Utilities for google chrome. Cleaning on mobile devices. Find and remove programs in Chrome Cleanup Tool


Cleaning Google browser Chrome can be done using standard means programs. Open the browser using the appropriate shortcut or item in the Start menu.

Left-click on the icon that opens the browser context menu and is located on the right top corner program window, to the right of address bar. In the list that appears, select “Tools” - “Delete browsing data.”

A list of parameters that can be deleted will appear in the window. Mark the items you need by clicking on the data type line to delete.

The “Clear” line will help you delete information about visited pages. As a rule, this section contains the most data. The “Clear download history” item will delete the list of downloaded files.

By clicking on “Clear cookies and other site and plug-in data”, you will delete data about entered forms, settings automatic login to various sites, etc. The cache contains downloaded pages, a copy of which remains in this section browser and is used for more fast loading resources.

“Clear saved passwords” - deletes the passwords that you have saved for logging in with the browser automatically indicating your login and password. “Clear saved form autofill data” - deletes data containing your name, e-mail, last name, residential address, etc. – the data that you have ever entered into forms on websites.

The “Delete hosted application data” section will help you clear the settings of program plugins installed on your computer. The “Revoke license authorization for content” item will remove the list of verified resources. You can also specify the time period for which you need to erase data.

After the piece required settings Click “Clear history” and wait until the procedure is completed. Restart your browser to apply the changes. File deletion is complete.

Modern browsers offer users convenient settings saving personal data. But in a certain situation, it may be necessary to delete authorization information. To do this, each browser has a list cleaning tool. logins.


IN Opera program Logins can be cleared using the “Settings” menu item. Find in it the inscription “Delete personal data”. In the window that appears there should be an item “ Detailed setting" Click on it. This action will cause additional list. In it, click on the inscription “Password Management”. You will see list websites where you entered authorization data. Select the sites you are interested in and delete the logins associated with them.

To delete the list of logins in Mozilla Firefox select mostly top menu section "Tools". In the drop-down list, select “Erase recent history" The program will offer a choice of several options for clearing saved data. To delete logins, select “Form and search log”. You can clarify the period of time during which new logins were added. To do this, click on the drop-down list at the top of the window, which is located next to the “Open” inscription. After this, select a suitable time period. Confirm your choice with the appropriate key.

If you visit Internet resources using a browser Internet Explorer, you can remove unnecessary logins by going to the appropriate sites. Hover over the site authorization field that corresponds to and highlight the options you are interested in. You can move through the list using the arrow buttons on your keyboard. Delete logins by clicking on each of them Delete key.

To clear login lists in Google Chrome, click on the settings button with the image wrench. In the toolbox that opens, select Options. After this, the browser will open a page with big amount settings. View left side page and find the inscription “Personal Materials”. Click on it. Open additional window“Manage saved passwords”, the link to which is located on the right side of the page. Now you can move the cursor over the desired site and, by clicking on the cross that appears in the upper right corner, delete the login.

Many Internet users, in particular, Google users trying to resolve the issue of saving their browser settings. After reinstalling the system, changing the PC, or similar actions, I would like to have Chrome immediately ready to work in the form in which it was left before. Google Developers took care of that and the save function custom settings implemented on top level.

Google Chrome settings on your computer

First of all, you need to understand where the settings are in the Google Chrome browser. To open them, you need to find the icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and click on it. A menu will open in which you need to select the “Settings” item.

In the settings window that opens, you will find great amount options that can be changed at your discretion. This is where it is configured appearance programs, security, default search is set, new users are created, etc.

If we talk specifically about saving settings in the browser, then everything is quite simple. The engine is designed in such a way that after changing any parameter, the settings just made are automatically saved. This allows you to turn off the browser, restart the computer, then turn it on again and all the settings made will be in the position in which you left them.

In other words, in order for your browser settings to be saved, you just need to change them somehow. Settings can also be reset to standard condition. For this there is special button"Reset browser settings." You can find it by clicking the “Show advanced settings” button.

Saving settings online

To save all the settings made when reinstalling the system or browser, or to use them on another computer, you must use Google account. At the same time, everything Personal settings, including bookmarks and extensions, will be saved online.

