Getting rid of the “http” error when uploading images in WordPress. The most common http errors and how to fix them

Sometimes situations arise when a web browser displays an error when requesting a site. Such errors have digital code and a specific description.

(101-199) Informational answers

Such responses indicate that a request from a particular client has been accepted and is being processed directly.

  • 100 - Continue - the first part of the request has been accepted, the client can continue transmitting it.
  • 101 - Switching Protocols - the service fulfills certain client requirements, and also switches protocols, which corresponds to the data in the Upgrade header field.

(200-299) Successful customer requests

In this range, all client requests are completed successfully.

  • 200 - OK - successful processing client request, and the server response contains all the requested data.
  • 201 - Created - this status code can be used when changing the URL. In addition to the code, the server also issues a Location header, which contains all the information about the location of all new data moving.
  • 202 - Accepted - the request is accepted, but it is not processed immediately. The response content body may also contain certain information about the transaction. There is no guarantee that a request will be granted, even if it was valid at the time of admission.
  • 203 - Non-Authoritative Information - the content header contains information that was obtained from local copy or from a third party.
  • 204 - No Content - the response contains only a header and status code, the response body itself is not given. When such a response is received, the browser document should not be refreshed. The code can return back after the user clicks on empty areas of the image.
  • 205 - Reset Content - the form that is used for additional input data is cleared by the browser.
  • 206 - Partial Content - the server returns only some part of the data. Used in a request response when specifying a Range header. In the Content-Range header, the server must indicate a specific range that is included in the response.

(300-399) Forwarding

A response code in this range means that the client must perform certain actions to satisfy the request.

  • 300 - Multiple Choices (several options to choose from) - the requested URL may include several resources. The content body returned by the server must contain certain information about making the right choice resource.
  • 301 - Moved Permanently (resource moved to permanent basis) - the server no longer uses the required URL, therefore the operation specified in the request is not performed. The Location header provides information about the new location of the requested document. Subsequent requests must specify the new URL.
  • 302 - Moved Temporarily (resource is temporarily moved) - temporary movement of the requested URL. The Location header specifies the new location. After receiving the status code, the client must resolve the request using the new URL, but then use only the old one.
  • 303 - See Other (see another resource) - the search for the requested URL is carried out by specifying another URL, which is located in the Location header.
  • 304 - Not Modified - is the response code to the lf-Modified-Since header if the URL has not changed. The content body is not present, so the client must use a local copy of it.
  • 305 - Use Proxy (use a proxy server) - the requested resource must be accessed through a proxy server, which is specified in the Location field. This field also contains the URL of the required proxy server. The request must be repeated to the recipient.

(400-499) Incomplete customer requests

Response codes in this range indicate that the client's request is incomplete. It may also mean that the client needs to enter additional information.

  • 400 - Bad Request(incorrect request) - the server does not understand the request due to the malformed syntax. The request can be repeated, but only after certain modifications have been made.
  • 401 - Unauthorized (no permission) - the user must confirm his authenticity. The response must contain a WWW-Authenticate header field with a challenge that applies to the requested resource. The request can be repeated, but with a suitable Authorization header field. If this field already contains authentication recommendations, a 401 status code indicates that such recommendations are not suitable for authentication.
  • 402 - Payment Required - The code is reserved and will be used in the future, but it is not yet implemented in HTTP.
  • 403 - Forbidden (access denied) - the request is rejected, so the server is not able to respond to the client.
  • 404 - Not Found(resource not found) - the specified URL no longer exists required document, that is, the server did not find anything that could match this request.
  • 405 - Method Not Allowed - The Allow header indicates that the method used by the client is not supported.
  • 406 - Not Acceptable - The identified resource can only generate objects with a content characteristic that does not match the accept headers.
  • 407 - Proxy Authentication Required (registration with the proxy server is required) - indicates the need to authenticate the client to the proxy server. The proxy server returns a Proxy-Authenticate header field containing the specific challenge. The request can be repeated, but only if a suitable header field is specified.
  • 408 - Request Timeout (request processing time has expired) - the request was not completed by the client while the server was waiting. The request can be repeated later.
  • 409 - Conflict - The request cannot be processed because there is a conflict with the state of the resource. The user is expected to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request.
  • 410 - Gone (resource no longer exists) - the requested URL is no longer available on the server.
  • 411 - Length Required (length must be specified) - the request is not accepted by the server because the Content-Length is not defined. The request can be repeated by specifying the length of the message body in the Content-Length header field.
  • 412 - Precondition Failed - The request is not processed by the server because the request object is much larger than it can handle. In this situation, it is possible to close the connection. If this condition is temporary, then the server specifies a time in the Retry-After header after which the client can try again.
  • 413 - Request Entity Too Large (the requested element is too large) - the request is not processed by the server due to its huge size.
  • 414 - Request-URI Too Long (the resource identifier in the request is too long) - the request is not processed by the server because its URL is quite long.
  • 415 - Unsupported Media Type (unsupported device type) - the server refused to service the request because the requested resource does not support the format of the request object.

