Software for cadastral engineer. Software package "Polygon: Cadastral Engineer". II. Purpose of professional retraining

Attention! From September 1, 2018, the “Polygon: Cadastral Engineer” software package will be removed from sale and will only be available for renewal (additional service).

We recommend using the Polygon Pro program. For users of the Polygon: Cadastral Engineer complex programs, the transition is free.

Usage programs of the "Cadastral Engineer" complex" when surveying land plots, it can significantly speed up the time for completing the necessary documents that comply with modern legislation of the Russian Federation.

Purchase of computer programs: , included software package "Cadastral engineer" allows you save up to 25% from the cost of the programs.

In any program you can conveniently and quickly enter all required data, A import coordinates from files of various formats, save information, print How text, so graphic sections documents in Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or in a free office program Writer( Graphic sections documents are generated in the same document automatically according to available coordinates using approved symbols, line types, and colors.


Software package "Cadastral engineer" includes 4 programs, each of which allows you to automate one of the areas of activity in order to generally obtain quality results in as soon as possible , while saving your money.

Programs included in the complex:


Automation of registration of land plots with state cadastral registration (XML)


For information about program capabilities, please see the program cards included in the complex. Each program generates documents using printed forms and XML schemas that correspond to its purpose. The technical capabilities and techniques for working with the programs are largely similar. When updating versions, the capabilities of programs are expanded. Each program has a detailed user manual.

New in version:

Version 6.2.1 dated 10/31/2018

Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, an Internet connection is required and you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

If you encounter any difficulties during the auto-update, then download the installation file from .

  • The list of document codes has been added in accordance with the classifier.
  • The error in generating a ZIP archive of the liquidated zone has been fixed.
  • Fixed the formation of the printed form of the Plan Map.
  • Various improvements have been made based on user comments.

Version 4.21.1 from 10/11/2018

  • Fixed an error when printing the area of ​​a changed land plot in a draft plan.
  • The calculation of pages in the approval act has been corrected.
  • Improved import into txt, dxf, csv, xml formats.
  • User Guide updated.
  • Improvements have been made based on user comments and suggestions.

For the program to work and auto-update, you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework or version 4.0 or higher.

Attention! If you encounter any difficulties during the automatic update of the program, then We recommend updating the program manually by downloading the installation file from .

Version 7.7.1 from 10/09/2018

Attention! For the program to work and auto-update, you need to download and install the program

  • "About approval of the form maps (plan) land management object and requirements for its preparation";
  • "On approval of requirements for land surveying project land plots."
  • System requirements:

      Computer 2000 and newer: Pentium Celeron 1000/64Mb

      Windows any version 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/ Windows 7

      Microsoft Word any of the versions 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 or Writer from the office suite. Large format drawings output in Writer or Microsoft Excel.

    The entry of modern technologies into our lives is reflected in various sectors of activity, including the land cadastre. In the article we will offer a list of programs that are necessary for the work of cadastral engineers, and will also tell you how computerization has affected the land market and government inspection bodies.


    Along with simple accounting using electronic computing devices, innovative proposals are appearing, including:

    • The use of electronic accounting, the transition to a digital format, simplified file sharing, signatures on digitized media - this ensures the convenience and speed of cooperation with specialized companies.
    • The three-dimensional process of displaying a map, or 3D cadastre, is a three-dimensional image of any real estate, including those with a complex configuration - with hanging balconies, difficult road junctions, etc.
    • The principle of “one window”, that is, one-time services for cadastral registration in the work program and for registering a plot. The peculiarity is the simplification of formalities and bureaucratic costs.
    • Automated collection and completion of all related documentation. Thanks to modern software, tables, certificates, summaries, electronic interaction with Rosreestr and other text files will appear almost automatically - they are synchronized with each other, so once entered the data will be displayed on other pages.

    Thus, the main task of software systems is to facilitate the work of engineers and collect in a short time the most complete package of papers, which are drawn up in accordance with modern requirements and standards.

    Documentation when working in a program for planning and drawing up a plot of land

    Any project consists of two parts:

    • text design;
    • graphic content.

    They can be presented in either paper or electronic form. When the work is completed, the customer receives the following package from the performing company:

    • boundary plan;
    • map of land management objects;
    • land surveying project;
    • layout of the land plot on the territory cadastre (CTC);
    • inspection report;
    • technical plan.

    Land survey plan

    This is one of the main documents that is decisive when registering land, and also contains information from the State Property Committee. The requirements for preparing this file are in Order No. 921 dated December 8, 2015. The main stages of filling are also reflected here. They can be divided into:

    • Graphic – clearly delineated boundaries of areas, characteristic points, boundaries of adjacent land uses.
    • Text – characteristics of land plots, their coordinates, acts of agreement with adjacent land users.

    It is created in the following cases:

    • when dividing one plot into two or more;
    • when combining several plots into one common one;
    • when redistributing borders, incl. with lands of municipal or state ownership;
    • during the allocation of shares;
    • at the time of formation of a new land plot;
    • when correcting boundaries;
    • to clarify the boundaries of land plots.

