Speed ​​up Google Chrome chrome flags. Network problems. Remove unnecessary applications

Internet pages in popular browser Chrome doesn't always open fast enough. And when there are many windows open, the work of other applications slows down. The site’s experts have put together several recommendations to solve the problem both on a desktop PC and on a tablet or smartphone.

1. Disable extensions

Check to see if you have too many extensions installed: If Chrome is used long enough, it can become cluttered with unnecessary, unused plugins. Remove or disable them - this may solve the problem.

How to do it: select Tools > Extensions or enter address bar chrome://extensions – you don’t need to enter the entire address, autocomplete will work. Now go to the list of extensions and leave only those that you really cannot do without. Disable the rest - the more, the better. Are you sure you won't need the plugin anymore? Click on the trash icon to completely delete it.

Remove unnecessary updates, leaving only the most necessary ones

2. Install the latest updates

Chrome should update automatically, but if you haven't closed the browser or restarted your computer for weeks, there's a chance it might. old version. Usually just restarting your PC is enough.

How to do it: to make sure that you are really using the latest version, click on the three dots icon on the right top corner browser window and select Help > About Google Chrome - the latest version will be downloaded and installed.

On your phone or tablet, go to your app store, go to the Updates section, and make sure Chrome is actually up to date.

3. Close unnecessary tabs

Google regularly updates Chrome to improve performance and optimize memory usage. But remember that RAM is not infinite. Open many tabs at the same time - the right way bring the computer into a coma, as the memory will soon become full.

How to do it: Just close extra tabs, leaving the most necessary ones - this is perhaps the simplest solution when Chrome is sluggish.

Simply clearing your browsing history may solve the problem.

4. Clear history

This may seem like grasping at straws, but easy cleaning browsing history may solve the problem. Chrome downloads and stores quite a lot of data, including pictures, cookies, and more.

How to do it: to remove them, go to Settings and select Clear Browsing History or scroll down to Advanced section, click on the arrow and scroll further down until you see this command in the list.

For keyboard shortcut lovers: press Ctrl+Shift+Delete when Chrome is active window. You will see a warning saying that after deleting the history, some sites may load more slowly because nothing is saved in the cache, and the information will have to be downloaded again from the Internet. Removal cookies also means that you will have to enter logins and passwords manually - make sure you remember them!

On your phone or tablet, go to Chrome Settings and select Privacy > Advanced > Clear browsing data.

5. Reinstall Chrome

Sometimes the only way to restore performance is to completely Chrome removal, to get rid of all the junk it has created over the course of its existence on your computer, or to fix a problem that is causing the other tips to not work.

How to do it: On Windows, open Control Panel (Settings on Windows 10), find Chrome in the Add/Remove programs list, and uninstall the browser.

At reinstalling Chrome use another browser to go to chrome.google.com and download from there latest version. Or download this file in advance, before uninstalling Chrome.

On your phone or tablet, find the Chrome icon, tap it, and on iOS, hold your finger down until the “x” icon appears. On Android, drag the Chrome icon to the Trash or to the Uninstall section that appears when you hold down. To reinstall, simply search the app store and click the Install button.

Try changing browser

Hmm, this isn't really about speeding up Chrome... but in the end, if all else fails, why not try Yandex, Firefox or Opera?

We all know that Google Chrome is one of the best browsers on the market and most users prefer to use it. But there is no ideal and Google Chrome also has a lot of shortcomings. One such drawback that is plaguing users all over the world is the high RAM consumption.

This is already good known issue. When a user installs Google Chrome, he probably already knows that it will consume a huge amount of RAM while it is running. In particularly extreme cases, you may even see an error that notifies you that there are no free memory. But even if everything doesn’t go wrong, then consuming this important resource you'll still notice very easily.

Why does this happen? The thing is that Google Chrome resorts to process isolation. Simply put, each tab you open represents a separate process running on your computer. So if any tab freezes, it will not affect the operation of the entire browser.

It also makes Google Chrome more secure and stable, but this comes at the cost of high memory consumption. All this means that your browser will inevitably be slow, regardless of your system configuration (although a huge supply of RAM will certainly help, it can also run out).

However, it's not all bad, as there are many methods you can use to improve the performance of Google Chrome. You can reduce the amount of memory used by the browser or disable some of its features so that it does not consume such huge amounts of memory. You can also include some special functions in Google Chrome, which can speed up its operation. In general, there is a lot of everything that will help you in this difficult task.

In this article, we have collected the most effective ways to speed up the Google Chrome browser.

