Installing windows 10 on an empty computer

Windows 10 is an operating system that has once again introduced start menu. It opens as in Windows 7, although the Metro interface remains and can be activated through the taskbar. Also new here virtual desktops, launching Metro applications in windows, slightly changed interface and other smaller details.

Let's start with the Start menu. In Windows 8, many people missed it, and then special programs came to the rescue (and still come) that turned off the start Metro screen. Microsoft realized that touch screens Not everyone has them (and not everyone needs them), and in the new version the Metro-style interface has been relegated to the background. The Start menu is now the default, and the tiled interface can be activated in Settings in Control Panel. The Start menu now contains tiles for Metro applications and desktop programs, in the form to which we are accustomed. This menu can now be change in size, namely to increase or decrease its height.

If you've used Metro-style apps, you'll now appreciate that they run not only in full-screen mode, but also in windows, just like desktop programs. Windows 8 has Snap function, which divides the desktop into two parts: one shows the Metro application, and the second shows the desktop or any program from the regular interface. Here, in Windows 10, this function not only remained, but also evolved. And now she can divide the screen as much as 4 applications, regardless of the interface for which they are intended. In order to use it, you need to pull the window with the mouse to the corner of the screen or its side.

In addition, the new system is equipped with virtual desktops, which were not available before. On the taskbar there is Task View button. When you click this button you can see everything running applications, as well as create new (empty) desktops on which new programs can be placed. This can be useful for separating activities. For example, programs for work may be contained on one desktop, and programs for entertainment on another. Also, using virtual desktops, you can organize the work of several people on one computer. Wherein running programs are displayed in an interesting way on the taskbar. Icons of the current program (active on this moment) desktop are displayed in normal mode, and program icons on others virtual tables are marked only with a small stripe at the bottom (see screenshots). Thus, we see all the programs running on the computer, but at the same time we can recognize them by belonging to different desktops.

Right vertical panel, which in Windows 8 extends when you move the cursor to one of the corners, is also present in the new system, but now it does not respond to the cursor, but is called by a key combination Win+C. Through it (if you are comfortable using keyboard shortcuts) it is convenient to open the control panel, system information dialog and personalization dialog. There's also a power button and a volume slider, but Windows user 10 will resort to their services extremely rarely, since turning off the computer and adjusting the volume can be easier.

There are changes to the interface. They took it from the windows framework, but they made more effective opening and closing animations for them. Some icons have been changed, although by the time it comes out Final version Windows 10, apparently, that's it standard icons will be updated.

If you are one of those who like Metro-style interface, then you can activate it. Click on the taskbar right click mouse and select Properties, then in the window that opens, go to the Start Menu tab and uncheck Use the Start menu instead of Start screen. Thus Windows developers 10 confirm their intention to make a system that is suitable for all devices.

In general, despite all the new features, a wide field of criticism is again opening up for Microsoft “haters.” The company is again trying to sell us something that... by and large could be implemented in a new service pack for Windows 8. However, we are already accustomed to this, and Windows 10, a few years after the final release, will most likely surpass Windows 8 in the number of users.

How to install Windows 10, the most current version of the OS from Microsoft today? Below we will look at this process from start to finish: how the installation media is created, how the computer is configured to boot from it, and how “Ten” is installed directly.

1. Creating an installation flash drive with the official distribution of the system

First you need to take care of the installation media. If you purchased licensed Windows 10 in boxed version or when you purchase a new laptop, you receive media with the system installation included with it, you can use the available tools. However, in this case, after reinstallation, you will get a Tens build with updates at the time of recording such media. And if a lot of time has passed since this moment, the system will have to download from the servers for a long time Microsoft updates and implement them into the system. With large-scale update packages it is even more difficult: they are introduced into the system in pre-boot mode and can sometimes take as long as the reinstallation process itself.

Windows 10 is a specific version of the OS from Microsoft, which is being developed in parallel with its mass use. And these improvements are implemented in cumulative update packages twice a year. So a fresh distribution is not a requirement, but desirable.

The latest Tens distribution kit is downloaded from the official Microsoft website. On a special web page, click the “Download tool now” button.

And download a small one portable utility MediaCreationTool. It downloads the current Tens distribution kit, plus it also knows how to write it to a flash drive. We connect a flash drive (at least 4 GB) to the computer and launch the utility. We agree with licensing policy Microsoft.

Select media creation.

