What is telnet in a router. Methods for connecting to remote devices using the telnet command. Launch the terminal. Enable required services

Application layer protocol TELNET (from English. T.E. rmina LNET work) is a network protocol for implementing a text interface over the network. Name telnet We also received client programs for implementing this protocol for almost all existing operating systems. The Telnet protocol is one of the oldest network protocols, developed as a means of communication between remote terminals in test mode. Therefore, it does not provide data encryption or modern authentication tools. The protocol is vulnerable to many network attacks and cannot be used as a means of managing network operating systems. Currently, the SSH (Secure SHell) network protocol is used for remote access to the system, the creation of which focused specifically on security issues. The relative security of Telnet sessions is carried out only in a fully controlled network environment or using protection at the network level (various implementations of VPN - virtual private networks). However, TELNET is still used to manage specialized network devices (Switches, routers, etc.), as well as for network diagnostics, debugging and studying other text-oriented (telnet-like) protocols based on the TCP transport. The current Telnet protocol standard is described in RFC 854.

In modern operating systems of the Windows family, the utility telnet.exe by default, not installed. To install it you need to go to Control Panel - Programs and Features - Turn Windows features on or off and check the box for Telnet client. Or, in a command prompt running as an administrator, run the command:

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Command line format:

telnet [-a][-e Symbol][-f File][-l Name][-t Type][Host [Port]]

Command line options:

-l The user name to log into the remote system, assuming the TELNET ENVIRON option is supported.

-a Automatic login attempt. Like the -l switch, but uses the current username under which you are logged in.

-e Service character for switching input mode in the telnet client window.

-f Client-side log file name. In the Russian help, this parameter is incorrectly interpreted as Login_File - “File name on the client side for logging into the system.”

-t Telnet terminal type. 4 types of terminals are supported: vt100, vt52, ansi and vtnt.

Knot The host name or IP address of the remote computer to which you are connecting. Port Port number or service name. If the number is not specified, then the standard Telnet port 23\TCP is used

When launched without parameters, the utility goes into command input mode:

Welcome to the Microsoft Telnet Client

Microsoft Telnet>

When entering a character ? or help Help information is displayed:

Teams may be shortened. Supported commands are:

c-close- close the current connection

d-display- display operation parameters

o - open hostname [Port]- connect to the site (by default, Port = 23)

q - quit- exit telnet

set-set- set parameters ("set?" to display a list of them)

sen - send- send strings to the server

st - status- display information about the current state

u - unset- reset parameters ("unset ?" to display a list of them)

? /h - help- issue a certificate

Some of the commands allow you to get hints for use when entered with a question character:

Telnet> set ?- get a hint on using the mode setting command. Example of information displayed:

bsasdel- symbol BackSpace Delete

crlf- carriage return mode; causes CR & LF characters to be sent

delasbs- symbol Delete will be sent as a character BackSpace

escape x- where x is the symbol for switching to telnet terminal mode and back

localecho- enable local echo.

logfile x- where x is the log file. In Russian translation it is incorrectly interpreted as “Current client login file”

logging- recording the current session in the log. In Russian translation it is incorrectly interpreted as "executing a login"

mode x- where x=console is the console mode used to work with windowed applications (vi editor) and x=stream is the streaming mode used to work on the command line.

ntlm- enable NTLM authentication.

term x- type of emulated terminal. Where x is ansi, vt100, vt52, or vtnt.

To get a hint on how to cancel the installed parameters, use the command

Microsoft Telnet> unset?

bsasdel- symbol BackSpace will be sent as a character Delete

crlf- line feed mode; causes the CR character to be sent

delasbs- symbol Delete will be sent as a character Backspace

escape- the symbol for switching to telnet terminal mode and back is not set

localecho- disable local echo

logging- disable log recording. In the Russian-language version it is incorrectly interpreted as "disabling login"

ntlm- disable NTLM authentication.

Examples of commands in interactive mode:

open connect to the Telnet server with an IP address

o zte-f660- connect to a Telnet server named zte-f660. Command abbreviation used o pen

set logfile C:\telnet.log- use as log file C:\telnet.log

set logging- record the current session to a log file.

display- display the parameters of the current session. Example of information displayed:

Mode switch symbol: "CTRL+]"

NTLM Authentication - Enabled

Local echo output - disabled

New Line Mode - Character ENTER will be shipped as CR & LF

Current mode: Streaming


Preferred ANSI Terminal Type

    In practice, the utility telnet.exe used as a diagnostic and debugging tool to connect not only to the Telnet server on TCP port 23, but also to any other TCP port, thereby allowing interaction with any command line-controlled application. So, for example, using the utility telnet you can connect to servers that support text (telnet-like) input of commands and data - SMTP, POP3, IMAP, etc. In addition, the utility can be used as a means of roughly checking the connectivity to any TCP port (checking whether a specific TCP port is listening).

telnet 8080- connect to host on port 8080. In cases where the port is closed, the utility will report that connection is impossible. Moreover, to check the availability of a certain port, it is not even necessary that it is listened to by a service that supports text input, such as a VNC server. To disconnect from the remote server, you must enter the mode switching symbol (by default - CTRL+]).

