How to open performance on Windows 7. Enabling the ReadyBoost function. We control the launch of applications

As you know, Windows 7 received more significant improvements in boot time and system response compared to its predecessor Windows Vista. Significant changes were made that allowed the system not to consume all system memory when opening large quantity Explorer windows, optimized system services and processes.

In this article we will look at:

  • optimization of the start menu
  • optimization of work hard drive in Windows 7
  • optimizing the speed of copying and moving files in Windows 7
  • optimization of work with Windows drivers 7
  • time optimization Windows boot 7
  • speed up the process of viewing thumbnail images
  • acceleration completion Windows operation 7
Please note that some of the methods discussed for speeding up work Windows 7 are based on disabling any kind of tasks, simplifying or improving the functionality of the system for more convenient use. Those. Essentially you are choosing between convenience and performance.

Ways to optimize Windows 7

1. Speed ​​up the start menu.

Definition recently installed programs, and also the system takes some time to highlight these recently installed programs every time you open the start menu. You can save this time.

To do this, you need to go to the start menu settings: in properties "Taskbar and Start Menu"(to activate, go to the control panel Windows 7: Start -> Control Panel). Go to bookmark "Start Menu" and click on the button "Tune".
Figure 1. Start menu customization

Uncheck "Highlight recently installed programs", then click "Apply".
Figure 2. Disable highlighting of recently installed programs
In order to reduce the pause when the Start menu window appears, go to the registry editor (command "regedit" in dialogue "Find programs and files").
Figure 3. Launching Registry Editor
After launching Registry Editor ( regedit.exe) go to the thread HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel-> Desktop(Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Selecting the required registry branch
Change the key value MenuShowDelay With "400" on "50". The pause will be significantly shortened.

Figure 5. Changing the pause when displaying a window
2. Optimizing hard drive performance in Windows 7

This option has been familiar since the days Windows XP, but if in XP it was originally included, then in Windows 7 Hard drive optimization was considered unnecessary and is disabled by default. Now we will look at the method for enabling this option.

Let's go to Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Disk devices-> (choose your HDD) -> Properties -> Policy... and put a tick next to the item "Disable cache buffer flushing" Windows entries for this device".
Figure 6: Disabling Windows Entry Cache Buffer Clearing
Now in the same "Device Manager" open another thread - "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers (IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers)", after which in the properties of all channels ATA (ATA Channel 0, ATA Channel 1 etc.) in the tab « Additional settings(Advanced Settings)" check if the checkbox is checked “Enable DMA”.
Figure 7. Power on DMA mode
If the checkbox is not checked, check it.

3. Speed ​​up copying and moving files in Windows 7

Windows 7 got another one interesting feature- remote differential compression.
On the one hand, this option calculates and transmits the difference between two objects, minimizing the amount of transmitted data, but on the other hand, it takes time for calculation.

You can disable this feature. To do this, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn it on and off Windows components-> Remote differential compression (need to uncheck).

Figure 8. Disabling differential compression
4. Disabling scanning digital signature drivers

This action can also slightly increase the speed of the system (when installing new drivers). To disable this option in Windows 7 follow these steps:

Execute in "Start" gpedit.msc.
Figure 9. Launching the administration panel
Then go to the following path:

User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Driver Installation -> Digital Signature of Device Drivers. In this window you need to select the mode "Disabled".

Figure 10. Disabling driver digital signature verification
5. Speed ​​up booting Windows 7

We can gain a few more seconds, really this advice applies to those users who work on multi-core processors with Windows 7 as an operating system.
So, follow these steps:

Enter MSCONFIG in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

In the window that opens, go to the tab and click on the button "Advanced options".

Figure 11. Additional system optimization options Check the box next to the item "Number of processors" and in the drop-down menu under this item, select the maximum number of your cores (2 or 4).

Figure 12. Setting the number of processors for systems with multi-threaded processors
Click "OK" and reboot the system to see a fairly noticeable difference in boot speed Windows 7.

6. Accelerate viewing of thumbnails (thumbnails).

You can increase the speed of viewing thumbnails in Windows 7. To do this you need to follow these steps:

Enter regedit(without quotes) in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

Go to thread "HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Mouse".

Figure 13. Selecting the desired registry branch to optimize the pause when displaying thumbnails
Double click on the parameter MouseHoverTime and change its value to 100 .

Figure 14. Setting a new value
7. Reducing time shutdown Windows 7

Shutdown time Windows 7 can be significantly reduced. However, this is a rather barbaric method: we reduce the time allotted to the process to terminate the program, after which the program will be terminated forcibly.

Enter regedit in the menu search field "Start" and press the key "Enter".

Go to thread HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control.

Figure 15. Selecting the required registry key
Change the parameter value "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" from the meaning 12000 (12 seconds) on 2000 (2 seconds).

Figure 16. Changing the value.

Hello, friends!

Today I will tell you how to increase the performance (speed up) of a computer using the example of some settings (optimization) of the Windows 7 operating system. I have been working on my computer for four years now, and by today’s standards it is certainly outdated. Therefore we have to deal with various settings Windows turning off unnecessary components this operating system.

In this article I will talk about the basic actions that will significantly speed up the operation of a computer running Windows 7. I will also say a few words about a wonderful utility called “TuneUp Utilities,” which I have been using for several years now, and which significantly optimizes the operation of the Windows 7 operating system and speeds up your computer.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to perform all the steps presented below. Some settings may not be suitable for your daily tasks, and stopping some services may cause various problems. Therefore, before you disable and configure anything, make sure that this action will not entail any restrictions.

