Beeline personal account setting up a router. Setting up a Beeline router: step-by-step instructions

All cellular companies offer access to the worldwide network, but Internet access from the Beeline provider is considered one of the most popular options. The operator provides its consumers with both mobile and home Internet.

To obtain wireless Wi-Fi coverage, branded routers from other manufacturers are used, the settings of which vary depending on the device model. Our article today will tell you exactly how to connect a Beeline router.

If several computers are used in one house, then setting up Wi-Fi becomes more than relevant. Wireless Internet access is extremely convenient when working with modern smartphones, tablet PCs or laptops. Setting up Internet access through a router can be done automatically or manually, which directly depends on the model of the device used.

Basically, when signing an agreement with the Beeline provider, a company specialist comes to the new client’s home and sets up the correct connection. But if the Wi-Fi router was purchased later, or the device was replaced, the connection will need to be configured again.

Each router has its own guide for entering settings, but the individual steps are absolutely identical for all devices, for example:

  1. Connecting the cable to the router itself.
  2. Connecting the second cable directly to your laptop or PC.
  3. Entering the correct settings (device address, type of connection used, setting a password, etc.).

How to set up a D-Link DIR-300 router

There are well-known router models that are used by the majority of all consumers. This is exactly the model DIR-300 is. Few subscribers choose devices without Wi-Fi, because, basically, this is the only reason they buy the model.

Setting up a D-Link DIR device is carried out in two stages:

  1. Physical connection (Fig. 1).
  2. Managing the created connection via the browser.

First, you need to make sure that your network adapter has the latest driver installed. This mostly applies to owners of old PCs.

  1. You need to unpack the device and connect the power supply to it, and then connect the cable to the port labeled WAN. The second cable is connected to any LAN port on the router and, accordingly, to the computer.
  2. Next, the subscriber needs to open the “Start” tab on the PC and go to the section "Control Panel", and then enter "Network Control Center". Here you need to click on the column "Adapter Settings" and set the protocol version to line “4”, and then open “Properties”.
  3. The user needs to make sure that the “IP” and “DNS Server” items are in the "Automatically".
  4. Then the subscriber needs to go to the internal menu. To do this, you need to enter the value in the browser line and confirm the transition. A special form will appear in which you need to enter your login and security password. To get to the admin panel, you need to enter the word “Admin” in both lines. This is the factory method for gaining access.
  5. In the interface that appears, you need to select the item "Manual settings", enter the “Network” section and click on the “Add” button.
  6. Then set the connection type to “L2TP”, and set the IP to “Dynamic”.
  7. In the fields that appear, enter the client login and security password. They are issued by Beeline when purchasing a router.
  8. Then you need to check the boxes next to the items "Automatic connection" and “Keep Alive”, and then press the “Save” key.
  9. Press the “Save” button again, after which the connection will be made automatically.

That's it - the router is configured.

Asus devices

Another well-known router manufacturer is Asus. The disk included with the device does not contain a utility for obtaining settings automatically, and therefore the subscriber will have to enter all the parameters manually.

ASUS router

You must enter the settings for the Asus router as follows:

  1. The device must be connected to the network and connected directly to the PC using the included cable.
  2. Then you need to open any browser and enter the value into the search bar, and then press enter.
  3. To gain access, the user needs to enter a login and a security password - the word “Admin” must be entered in both fields.
  4. After entering the internal interface, you need to go to the tab called “Advanced Settings” and select the “WAN” column. Then set the connection type to “L2TP” and make sure that the “IP” and “DNS Server” items are in mode "Automatically". In the “VPN Server” field we enter the following address – You also need to enter your own login and security password - they are issued to the subscriber when purchasing a router.
  5. To activate Wi-Fi you need to go to the “Network Map” tab.
  6. A table with the configuration for a quick wireless connection will appear on the right side. The following parameters must be entered here: "Connection name"- come up with anything; “Protection type” – WPA auto; “Encryption WPA” – enter “TKIP+AES”. In the “Password” field, you need to enter any one you come up with, if necessary. Then click on "Confirmation". Now the router is fully configured and ready to go.

