RDP connection. Setting up remote desktop access. Terminal Services licensing scheme

Remote Desktop Protocol or simply RDP allows the user to access a remote computer without direct contact with it. This means that anyone can see all the files on the desktop, run them, and work with them as if they were sitting right at the computer.

The only caveat is that work through this protocol will always be limited by Internet speed. Before working with this technology, you must first activate it on the device through which you will access the remote laptop.

Setting up remote desktop access How to configure rdp for windows 7? Nothing could be easier! Go to the “Start” menu – “Control Panel”.

Next, select “System and Security” - “System”. After this, you will see the item “Setting up remote access”, click on it. A window will then appear in which you will need to check the box next to “Allow connections from computers with any version of Remote Desktop.” For the convenience of your work at the computer, do not forget to do it correctly first.

Setting up a client for the RDP protocol First of all, let's understand what a client is. A client is a system component that sends requests to the server.

I note that clients for RPD exist in almost every OS, of course, in Windows 7 too. By the way, this operating system uses the built-in application MsTsc.exe. So, to set up the client, we follow these simple steps. We go to “Start” - “Run”, a window appears in which we enter mstsc and click “Next”.

To set up regular access without specified settings, enter the IP of the computer to which you need access in the appropriate field. Next, you will see settings where you can change various parameters, such as sound. Press “Enter”, and that’s it, the setup is complete!

Extra options These include the ability to customize the screen, remote sounds, configure the connection, etc.

For example, screen capabilities are edited in the “Display Settings” tab. There you can also select the resolution of the remote desktop, its background, and color depth. How to adjust the screen brightness directly on the computer you are currently working on is described in this
The desktop width selected on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

The desktop height selected on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

session bpp:i
The color depth selected in the Color Palette group on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

The window position selected on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

full address:s
The computer you want to connect to. The value for this setting corresponds to the entry in the Computer field on the General tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

Determines whether data compression is used when transferred to the client computer.
0 Use data compression.
1 Do not use data compression.

Determines where Windows keyboard shortcuts are applied. The value for this setting corresponds to the entry in the Keyboard field on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 On the local computer.
1 On a remote computer.
2 Only in full screen mode.

Determines where the sound is played. The value of this setting corresponds to the entry in the Sound on the remote computer field on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 On the client computer.
1 On the host computer.
2 Mute the sound.

Automatic connection of disks when logging into a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the state of the Disk drives check box on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Do not use automatic disk mounting.
1 Use automatic disk mounting.

Automatic connection of printers when logging into a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the state of the Printers check box on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Do not use automatic printer connection.
1 Use automatic printer connection.

Automatic connection of COM ports when logging into a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the Serial Ports check box on the Local Resources tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Do not use automatic connection of COM ports.
1 Use automatic connection of COM ports.

Display the connection panel when logging into a remote computer in full screen mode. This setting corresponds to the state of the Show connections panel when running in full screen check box on the Display tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Do not display the connection panel.
1 Display the connection panel.

Username displayed in RDP. The value of this setting corresponds to the entry in the Username field on the General tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

The username that appears in the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box. The value for this setting corresponds to the entry in the Domain field on the General tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

alternate shell:s
Automatic launch of the program when connecting via RDP. The value of this setting corresponds to the entry in the Program Path and File Name field on the Programs tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

shell working directory:s
The folder location of the application that automatically starts when connecting via RDP. The value of this setting corresponds to the entry in the Program Path and File Name field on the Programs tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.

disable wallpaper:i
Display the wallpaper when you log on to a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the state of the Desktop Wallpaper check box on the Advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Display background image.
1 Do not display wallpaper.

disable full window drag:i
Displays the contents of a folder when you drag a folder to a new location. The value of this setting corresponds to the state of the Show window contents when dragging check box on the Advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Show folder contents when dragging.
1 Do not display folder contents when dragging.

disable menu animations:i
Animation of menus and windows when logging into a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the state of the Visual effects when displaying menus and windows check box on the Advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Use animation when displaying menus and windows.
1 Do not use animation when displaying menus and windows.

disable themes:i
Use themes when logging into a remote computer. The value of this setting corresponds to the Themes check box on the Advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Use themes.
1 Don't use themes.