If you already have Google mail, simply go to your browser settings and click the “Sign in to Chrome” button. Then enter your email name and password. Synchronization settings will open. You can synchronize all settings, or select only some specific ones from the list by checking the boxes. Yes, you can synchronize standard settings browsers, themes, extensions, tabs, passwords, browsing history, applications.

Just below you need to specify the encryption parameters. This additional function, allowing you to protect all your data from access by third parties. It is possible to encrypt using credentials Google data, or using some kind of passphrase. When using a code phrase, extreme caution must be taken, since if you lose or forget the specified word or phrase, Google already will not be able to remind you of it and the synchronization will have to be reset.

“If your computer is slow or constantly displays crashes and errors on the Internet, then clear your browser cache,” is the most common answer to complaints from network users. All that remains is to find out what this mysterious “cache” is and where to look for it.


The term “cache” means a certain area of ​​disk or random access memory, which stores data while you are online. The computer saves them so that the next time you access this page, you don’t have to download the files again, but simply substitute them from your memory. This action significantly reduces and speeds up work, but sometimes it happens that the saved files do not match more page, and you are facing some problems. It could be incorrect display design, inability to access the site using your own password, failure when trying to upload a photo to the site and much more.

If your computer starts experiencing similar crashes, it's time to clear your browser cache. The browser, in case you don't already know, is how you access the . The most popular ones are Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. In each of them, clearing the cache will vary in detail, but in general it will be about the same. To do this, in the menu, select Tools (Tools or Service) – Internet Optionen – Delete Privat data – Delete Cache. The path to clearing the cache will be slightly different not only in different browsers, but also in different versions the same browser, so for cleaning it is better to use a program specially designed for this purpose.

An example of such a program would be CCleaner. The program is free, can be easily downloaded from the developers’ website and can be installed on your computer just as easily. home computer. Availability Russian-language interface allows you to understand it without any difficulty. Close all browsers and enable CCleaner, click the Clean button. After a few (or seconds) the program will inform you that the process was completed successfully, you will only be surprised at the amount of released disk space. Make it a habit to use CCleaner periodically, and you will no longer have to be afraid of the words “clear your browser cache.”


You will say: “Cool, super! Why clear your browser cache then?” Because there is a limit to everything. Every day there are more and more of these files in the cache. The cache stores all its files on your disk, and the space on your hard disk is not rubber. In addition, if there have been design changes on the site, and the old styles are still stored in the cache, then you will be viewing a site that has not been updated. Here, only clearing the browser cache will come to the rescue.

Helpful advice

How to clean by hand Microsoft Internet Explorer? To begin with (this applies to any browser installed on your system), turn on the display hidden files in Windows 7 (Vista): Show hidden and system files. This program allows you to directly (in preview mode) see files located in the cache according to their type: images, videos, sounds, swf files. As you can see, clearing your browser cache is not at all difficult.

Bookmarks represent a list of favorites or important links Internet user, which can be stored in the browser settings. Over time, some bookmarks may lose their relevance or become unnecessary, so it is worth cleaning them periodically.


Opera. Go to the main menu of the browser and select the “Bookmarks” section. In the list that opens, click on the “Manage bookmarks” item. A window will appear consisting of a toolbar and two parts: the left one – folders for bookmarks, the right – links to Internet pages saved in bookmarks. You can also call this menu by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+b. Select the folder in which you want to clear bookmarks, highlight the links to delete and click the “Delete” button on the toolbar or the Delete key. Deleted bookmarks will be moved to the Trash folder, so you can restore them if necessary.

Google Chrome. Click on the wrench icon to bring up the browser menu. Select the “Bookmarks” section and click on the “Bookmarks Manager” item. Go to the desired folder and highlight the link you want to delete with your mouse. Click on it right click mouse or the “Arrange” button and select “Delete”. You can also simply press the Delete key on your keyboard to clear the selected objects.

Internet Explorer. Click on the star icon. A window will appear consisting of three tabs. Bookmarks are located in the “Favorites” section. To delete you must select the required link and right-click on it, and then click on the “Delete” button. Clear the list of bookmarks by pressing the Delete key in Internet browser Explorer won't work because highlighting a link causes it to open.