(500-599) Server errors

This range indicates that the request will most likely fail because the server encountered a specific error.

  • 500 - Internal Server Error (Internal error server) - While processing a request, one of the server components encountered a specific configuration error.
  • 501 - Not Implemented (function not implemented) - the client request cannot be fulfilled because the request requires support for some functionality. May be issued when the server cannot recognize the request method.
  • 502 - Bad Gateway (gateway defect) - the server, when working as a proxy server, received an invalid response in the request chain from the next server.
  • 503 - Service Unavailable - The service is temporarily unavailable, but access may resume after a while. If the server has certain data, it can issue a response with the Retry-After header.
  • 504 - Gateway Timeout (time passed through the gateway has expired) - the gateway or server has exceeded the time limit.
  • 505 - HTTP Version Not Supported ( unsupported version HTTP) - the server does not support the version of the HTTP protocol that was used in the request.

Error 500 means that the server of the website you are trying to access has experienced an internal system failure. It follows that either the site owners or the Internet provider can fix it. But there are still some actions on the part of the average user that can affect and fix the HTTP ERROR 500 error.

HTTP status code 500 means there is a problem with the web server configuration or it means that one of the important components has simply failed. With this error everything software is in service, but it has critical internal problems, which cause a conflict in accessing the server and also prevent it from working correctly.

The appearance of error 500 in the browser can be caused by for various reasons. Therefore, we list below all the ways to eliminate it:

Error 500 in the browser Google Chrome

Causes of HTTP ERROR 500

One of the reasons is incorrect installation access rights to scripts, which is why they are blocked. Rights can be configured for any user, although this is not recommended for security reasons. To configure rights you can use file manager FileZilla from the developer of the FireFox browser.

First, you need to pay attention to the access rights settings. You need to pay attention to each type of element separately. For files, the value should be specified - 644, for folders - 755 and for scripts - 600. It is advisable for only one person to set up an account and not allow anyone else to gain such rights.

Access rights settings

Exorbitant duration of script execution

In addition to the runtime limitations imposed by the language PHP programming, such restrictions are imposed on the script and from the outside server systems. An error tends to appear at the moment when limited time the script did not complete its work. In this case, his work will be completed unfinished.

To avoid the HTTP ERROR 500 error and speed up the script, you can use special services to optimize the performance of slow sections of the script. When using VPS or dedicated servers, you can change the server timeout. Such manipulations cannot be carried out using virtual hosting, unless you receive agreement from technical support.

Problems with the .htaccess file

Syntax of this file has a certain structure that cannot be changed or violated. If one of its directives has errors, then this will certainly result in an HTTP ERROR 500 error. It may be that the directive does not have errors or file conflicts, but it is not supported.

Find this “.htaccess” file in the root of the site. Then copy it to another place so as not to lose it. Now remove it from the site. If everything falls into place, then the problem is in this file. In this case, take the file from the new distribution of your CMS (Content Management System).


You can view information about server errors. All of them are entered into special file under the name – “error.log”. By opening it, you can find information about which of your directives is in conflict. For example, “Invalid command ‘Prive’ tells us that the ‘Price’ directive contains a typo, correcting “v” to “c” will solve this problem.

Code needs more memory

The virtual hosting system strictly controls the memory allocated for needs various scripts and programs. In this way, servers prevent memory overload. When for some erroneous reasons the code starts consuming more memory Error 500 appears.

Memory for scripts

In order to fix similar problem, you need to identify the errors in the code that are causing it to not work properly. If everything is OK with the code, contact technical support. Memory can be increased if necessary by paying extra for expansion tariff plan.