Caching graphics on the local computer. This setting corresponds to the setting of the Graphics Caching check box on the Advanced tab of the Remote Desktop Connection Options window.
0 Do not use caching.
1 Use caching.

autoreconnection enabled:i
Determines whether the client computer should automatically try to re-establish a connection after the connection has been interrupted.
0 The client computer does not attempt to reestablish the connection.
1 The client computer is trying to reestablish the connection.

connect to console:i:1
Adding this line will result in a connection to the remote computer's console.

Greetings, dear readers, and Denis Trishkin is in touch again.

Recently I came across such a question as “Remote Desktop” (RDP Windows 7). This tool allows you to work with your computer using another device. For example, a user can use home equipment to perform all the necessary functions on a PC located in the office. Agree, in some situations this option is convenient. But at the same time, everything must be debugged correctly first.

In order to enable rdp, you need to perform several steps:

Establishing a connection( )

To establish a connection via rdp, you first need to know its IP address. To do this, on the desired device, go to the command line (open “” and enter “ cmd»).

In the window that appears, indicate "". A list will open in which you need to find the line with the IPv4 parameter. The numbers indicated opposite are the data we need.

After this, on the computer from which we plan to connect, launch the rdp client or “”. To do this you need to go to " Start" and then go to " Standard».


A window will open where you can set the equipment address (IPv4). Then click "".

If everything is specified as expected, a menu will appear in which you need to enter your login and password to establish a connection.

Before this, there is a choice " Parameters", where various rdp settings are provided:

Update( )

It is important to understand that when constantly working with this tool, you need it to perform all its functions 100%. Otherwise, users may simply not achieve their goals.

For correct operation, all settings must be specified correctly. But in some cases this is not enough. It is also worth installing all upcoming rdp updates from Microsoft on time. This can be done not only in the appropriate center provided in the operating system itself, but also on the official developer page.

Changing the RDP port( )

For a standard connection to a remote computer, port 3389 is used. In this case, interaction occurs via the TCP protocol. Therefore it is used without udp.

To increase the security of the connection, it is possible to change the RDP port. Changing the value will reduce the risk of system intrusion in the event of automated password guessing.

For this procedure you need to use the registry editor:

No connection( )

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where rdp does not work. It is important to note that, judging by statistics, the user still manages to get to the server, but some network tools do not allow him further. There are several effective ways to solve this problem.

Among users, quite a lot of people have heard that there is a certain RDP client.

But few people know what it is, why it is needed and how to work with it.

But in fact, this is simply an irreplaceable thing for those who need to work in several places, but there is no way to carry a laptop with them.

Why do you need RDP?

Imagine that you are working in an office. Your responsibilities include scheduling, paperwork, and more. You perform all these tasks on your computer in the office. But the working day ends, the guard says that he will close the room and you cannot stay in it, and you still need to complete several important tasks. Moreover, it will not be possible to postpone them until tomorrow.

And at this moment this same RDP comes to the rescue. Imagine being able to come home, turn on your home computer, and continue to work on the same desktop and with the same data as on the computer at work. That is, while at home, you will, in fact, work on your work computer.

Rice. 1. RDP allows you to work from one computer to another


Then let's continue!

Decrypting RDP

RDP is the Remote Desktop Protocol. This is exactly the definition given in official sources. This abbreviation stands for “Remote Desktop Protocol”. Actually, this is translated as the remote desktop protocol.

There is no complicated science here. This protocol is really designed to allow you to work with your desktop remotely. This means that you are at a certain distance from where the desktop actually is, and still have the opportunity to work with it.

Actually, an RDP client is a program that allows you to implement the functions of this very protocol. In other words, it is a program that allows the user to work with the computer remotely. You can easily organize access to your computer, then connect to it from another device and continue working. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

Rice. 2. Remote access to a computer from a tablet

Today, RDP clients exist on a wide variety of operating systems, including:

  • Windows;
  • Mac OS;
  • Android;

Users of all these platforms have the opportunity to easily organize remote access to their devices. Moreover, from a device on one OS you can do the same for a device on another. For example, you can connect to a Windows computer from an Android tablet.

In general, a very useful and interesting feature. Now we will look at how to work with this protocol and programs for working with it.

