Quickly mute notification sounds for individual applications. Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa

Today, hardly anyone will remember what the old versions of iOS looked like, in which the principles of skeuomorphism beloved by Steve Jobs prevailed (textures with leather stitching in Calendar, wooden shelves in iBooks, a notification tab with a “jeans” background). With the release of iOS 7 last year, Apple radically changed the design of the operating system, making it "flat".

In the "seven" interface elements no longer imitate objects from the real world: they are designed in a laconic style, which is characterized by minimalism, solid colors, gradients and shapes that give a smoothing effect. With iOS 8, released last week, Apple went even further. In the "major release since launch" App Store"The company left the OS design almost untouched, but made a lot of improvements inside.

A new “Health” application has appeared, which collects in one place all information about a person’s health status, statistics of his sports activities, sleep and nutrition patterns, “iCloud Photo Archive”, “ virtual flash drive"iCloud Drive (similar to Dropbox), QuickType keyboard with predictive input, as well as "Family Sharing" for exchanging messages, photos and calendars between family members. Next - about all the significant innovations in order.

The lion's share of small but important changes in iOS 8 are aimed at simplifying and speeding up working with the system. This primarily applies to push notifications.

Banners displayed at the top of the screen have become interactive. By “pulling” the notification down, you can immediately respond to an incoming SMS or letter, react to an event in the Calendar or a reminder, without launching the application itself.

On the screen for switching between programs (opened by double-clicking the "Home" button), a "Recent" tab has appeared, which allows you to contact your recent contacts in a few clicks. You can write them a message, call them on a cell phone or FaceTime. This feature, again, eliminates the need to open Contacts or Messages to find the person you're looking for.

The notification panel has become clearer. The position of the “Today” tab on the drop-down “curtain” has not changed, and “All” and “Missed” have merged into one - “Notifications”. On the first one, in addition to the weather forecast, daily summary, stock price fluctuations, you can add widgets from third-party developers. Their availability depends on installed applications. For example, if you use Dropbox, you can view your recently modified files. As for the notification list, in iOS 8, unfortunately, it still cannot be cleared in one fell swoop.

Some of the biggest innovations in iOS 8 are in keyboards. Firstly, the built-in Apple keyboards— QuickType — support for predictive input has appeared. This feature helps you enter words faster by prompting the user with his favorite phrases and expressions, taking into account the context (who the recipient is, in which application the keyboard is open).

Predictive input

The most frequently used words are stored in the memory of the i-device in encrypted form. Predictive input is available in English, Italian, Portuguese and even Thai. Russian, unfortunately, is not supported.

The only thing that can console us is the ruble sign that appears on the digital layout.

Secondly, you can connect keyboards from third-party developers to iOS 8 - for example, Swype with proprietary “sliding” input, Fleksy or SwiftKey, popular among Android smartphone owners. It's disappointing that most of the applications available in the App Store don't understand Russian either. In the best case, you will have to teach such a keyboard your native language yourself, compiling a dictionary from scratch.

In the App Store, games and applications can now be purchased in bundles. A package consisting of several similar programs (for fitness, study, creativity, etc.) from one developer will be cheaper than buying them individually. For example, a collection of three puzzles from the Cut the Rope series will cost 129 rubles, and 234 rubles outside of it. The collection can be supplemented with the missing application at any time, like albums in iTunes.

Third-party applications have gained access to the Touch ID fingerprint sensor. One of the first to introduce a new feature was the password manager 1Password for logging into the vault using a fingerprint

The Siri voice assistant has become smarter: it responds faster and has learned to identify song artists (Shazam technology from application of the same name), as well as voice recognition in streaming mode. However, the assistant has not yet learned Russian.

Some things in the G8 are a foundation for the future, for example, the HomeKit API for controlling home electronics (lighting, Bluetooth bulbs, doors, etc.) using an iPhone. Support for the smart home platform is built into iOS 8, but compatible applications, as well as the devices themselves, have not yet been released.

Spotlight search feature (pull to open) home screen down) now searches not only on the device itself, but also “from the outside”: on the Internet, in maps, news, applications in the App Store, music in iTunes, in Wikipedia articles.

In "Messages" it became possible to exchange audio and video recordings. Since multimedia takes up much more space than text, such messages automatically disappear from memory within a couple of minutes after listening or viewing. The time after which videos are deleted can be changed in the settings. Important messages can be saved by clicking on the "Keep" button.

In addition to the familiar "Podcasts" and "reader" iBooks books iOS 8 brings two brand new apps: Tips and Health. The first is a collection of recommendations (there are, it must be said, very few of them - only nine) on working with the G8, but the second deserves more attention.

“Health” is a whole “medical” hub that receives information related to the health status of the iPhone owner. The program allows you to track the dynamics of anything: weight, body mass index and body fat percentage, sleep and nutrition patterns, fitness, vitamins taken, calories, blood alcohol, etc. Health communicates with apps and devices connected to your iPhone. For example, sports bracelet Nike+ FuelBand will be able to analyze a person's fitness indicators to help them calculate loads and improve the effectiveness of their workouts.

If the owner of a smartphone takes vital medications, suffers from allergies or acute diseases, it makes sense for him to fill out a “Medical Card”, indicating his age, blood type, weight, medications, allergic reactions, diseases, as well as contacts of relatives. In case of emergency medical workers will be able to view this information even from a locked iPhone (SOS - “Medcard”). Other applications do not have access to it.