Do visitors to your website (online store, or other type of personal data processing) often have doubts: can they trust this resource?

IN back in 1994, the guys from Netscape Communications took care of especially suspicious users worldwide network and came up with a magical thing - HTTPS.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol to support encryption in order to protect and increase the security level of user personal data. Unlike HTTP with TCP port 80, HTTPS defaults to TCP port 443.

Yes, yes, it’s quite complicated and not very clear..

More to the point in simple language,the protocol encrypts sensitive data entered by the user on the site(for example, passport details, card number, etc.), and then this information is transmitted via open channel(Internet provider, hosts) and goes to the desired service.

For example, a Sberbank.Online user sent data to text format(text “123”) via a site with https. A key is attached to this data on the sender's server (???), which encrypts the entered data. Thus, the sent data cannot be intercepted using third-party programs.

Data in the HTTPS protocol is transmitted over cryptographic SSL protocols or TLS. These are the protocols support an encrypted connection between the server and the user's browser.

What do search engines think about https?

Google is definitely in favor of encrypting traffic. And in the updated 56 Google versions Chrome sites are already marked as trusted (on https) and untrusted (on http):

At the same time, it’s fair to note that switching to a secure protocol is far from the primary ranking factor. However, there is no doubt that the weight of https will only grow in the future.

As for Yandex - official information no on this matter, but all the company’s services have already switched to a secure protocol.

It is obvious that on this moment switching to a secure protocol will not move your site up a number of positions in the search results, and from a ranking point of view this is more like work for the future. However, you need to understand that the main advantage of the https protocol is the security of your visitors’ data. Therefore, to increase trust in your website and the company as a whole, switching to a secure protocol will be extremely useful.

3 stages of website transition from http to https

Step 1: SSL Security Certificate

Purchase and configure a security certificate (SSL) issued by a certification authority

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a certificate that is individual digital signature your domain. You can choose any of 5 types of security certificate:

  1. Self-signed

From the name it is clear that any user can create it on a domain or IP address, i.e. there is no confirmation from the certification authority here, issued and signed by the user himself.

  • free;
  • can be created unlimited amount once;
  • there will be a notification when you switch, it is not genuine

  • It has short term services;
  • some browsers may not support and the page will not open;
  • does not apply to subdomains;
  • does not support URLs in Cyrillic.
  1. Domain Validation

One of the most common entry level certificates.

  • ready within a couple of hours
  • suitable for most sites
  • common, easily accessible
  • low cost
  • issued for one domain (if you change you will have to buy again)
  • valid from one to 3 years
  • minimum personal data on the site
  • does not support URLs in Cyrillic

Business level, more secure, the certificate is universal and is most often used by online stores, service sites, and portals. Issued exclusively legal entities , during registration, the domain and organization are checked.

  • high level of protection
  • Issuance period from 3 to 10 working days
  • the cost is more expensive

High status certificates for medium and large companies it is usedbanks, payment systems, large services, government agencies etc.

  • among SSL certificates the most high class protection
  • the weight and authority of the resource is added
  • high price
  1. Wildcsrd (subdomain)

Add-on for certificates, protection of all direct subdomains specified

Step 2: setting up data in analytics systems

  • Yandex.Webmaster. It is necessary to specify the new host directive on the old domain and specify the main mirror. Unotify the search engine about the new protocol.
  • Yandex.Webmaster - Indexing - Site relocation.
  • Only after the corresponding changes appear in Yandex.Webmaster setting up 301 redirect(important only after a notification appears that the site is available on https, set up a 301 redirect)
  • In Google Analytics change the representative from http // to https

Step 3: Update Internal Links

The old links, unfortunately, will not work, change links in content, in CSS styles, in scripts, templates on https. Were http// will become https// Exists a large number of utilities, plugins for automatically replacing old links.

On WP, for example, you can use the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin

Updating images(if necessary). We recommend that you enter both links and the path to the images without specifying a domain, but in the format /uplods/photo/sertifikat https)

Site map, file. We check that only the https protocol is specified.


To improve the trust of users and search engines in your site by moving your domain to https, you need to technically implement 3 things:

  1. Obtain and configure a security certificate (SSL) appropriate for your site.
  2. Make clear search engines that your site has changed its address (moved from http to https).
  3. Produce internal optimization site taking into account the new domain name.