The telnet.exe utility can be used, for example, to exchange with a mail server using the protocol POP3(Post Office Protocol ver. 3). This protocol is used by email client programs (Outlook, Outlook Express, The Bat, etc.) to receive email stored in the user's mailbox. This is the simplest protocol based on text messaging. In order to study the interaction of the mail client with the mail server, you can implement a connection session using TELNET.

By default, the POP3 server listens for incoming connections via TCP on port 110 ("listens" on port tcp/110). Telnet command to connect to a server, for example pop.mail.ru

telnet pop.mail.ru 110

If the server is healthy, its invitation will appear in the telnet window

+OK mPOP POP3 v1.1

user [email protected]

After which, the server will prompt you to enter a password:

OK Password required for user [email protected]

You need to enter a password

pass VasinPass

The server will report the result of the password check:

You can request a list of letters with a directive list:


In response to this, the server will display a list and sizes of letters in the mailbox:

OK 10 messages (152527 octets)
1 48628       1 is the serial number, 48628 is the size
2 1829
3 2070

If necessary, you can view the headers of the letters. To do this, use the command top sequence number, space, number of lines from the message body

top 2 0

In response to this, you will see the header of the letter containing service information about the sender, date of sending, return address and some other data:

Received: from (HELO mx1.ks.pochta.ru) by node7-1.ks.pochta.ru with QIP.RU LMTP
for [email protected];
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:18:33 +0400
Received: from mx3.softkey.ru ()
: :

The directive is used to receive letters retr sequence number

retr 2 - receive a letter with sequence number 2

To delete a letter, use the directive dele sequence number For example, to remove the 2nd letter from the list received by the directive list:

If the deletion was successful, the server will display the following message:

OK message 2 deleted

Sometimes, the TELNET command can also be used to identify the service listening on the specified port, since many of them display either their banner or specific service information when connected. For example, the FTP server greeting: 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.43 beta

220-written by Tim Kosse ( [email protected])

220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/

And this is what the screen looks like when connecting to the RealVNC server:

RFB 003.008

Using the telnet command makes it possible to establish a communication channel with computers at a distance.

And the utility itself is almost a kind of browser emulator in the terminal, supporting several network protocols.

Previously, telnet was often used to manage PCs running the Linux operating system.

And now, using the same utility, they test the network, check ports, manage routers and other IoT devices.


Features of the utility

Despite the fact that the main task of telnet is to create a connection between PCs remote from each other using the protocol of the same name, you can also manage other services using the utility.

For example, access POP3, HTTP, IRC or SMTP.

After all, these and some other services operate on the basis of the TCP transport protocol, to work with which you can use the telnet client.

The syntax of telnet commands when connecting to a remote computer is as follows: $ telnet (options) (host) (port).

The host is the domain of the computer to which the connection is made. Port – port on the computer from which access is being made. And the options could be as follows:

  • -4 and -6 enforce the use of ipv4 and ipv6 addresses, respectively;
  • -8 makes it possible to use 8-bit encoding;
  • -E disables support for escape sequences;
  • -a automatically registers the user on the remote system;
  • -d enables debugging mode;
  • -p enables rlogin emulation;
  • -e sets the initial escape character;
  • -l authorizes the user in the system.

After a connection to the remote host is established, the telnet utility begins working in one of two modes - line by line or character by character.

The first option is the most preferable due to the ability to edit the text directly and send it only after the user has completely typed in all the information.

The disadvantage of this line-by-line mode is the lack of support for it by some services. While character-by-character can be used in any case.

However, when using it, all information is sent instantly.

And if the user makes a mistake, it will be impossible to correct it - after all, even spaces and Backspace are sent to the server in the form of characters.

You should know: When using the telnet protocol, there is no possibility of encrypting information transfer. All data is sent directly and can be intercepted by an unauthorized user. And it is not recommended to transmit them in this way - it is advisable to use the secure Secure Shell network protocol for this.

