use remote connections, then you don't need it. It's better to install it manually.

*PIP bus enumerator PnP-X — It's better to install it manually.

* Nutrition - Doesn't turn off. We leave it.

* Task Scheduler - It is advisable to leave it as is, because... Now many programs use it.

* Media Class Scheduler − We leave it to those for whom sound is important.

* Support for the "Problem and Resolution Reports" control panel item - Manually.

* Smart Card Removal Policy - For smart card users, it is better to do it manually.

* HomeGroup Provider - To use home groups. Better by hand.

* Wired Auto-Tuning - Manually.

* Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft) - Manually.

* Homegroup Listener - Manually.

* PNRP protocol - We also leave it manually. Some applications may use the service.

* Publishing Feature Discovery Resources − Needed if you want to show your files to other computers over the network. If you don't want to, then manually or disable it.

* Work station - It's better to leave it, because... Some applications use this service.

* Certificate Distribution − Better by hand.

* Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) - Manually.

* Windows Event Collector - Manually.

* Application Details - Manually.

* Server - If the computer is not used as a server or does not share access to files and printers, then turn it off.

* Thread Ordering Server - Disable if there is no home group.

* Network input into the system - Manually.

* Network connections - Leave it as is. If there is no network or Internet, you can turn it off.

* COM+ Event System - set manually. Applications that depend on this service will launch it themselves if necessary.

* System application COM+ - Also manually.

* SSTP Service - We leave it as is, the service is needed if there is Internet on the computer.

* WinHTTP Web Proxy Automatic Discovery Service - If you need internet, then leave it as is.

* WLAN AutoConfig Service - service for wireless networks. Accordingly, if they are not there, it is not needed.

* Basic Filtering Service - on the one hand, it is not needed (if security is not needed), but on the other hand, some programs may produce errors. So we leave it.

* Tablet PC Input Service - If the screen is not touch-sensitive, then it is not needed.

* Windows Time Service - needed to synchronize time with the Internet.

* Download service Windows images(WIA)— The service is only needed if there is a scanner. She is responsible for receiving images from scanners and cameras.

* Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service - We install it manually, if programs need it, they will launch it themselves.

* Network Saving Interface Service - Needed for normal network operation.

* Windows Font Cache Service - serves to improve performance, caches fonts and does not waste time loading.

* WITHMedia Center set-top box service - If you don't use any attachments, you don't need it.

* Block Level Archiving Engine Service - We set it manually. If archiving or restoration is needed, the service will start on its own.

* Service public access to Net.Tcp ports - Off by default. Only needed if you need the Net.Tcp protocol.

* General service network resources Windows Player Media - Manually. If you need it, it will turn on.

* Portable Device Enumerator Service - Used to synchronize music, video, etc. with removable media. I would install it manually. This is not always necessary.

* Scheduler service Windows Media Center— Needed if you only watch programs in Windows Media Player.

* Service Bluetooth support Needed if you have Bluetooth.

* Diagnostic Policy Service - Needed to diagnose problems... To be honest, it rarely helps. Therefore, you can experiment by turning it off. If necessary, turn it on.

* Program Compatibility Assistant Service - The service is needed to run programs that are incompatible with your OS. If there are none, install them manually.

* User Profile Service - Better to leave it. It works with computer user profiles.

* PNRP Computer Name Publishing Service - Needed for home groups.

* Windows Error Logging Service - Logs errors. It's better to install it manually.

* Windows Media Center Receiver Service - to watch TV and radio programs in the player.

* Connected Network Information Service - It is better to leave it as is for normal network operation.

* Network List Service - It's better to leave it that way.

* SPP Notification Service - For licensing. Leave by hand.

* System Event Notification Service - If you're not going to watch Windows messages, then you don't need it.

* Service remote control Windows (WS-Management) - Place it manually.

* BitLocker Drive Encryption Service - Encrypts disks. If you don't use it, it's better to turn it off.

* Application Layer Gateway Service − The service is needed only to work with the firewall. Manually.

* Cryptography Services - To install new programs, it is better to leave it as is.

* Remote Desktop Services - If you do not use remote desktops, then disable it.

* Smart card - If you don't use them, then you don't need it.

* RPC Endpoint Mapper - The service is needed for incoming traffic. Nothing can be done about it. That's why we leave it.

