All windows error codes. Changes to account settings. III. Granting Permissions Using Android Debug Bridge

Sometimes this happens: you’re working quietly at your computer, when suddenly some strange sign pops up and tells you that your “ workhorse" Is there something wrong. This may be scary at first, but if you look at it, not all messages about it are as scary as we think. In addition, most of them are quite capable of being corrected. with my own hands. The main thing is to understand what happened. An error code (43, for example) will help you figure this out. So what does this mean? This suggests that your video card is to blame for the problems. Error code 43 may also indicate problems with USB, but in most cases this sign appears when the video card drivers fail. What to do about it? Read below.

Error code 43: Video card failure

It happens that the drivers for the video card are lost, and installing them again becomes simply impossible. In this case, you need to go to the “Task Manager”. Most likely, the video card icon will be marked yellow icon from a to detailed properties you will be able to find the following: “This device has been stopped because it has reported a problem. (Error code 43)." IN different versions Windows message may be different, but the essence will always be the same: the video card is malfunctioning.

Error - how to fix?

To solve this problem, you can try reinstalling your operating system, and then reinstalling the drivers for the video card and other devices that need them. This procedure may help. But, since error code 43 basically means that the BIOS of the video card itself has been found, but driver installation is impossible due to Not correct operation GPU chips (this happens in the case of degradation of the chip or soldering on the chip), then other measures may be needed.

You can heat the chip with a special soldering iron. This will help reconnect contacts that may have become disconnected. A very extreme option is to try to “bake” the video card in the oven. Such an attempt, of course, is fraught with overheating of the board and its complete failure, but if you are successful, you can save on repairs. If you are not confident in your abilities and do not want to take risks, then you can always take the computer to service center, where professionals will do it.

Those who have risked subjecting their video card to “cooking” processing should remember that the service life of the device after such a procedure rarely exceeds 2 months. After which it either goes out again or breaks completely. Moreover, after “baking” warranty service This video card is no longer covered.

However, let's return to the problem itself. Most often, owners of 8xxx or 9xxx series cards from nVidia encounter it. Error (code 43) can also occur when using video cards of any other brands and lines.


In order to be 100% sure that the reason lies precisely in the card itself, it is better to rearrange it and test it on another computer. In rare cases, error code 43 may also appear due to problems with the operating system, drivers of related equipment, and so on.

Alternative plot development

You bought new video card, we tested it at the place of purchase, it worked great, but when you tried to install it on your computer, an error with code 43 was displayed. The card itself is detected, but refuses to show signs of life in every possible way. What to do in this case? What is the problem?

First, check BIOS settings. Very often the “legs” of all problems grow from it. incorrect settings. To check for conflicts in the system, you need to turn off all unnecessary ones one by one, and then necessary components, so you can identify the problem. If you are unsure about some equipment, you can also test it on another machine.

Secondly, if you previously installed another card in your computer, you should first remove all its drivers, as they can also interfere with the proper functioning of the device.

Thirdly, it also happens that the Memory Hole Remapping option is actually to blame for error code 43. And when you turn it on, a conflict with the drivers occurs, which disables the video card.

But it also happens that such a problem has nothing to do with the internal components of the computer. If you have a new and working video card, error code 43 may indicate problems with USB.

Problems with external devices

In fact, error code 43 (Unknown Device) is one of the most common problems that can occur. This failure most often occurs when connecting a video card or a printer, phone, etc. via a USB interface. It happens on all operating systems Windows lines. If you have such a problem, know that the Device Manager has stopped the operation of a particular component because it detected an error in performing the prescribed functions. Such problems are always related to hardware Windows tools. In rare cases, this signals errors of a different kind, for example, incorrect given path to the driver.

How to fix error 43 when connecting USB

The simplest thing to do if this is the case is to unplug the cable and restart the computer. There is a possibility that this was only a temporary hardware problem that will go away on its own when restarted. operating system. Sometimes additional measures may be necessary: ​​completely disconnecting the computer's power or removing the laptop battery for a few minutes. After which everything returns to its place.