This completes the configuration of the router for Beeline.

TP-Link devices

This device model is quite popular and in demand due to the fact that it has an installation wizard that can connect to the network automatically. Basically, a disk is supplied with the router, on which the master is located. The user only needs to connect the device to the PC, insert a disc into it and launch it. If, for unknown reasons, the connection could not be established, then there is only one way out - entering parameters manually.

Router TP-Link

The device is configured as follows:

  1. After connecting the router to the PC, the subscriber needs to go to any browser and enter the value in the line, and then press enter.
  2. Next, go to the “Network” tab and open the “WAN” column.
  3. Then we set the connection type to “L2TP”, enter our login and security password, which was issued by the provider when purchasing the router, and for the IP server we enter the following address -
  4. We indicate “Automatic connection” and for “MTU” we set the value to 1400. Then click on the “Save” button.
  5. To activate Wi-Fi, you need to go to the “Wireless” section and open the “Settings” column.
  6. Next, we come up with a name for the network being created, set the region to Russia, and also set the value for the “Channel” and “Mode” items "Automatically". Click on “Save”.
  7. Next, go to the “Wireless Security” section and activate the “WPA-PSK” item. For all other points we set the value "Automatically". Press the “Save” button. The router is now fully configured.

Zyxel devices

Some customers prefer to use devices from the manufacturer Zyxel. Let's look at how to set up a router from this company. They connect to the computer in the same way as the above devices. But the internal configuration is carried out in this way:

Zyxel router

  1. Go to the browser and enter the value in the line.
  2. In the fields for login and security password, enter the word “Admin”.
  3. Then go to the “Internet” tab and click on the “Connection” column.
  4. Next, fill in the following items: the name of the Internet center - enter any; We set the “IP” and “DNS Server” items to the mode "Automatically"; Opposite the item “Ping requests”, check the box and set the UPnP value to “Allow”. Click on the “Apply” button.
  5. Then go to the “Authorization” tab and set the connection type to “L2TP”, and for the server we register the following address - In the login and security password fields we enter the access that was given when purchasing the device. Click on the “Save” button.
  6. To activate Wi-Fi, you need to go to the “Wi-Fi Network” section and select “Connection”. Then check the box next to the item "Connection Points" and come up with a name for the new network. The field called "SSID" is not filled in. We set the standard to 802.11g/n. We switch the next two sections to mode "Automatically". Click on “Application”.
  7. Next, go to the “Security” tab and set the value to “WPA-PSK” for authentication, and set the value to ASCII for the format. If necessary, we come up with a password for the network. At the end, click on the “Apply” button. Now our router is fully configured and ready for the first connection.


We looked at all the most popular models of routers for Internet access from the Beeline cellular company, and also talked about how to connect them and configure them correctly.

In fact, setting up a Beeline router should not cause any problems for users. All that is needed is just to repeat all our actions in practice and a positive result will not take long to arrive.

The most functional WI-FI router from Beeline is Smart Box ONE, which is used to connect home Internet and TV. The cost of the device is 2500 rubles. If there is no wired Internet, then you can use the ZTE MF90 4G router.

The latest models of Beeline wireless modems are equipped with a more powerful signal transmitter that operates in two bands - 2.4 and 5 GHz, so you don’t have to worry that some device won’t connect to the Internet. An advanced processor at the maximum level ensures the reliability of the WI-FI signal.

The device has the following advantages:

  1. The maximum transfer speed is 300 Mbit/s.
  2. The 802.11n standard, which is supported by almost all devices.
  3. Supports digital TV connection.
  4. Convenient interface for configuration.
  5. Modern design.

The 4G router provides network access at speeds of up to 74 Mbit/s. It comes with a SIM card that allows you to use 30 GB of Internet per month. The monthly fee is 1200 rubles.