    The document in paper form is certified by the signature and seal of the engineer, it consists of:

    • title page;
    • source data;
    • information about measurements and calculations;
    • coordinates of areas and their characteristics;
    • graphical diagram of the location of sites and their parts;
    • drawings;
    • expert opinions;
    • applications.

    Technical plan

    The technical plan is also drawn up in programs for land management and land cadastre; it is prepared for:

    • residential or non-residential building;
    • apartment building;
    • structures;
    • premises for residential and non-residential purposes;
    • unfinished construction project;
    • parking spaces;
    • single real estate complex.

    The document is drawn up in the following cases:

    • when it is necessary to register a property or part of it with Rosreestr;
    • Additional information has appeared that needs to be entered into the real estate register.
    • real estate drawing;
    • layout of the object within the site;
    • schematic designation of geodetic constructions;
    • floor plans;
    • description of building characteristics;
    • related documentation;
    • a declaration drawn up by the owner of the real estate.

    All listed documents in paper or electronic form are signed by a cadastral engineer.

    Inspection report

    Necessary for deregistration of a property. It is convenient to compile it using cadastre software. Automation helps to prepare the type of documentation in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 861 of November 20, 2015.

    Such a document must be made after a personal inspection of the site by an engineer and recording the termination of operation of the property due to demolition or complete destruction.

    It is most convenient to carry out all activities and preparation of documents in conditions of optimal computer equipment. This facilitates both the work of engineers and the speed of service delivery.

    Advantages of using programs for designing and planning land plots for cadastre purposes

    By computerizing an event you can:

    • facilitate and speed up file sharing between the performing company, the customer and the inspection authorities;
    • comply with all regularly updated design standards;
    • eliminate possible errors in manual calculations;
    • make the process of filling out all documents quick;
    • make it easier to make edits to a ready-made file;
    • create drawings and diagrams of land plots, capital construction projects or individual premises;
    • combine construction design with simultaneous filling out of cadastre papers.

    What program do cadastral engineers use?

    List of simple and convenient software products for drawing up a project for a site:

    • "TechnoKad-Express";
    • "ARGO";
    • "PKZO";
    • "Polygon";
    • "ProGeo".


    The software differs in that it can carry out the entire cycle of engineering work from requesting data to registering property rights.


    • Consists of five modules: “Professional”, “Landing plan”, “Technical plan”, “Registration of rights”, “Request for information”. This division expands the capabilities of the basic package. You can buy a whole package, or you can choose only a few of them. This expands the range of users - some individual functions meet the requirements of real estate agents or planners and builders.
    • Three-level documentation verification.
    • Current technical support.
    • Transferring data to Rosreestr via the Internet and receiving feedback using electronic assistance support, paying for the service by credit.
    • Low price.


    • You can only generate the text part; for graphic elements you will need a third-party program.
    • Not all processes are fully automated and linked - some data must be manually re-entered.
    • There are not enough templates in the library, so it takes quite a lot of time.
    • Works only with two resolutions: .mif and .txt.
    • Annual paid renewal of the software license.
    • Separate cost for each type of accounting and filing documents via the Internet.

    Program for preparing and creating a boundary plan - ARGO

    Announced as an inexpensive but full-featured tool for cadastral engineers and geodetic surveys.


    • Comprehensive both text and graphic work.
    • Schemes and drawings are uploaded to XML with signed lines and the ability to print.
    • Electronic document management.
    • A complete package of related papers for a cadastral engineer.
    • Open access to the cadastral map - you can not only see the boundaries of the plots, but also read the characteristics, and also import the necessary drawing from there.
    • Large selection of supported extensions: dxf, mif, xml, rtf, xls and pdf.
    • Multilayer version of graphic schemes.
    • The ability to work remotely from different personal computers, subject to open access - this helps to make comments and adjustments, and check according to Rosreestr tables.


    • The interface is quite difficult to quickly master - a long training is required in order to understand the tools.
    • The inability to edit a text block - this is especially difficult in non-standard situations when additional notes are needed that go beyond the scope of the sample.
    • Difficulty in scaling circuits.
    • Paid updates every year.

    Program for creating a land plot plan and land surveying - PKZO

    This software is an improved continuation of the GIS ObjectLand.


    • Work with formats: dxf, mif, csv and shp.
    • Possibility of purchasing one license for several specialists and their PCs.
    • Accessible interface.
    • Extensive possibilities for graphic design of papers.
    • Checking the intersection of plot boundaries.


    • Difficulties during installation and initial setup of the program.
    • Mandatory purchase of a separate GIS system, the capabilities of which are often not used.
    • The need to purchase software to set up work at parallel workstations.
    • There is no direct interaction with Rosreestr.

    Series of complexes "Polygon"

    This is one name for several disparate products that can be used comprehensively or step by step, in isolation. This will reduce the cost of purchasing utilities, but will increase the number of possible problems due to the need to install each individual module.


    • Simple interface.
    • Wide selection of templates and the ability to create your own.
    • Wide range of formats available: dxf, mif, doc, xls, csv, txt.


    • No graphic support.
    • Each type of work requires the purchase of a separate module, which ultimately increases the cost of ownership.
    • No support for Windows XP.

