Chrome is showing signs of confusion. Sorry, can't open the web page

Every user of the Google Chrome browser has at least once encountered an error called “Oops, we can’t open the web page.” If it appears rarely, then there is no need to worry. But if failures occur frequently, measures should be taken.

If you have device crash reporting enabled, you can see how often your crashes occur. You can do this by visiting chrome://crashes (one of the hidden pages in Google Chrome). Just paste this query into the address bar and press Enter.

Of course, this method is the simplest and most effective. Most likely, the site will be updated and will work normally.

Method 2: Closing tabs.

If you have a huge number of tabs open, the likelihood of this problem increasing several times. After all, each of them “eats” the device’s RAM, which is why programs can run slowly or even crash.

Close any extra tabs except the one where the error appeared. Then try to reboot it.

Perhaps some programs are simply preventing the page from working properly. Reboot your device and try again to open the site with the error.

Also, if you have an antivirus installed, temporarily disable it and restart your browser. If the problem disappears, you should make an exception for this program or change your antivirus for normal operation.

Method 4. Fighting conflicting programs.

If method 3 did not help, then you can find out which programs are preventing the site from loading. You can do this by visiting another hidden page. It is located at chrome://conflicts/. When you open it, you will see the following list of programs:

If no conflicts are found, that's very good. If there is, then visit the website located at: There you will learn how to get rid of the problem of conflicts with other utilities in your browser.

Method 5. Check for viruses.

Various viruses can cause this kind of failure. Check your device with a good antivirus, for example, Doctor Web. If you have an antivirus installed, then temporarily remove it, otherwise you will not be able to avoid conflicts with these healing utilities.

Attention! Please test the site in a different browser before following these steps. If everything is fine there and there are no glitches, then the problem is in Chrome, proceed to the following methods.

Method 6. Another profile.

The “Oops!” error can be caused by glitches in the user profile. To be sure of this, create another profile. You can do this by visiting your browser's Settings. There you will find the section shown in the screenshot. Click the highlighted button to create a new user.

After that, switch to it and check for problems.

Method 7: Disable extensions.

Test the site by disabling all extensions. Perhaps some of them are not working correctly, which is why the “Oops!” error appears.

Method 8: Reinstall the browser.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the Google Chrome browser.

Method 9. Memory test.

If the “Oops!” error is accompanied by other problems (for example, the screen of death often appears), then the problem may be with the RAM. To check this, run a utility utility called “mdsched”. Paste it directly into the application search on your device and launch the first option offered.

In the new window, select the highlighted option.

Wait until testing is completed. Subsequently, you will be shown the results of the test. If there are problems with the RAM, you should replace the stick.

Scan your device for system errors

System problems prevent all programs from working, including the browser. Therefore, if none of the methods helped you, you should check for such errors. Launch the command line in administrator mode and enter the command shown in the screenshot.

She will check for errors and try to solve them.

As a result, the annoying “Oops!” error should disappear.

It is impossible to fully test the operation of the software. Under certain circumstances, various errors and failures appear, which are almost impossible to foresee. This also applies to the display of sites in browsers. Now we will look at what this “Oops” error is in Google Chrome and what to do if it appears too often.

Description of the error

The “Whoa…” page in Google Chrome occurs in situations where the browser cannot load the contents of a web page for certain reasons. More information about browser crashes can be found at chrome://crashes.

If the problem occurs occasionally and does not interfere with comfortable surfing the Internet, you should not pay attention to it. But when every second attempt to open a website is accompanied by an error, you need to talk about the presence of problems that need to be solved.

How to fix?

Checking for conflicts

Some software is not compatible with Google Chrome running side by side, so you need to find out about any possible conflicts. To do this, follow the link chrome://conflicts, which displays all the ill-wishers of your browser. After reviewing the information on the page, it is recommended to remove all conflicting applications.

You can also go to the browser's technical support page and read the recommendations from a company representative.

Removing viruses

The activity of dangerous programs on the computer also causes browser malfunctions. To check and clean your PC, do the following:

New User Registration

It is known that problems with displaying pages are also associated with errors within user accounts. It is unclear what specific events cause the crashes, but registering a new profile eliminates the problem. To do this, you just need to open “Settings” and add a new user in the “Users” subcategory.

Recovering system files

Problems are also caused by damaged system files. To scan them, do the following:

Reinstalling the browser

If none of the above helps, you need to install Google Chrome on your computer from scratch. For this:

These are all the known and effective ways to fix the “Oops” error in Google Chrome. You now know what to do and how to deal with it. If for some reason the problem is not resolved, it is recommended to use a different browser or reinstall the operating system. Good luck!

The popular Google Chrome browser is famous for its functionality, a huge store of extensions, active support from Google and many other pleasant advantages, which have contributed to the fact that this web browser has become the most popular in the world. Unfortunately, not all users have the browser working correctly. In particular, one of the most popular browser errors begins with “Whoa…”.