Next, we decide on the “Tens” bit depth and the language. The “Issue” field, by the way, is not working. Issues (editions) of the system will become available during the installation process. They will not be available only for OEM devices. For such PCs and laptops, the choice of edition will be predetermined automatically.

That's it - we can start creating installation flash drive.

Next, you need to specify the letter of the connected flash drive and wait a bit. The utility will download the distribution package from Microsoft servers, then write it to a flash drive. As soon as the flash drive is ready, we can begin installing/reinstalling the OS.

2. Nuances when installing the system on laptops

Installation of Windows 10 on laptops must be carried out while the device is connected to the mains. Some models of modern laptops may produce errors during the system installation process if the flash drive is connected to USB port 2.0. In this case, the flash drive must be inserted into a USB 3.0 port (with a blue tab).

So, the installation flash drive is connected to the computer. We reboot it and enter the BIOS. IN BIOS environment you need to go to the boot device priority section and specify the flash drive as the first such device. Important: when installing “Tens” on a GPT disk, you must select a flash drive marked “UEFI” in the list of boot devices.

You can get into the BIOS by holding down the Del, F2 or F10 keys while starting the computer. But there may be other keys. Launch from removable media– these are individual actions for each computer device. Which key is provided for entering the BIOS, which section to enter there, what exactly to change - all this can be found in the instructions for the laptop or PC motherboard. If there are no instructions, you will have to look for information on the Internet.

When is the time to detailed study There are no BIOS settings, you can google the search query “ Boot Menu+ brand of motherboard/laptop.” Boot Menu is a simplified mechanism for changing boot devices. When the computer boots, press special key and we get a list of connected media on the screen. Whichever one we choose, that’s where the launch will take place. Boot Menu is not just a convenient function, it is also protection against unnecessary interference in BIOS settings newcomers.

4. Install Windows 10

Click “Install”.

The next two steps are usually missing on OEM devices. Licensed Windows key, starting from version 8, is built into the BIOS and is automatically inserted during the installation process. Just like the “Ten” edition is automatically selected in accordance with the license. On PCs and laptops purchased without licensed Windows, we can either enter the key if it was purchased in a boxed or electronic version, or skip this step. You can enter the license key and activate Windows this way even after installing it.

At the time of writing, the Windows 10 distribution comes with all custom editions included. If a license key has already been purchased, therefore, you need to select the edition that this key activates. If there is no key, you can choose one of three editions:

  • “Home” is a basic set of Windows functionality. Officially, a license costs about $150;
  • “Home for one language” is the same edition of “Home”, in which you cannot change the system language to another. The key to it can be bought cheaper;
  • Pro – standard set Windows functionality, which includes functions missing in the “Home” edition, such as: local group policy, Hyper-V, BitLocker encryption, standard remote access, etc. The official license cost is more than $200. In the list Windows editions 10 there will be two more options:
  • S – “Tens” assembly limited in working with classic functionality. Accordingly, it can only work with UWP applications;
  • “For educational institutions” is an edition with even greater capabilities, which is provided by Pro, distributed at a reduced price to the audience of educational institutions.

These two options, as we see, are not for a wide audience.

We agree to Microsoft's licensing policy.

Click on custom installation.

Option 1

If a disk is being used for the first time and there is no partition structure on it yet, many people create this structure using tools Windows installer. At the stage of selecting the installation location of the system, you can click the “Create” button and use the options that appear to create disk partitions. And then select the first one as the OS installation location.

However, this is not a completely correct way to partition the disk. After it, the disk partitions are usually unaligned. Why it is necessary for disk partitions to be aligned is a separate topic. In order not to align them later, it is necessary to initially form them using special software Acronis type Disk Director. This program or its free analogue can be used in an environment where Windows is already installed. For now, the system itself can be installed on the entire hard drive space.

The following two options apply to disks with an existing partition structure.

Option 2

If the hard drive has a style MBR partitions, system partitions usually two - a small technical partition 1 of 350-500 MB and the next partition 2 (directly drive C). In this case, you need to format partitions 1 and 2 one by one, then click “Next”. Important: both sections need to be formatted. If you format only partition 2 (i.e. drive C), the bootloader of the new “Ten” will contain information about the old Windows. And a bootloader selection menu will appear with two systems - a new one and an old one, which no longer exists.

Option 3

If Windows is installed on a GPT disk, there may be two or even three technical partitions located in front of the C drive. The screenshot below shows an option with three small technical sections. And drive C is listed fourth on the list. In this case, in order not to edit the bootloader menu later, you also need to format two partitions. You need to format partition 2 (with the “System” type) and partition 4 (with the “Main” type, also known as drive C).