* Finite Builder Windows points Audio If you need sound, leave it.

* Telephony - Leave by hand. It will start if needed.

* Themes - They eat up a lot of memory resources. If you don't need it, turn it off.

* Shadow copying volumes - Creates recovery points, archiving in background. Place it manually. It will start if necessary.

* Link layer topologist - Also by hand. It will start if needed.

* Remote call procedures (RPC) - System service. Leave it as is.

* Remote registry - Allows remote users to manipulate your registry. Turn it off.

* Application Identity - Manually.

* Diagnostic system unit - Diagnosis of problems. Place it manually.

* Diagnostic Service Node - Also manually.

* Generic PNP Device Node - Place it manually. Not all devices are PnP.

* Application Management - Place it manually. The service allows you to configure policies for applications.

* Manage certificates and health key - Install it manually, if you need it, it will start on its own.

* ActiveX Installer - Also manually. You will need to install such an object, it will start on its own.

* Windows Installer - Installation of programs.msi. Manually.

* Windows Modules Installer - Installs and removes components and updates. Manually.

* Fax - Needed if you only have a fax.

* Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) - Leave it by hand. The service is useful.

* Discovery Provider Host - Leave it by hand. It will need to start.

* Windows Color System (WCS) - Manually. The devices will need it and they will launch it.

* Security Center - Keeps an eye on Windows security. She annoys me with her notifications. So whether to turn it off or not is up to you.

* Windows Update - On the one side useful feature. It closes holes in the system, updates drivers, but on the other hand, it actively uses the Internet, memory resources, and if you turn off the computer during the update, the OS may crash. So you also have to choose what is more important, security or performance.

* Encrypting File System (EFS) - For file security. It's better to leave it as is manually.

I tried to present the entire list of services. By disabling some, you will improve the performance of your computer. You can also decide at your own discretion which ones are needed and which ones are not. For example, if there is no Internet, then you can safely cut half of it; if there is no printer, then you can also turn off a lot. Thus, depending on your needs, you can significantly invigorate your old computer.

  1. Yes, I read about the services, I was pleased with the Windows Firewall - disable it, in a word, experts, good luck to you gentlemen!!!

  2. Alexei

    Everything is correct, for more reliable protection, you need to use special firewalls. But the standard one is fragile and can also malfunction when working with programs.

  3. Yana

    Can you tell me how to create a “reg file” for services (if only I could do the merging and that’s it) so that I don’t have to do anything manually each time and waste time. They are roughly written like this;

    You can create a “reg file” x86 and x64 OS Windows 7 or text for copying and further creation(reg) Thank you!!!

  4. Alexey Kuznetsov

    Hello, this is done like this: open notepad, paste:
    For example:


  5. Yana

    This is all clear))) I need the name of the services themselves, here is an example: AxInstSV, SensrSvc (at the end of the registry branches, this is the name), etc. maybe you have a list Windows services 7 x86 x64 where (name) and what kind of service this is, I would be grateful. If anyone needs a list of default services x86 Windows7, copy and create a reg file.
































































































































    PS. REGEDIT4 (as you wrote) if my memory serves me correctly, then this is like this for older versions of XP (don’t blame me))) when creating a reg.file, the last line in notepad should be free.

  6. Alexey Kuznetsov

    Wow) I would probably love to have such a list myself, but now there’s absolutely no time to do it. You just need to spend about 6 hours to collect all the services

  7. Yana

    Let me know how you have time and start creating your list of services. I will compile it for myself. Perhaps you can write an article about this, it will be very interesting for me (and other participants) to both read and participate in this process. And for completeness of the material I provide a list of Windows 7 x64 SP1 services by default.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



































































































































  8. Alexey Kuznetsov

    Okay, but I'm afraid it won't happen soon)

  9. Sergey

    Hello! I would really like a reg file for maximum shutdown services for Win7 x64 SP1 Home basic., I don’t use printing, internet USB modem 2-3Mb/s, I don’t create a network. I disabled services and I can’t create it manually shadow copy. All processes - 23pcs with Task Manager, because 3Gb of memory in total, well, the toys are heavy, the Internet flies, everything opens faster than the “pros” boast about acceleration! I would be very grateful if you could post the reg file so I can copy it. Thank you!