Family Sharing is another new feature in iOS 8. It allows you to share various content(messages, purchases, tasks, photos, calendars, etc.) between a strictly limited group of people (up to 6 people). For example, a child could make a shopping list on the App Store and ask a parent to approve it. And if one of the children tries to run this or that program, older family members will receive a notification about this.

A timer has appeared in the “Camera”, which allows you to release the shutter with a delay (relevant for “selfies” or group shots). Previously, you had to search for an application in the App Store to do this. Options countdown just two - 3 or 10 seconds. And in Photos, built-in tools for editing footage have finally become available. Likewise, without resorting to third party programs, you can automatically level the horizon, adjust brightness (including in some areas) and shadows, exposure and contrast, and also apply a filter.

Support now available on iPhones 5S and newer models burst shooting on front camera, on tablets iPad Air And iPad mini(with Retina display) panoramic mode became available. Another new photo-related feature is called iCloud Photo Library. It is in testing stage, so you need to enable it manually in Settings - iCloud - Photos - iCloud Photo Library(Beta). The photo archive automatically uploads the entire media library to the cloud and makes it available on any device. So, on an Apple tablet you can immediately view a photo taken with the iPhone camera.

Despite a lot of innovations, iOS is far from perfect. Firstly, Safari extensions, notification bar widgets, support for third-party keyboards, etc. made Apple's mobile operating system more flexible. On the other hand, “Settings” has grown greatly due to new functions - it’s easy to get confused in them, but there is still no search there. Secondly, the G8 can slow down slightly iPhone models 4S. On other devices, including the “plastic” 5C, users do not observe a significant drop in performance.

Thirdly, a number of iOS 8 features related to Apple computers will not become available until the end of October, when the OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) operating system is released. These include the "magic folder" of iCloud Drive - an analogue of Dropbox and Google Drive, which makes all files stored in iCloud available for viewing in the Finder application. Users can organize content in the cloud into folders and tag it.

Handoff, a function that connects the Mac and the i-device with each other, will also be working soon. It will allow Mac owners to accept/reject incoming calls on their iPhone and communicate via iMessage without leaving their computer. You can also start composing a letter on your mobile device and continue from the same place on your Mac.

Fourthly, iOS 8 is still unstable. By the time of its release on September 17, it contained errors that prevented applications compatible with Health from appearing in the App Store. Also, complaints began to appear on social networks that applications in iOS 8 crash more often than in iOS 7.

On September 24, Apple released the first G8 update. Version 8.0.1 fixed a bug related to fitness applications and also improved the overall performance of the OS. However, after a couple of hours, the company had to withdraw the update due to the presence of a “critical glitch” in it, which led to a lack of connection to cellular networks and incorrect operation of the Touch ID sensor on the new iPhone 6/6 Plus smartphones. A new version, 8.0.2, followed a day later. However, before the public release of Yosemite, Apple has enough time to polish the G8 to the end.

The most anticipated Apple event of the year, WWDC 14, has started today. More than a hundred seminars for developers are being held as part of it. All the action takes place at the Moscone West exhibition center in San Francisco. But the main thing is the announcement of the company's new products, which takes place on the first day and attracts the attention of millions of fans and haters of the company around the world.

Presented at WWDC 13 OS X 10.9 and iOS 7 . Received a significant computer update Mac Pro. MacBook Air got a processor Intel Haswell . New generations were introduced AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule . We also learned about iTunes Radio.

What I, and all the readers of our site, were waiting for most from WWDC 14 was the announcement of iOS 8! And it happened! Below I will go over all the innovations that have been announced. I still have to study iOS 8 more generally.

What's new in iOS 8. Changes in functionality

The design will remain generally the same as in iOS 7. But in iOS 8, certain parts have been redesigned.

Safari in iOS 8 looks like this:

Contacts have appeared in the multitasking menu:

You can react to many notifications without leaving the application. For example, delete a letter without reading it, or like a message on Facebook without going into the official application...

1. Health - applications for collecting health data. Doctors will receive data about patients in real time. The only caveat is that not all Russian doctors use an iPhone or iPad.

2. Siri in Russian? WILL NOT BE! But the innovations are very important.

  • Siri will support moon calendar, navigation and vector maps.
  • Siri will also have a built-in function for identifying music by passage.
  • Ability to purchase music directly from Siri.

3. QuickType function

Fast typing in iOS 8. The system will suggest words and self-learn. Russian language is not yet supported.

iOS 8 will include support for third-party keyboards.

4. Messages in iOS 8 will allow you to send audio messages and video messages.

And also conduct group communication sessions!

You can share your location in messages.

5. Safari in iOS 8 now supports third-party plugins.

6. Handoff feature allows you to respond to phone calls, which go to iPhone, straight from iPad.

or Maca!

7. iOS 8 will support widgets in the notification center.

8. iCloud Drive - new cloud service from Apple. It will work according to the principle of Dropbox, Yandex.Disk and others. Windows support will be available Android support No!

9. Smart function Editing for smart photo editing. All updates will be synchronized with all Apple devices.

10. Family Sharing function. Thanks to it, you can share data with your family members: books, photos, videos, etc.

You can block or allow another family member to buy applications in the App Store.

11. Spotlight search in iOS 8 searches not just everywhere, but everywhere! Immediately in the App Store and iTunes Store, on news sites and Wikipedia.