Connection and setup 4G/WI-Router FI

Connecting the router is quite simple, you need to connect the power cable, as well as the Internet cable that is connected to the room. In order to connect the device to the network, you need to connect the computer to the device using a network cable via a LAN connector. The 4G router connects to the computer via a USB connector.

  1. After all the lights on the device light up, you will need to open a browser on your computer and go to After this, the welcome page of the interface should open.
  2. To gain access to quick setup, you need to enter your login and password. In the standard setup, the login and password are “admin”.
  3. After logging in, the main menu will open. If the user is not experienced, then it is recommended to go through the quick setup procedure. If you are well versed in such matters, then you can go to the advanced settings menu.
  4. Quick setup consists of four steps:

Home Internet. In this section you can connect the device to the Beeline network. All the necessary parameters are already contained in the device firmware.

WI-FI network. This item allows you to set wireless network access parameters. In this section you must enter the network name and password. The password must be at least 8 characters.

Guest network. Here you can configure guest Internet access.

TV. In this case, you need to select the LAN port through which the IPTV set-top box will be integrated, if you have one.

When the router establishes a connection, the “Status” line will say “Internet connected.” At this stage, the setup is completed and you can fully use the Internet.

Setting up a 4G router is done in the same way.

Software Update

The operation of the device is controlled by its firmware, which needs to be updated from time to time in order to prevent malfunctions in its functioning. The firmware should be updated carefully, because if anything goes wrong, you will not be able to avoid a service center.

  1. The latest software must be downloaded from the official website.
  2. Open the page in the browser .
  3. Login to the menu occurs by entering your login and password (enter admin in both fields).
  4. Next, you need to go to the advanced settings menu and select “Other” at the top of the page.
  5. A list of settings will appear on the left side, where you need to select “Software Update”. At this point you need to select the folder in which the downloaded firmware is located.
  6. Click on the “Update” button and do not touch anything so as not to disturb the settings.
  7. After a short period of time, the router will automatically reboot and be ready for use.

The 4G router firmware is not updated.

Each provider has its own technology features for providing Internet services to subscribers. In 2015, almost all providers provide their users with high-speed Internet plus additional services depending on the needs of subscribers.

To connect to the Internet, you can use both branded routers and universal ones.

Naturally, when connecting to the Internet, we try to make our work as comfortable as possible. In this sense, Wi-Fi routers have firmly become essential equipment for most Internet users.

When faced with choosing equipment for a home network in 2015, the user must consider several factors:

  • Internet connection speed (channel width) provided to him under the contract;
  • the amount of equipment that will work through the router (in addition to computers, this could be IP phones, Smart TVs, printers, etc.);
  • additional services from the provider (for example, digital television).

In 2015, most devices operate on the modern Wi-Fi standard - 802.11ac, which means your router must support it too. In addition, the Beeline network uses an encrypted VPN channel - and this is an additional load on the router’s processor.

Considering the above conditions, the conclusion suggests itself that a router for use in the networks of this provider must meet certain requirements. Models with a processor frequency of less than 600 MHz and a RAM capacity of less than 64 MB are immediately eliminated - that is, the old D-Link 300 series and the like are simply not suitable for the speeds provided by this service provider.

To make the choice easier for the user, Beeline has recommended router options that are ready to work specifically in their networks. The required model can be purchased from the provider’s online store or directly in the office. At the same time, you will be able to take into account all the conditions and make the truly right choice.

Models are offered for sale that are already firmware and configured to work on the Beeline network, taking into account the tariff chosen by the user. For example, you will be offered a “Beeline SmartBox One” router when purchasing the “Home Internet + Digital TV” package. A dual-band Wi-Fi transmitter is quite enough for an apartment with any number of receiving devices.

"Beeline Smart Box PRO" is a more powerful model for a wide range of tasks. Wi-Fi transmitters operating according to the 802.11ac standard in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands will be able to provide data transmission at speeds of up to 867 Mbit/s, plus IPTV. In addition, there is a dedicated port for IPTV, 2 USB ports. Accordingly, this option is better suited for a large area and with a large number of connected devices.