Basic commands

When working with the telnet protocol, the user enters the appropriate commands into the console. The most popular include the following:

  • OPEN (PC name) (port). Allows you to communicate with the computer whose name is specified in the command. If you do not specify a port, the utility will try to use the default number. Sometimes it is indicated instead of the PC name;
  • DISPLAY (argument).
  • Command to display a full or partial set of telnet utility parameters;
  • CLOSE.

Rice. 2. Using the Quit command in the MS Telnet client.

  • Used to control one of two input mode options (character-by-character or line-by-line). In this case, a request is sent to the remote computer to switch to a certain mode, and, if it is supported by the service, the corresponding switching is provided;
  • A command that displays the current utility status, name and exchange mode;
  • ? (team). Reports information about the corresponding command sequence. It is needed in cases where the user is going to use a command that is unfamiliar to him;
  • ! (team). Executes a command sequence on the local system;
  • Sends character arguments to the remote PC;


Sends one of the escape characters such as comma, bracket, or caret (^);


Serves to send a synch sequence that allows you to cancel all commands typed but not yet sent. Used only in line-by-line mode; BRK. Sending a break sequence when the Break key is pressed..

All of these commands are basic, although their total number is much larger. However, due to the rather rare use of this utility, the easiest way to find a complete list of them is by entering HELP in the terminal.

And, after displaying the complete list, get help information about each command sequence using the “?” command.

Although, for example, for a telnet client on Windows, the list may be shortened.

As you can already see if you read my post about setting up Telnet in Windows, working with this service is quite easy. You can run it without arguments by specifying only the host system address on the command line. Under certain circumstances, you still need to specify a specific port. The first message that the user sees after executing the “telnet” command is sent by the program itself, and after communication is established between the client and the server, messages originating from the managed system are displayed. In this regard, you can work with a remote operating system via Telnet in the same way as happens with other specialized programs for remote access to the OS. Now

display – allows you to view the current Telnet client settings;

set – with its help it is possible set Telnet parameters for the current session, and more specifically:

  • set ntlm will enable NTLM (using NTLM authentication integrated into Telnet when connecting a user from a remote computer allows you to avoid entering a login and password when logging in);
  • set localecho will enable local command output mode;
  • set term vt100/vt52/vtnt/ansi will set the specified terminal type (for example, VT100 is used to run regular command line programs, and VTNT is used to run advanced programs, such as “edit”);
  • The set escape character will set a sequence of keys that switches the session mode to the command mode (for example, set escape , then pressing the “Ctrl+P” and “Enter” keys will set Ctrl+P as the switch);
  • set logfile filename will point to the log file of current Telnet activity (this file must be in the file system of the controlling computer);
  • set logging will enable logging (the log file must be specified in advance by the above command, otherwise an error message will appear);

unset – executes disabling various Telnet session options(inverse operations in relation to set), namely:

  • unset ntlm will disable integrated authentication;
  • unset localecho deactivates local command output mode;

status – used to check if there is a connection to the Telnet client;

enter – used to go to an existing connected Telnet session;

Or help – displays help information.

Once you're done with things on the remote machine, you'll need to close the connection to it. However, Telnet itself does not always complete its work. To exit to the Telnet command line, use the hotkeys “Ctrl+]”.

Using the telnet command makes it possible to establish a communication channel with computers at a distance. And the utility itself is almost a kind of browser emulator in the terminal, supporting several network protocols.

Previously, telnet was often used to manage PCs running the Linux operating system. And now, using the same utility, they test the network, check ports, manage routers and other IoT devices.

Features of the utility

Despite the fact that the main task of telnet is to create a connection between PCs remote from each other using the protocol of the same name, you can also manage other services using the utility. For example, access POP3, HTTP, IRC or SMTP.

After all, these and some other services operate on the basis of the TCP transport protocol, to work with which you can use the telnet client. Although this is not always recommended due to a number of undesirable effects - for example, insecurity of data transmission or its distortion.

Rice. 1. Enabling the telnet utility in Windows.

The syntax of telnet commands when connecting to a remote computer is as follows: $ telnet (options) (host) (port).

The host is the domain of the computer to which the connection is made. Port – port on the computer from which access is being made. And the options could be as follows:

  • -4 and -6 enforce the use of ipv4 and ipv6 addresses, respectively;
  • -8 makes it possible to use 8-bit encoding;
  • -E disables support for escape sequences;
  • -a automatically registers the user on the remote system;
  • -d enables debugging mode;
  • -p enables rlogin emulation;
  • -e sets the initial escape character;
  • -l authorizes the user in the system.

After a connection to the remote host is established, the telnet utility begins working in one of two modes - line by line or character by character.

The first option is the most preferable due to the ability to edit text directly on local PC and sending it only after the user has completely entered all the information.