  10. Alexey Kuznetsov

    It's not the service's fault, but the old office components. In this case you need to download special utility to completely remove the office and then just install a new one.
    Microsoft Office 2003 → download utility
    Microsoft Office 2007 → download the utility
    Microsoft Office 2010 → download the utility

  11. Eugene

    Alexey, hello! Thanks for the utilities, everything was cleared, but the problem remained. Instead of the UPDATE sign, INSTALL appears and everything repeats the same way. Perhaps the remains of OpenOffice 4.1.1 are interfering
    Perhaps it was my mistake during installation? Or you downloaded the wrong Word.


    Short but important note. Archive for downloading “List of services in Windows XP 4.7” is a rather ancient creation.

  12. Vladimir

    And in general, the material is very ancient. Of course, it is relevant, in some part...

  13. Sergey

    If it’s not difficult, tell me... To create a home network, I can’t enable the DNS client on the computer (Windows 7max) in Services (network discovery doesn’t work without it). All buttons (stop, start) are inactive. The service is disabled! When I try to start: automatic, manually reports that the system cannot find the specified path. Services: SSDP Discovery,
    UPnP Device Host
    Function Discovery Resource Publication is enabled! There is only one user in the system with Administrator rights. Maybe something needs to be enabled in the registry? Maybe Kaspersky is blocking something, some ports need to be opened?

  14. Evg.

    Yana, task manager (7), “services” tab, information on services in the “description” column.

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None of the currently available operating systems Windows family is not 100% productive. They offer the user a large number of unnecessary processes, services and components that run in the background. Let's try to figure out how to disable unnecessary services in the Windows 7 operating system. The seventh version of the operating system will be taken solely as an example. Similar operations can be performed in the eighth and tenth modifications of the operating system.

Disabling unnecessary services in Windows 7: basic rules

To begin with, it is necessary to say that some services are disabled not by ending processes in the Task Manager, but only through special system editors. The fact is that working with the “Task Manager” only facilitates a one-time stop of the selected component. There are several basic methods for deactivating services. Roughly speaking, they can all be divided into explicit and implicit. For example, the user can see processes that are displayed in the startup menu or in the tree of executing background services. Such processes are called explicit. Components such as the Hyper-V module, which requires activation in the BIOS, are not needed at all by the user, but he does not even know about it. They are not in the process tree. Disabling services in Windows 7 and using them must be done using special settings. But we will talk about this later. For now, let's focus on the point that everyone knows. "Update Center" is perhaps the most big problem for users of operating systems of the Windows family. This service works as she pleases. The user cannot independently determine the time of release and download of the next update. Therefore, you can disable Update Center, especially considering that major updates only affect the security service of the Windows operating system itself. If the user is enabled to receive updates for other products from Microsoft, for example, Office, you can generally notice almost daily component updates. Internet traffic will be involved here. If the system functions normally without this, then you can disable Update Center. All this is done quite simply, you just need to use the settings of the standard “Control Panel”.


In principle, access to service management can be obtained through computer administration, which is called up by the corresponding line in the properties menu by right-clicking on the icon. Unnecessary processes are disabled through a utility built into the Windows operating system. Here you need to select the services section and change the parameters required for launch. But it’s too early to rejoice. First, we need to consider the theoretical issues associated with switchable components.

Services section

You can get to the services management section by entering the services.msc command in the “Run” management console (Win + R). Most services are disabled here. But in this case, special care must be taken. The thing is that disabling some processes can negatively affect the functioning of the entire system as a whole. In the simplest case, you can simply change the automatic start type to manual. What services are better to disable in Windows7? Let's talk specifically about processes that can be deactivated. Below is the list:

- analysis offline files;

— remote access to the registry and calling remote procedures;

— IPSec key exchange;

— error logging client;

— printing system;

— tracking of changing connections;

- Parental Control service, which came to Windows 7 from Vista;

unused devices and their drivers;

— virtual Hyper-V machine;

— video chip control consoles.