However, disabling just a few unnecessary functions, or changing any settings, can help you significantly speed up the loading and operation of Windows 7.

I also draw your attention to the fact that noticeable improvements in the speed of Windows 7 will only be clearly visible if you use “outdated” computers. If you have new computer, with cool characteristics, then high magnification You most likely will not feel any performance.

We increase the performance (speed up) of the computer. Optimizing boot and speed of Windows 7

1. The very first and IMPORTANT advice there will be an event related to cleaning the operating system from various garbage

Before you perform the steps below, Windows optimization and speed up your computer, remove all unnecessary programs (especially games) and files. Clear your desktop of shortcuts, files and folders, leaving only the essentials. The fact is that having a large number of any objects on the desktop is highly undesirable, since they consume a lot of system resources.

An ideal Windows operating system desktop should look something like this:

To remove unnecessary software and games, I recommend that you use some utility, for example, which I will talk about below. If you are not familiar with this program, be sure to read this article, TuneUp Utilities will help you not only correctly remove unnecessary software, but also clean the system of other junk, optimize Windows performance and speed up your computer.

Every time you turn on the computer, it autoboots. certain programs, which are very often not needed there. For example, some programs add a module that monitors new updates and, when they appear, prompts us to download the updates.

We don’t always need this, and if you decide to speed up your computer, you need to remove the launch of such applications from startup.

To get to the program startup menu, click “Start” - “Run”.

In the window that appears, type “msconfig” in the line and click the “Ok” button. After this, the “System Configuration” window will appear, in which there is a “Startup” tab.

If you do not have the “Run” item in the “Start” menu, then click right click mouse on panel Windows tasks, and in the context menu select “Properties”. In the window that appears, in the “Start Menu” tab, click the “Customize” button. In the window that opens, find the “Execute command” item and tick it, then apply the changes.

After you get to the program startup menu, uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary applications, then apply the changes.

Some changes may require you to restart your computer for them to take effect.

I would like to note that you must leave the operating system, drivers and antivirus in startup; all other programs can be removed, but this is at your discretion.

After removal unnecessary programs From startup, the system will boot faster, in some cases the Windows boot speed will increase significantly.

3. Disabling unnecessary Windows services

One of the most effective ways Speeding up your computer is to disable unused (unnecessary) operating system services. On Windows OS it is enabled by default great amount services that require a large amount of system resources to operate. Many of them can be disabled without losing functionality or reducing system security. For example, if your computer does not have a printer, you can disable the corresponding services responsible for its operation. After all, we don't need them! Is not it?

This event can significantly increase the performance of your OS! Be sure to pay attention to this.
To disable services, you can use the following method.

Launch all the applications that you use in your daily work, go to the “Services” tab (it is located in the “System Configuration” menu, next to the “Startup” tab, which I wrote about just above), find in the list the services that have “Status” has the status “Stopped”.

Then turn them off. Just be careful, some services may be necessary.

What services can be disabled to optimize Windows 7?

WWAN auto setup– if you do not have CDMA or GSM modules, this service can be disabled painlessly
Adaptive brightness adjustment - this service adjusts the screen brightness if there is a light sensor; if there is no such sensor, disable it.

Windows Firewall– designed to protect your computer. Recommended use third party applications for these purposes (for example, Comodo, KIS, DrWEB, etc.).

Windows Defender– disable it, a completely unnecessary service!

Program Compatibility Assistant Service– this service can be disabled, only in case of incompatibility of programs you will need to manually set the parameters, which does not happen very often.

WinHTTP Web Proxy Automatic Discovery Service– can be turned off.

Diagnostic Policy Service- practically not needed.

Smart card– if you do not use such cards, then disable them.

Remote Registry– Be sure to turn it off for security reasons.

Security Center– reminds you of various events such as the absence of an antivirus, outdated updates and so on. – turn it off if you don’t want to see them.

The list, of course, was not particularly comprehensive; in fact, there are many more services that can be disabled. I would be grateful if you add to this list in the comments to this article.

In addition, among standard services will appear additional services of third-party programs, which are installed on your PC, they can also be disabled.

4. Increase the swap file

The paging file is a space on your computer's hard drive where the system copies files that do not fit in RAM. The system accesses the paging file to operational loading data and constantly uses it. If this space is too small, the computer will slow down.

In order to increase the size of the paging file, go to the “Start” menu and click “Control Panel”, the view of which is best switched to “Small icons”.

Then select: System - Advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Options. In the "Performance Options" window that appears, in the "Advanced" tab, click the "Change..." button. The “Virtual Memory” window will appear, in which uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox and specify the size manually for each disk (if there are several of them in the system).

It is advisable to indicate the same minimum and maximum dimensions. It is advisable to choose a paging file size that is 2-4 times larger than the amount of RAM installed on the computer.

5. Change visual effects

Windows 7 has an Aero interface, which consumes a significant amount of computer resources and in some cases slows down its operation.

By disabling Aero and other visual effects, you can achieve some improvement in computer performance.
Visual effects can be disabled in the “Performance Options” window, which I wrote about in the previous paragraph, in the “Visual Effects” tab.

There are three settings options here:

- provide best view;

- provide best performance;

— special effects (completely manual settings).

Adjust these settings to your liking and apply the changes.

6. Disable indexing of hard drives

To do this, go to “My Computer” and select any hard drive. Right-click and click “Properties” in the menu that appears.

After this, a window will open in which you uncheck the “Allow the contents of files on this drive to be indexed in addition to file properties” and apply the changes.

