How to turn off updates on windows 7 ultimate. Properly disabling automatic Windows updates

All versions of the Windows operating system provide updates, as they complement the system, fix possible errors and improve performance. Of course, such updates will not harm your computer, they are necessary and should be downloaded, but there are cases in which it is better for users to refuse updates altogether. Using Windows 7 as an example, the following reasons can be identified: you have a pirated version of the system and updates block it, your computer has too little memory and updates will not physically fit on it, you have a very busy schedule and you work with your computer, and automatic updates slow down your performance . In this case, you can choose: disable updates completely or cancel only automatic ones. This article will discuss both methods.

How to disable Windows 7 update completely

This instruction cancels updates on your computer altogether: the system will not search for updates or download them. If you want the updates to still be downloaded, but their installation remains at your discretion, then it is better to give preference to the second instruction below. If you don't need updates, then proceed with this one.

  • Go to Control Panel via Start.
  • Set the icon sorting to “Large icons”. Find the “Administration” item and select it.

  • Among all the services and system parameters, you need the “Services” item. Launch it by double clicking.

  • Almost at the very bottom of the list you will find the line “Windows Update”. This is where you can disable system update downloads and installation. Double click on this service.

  • In the window that appears, in the “Startup type” line, select the “Disabled” value.
    Now click “Stop” on the next line and close the window by clicking “Apply”.
  • Updates are disabled on your computer.

How to disable automatic updates on Windows 7

A very convenient method, since it allows you to independently choose the time for downloading and installing Windows updates.

  • Go back to the Control Panel in the way you already know. Set the sorting to “Category”. Click on the “System and Security” section.

  • Look for the “Windows Update” tab; it will contain several sections below. Among them, click on “Turn automatic updates on or off.”

In the drop-down list you can select the item that suits you:

  • Automatically download them, but ask you about installation time.
  • Ask you about both downloading and installation.
  • Do not update the system.

  • After selecting the item, uncheck the “Recommended updates” box and click “Ok.” Please note that you must be logged into an administrative account.
  • Updates in Windows 7 are now disabled and customized to your liking.

Operating system updates are an important component of ensuring system performance and security. However, in certain situations it becomes necessary to temporarily disable this process. Some users disable updates at their own risk. We do not recommend doing this unless really necessary, but, nevertheless, we will consider the main ways to turn off updating in Windows 7.

There are several options for disabling updates, but they can all be divided into two groups. In one of them, actions are performed through Windows Update, and in the second, in the Service Manager.

Method 1: Control Panel

First of all, let's consider the most popular option among users for solving the problem. This method involves going to Windows Update through the Control Panel.

Method 2: Run window

But there is a faster option to get to the section of the Control Panel we need. This can be done using a window "Run".

Method 3: Service Manager

In addition, we can solve this problem by disabling the corresponding service in the Service Manager

  1. You can go to the Service Manager either through the window "Run", either through the Control Panel, as well as using the Task Manager.

    In the first case, call the window "Run", by pressing the combination Win+R. Next, enter the command into it:

    Click "OK".

    In the second case, go to the Control Panel in the same way as described above, through the button "Start". Then we visit the section again "System and safety". And in this window, click on the name "Administration".

    The third option for accessing the Service Manager involves using the Task Manager. To launch it, type the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Or right-click on the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen. In the context list, select the option "Start Task Manager".

    After launching the Task Manager, go to the tab "Services", then click on the button of the same name at the bottom of the window.

  2. Then you go to the Service Manager. In the window of this tool we look for an element called "Windows Update" and select it. Moving to the tab "Advanced", if we are in the tab "Standard". Tab shortcuts are located at the bottom of the window. On the left side, click on the inscription "Stop service".
  3. After this, the service will be completely disabled. Instead of an inscription "Stop service" the inscription will appear in the appropriate place "Start service". And in the object’s status graph the status will disappear "Works". But in this case, it can be automatically launched after the computer is restarted.

