What is a page cache and what is it for? How to find in Google, Yandex cache. How to search for information in Google's web cache (Instructions)

  • Abstract of the document (site)
  • Quick links
  • Special data
  • Additional features
  • Each element in the image is a link to the corresponding Help section.

    ","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("href":"#favicon","shape":"rect","alt":"Favicon","justMapLink":true ,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#favicon","shape":"rect","alt":"Favicon","justMapLink":true,"coords":, "isNumeric":false),("href":"#moreinf","shape":"rect","alt":"Additional information: Saved copy and Show more from the site","justMapLink":true,"coords ":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#moreinf","shape":"rect","alt":"Additional information: Saved copy and Show more from the site","justMapLink":true ,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#doc-title","shape":"rect","alt":"Title of the found document","justMapLink":true," coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#doc-title","shape":"rect","alt":"Title of the found document","justMapLink":true,"coords" :,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#doc-text","shape":"rect","alt":"Document abstract","justMapLink":true,"coords":," isNumeric":false),("href":"#doc-text","shape":"rect","alt":"Document Abstract","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric": false),("href":"#sitelink","shape":"rect","alt":"Quick Links","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),(" href":"#sitelink","shape":"rect","alt":"Quick Links","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"# specdata","shape":"rect","alt":"Special Data","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#specdata","shape ":"rect","alt":"Special data","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#navigation","shape":"rect" ,"alt":"Document address","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false),("href":"#navigation","shape":"rect","alt": "Document address","justMapLink":true,"coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))\">


    A favicon is a site icon next to the title of the found document.

    For detailed information about the requirements for a favicon and how to place it on the site, see Yandex.Webmaster Help.

    Document title

    For detailed information on how the title is formed in search results and whether it can be changed, see Yandex.Webmaster Help.

    Document address

    Additional Information

    The button next to the document address allows you to go to a saved copy of the page, view all documents found by request on this site, or complain about the search results.

    Saved copy

    If the original document is not available or Yandex considers it potentially dangerous, you can view the last saved copy of this document. To do this, follow the link Saved copy.

    To highlight the query words in the saved copy, enable the option in the top menu of the page highlight query words. You can use the arrows next to the query text to navigate through the found words on the page.


    Show more from the site

    You can also set restrictions for site searches in settings.


    If you feel that the search results do not match your request or contain inappropriate information, you can let us know. Click the Complain link and in the dialog box that opens, indicate the reason for the complaint:

    • Inconsistency with the request.
    • Shocking or unpleasant information - images and text with repulsive content (for example, accident victims, scenes of violence, serious physical pathologies).
    • Pornography.
    • Search spam - pages whose owners try to deceive them to raise them higher in search results ().

    You can complain about a single document found or about the entire search results page.

    After verification, the review will be taken into account by automatic Search algorithms to improve the quality of Yandex search results.

    Abstract of the document (site)

    A brief description of the document is compiled based on the text of the document, from which sentences or parts thereof with query words are selected. If Yandex considers such a description not informative enough, it can supplement it with a description of the page, which was compiled by its owner.

    If the annotation displays the phrase "Page contains links", this means that the found document does not contain the words of the search query, but they are present in the text of links to this document from various Internet resources.

    The Internet is absolutely not a constant thing. Any site due to various circumstances (downed power lines, bankruptcy of the hoster, non-payment of the domain) may stop working. After this, users’ browsers will only display messages about the unavailability of their favorite resource. If the site changes beyond recognition, and the page with important information is deleted by the administration, the resource will continue to operate, but the end consumer cannot avoid trouble in this case.

    There is no need to worry and curse evil fate. Perhaps the portal is temporarily unavailable, and specialists are busy restoring its operation. In addition, each user of the Global Network has a powerful tool that will allow him to obtain the necessary information - a site cache.


    Google is a mega-corporation, the power of its servers has the ability to constantly scan the Internet for the appearance of new pages and changes in old ones. By adding resources to their database, the algorithms not only take pictures of them. To put it bluntly, Google creates backup copies of the Internet in case the original material becomes unavailable.

    Google's site cache is available to everyone without exception. To access any indexed page, you need to enter the following query into the search bar: . A copy of the page will appear on the screen, with the following information displayed at the top of the screen:

    • The date of the last save, which will make it possible to judge whether the information presented may have changed.
    • There is also a link to the image, which contains only text.
    • Another URL will show the full source code, which will be of interest to webmasters.