Using startup

Startup applications can be classified as programs that are loaded with the operating system when it starts. But not all users use system configuration settings to disable unnecessary services. From here you can disable Windows 7 services at startup. To do this, you need to use the msconfig access command, which is entered into the Run menu. Next, you need to look at the startup menu, which presents services that can be disabled. In principle, there is nothing wrong with unchecking all processes. You can even deactivate the video card control consoles that start with the system. Depending on the modification of the operating system, you can leave switching control language bar ctfmon if this process is present in the list.

Deactivating system components

However, not all processes can be deactivated in the Task Manager menu. To find some components, you will have to use additional settings the system itself. First you need to pay attention to the hardware components. Many users use smart cards, which have the ability to connect to modern terminals and identify mobile or computer programs. Even card terminals can sometimes produce errors without installing the accompanying drivers. Additionally, not all smart cards are compatible with operating systems or devices. The same banking system that operates under Windows control It makes absolutely no difference which card is used. The main thing is that the information is read via the magnetic line. Windows 7 does not provide this feature, nor does it provide fingerprint recognition. For this reason, disabling this function is out of the question. Another important aspect of the question of how to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7 is eliminating system load problems by deactivating additional components. If you go to the “Control Panel” section and select the Programs and Features menu, you will notice that some services here are in an active state. There are checkboxes next to the names of such services. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in any system the “Print Manager” service is active. This applies even to those cases where the system was installed from scratch and without a connected printer in the system. This is not surprising, since it was initially assumed that the user would print some documents. However, it is not. Therefore, you can disable the PrintSpooler component without any doubt. Also here you can find many more unnecessary things that Windows systems turn on without notifying the user. Most of the above components can at least be disabled without seriously affecting the system.

Additional BIOS settings

In addition to all of the above, it can be noted separately that not all components that are associated with the operating system can be deactivated using settings and software. So, for example, to disable unnecessary services of the Windows 7 operating system, such as the same Hyper-V module or camera, you can use changing the corresponding parameters of the primary input/output system. To access the parameters, you can use the key combination that the system itself offers when starting your computer or laptop. As a rule, these are the keys Del, F12, F2, and so on. Here you can also deactivate support for HyperThreadingTechnology. For processors from the company Intel given technology is responsible for creating and using a virtual machine.

Services that are best not to be disabled

Are there services that should not be disabled? You should not disable the services of DHCP servers and DNS clients, as this may lead to communication failures. It is also not recommended to disable the Superfetch service, which is responsible for the correct operation of applications after exiting hibernation mode. Although, if you do not use sleep mode when working with your computer, nothing bad will happen if you disable this service.


This article presented a far from complete list of components that can be disabled in the Windows operating system. You can disable the geolocation system in browsers, background volume copy services, and so on. If you dig deeper, you can conclude that most processes that are in no way related to ensuring the operation of the operating system can be isolated without much damage. Optimizing any version of the Windows operating system may involve disabling unused components Windows, startup items, and network services, which are not related to ensuring the functioning of the operating system. IN this review Only the main components of the system that can be disabled were considered. The use of special optimizer programs in this case will not be the best the best solution, since they are not always able to interfere with the structure of background services of the operating system. Those obvious signs, like increasing the speed of access to hard drive or accelerated work on the Internet are a simple ploy that is used to show the imaginary advantage of using such utilities. It would be better to simply disable unnecessary operating system services. It is not necessary to use third party applications, which, by the way, do not know how to do anything like that, although their developers claim the opposite. However, if you apply all the methods described above, you can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of the Windows operating system.

On computers with limited computing resources and small volume RAM, you can resort to one more method and Windows optimization- this is to disable rarely used and unnecessary operating system services.

Settings for Windows 7 and Vista

During development Windows 8.1 was carried out on a large scale. For this reason, there is simply no point in disabling services to reduce memory consumption in the new OS. Before moving on to the description of the method, it is worth noting that the performance benefit from disabling services will be minimal and is completely invisible in systems with big amount fast RAM (from 2 GB and above). However, this operation can be considered relevant for owners of outdated computers and low-power laptops equipped with slow hard drives and a small amount of RAM.

As much more effective ways To free up RAM and speed up system performance, we recommend the following articles: and and file garbage from the system.

Disabling services in Windows 7

Disabling rarely used services in Windows 7 and Vista will free up additional RAM for your system, allowing other applications and services to run faster and more smoothly, and reducing the system's need to access virtual memory.