    The best software for a cadastral engineer - ProGeo

    This is a product of the ZVSOFT company, which is suitable for working with the cadastre, for designing landscape design and for research. is a program that works in tandem with the main basic CAD system.


    • The CAD system provides the creation of detailed, detailed and easy-to-use drawings and diagrams.
    • All modules in one program - no need to overpay for each add-on separately or install anything additional.
    • Convenient work in text and graphic format – preparation of a complete package of all related documents.
    • You can start development from scratch, or you can import ready-made files of any extension, including xml, dxf, mif, mid, top, kat, met, csv, txt, kml, kmz.
    • Import of cadastral extract, passport, KPT, Unified State Register, Unified State Register, boundary or technical plan into the project.
    • Checking geometry and contour intersections.
    • Preparing xml files and sending them to Rosreestr.
    • Integration with the public cadastral map and files from other providers.
    • Free upgrade to the current one regardless of version.
    • Advanced functionality in ProGeo.Online, available with an annual subscription.
    • Fast and qualified technical support from a cadastral engineer.
    • Regular updates after changes in orders and legislation.

    The programs considered are auxiliary tools for the work of a cadastral engineer. With the software package, the entire cycle of activities for collecting data, surveying and registering buildings and land plots is quickly and efficiently carried out.

    Choose the best software with ZVSOFT.

    Review of automation tools for cadastral activities

    A comparative analysis of the functionality of the most common programs on the market for automating cadastral activities allows us to group all proposals at four levels according to the degree of complexity of the tasks being solved and efficiency

    The goals of presenting information in XML format are: automation of the activities of cadastral engineers, carrying out automatic format-logical control at all stages of cadastral registration, getting rid of paper document flow, and most importantly - automatic uploading of electronic documents into Rosreestr information systems in order to minimize errors and reduce the time required to manually enter information, which ultimately leads to an increase in the quality and efficiency of public services provided.

    Software overview

    Today in the information community there is a wide variety of software designed to automate the activities of cadastral engineers. Unfortunately, some of the tools offered on the market have limited functionality. For example, they allow you to create only a boundary plan or only a technical plan. Or generate output documents in any one format, for example in a text editor format. Some programs have universal, fully functional (often redundant for a cadastral engineer) tools that allow not only to create a boundary (technical) plan in the XML format approved by Rosreestr, but also to process geodetic data, create digital maps and much more. Another group of programs provides its users, in addition to the basic capabilities for generating boundary (technical) plans, applications for state cadastral registration of land plots and capital construction projects in electronic form, also additional functions, including signing, encryption and legally significant document flow with Rosreestr. Such specialized functionality, working using the web services of the Rosreestr portal, is most promising from the point of view of software development strategy.

    Rice. 1. Four-level model for the development of software for cadastral engineers

    Figure 1 shows a four-level model for the development of software designed to automate the activities of cadastral engineers. The two lower levels correspond to the basic functionality intended for the generation of land management documents in paper form and in the form of XML documents for personal submission to the territorial bodies of Rosreestr. The third level corresponds to expanded functionality that allows you to sign boundary and technical plans with the signature of a cadastral engineer and interact through the web interface of the Rosreestr portal. At the highest, fourth level, electronic legally significant document management services are provided based on the web services of the Rosreestr portal, which increases the efficiency of the electronic method of interaction.

    The comprehensive service, presented under the brand of TechnoKad-Express, one of the leading software developers in the field of exchange of electronic legally significant documents via the Internet, has managed to gain popularity among employees of technical inventory organizations and land managers in almost all regions of the Russian Federation since its launch in 2007. Federation. Technical support of the TechnoKad-Express system over several years of its operation contributed to identifying the functions most in demand by users, systematizing knowledge about the advantages and limitations of certain solutions, as well as developing an understanding of possible ways of developing software for automating the activities of specialists engaged in the field of land management. - property relations.

    Purpose, functionality and legal basis of the software

    The main purpose of the described subclass of software is to automate the activities of cadastral engineers in preparing boundary and technical plans for the purpose of registering real estate in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

    • No. 412 of November 24, 2008 “On approval of the form of the boundary plan and requirements for its preparation, an approximate form of notice of a meeting to agree on the location of the boundaries of land plots”;
    • No. 403 of September 1, 2010 “On approval of the form of the technical plan of the building and requirements for its preparation”;
    • No. 583 of November 29, 2010 “On approval of the form of the technical plan of the premises and requirements for its preparation”;
    • No. 693 of November 23, 2011 “On approval of the form of the technical plan of the structure and requirements for its preparation”;
    • No. 52 of February 10, 2012 “On approval of the form of the technical plan for an unfinished construction project and the requirements for its preparation.”
    It was the fulfillment of these requirements for the preparation and submission in paper form of boundary and technical plans that was the main purpose of the programs for the formation of land management documentation before the entry into force on July 1, 2012 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 32 “On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2008 No. 412." Thus, in accordance with paragraph 3.11 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, it was established that if an application for state cadastral registration of a land plot is submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of a paper document, the boundary plan is drawn up in the form of a paper document and in electronic form on an electronic medium . If an application for state cadastral registration of a real estate property is submitted in the form of an electronic document, the boundary (technical) plan is drawn up in the form of an electronic document certified by an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the cadastral engineer who prepared it. In this case, the boundary (technical) plan is drawn up in electronic form in the form of files in XML format, created using XML schemas that ensure reading and control of the submitted data.