The disadvantage of this line-by-line mode is the lack of support for it by some services. While character-by-character can be used in any case. However, when using it, all information is sent to remote PC instantly.

And if the user makes a mistake, it will be impossible to correct it - after all, even spaces and Backspace are sent to the server in the form of characters.

Basic commands

When working with the telnet protocol, the user enters the appropriate commands into the console. The most popular include the following:

  • OPEN (PC name) (port). Allows you to communicate with the computer whose name is specified in the command. If you do not specify a port, the utility will try to use the default number. Sometimes it is indicated instead of the PC name IP address;
  • DISPLAY (argument).
  • Command to display a full or partial set of telnet utility parameters;
  • CLOSE.

Rice. 2. Using the Quit command in the MS Telnet client.

  • STATUS. The command that displays the current status of the utility, name remote PC
  • A command that displays the current utility status, name and exchange mode;
  • ? (team). Reports information about the corresponding command sequence. It is needed in cases where the user is going to use a command that is unfamiliar to him;
  • ! (team). Executes a command sequence on the local system;
  • Sends character arguments to the remote PC;


and exchange mode;

And, after displaying the complete list, get help information about each command sequence using the “?” command. Although, for example, for a telnet client on Windows, the list may be shortened.

Rice. 3. List of telnet commands in the Microsoft client.

conclusions The need to use commands in the telnet utility arises less and less these days. However, it is worth knowing some of them, at least to gain access to network equipment with their help. For example, to switches , routers or even to.

web cameras

Thus, even this relatively outdated and insecure protocol can be useful for ordinary users and, even more so, for specialists. True, to work with it you will need not only knowledge of the list of commands, but also some experience in working with the command line.

Telnet Commands telnet Teams telnet allow you to communicate with a remote computer using the Telnet protocol. You can run the command telnet without parameters to enter the telnet context indicated on the Telnet command line (

Telnet Commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. tlntadmn ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. allow you to remotely control a computer running a Telnet server. These commands are executed from the command line. Team

without parameters displays the local server setting. telnet To use commands

To launch the Telnet client and enter the Telnet command line


telnet [\\ remote server]


\\ remote server Displays the name of the connected server /? Displays help on the command line.


  • When using the command telnet The Telnet client starts without parameters.
  • At the Telnet command line, you must use Telnet commands.

To stop the Telnet client





  • q.

To connect a Telnet client to a remote computer


open [\\ remote server] [port]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the managed server. If no server is specified, the local server is used. port Indicates the port to use. If no port is specified, the default port is used.


  • This command can be shortened to o.


To connect to the remote Redmond server on port 44, enter at the command prompt:
redmond 44

To disconnect the Telnet client from a remote computer


close [\\ remote server]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the managed server. If no server is specified, the local server is used.


  • This command can be shortened to c.


To disconnect from the remote Redmond server, enter the command:
c redmond 44

To configure Telnet client settings


set [\\ remote server] [ntlm] [localecho] [term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt}] [escape symbol] [logfile file name] [logging] [bsasdel] [crlf] [delasbs] [mode {console | stream}] [? ]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the managed server. If no server is specified, the local server is used. ntlm Enables NTML authentication, if available on the remote server. localecho Enables local display of commands. term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt) Specifies a terminal of the specified type. escape symbol Specifies the control character. The control character can be a single character or a combination of the CTRL key and a character. To set a key combination, hold down the CTRL key while typing the character you want to assign. logfile file name Specifies the Telnet activity log file. The log file must be located on the local computer. Logging starts automatically after selecting this option. logging Enables logging. If a log file is not specified, an error message is displayed. bsasdel Specifies the BACKSPACE key to delete. crlf Assigns a new linear mode that defines the ENTER key as 0x0D, 0x0A. delasbs Assigns the DELETE key to delete the last character. mode {console | stream) Sets the operating mode. ? Allows you to view the full command syntax.


  • To disable a previously assigned setting, at the Telnet command prompt, enter:

    unset [parameter]

  • To assign a control character, enter the command:

    e symbol

  • In non-English versions of Telnet, the command is available codesetparameter. Codeset parameter specifies the current code set for the parameter, which can be one of the following: Shift JIS, Japanese EUC, JIS Kanji,JIS Kanji (78), DEC Kanji, NEC Kanji. You must assign the same code set on the remote computer.

To send Telnet client commands


send [\\ remote server] [ao] [ayt] [esc] [ip] [synch] [ ? ]


\\ remote server The name of the server that you want to manage. If no server is specified, the local server is used. ao Cancels an input command. ayt Sends the command “Are you there?” esc Sends the current control character. ip Interrupts execution of a processing command. synch Performs a Telnet synchronization operation. ? Allows you to view the full command syntax.