“Whoa…” in Google Chrome is a fairly common type of error that indicates that the website could not be loaded. Here's why the website failed to load - this can be influenced by a fairly wide range of reasons. In any case, when faced with a similar problem, you will need to follow a few simple recommendations described below.

Method 1: Refresh the page

First of all, when faced with such an error, you should suspect a minimal malfunction in Chrome, which, as a rule, can be solved by simply refreshing the page. You can refresh the page by clicking the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the page or by pressing the key on your keyboard F5 .

Method 2: closing tabs and unnecessary programs on your computer

The second most common reason for the appearance of the “Oops!” error is the lack of RAM for the browser to work correctly. In this case, you will need to close the maximum number of tabs in the browser itself, and close unnecessary programs on your computer that are not in use when working with Google Chrome.

A system failure should be suspected, which can usually be resolved by simply restarting the computer. To do this, click on the button "Start" , click on the power icon in the lower left corner, and then select.

Method 4: Reinstall the browser

This point begins much more radical ways to solve the problem, and in this particular way we advise you to reinstall the browser.

First of all, you will need to completely remove the browser from your computer. Of course, you can delete it in the standard way through the menu “Control Panel” – “Uninstall Programs” , but it will be much more effective if you use specialized software to uninstall the web browser from your computer. This has already been discussed in more detail on our website.

When the browser removal is completed, you will need to download the latest Chrome distribution from the developer’s official website.

By going to the developer’s website, you will need to make sure that the system offers you the right version of Google Chrome, which fully matches the bitness of your computer and the version of the operating system. Thus, some users of Windows 64 bit OS are faced with the fact that the system automatically offers to download the 32 bit browser distribution kit, which in theory should work on the computer, but in reality all tabs are accompanied by the “Oops…” error.

If you don't know what the bit depth of your operating system is, open the menu "Control Panel" , put the parameter in the upper right corner "Small Icons" , and then go to the section "System" .

In the window that opens near the item "System type" you will be able to see the bit depth of the operating system (there are only two of them - 32 and 64 bit). This bit depth must be observed when downloading the Google Chrome distribution onto your computer.

After downloading the desired version of the distribution, install the program on your computer.

Method 5: Eliminate conflicting software

Some programs may conflict with Google Chrome, so analyze whether the error appears after installing any program on your computer. If so, you will need to remove the conflicting software from your computer and then restart your operating system.

Method 6: Eliminate Viruses

You shouldn’t rule out the possibility of viral activity on your computer, since many viruses are aimed specifically at damaging the browser.

In this case, you will need to scan the system using your antivirus or a special healing utility Dr.Web CureIt .

If virus threats were detected on your computer as a result of scanning, you will need to eliminate them, and then restart your computer and check the functionality of the browser. If the browser still does not work, reinstall it, since the virus could have damaged its normal functioning, as a result of which, even after removing the viruses, the problem with the operation of the browser may remain relevant.

Method 7: Disable Flash Player Plugin

If the “Whoops…” error appears when you try to play Flash content in Google Chrome, you should immediately suspect problems with the Flash Player, which is strongly recommended to be disabled.

To do this, we need to go to the plugin management page in the browser by clicking on the following link:


Find Adobe Flash Player in the list of installed plugins and click the button next to this plugin "Disable" , turning it into an inactive state.

How to fix it?
If this is a one-time incident, then there is no need to worry too much. This bug can be easily fixed: just refresh the page (F5 key). This is the most common way to solve the "Opanka" problem..

If it doesn’t help or the error forces you to refresh the page again and again, then the problem is lodged somewhere deeper.

Alternative ways to resolve the error


Sometimes you have to tinker with your computer to permanently resolve the issue of the browser working correctly.

  1. You have viruses that need to be removed.
    Run a FULL scan of the entire computer (all folders and files on all hard drives). This check may take a whole day, but it's worth it. If the antivirus finds something, delete it. Be sure to restart your computer after checking.

  2. Your antivirus or firewall is blocking Chrome.
    Whether this is true or not is easy to determine:
    - disable your antivirus TEMPORARILY;
    - disable the firewall TEMPORARILY (to find it, press START and enter the word “firewall” in the search).
    - then launch Chrome.
    If Chrome works fine, then the problem was in the antivirus or firewall.

    In this case, just write an exception for Chrome in the settings. There will be no clear instructions here, because... There are a lot of antivirus programs now.

  3. Some extension is preventing the browser from working properly.
    Go to settings, then in tools, then to extensions and there disable all extensions that seem dubious to you. If after disconnecting everything began to work normally, then you have localized the problem.

  4. Damage to the profile => you need to create a new one.
    This is exactly what should be done as a last resort if steps 1-3 did not help. How to do it?

    Run the command: Windows logo button + E.
    - At the very top (where it says “Computer”) in the address bar you will need to erase everything and paste the following code.
    For Windows XP:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
    For Windows 7-8, Vista:
    %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
    - Paste the copied code into this line and press ENTER.
    - You will see a directory with a whole bunch of folders. Find the Default folder there and rename it Backup Default.
    - Restart Chrome.