    From this moment on, there was a mandatory requirement on the part of users to generate an electronic boundary plan document for registering land plots with state cadastral registration in accordance with Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography No. P/501 dated December 15, 2011 “On the organization of work to implement the Procedure for providing information included in the state real estate cadastre, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010 No. 75, as well as the procedure for submitting to the cadastral registration authority when registering a real estate property an application for cadastral registration and documents required for cadastral registration in the form electronic documents approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2009 No. 555.”

    A little earlier, in connection with the entry into force on January 1, 2012 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 14, 2011 No. 577 “On the procedure for state registration of buildings, structures, premises, objects of unfinished construction during the transition period of application of the Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” to relations arising in connection with the implementation of state registration of buildings, structures, premises, objects of unfinished construction”, cadastral engineers, along with employees of accredited technical inventory organizations, have the opportunity to perform work on the description of capital construction objects for the purpose of their state cadastral registration. The acquisition by cadastral engineers of the authority to describe capital construction projects for the purposes of the State Property Committee has put forward requirements for software for the generation of an electronic document of a technical plan for registering real estate objects with state cadastral registration in accordance with Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography No. P/256 of June 18, 2012 “On amendments to the Order of Rosreestr dated January 18, 2012 No. P/11 “On the organization of work to implement the procedure for state registration of buildings, structures, premises, objects of unfinished construction during the transition period of application of the Federal Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” to relations, arising in connection with the implementation of state registration of buildings, structures, premises, objects of unfinished construction”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 14, 2011 No. 577, as well as the Procedure for submitting an application for cadastral registration to the cadastral registration authority when registering a real estate property for cadastral registration and documents required for cadastral registration in the form of electronic documents, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 28, 2009 No. 555."

    The effectiveness of using software to automate the activities of cadastral engineers in accordance with the previously described four-level model increases from the basic requirements of the fundamental level to the highest level of support for the functions of electronic legally significant document flow based on the web services of the Rosreestr portal. The use of your own GIS components, freely distributed OpenOffice software, shareware versions of MS SQL or Oracle DBMS reduces the cost of a cadastral engineer’s workplace, and the use of expensive GIS components based on MapInfo, Autodesk CAD increases the cost of software ownership, and often complicates the study of the product and solving the daily tasks of a cadastral engineer by providing unnecessary functionality.

    The optimal solution when choosing software can be found not only by comparing the cost and composition of the components used, but by assessing the complexity of the problems being solved. Requirements for software functionality and features of its implementation are presented in Table 1. Next, other factors influencing the choice of software that ensure the quality and efficiency of electronic interaction between cadastral engineers and Rosreestr will be described.

    Table 1

    Requirements for software functionality and features of its implementation

    Requirements for the functions performed by the professional community of cadastral engineers Features of the implementation of the required functionality in modern programs
    Basic functionality
    (allows you to generate land management documents in paper form and in the form of XML documents for personal submission to the territorial bodies of Rosreestr)
    Formation of a printed version of the boundary plan of the land plot and technical plans of the building, premises, structure, unfinished construction site in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.Most existing programs provide this functionality. To generate a printed version, you need the MS OFFICE or OpenOffice package. In the TechnoKad-Express system, full functionality is available in one application. In most other solutions, each module is purchased separately.
    Formation of an electronic version of boundary and technical plans in accordance with the orders of Rosreestr.Many modern programs provide this functionality.
    Advanced functionality
    (allows you to sign boundary and technical plans with the signature of a cadastral engineer and interact through the web interface of the Rosreestr portal)
    Uploading and signing with a qualified electronic signature of a cadastral engineer an electronic version of boundary and technical plans in accordance with the approved requirements.Manufacturers of certain software stated that they support electronic document flow with Rosreestr, downloading an XML schema for a cadastral extract of a real estate property, and downloading an XML schema for a boundary plan. At the same time, it is explained that in order to independently prepare legally significant documents included in the application package, an electronic signature of a cadastral engineer will be required. The disadvantages of such solutions include the need to separately purchase an electronic signature and the Crypto Pro cryptographic information protection tool. It should be noted that the comprehensive provision of services in the TechnoKad-Express system implies the provision of software, services for providing electronic document documentation, cryptographic protection tools and the electronic signature of a cadastral engineer.
    Functionality of electronic document management – ​​EDI
    (provides functions of electronic legally significant document flow based on web services of the Rosreestr portal)
    Formation of a package of documents and exchange through public communication networks (Internet) in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 28, 2009 No. 555 “On the procedure for submitting to the cadastral registration authority when registering a real estate property an application for cadastral registration and those necessary for cadastral registration documents in the form of electronic documents using public communication networks, confirmation of receipt by the cadastral registration authority of the specified application and documents, as well as certification of the accuracy of the electronic image of the document required for cadastral registration of the property.”In addition to the TechnoKad-Express system, no more than three software tools, which are at different stages of development, have such specialized functionality.
    Additional functionality
    (provides additional EDI regulations)
    Formation of requests for information from the State Property Committee (USRE), payment, receipt of answers in electronic form in accordance with Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 75 of February 27, 2010 and No. 180 of May 14, 2010.As a rule, payment for information is carried out through the personal account of the QIWI payment system. For legal entities, a more convenient payment method is to write off funds from a special account in the TechnoKad-Express system. In this case, the payer is the TechnoKad company. For state authorities and local self-government, the system provides information free of charge.
    Formation of other documents in electronic form in accordance with XML schemes approved by Rosreestr.Functionality for the electronic generation of maps (plans) of territorial zones and zones with special conditions for the use of territories and maps (plans) of the borders of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, settlements, as well as information about changes in the characteristics of land plots recorded in the state cadastre real estate is an additional advantage when choosing software. As part of information interaction for compulsory medical insurance, such a solution is presented by the TechnoKad-Municipality service.