Method #1 Increasing the browser cache size

Increasing the cache size for Google Chrome is great way speed up its work. A cache, simply put, is a temporary storage where to Google Chrome (or any other program) will save information that will be used many times in the future. In the case of Google Chrome, data from the resources you visit is stored in the cache in order to speed up the process of re-entering them in the future.

One thing we can take away from this is simple truth— increasing the cache will significantly increase the speed of the browser. But you need to be careful and not highlight Google cache Chrome has too much RAM, as this may affect the performance of the entire system.

Before you directly start increasing the size of the maximum cache, you need to first determine its real and maximum size. Just follow the steps below:

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Enter in the address bar chrome://net-internals/#httpCache and press Enter.
  • Select the "Cache" tab from the left panel.

You should clearly see the cache size in this moment and its maximum possible value in Google Chrome. It's also worth warning that the values ​​are in bytes, not bits.

Now let's increase the cache size:

  • Close Google Chrome.
  • Create a shortcut on your desktop for executive Google file Chrome. Don't know how?
    • Click right click mouse to Start and select "Run".
    • Write in the blank line C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application(place Google installations Chrome by default) and press Enter.
    • Right click on chrome.exe and select "Send to→Desktop(create shortcut)".
  • Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties”.
  • Go to the "Shortcut" tab.
  • Enter the value separated by a space –disk-cache-size=10000000 in the "Object" field. 10000000 is the quantity possible cache. Here you can set any value, but for your convenience, we indicate that 1073741824 equals 1 gigabyte.
  • Then click "Apply" and "OK".

Once you're done, open Google Chrome and start surfing the web. No problems should arise and the browser will use the cache in accordance with the configured parameters.

Method #2 Remove unwanted extensions

Extensions are a great way to add additional functionality to your browser. The Internet is full of all kinds of extensions for Google Chrome. But know that almost all of them work for background and demand additional resources for your work.

Even if you don't use your extensions, they are still running and consuming resources, which reduces browser performance. So disabling or removing extensions will help speed up Google Chrome significantly.

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Enter in the address bar chrome://extensions and press Enter.

Uncheck any extensions you don't use. If you think that you don’t need extensions at all, then simply remove them all. Click on the trash can icon next to each extension to remove them.

Method #3 Remove unwanted applications

As with extensions, deleting web applications is also good way increase available resources, and therefore speed up Google Chrome. So, delete those apps that you don't use or don't need. To do this, do the following:

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Enter in the address bar chrome://apps and press Enter.
  • You will see a list of all applications that are currently installed in Google Chrome.
  • Right-click on the application you don't need and select "Remove from Goolge Chrome".
  • Click on “Delete” in the window that appears.

This method will not speed up the Google Chrome browser as much as the previous one, but you will definitely feel a small effect from it.

Method #4 Using tooltips to speed up page loads

This hinting service will allow Google Chrome to read information from the website you are loading before it actually visits it, which will significantly improve performance. Keeping this option disabled does not make much sense, so we will now check whether it is activated in the browser.

The thing is that this function should be activated by default, but many users unknowingly disable it because they see it only as a resource-consuming function.

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Click on the “ ” symbol in the upper right corner of the window.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Scroll down to the very bottom and open additional settings with the appropriate link.
  • Go to "Personal Information".
  • Find the option called "Use tooltips to speed up page loading."

As soon as you check the box, your Google Chrome will start using this service to speed up its work.

Method #5 Experimental functions

Experimental features in Google Chrome are features that have not been well tested and are fairly new or in development. These features, as the name suggests, are experimental and may very well cause browser crashes. But, some of them are incredibly useful. They will help you increase your browser speed.

  • Open Google Chrome.
  • Enter in the address bar chrome://flags and press Enter.

You should see a page with a huge number of settings and a warning in the header, which will warn you about the experimental origin of the settings below. However, we will not apply them all. Among them you can find those whose activation will help improve the performance of Google Chrome and they will not cause many stability problems.

To make it easier to review the settings, you can use the search function using the keys Ctrl+F- this will save you a huge amount of time than if you search manually.

Experimental canvas features: find in the list this function and activate it through the corresponding button. Simply put, this feature will speed up the loading time and increase the performance of Google Chrome. Once you activate it, restart your browser to apply the changes.

Quickly close tabs/windows. This feature will speed up closing tabs open in the browser. Find this feature and click on the “Enable” button below it. Then, just like the previous method, restart your browser. The next time you log into Google Chrome, you'll probably notice the effect of activating quick tab close.

Number of bitmap threads. Find the specified function and select a value from the drop-down menu 4 (initially it will be there by default). By activating this feature, Google Chrome will begin processing images faster. After activation, restart your browser again.