New in iOS 8. Updated App Store

1. App Bundle feature. You can buy games in bulk at a discount on the App Store.

2. The App Store will support videos for top apps.

New in iOS 8. For developers

In this section, I have collected innovations that are of interest primarily to application developers. But also ordinary users, I think it should be interesting.

1. New programming language Swift. Now applications in the App Store will be written not only in Objective-C, but also in Swift. XCode will support both languages.

2. New technology Metal will allow you to create even more advanced games for iOS. Especially when it comes to 3D graphics.

3. SpriteKit and SceneKit technologies for games.

4. HomeKit technology is a certification standard for smart home equipment. HomeKit will be integrated with Siri.

5. Developers have gained access to Touch ID (according to rumors, all new Apple devices will have Touch ID). Now users will be able to password-protect their favorite applications using a fingerprint.

6. Third-party apps will be able to edit photos using Apple filters.

In total, more than 4,000 new features are available in the new SDK for developers.

iOS 8 beta 1 will be available today to registered developers and those whose UDID is included in the database. The final version of iOS 8 will traditionally be available in the fall.

iOS 8 is compatible with:

  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5C
  • iPhone 5S
  • iPod Touch 5G
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 4
  • iPad Air
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad Mini with Retina Display

iPad 2 users can rest easy! My prediction came true.

Readers: Well, what are your impressions? Did the announcement of iOS 8 make you happy or sad? Share your opinions.

9. . The main innovation regarding voice iOS assistant, the implementation of support for a number of new languages ​​began, among which, unfortunately, there is still no Russian. However, on the Apple website, presumably related to the search for developers for further expansion Siri lexicon, including for the Russian-speaking segment of users.

10. . The correct operation of this function is still in question, but the idea of ​​Apple engineers certainly deserves attention. It consists of displaying the subscriber’s geolocation directly in the Phone application, if this is the number of a landline device installed in a cinema, restaurant, beauty salon, etc.

11. . iOS 8 has significantly expanded the capabilities of third-party developers, in particular, they have the ability to integrate the functionality of one application into another (previously, each program could work exclusively in its own “sandbox”). The first example of such interaction was demonstrated by the developers of the popular password manager 1Password.

12. . The feature was first seen in iOS 8 beta 2 and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 2. It allows you to take a bird's eye virtual tour (FlyOver mode) over the world's largest cities. By the way, recently the list . You can find detailed instructions for setting up and using the FlyOver City Tour function.

13. . Interval photography was in great demand at the dawn of the development of cinema and received a second round of popularity with the advent of relatively powerful processors and high-capacity storage devices in mobile devices. Now every owner of an iPhone or iPad with the installed iOS 8. Detailed description functions and instructions for use - .

14. . Another innovation in the Camera application in iOS 8. Now the corresponding icon can be found in the upper left corner of the screen if you first click “Edit” when viewing a photo.

15 . . Apple is one of those companies that pays Special attention people with limited abilities. IN new version mobile operating system developers have added new and improved existing functions, allowing people with low vision, impaired motor skills, etc. to operate the device.

16. . Naturally, this function was present in more earlier versions apple mobile platform, but since the release iOS 8 beta 4 User speech recognition occurs in real time, and not after receiving a response from Apple servers. However, this still requires an Internet connection and activation voice assistant Siri.

18. . Another feature that still raises questions. Firstly, only support for the North American operator T-Mobile was officially confirmed, and secondly, the situation with confirmation of the physical address was not entirely clear. However, we state a fact - voice communication technology without using a cellular network in iOS 8 implemented.

19. . This function caused the delight of the public during its presentation at WWDC and the anger of developers who tested it after the release of the second beta versions of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. However, now everything works fine - users can safely interrupt work with applications (Safari, Notes, Calendar, Mail, Maps, iWork, Messages, etc.) on the iPhone and continue it on the Mac or vice versa.

20. . The application has not changed too much, but for those who regularly check on upcoming temperature changes and precipitation, they are quite significant. So, instead of Yahoo! meteorological data is now provided by The Weather Channel, and the forecast itself is now available for twice as long - 10 days instead of 5 in iOS 7.

21. . Native app for creating small text documents has received a number of new functions, including: options for formatting text (italics, bold, etc.), exporting images from the photo library, synchronization with Notes in OS X, etc.

22. . The function is aimed at combating iPhone thefts and other cases of device loss. Standard packages with geolocation data sent by the function Find iPhone in iCloud, are stored for only a day, while Last geoposition(Send Last Location) sends an SOS signal before turning off the device, information from which will be available even after a year - a kind of “Black Box” in an Apple smartphone.

23. . This section available on the menu Settings —> Basic —> Statistics and allows you to see which applications affect your battery more than others. In addition, you can also view a detailed report on the energy consumption of your smartphone or tablet over the past day and week.

24. . This feature allows you to use your iPhone as a modem without even taking it out of your pocket. Once a connection between devices has been established, you can activate it from the consumer device as soon as the donor device is within range of the connection.

25. . It's essentially an API for developers that provides low-level access to the GPU. In fact, ordinary developers will not use this opportunity, but they will work with game engines, which in turn will be built with Metal in mind. Leading market players have already announced support for the technology - Electronic Arts, Unity, Cry Engine and others.

26. . Introduced with iOS 8 new language programming developed by Apple. Thanks to its optimized syntax, it can significantly reduce the amount of code (and therefore the number of errors in it), and is also twice as fast to compile on the processor than its predecessor Objective-C. The only downside is that using Swift will make it much more difficult for developers to port applications to other platforms.