7. Use ReadyBoost Technology

ReadyBoost technology, included in Windows 7, is designed to speed up your computer. As I noted above, if there is not enough RAM, the system uses the paging file, which is located on the hard disk (HDD). HDDs are mechanical, slow devices, ReadyBoost allows you to use USB flash drives or memory cards to store such temporary data.
To activate the above technology, connect a USB flash drive or memory card, go to the “Properties” menu of this device. In the “ReadyBoost” tab, set the required amount of memory and apply the changes.

All these simple measures will help you significantly optimize Windows and speed up your computer.

Here are a few more tips that will help you keep your computer in excellent condition, thanks to which it will work quickly, for a long time and will not let you down.

How to care for your computer?

1. Defragment your disk regularly. Over time, files on your computer's hard drive become fragmented ( in simple words, are written randomly across the surface of the disk), which reduces the speed of data retrieval.

The standard defragmenter is located among the utility programs (Start - Programs - Utilities - Disk Defragmenter). I recommend using this tool from time to time.

2. Occasionally clean your disks of accumulated unnecessary information. Standard program"Disk Cleanup" is also located in the "Utilities" section.

3. Clean the registry regularly. When deleting various files and applications, various garbage can accumulate in the Windows system registry, which reduces system performance. To clean the registry, you can use third party software, for example, CCleaner (you can download it).

4. Once every six months, clean the internal elements of the system blog from accumulated dust.

This is especially true before the summer heat. If you do not clean your computer from dust, its elements will significantly overheat, which can lead to the computer freezing and even breaking its devices.

5. Use high-quality computer antivirus program, For example, .

In conclusion of this post, I want to say a few words about a cool program designed to increase the performance (acceleration) of a computer and keep it in excellent condition.

A program that I have been using for several years. It allows you to find problems in your computer and fix them. Everything that I wrote in this article about increasing computer performance is implemented in TuneUp Utilities.

This program is updated annually and today is called TuneUp Utilities 2012.

Here are its main functions:

- increasing computer performance;

— optimization of Internet connection;

— deleting programs;

- Disk Defragmenter;

full customization Windows operating system;

- cleaning and defragmentation system registry;

- recovery deleted files;

— customizing the appearance of the operating system;

— deleting files without the possibility of their recovery;

- setting hidden parameters Windows OS and much more.

The functionality of TuneUp Utilities is very rich in various features!

If you have not yet tried TuneUp Utilities, I recommend that you install this program and start using it, and then the performance (speed) of your system will always be at its best.

Unfortunately, this software is not free, but finding the program on the Internet is not a problem.

If you don’t know where to download programs, then I recommend that you read my article “”. You can find a lot of useful things on torrent trackers.

How to optimize your computer?

Very easy and simple! This guide will help you set up and optimize your computer, clean your computer from various junk, remove viruses and reliably protect your PC, speed up the operation and loading of Windows, get rid of errors and freezes, and much more...

That's all for me. I hope my post was useful to you. Love your computer, take care of it, optimize Windows performance and then he will delight you with impeccable and fast work.

Discussion: 83 comments

    Useful article, I didn’t know a lot, thank you :) Alexander, can you explain point 6 in more detail, why is this being done?

    Nice recipes!

    You can also use special programs, for example Auslogics Boot Speed ​​- in it all these parameters are clearly organized into sections and configured in a few clicks without going into the internals of the system

    Both TuneUp Utilities and Auslogics Boot Speed ​​- this software is not free. And not cheap! TuneUp Utilities for 3 computers costs $65. Both programs cost about the same.

    Well, there is also a FREE program like these: Advanced Sistem Care 7. I used it myself. She helped me personally)

    The 2010 version of the program costs 50 euros, Sanya, how much does 2012 cost?

    I use Auslogics BoostSpeed, I must say that TuneUp Utilities is quite good, I used the magazine version for a while without updating the program itself - everything suited me, then I started experimenting, tried other products 😀 ...

    Thank you Sasha, the post is interesting - and for Kasperych I advise you to install Emsisoft Anti-Malware in addition.

    There is another similar program called CCleaner. But TuneUp Utilities, according to your recommendation, looks even more functional, I’ll definitely use it on my XP system. And damn it, it’s time for me to get a new computer 😀

    Doesn't Casper slow down your computer? I once tried to stage it, it was terrible. Now Doctor Web - I don’t notice it at all

    As if, windows indexing conducts in order to know where which file is located. Absolute analogy with search engines. Only if you disable indexing, the system will take longer to search for the file, since it will go through all the files. And if you turn it on, then Windows will periodically go through the system and “index” files... In principle, it does not create a special load, but maybe for me, I often use the search, since there are thousands of thousands of files on my computer that are always needed.. .

    Although, they say that the first step in speeding up Windows is to disable search indexing... And often this is enough. 🙂

    Thank you for the article - Lately The laptop started to slow down a lot

    Victor Bochenkov, I also use the CCleaner program.

    Alexander, thanks for the extensive post.

    Svetlana, I can advise you to defragment your laptop. Only with the built-in tool. If you haven't done it yet, you'll be pleased with the results.

    Volodya, what do you mean by built-in tool? I know. that defragmentation greatly speeds up the work of any computer, but I don’t have room for a regular built-in one. My daughter recently just reinstalled Windows on her laptop - it also helps a lot.

    By the way, they asked about Kaspersky - as a regular user, I can say it doesn’t slow down - it was a very long time ago when it slowed down

    Cool. But it's a pity for the PS only. I'm thinking about buying myself a mac. 😈

    Victor, Siklisha lags behind the program described above in many ways, CCleaner is a janitor (cleaning lady).