Automatically delete tab contents. By enabling this experimental feature, the browser will automatically delete content from tabs that are not currently in use. Accordingly, resources will no longer be allocated to them, but will go to active tabs. Also, the cleared tabs will still appear in the browser and their content will begin to reload as soon as you open them.

Simple Cache for HTTP. This function uses newest way caching in Google Chrome, which is many times superior old method. Enabling Simple Cache for HTTP will allow your browser to significantly increase its performance.

Default image width and height. These two features will also help improve the performance of Google Chrome. Simply put, by changing this value, you will allow the browser to reduce RAM consumption. However, you should only change the settings for this function if you have at least 4 gigabytes of RAM.

So, once you enable these features, your Google Chrome will become much more powerful and will not require such a huge amount of RAM to run. Keep in mind that these are all experimental features and could easily cause Google Chrome to crash. Also, if you don’t see it in your lists specified functions, then this means that the developers removed it.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

When Google browser Chrome was first presented to the public; it was a light and fast program that amazed everyone with its speed and low system requirements. Several years have passed since then, and Chrome has quietly grown to version 14. Gradually it acquired more and more new functions, support for all the latest web technologies and turned into a real monster, setup files which weigh more than 80 MB. Of course, you have to pay for such versatility, and Chrome is no longer as fast as it was in its youth. However, “extra fat” can be easily removed and your browser speeded up using a few simple methods.

1. Follow the start page

Chrome can launch very quickly, that's for sure. However, restoring the last session or opening a heavy page when starting the browser can significantly slow down the start. Many applications, when installed, strive to install their own in your browser. home page, so make sure that in your Chrome settings, the Starter group settings is selected Open main page, which page should be set as quick access.

2. Use a minimum of extensions.

Thousands and thousands of extensions for Chrome can significantly expand its functionality, make it more convenient and beautiful. However, do not forget that each extension runs in a separate process, which consumes certain, and sometimes quite significant, memory and processor resources. That's why review your list of extensions and leave only those that are really necessary. By the way, here you need to remember the ability of many extensions to work in background, even after closing the browser. If you have weak computer, then this function can be disabled.

3. Use the default theme.

You can, of course, color your browser like christmas tree, if the soul requires a holiday. However, for everyday work it is better to use the default theme. All extraneous graphics, and even more so animations, slow down the launch and consume system resources.

4. Enable experimental features.

Developers are constantly working to improve the browser, but not all new features have passed final testing. You can enable some of these features to speed up the program. To do this, type in the address bar about:flags and a page will open in front of you experimental functions. You should pay attention to the following points:

  • Overriding the software rendering list- allows you to use graphics acceleration even on older video cards;
  • Process all pages using GPU - Enables GPU acceleration on all pages, not just those containing relevant layers;
  • GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D— acceleration of 2D graphics using a graphics processor;
  • Preprocess from the Omnibox— background loading of pages when entering an address or search query.

5. Optimize your settings

Google Chrome has powerful system settings, some of them may speed up its performance a little. Open Options and go to the tab Advanced. Here you can enable the option Predict network activities to speed up page loading, and also disable Automatically send to Google statistics usage and crash reports. If you advanced user and are not afraid of phishing fakes, it is better to turn off the option Enable protection against phishing and malware, which will somewhat speed up page loading due to the absence of the need to check the security of each address.

6. Disable plugins.

Modern web services can use the most different technologies, such as Java, Flash, Silverlight. Support for these standards is implemented in the browser in the form of plug-ins. It is far from a fact that you will use all of them constantly, but they do use system resources. So open Options, then tab Advanced, click on the button Content Settings and find the link Disable individual modules . Experiment with its contents, leaving only what you really need.

7. Use launch with parameters.

The Chrome browser can be launched from special parameters, turning on or off individual functions. To do this, you need to open the properties of the shortcut on the Desktop to launch the program and add the desired command. You will find a complete list of all parameters on this page, but we would like to draw your attention to the following options:

  • -disable-dev-tools — disables developer tools;
  • -disable-java — disabling Java, which is rarely used on websites these days;
  • -disable-logging — disabling logging;
  • -disable-metrics-system— prohibit the collection of browser usage statistics.

8. Periodically clear the cache.

The browser stores graphics from pages you download in a cache on your hard drive so that they load faster when you visit the page again. However, over time, this cache grows so large that it begins to slow down the program. Therefore, it would be a good idea to clear the cache contents every few days. This can be done in the program settings by clicking on the button Delete browsing data.

9. Use keyboard shortcuts.

Yes, take the time and finally learn the hotkeys for working in Google Chrome. This really makes working in the program much faster, especially since many of us spend many hours online. Full list hotkeys can be found.