27. . In addition, developers received a lot of new tools to work more efficiently on products designed for iOS 8. These include Cloud Kit (for using Apple server resources), Home Kit (for developing software and smart home devices) and much more .

28 . The “Missed” section has disappeared from the Notification Center;
29 . Search Spotlight can now offer relevant results from Wikipedia, news, App Store, iBooks, etc.;
30. The control center received new design with less sharp features;
31. Version iOS 8 For iPhone 6 Plus will work in landscape mode;

32 . In the multitasking panel top part the screen is now occupied by active Contacts icons;

33. Application iBooks became in iOS 8 native;
34. Window for creating a new message in Mail can now be minimized to work with incoming messages;
35. Owners iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus And iPhone 5s in the USA they will now be able to make payments online using Touch ID;
36. Keyboard iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus received additional function keys“Cancel”, “Copy”, “Paste” and others;

37. IN Safari there is a button to switch from mobile to full version web pages and Safe search DuckDuckGo;
38 . New application Adviсe will help novice users become familiar with the capabilities of the system;
39 . To the application Telephone Photos of subscribers returned to full screen for an incoming call;

40 . Fonts in the application Music became fatter;
41. IN App Store it became possible to purchase applications in packages, as well as videos in application descriptions.

So, let's summarize some results. Considering the popularity of last year iOS 7, it is difficult to imagine a user who will remain dissatisfied with the new operating system (although there will certainly be such people) - the developers did not cut down, but only increased the functionality of the platform, all changes in the design occurred in better side, but the most important thing awaits us ahead. Starting today, developers of iOS-compatible devices, applications, game engines and other software and hardware products will move to a whole new level, because Apple has expanded the capabilities of third-party developers for the first time. In addition, there are fundamental differences in application development for iOS 8 and competitive ecosystems that appeared with the advent of Swift, Metal, Cloud Kit, etc. will certainly become an incentive for Google and Microsoft to develop own environments software development. That is why iOS 8 should be considered a huge step forward on a global market scale operating systems, even despite the relatively a small amount of bright functional and graphic innovations.

Maslenitsa, which is also called Maslenitsa week, because the celebration continues throughout the 8th week before Easter from Monday to Sunday, or, according to the church, Cheese week, precedes the most important fast in Orthodoxy - Great Lent of 2020.

Orthodox Maslenitsa begins every year at a different time, since its date is tied to the celebration of Easter. Easter in 2020 falls on April 19. Accordingly, the 8th week before Easter is Maslenitsa week will begin on February 23, 2020, and end on March 1, 2020, on the first calendar day of Spring.

That is, Maslenitsa in 2020:
* Starts - March 23, 2020
*Ends - March 1, 2020

The first day of Maslenitsa (Monday - “Meeting”) in 2020 coincides with the Russian public holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and therefore will be a day off.

It is symbolic that the final day of Maslenitsa Week (in 2020 - March 1, 2020) falls on the first day of Spring. After all, it is on the seventh day of the celebration, on Sunday, at sunset that the straw effigy of Maslenitsa is burned, which in folk tradition symbolizes the transformation of an outdated winter into a beautiful Spring.

International Women's Day on March 8 is a UN observance, and the organization includes 193 states. The memorial dates announced by the General Assembly are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, at the moment, not all member states of the United Nations have approved the celebration of Women's Day in their territories on the specified date.

Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, on March 8th only women rest, and there are states where they work on March 8th.

In which countries is the holiday March 8 a day off (for everyone):

* In Russia- March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

* In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to remain an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the list of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* In Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola.
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* To Burkina Faso.
* In Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos.
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan- since 2009, the holiday was renamed Mother's Day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritrea.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries where March 8 is a women's-only day off:

There are countries where only women are exempt from work on International Women's Day. This rule has been approved:

* In China.
* In Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but it is a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany- in Berlin, since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the country as a whole it is a working day.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

In which countries is March 8 NOT celebrated?

* In Brazil, the majority of whose residents have not even heard of the “international” holiday of March 8th. The main event of the end of February - beginning of March for Brazilians and Brazilian women is not Women's Day at all, but the largest in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, the Brazilian Festival, also called the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday until noon on Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a flexible date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved by Congress failed.

* In Czechoslovakia, most of the country's population views the holiday as a relic of the communist past and the main symbol of the old regime.

Traditions and customs of Maslenitsa:

The essence of the Maslenitsa holiday in the Christian understanding is as follows:

Forgiveness of offenders, restoration of good relations with loved ones, sincere and friendly communication with loved ones and relatives, as well as charity- that’s what’s important this Cheese Week.

On Maslenitsa you can no longer eat meat dishes, and this is also the first step to fasting. But pancakes are baked and eaten with great pleasure. They are baked unleavened and leavened, with eggs and milk, served with caviar, sour cream, butter or honey.

In general, during Maslenitsa week you should have fun and attend festive events (skating, skiing, snow tubing, slides, horseback riding). Also, you need to devote time to your family - have fun with your family and friends: go somewhere together, the “young” should visit their parents, and the parents, in turn, should come to visit their children.

Date of Maslenitsa (Orthodox and pagan):

In church tradition Maslenitsa is celebrated for 7 days (weeks) from Monday to Sunday, before the most important Orthodox fast, which is why the event is also called “Maslenitsa Week”.

The timing of Maslenitsa week depends on the beginning of Lent, which marks Easter, and shifts every year in accordance with the Orthodox church calendar.