    Alexander (AKart), if you install Kaspersky, then it’s better than 2010, the 2011 version took a long time to be finalized and now, to put it mildly, they don’t like it :)

    Good, informative and voluminous article! Thanks for the recommendations - I'll definitely use them. Actually, lately I’ve been blocking something on my computer... I need to fix it 🙄

    Today my desktop computer's power supply burned out (I HOPE it was the power supply and not the entire computer), today I switched to a netbook...oooh, horror!!! I will optimize according to the article. Although I know all this, I can still miss something. and here everything is before your eyes!

    Alexander, another question: If the processor or mother burns out, would the computer react somehow when turned on? Now when I press the on button, I have zero emotions at all, which is why I blame the power supply...

    Alexander Bobrin

    ValeronVoronin I think that if the mother burns, there will be no signs of life. My blog was on fire, you press the power button - silence. One day my mother purchased a defective one, the computer turned on (the fans were running and the diode was glowing), but there was nothing on the screen and no sounds. And so, if one of the devices does not work, then there should be sounds. Most likely you have a nutrition blog, but I don’t exclude your mother as well - sign up later.

    I have a license at work, I haven’t earned it at home yet, I download the keys on the website. And so he is not broken. There are simply broken versions, and there may be problems with them. But if you just download the keys to the license, then everything will be fine.

    Yeah, tomorrow I’ll go to the store with the block, maybe they’ll check it so I don’t waste my money empty, then I’ll write. It’s also a pity to spend money on an antivirus software, but when I make money on the Internet, then I’ll buy it.

    I don’t understand, on what website do you download the license keys? There you download the demo version for 30 days and that’s it, then it doesn’t seem to be updated? Or am I doing something stupid?

    Sasha, sometimes kay lasts for months, sometimes not even a day goes by before it is cut off. It is best to download the archive of keys, there are about a thousand of them. 🙂

    I've been using the license for a long time - no problems

    I downloaded TuneUp Utilities 2012 in order to delete a folder (empty), which is restored every time after deletion after the system boots. I tried to remove it with the specified utility several times different ways. It still recovers after a reboot. 🙁


    100% Unlocker 1.9 will not help. The same thing will happen as with TuneUp Utilities. This is probably a virus being faked system folder, and Windows restores it.

    Alexander, please help me, now my games won’t start, what should I do, thanks in advance.

    I don’t entirely agree with: “For example, if your computer does not have a printer, you can disable the corresponding services responsible for its operation. After all, we don't need them! Is not it?" The fact is that the printer may appear, and virtual printer— I use it sometimes. Also the rest of the services, for example, I turned off everything that I don’t use now, and in half a year I’ll buy and install something, but it will refuse to work and I don’t remember that I ever turned off any services (try to find what else needs to be turned on) . It seems to me that the game is not worth the candle, which applies to services, in standby mode they consume very little memory and about zero processor resources, I dabbled with this - zero effect.

    I not only disagree with point 4, it’s complete nonsense. Firstly, Windows by default has a virtual memory value of quite a decent size, and only once in ten years of working on a PC was this value not enough, but even then Windows simply suggests increasing the amount of memory and that’s all. Moreover, I suggest you conduct an experiment - disable virtual memory altogether; for me and my sister personally, this doubled the speed of the entire system. I have an old movie IDE drive on 80GB it began to be copied at a speed of 70-30Mbits. Sata2 is a little higher. Just think about what it is virtual memory and it will become clear to you that this is the worst evil from Microsoft. If you are interested in this topic, I can explain to you in more detail why.

    I did everything point by point, I thought it would fly. Stupid as he was stupid ((

    Please tell me, if I purchase a license for the tune up program, how many computers can I install it on?

    Put solid state hard disk agt3-25sat-64g system with a bunch of programs loads in 10 seconds. Installing windows 7 on the computer took 8 minutes. If you want your computer to work quickly, buy a 64 gig solid-state hard drive, install windu 7 on it and you will understand what speed is. Before moving on Read reviews on the Internet for these drives. Nowadays the drives are not expensive, less than 2 thousand; they are connected with a cable.

    Thank you very much it helped a lot.

    Excellent article, it mentions both autoloading and unnecessary services. If you don’t invest in hardware, then everything you need is indicated, and if you have a budget, I recommend buying an SSD; download speeds will increase significantly.

    Not bad! And everything is clear! But it’s only written for W7... no... it will be easier in XP... but still a useful article! If possible, I’ll post it on my website with a link to you!?

    Interesting tips, I will need to increase my computer performance, I have Cokras Windows 7, it’s worth it, I will do everything as you do.

    I think to avoid various problems, For example, slow speed computer, you need to initially buy (and spare no money on it) a computer with good performance. A stingy man pays twice, that's how it is.

    You don't need to buy an expensive one to have a productive computer. These are store myths. Previously, all programs worked normally on the Pentium 120.

    I understand that now the demands on programs have become greater. But for office work You don't need a gaming PC with a $200 graphics card.

    The main thing is at least 4GB of RAM, and spend less time on the Internet so as not to pick up viruses.

    I was pleased with the fan; it hasn’t been cleaned for three years, no less.

    Yes, cool, everything a programmer needs is practical and to the point.

    Very good article.

    The only thing I wouldn’t recommend is cleaning the radiator every six months.

    This operation is very painful for the computer and any careless movement

    may damage the processor. And it costs the most in the system unit.

    Indexing by the way loads the processor by 30 percent when it starts

    and this service starts even when you are not searching on the computer.

    Considering that the processor is 100 percent, disabling indexing will greatly affect performance.

    8 minutes is a lot, just catastrophically long for a computer.

    My computer boots in half a minute.