USB error (code 43) sometimes occurs when the user changes something in the registry. In this case, you need to cancel everything last changes and restart your computer. You can delete entered data that affects the configuration of the connected device. You can also rollback to more early version drivers or restore the system, which will automatically cancel everything changes made, returning to the default settings.

The problem can be solved during the installation of the hardware driver itself. If the USB device reports an error, then you need to delete the following connections in the "Manager": storage device, USB Root Hub and USB Host Controller. It is important to remember that reinstalling the driver implies it complete removal and repeat the full installation, although sometimes it’s enough just to update outdated version. This will help if the driver was installed incorrectly or is damaged.

Other ways to fix error 43

In order to restore the operation of the USB device, you can reinstall the operating system itself. Windows package may contain necessary files which will provide normal functioning computer. You can also try updating the BIOS itself.

Errors external devices(USB or FireWire) may occur due to problems with the cable or connector, to check the correct operation of which you should connect it to another computer or laptop. If the error appears on another machine, you should replace these elements with working ones.

There are situations when modern USB devices need more energy than a computer can provide. To solve this problem, you should buy an adapter USB Hub and make connections through it.

The last two, but no less common reasons are incompatibility between the device and the operating system and problems with the switch itself (defects, breakdown). In both cases, only replacing the old USB equipment with a new one that works and is compatible with the OS will help.


Remember that sometimes the error may not be related to hardware devices. In this case, you need to either restore or reinstall Windows itself. Some useful tips to solve error 43, an inquisitive user can always find in Help Guide troubleshooting.

When requesting information from remote web an error may occur on the server, then the web server sends in response code HTTP errors . For example 404 – Not Found(Resource is not found).
HTTP status codes consist of three numbers from 100 to 510. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Informational (100-105)
  2. Successful (200-226)
  3. Redirection (300-307)
  4. Client error (400-499)
  5. Server error (500-510)

Enter the three you are interested in in the field below character code and get its description:



Continue Server satisfied initial information about the request, the client can continue to forward headers. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Switching Protocols The server offers to switch to a protocol more suitable for the specified resource; The server must indicate the list of proposed protocols in the Update header field. If the client is interested in this, then he sends new request indicating a different protocol. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Processing The request has been accepted, but it will take a long time to process. Used by the server to prevent the client from dropping the connection due to a timeout. When receiving such a response, the client must reset the timer and wait next command V normal mode. Introduced in WebDAV.

OK Successful request. If the client requested any data, it is found in the header and/or body of the message. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Created As a result of successful execution of the request, a new resource. The server must indicate its location in the Location header. It is recommended that the server [source not specified 336 days] also indicate the characteristics of cos in the header of this resource(for example, in the Content-Type field). If the server is not sure that the resource will actually exist when it is received of this message client, it is better to use a response with code 202. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Accepted The request was accepted for processing, but it was not completed. The client does not have to wait for the final transmission of the message, since a very long process. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Non-Authoritative Information Similar to answer 200, but in this case transmitted information was not taken from the primary source ( backup copy, another server, etc.) and therefore may not be relevant. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

No Content The server successfully processed the request, but the response contained only the headers without the message body. The client does not have to update the content of the document, but can apply the received metadata to it. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Reset Content The server forces the client to reset the user-entered data. The server does not transmit the body of the message and it is not necessary to update the document. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Partial Content The server successfully completed a partial GET request, returning only part of the message. In the Content-Range header, the server specifies the byte ranges of the content. Particular attention should be paid to caching when working with such responses. Introduced in HTTP/1.1. (more details...)

Multi-Status The server transmits the results of several independent operations at once. They are placed in the message body itself as an XML document with a multistatus object. It is not recommended to place statuses from the 1xx series in this object due to meaninglessness and redundancy. Introduced in WebDAV.

IM Used The A-IM header from the client was successfully received and the server returns the content based on specified parameters. Introduced in RFC 3229 to complement HTTP protocol delta coding support.