To view the current Telnet client settings






  • This command displays the current operating parameters for the Telnet client. When working in Telnet session mode (in other words, while connecting to a Telnet server), you can exit the session to change settings by pressing CTRL+]. To return to the Telnet session, press ENTER.

To use tlntadmn commands from the command line

To administer a computer running Telnet Server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] [start] [stop] [pause] [continue]


\\ remote server start Starts the Telnet server. stop Stops the Telnet server. pause Interrupts the Telnet server. continue Resumes the Telnet server. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client.

To administer Telnet sessions


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] [-s] [-k{session_code | all}] [-m {session_code | all} " message" ]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. -s Displays active Telnet sessions. -k{session_code | all) Ends sessions. Enter a session code to end a specific session or enter all to end all sessions. -m {session_code | all} " message" Sends a message to one or more sessions. Enter a session code to send a message to a specific session, or enter all to send a message to all sessions. Type the message you want to send in quotes (i.e. " message" ). /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.

To set event logging settings for the computer running Telnet Server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote_computer] config [auditlocation={eventlog | file | both}] [audit=[{+ | - } admin][{+ | - } user][{+ | - } fail]]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. auditlocation={eventlog | file | both) Specifies whether event information should be sent to the Event Viewer, to a file, or to both. audit=[{+ | - } admin][{+ | - } user][{+ | - } fail] Specifies which events require auditing (administrator logon events, user logon events, or failed logon attempts). To audit a specific event type, enter a plus sign (+) in front of the event type. To stop auditing of a specific event type, enter a minus sign (-) in front of the event type. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.
  • If you specify where to send event information without specifying the information type or types to be audited, only administrator log event information will be audited and sent to the specified location.


To send event information to the Event Viewer, enter:

tlntadmn config auditlocation=eventlog

To audit administrator logon events and failed logon attempts, enter:

tlntadmn config audit=+admin +fail

To set the primary domain for the computer running Telnet Server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [dom=domain name]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. dom=domain name Specifies the domain that you want to make primary. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.


To make the Redmond domain the primary domain on your local server, enter:

tlntadmn config dom=Redmond

To map the ALT key to the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [ctrlakeymap={yes | no}]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. ctrlakeymap={yes | no) Indicates whether the Telnet server should interpret the CTRL+A key combination as ALT. Enter yes to map a keyboard shortcut or no to refuse matching. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.
  • If the ALT key is not mapped, the Telnet server does not send the ALT keystroke to applications where it might be needed.

To set the maximum number of connections for the computer running Telnet Server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [maxconn=positive_integer]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. maxconn=positive_integer Sets the maximum number of connections. This number can be specified using any positive integer less than 10 million. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.

To set the maximum number of failed access attempts for the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote_computer] config [maxfail=positive_integer]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. maxfail=positive_integer Sets the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed for a user. This number can be specified using any positive integer less than 100. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.

To set the operating mode for the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [mode={console | stream}]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. mode {console | stream) Indicates the operating mode. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.

To set the Telnet port for the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [port=integer_value]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. port=integer_value Specifies the Telnet port. The port can be specified using any integer less than 1024. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.

To set authentication methods for the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [sec=[{+ | - } ntlm][{+ | - } passwd]]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. sec=[{+ | - } ntlm][{+ | - } passwd] Specifies whether NTML or password authentication is used, or both, to authenticate login attempts. To use a specific authentication type, enter a plus sign (+) in front of that authentication type. To prevent a specific type of authentication from being used, enter a minus sign (-) in front of that type. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.
  • NTML is an authentication protocol for transactions between two computers, one or both of which are running Windows NT 4.0 and earlier. Additionally, the NTML authentication protocol is used for computers that are not part of a domain, such as independent servers and workgroups.

To set the idle session timeout for the computer running the Telnet server


). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. [\\ remote server] config [timeout=hh: mm: ss]


\\ remote server Specifies the name of the server that you want to take control of. If no server is specified, the local server is used. timeout=hh: mm: ss Sets the elapsed time value in hours, minutes, and seconds. /? Displays help on the command line.


  • Using commands ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. You can remotely administer a computer running Telnet Server if both computers are running Windows XP. Teams ). From the Telnet command line, use the following commands to control the computer running the Telnet client. cannot be used to remotely administer a Telnet server running Windows 2000 from a computer running Windows XP.


  • To switch from the Telnet client to command mode, at the Telnet command prompt, press CTRL+]. To return to the Telnet client, press ENTER.