    Thank you good advice helped

    useful article, especially for noobs like me))) thanks to the Author

    I wish I had read these tips earlier. Due to the fact that I did not know how to properly care for a computer, especially that it needs to be cleaned every six months, my laptop burned out after 3 years...

    To make the computer work quickly, I just turned off autostart and disabled several services, the computer works fine. The main thing is not to clutter your computer big amount programs.

    I downloaded TuneUp Utilities 2012 in order to delete a folder (empty), which is restored every time after deletion after the system boots. I tried to remove it using the specified utility several times in different ways. It still recovers after a reboot.

    I did as you advised, but after a while it stopped showing up when connecting removable drive 0.5 GB. Tell me what can be done? I'll keep an eye on the comments. Thank you.

    Disabling unnecessary services in Windows requires a certain level of literacy, which the vast majority do not have. Moreover, this is an unsafe activity. I get out of this situation by taking screenshots of all services, like they are in your photo. This results in several screenshots. Then I disable some services that seem unnecessary to me and also take screenshots. In case of failure, I connect the services one by one, focusing on the screenshots.

    In your mind, if you really need performance, then you first need to choose an OS. Windows itself is a braking system, no matter how you speed it up. For scientific calculations, Windows is not used anywhere: the ISS uses Linux. The best solution will be installing two OS on a computer to solve different problems.

    Great guide! Really helped))) Thanks Friend

    This article helped a lot!

    Thanks a lot...

    Very useful article, thank you very much.

    I used your program, but it also has a minus - it also eats up productivity since it is constantly running. There is an alternative to

    It cleans better, removes programs, startup and much more. After it, the computer flies. Best regards, Alexander

    I haven't visited your blog for a long time. At one time, a couple of tips helped solve several problems, in particular, the HDD infection worked slowly, although time passes and most people change it to a fast one SSD drive they have now become more accessible))

    I myself am the owner of a laptop, a useful thing in the household, but if you decide to work complex calculations, video editing or image rendering, modeling in Cinema 4D without a good video card is a lost cause. Personally, I bought mine in the summer of 2013, right at the height of the discounts, bought an MSI CX70 ONF-230RU, and in 2016 I decided to upgrade it, a crazy idea came to me, but it burned out. I put together an MSI CX70 + GTX 1060 assembly for myself and I will say that it became more comfortable to work in the above applications, and then I bought a high-quality 27" QHD monitor and the whole process began to sparkle with new colors. True, there are limitations, as you know in motherboards PC slot for video card x16 and connected via x1. The speed of the data flow is greatly reduced, but even what is there is enough for the eyes, for a long time I did not believe that it would work out. In a word, it turned out to be such a budget PC assembly from a laptop)))

I will describe a large collection of tips on how to speed up your computer. 25 steps to help you cope slow loading systems.

I applied all these tips on my computers and the result was clearly felt, even without measuring the speed. I hope you don't have any difficulties completing all the steps.

A short description:

  1. These tips are suitable for all operating systems of the Windows family.
  2. All pictures are presented from the Windows 7 operating system. If you have a different operating system, then look for similar items or ask your question in the comments. I will help.
  3. Do not restart your computer until all steps are completed. In order to save time and gain greater benefit from everything you have done, complete all the points in the order in which they are written.
  4. This article is aimed at maximum magnification computer speed by sacrificing the beauty and convenience of the Wiindows interface. Some advice may seem absurd.
  5. On weaker computers there will be a very noticeable increase in speed.

Disabling visual effects

These include drag/close/open window effects, various shadows and thumbnails for a beautiful display. Go to Start >>Control Panel >> Select Category View and click on System and Security. In this category find:

Then a window appears in which, select the visual effects settings.

In the window that appears, select “Best performance” as in the image:

You will immediately notice the changes. It will be a little unusual, but the computer will also work faster. Do not close this window, you will need it later.

CPU time distribution

This setting allows you to set the priority for allocating processor resources. In the same window shown in the image above, select the “Advanced” tab and set priority to programs rather than services running in the background:

Then go to the paging file settings window.

Setting up the swap file

The page file is used when the computer does not have enough RAM.

Let the system choose the size of the paging file. Check the appropriate box.

It makes sense to put fixed value if the disk is slow and there is little memory. In other cases, changes can only harm the system.

Desktop optimization

To speed up your computer boot time, remove as many shortcuts from your desktop as possible. The computer spends time calculating them. The fewer shortcuts, the faster the desktop will load when you turn on the PC.

After this, you should remove the background image and screensaver on your desktop. When booting, the computer will not waste time calculating them.

Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Appearance and in the Display category select “Change Desktop Background” as in the image below:

Then remove the background image and replace it with a solid color. I prefer black as it is the least straining on the eyes due to its low brightness.

Now go back to “Appearance” and find the “Desktop Gadgets” category there ( Not available on Windows XP). And click on the line to remove gadgets. Remove all gadgets you have. In fact, you don’t need them; all the information presented in them is already on your computer or on the Internet.

A window appears in which you can remove the screen saver. Picture below:

You've sped up your computer a little, and now it won't spend so much time loading shortcuts, screensavers, wallpapers, and desktop widgets.

Disabling system sounds

These are well-known sounds: double click, error, warning, login, logout and others. Personally, I don't need them at all. The computer will also need time and resources to play these sounds and therefore it is better to turn them off.

Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Hardware and Sound and look for “Change system sounds"as in the picture below.

Select the “Mute” sound scheme and uncheck “Play melody” Windows startup» confirming the changes.

Changing the appearance of windows

Now change appearance all windows so that they consume less computer resources and it works faster. To do this, go to Control Panel >> Appearance >> Display >> Change Color Scheme.