    Requirements for documents provided electronically

    Requirements for documents generated in the software are presented in Table 2.

    table 2

    Requirements for documents generated electronically

    Requirements What determines
    Formation of a boundary plan of a land plot in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008 No. 412
    Formation of the technical plan of the building in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2010 No. 403
    Formation of a technical plan of the premises in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2010 No. 583
    Formation of a technical construction plan in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2011 No. 693
    Formation of a technical plan for an unfinished construction project in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2012 No. 52
    Formation of a request for information from the State Property Committee (USRE) in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010 No. 75 dated (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 22, 2011 No. 505, dated October 25, 2012 No. 697)
    Formation of a package of documents in electronic form in the format of a copy of the technical passport of a previously registered building, structure, premises, or unfinished construction project.
    Formation in electronic form of a map (plan) of territorial zones and zones with special conditions for the use of territories and a map (plan) of the borders of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, settlements.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2009 No. 621 “On approval of the form of a map (plan) of a land management object and requirements for its preparation”
    Formation of a package of documents for changing cadastral information about land plots and real estate objects.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 No. 618 “On information interaction in maintaining the state real estate cadastre” (as amended on December 25, 2009, October 5, 2010)

    The application and documents required for cadastral registration submitted to the cadastral registration authority using public communication networks in the form of electronic documents must be signed with electronic signatures using cryptographic information security tools, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and compatible with the means used in Rosreestr .

    Information about the requirements for compatibility, a signature key certificate, and ensuring the possibility of confirming the authenticity of the applicant’s digital signature is posted on the official website of the cadastral registration authority on the Internet at the address:

    A boundary plan of a land plot, a technical plan of a building, structure, premises or an unfinished construction site are submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic document signed with the electronic signature of the cadastral engineer who produced them.

    A permit to put a capital construction project into operation is submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the state authority or local government body that issued this permit, or in the form of an electronic image of a paper document signed with the digital signature of an authorized person of the state authority or local government authority that issued this permit.

    The act of approving the location of the boundaries of the land plot (as part of the boundary plan of the land plot) is submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic image of a paper document signed with the digital signature of the cadastral engineer who prepared the boundary plan of the land plot.

    A document confirming the resolution of a land dispute regarding the coordination of the location of the boundaries of a land plot in the manner established by the land legislation of the Russian Federation is submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic image of a paper document signed with the digital signature of the authorized person who issued this document.

    A document confirming the relevant powers of the applicant’s representative (if the application is submitted by the applicant’s representative) is submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic image of a paper document signed with the digital signature of the authorized person who issued this document.

    The application and documents required for cadastral registration, submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of electronic documents, are transmitted using the following information transfer protocols: HTTP/1.1 (IETF RFC 2616), HTTP/TLS (IETF RFC 2818), SMTP (IETF RFC 5321) , SOAP (W3C Simple Object Access Protocol 1.1), TLS 1.0 (IETF RFC 2246).

    Electronic documents are presented as XML files, created using XML schemas and allowing the data presented to be read and controlled. XML schemas used to generate XML documents are considered to be put into effect from the moment they are posted on the official website of the cadastral registration authority on the Internet at the address:

    Table 3

    XML schemas of documents received for cadastral registration purposes in electronic form

    Description Version Approved
    Input documents.
    – boundary plan of the land plot, submitted to the cadastral registration authority in the form of an electronic document;V03_STD_MPOrder of Rosreestr No. P/580 dated December 17, 2012
    – technical plan of a building, structure, premises, or unfinished construction site, if such a document is submitted in electronic form;V02_STD_TPOrder of Rosreestr No. P/256 dated June 18, 2012
    – a request to provide information entered into the state real estate cadastre, in the form of a cadastral extract about the property, a cadastral passport of the property and a cadastral plan of the territory and a request to provide a copy of the document on the basis of which information about the property was entered into the state real estate cadastre, as well as an application submitted to the cadastral registration authority, if such documents are submitted in electronic form.V17_CR_ZC_
    Order of Rosreestr No. P/501 dated December 13, 2011 (as amended by Order of Rosreestr No. P/423 dated September 21, 2012)
    Output documents.
    XML Schema used to generate the XML document
    – decisions to refuse to provide the requested information if such a document is submitted in electronic form;
    – decisions to refuse to carry out cadastral registration;
    – decisions to suspend cadastral registration;
    – decisions to correct the error;
    – decisions to refuse to issue a cadastral passport;
    – notifications about the absence of the requested information in the state real estate cadastre, if such documents are submitted in electronic form;V03_CR_ZC_
    – cadastral plan of the territory, if such a document is submitted in electronic form;V07_STD_
    – cadastral passport of a building, structure, premises, unfinished construction site.V01_КР_OKSSame

    Table 3 describes XML schemas of documents received for cadastral registration purposes in electronic form. Other documents implemented in the form of additional regulations of the TechnoKad-Express system are presented in Table 4.