Are you having trouble moving from http to https? Or do you want to avoid them? Order an SEO audit from us and we will help you with changing your domain.

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In connection with the massive transition of sites to HTTPS, developers and site administrators faced a number of new problems. One of them is a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS and the need to properly handle redirects to the canonical site address to avoid duplicate content.

HTTPS and redirects

Let's look at an example. Let's say we have a website Its canonical URL - However, there are four different ways, with which you can connect to the site, and you need to ensure that with any of them the user is redirected to

Original method Type HTTP + no-www HTTPS + no-www HTTP + www HTTPS + www

Configuring htaccess redirects from HTTP to HTTPS is often a source of confusion. It is not always clear how to properly handle redirects from WWW to non-WWW (or vice versa) via HTTPS, and why an SSL/TLS certificate is needed for this. To properly configure these redirects, you need to understand the basic principles of HTTPS request processing.

Next, we will look at the order in which a connection is established via the HTTPS protocol, how HTTP requests are processed and setting up redirects with HTTPS support.

HTTPS request flow

The image above shows the HTTPS request/response flow diagram. For simplicity, we have divided all actions into three phases:

  1. In the first stage, the client and server agree on encryption details, such as the encryption protocol and cipher suite. The information necessary to switch to a secure connection also occurs: public keys, certificate information, etc. This phase is called " SSL/TLS handshake»;
  2. In the second stage, the client prepares an HTTP request, encrypts it and sends it to the server for processing. The server receives an encrypted HTTP request, decrypts it, processes it and issues an HTTP response (response);
  3. In the third stage, the server encrypts the response and sends it to the client for processing. The client receives an encrypted HTTP response, decrypts and processes it ( for example, the browser begins to load and display elements).

This HTTP to HTTPS redirect flow diagram applies to any request, regardless of the content of the HTTP response.

Above I wrote HTTP request and HTTP response for certain purposes ( note that I used HTTP and not HTTPS). In terms of content and structure, it is important to understand that an HTTPS request is an HTTP request, but transmitted over a secure connection ( TLS/SSL).

HTTPS negotiations and redirects

One of the most common mistakes when setting up HTTPS redirects is assuming that you don't need an SSL certificate when redirecting a client from one domain to another.

If you look at the request flow, you can see that the exchange of SSL certificates and encryption negotiation are performed in the first stage. Note that at this stage the server has no idea what page the client needs: the client and server decide how to interact with each other.

After the completion of the first stage, when the client and server have found mutual language (encryption protocol), they can start communicating with each other using an encrypted connection. At this point, the client sends an HTTP request to the server, and the server sends an HTTP response containing the redirect.

Don't forget that a redirect is an HTTP response with a 301 code (sometimes 302 or 307):

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: nginx Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:41:25 GMT Location:

Before you make a redirect from HTTPS to HTTP, remember that if you need to create a redirect for the entire domain, you need a valid SSL certificate for the redirected domain. Encryption negotiation requires an SSL certificate and occurs before the request has been processed and the redirect response returned to the client.

If things had happened differently, the redirect would have been processed before checking the SSL certificate. The client and server would then be forced to communicate using a regular HTTP connection, which is not encrypted.

If you need to redirect a client from any page in the domain to another, you need a valid SSL certificate installed on the server, which applies to the entire domain

For example, to redirect a client from to, you must have a certificate that covers both or two separate certificates ( for each host respectively).

HTTPS redirect strategies

We looked at how a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS is processed via htaccess after SSL / TLS negotiation. We also found out that in order to redirect clients from a site or page to HTTPS, you need a valid SSL certificate that covers both domains. Next, I'll talk about general strategies for setting up HTTPS redirects.

There are two types of setting up redirects with HTTPS:

  1. Redirect at the server level;
  2. Redirection at the application level.

The term server refers to any server that sits in front of a web application and processes an incoming HTTP request. For example, a front-end server, a load balancing server or a single application.

The term application denotes a web application, which can be either as simple as a PHP script or more complex, such as a server-side Unicorn application interpreting Ruby on Rails.