So, in 2019, Orthodox Maslenitsa takes place from March 4, 2019 to March 10, 2019, and in 2020 - from February 24, 2020 to March 1, 2020.

Regarding the pagan date of Maslenitsa, then d jealous Slavs celebrated the holiday according to the solar calendar - at the moment of the onset of astronomical spring, which occurs in . The ancient Russian celebration lasted for 14 days: it began a week before the vernal equinox and ended a week later.

In the northern hemisphere, the date of the vernal equinox is 20th of March. Accordingly, according to ancient Slavic traditions, Pagan Maslenitsa should be celebrated annually from March 14 to March 27.

Description of Maslenitsa celebration:

The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa with a cheerful festivities has still been preserved.

In the majority Russian cities events called "Wide Maslenitsa". In the capital of Russia, Moscow, the central platform for festive festivities is traditionally Vasilyevsky Spusk on Red Square. They also conduct abroad "Russian Maslenitsa" to popularize Russian traditions.
It is customary, especially on the last Sunday, when workers and students can relax, to organize mass holidays as in the old days, with songs, games, farewells and the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa. In Maslenitsa towns there are stages for performances, places for selling food (pancakes are a must), and souvenirs, and attractions for children. Masquerades with mummers and carnival processions are held.

What are the days of Maslenitsa week, what are they called (name and description):

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name and has its own traditions. Below is the name and description for each day.

Monday - Meeting. Since the first day is a working day, in the evening father-in-law and mother-in-law come to visit daughter-in-law's parents. The first pancakes are being baked, which can be given to the poor to commemorate the dead. On Monday, a straw effigy is dressed up and displayed on a hill at the site of the festivities. In dances and games, stylized wall-to-wall fist fights are held. The “first pancake” is baked and solemnly eaten to commemorate the soul.

Tuesday - Flirting. The second day is traditionally the day of the young. Youth festivities, skiing from the mountains ("pokatushki"), matchmaking are signs of this day. It should be noted that the church prohibits weddings on Maslenitsa, as well as during Lent. Therefore, on Maslenitsa Tuesday, they woo the bride to have a wedding after Easter on Krasnaya Gorka.

Wednesday - Lakomka. On the third day the son-in-law comes to my mother-in-law for pancakes.

On Thursday - Razguly, Razgulay. On the fourth day, folk festivities become widespread. Wide Maslenitsa- this is the name of the days from Thursday to the end of the week, and the day of generous treats itself is called “Rampant Thursday”.

Friday - Mother-in-law's party. On the fifth day of Maslenitsa week mother-in-law with friends or relatives comes to visit her son-in-law for pancakes. Of course, her daughter should bake the pancakes, and her son-in-law should show hospitality. In addition to the mother-in-law, all relatives are invited to visit.

Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings. On the sixth day husband's sisters come to visit(You can also invite the rest of your husband’s relatives). It is considered good form not only to feed guests abundantly and tasty, but also to give gifts to sisters-in-law.

Sunday - Farewell, Forgiveness Sunday. On the last (seventh) day, before Lent, one should repent and show mercy. All relatives and friends ask each other for forgiveness. Carnival processions are held in places of public celebrations. The effigy of Maslenitsa is solemnly burned, thus turning into a beautiful Spring. As darkness falls, festive fireworks are set off.

In churches, also on Sunday, at the evening service, the rite of forgiveness is performed, when the priest asks for forgiveness from church servants and parishioners. All believers, in turn, ask for forgiveness and bow to each other. In response to a request for forgiveness they say “God will forgive.”

Almost exactly a year has passed since then. For that Apple time managed to introduce iPhone 5s and 5c, iPad Air, iPad Retina, and at the same time released major update for iOS 7 – version 7.1. However, “large” is a strong word. Cosmetic improvements and nothing more. One would think that the company would leave most of the innovations, the most delicious ones so to speak, for iOS 8.

And now, the date iOS release June 8 - June 2, 2014 - arrived. Another WWDC conference with the 2014 index and another announcement. Not only iOS 8, but also OS X 10.10, which became flat as if smoothed with an iron. But now we're not talking about her. New mobile system, of course, retained the same interface. Actually, in iOS 7 it was changed solely for improvement in the future, to allow for further expansion of functionality. And that’s exactly what happened – functionality was increased in iOS 8.

Moreover, what is most interesting is that Apple focused not only on “finishing” and optimization. This time the developers were not forgotten either. No wonder on the official iOS page 8 The title says “Huge for developers.” (huge step for developers). The company realized that millions of programmers around the world could add more diversity to the system than their highly paid team. That's why the tools for creating more advanced applications have been improved. In this context, iOS 8 is reminiscent of, which was also addressed primarily to developers.

However, the eighth version can still offer something new to ordinary users. Let's take a look at what's new in iOS 8.

iOS 8 - what's new?

There are a lot of changes in iOS 8. Here is their main list, each item from which you can click:

Photos in iOS8

There are several changes to Photos. But for some reason, the first to be presented is the synchronization of photos in iCloud Photo Library, although the others are also very interesting. Well, okay, Apple knows better what to promote in the first place.

Actually, it was possible to share via iCloud before, but now it’s all done in one application. You take something, a photo or video, and it is immediately uploaded to iCloud. And then watch it on your iPad or MacBook at least that very minute. In general, it’s useful and convenient – ​​there’s nothing to complain about. iCloud Photo Library also automatically sorts your media into different collections.