10. Try preview builds

The Chrome browser is developing at a tremendous pace, so the developers have introduced several update channels: Stable (stable), Beta (beta), Developer (for developers) and Canary (experimental). Possibly new features you will find in preview versions browser will help you speed up its operation even more.

You can download these browser builds.


This article does not contain step by step instructions and a literal guide to action. The methods contained in this article require intelligent individual application and experimental verification on each system - some will cause the browser to perform better, others will not show the expected results. So try, experiment and share your impressions in the comments.

At one time, as soon as it appeared on the market, Google Chrome was the fastest browser. It is still positioned as the most fast browser, however, if we talk purely about performance, then the market leader has already had competitors. These are both its clones, which, along with Google Chrome itself, inherited the efficiency of the Chromium platform, as well as browsers based on other engines. Following the latest web technologies may not always result in performance issues software. Therefore, today it would be more correct to talk about Chrome as the most advanced, functional and customizable browser than to exploit its image from the past as the fastest web browser. However, if the performance of Chrome, which it produces immediately after its installation, is satisfactory, as long as it is not lost over time during the operation of the browser, this is already a matter of optimization.

Optimizing the browser will be discussed below. How to speed up Google Chrome? Let's look at several ways.

  • Hardware upgrade;
  • Pages that open with Chrome;
  • Chrome theme;
  • Chrome Extensions;
  • Maximum amount open tabs;
  • Chrome running in the background;
  • Disable phishing protection;
  • Clearing the cache.
  • 1. Hardware upgrade

    Before proceeding directly to the consideration of optimization methods, the first point is the basic and most effective method improving the performance of Chrome, any other browser, or the computer as a whole. It's about about upgrading computer hardware components. For Google's browser, it is fundamentally important to have sufficient RAM, because this is what the browser uses, storing its processes in it, to ensure performance. So if you have 2 GB of RAM (or even less), the first thing you need to do is increase it to at least 4 GB. Also, for any browser to work, it is advisable to have, if not the most powerful, but at least modern processor. Old and low-power processors often cannot handle modern web technologies.

    2. Pages that open with Chrome

    One of the reasons quick launch Google Chrome has a preset option in the settings to open only one browser tab - the start page, also known as the quick access page. This arrangement is inconvenient when permanent job with the browser, and many reassign opening when starting the start page to launch previously open tabs. It is important to understand that restoring a session significantly increases the browser startup time. After all, every previously opened web page will load simultaneously. To speed up the launch of Chrome, you can leave the preset option to launch the start page, and either add the web pages you are viewing to bookmarks before closing the browser, or, if necessary, open them later from the “History” section.

    You need to access the launch page settings along with your browser if start page changed without my knowledge. If it has been replaced by another third party software, everything can be returned back in the section Chrome settings. In the browser menu, select “Settings” and then in the “Open at startup” section, check the “New tab” option.

    3. Chrome Theme

    The default theme that Chrome installs with is: best option for low-power computers. Graphics and animation of bright and impressive themes that can be installed in the browser in its store consume system resources. The same applies to separately built-in Chrome express panels quick access from visual bookmarks sites. After experimenting with colors Chrome windows To standard theme browser, you can return at any time. To do this, in the settings section " Appearance"You need to click the "Restore default theme" button.

    4. Chrome Extensions

    Google Chrome's potential lies in its extension and app store. Some of the applications are compatible with mobile Android platform and bring undeniable convenience to the user experience, which, along with desktop computer or laptop, also have an Android smartphone or tablet. By using Chrome extensions you can get rid of advertising on websites, work with foreign web resources thanks to technical translation of web pages, optimize information search, and also implement other functionality in the browser, and in most cases completely free of charge. But, expanding the capabilities of the browser, at the same time, we often lose its performance. Each plug-in extension is a separate system process, which loads the processor and RAM. And if the processor load can only be observed while extensions are active, then they use RAM both during operation and in the background. Detailed breakdown of extensions used system resources can be obtained in the Chrome task manager: in the Chrome menu, select “ Additional tools", and then - "Task Manager".

    In the manager we will see data on the use of system resources various tasks. Among these tasks, along with open tabs and plugins, extensions installed in the browser will be displayed as separate processes.

    And if we are talking about a low-power computer, it would be advisable to disable rarely used extensions that wastefully consume RAM. For a moment, disable it, not delete it. There is no need to delete it from the browser good extensions, so that, if necessary, you can later search for them in the heap of content in the Chrome store. By going to your browser settings and going to the extensions section, you will see a list installed extensions. A button in the form of a basket next to them removes extensions from the browser permanently, and a checkmark next to the word “Enabled” allows you to disable temporarily unused extensions. Disabled extensions remain in the list of the “Extensions” section of the browser, and they can be reactivated at any time by checking the “Enabled” box.