Choose a classic theme.

You may not like the appearance and it will be very unusual. This topic contains the bare minimum.

Disabling the Windows boot screen

Press the sign key Windows + R. If it is not there: go to Start and enter “run” in the search to go to the execution line. Write the command in it msconfig and the required window will open.

Check the box without GUI.

Now, when you turn on your computer, you will see a black screen instead of the Windows loading bar. This way you can speed up the computer startup.

Do not close this window and move on to the next step.

Disable cursor graphics

To increase the speed of work a little more, you can disable the cursor animation. Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Mouse:

Then open the "Pointers" tab and remove the cursor layout as in the image below:

Setting up the video card

To defragment you will need 1 more free program from the same company that makes CCleaner. Download Defraggler and install it.

After launching the program, select the disk and defragment it.

This will take a lot of time, but it is very important for speeding up your computer.

It is worth noting that defragmentation prolongs the performance of your hard drive.

Do this operation with all your disks, if there are several of them, and then proceed to the next step.

Defragmentation of system files

Run Defraggler program and select one-time defragmentation of system files when you start the computer as in the picture below:

It will be performed the next time you start the computer.

Troubleshooting registry problems

After completing all the steps to speed up your computer, you will have many errors in the registry. To fix them, use the CClener program.

Launch the program and select the Registry >> Search for problems section.

Please note that all boxes must be checked.

Then click Fix >> Fix All. Repeat the search for problems until there are none. It is not necessary to make copies of the registry. Over several years of work, this program did not spoil anything in it for me and I never made copies.

Using ReadyBoost technology

This technology does not exist in Windows XP. In more later versions Windows has it. This technology allows you to speed up your computer using flash drive memory.

All you need to do is format the flash drive and connect it to your computer. Then go to My Computer and go to the properties of your flash drive.

Select the ReadyBoost tab and select “Use this device” as shown in the image below.

Now just don't pull out your flash drive.

It is worth noting that when using this technology, the flash drive quickly wears out and deteriorates.

Not every flash drive may be suitable for, by clicking on the link you can familiarize yourself with this technology in detail.

Additionally if you have a laptop

Set your power plan to high performance. If you always use a laptop with the charger connected, this will not hinder you in any way, but will only speed up your work. Go to Start and search for “Power Options” as in the image below.

Then set it to high performance.

Now your computer will work quickly. Write your results and questions in the comments. Thank you for your attention.

Thematic video

Did the tips for speeding up your computer in this article help you?

Windows 7 is a complex set of interactions between many programs, so the speed of the OS is influenced by a huge number of factors. You can't just disable a couple of programs or change one setting to get a significant increase in system performance.

Optimizing a system is not an easy task and requires care and integrated approach. This article covers the basic steps you can take to improve the performance of Windows 7 64-bit.

Using an SSD Drive

If you use not a regular hard drive (hard drive) as the system disk, but a solid-state drive, then this alone will quickly and significantly increase (64 bit). The main advantage of an SSD disk is its many times faster data storage and playback speed (500 MB/s) compared to hard drives.

Even loading the operating system from this media takes only a few seconds. Currently, all the equipment used in computers is high-speed, the only weak link in the interaction chain is the hard HDDs, which slow down the operation of the entire system.

Install a new BIOS and check the software is up to date

It is necessary to perform the following analysis: are the drivers updated, is the PC's BIOS up to date? When installing drivers, you should take into account the bit depth, i.e. For a 64-bit OS, you need to download the appropriate software for your computer hardware. If there are no drivers for specific device for Windows 7 (64), you can download the corresponding software for Vista.

Increase RAM

Often the problem of slow operation of a PC with Windows 7 is a simple lack of RAM. The best method to fix the problem is to increase the RAM. This event always significantly increases the speed of the PC and leads to optimization of the OS. In order to ensure comfortable work Windows 7 (64-bit) requires at least 4 GB of RAM.

Optimize the interface

In “Seven” it is the main “devourer” of system resources. Although it only adds some beauty and individuality to the external design and is completely unnecessary for work. Significant performance degradation due to Aero occurs on a PC with an insufficiently powerful graphics card or if it is built into the motherboard.

Turning off all almost invisible to the eye will improve performance Aero functions. To do this you need to open "Control Panel", then go to the “System” tab and go to "Advanced system settings". Next in the bookmark "Additionally" find and click on “Options”.

Here you can disable functions such as: showing the contents of windows while moving, sliding effects, menu fading, animation, casting shadows on icons, cursors and windows, etc. Even disabling only some effects will already increase the speed of Windows 7, and in the case of an unpretentious user, it is recommended to click on “Ensure the best performance” in the settings.

Optimize the list of applications in startup

A significant number of applications are loaded simultaneously with Windows 7. The developers of these programs ensure that they are loaded in the background and the computer owner does not see them. But this is only necessary for utilities that are used constantly.

Need unnecessary applications. Must boot with operating system the following programs: hardware drivers, firewall and antivirus utility. To optimize the list of automatically loading applications, you need to hold down the “WIN” key and press .

Startup programs can be seen in the system tray on the taskbar. However, not everything is displayed there. Designed specifically for Windows application"AutoRuns", which is distributed freely from the Microsoft Corporation resource. "AutoRuns" shows a complete list of downloadable applications. In the window this application You just need to uncheck the boxes next to the unnecessary program.

Disable unnecessary services

By disabling the start of some services, you can improve your computer's performance. To do this you need to log in "Control Panel", further in "Administration", where in the “Services” tab select unnecessary service and click “Disabled”.