Mozilla Firefox. Click on the "Bookmarks" item. Review the list that appears and select the links you want to clear. After that, right-click on the selection and click on the “Delete” command.

Safari. Click on the icon that looks like open book to go to the browser bookmark editor. Select collections or individual links that you want to delete, and press the Delete key. The browser also allows you to recover deleted bookmarks. To do this, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Cancel deletion of bookmarks.”

The Chrome browser is quite easy to use, but over time any browser begins to slow down and even suddenly stop working or display some sites inadequately. Why is this happening? One of possible reasons– loading the browser cache with data about visited website pages, so as not to download them again each time. This data accumulates over several weeks, or even months, if preventive cleaning is not carried out. Needs to be removed periodically unnecessary information from cache.

How to find the settings control panel in Chrome?

To clear the cache memory in the Chrome browser, first of all, you need to close all tabs with loaded website pages. Next step– search for the settings panel and Google management Chrome. This panel opens by clicking on the button with three horizontal stripes, which is located in the upper right corner. Next, you need to select “Tools” and go to “Delete browsing data.”

The browser stores information about how the pages of all sites that were opened in it look. This is necessary to increase the speed of Chrome. But if a lot of pages were opened, the memory becomes overloaded.

An additional window will appear with several items in front of which you need to check or remove them. If you only need to clear the cache, you should check the box only there, and delete the rest by clicking on each one with the mouse.

What settings are associated with the cache clearing procedure?

Next, you need to pay attention to the tab at the top of the window, which prompts you to select the period during which the Chrome browser collected information that filled the cache memory. You can delete only data received during the previous hour, day, week or month, or you can clear the entire browser cache at once by selecting the “All time” operation.

Now all that remains is to click on the button at the bottom of the window that says “Clear history”. The whole procedure will then take a split second, and the window will disappear. You can continue to use your browser as usual.

Clearing the cache will not deprive the user of necessary information, the result will only be an increase in browser speed.

What else will help speed up your browser?

For safety reasons, you can

Chrome Cleanup Tool - a tool for cleaning the Google Chrome browser from suspicious applications, as a result of which normal operation of the browser is restored. Chrome Tool Cleanup Tool developed by Google to remove applications that are interfering with the browser and to reset the browser settings.

Over time, problems with the Google Chrome browser may occur: slow work, freezes, independent opening of web pages on the Internet, the start page can be changed, replaced search system, new toolbars appear in the browser, incomprehensible advertisements open, etc. The situation looks like this: the browser has clearly started to work worse, but the user seems to have changed nothing in the browser settings.

The reason for this, most often, is third-party applications secretly installed on a computer or browser that change Google settings Chrome. Similar applications provide negative impact on the browser, make it difficult normal use web browser.

Chrome Cleanup Tool (formerly Software Removal Tool for Google Chrome) restores the browser in case of problems with its operation. The utility scans the browser for suspicious applications that may cause problems in Chrome, and if found, prompts the user to remove them.

The Chrome Cleanup Tool can be downloaded from this link https://www.google.ru/chrome/cleanup-tool/ from the official Google website. The program does not require installation on a computer; the application runs on the Windows operating system.

Besides separate application, the Chrome Cleanup tool is built into the Google Chrome browser and needs to be launched manually from the browser settings.

Find and remove programs in Chrome Cleanup Tool

Download the application and then run the cleanup tool exe. After this, the Chrome cleaning tool will start searching for suspicious files.

If unwanted applications are found, the Chrome Cleanup Tool will prompt you to remove them. Nothing suspicious was found on my computer.

In both cases, the application will prompt the user to click on the “Continue” button.

You can accept this offer or refuse. Resetting your settings often helps restore your browser's functionality.

If you reset the settings, the settings will be reset to default values home page, enabled default search engine, unpinned tabs, disabled all extensions, deleted cache, temporary files and cookies.

After completion of work, the cleanup tool.exe utility will be automatically removed from the computer.

Pay attention to the articles that describe different ways to solve problems with the browser:

Running Chrome Cleanup in the Google Chrome browser

The Chrome Cleanup tool in the Google Chrome browser works based on antivirus scanner. The remedy is coming and removes malicious software from a computer.