Thus, you can choose a router already at the stage of concluding an agreement with the provider: you will be offered an option recommended specifically for your tariff.

Independent choice

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to purchase a router from the company, we can advise you on models that are suitable for your tariff based on their technical characteristics. For example, for 2015, Beeline offers tariff plans of 50 and 100 Mbit/s, with or without digital television, plus a premium tariff with speeds of up to 360 Mbit/s. Taking into account the requirements for communication quality in each of these cases, the following list emerges for 2015:

  1. For a 50 Mbit/s tariff without TV, the TP-Link TL-WRD3600 (or 3500) or Asus RT-N10 (or 12) models are suitable.

  1. If you have 50 Mbit/s and digital TV, take a look at the Zyxel Keenetic II, ASUS RT-N14U or, again, the TP-Link TL-WRD3600

  1. For a speed of 100 Mbit/s, we can recommend ASUS RT-N66U - it is also suitable for a digital TV tariff. In addition to this, for digital TV at this speed we can recommend Zyxel Keenetic Ultra and TP Link TL-WRD4300

  1. And finally, the most powerful models for high-speed tariffs. The TP-Link Archer C7 and ASUS RT-AC66U (or AC-68) routers will reach a speed of 360 Mbit/s.


That's all you need to know when choosing a routing device to work on the Beeline network. You can pay attention to the models recommended by the provider for 2015, or select other options based on technical characteristics that are better suited for your tasks. What router do you have? What can you say about him?

Many people still associate wired Internet with higher quality and speed. However, modern technologies make it possible to use traffic without significant losses in its quality using wireless transmission. Of course, much depends on the provider who provides access and the quality of the service provided. Major players in the market not only offer the use of high-quality services, but often this promises significant savings for the user’s budget.

Today we will tell you about Beeline wireless Internet: how to choose a tariff and connect, set up and use home services from the operator, and whether it is possible to distribute Wi-Fi Internet from your mobile phone.

Cellular traffic wirelessly

The operator offers its users some of the most attractive conditions for using cellular Internet. Thus, in new package offers you can use double the amount of data included in the price. For one user, such an offer allows you to save on services (there is no need to purchase additional volume), but for some the question arises where to use such volumes, because it would be a pity if they burn out.

In this situation, you can use Internet distribution via WiFi from your Beeline phone by connecting to it other devices you have at home for free. You can do this in the menu of your smartphone by activating the mobile hotspot. Additional fees for connecting other devices via WiFi to the phone are only available on Beeline tariffs that offer unlimited Internet access.

In other cases, you can connect a computer, another smartphone, or tablet to your Beeline phone via WiFi for free. This way you can use the paid traffic package and not worry that it will expire at the end of the month.

Another advantage of this method of using cellular traffic is the ability to use access anywhere on several devices - at the dacha, or while relaxing in nature.

Home Internet without wires

Beeline was one of the first to offer its subscribers the opportunity to use home services on favorable terms. The operator does not just give a discount to its subscribers, but offers to use the Internet and television at home for free, simply by paying for their cell phone.

The ability to connect to home WiFi Internet and Beeline television services is not yet available in all regions of the operator’s presence, but is constantly expanding. The cost of services depends on the region, but for those who use cellular Beeline, there is no need to worry about the cost.

Beeline home Internet users are provided with a router for rent, to which they can connect all devices in the house via Wi-Fi, because the entire apartment becomes the high-speed access coverage area. The cost of renting a Beeline Wi-Fi router depends on the selected home Internet tariff, and if you connect to both services (Internet and TV), you can use the Wi-Fi router for free.

To connect devices via Wi-Fi, you will have access to two Beeline home Internet networks “WiFi 2G” and “WiFi 5G”, the parameters of which can be configured through your personal account. The differences between the networks lie in the frequency at which they operate - 2 and 5 GHz. Not all devices support connections to the second, but it provides faster access to data transfer.

It’s easy to check device support - when searching for networks, a gadget supporting a frequency of five gigahertz will see it in the list of available ones. For more stable access, it is recommended to connect the device to both networks.