    Table 4

    Other documents received electronically

    Description Version Approved
    Documents received through information interaction
    XML schema used to generate XML documents when carrying out information interaction when maintaining the state real estate cadastre with local governments in terms of providing information on the definition of the boundaries and content of territorial zones, a list of coordinates of characteristic points of the boundaries of territorial zones in the established coordinate system, a list of types of permitted use of land plots for each territorial zone or details of the act by which such a list is approved, and with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in terms of providing information on the establishment or change of boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories, a list of coordinates of characteristic points of the boundaries of the specified zones in the established coordinate system, a list of restrictions on rights within the boundaries of such zones or details of a legal act providing for such restrictions, and information from a document describing the location of the established border of the zone with special conditions for the use of territories.V02_
    Order of Rosreestr No. P/83 dated March 24, 2011 as amended by Order of Rosreestr No. P/54 dated February 8, 2012 (Appendix No. 2 to Order No. P/54)
    An XML schema used to generate XML documents when carrying out information interaction when maintaining the state real estate cadastre with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments regarding information about changes in the characteristics of land plots recorded in the state real estate cadastre.V02_STD_TPOrder of Rosreestr No. P/83 dated March 24, 2011 as amended by Order of Rosreestr No. P/54 dated February 8, 2012 (Appendix No. 5 to Order No. P/54)
    Other documents received electronically
    XML-scheme for the format of a copy of the technical passport of a previously registered building, structure, premises, or unfinished construction object in the form of an electronic document.V02_Archive_
    Order of Rosreestr No. R/108 dated October 18, 2011

    What is an XML Schema? How does the paper form of a boundary (technical) plan differ from the electronic version of the document? Is there complete correspondence between them and is it possible to convert a printed form into an electronic one and vice versa?

    Rice. 2. Fragment of the XML scheme of the boundary plan FORMATION OF THE SITE

    In essence, the XML scheme of the boundary (technical) plan is a description of the composition of the boundary (technical) plan in a formalized electronic form, convenient for computer processing of large amounts of information. The ultimate goal of presenting information in XML format is to automate the activities of cadastral engineers, carry out automatic format-logical control (hereinafter referred to as FLC) at all stages of cadastral registration, get rid of paper documents, and most importantly, automatically upload electronic documents to Rosreestr information systems. This allows you to minimize errors and reduce the time required to manually enter information, which ultimately leads to improved quality and efficiency of government services provided.

    The paper form of a boundary (technical) plan is a document template consisting of fields to be filled out in accordance with the requirements for the content of these documents. The electronic form of the boundary (technical) plan accordingly presents the same information in the form of a formalized description: “attribute” - “value”. Unlike the paper form, where information is presented on the plane of the sheet in the form of a one-dimensional array: “description” - “value”, the electronic form is a complex tree-like structure containing a description of the circuit itself and the loading method, reference books and classifiers, internal and external links, elements for controlling entered values ​​and much more that help automate the process of preparing documents by cadastral engineers. A visual representation of the XML diagram of the boundary plan is shown in Figure 2.

    A complete XML schema representation is hundreds of pages long. Only specialized editors provide a convenient interface for working with XML schemas, but if necessary, standard text editors can also be used. The appearance of the XML file with this method of presenting information is shown in Figure 3.

    Rice. 3. Fragment of an XML schema when opened in a standard editor

    Quite often changing formats of XML schemas and requirements for loading into the AIS "GKN", as well as imperfections in software, force cadastral engineers in some cases to resort to manual editing of XML documents. The TechnoKad-Express system implements the fundamental ability not only to download prepared boundary and technical plans in the form of XML diagrams, but also, if necessary, to download them back. For example, for use as a template, or for automatic verification after manual correction of the XML schema. Most of the software available on the market, after generating a boundary (technical) plan, checks it for compliance with the XML schema approved by Rosreestr. In the TechnoKad-Express system, in addition to checking for compliance with the XML schema (control for compliance with the formal requirements of the scheme), additional unique control based on many years of experience with Rosreestr accounting systems is used according to the rules for loading into the AIS "GKN".