To block its operation even after a restart, there is another option to disable it in the Service Manager.

In this case, the service will also be disabled. Moreover, only the last type of shutdown will ensure that the service will not start the next time the computer is restarted.

There are several ways to disable updates in Windows 7. But if you want to disable only automatic ones, then it is better to solve this problem through Windows Update. If the task is completely disabled, then a more reliable option would be to stop the service completely through the Service Manager, setting the appropriate startup type.

This question is not as simple as it might seem at the beginning. On the one hand, life without updates is not nice - there is no way to get the latest, including anti-virus patches, you won’t be able to get to the latest improvements in the system software, you won’t be able to update to improve Windows performance, and so on. On the other hand, without updating the system, we keep it in its familiar, current working state.

Who knows what problems the next service pack from Microsoft's visionaries will bring with it for our applications? If you work in critical conditions, when any flying “fly” can destroy your entire architecture, then it is better to completely abandon the pumping of updates. As a last resort, you need to be able to return to the original state that was before installing the updates. We will study how to cancel updates in Windows 7, but for now we will ask ourselves the question: what to do if some patches are still needed?

Nothing bad will happen if you cancel automatic Windows updates. Any packages of this kind can be obtained from the Microsoft website and, if the need arises, download them and install them manually.

Now let's see how to cancel automatic Windows system upgrades in practice.

Let's do one... do two...!

In Windows 7, all service packs go through the so-called "Update Center". From here you can manage all the settings for this service. You can get to the Center like this:

  • Select the menu “Start” -> “Computer”.
  • Right-click on it and in the context menu that opens, select the item called “Properties”.
  • A window will appear containing a direct link to “Center”.

Second way to get to the same place: “Start” -> "Control Panel"-> “System” -> . Finally, the third alternative is to enter this query into the search bar of the Start menu - the search system will provide a direct link to the Center window, shown in the figure below:

We will be interested in the window for setting the center parameters; it looks like this:

To cancel Windows updates, select the value from the drop-down list at the top: "Do not check for updates (not recommended)". After saving this setting and rebooting the computer, the system will no longer access the network for service packs. However, an annoying flag will appear in the tray, indicating that the subsystem is not working. You can remove it this way.

By default, the Windows 7 and Window 8 operating systems have the update system enabled. The so-called “Windows Update” is responsible for this; it is responsible for regularly receiving and installing updates.

In some situations there is a need. For example, in order to save traffic. In addition, the update is disabled by users of pirated versions of Windows. In this material we will talk about how to disable updating Windows 7 and Window 8.

Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 updates via Control Panel

Open Control Panel. If you are using Windows 7, then you can open the Control Panel from the Start menu, if you are using Window 8, then open the Start screen and search for “Control Panel”.

In Control Panel, open System and Security.

After this, the “Windows Update” window will open in front of you. In this window you need to click on the “Settings” link. This link is in the left side menu.

The default method is “Install updates automatically”. In order to completely disable Windows updates, you need to set the method to “Don’t check for updates.”

After you have changed the method for installing updates, you need to save the settings by clicking on the “OK” button. After these simple manipulations, Windows update will be disabled.

Disabling Windows 7 and Window 8 Update Service

Disabling it through the Control Panel is quite enough. But if necessary, you can also disable the service that is responsible for Windows Update.

Open the Computer Management window. The easiest way to do this is by searching. Open the Start menu or start screen (if you have Windows 8) and type “Computer management”. In the Computer Management window, go to the Services section.

In the list of services that opens, find “Windows Update.”

Open the properties of the Windows Update service; this can be done from the context menu or by simply double-clicking. After this, a window with the properties of this service will open in front of you. Here you need to change the “Startup Type” of the service from “Automatic” to “Disabled” and then click on the “Stop” button.

After completing all the steps, close the properties window by clicking on the “OK” button. These actions will result in the service being completely disabled.