    5. Maximum number of open tabs

    Each open Chrome tab consumes RAM. And, naturally, with a huge number Having tabs open at the same time will result in a loss of browser performance. It is optimal to have no more than 10 web pages open in the browser at the same time.

    6. Chrome running in the background

    Some Chrome-based web services can work like individual applications. To ensure that these web services interact with the Internet even after closing Chrome, the browser is installed with the background mode active by default. If individual applications of such web services are not used, and all work is carried out only within the browser window, the background Chrome mode can be disabled to prevent its processes from consuming RAM. Of course, this makes sense if only the maximum power of the computer is periodically required, such as when playing games or working with hypervisors. Disable background work Chrome can be done in two ways. First, you need to click the browser icon in the system tray and in the window that appears, uncheck permission Chrome works in the background.

    Second, you need to go into the browser settings, click the “Show additional settings” link at the bottom of the window and in the “System” section uncheck the option “Do not disable services running in the background when the browser is closed.”

    7. Disable phishing protection

    IN Google settings Chrome, if you open additional settings, in the “Personal Data” section there is an item with a pre-installed checkbox for the “Protect your device from dangerous sites” activity.

    Unchecking this item will slightly speed up the loading of web pages in the browser window, since web addresses will not be checked. However, it is necessary to understand that if anti-phishing protection is disabled, all responsibility falls on the user. This method of optimizing browser performance is best used only by experienced users.

    8. Clear cache

    The browser cache - scripts, images, styles, and other elements of web pages - is stored locally on the computer disk and is designed to speed up the loading of sites. But when the cache size increases while the browser is running, this only harms performance. It is recommended to clear the browser cache not often, but periodically, from time to time. To clear the Google Chrome cache, click Ctrl keys+ Shift + Delete. We will see a window for clearing browser history; by default, it has optimal parameters. Of all the cache elements, those needed for further work data – saved passwords, autofill web form data, and content licenses. Everything that is checked by default in Chrome can be deleted. To do this, click the “Clear history” button.

    Many Internet users know that the Google Chrome browser is one of the simplest, most convenient and fastest. Mainly, such speed of operation is achieved due to the fact that there is no extra modules and elements.

    However, sometimes even Chrome starts to slow down and load the system. This can happen according to various reasons. Below we list the most basic of them and give useful tips regarding how to increase the speed of your browser.

    One of the main features of Chrome, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage, is the separation of tabs and running plugins into separate processes in the task manager. In other words, when you open a new tab or run a plugin, a separate chrome.exe process appears.

    The disadvantage of this approach to organizing the internal structure of the browser is that when opening large quantity tabs can significantly increase the load on the processor and RAM (especially on weak PCs). The browser itself will also slow down.

    Main advantage this approach- autonomy of tabs and processes occurring in them. That is, if one tab freezes, the user can easily close only that one (and not the entire browser). To see which browser tabs are currently running, go to settings and select “Task Manager” there.

    If desired, you can force close any of the tabs (or turn off unnecessary plugins). All this will reduce the load and increase the speed of the browser. It is advisable to close tabs that use flash elements, as they create the greatest load.

    You can also disable protection against viruses and malware (but only if the main antivirus is installed and running on your PC).

    Tip two - clear your browser cache from time to time (every few days). We are talking about files containing browsing history, folders in which temporary copies of files downloaded from the Internet are stored.

    Clearing the cache can in many cases lead to a noticeable increase in browser speed. You can clear the cache at " Additional settings" - "Personal data".

    Tip three - update the browser itself, as well as the plugins installed in it, more often. A fairly common situation is that when updating Chrome, old versions of plugins stop working. In some cases, this may cause the browser to slow down.

    Tip four - set your own “home” page. It will automatically download every time Google launch Chrome. It is desirable that this page be as simple and small as possible in terms of volume in kilobytes. In this case, the browser speed will increase slightly.

    Tip five - try to get rid of all unnecessary extensions and plugins. Some users install everything they can on Chrome. As a result, the browser may become too heavy and slow. Therefore, leave only those extensions that are needed for normal operation browser.

    Tip six - set special launch parameters for Chrome. This is done quite easily. Right-click on the browser shortcut, select “Properties”, then “Object” and insert the following line into the field that appears:

    -disable-dev-tools -disable-java -disable-logging -disable-metrics-system

    Using the above directives, one or another browser functionality is disabled. In particular, developer tools are disabled, Java module, the process of recording logs, the process of collecting various statistical data. Accordingly, the load is reduced and the speed of the browser increases.