We then indicate the latter as the installation location of the system. And click “Next”.

Windows files will be copied. When this process is completed and the computer restarts, you need to disconnect the installation flash drive. Otherwise, the installation process will go in circles. It’s better to immediately set the boot priority from the hard drive in the BIOS.

Launched from hard drive Windows disk 10 will for some time adapt itself to the specific hardware of the computer and install drivers. Next will be the steps to configure the OS. Select a country.

Select the keyboard layout.

If necessary, add a layout for another language. If this is not necessary, click “Skip”.

The system will then request access to the Internet: it will ask you to connect to Wi-Fi or create a network connection. It is advisable to postpone this step and carry out the connection later, so as not to complicate the installation of Windows by downloading updates and introducing content from the Microsoft Store. Plus, if there is no Internet, it is easier to create a local account. In the following steps, simply enter the name local user and leave the password field blank. While the system has not yet been properly configured, while it will reboot after installing drivers, updates and programs, at first it is better to use a non-password-protected local “account”. If your computer is already connected to the Internet via a router, you can create a local user at the stage of connecting your Microsoft account. Click “Offline Account”.

Leave the password entry field blank.

If you wish, we can disable some of the preset privacy settings. Click “Accept”.

Next, you will have to wait a little while the system creates user profile just now given parameters. And soon we will see Windows 10 installed - not quite fully functional, with empty tiles of individual standard UWP applications, which it will definitely install from the Microsoft Store after connecting to the Internet. Taking from there a little rubbish from among the promoted applications and games designed for donations.

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Do you want to install Windows 10 so that your laptop or computer works as quickly as “from the store”?

If you want to learn how to do a clean installation of Windows 10, then read on and you will learn how to do it correctly.

Any computer or laptop, over time, begins to slow down and glitch.

It's unavoidable!

Therefore, it is customary to cleanly reinstall Windows from time to time.

A clean installation of Windows is an installation where a computer or laptop is freed from all the garbage and errors, brakes and glitches that have accumulated over the entire period of its operation.

After the video in which we updated Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10, many who did not succeed in this update for one reason or another asked:

How else can you switch to Ten?

What we will do now, namely a clean installation of Windows 10, is the only possible way switch to Windows 10. If the update fails previous version up to Windows 10.

So, we have considered all the preparatory aspects.

Now let's move on to the actual clean Windows installation 10.

So I'll open Explorer and open Computer.

As you can see, I have two sections here. My hard drive is divided into 2 parts.

I saved all my data to a section called: My Files.

A clean installation of Windows involves formatting (deleting) a partition called Local Disk (C:).

We will completely remove it during the installation process and install a fresh Windows 10 system here.

To avoid accidentally deleting the My Files partition instead of the Local Disk (C:) during the installation process, I recommend doing the following:

You need to remember the disc labels. Letters (C:), (D:), (E:), (F:), etc., in in this case they won't help us.

The fact is that when installing Windows, these letters are not visible. They are visible only in the operating system.

The partition sizes will help us. For example, the My Files section has a size of 5.99 Gigabytes, that is, about 6 GB.

And the size of the Local Disk (C:) partition is approximately 25 Gigabytes.

You need to remember what the partition is called, that is, the disk label. On the section we need, this is the label: My Files.

But on the Local Disk (C:) section, there will be no label at all.

And also remember the size of these sections. I recommend that you write this information down on a piece of paper.

If you don't have a label on the second section, you can add one very simply.

Point the mouse at the section itself and click right key and select the item: Rename.

The title stood out, I'll rename it this way: These are My Files. I added one word at the beginning.

Now I just press the key: Enter. That's it, the section has been renamed.

Now I'm completely ready to do a clean install of Windows.

I'm starting to install Windows, for this I simply do Shutdown.

Now, when the computer (laptop) is turned off, I simply plug it into the connector laptop usb.

I press the F2 key. I just press and hold it. At the same time, I turn on the laptop with the power button.

Ready! We entered the BIOS. I am dedicated to how to enter the BIOS. Several examples are discussed in detail there. In addition, you will find out which key you need to press to enter the BIOS.

Let's see how to boot on this laptop from a flash drive.

I simply navigate with the arrow keys to the tab: Boot.

Here I need the section: Boot Option Priorities. In this BIOS, in order to change the boot priority, you just need to click on Enter key, at the point called: Boot Option #1.