A new feature is searching through photos and videos. You can search throughout the entire library, including the cloud library. There is a search by date, time or location where the shooting took place. You can also enter an album name. A nice feature is that if you click on the search button, a list of possible search queries will appear, based on what the user usually searches for.

Apple decided to push aside all sorts of photo editors by integrating their functionality into Photos. In our opinion this is extremely useful feature. You can crop pictures, adjust their brightness, contrast, exposure, and “play” with colors and saturation.

A variety of filters have appeared. Goodbye Instagram?

And finally, a new video mode. No, not 120 fps for Full HD - here you first need to “agree” with the processor. We are talking about the so-called time-lapse or slow motion. Not in the sense that the video slows down, but the shooting is done slowly - usually one frame every few minutes. The system then stitches the footage into a single video. So, for example, sunrise or sunset can be captured in a few seconds, or you can film how leaves grow and the like.

iCloud Drive

Let’s immediately tell you about another innovation cloud storage– iCloud Drive. Through it you can now synchronize not only photos, but also documents: text files, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF and so on.

Actually, it’s not so much about synchronization as it is about collaboration. The file is uploaded to iCloud Drive, and can then be edited in iOS, OS X and even Windows 8!

Although you will agree that the idea of ​​such joint editing is not new. Google Docs this has been offered for a long time, although all the work is done in the browser. Office 2013 easily does this via OneDrive. But in any case, Apple can only be praised for such progress. Moreover, this is not only about joint editing - different applications It is allowed to change a document of the same format. For example, you can insert a table from e-book Excel and so on. This is also a more advanced application interaction.

In light of such important changes with iCloud, the question of the space available there arises. After all, okay, still documents, but photographs and videos usually take up a lot of space. So, in Apple cloud The same 5 GB of free space is distributed free of charge. But its extension is now available on new, more low prices: 20 GB for $0.99 per month and 200 GB for $3.99 per month. Quite divine, don’t you think?

Messages in iOS 8

WhatsApp and its analogues are haunting Apple! It’s not for nothing that Messages is being developed so actively. What's new in the application? First of all, there is a new convenient swipe gesture that makes it easy to start a conversation.

In addition, you can now send a short message to a contact. Clicking on the microphone next to the reply field begins recording a voice message. You can also send videos. True, it was already recorded earlier.

You can now have group conversations. Groups are allowed to assign names. At the same time, such conversations are easy to manage: you can quickly exit it, or temporarily ignore all messages while you are busy, and then read everything.

And two more new Messages features from iOS 8 - viewing attachments right inside the conversation. After this, you won’t have to scroll through all messages to the last one. The second function is the ability to send several photos or videos at once.

Interaction between smartphone, tablet and PC

And we return to synchronization again, but this time the workflow. Please note that it only works in iOS 8 and OS X 10.10.

In particular, the Handoff function was added. It allows you to start writing on one device and finish on another. Or you can open the web page on your tablet and continue browsing on your computer. The function is compatible with the following standard applications: Mail, Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Maps, Messages, Reminders, Calendar and Contacts. And, of course, developers are given the opportunity to independently implement Handoff support into their programs.

Finally, we have waited for the moment when MacBook or iPad tablet can act as a headset for your iPhone. Yes, you can now answer or make calls from these devices. And no, with an iPad, which has a built-in 3G/LTE module, you cannot make calls without a smartphone.

However, Apple did not stop at calls - there is still the opportunity to send SMS messages and MMS! Yes, yes, from an iPad or Macintosh computer.

A more Apple has grown to the Wi-Fi Hotspot function. Now the iPhone can create a Wi-Fi access point to distribute the Internet. This all happens automatically - the iPad or Mac will connect to it themselves if you suddenly find yourself outside the Wi-Fi zone.

Spotlight search is what was missing for complete happiness in iOS 8. More precisely, its new advanced features.

In addition to local documents, Spotlight now searches many more places. Here is a sample list: Wikipedia, news, local cafes and restaurants, iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, recommended sites, movie announcements. That's how cool and advanced he is.

iOS 8 for developers

So, our dear and respected developers. For you, Apple has prepared more than 4 thousand (!) different APIs that allow you to interact with the system and its applications.

In particular, we are talking about the functions sharing to documents, photos and videos; photo editing; reassignment standard features and settings. Added expanded capabilities for working with cameras and scanners Touch fingerprints ID. CloudKit powers iCloud. The HomeKit API gives you access to Siri. By the way, Siri can now recognize music using Shazam!

We haven't forgotten about games. Indeed, such a popular theme on iOS! So, to create simple two-dimensional toys, SpriteKit appeared, which allows you to save battery power. SceneKit, on the contrary, provides new opportunities for 3D titles. Moreover, it offers a physics engine, a particle generator. And the new Metal API enables efficient game development on the Apple A7 processor. Presumably, for the A8, which will appear in the iPhone 6.

To top it all off, Apple has introduced a new programming language, Swift. She calls it “Objective-C without the baggage of C.” The company claims it is 3.9 times faster than Python on complex object sorting and noticeably faster when using RC4 encryption.

iOS 8 Enterprise Features

Apple has long been interested in corporations and their large budgets. So don't forget about them in iOS 8.

Thus, the encryption functions of mail, calendar, contacts, notes and Messages were expanded. We have also improved control over these protection capabilities.

In general, the main emphasis was placed on the Mail email client, which now allows you to create messages faster. Letters coming from outside the corporate network will be marked in red.