Back in the Windows XP operating system, the developers introduced a special service that was responsible for periodic updates. They were automatically downloaded via the Internet from Microsoft servers to the user’s computer, and the system determined whether to install them at the user’s request or automatically. Let's look at why they are needed and how to disable Windows 7 updates.

What are they needed for

According to the creators of the system, fresh updates have a positive effect on the operation of its program code. They specifically work to improve and optimize the functioning of computer processes in the system. As a result, all efforts are designed to improve performance. The computer should become more responsive, and various bugs and errors should disappear. Updates often also provide new features:

  • diagnostic and troubleshooting tools are being improved;
  • modern peripheral equipment is supported;
  • new functions are added to the system;
  • Windows security patches and other useful features are added.

For those who have a licensed Windows system, installing such updates, as a rule, does not pose any threat.

But, based on the bitter experience of many computer owners, these updates are only needed if they can bring real benefits. But who among ordinary users will be able to determine in advance the usefulness of the improvements proposed by Microsoft. If a game or program is unstable on a given operating system, it will tell you exactly what updates are needed. But when the computer works reliably, stably and does not produce unexpected glitches, then what is the point of updating if it already works quickly. As admins joke: “if it works, don’t mess with it,” but it’s better to completely disable Windows 7 updates. Often they can cause a lot of problems. Why take the risk and see if you're lucky?

Why might you need to turn it off?

There are several reasons for the question of how to disable automatic updates in Windows 7:

  • The user has a pirated version of the operating system. And if you completely disable the update, the risk that the Microsoft server will issue a “red card” and limit the functionality of the operating system for using unlicensed Windows 7 is reduced to zero.
  • There are often cases when an updated system unexpectedly produces a critical error, which can only be corrected by a full restoration, and it is clearly too late to wonder how to disable auto-update in Windows 7.
  • The small size of the system disk, most often it is drive “C”. And since patch packages are very large, the free space instantly disappears. Therefore, it becomes imperative to disable automatic updates on your computer.
  • The need to wait for the computer to turn off after an update in Windows 7. Those who updated were faced with a situation where they needed to turn off the laptop, and a warning appeared on the monitor screen stating that this cannot be done, since “updates are being installed on Windows 7 1 of 1235 "! And the user must choose either an updated system or good sleep. Here you will inevitably think about how to prevent the system from updating.
  • If the Internet is limited in incoming and outgoing traffic. For such users, the question of how to disable automatic updates of Windows 7 is also relevant.
  • If the Internet channel has low speed, then it is better to disable this service in Windows 7 forever.

If at least one of the above reasons is relevant for your system, then it is better not to look for Windows 7 updates.

Well, now about how to disable updates. There are two ways. Let's consider each of them separately.

Disable completely

Before you turn off Windows 7 Update, must be found Management service. Let's consider the sequence of actions:

Once this service is completely disabled, the system will not be updated. But if you want to receive Windows 7 updates, if you carry out all the steps again, full functionality can be restored by changing the settings.

Disable only automatic update

If you want to reserve the right to download and install updates yourself manually, you can limit yourself to disabling automatic search.

Let's look at how to do this:

Now the system will search for updates, but will not install them automatically without the user’s permission. The computer owner can manually download updates from the Download Center at any time by clicking the button Check for updates.

Disable system notifications

After these steps, the system will not search for updates and install them automatically. But that is not all. Since this is a negative event for Windows 7, it will still remind you of this with a flag with a red cross in the right corner of the monitor.

Let’s turn off this reminder of the changes made:

Now the red cross has disappeared and the operating system does not display any reminders.

But nothing prevents you from updating manually if you want. All you have to do is start searching for Windows 7 updates again.


Concluding this short description of why you need to update the system and how to disable the update service, we would like to remind you that each user can install the update manually, as well as disable the update service completely or partially. We hope these short instructions will help you. They are quite simple, but will keep your computer working for a long time.

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