    Owners of Internet resources need to know that Google's site cache is a voluntary system. If you need to exclude any pages of your portal from the list of saved ones, you can disable taking pictures. To do this, you need to add a meta tag to the page. . You can also disable or enable caching in your account if you have the appropriate account.

    If you need to delete already saved photos from the Google cache, you will need to send an email with the request, and then confirm your rights to the site.


    In second place in the list of companies storing site caches is a domestic industry giant. Yandex's coverage is much smaller, so you should look here mainly for images of large, highly trafficked resources.

    Just enter the URL of the desired page into the search bar and press ENTER. The search results will show the site you need in the first place in the search results. There will be a triangle icon next to the link to it. By clicking on it and selecting the “saved copy” menu item, you will open the last available snapshot of the page.

    The Wayback Machine

    In 1996, Brewster Keil started a nonprofit organization that is now called the Internet Archive. The company collects copies of web pages, videos, graphics, audio recordings, and software. The collected material is archived, and anyone can have free access to it.

    The main goal of The Wayback Machine is the preservation of cultural values ​​created by civilization after the widespread spread of the Internet, the creation of the most complete electronic library of humanity. The Archive currently stores more than 10 petabytes of data, allowing users to view 85 billion web pages. This means that the Archive is the most complete cache of sites.

    Archive.org is the organization's website, where you can try to find a snapshot of the required page. Since not only the latest copy is saved, but the bot scans resources periodically, you can examine all the changes made to a particular page over time, even if the site no longer exists. It is advisable to use the WWW prefix in the search string.

    Dead URL

    Dead Address provides similar options for users. Copy the non-working URL and paste it into the input field on the site. The service will think a little and produce several results. Some of them will link to a Google resource. The other part will take the user to the Archive pages. What’s important is that the site cache is sorted by date, which is very convenient.

    Down Or Not

    If you need a cache of sites on the Internet due to the unavailability of a particular resource, but searches do not lead to anything, it is worth checking if there is a problem near you. For example, an Internet provider performs technical work or replaces outdated equipment. To check who is to blame, it makes sense to use the Down Or Not service.

    Enter the address of the portal you need in the search bar and press the ENTER button. After a short analysis, the service will display the result. The word DOWN indicates the unavailability of the resource (temporary or permanent), but if the word UP appears on the screen, it means that everything is in order with the portal.

    Down Ot Not acts as a third party and unbiased expert to determine what exactly is causing the problem.

    Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

    Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? A few years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

    Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

    Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

    1. Google cache that remembers everything

    Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view the version of the page from the Google cache, type in the address bar:


    Where http://www.site/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

    2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

    6. Archive.is, for your own cache

    If you need to save some web page, you can do this on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service..

    7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

    If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

    8. Browser cache when all else fails

    You won’t be able to view the entire page this way, but images and scripts from some sites are stored on your computer for a certain period of time. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


    Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

    Google Chrome

    In the address bar we type chrome://cache


    In the address bar we type opera://cache

    Mozilla Firefox

    Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

    9. Trying to download the page file directly from the server

    We go to whoishostingthis.com and find out the address of the server on which the site is or was located:

    After that, open the terminal and using the command curl trying to download the required page:

    What to do if nothing helps at all

    If none of the methods yielded results, and you desperately need to find the deleted page, then all that remains is to contact the site owner and shake out the treasured information from him. First, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on emailhunter.com:

    And about collecting information about people, read the articles and.

    Category ~ Browser – Igor (Administrator)

    Google updates its Chrome browser quite often. But, at the time of writing this tip, there is still no setting for setting a cache size limit. But the cache can grow very large if it is not periodically cleared. You may be very surprised to find out how much space the cache takes up. For example, at the current time, my browser cache occupies 423 MB. Agree that this is not a very small number. By default, the entire cache is located in the folder "C:\Users\(User)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default", where "(User)" is your user. Just look at the size of this folder.

    Of course, you can limit the size using special parameters that need to be written into the launch shortcut, but this is not exactly what we would like. If you are interested, you can do this using the following parameters: –disk-cache-dir=”c:\cache” –disk-cache-size=102345678. Where the parameter “–disk-cache-dir” specifies the cache storage location. And the “–disk-cache-size” parameter is the maximum size in bytes.