Multiple Choices For the specified URI, there are several options for providing the resource according to MIME type, by language or other characteristics. The server sends a list of alternatives with the message, allowing the client or user to make a choice automatically. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Moved Permanently The requested document has been permanently moved to the new URI specified in the Location field of the header. Some clients behave incorrectly when processing this code. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Found, Moved Temporarily The requested document is temporarily available at a different URI specified in the header in the Location field. This code can be used, for example, in server-driven content negotiation. Some clients behave incorrectly when processing this code. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

See Other The document at the requested URI must be requested to the address in the Location field of the header using the GET method, even though the first one was requested using a different method. This code was introduced along with the 307 to avoid ambiguity, so that the server could be sure that the next resource will be requested using the GET method. For example, a web page has a text input field for quick navigation and search. After entering the data, the browser makes a request using the POST method, including the entered text in the message body. If a document with the entered name is detected, the server responds with code 303, indicating it in the Location header Permanent Address. Then the browser is guaranteed to request it using the GET method to obtain the content. Otherwise, the server will simply return the search results page to the client. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Not Modified The server returns this code if the client requested a document using the GET method, used the If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header, and the document has not changed since the specified moment. In this case, the server message should not contain a body. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Use Proxy A request to the requested resource must be made through a proxy server whose URI is specified in the Location field of the header. This code Only the original HTTP servers (not proxies) can use the response. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

(reserved) previously used response code, in currently reserved Mentioned in RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1 update).

Temporary Redirect Requested resource to a short time accessible via a different URI specified in the Location field of the header. This code was introduced along with 303 instead of 302 to avoid ambiguity. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1 update).

Bad Request Server detected in client request syntax error. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Unauthorized Authentication is required to access the requested resource. The response header must contain the WWW-Authenticate field with a list of authentication conditions. The client can repeat the request by including the Authorization field in the message header with the data required for authentication.

Payment Required Intended for future use. Currently not in use. This code is intended for paid user services and not for hosting companies. This means that this error will not be issued by the hosting provider in case of overdue payment for its services. Reserved since HTTP/1.1.

Forbidden The server understood the request, but it refuses to fulfill it due to restrictions on the client's access to the specified resource. If HTTP authentication is required to access a resource, the server will return a 401 or 407 response when using a proxy. Otherwise, the restrictions were set by the server administrator or web application developer and can be anything depending on the capabilities of the application being used. software. In any case, the client should be informed of the reasons for refusing to process the request. Most probable reasons restrictions may result from attempting to access system resources web server (for example, .htaccess or .htpasswd files) or to files to which access was denied using configuration files, a requirement for non-HTTP authentication, for example, to access a content management system or a section for registered users, or the server is not satisfied with the client’s IP address, for example, when blocking. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Not Found The most common mistake when using the Internet, the main reason is an error in spelling the address of the Web page. The server understood the request, but did not find a corresponding resource at the specified URI. If the server knows that there was a document at this address, then it is advisable for it to use the code 410. The response 404 can be used instead of 403 if it is necessary to carefully hide from prying eyes certain resources. Introduced in HTTP/1.0.

Method Not Allowed The method specified by the client cannot be applied to the current resource. In the response, the server must indicate available methods in the Allow header, separated by a comma. The server must return this error if the method is known to it, but it is not applicable specifically to the resource specified in the request; if the specified method is not applicable on the entire server, then the client must return code 501 (Not Implemented). Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Not Acceptable The requested URI cannot satisfy the characteristics passed in the header. If the method was not HEAD, then the server must return a list of acceptable characteristics for this resource. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Proxy Authentication Required The response is the same as 401 except that the authentication is against a proxy server. The mechanism is similar to identification on original server. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Request Timeout The server has timed out waiting for a transmission from the client. The client can repeat a similar previous request at any time. For example, this situation may occur when uploading to the server voluminous file using the POST or PUT method. At some point during the transfer, the data source stopped responding, for example due to damage to the CD or loss of communication with another computer in local network. While the client does not transmit anything, waiting for a response from it, the connection with the server is maintained. After some time, the server may close the connection on its end to allow other clients to make a request. This response is not returned when the client forcibly stops transmission at the user's command or the connection is interrupted for some other reason, since the response can no longer be sent. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflicting access to the resource. This is possible, for example, when two clients try to change a resource using the PUT method. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Gone The server sends this response if the resource used to be at the specified URL, but was deleted and is now unavailable. In this case, the server does not know the location alternative document, for example, copies). If the server has a suspicion that the document can be restored in the near future, then better for the client pass code 404. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Length Required For the specified resource, the client must specify Content-Length in the request header. Without specifying this field, you should not retry the request to the server using this URI. This response is natural for POST and PUT requests. For example, if files are downloaded at the specified URI, and the server has a limit on their size. Then it would be more reasonable to check the Content-Length header at the very beginning and immediately refuse the download, rather than provoke a meaningless load by breaking the connection when the client actually sends a message that is too large. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Precondition Failed Returned if none of the condition header[unknown term] fields of the request were satisfied. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Request Entity Too Large Returned if the server refuses to process the request because it is too large big size request body. The server may close the connection to stop further transmission of the request. If the problem is temporary, it is recommended to include a Retry-After header in the server response indicating the time after which a similar request can be repeated. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Request-URL Too Long The server cannot process the request because the specified URL is too long. This error can be triggered, for example, when the client tries to pass long parameters via GET method, not POST. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Unsupported Media Type For some reason, the server refuses to work with the specified data type using this method. Introduced in HTTP/1.1.