The ability to play various media files has been simplified. They are now easy to launch from a tablet or smartphone via Apple TV on your TV. And using it all corporate network.

Notification panel, multitasking, Safari

We've put it all together in one section because it's all about changes to built-in features in iOS 8.

The notification panel introduced in iOS 7 now does much more. It has become noticeably more interactive. In particular, it allows you not only to view messages and notifications, but to immediately respond to them. You can quickly type an SMS, mark as read or delete an email, and even comment on a message on Facebook or simply like it. And yes, developers also have the opportunity to create something like widgets for the notification panel. Can you imagine? Widgets in iOS!

Multitasking also suffered. More precisely, not exactly multitasking, but an interface for switching between applications, called up by double-clicking on Home button. Above the list of applications are now displayed latest contacts. Tapping a contact's face initiates a call, text message, or FaceTime call.

New functions have appeared in the mailbox as well. Mail client. It now supports new gestures for marking emails as read. At the same time, the application learned to recognize important information such as hotel reservation confirmation, flight information or phone number. All this can be immediately added to the calendar or contacts.

Paradoxically, the iPhone had features that the iPad lacked. In particular, this is a grouping of tabs from one site in Safari. Now it's all on the tablet. At the same time we added a new one sidebar with bookmarks, reading lists, and links shared with you.

Keyboard in iOS8

The iOS keyboard has been considered the standard since the first version. And even now it remains one of the most convenient. So the question is: can it be made even better? It is possible if you add functions from Android.

Apple QuickType is a feature that predicts what you're typing. Text options are shown above the keys. Healthy? Undoubtedly! But Android has had it for a long time. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to add it.

True, so far only 14 languages ​​are supported, including Russian. They forgot about Russia again! We can only hope that new languages ​​are added by downloading dictionaries, and not with the release of the next version of iOS.

And one more thing - what everyone has been waiting for and waiting for. The new API allows third-party developers to create their own keyboards! In fact, Apple opened a new direction of applications for iOS, which, however, has existed in Android for many years. But better late than never – right?

Family Sharing in iOS 8

Family is our everything. For relatives, it’s not a pity that it’s expensive Apple technology buy it, right? But why pay several times for the same music, films, books, applications, since there is communism in the family and in general everything in common?

“Don’t worry, be happy,” Apple said and added a mode family sharing in iOS 8. This means that you can combine up to 6 devices to which applications, audio videos and books will be distributed under one Apple ID. And this without any password transfers!

All photos taken on “family” devices will be combined into a single family album. It’s also convenient, you’ll agree.

You can maintain a single family calendar and add events and reminders there. All of them will appear on all connected devices.

Finding devices is also simplified. This way you can always see on the map where your family members are. And it will be easier to search for a lost phone or tablet.

Do you have small children who can ruin a billionaire? It doesn’t matter - you can create a separate Apple ID for them, which sets restrictions on spending money on applications, music or videos.

Healthkit in iOS 8

According to preliminary data, iOS 8 was supposed to receive some kind of Healthbook application, capable of monitoring the health and activity of the owner of the phone or tablet.

And so it happened, only the program was called Healthkit. More precisely, this is not a program, but a whole set of APIs that allows you to aggregate data about your heartbeat, calories, blood sugar, cholesterol from various sports and similar applications in one place.

It (API) allows third applications to receive information about activity. For users of pedometers, heart rate monitors, and so on, this is a very useful thing. Support for the application and Nike bracelets has already been announced.

Installing iOS 8

Today iOS 8 will be released on many current devices.

iOS 8 will be available on iPhone 4s, 5, 5s and 5c. At the same time, iPad 3, 4 and Air will receive iOS 8. And, of course, both iPad minis, including the Retina version. Oh yes, still iPod touch the fifth generation will get a new thing.

You can download iOS 8 from our catalog:

The instructions for updating to iOS 8 are as follows:

  1. Extract the IPSW file from the downloaded DMG image.
  2. Make sure you have iOS 7.1.1 installed.
  3. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer.
  4. In iTunes, in the control section, click on the Check for Updates button while holding Shift key(on Windows) or Option (on OS X).
  5. Specify the path to the IPSW file and the firmware installation will begin.

Until September 2014, iOS 8 was only available as a beta version.

iOS 8 for iPhone 4S

The oldest of all smartphones that received iOS support 8 became the iPhone 4S. Of course, the owners of this device will not receive all the new features of iOS 8, but most will still work there. And what is not available concerns mainly the hardware that is simply not available in the iPhone 4S.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 4S you need to do the following:

  1. download iOS 8 for iPhone 4S:
  2. select the downloaded IPSW file;

In general, iOS 8 on the iPhone 4S did not receive the most best reviews- the system may slow down. Still, this device is old, so it’s worth taking this into account.

iOS 8 for iPhone 5

It's actually very nice that Apple doesn't forget such old products. iPhone 5 was released in 2012 and this smartphone is more than relevant, especially since last year’s iPhone 5c copies it completely in terms of hardware - they have the same characteristics, but the body is different. We won’t be surprised if iPhone 5 isn’t forgotten even with iOS 10! Although, of course, they may forget.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 5 you need to do the following:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPhone 5:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

In theory, iOS 8 will work on iPhone 5 with most of its features. Although some will be unavailable. For example, the one associated with the fingerprint scanner or the M7 coprocessor.

iOS 8 for iPhone 5c

Despite the fact that the iPhone 5c is not very popular, this smartphone has received an update to iOS 8.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 5c you need to follow these instructions:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPhone 5c:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