Defragment your disks periodically

With increased fragmentation data hard The disk is forced to do extra work, and this affects the performance of the PC. It is recommended to run defragmentation manually to organize files for optimal functioning of the hard drive.

Turn off automatic defragmentation

The creators of Windows 7 provided background execution defragmentation, during which computer performance is significantly reduced. You must configure the process through the “Start” button. In the “All Programs” tab, select the “Standard” line, then enter “Utilities”, where you can find "Defragmentation". To increase the speed of Windows 7 prerequisite is to regularly perform defragmentation manually.

Get rid of old, unnecessary or outdated applications

Some PC manufacturers release their devices with already installed applications Not necessary for the user. They slow down Windows 7 by using memory and disk space.

It is advisable to rid the computer of all unused applications. This list should be supplemented with programs that the user himself installed, but which have lost their relevance over time. The simple act of removing these programs will improve system performance.

Remove unused gadgets

In Windows 7, gadgets increase the comfort of using a PC, but they all need system resources during startup and operation. When using only what is necessary regular use gadgets, system performance will increase.

Good day! It would seem that there are two identical computers, with the same software- one of them works fine, the second “slows down” in some games and applications. Why is this happening?

The fact is that very often the computer can slow down due to “non-optimal” settings of the OS, video card, page file, etc. What’s most interesting is that if you change these settings, the computer in some cases can start working much faster.

In this article, I want to look at these computer settings that will help you get the maximum performance out of it (overclocking the processor and video card will not be covered in this article)!

The article is focused primarily on Windows 7, 8, 10 (some points will also be useful for Windows XP).

1. Disable unnecessary services

The first thing I recommend doing when optimizing and configuring your computer is to disable unnecessary and unused services. For example, many users do not update their version of Windows, but almost everyone has the update service up and running. For what?!

The fact is that each service loads the PC. By the way, the same update service sometimes loads even computers with good characteristics so much that they begin to noticeably slow down.

To disable an unnecessary service, you need to go to “ computer control" and select the " services " tab.

You can enter computer management through the control panel or very quickly using the WIN + X keyboard shortcut, and then select the “computer management” tab.

Windows 8 - pressing the Win+X buttons opens such a window.

Windows 8. Computer management

This service is disabled (to enable it, click the start button, to stop it, click the stop button).
Service start type “manual” (this means that until you start the service, it will not work).

Services that can be disabled (without serious consequences*):

  • Windows Search
  • Offline files
  • IP Ancillary Service
  • Secondary login
  • Print Manager (if you don't have a printer)
  • Changed Link Tracking Client
  • NetBIOS Support Module
  • Application details
  • Windows Time Service
  • Diagnostic Policy Service
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service
  • Windows Error Logging Service
  • Remote registry
  • Security Center

You can find out more about each service in this article:

2. Adjusting performance parameters, Aero effects

New Windows versions(such as Windows 7, 8) are not deprived of various visual effects, graphics, sounds, etc. If sounds do not go anywhere, then visual effects can significantly slow down the computer (this especially applies to “average” and “weak” PCs) . The same applies to Aero - this is a semi-transparent window effect that appeared in Windows Vista.

If we're talking about O maximum performance computer, then these effects need to be disabled.

How do I change performance settings?

1) First - go to the control panel and open the “ system and safety«.

3) In the left column there should be a tab “ Advanced System Settings" - we move along it.

5) In the performance settings you can configure all visual Windows effects- I recommend just checking the box next to “ ensure the best performance of your computer ". Then simply save the settings by clicking the “OK” button.

How to disable Aero?

The easiest way is to choose a classic theme. How to do it - .

3. Setting up Windows startup

Most users are dissatisfied with the speed of turning on the computer and loading Windows with all programs. The computer takes a long time to boot, most often due to the large number of programs that are loaded from startup when the PC is turned on. To speed up your computer boot, you need to disable some programs from startup.

How to do it?

Method No. 1

You can edit startup using Windows itself.

1) First you need to press a combination of buttons WIN+R(a small window will appear in the left corner of the screen) enter the command msconfig(see screenshot below), click on Enter.

For reference. Having Utorrent turned on has a great impact on your computer's performance (especially if you have large collection files).

Method No. 2

You can edit startup using large number third party utilities. I've been actively using the complex lately. In this complex, changing startup is as easy as shelling pears (and generally optimizing Windows).

1) Launch the complex. In the system management section, open the ““ tab.

2) In the auto-run manager that opens, you can easily and quickly disable certain applications. And the most interesting thing is that the program provides you with statistics about which application and what percentage of users are disabled - very convenient!

By the way, and to remove an application from startup, you need to click the slider once (i.e., in 1 second you removed the application from startup).

4. Cleaning and defragmenting the hard drive

Of course, a new file NTFS system(which has replaced FAT32 on most PC users) is not as susceptible to fragmentation. Therefore, defragmentation can be done less frequently, and yet, this can also affect the speed of the PC.

In this subsection of the article, we will clean the disk of debris and then defragment it. By the way, this procedure needs to be carried out from time to time; then the computer will work noticeably faster.

A good alternative to Glary Utilites is another set of utilities specifically for the hard drive: .

To clean the disk you need:

1) Launch the utility and click on the “ Search «;

2) After analyzing your system, the program will prompt you to check the boxes next to the items to delete, and all you have to do is click the “Clear” button. The program will immediately warn you how much space is available. Comfortable!

Windows 8. Cleaning the hard drive.

There is a separate tab in the same utility for defragmentation. By the way, it defragments the disk very quickly, for example, my 50 GB system disk was analyzed and defragmented in 10-15 minutes.