Usually, the steps described above are quite enough to remove the “Oops” error from Google Chrome. Take action! :-)

It happens that while visiting a regular web page, you see not the site itself, but an annoying warning “Oops, the program crashed” with a sad emoticon. There may be some issue on your current device that is preventing your browser from functioning properly.

What is the “Oopska” error?

  1. Enter “chrome://crashes” into the address bar of your current browser.
  2. Now press the “enter” key.

In this case, the option about reporting PC failures must be activated in advance.

If accurate information about crashes does not appear in the open chrome://crashes window, then we need to:

Problems causing the system to crash

The reason for the appearance of such a warning can be very different, ranging from the simplest virus program to a conflict of browser plugins and modules.

  • If it turns out that frequent crashes occur, then first of all you should check programs that may create a conflict with google chrome. To understand this, you need to go to the chrome://conflicts page. After this, a window will appear with all the programs that were previously in conflict. If you no longer need them, then you can clear your PC memory of working garbage;
  • The next step is to check for the presence of viruses acquired while browsing various sites and malware on your computer. Of course, many people have Anti-Virus installed on their computer. Take the time to scan problems that arise on your PC, including for viruses. This may take a long time, but it's worth it. To avoid conflicts, you can install a new antivirus or use a trial one for 30 days;
  • It is also possible that programs crash when playing Flash. To make it clear to everyone, google chrome is a fairly modern and sophisticated browser; it already contains a previously built-in module for the animation itself. If you have a different version of animation from Adobe Flash Player on your computer, then conflicts arise between the internal and external modules, which is why this “Oops” warning appears. In this case, you should disable the previously installed flash in google chrome, and configure the standard flash used in other browsers;
  • System problems may be caused by an error in the user's profile. Moreover, the more additional extensions installed in the browser, the higher the likelihood of “Opanka” appearing. Your profile may be damaged.

And to check for errors in this particular area, you need to:

Now go to your browser and try to log into a website. If the “Oops” warning no longer appears, then this was the problem. If this error still occurs, then you will have to create a new one (change user). First you should:

After that, check again for errors.

Other possible errors

The list of errors did not stop with that number, because a computer is a complex machine, and the interaction of programs and a computer system is even more complex. Therefore, the following errors and ways to check them:

The error is in system files

In order to correct these errors, you need to activate the SFC.EXE /SCANNOW program:

  1. First, launch command line mode.
  2. Write the indicated inscription
  3. Now press Enter key

Your computer must find the reasons and fix it if any errors are found that prevent the browser from working.

Incorrect extensions

Check your PC's performance in incognito mode. If the error disappears, it is possible that some extension on your device caused the crash. To eliminate it you need:

  1. Open Chrome menu on the toolbar (located at the top right corner of the window, looks like a small gray square with three sticks inside)
  2. Now select “Tools”
  3. Next, select “Extensions”
  4. After this, a window will open where you should uncheck the “Enabled” checkbox next to the extension.

Don't worry, these extensions can be enabled at any time convenient for you.

Consequences of antivirus programs

For those who don't know, an antivirus program can block google chrome. To check the operation of the antivirus, follow these functions:

  1. Click “Start” in the lower left corner of your computer.
  2. Now enter the word “firewall”.
  3. Try activating chrome.

Ways to resolve the “gotcha” error in google chrome

If someone doesn’t know, this action can be done by one click on the round arrow at the top in the left corner of the window or by pressing the F5 key.

  • Close current tabs

There are times when your device does not have enough RAM to boot. Your PC may run slower than usual, or perhaps display an error message. Now just close the active tabs and try loading that site again.

Sometimes it happens that it is programs and applications that do not allow the computer to function normally. Just turn off and turn on your PC again. Now check for any failures.

  • Also try opening this site on another computer. If it doesn’t work there either, then it’s most likely a browser error.
  • Also make sure you have an updated version of your browser. This fact affects a lot. To find out your browser version, you need to:
  1. Open chrome menu.
  2. Click on “Help”.
  3. Now select “About Google Chrome Browser”.
  • Disabling old versions of previously connected modules:
  1. Click on google chrome settings in the top right corner.
  2. Next, select “Advanced”.
  3. You will see the “Content Settings” item. Click on it.
  4. Select “Plug-ins”, and then click on “Disable individual modules”.

Review all your modules carefully. There may be a module running on your computer that is used by two different versions. In this situation, you should remove the outdated version of the PC. The file is not deleted when disconnected. In case of problems with the performance of chrome, you can always go back to the modules and enable them again.

There are also cases when the hardware problems of your PC themselves are the cause of such failures. Thus, if all of the above methods for resolving the problem did not help you cope with the error, then there is only 1 option left: reinstalling your browser, in our case Google Chrome, or completely reinstalling the operating system.