    Note: it is also worth clearing the cache if you have problems displaying your favorite sites. Without going into technical details, the main problem is that some of the site’s elements have been updated, but the browser still loads elements from the cache when loading the site.

    Viewing the cache using "about:cache"

    There are several different ways to view the cache. The browser itself has a special command for viewing the cache. Type "about:cache" (without quotes and without spaces, but with a colon) in the address bar. The contents of the cache will be displayed in the browser window. If you have a large enough cache, this operation may take some time. Of course, this is not the most convenient way to view and is more suitable for tech-savvy users. But, nevertheless, this is still a way.

    Clear cache from browser

    You can clear the cache for a specific period of time from the Chrome toolbar.

    1. Open the dropdown menu. Three stripes icon
    2. Hover your mouse over "Tools"
    3. Select "Delete browsing data..."
    4. In the menu that appears, select the period for which you want to clear data
    5. Select the required data to clear. For the data you want to save, uncheck the boxes.
    6. Click the "Clear history" button

    Viewing your cache using NirSoft's ChromeCacheView

    ChromeCacheView is a small free utility that allows you to view and selectively copy Chrome browser cache entries. It also allows you to view information about each cache file. You can download this utility from this link. The program does not require installation and works great on Windows XP, Vista and 7.

    18.08.2015 09:03

    The word cache can be heard quite often in various areas of IT, but today we will deal with site page cache.

    The term itself means that search engines save copies of pages from a certain number, usually from the robot’s last visit to the site. You can find and use a copy (cache) of the page at any time for your needs.

    It’s quite good that search engines save pages on their servers for a while and give us a chance to take advantage of this. A lot of resources and money are allocated to storing cached pages, but they pay for their help, since we still need to go to their search engines.

    Why do you need a cache (copies) of pages?

    There are different situations when working with websites.

    As always, you have a lot of work, but little time and not enough attention for everything. There are times when work is being done on the site, suppose a design change or minor edits to the template or text. And at one point you realize that you made a mistake somewhere and the text disappeared or part of the site design disappeared. Well, this happens and everyone has probably dealt with this.

    At the moment, you don’t have backups, neither does the hosting, and you don’t remember what everything looked like initially. In this case, a copy of the page, which can be found in the cache of both Yandex and Google, can help, see how it was originally and correct it.

    Or second case, You have changed the text a little in order to increase the relevance of the page and want to see whether the page on which you made the changes has been updated or not. You can check using a page that is in the cache; to do this, look for this page and look at the result.

    There is also a situation when the site is not available, for one reason or another, and you need to go to it. In this case, a copy of the page can help, which can be found in the following ways.

    In general, I think it has become clear that using a page cache is necessary and useful.

    How to find a page from Google and Yandex cache.

    First, let's look at how to search in the Google search engine.

    Method No. 1. You go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy of. I'll take our site as an example:


    We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see the search results, where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a URL (address) to the right of it with a small down arrow, click on it and we will see the “Saved copy” item. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

    Method No. 2. The method can be called semi-automatic, since you need to copy the address below and substitute the domain of your site instead of site.ru. As a result, you will receive the same copy of the page.


    Method No. 3. You can view the cache using browser plugins or online services. I use RDS bar for these purposes.

    Here you can see when the robot last visited the resource, and accordingly, a copy of the page will be for this date.

    Now let's look at how to search for a cache in the Yandex search engine.

    Method No. 1. The method is the same as for the Google system. We go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy. I’ll take our website as an example again and write it down:


    We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see the search results, where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a URL (address) to the right of it with a small down arrow, click on it and we will see the “Saved copy” item. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

    Method No. 2. We use additional browser plugins. Read a little higher, everything is the same as for Google.

    If a page is not in the search engine index, then there is a high probability that it is not in the cache. If the page was previously in the index, then it may be preserved in it.

    How to clear the cache in Yandex and Google.

    It may be necessary to remove a page from the Yandex or Google cache or even hide a page that was previously indexed and cached from prying eyes. To do this, you need to wait until the search engine itself discards this page naturally.

    You can prevent the page from being indexed in the Robots.txt file or use the tag:

    Just be careful with the tag, do not put it in the general template of the site because it will prohibit caching of the entire site. For these purposes, it is best to use additional plugins.