Defragmentation of the hard drive.

5. Setting up AMD/NVIDIA video card drivers + updating drivers

Great influence on computer games provide drivers for the video card (NVIDIA or AMD (Radeon)). Sometimes, if you change the driver to an older/newer version, performance can increase by 10-15%! WITH modern video cards I haven’t noticed this, but on computers 7-10 years old, this is a fairly common occurrence...

In any case, before setting up your video card drivers, you need to update them. In general, I recommend updating drivers from the manufacturer’s official website. But, often, they stop updating older models of computers/laptops, and sometimes even stop supporting models older than 2-3 years. Therefore, I recommend using one of the utilities for updating drivers:

Personally I prefer Slim Drivers: The utility itself will scan your computer, then offer links where you can download updates. Works very fast!

Slim Drivers - update drivers in 2 clicks!

Now, regarding driver settings to get maximum performance in games.

1) Go to the driver control panel (right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate tab from the menu).


  1. Anisotropic filtering. Directly affects the quality of textures in games. Therefore it is recommended switch off.
  2. V-Sync (Vertical Sync). A parameter that greatly affects the performance of the video card. For fps increase this option is recommended switch off.
  3. Enable scalable textures. We put the point No.
  4. Expansion limitation. Need to switch off.
  5. Smoothing. Switch off.
  6. Triple buffering. Necessary switch off.
  7. Texture filtering (anisotropic optimization). This option allows you to increase performance using bilinear filtering. Need to turn on.
  8. Texture filtering (quality). Here you set the parameter “ highest performance«.
  9. Texture filtering (negative UD deviation). Turn on.
  10. Texture filtering (three-line optimization). Turn on.


    Anti-aliasing mode: Override application settings
    Sample smoothing: 2x
    Filter: Standard
    Smoothing Method: Multiple Sampling
    Morphological filtering: Off
    Anisotropic filtering mode: Override application settings
    Anisotropic filtering level: 2x
    Texture filtering quality: Performance
    Surface Format Optimization: On
    Wait for vertical update: Always off.
    OpenLG Triple Buffering: Off
    Tessellation Mode: AMD Optimized
    Maximum level Tessellation: AMD Optimized

For more information about video card settings, see the articles:

6. Check for viruses + remove antivirus

Viruses and antiviruses have a very significant impact on computer performance. Moreover, the latter are even larger than the former... Therefore, within the framework of this subsection of the article (and we are squeezing maximum performance out of the computer), I will recommend removing the antivirus and not using it.

Comment. The point of this subsection is not to advocate removing the antivirus and not using it. Simply, if the question is about maximum performance, then the antivirus is the program that has a very significant effect on it. Why does a person need an antivirus (which will load the system) if he checked the computer 1-2 times, and then calmly plays games without downloading or installing anything again...

And yet, there is no need to completely get rid of the antivirus. It is much more useful to follow a number of simple rules:

  • regularly check your computer for viruses using portable versions (; ) ( portable versions- programs that do not need installation, launched, checked the computer and closed them);
  • Newly downloaded files must be checked for viruses before launching (this applies to everything except music, films and pictures);
  • regularly check and update Windows OS (especially for critical patches and updates);
  • disable autorun of inserted disks and flash drives (for this you can use hidden settings OS, here is an example of such settings: );
  • When installing programs, patches, add-ons, always carefully monitor the checkboxes and never agree to install an unfamiliar program by default. Most often, various advertising modules are installed along with the program;
  • do backups important documents and files.

Everyone chooses their own balance: either the speed of the computer or its safety and security. It is unrealistic to achieve the maximum in both at the same time... By the way, not a single antivirus gives any guarantees, especially since now the most trouble is caused by various advertising Adware, built into many browsers and add-ons for them. Antiviruses, by the way, don’t see them.

In this subsection I would like to dwell on some little-used options for increasing computer performance. So…

1) Power settings

Many users turn on/off their computer every hour or two. Firstly, every time you turn on the computer, it creates a load similar to several hours of work. Therefore, if you plan to work on your computer in half an hour or an hour, it is better to put it into sleep mode ().

By the way, a very interesting mode is hibernation. Why turn on your computer from scratch every time and load the same programs, when you can save all running applications and work in them to your hard drive?! In general, if you turn off your computer through hibernation, you can significantly speed up its startup/shutdown!

Power settings are located at:

From time to time, especially when the computer starts to work unstably, reboot it. On reboot RAM The computer will be cleaned, faulty programs will be closed and you will be able to start a new session without errors.

3) Utilities to speed up and improve PC performance

There are dozens of programs and utilities online to speed up your computer. Most of them are simply advertised “dummies”, along with which various advertising modules are also installed.

However, there are also normal utilities that can really speed up your computer somewhat. I wrote about them in this article: (see paragraph 8, at the end of the article).

4) Cleaning your computer from dust

It is important to pay attention to the temperature of the computer processor and hard drive. If the temperature is higher than usual, there is most likely a lot of dust accumulated in the case. You need to clean your computer from dust regularly (preferably a couple of times a year). Then it will work faster and will not overheat.

5) Cleaning the registry and defragmenting it

In my opinion, there is no need to clean the registry so often and it does not add much speed (like, say, deleting “junk files”). And yet, if you haven’t cleaned the registry of erroneous entries for a long time, I recommend reading this article:

That's all for me. In the article, we touched on most of the ways to speed up a PC and increase its performance without purchasing or replacing components. We did not touch upon the topic of overclocking a processor or video card - but this topic, firstly, is complex; and secondly, it is not safe - you can damage your PC.

All the best to everyone!