First, you need to go into your browser settings to launch the tool. Before checking, you should update your browser to the new version.

Enter “chrome://settings/cleanup” (without quotes) into your browser’s address bar.

  1. Go to your browser settings, click on the “Main Menu” icon in the upper left corner of the page window.
  2. In the Settings sidebar, click Advanced.
  3. Click on "Reset settings and remove malware".
  4. Select "Remove malware from your computer."

Next to the “Find and remove malware” option, click on the “Find” button. After this, the process of searching for malware will begin. The verification will take some time.

As a result of the scan, if anything is found, delete dangerous applications from a computer.

Conclusions of the article

The Chrome Cleanup Tool is used to find and remove unwanted applications, interfering normal operation Google Chrome browser. Once Chrome is cleared, your browser settings will return to default.

Translated from English, cache means “cache” or “secret reserves.” And in browsers and, in particular, in Google Chrome, this word refers to a special storage that contains downloaded elements of web pages: media files (audio and video), photos, GIFs, pictures, texts.

Such a “container” is necessary for the browser to quickly display a web page when it is requested again. That is, it will not re-download elements, but will “retrieve” them from the cache.

You may already have a question: “Why clear the cache memory if it is entrusted with such a responsible mission?” The need to clear the cache in Google Chrome can be compared to cleaning the workplace, for example, after assembling or repairing some structure or equipment (car, furniture, computer, etc.). You won’t leave oily rags, scattered tools, shavings and sawdust, traces of fuel oil and other signs of your work where you worked. That's right, everything needs to be removed!

In our case, the concept is absolutely the same. After working on the Internet (talking on social networks, surfing websites), you need to clear the cache in the Google Chrome browser. In other words, clean up after yourself.

And if this procedure is not systematically performed after Internet sessions, the cache will become cluttered and, moreover, free space system partition(drive C) will be occupied by absolutely useless files. And it can even get to the point (in particularly advanced cases) that the Google Chrome browser cache “swells” to incredible sizes. AND operating system computer will sound the alarm: “No free space on drive C! After all, even during one web surfing session, tens and hundreds of megabytes can accumulate in the storage temporary files. Once used, of course, they need to be removed. Cleaning Chrome First!

This article will tell you how to clear the cache in Google Chrome. in various ways- completely and selectively.

Complete cleanup on PC

Method No. 1: using a standard function

1. In the upper right corner of Google Chrome, click on the menu button (three dots icon).

2. In the drop-down list, place the cursor on the “Additional tools” item.

3. In the submenu, click the option “Delete data…. "

You can also access the cleaning panel using hot keys - “Ctrl + Shift + Del”.

And if you want to move from the “History” tab, on the right side of it, click the “Clear...” link.

4. In the settings menu (the panel that opens on top of the page), in the first column, set the time period to “all time” (to clear the browser cache completely).

5. Check the “Images…” line. saved in cache."

Attention! Through this panel you can also clear cookies in your browser. To perform this operation, you must enable the option " Cookies..." (also put a "bird" by clicking the mouse).

6. To clear the cache, click “Clear History”.

Method number 2: using the Click&Clean addon

1. Go to official store extensions for Google Chrome: the “Services” icon in the panel under the address bar → Online store…

2. In the “Search…” field, enter the name of the add-on - Click&Clean. Press the Enter key.

3. Go to the addon page. Click the “Install” button. Wait for the download and installation to complete.

4. Click the addon button (it will appear at the top right of the browser window after installation).

5. To clear the browser cache, select the “Delete personal data...” block in the tiled menu that drops out.

Attention! The addon allows you to assign, along with deleting the cache, additional actions. To install them:

hover over the cleaning block;

click on the “gear” that appears;

in the new window, check the boxes next to the actions that need to be performed (for example, “Close all tabs before cleaning”);

Click the Clean button.

Cleaning on mobile devices

To clear the cache on smartphones and tablets under iOS control and Android you need to perform almost similar steps:

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. In the panel, tap on the “Menu” button.
  3. In the list of options, go to: History → Clear history.
  4. In the list of items, select “Files... in the cache.”
  5. In the cleaning period setting, set the value to “all time”.
  6. Tap your finger on the Clear History button.