Performing HTTPS redirects at the server level

Performing HTTPS redirects at the server level is preferable. In this case, the server on which the SSL certificate is installed accepts the encrypted HTTP request and returns an encrypted HTTP redirect response according to the configuration parameters, without connecting to the application server or executing application code.

This approach is faster because the server can handle the redirect without interacting with the application. At the same time, server configuration is less flexible than what can be done using a full-fledged programming language.
htaccess redirect HTTP to HTTPS at the server level is used for bulk redirection. For example, a redirect from WWW to a non-WWW version of a domain with HTTPS (or vice versa).

The following code snippet is an example Nginx configuration that sets up a redirect from, and to

server ( listen 80; server_name; return 301$request_uri; ) server ( listen 443 ssl; server_name; # ssl configuration ssl on; ssl_certificate /path/to/certificate.crt; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/private.key; if ($http_host = ( return 301$request_uri; ) )

Implementing a redirect at the server level is preferable, but it is not always feasible since you may not have access to the server configuration. This applies to shared hosting or platforms such as Heroku, Azure or Google Platform.

Performing an HTTPS redirect at the application level

When you don't have access to the server configuration, or the redirect logic is more complex, you need to handle the HTTP to HTTPS redirect at the application level.

This approach is a little slower because the server must accept the request, process the application code ( or interact with the application server) and return the response.

How redirection is performed at the application level depends on the programming language and stack used. Here are some examples.

Goland package and net/http

You can use http.Redirect.

Ruby on Rails

You can set up a redirect at the router level, use the Rack middleware, or use the redirect_to method inside the controller:

constraints(host: / do get "*", to: redirect("") end


Use the header function to send the HTTP redirect header:

In some cases this is the only possible approach. For example, if you need to redirect clients from WWW to a non-WWW version of the domain, from HTTPS to Heroku or Azure (or vice versa), then you will have to specify both domains in one application, install a certificate and process the redirect at the application level through conditions.

Alternative ways to perform an HTTPS redirect

There are several alternative ways redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

In some situations, there is no access to the server configuration, and the platform on which the site is hosted does not allow the use of a programming language. As typical example You can use Amazon S3 for hosting static sites. In this case, you need to find out whether the platform provides HTTPS redirect parameters that you can configure.

Another option is to use a standalone, independent redirect application. For example, if you need to redirect clients from to Then for the domain you can specify another service or server hosting as the DNS. You can also set up a redirect at the server level or install an application that will act as a redirector. In this case, you also need a valid certificate for, which will be installed where the redirect needs to be carried out.

IN global network scammers and hackers try to steal every day personal information. In the past, phishing was considered the most popular method of stealing. The attacker replaces the original site, and data from the user falls into his hands (passwords, card numbers, private messages and so on.). To solve this problem, we created a secure HTTPS connection. Therefore, site administrators are often concerned with the question of how to create and configure a secure https connection.

and why is it needed

Before moving your site to an HTTPS connection, you should understand what it is and how it works. HTTPS is a secure option HTTP protocol(Hypertext transmits the necessary data for the pages to work (browser name, screen resolution, presence of Cookies, etc.).

HTTP is used by developers to send and receive variables; without this protocol, websites will not be able to function. All files transferred via HTTP could previously be easily intercepted using a fake website (phishing).

Previously, passwords, logins, card numbers, secret messages and other things were stolen using a similar method. important information. To protect users from phishing, they were invented SSL certificate s and checking their authenticity before starting the exchange of information.

HTTPS must be used on banking websites or online stores. If these resources are not available, the browser will deny the connection and a danger warning will be displayed. As a result, the site will lose the trust of its users.

What is an SSL/TLS certificate

The main innovation in HTTPS is the mandatory use of a digital SSL certificate. This is a file in which all information is stored (server IP address, site country, owner’s email, etc.). Digital document is encrypted on the site server and on the server of the certification authority (GoDaddy, Comodo, etc.). At each connection, these files are compared, and if they are the same, the connection continues. Otherwise, a security warning appears.

Many readers do not know how to make a secure https connection. The first step is to obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted authority. Exist different types these documents:

  • DV - only confirm the domain (for small sites and blogs).
  • OV - domain and organization are checked.
  • EV - extended verification (a green bar and a padlock will appear in the browser).