Requested Range Not Satisfied The Range field in the request header specified a range outside the resource and was missing an If-Range field. If the client passed a byte range, then the server can return actual size in the Content-Range field of the header. This response should not be used for multipart/byteranges transfers [source not specified 336 days]. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1 update).

Expectation Failed For some reason, the server cannot satisfy the value of the Expect field in the request header. Introduced in RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1 update).

Unprocessable Entity The server successfully accepted the request, can work with the specified type of data, the XML document in the body of the request has the correct syntax, but there is some kind of logical error due to which it is impossible to perform an operation on the resource. Entered into WebDAV.

Locked The target resource from the request is blocked from having the specified method applied to it. Entered into WebDAV.

Failed Dependency The execution of the current request may depend on the success of another operation. If it is not completed and because of this the current request cannot be completed, then the server will return this code. Entered into WebDAV.

Unordered Collection - Sent if the client sent a request indicating a position in an unsorted collection or using a different order of elements from the server [specify]. Introduced in draft by WebDAV Advanced Collections Protocol.

Upgrade Required The server indicates to the client that the protocol needs to be upgraded. The response header must contain properly formed Upgrade and Connection fields. Introduced in RFC 2817 to allow transition to TLS over HTTP.

Retry With Returned by the server if insufficient information was received from the client to process the request. In this case, the Ms-Echo-Request field is placed in the response header. Introduced by Microsoft for WebDAV. Currently at least in use Microsoft program Money.

Unrecoverable Error Returned by the server if processing a request causes unrecoverable failures in the database tables [source not specified 336 days]. Introduced by Microsoft for WebDAV.

Our review will tell you about the Android problem “The application could not be installed. (Error code: - 20)." You will find out what this problem is in the Play Market and how to fix it correctly.

Error 20 V Play Market may appear for several reasons. Absence reliable internet communications for performing actions in the store. The problem may occur due to conflict situations with the phone's operating system. May also influence third party installations, which were not introduced into the phone from the official website, in other words - viruses. In rare cases, failures occur after next update Market, by unknown reasons their installation cannot be completed correctly.

Download notification: “The application could not be installed. (Error code: - 20)"

Fixing the conflict - Error code 20

The most simple action become simple reboot smartphone. This should be done for a reason full cache systems. Its cleaning is not always effective even when using third-party optimizers. It is the reboot that allows you to reset the main accumulated failures to random access memory smartphone. This method helps in 30% of cases.

We carry out the work of cleaning the Play Market application

All modern programs trying to optimize, saving all the information for fast travel by resources. The accumulation of such data sometimes simply overloads the application's capabilities, depriving it efficient work. Play Market is no exception. To restore the store, you need to do some work to clear the cache.

You can also reset and Google Play Services. These actions can additionally be fixed by rebooting the phone. Deleting the entire application may not be necessary, try going to the store. If it doesn’t help, then we move on.

Account Settings Changes

You will have to reset it account the entire Google service. This solution can help resolve many conflict situations with the Android device. The failure occurs when the phone tries to transfer data to the company server. They, so to speak, simply freeze in the system.