    The boundary (technical) plan consists of text and graphic parts, which are divided into sections that are required to be included in the composition, and sections, the inclusion of which in the boundary (technical) plan depends on the type of cadastral work. In the case of preparing a boundary plan, the following methods of creating land plots are possible:

    • allocation;
    • chapter;
    • Union;
    • redistribution;
    • section with a modified land plot;
    • education from land.
    And for the technical plan the following options are provided:
    • technical plan of the building;
    • technical plan of the structure;
    • technical plan of the premises;
    • technical plan of unfinished construction projects.
    Depending on the types of cadastral work, appendices may be included in the boundary (technical) plan. A feature of the XML boundary plan scheme is that attachments can only be attached to the application for cadastral registration in electronic form. While the annexes to the technical plan are specified directly in the XML schema of the technical plan, indicating the path to the folder containing the scanned documents.

    Table 5

    Differences between printed and electronic forms of land survey plan

    Boundary plan in printed form Land survey plan in electronic form
    ContentSections of the boundary planInput fieldsMandatory propsInput fieldsMandatory props
    Title page1. The boundary plan was prepared as a result of cadastral work
    2. Purpose of cadastral work
    3. Information about the customer of cadastral work
    4. Information about the cadastral engineer Cadastral_Engineer Cadastral_
    Full name (if there is a middle name)+ FIO
    No. of the qualification certificate of cadastral engineer+ N_Certificate
    contact number+ Telephone
    Postal and email address for communication with the cadastral engineer+ E_mail, Address
    Abbreviated name of the legal entity, if the cadastral engineer is an employee of the legal entity#VALUE!Organization

    The differences between the printed form of documents and their electronic form are presented in the “Title Page” section of the boundary plan. From Table 5 it can be seen that many details of the printed form are missing in the XML version of the document. For example, details:

    1. The MP was prepared as a result of cadastral work;

    2. The purpose of cadastral work;

    3. Information about the customer of cadastral work.

    For cadastral engineers taking advantage of fully electronic document management, these features save time. For them, the TechnoKad-Express system provides a mode for generating a boundary (technical) plan only in electronic form. If necessary, it is possible to switch to a mode with the generation of a paper version of documents.

    And finally, at the highest, fourth, level - full automation of electronic document management with Rosreestr. The technology used in the system is based on the use of web services of the Rosreestr portal, which provide the full cycle of providing Rosreestr public services in electronic form (from submitting a request and informing the applicant about the progress of the service to providing the result of the service in the form of an electronic document). The following types of statements are supported:

    Regarding the state real estate cadastre (GKN):

    • provision of information from the state real estate cadastre about a land plot in the form of a cadastral passport of a real estate property;
    • provision of information from the state real estate cadastre about a land plot in the form of a cadastral extract;
    • provision of information from the state real estate cadastre about the territory within the cadastral quarter in the form of a cadastral plan of the territory;
    • registration of a land plot with the state cadastral register;
    • registration of a capital construction project with the state cadastral register.
    Regarding the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP):
    • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights of an individual;
    • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Registered Rights to a real estate property (land plots and capital construction projects).
    A description of methods that implement the functions of accepting an application, informing the applicant about the progress of the service, and providing the result of the service is provided on the official website of Rosreestr.

    The use of effective web services, a simple interface, intelligent format-logical control, convenient mechanisms for payment for information from the State Property Committee (USRE), comprehensive provision of services from obtaining an electronic signature to consulting in the field of creating boundary (technical) plans - all this allows the system to " TechnoKad-Express" to be one of the most popular means of automating the activities of cadastral engineers, especially in the field of electronic legally significant document flow.

    Albert Zubairov, Head of Customer Service Department at TekhnoKad LLC

    On the identity of the boundary plan in paper and electronic form

    A cadastral engineer asked a question to the Moscow branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr", who noted that in his activities in preparing boundary plans in 2013, there were no decisions on refusals to carry out cadastral registration. But on the branch’s sub-site, where information about refusals is published, his name is indicated.
    Upon clarification, it turned out that the boundary plan in XML format was formed under the signature of the cadastral engineer who asked the question, but the boundary plan, drawn up in the form of a paper document, was prepared by another cadastral engineer and was certified by his signature.
    The boundary plan in the form of paper and electronic documents must be identical to each other and certified by the same cadastral engineer.

    Olga Vyazankina, head of the cadastral registration department No. 1 of the Moscow branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr"

    The software included in the workstation allows you to generate land management and cadastral documentation, load coordinates from text files of various formats, and process data from GPS receivers. More than 125 types of templates for land management and cadastral documents are supplied with the software. Reports can be generated in Microsoft Office or OpenOffice formats. Electronic document flow is supported with the automated system of the state real estate cadastre based on XML files according to established schemes.

    Loading and viewing vector maps from SXF, TXF, OGC GML (XML), KML (Google), DXF, Shape, MIF\MID, S57, GDF, DGN, MP (Polish format), XLS, DBF, TXT, OziExplorer formats (WPT, RTE, PLT, EVT), Magellan Explorist UPT, RTE), raster data (RSW, BMP, JPEG, GeoTIFF, TIFF), height matrices, quality matrices, geological layer matrices, TIN models, laser scanning data (cloud points in MTD format), custom maps, work area.

    Creation of new cards with automatic filling of parameters using the EPSG code or from a list of parameters in XML format. Editing vector maps. Entering caption texts and attribute values ​​in UNICODE.

    Multivariate modes for selecting objects on the map to perform various operations with them.