The EV option is considered the most preferable for shops and banks. Further clarifications follow in the form:

  • SGC (supports older browsers).
  • Wildcard (subdomain support).
  • SAN (alternate domains in one certificate).
  • IDN (support national domains www).

For most sites, it is enough to use a DV SSL certificate. It is inexpensive and guarantees protection against phishing.

How to transfer a site to a secure connection

More and more owners online business I'm interested in how to create a secure https connection. To do this you will have to make some changes to program code pages. The most important thing is to write additional rule in the .htaccess file. It contains code for Apache settings web server.

Most hosting providers allow you to configure an SSL certificate for the server through the control panel. Check with your service provider for details on how to do this. The entire website translation process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Obtaining an SSL certificate.
  2. Installing a certificate on the server.
  3. Changing internal site links.
  4. Setting up redirect to port 301.
  5. Changing Hosts in robots.txt.

If used paid hostings type beget, then contact support with a certificate, and all further actions will be performed by service workers. The most difficult stage in answering the question of how to do https connection, is a setting since most scripts do not help.

Obtaining a certificate and installing it on the server

Now that we have theoretically figured out how to make an https connection, let’s move on to action. The first step is to obtain an SSL certificate from one of the trusted centers. You can find many on the Internet various options in different price ranges. At the present time, to receive free document there are 2 centers:

  • WoSign.
  • Startssl.

Other services require payment. The amount depends on the type of certificate and its additional features(multi-domain, support for older browsers, etc.). Certification authorities:

  • Godaddy.
  • Hostland.
  • Symantec.
  • Comodo.
  • GlobalSign.
  • Thawte.

In addition, some hosting providers provide their users with SSL certificates when purchasing a certain tariff plan. The certification website describes in detail the necessary actions. But the whole procedure consists of the following steps:

  • generating a CSR request;
  • filling in the site email (admin@[site address]);
  • filling in information about the domain owner (for EV and OV documents).

The CSR request includes general data for verification (organization, city, region, country). After filling out the information, the user receives 2 codes ( The secret key and CSR code), be sure to save them in separate document. Send this code to receive an SSL certificate and wait for it to be issued from the center.

Now go to the hosting website and find the “SSL certificate” section or contact support. You will need to provide information about the CSR code, private key and certificate. Don't forget to enable SSL support in your hosting panel.

How to create an https connection permanently

After placing the file on the server, you need to internal setup site. You will need to set up a redirect and change all internal links from absolute to relative.

That is, instead of install: //

We need to remove HTTP from link names. If in doubt, call a WEB programmer or freelancer, he will quickly set it up. You can look for links through the code editor in each file, or you can find all the information through the search in PhpMyAdmin.

After setting up the links, you need to inform search engines about the change. Open the robots.txt file and in the Host: line, replace HTTP with HTTPS.

Instead of, insert:

After changing the search file, set up automatic Before further actions check the availability of the site on the HTTPS protocol. If all previous actions were performed correctly, then no errors should occur.

For automatic redirection on secure connection paste this script into the .htacess file, it helps some:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %(HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto) !https

RewriteRule ^ https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

But in most cases this method does not work. In these situations, contact your hosting administrator, he will be able to make correct settings. The redirect will start working after the server is restarted, usually within 24 hours.

In addition, you will need to change the settings in the Yandex or Google webmaster panel. In the indexing settings section, you will need to go to the main mirror item and install HTTPS. In addition, you will need to transfer:

  • sitemap.xml;
  • URL exceptions;
  • geolocation;
  • links Disawov Tool for Google.

After this, you just have to wait for the reindexing to finish. During this period, activity on the site will decrease, but then everything will stabilize.

connection in WordPress

Modern blogs and portals mostly run on WordPress; to switch to https, they will need to perform the same steps (obtain a certificate, change links, etc.). But they have a set of built-in plugins that will perform all the actions for the owner:

  • easy HTTPS Redirection;
  • HTTPS (SSL).

The first replaces links, and the second allows you to specify an SSL certificate. Also, go to Settings->General. Here you need to change the URL and specify the HTTPS protocol. Make sure that old pages also have a secure connection. After changing the links, configure the redirect and change the robots.txt file.

There should be no more questions about how to make an https connection on a website. On most hosting sites, to enable protective mode, you only need to write to technical support. They will appoint a specialist, and he will do the setup himself.