Firstly, you need to make sure that this is the reason.

We are trying to download and install applications from the Play Market. Error 20 in such cases it is eliminated most often.

Making amendments to the HOSTS file

File HOSTS Very vulnerable to changes from external installed programs. Virus applications can change it, completely blocking access to the Internet through the Play Market. Track all app download activity for Lately. Remove them in the download sequence. Now let's move on to restoring the HOSTS file.

Here is another review video on standard work with resetting the Play Store when solving similar problems.

Recently, many users have begun to quite often encounter absolutely new problem when downloading apps from Google Play Store: the application does not download, and the smartphone displays the message “Failed to download the application. Try again. If the problem persists, try fixing it yourself ( Error code: 0)". It is worth noting that, if most of the previous Market errors were solved by clearing the cache or deleting its data, then in in this case traditional methods don't help. As it turned out, they shouldn’t work, since the reason for the error is absolutely independent of the cache, it lies in something completely different.

We managed to find out that the latter Google version Play has learned to check the assigned rights. Thus, the occurrence of error code 0 could have been caused by the installation of the application SuperSU or who have set incorrect permissions for the Google Play Store. To solve this problem, it is enough to issue the necessary permissions for the Google Play Store and its services.

I. Issuing permissions for the Google Play Store:

1. Go to " Settings" -> "Applications" -> "All".

2. Find in the list " Play Store".

3. Select the item " Application Permissions".

II. Issuing permissions for Play Market services:

1. Go to " Settings" -> "Applications" -> "All".

2. Find in the list " Google Play services".

3. Select the item " Application Permissions".

4. Activate all available positions (all switch buttons to the right).

III. Granting permissions using Android Debug Bridge:

If you cannot set the correct rights using the above methods, you will have to do this using Android Debug Bridge.

  • Reboot the smartphone into " Recovery" (hold down the power and volume + buttons at the same time);
  • Connect the Android device to the computer via USB;
  • Open the Command Window (see the article at the link above) and sequentially enter the commands below, confirming each by pressing “ Enter»:
adb shell chown -R media_rw:media_rw /data/media/ find /data/media/ -type d -exec chmod 775 () ";" find /data/media/ -type f -exec chmod 664 () ";"4)
  • Reboot your Android device.

After providing the full range of permissions for Google services Play and Google Play Store everything will work correctly.

Error codes are used to identify hardware and software malfunctions, incorrect user input without handling the resulting exception in the program code, although sometimes error codes are used in conjunction with exception handling. Error codes should not be confused with return codes, although they are often used together in error handling. Some of the most serious error codes that users may encounter are the Blue Screen of Death codes of the Microsoft Windows operating system.


In programming languages ​​that do not have an exception handling mechanism (such as the language), error codes are often stored as global variables with names such as errno. Error codes are usually identified by numbers, each of which identifies a specific exception. In an application that uses error codes, each function typically defines a single return code that indicates a general value error. Given this generalized return code, the programmer can examine the value found in the global error code to determine the conditions that caused the exception to occur. For example, when unsuccessful attempt open a file, the function can set a global error code indicating the cause of the error and return an invalid pointer to the file. The following example shows how an error code can be used to describe the cause of an error:

/* attempt to open the file for reading */ FILE * fp = fopen ( "filename" , "r" ) ; /* if the file cannot be opened, print the error number and message */ if (fp == NULL) ( printf ( "Cannot open file, error %d, %s\n ", errno, strerror (errno) ) ; /* Alternatively, you can use perror(), which provides the same functionality */ perror("Cannot open file"); )

Since error codes are usually global variables, they can be accessed from anywhere in the program. As with other global variables, this ease of access can be a source of problems in a multi-threaded environment. Because global variables can be written to by multiple threads at the same time, this can lead to a race condition. To solve this problem, POSIX defines errno as a thread-local variable.

see also


  • Article “Errors: errno in UNIX programs” by Chris Herborth
  • Article “Exception Handling in C without C++” by Tom Schotland and Peter Petersen
  • Article “Error codes or Exceptions? Why is Reliable Software so Hard? "by Damien Katz

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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