RDP client on Windows

The earliest and most common example of a program for working with the remote access protocol is the Remote Desktop Connection tool on Windows. Actually, the RDP protocol was developed for this operating system. And only then they began to use it in other operating systems.

Today, any version of Windows has a built-in tool called “Remote Desktop Connection”. It can be found in the Start menu or using search. It's called the same everywhere.

To use it, you must first configure the computer to which you will connect, that is, the desktop of which you are going to work. To do this, do this:

  1. First you need to find out the IP address of the computer, so that you can then give it to another device, from which the first will be controlled. To do this, follow these steps:
  • launch the program execution window by simultaneously pressing the Win and R buttons on the keyboard;
  • in the window that opens, in the only input field, enter “cmd” and press Enter on the keyboard - this will launch the command line;

Rice. 3. Command to launch the command line in the program execution window

  • In the command line, enter the command “ipconfig” and press Enter again;
  • All available network information will open, find the line “IPv4 address” there - opposite it will be the IP address, remember it (!).

Rice. 4. Network information on the command line

As you can see, in our example the IP address is

  1. You should now enable the ability to access your computer using the remote management tool. To do this, do the following:
    • in the “Start” menu, open “Control Panel”;
    • click on the “System and Security” section;

Rice. 5. “System and Security” section in the control panel

  • in the next window, click on the “System” subsection;

Rice. 6. Subsection "System"

  • In the menu on the left, select “Advanced system settings”;
  • in the window that opens, go to the “Remote access” tab;
  • Place marks opposite the items highlighted in Figure 7 with numbers 1 and 2;
  • close all windows, and before that click “Apply”.

Rice. 7. Allow remote control in the “System” section

Now you can easily connect to this computer. This operation is also quite simple. It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Go to the “Start” menu, select the list of all programs there, then the “Accessories” section and click on the tool called “Remote Desktop Connection”. It won't be difficult to find him.

Rice. 8. Remote Desktop Connection Tool in Start Menu

  1. Then in the next window you need to enter the IP address that we determined in one of the previous stages. Recall that in our example it is 168.1.88. This address must be entered into this very window. When this is done, proceed to the next step, but do not click the “Connect” button yet. Instead, click on the “Options” inscription, which is located slightly below and to the left of the address input field.

Rice. 9. Tool window for connecting to a remote worker

  1. It is important that you have the opportunity to work not only with folders and files, but also with devices connected to the computer that will be controlled. Therefore, in the window that appears, go to the “Local Resources” tab and check the boxes next to the “Printers” and “Clipboard” items. Now you can click the “Connect” button and thus proceed to the next step.

Rice. 10. Parameters for connecting to a remote computer

After this, a connection will be made to the specified computer at its address. Some people install an account system on their devices. In this case, you will have to enter your username and password to connect. But if at the first stage of the setup described above you did not do anything to install such a system, you do not need to enter anything.

It's simple! Is not it?

Now you know how to use the simplest version of RDP and you can easily establish a remote connection. If you have any questions or difficulties, write about it in the comments below. We will definitely answer.

Remote Desktop Protocol- remote desktop protocol) is a proprietary application-level protocol used to ensure remote user work with a server running the terminal connection service. Clients exist for almost all versions of Windows (including Windows CE, Phone and Mobile), Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Symbian. The default port is TCP 3389. Microsoft's official name for the client software is Remote Desktop Connection or Terminal Services Client (TSC), specifically the client in Windows 2k/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10 is called mstsc.exe .

How are RDP statistics calculated?

If you work with RDP, then by default RDP statistics are calculated for each program launched remotely. In this case, it is possible to merge Remote Desktop statistics with the local RDP client. In order to change this, go to the program editing menu and select “Program Type” -> “Remote Login”. In this case, statistics from the local RDP will not be taken into account while there is activity from Remote Desktop.

Does the system support working with a terminal server?

The system has terminal server support. In order to start collecting statistics from a terminal server, you need to install an agent on it. After installing the agent, statistics will begin to be collected from each user who will be connected to the terminal server. If you run the task manager on the terminal server, you can see several session_inspector processes. The number of these processes is equal to the number of users connected to the terminal server.