In terms of functionality and performance, the iPhone 5c is the same as the iPhone 5, so there should be no difference with the 2012 flagship in iOS 8.

iOS 8 for iPhone 5s

Of all the "old" ones iPhone smartphones 5s will receive the most functionality from iOS 8. All new system features will work there.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 5s, you need to follow these steps:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPhone 5s:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

iOS 8 on iPhone 5s should not slow down. Moreover, this smartphone has a processor very similar in performance to the iPhone 6.

iOS 8 for iPhone 6

There is no need to install iOS 8 on iPhone 6 – it’s already there. But updates may be necessary.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 6 you need to follow this guide:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPhone 6:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

As of September 2014, iPhone 6 is Apple's most advanced smartphone. So in iOS 8 everything works there.

iOS 8 for iPhone 6 Plus

The iPhone 6 Plus in iOS 8 even has additional mode works - in landscape orientation.

To install iOS 8 on iPhone 6 Plus, you need to do the following:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPhone 6 Plus:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

Today, the iPhone 6 Plus is the coolest smartphone running iOS 8. But, undoubtedly, it will retain this title until next year at most.

Of course, not everything in iOS 8 works on the iPad 2. However, for another year, owners of the popular tablet have the opportunity to use the most current software.

iOS 8 for iPad 3

Apple iPad 3 was the first tablet to receive a Retina screen, and therefore many continue to use it. Therefore, iOS 8 was released for him too.

To install iOS 8 on iPad 3 you need to do the following:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad 3:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

The iPad 3 has slightly more features than the iPad 2, but in many ways it is the same as the old tablet.

iOS 8 for iPad 4

The iPad 4 was released quite quickly - literally six months after the iPad 3. However, it received little new, namely a faster Apple processor A6X and Lightning connector.

Instructions for installing iOS 8 on iPad 4:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad 4:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

In theory the majority iOS capabilities 8 will also be available on the iPad 4. But in general, the iPad Air gets the maximum.

iOS 8 for iPad Air

Apple iPad Air is the most modern tablet as of September 2014, and therefore everything from iOS 8 should work there.

Guide to install iOS 8 on iPad Air:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad Air:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

Before iPad release Air 2 its first version is the most productive Apple tablet.

iOS 8 for iPad mini

According to their own iPad specifications mini is the same as the iPad 2. They only have different screen diagonals.

Manual for installing iOS 8 on iPad mini:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad 3:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

iOS 8 functionality on the iPad mini shouldn't be much different from the iPad 2.

iOS 8 for iPad mini Retina

The Retina version of the iPad mini was released along with the iPad Air and is almost identical to the older tablet in almost everything, including screen resolution and processor.

To install iOS 8 on iPad mini Retina you need to do the following:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad 3:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

Despite the similarities between the iPad mini 2 and the iPad Air, the latter is an older product, although this is unlikely to affect the functionality of iOS 8.

iOS 8 for iPod touch 5th gen

The fifth generation Apple iPod touch is last ipod touch released by Apple. It hasn't been updated since 2013, but the player still received iOS 8.

To install iOS 8 on iPod touch 5th gen you need to do the following:

  1. update iTunes to version 11.4;
  2. backup your device data to iTunes or iCloud;
  3. download iOS 8 for iPad 3:
  4. In iTunes, hold down the key (or in OS X) and click the Restore iPhone button;
  5. select the downloaded IPSW file;
  6. wait until the update finishes.

Not all iOS 8 features are available on the iPod touch, primarily due to the hardware of the player itself.

iOS 8 on iPhone 4

You won't be able to download iOS 8 for iPhone 4 - its time has come. Many people were surprised a year ago that iOS 7 was released for this smartphone. But with iOS 8 it was obvious that he wouldn't get it. It has a single-core processor, 512 MB of RAM - all this is already outdated hardware. The iPhone 4S looks more modern, so there won't be any problems with it.

iOS 8 for iPhone 3 GS

It’s sad, but the iPhone 3 GS has been out of use for two years now and this state will remain forever. But in general Apple updated this old smartphone all the way to iOS 6, which is already an achievement. Even the iPhone 3G received such a system! But neither iOS 7 nor, especially, iOS 8 is available for older Apple phones.

iOS 8 for iPad

The very first iPad was also left without iOS 8. Moreover, without iOS 7, which is generally strange - this device is the same age as the iPhone 4, which was nevertheless updated to the seventh version of the system.

iOS 8 release date

The release date for iOS 8 can hardly be considered June 2, 2014 - it was announced on that day. Yes, it is available as a beta version for developers, but this can hardly be considered the beginning of full use. The real release date for iOS 8 can be considered September 17, 2014.


So, it happened - iOS 8 is with us. There have been quite a few innovations in it, but this is all pure evolution. However, the “revolution” was with the flashy-bright interface of iOS 7. From the “eight” one could only expect improvements to already added functions and corrections of various shortcomings. This is what happened, don’t you think?

In addition, the system has noticeably improved from the developers' point of view. They will now be able to create much more advanced applications that are well integrated into the OS. Just think about the cost of installing another keyboard!

In general it looks good, but at the same time it’s all a “game of catch-up”. Not in everything, of course, but much of what has been added for a long time has been in Android. It’s good that Apple is “not proud” - it doesn’t think about how to differentiate itself, but how to make it more convenient for its supporters. Otherwise, she would definitely lose them.

Other materials about iOS 8.