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on disabling almost all system services, however, this approach is often unjustified, because Many services are disabled by default and can be started manually if necessary. Forcibly disabling such services may lead to problems in the future. For this reason, our list of disabled services is much shorter than usual.

Most quick way Open the Services program - enter its name in the search bar of the Start menu. And select the “Services” link in the search results. To ensure maximum stability of the system and applications, we strongly recommend using the “Manual” option when disabling services. This will allow them to be launched in the future when the need arises.

Before you start disabling services, you can create a system restore point (Control Panel > System > System Protection > Create), in case of unexpected complications, although they are extremely unlikely.

Open Start menu » Control Panel »

Change the view mode from Categories to Small Icons if the default setting is to view Control Panel items by category.

Find the "Administration" icon"

Select "Services" »

Services management interface in Windows 7

To disable the selected service double-click on its name with the left mouse button. The service control panel will open. In the “Startup Type” drop-down menu, select “Manual” and click on the “Stop” button. Save the changes by clicking on “OK”

It is absolutely safe to disable the following services:

  • Print Spooler if there is no printer connected to the computer.
  • Service entry Tablet PC
  • Remote Desktop Service (TermService)
  • Computer Browser
  • Support IP Service
  • Remote registry
  • Terminal Service ( Terminal Services) if you are not using a connection to remote computers.
  • (only if you are not using the Ready Boost feature)
  • (if you use third party program for defragmentation)

Not all of the services listed above are available in Windows 7; some of them are present only in Windows Vista.

Please note that disabling other services may cause the operating system to become unstable. Do not disable services that are started manually - they are already disabled. We do not recommend disabling the Windows Update service! Be extremely careful and careful when handling this tool!

To fully unlock the system's full potential, we recommend that you read other useful articles about tuning Windows for maximum performance.

The procedure for disabling unnecessary services is useful for netbooks and computers with limited computing resources or equipped with slow hard drives. Details about which services in Windows 7 can be safely disabled, and which are better left untouched, and how to enable them necessary components, read our article.

How to open service (component) management in Windows 7?

The user can use two methods.

Via Start

Click "Start", then "Run". In the window that appears, enter the line services.msc.

This method is the most convenient because it provides information about the service, which makes it clear its significance for the system.

Then go to “Services”

The same window can be opened using the toolbar by clicking on the “Administration” tool and selecting “Services”.

To disable a service, you need to double-click on it and in the window that opens, change the “Startup type” option to “Disabled”. Then click “Stop” and “Ok”.


After pressing “Win” + R, enter msconfig.exe in the line and click “OK”.

In the window that appears, you need to open the “Services” tab.

To stop the application, you need to uncheck the box next to it and click “Apply”. The shutdown date will appear in the same line.

After clicking “Ok”, another window will appear where you need to choose when to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Video: step-by-step instructions for disabling services for optimization

What services can be disabled without harming the system?

Most background applications ensure system stability. Therefore, you should definitely check their name and function.

With some exceptions, all computers can operate without the following services:

  1. Remote registry. Allows other users to change the system registry, so you need to disable it at least for security reasons.
  2. Fax machine. If there is no connection to this device, then the service can be disabled.
  3. Windows Error Logging Service. Responsible for error logging and notifications crash or programs freezing.
  4. Client for tracking changed connections. Associated with NTFS files that are transferred within a computer or network.
  5. Windows Search. Needed only by those who frequently search for files.
  6. Parental Control ( parental control). Has no benefit.
  7. IP Ancillary Service. Useless on a home PC.
  8. Print Manager. Only needed for the printer to work.
  9. Secondary login. Allows you to run processes from a different account. It is advisable to disable it for safety reasons.
  10. Tablet PC input service. If there is no pen or handwriting input, then the service is not needed.
  11. Windows Defender. If your computer has another protection system, you can disable it.
  12. Windows Firewall. The same as in the paragraph above.
  13. Smart Card Removal Policy. If such elements are not used, the service is not needed.
  14. SSDP detection. Used to detect devices that use the SSDP protocol, which include, for example, smart home appliances. If there is no such equipment, then the service can be disabled.
  15. Adaptive brightness control. If your laptop does not have a light sensor, you can disable the service.
  16. Computer browser. If there is no local network, you can disable it.
  17. Access to HID devices. These include information input means, e.g. USB mouse, webcam and scanner. If such equipment is not used, the service can be disabled.
  18. Basic TPM services. If TMP and/or BitLocker chips are not used, you can disable them.
  19. Server. If the computer is not part of the local network, you can disconnect it.
  20. Bluetooth support service. If your computer does not have such a device or is not using it, you can disable the service.
  21. NetBIOS support module. If there is no connection to the local network, you can disable it.
  22. Windows Image Upload (WIA) service. Needed to operate a scanner or digital camera.