To connect, the passwords specified on the back of the router are used, and they can be changed at any time. To do this, you need to log into your Beeline Wi-Fi router personal account using any Internet browser by typing “” in the address bar.

Beeline provides the optimal solution for users who know how to “kill several birds with one stone.” This is an inexpensive but reliable 4G router made in China, complete with convenient mobile Internet communication packages. The device can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi wireless technology to up to 10 gadgets simultaneously.

The device does not have unnecessary functionality; Beeline has selected and is selling a WiFi router for its subscribers with good characteristics in terms of data transfer speed and battery capacity. One full charge is usually enough to use a 4G router from morning to evening, and if you set the energy saving mode, then for a couple of days.

Router features

Often, a person who has purchased a 4G router simply inserts a SIM card into the device and immediately starts using the Beeline WiFi router with the existing default settings.

4G router functionality

The 4G format provides significant data transfer speeds using the connection provided by the Beeline mobile operator, which reaches 0.1 GBit/s when receiving data and up to 0.05 GBit/s when sending. The router package includes only the essentials: the 4G Wi Fi router itself, a manual, a cable and adapter for charging from a 220 Volt network, and a rechargeable battery.

The device is ideal for trips and trips, as it has small dimensions and very light weight (only 150 g). Additionally, the device has connectors for external antennas, which can increase signal quality. And also this small gadget from Beeline can make its collective use comfortable, thanks to the presence of a microSD slot, in the memory of which you can store various information, video and media files for sharing among friends and colleagues.

In the case when there is no 4G, the device works perfectly with 2G and 3G.

Technical parameters of the Wi-Fi router

The parameters of the 4G device from Beeline are as follows:

  1. Operates in the 4G LTE FDD standard (speed reaches 0.1 GBit/s when receiving data and up to 0.05 GBit/s when sending);
  2. The figures are slightly lower with DC-HSPA (42 and 6 MBit/s reception/transmission, respectively);
  3. The lowest figures for EDGE/GPRS are 236 KBit/s.

The device can simultaneously provide access to the World Wide Web for ten gadgets with Wi-Fi function. It is possible to use microSD up to 32 Gb.

Works great with computers and is compatible with the following OS:

  1. Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8;
  2. Apple Mac OS X 10.6 – 10.8.

Setup procedure

Beeline employees, when selling this Wi-Fi router, warn against making adjustments to the profile settings, which often cause problems with the operation of the device. If the user already has experience installing a SIM card into a phone, then he can easily cope with a similar procedure for a Wi-Fi router on his own. The connection for changing parameters is provided both via a USB socket and via a web page. If you connect the router to a PC via a USB connector, the software will be installed automatically.

Note: specialists from Beeline categorically prohibit disconnecting the USB plug while installing the Wi-Fi network parameters settings application.

The action algorithm consists of the following sequential steps:

In areas where there is no mobile coverage from Beeline, the settings provide a special function, to activate which you simply need to check the box “Connect to a network while roaming.” If you use this option, the Internet will continue to work thanks to the provision of cellular network services by another operator.

You can manually specify the connection frequencies of Wi-Fi devices. It is necessary, as indicated above, to enter the web settings and specify the optimal frequency. If there are too many connected gadgets on the channel you are using, you should switch to an unoccupied one.

Micro SD card

It is possible to share information, data, media and video files from an SD memory card with friends and colleagues. To do this, you need to set the appropriate parameters in the Control Panel, as shown in the figure below.

For security purposes and to maintain the integrity of stored files on the memory card, it is recommended to set the “read only” checkbox.

How to save battery charge on your Wi-Fi device?

To resolve this issue, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the “Device” section;
  2. Next, go to the “Energy Saving” tab and check the “Small wi-fi radius” checkbox;
  3. Click "Apply".

Since the main charge hog in the device is the antenna, reducing the distance to Internet-consuming smartphones and tablets will significantly reduce the energy consumption of the device’s battery.