How to delete the cache of only the open (current) page?

Sometimes it is impossible to track changes to open web page, occurring over short periods of time, due to the fact that the browser loads “outdated” (previously downloaded) elements from the cache with its next request.

In such cases it is necessary to perform selective cleaning storage - delete only files current page. And then update it and re-download it. This operation is performed step by step as follows:

1. To switch to editing mode, while in the Chrome window, press the “F12” key (a menu for adjustment will open on the right side of the window).

2. Hover your cursor over the “Refresh Page” button (located at right side from the address bar). Click left button and hold it until the menu opens.

3. In the list of options, click “Clear cache and hard reset” so that the browser reloads the page from the server without accessing the storage.

4. To exit the editing mode, in the “Elements...” block. » Click on the “cross” icon.

This concludes our review. Happy cleaning! Always keep your browser clean and tidy. Details about viewing content Google cache Chrome.

Chrome Cleanup Tool or Chrome Cleanup Tool- easy to use free program, which is developed and maintained by Google. This utility was created for computers running all modern Windows versions. Chrome Cleanup Tool detects and removes malicious extensions, adware (adware), malware substituting home page and the page that opens when you open a new tab. Moreover this small program can find and delete potentially unnecessary programs(PUP). As an additional function, at the final stage of its Chrome works The Cleanup Tool can completely restore your browser settings to their default state.

The Chrome Cleanup tool is designed to restore the usability of the browser, namely solving problems that cause Google Chrome to malfunction, removing harmful extensions, restoring the loading speed of Internet pages, blocking pop-ups and annoying ads. Most often, the cause of all these misfortunes is the appearance on the computer of unnecessary, malicious, advertising and potentially unwanted programs. The number of malware that Chrome Cleanup Tool detects when scanning your computer is quite large, and this list is constantly growing.

Some of the most famous programs that Chrome Cleanup Tool detects and removes

Multiplug, Shopper Pro, Stormwatch, SmartBar, ShopperZ, Dealply, SaveSense, Price Meter, Mail.ru Sputnik/Guard, Clikug, V-Bates, SearchProtect, SupTab, MySearchDial, Conduit Toolbars, Community Alerts & ValueApps, BrowseFox, PullUpdate, Vitruvian , Wajam.

If malware is found, it will be automatically removed. Also in order to solve problems with proper work Chrome after disinfecting the computer, the user will be asked to reset the browser settings to the default settings, while all personal information, including passwords and bookmarks, will be saved.

Of course, such a small program as the Chrome Cleanup Tool cannot solve all problems, but nevertheless its use is justified. After all, this utility was developed by the same company that created the Chrome browser. And it is obvious that no one knows his child better than his parents.

Step-by-step instructions describing the process of using Chrome Cleanup Tool

Steps to Using the Chrome Cleanup Tool

Download Chrome Cleanup Tool to your computer

Download Chrome program Cleanup Tool by clicking on the following link.

Download Chrome Cleanup Tool
Downloaded 42338 times
Version: 22.12

Google Chrome

In the menu that opens, select Open.

Internet Explorer

Before starting to download the file, the browser will open a narrow dialog box with a golden stripe at the bottom of the screen.

Click the button Execute.


Before downloading begins, the browser will open a dialog box asking you what to do with the file.

In this window, click on the button Save file. The process of downloading the file to your HDD. Once the download is complete, click on the down arrow, which is located to the right of the address bar, in the upper right corner of the browser window.

Scan your computer and remove malware using Chrome Cleanup Tool

Before the program starts working, User Account Control Windows will show a warning window.

Click the button Yes. The Chrome Cleanup Tool will launch and automatically begin scanning your computer for known malicious and potentially unnecessary programs.

When the scan is completed you will see its results.

Click on the button Delete to start the procedure of cleaning your computer from detected malware.

Reset Chrome settings to default

Once all potentially unnecessary and malicious programs have been removed, the Chrome Cleanup Tool will prompt you to reset the settings to their default state.

Click on the button Reset. I would like to remind you that your passwords and bookmarks saved by the browser will not be deleted.

Video instructions showing the entire process of using the program using the example of deleting Mail ru Sputnik