Which services cannot be interfered with?

Next background applications absolutely cannot touch:

  1. Windows Audio. When disconnected, the sound will disappear.
  2. Windows Driver Foundation. Affects drivers.
  3. Multimedia Class Scheduler. When turned off, the sound will disappear.
  4. Plug and Play. If the service is disabled, the system will not be able to recognize new devices.
  5. Superfetch. Determines the programs that the user uses most often and adds them to RAM (but does not launch them). The computer will still work with the service disabled, but performance will be reduced. Can be disabled if the computer has less than 1 GB of RAM. Otherwise the effect will be negative.
  6. Task Scheduler. It cannot be disabled because it has many tasks. Without it, you can't even switch the keyboard layout.
  7. Remote procedure call (RPC). Affects many other services.
  8. Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.
  9. Themes. If disabled, the Aero interface will stop working.
  10. Windows Installer. Allows you to install applications.

How to add Windows components?

For most users, Windows 7 with standard set components. But sometimes you need to enable additional applications or utilities. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features.
  2. Click "Enable or disable" Windows components».
  3. A window will appear with available components. The checkbox indicates that the application is enabled.
  4. To add a component, you need to check the appropriate box and click “Ok”. If you clear the checkbox, the component will be disabled. But it will not be deleted from the disk and to enable it you need to check the box again.

Video: step-by-step instructions for adding components

“Turn Windows features on or off” does not work or the list is empty: what to do and what is the reason?

There may be several reasons.

If one of the installed programs has changed the value in the registry

Through “Start” or using the key combination “Win” + R, open the “Run” window and enter regedit.

Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Control - Windows and find the CSDReleaseType parameter. If there is a value other than 0, then you need to change it, then click “Ok” and restart the computer.

Login with an account without administrator rights

You need to either get administrator rights or log in with an administrator account.

If files are missing or damaged in the C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages folder.

An update will be required to fix this. You will need to download the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7:

  • For 32-bit processor:
  • For 64-bit processor:

To find out the bit depth, you need to click “Start”, open “Control Panel”, then “System”. The bit capacity is indicated in the “System type” section.

Close all programs and run the file. It has the extension .msu. The whole process will take 10–15 minutes.

After installation, close the window and restart the computer. Then open the list of components again. If the window is still empty, you need to correct errors manually.

Open C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log and look at the lines under “Checking Package Manifests and Cataloges”. If there is an error, then at the beginning of the line there is (f), and then the error code and path. But if there is another line under this line, and there is (fix) in front, then this error has been corrected.

In the lines marked pink errors that could not be corrected are indicated. The errors in this example may differ from those that the user will find.

You need to write down information from the lines where uncorrected errors are indicated, for example, on a piece of paper. The part that starts with "Package_" is important.

Now you need to manually delete the corresponding registry keys. Open the “Run” window and enter “regedit” in the line. In the window that opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ ComponentBasedServicing\Packeges\ and find the key with the error. This example shows how to remove the error in the fourth line.

After removing the damaged key, the problem with the component list should be resolved.

Smart - a program to disable unnecessary services

Free software that does not need to be installed.

Allows you to set one of four settings configurations:

  1. Safe Tweaks. The safest, suitable for most users. The operation of the system will not be affected, and performance will increase.
  2. Moderate Tweaks. Disables almost half of the services and limits the multimedia capabilities of the system. Productivity is even higher.
  3. Advances Tweaks. Recommended for advanced users only. Disables all services except those necessary for the functioning of the system.
  4. Custom. Also for specialists. Eat manual mode service settings.

Shutdown unused services will become good tool to optimize (accelerate) the operation of a computer with a small RAM. And in the case of a laptop, this will also lead to increased battery life.