    Mode "Custom selection"(mode "Lasso") allows you to select any combination and any location of objects on the map.

    Combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document.
    Connection to GIS Server for multi-user work with access control.
    Connecting databases of various formats.
    Connecting external data sources from geoportals on the Internet (Yandex, Public Cadastral Map, Space Images and others)
    Connection and import of spatial data from servers of external information systems using OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCS protocols.
    Data search, data composition management through the Map Legend.
    Connection of external databases in the format of industrial DBMS (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and others.).
    Connection to a GPS/GLONASS receiver to solve navigation problems.

    Receive measurement results in SI units, as well as inches, feet, yards and nautical miles.

    Prepare and print complex reports that include maps, graphics, multi-line text with various attributes, embedded office documents and tables, borders, grids, and other elements.

    Simplification in managing the map view in printer mode and when printing using "Color Settings".

    Installation "Caption Highlights", all map labels are displayed with a white outline, and "Transparent fill", the fills of all area objects are displayed translucently, the degree of transparency determines the intensity of the polygons fill (from 0 to 100).

    These modes improve the readability of captions and preserve raster images as much as possible when displaying a map over terrain images.

    Printing an electronic map on various output devices and output in PostScript.
    Preview of a document prepared for printing, setting parameters for printing small runs of cards.
    Complete documentation, electronic help system.

    Information about land plots and their parts can be compiled in the form of reports or saved in an XML file for subsequent registration in the cadastral register in the form of an electronic document.

    The formation of land management and cadastral documentation is provided by the following functions:

    • drawing on the cadastral map of the object composition to describe land uses (blocks, plots, restricted zones, buildings, boundary signs);
    • input, editing, storage and subsequent use of land use records;
    • setting up attribute data parameters to describe land use;
    • establishing a relationship between a map feature and land use attribute records;
    • creating new and customizing existing reporting document templates;
    • formation of a land use scheme according to parameters specified by the user;
    • automatic completion of a report using a specified template in accordance with metric and attribute land use data;
    • support for the generation of reports for single land uses, consisting of several parts;
    • formation of a boundary plan, including for multi-circuit objects;
    • support for information exchange with the AIS State Property Committee, through XML files - information about real estate cadastre objects;
    • formation of outlines of land use turning points.

    The generation of text reports and/or electronic documents of the following types of geodetic, land management and cadastral documentation is supported.

    GIS InGEO has all the necessary functions for creating boundary plans. GIS InGEO is a system that has a powerful cadastral superstructure - the MONITORING and PROPERTY system. This GIS is very convenient for entering data: coordinates, angle and distance, azimuth and distance. This GIS has a low cost, which is important for practical use. In GIS InGEO, the generation of reports is consistent with the Regulatory Acts of the Russian Federation, which is an important advantage of this GIS.

    To create a boundary plan, the function of creating an object was used by entering coordinates from the keyboard. In order to begin this method of creating an object, you must:

    3.2 Software “Line Plan Editor”

    FSUE FCC Zemlya, together with TekhnoKad LLC, has developed the software “Landing Plan Editor”, which allows you to generate boundary plans in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 24, 2008 No. 412 “On approval of the form of the boundary plan and requirements for its preparation, approximate form of notice of a meeting to agree on the location of the boundaries of land plots.” This product is intended for cadastral engineers involved in land management activities and state cadastral registration.

    List of functions:

    − filling out data output forms necessary for registering land plots with cadastral registration;

    − generation of a printed form of an application for state cadastral registration of a real estate property approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2009 No. 555 and a printed form of the boundary plan;

    − generation of “Landmark Plan” and “Application” xml files based on the completed forms in accordance with the standard format;

    − creation and maintenance of an archive of documents containing an application and a boundary plan;

    − signing files in the archive, encrypting the archive;

    − uploading a package of documents for subsequent sending to the cadastral registration authority;

    − printing of documents “Landing Plan”, “Application”.

    This product is very convenient and easy to use. Its use significantly reduces the time for preparing a boundary plan. The content is filled in automatically. The “Line Plan Editor” checks the correctness of the entered information and points out any mistakes made, which facilitates quick editing of data. The Boundary Plan Editor software allows you to import data on turning points in mid/mif format, download boundary plan data and statements into a standard XML format, which ensures correct automatic loading of data into the automated information system of the state real estate cadastre.

    This product was tested by a number of land management organizations in several regions of the Russian Federation during the first quarter of 2009. Based on the results of testing, land management organizations noted its value and relevance.

    To create a boundary plan in the Land Plan Editor software, you must:

      Launch the “Boundary Plan Editor”.

      In the settings window, select the type of sender: cadastral engineer, individual, or cadastral engineer, representative of an organization.

      Figure 3.5 – Settings window

    • Figure 3.8 – Initial data

    • We enter data about the resulting land plot: type and address.

      We introduce the method for determining coordinates and the formulas used to calculate the mean square error of the position of characteristic points of the boundaries and the maximum permissible error in determining the area.

      We enter data about the boundaries of the land plot: characteristic points, parts of the border.

      Enter information about the documents attached to the application.

      We enter data about the requested document: cadastral passport of the land plot.