I press Enter. And here I need to find the item with the designation USB. Here is this item: UEFI: USB FLASH DRIVE PMAP.

This is the item I need, I just press the Enter key. Now I have it in the line: Boot Option #1.

To complete the boot setup from the flash drive, I need to save the settings. I press the key: F10, and press the key: Enter.

Now the computer boots from the flash drive.

By the way, you can get genuine keys from Microsoft for Windows and Office.

I like to do activation after installation, so I click on the button: I don’t have a product key.

That is, if you want to continue the installation, without entering the key in this window, just click on the link - button, as I showed it in the picture.

I press.

We have a list of operating systems that we can install.

Here we can install Windows 10 Home. Home for one language. Windows 10 for educational institutions, which in English sounds like Education. And Windows 10 Pro Professional.

The x86 icon here indicates the bit depth. x86 is a 32-bit system.

And here we see the release date of the operating system version.

I will choose Windows option 10 Pro. To do this, I go to the very bottom using the keyboard and click on the button: Next.

In the next window, we must accept the license terms. Simply check the box next to the words “I accept the license terms” and click on the button: Next.

Be careful in the next window!

The first big button is to update the operating system. But today we are doing a clean installation of Windows. We delete all old data from the computer, all old system data except our files.

Therefore, we select the 2nd point, the second big button: Custom: Windows installation only (for experienced users)

I take out my cheat sheet. At the beginning of the video, I told you that here we will not see the drive letter. We will only see the size of the partitions. It is indicated here in the 3rd column.

And also disk labels. We don't have a label for the first section. And the second section is labeled: These are My Files.

As you remember, I changed the label just before installation.

And we keep this section; we cannot delete this section. This is where my saved files are stored.

But we will delete the first section. I just select it and click on the button: Delete.

We are warned that this may contain sensitive data. I am confident in my actions and press the button: OK.

We wait a little while the installer program deletes the partition.

Done, Windows Installer removed the partition. And now instead of a partition we have: Unallocated space on disk 0.

This is where we will do a clean installation of Windows 10.

Just in case, just click again to select this unallocated space, and click on the button: Next.

And now the actual installation of Windows has already begun.

So, the main part of the installation is completed.

Now you need to go to the settings. Windows suggests starting with the region. I'm leaving Russia, you can choose any other country if you live in another country.

I press the button again: Yes.

We are offered to add a second layout, but we will not do this now. We are installing Windows. And we can add a second layout at any time.

I click: Skip.

Windows promises us to install important elements.

In the next window, we are offered a choice of setting method. Most users watching this video are probably setting up Windows for themselves.

Therefore, I select the first option and click on the button: Next.

My computer is connected to the Internet using a cable. Therefore, I am immediately prompted to sign in using a Microsoft account.

If your computer is not connected to the Internet, or is connected to the Internet with using Wi-Fi, then at this stage you will be prompted to connect to the Internet. For example, enter the password for your Wi-Fi network.

You will need to either click on the button: Connect, and enter the password for your Wi-Fi.

Or click on the button: Skip.

So, let's continue on a computer that is connected to the Internet.

If you have an account Microsoft entry and you immediately want to log into this computer with it, then enter your email here, which is your Login. Click the button: Next. After that, enter your password.

And you'll be signed in immediately with your Microsoft account.

If we don’t have a Microsoft account, we are prompted to create one right away.

But it's not very convenient, I think. If you don't have a Microsoft account and want to create one, then I have a separate video that is dedicated to this. Here it is, look.

If you do not have a Microsoft account, or if you do not want to log in with one now, then simply click on the button: Offline account.

Windows insists that we sign in with a Microsoft account. He likes it better this way.

But we have already decided for you to log in with a local account. So we press the button: No.

Now we are prompted to enter the Computer Username. I enter my name.

If you want to log into your computer with a password, you can immediately come up with it and enter it in the appropriate field.

Just be sure to write down the Password so as not to lose access to your computer.

If you do not want to use a password for now, but want to do the setup without a password for now, then leave the field empty and click on the button: Next.

In the next window, we are prompted to select privacy settings for this device.

There has already been a lot of noise on the Internet that the new April Windows version 2018, contains many more of these parameters.

That is, she is trying to keep an eye on us even more.

Therefore, it is now quite fashionable to disable all these engines. Let me do that. I turn off all the engines, that is, we simply move all the engines to the left position.

In principle, all this can be done on already installed Windows.

But since we can do all this during the installation process, let's turn off all these options.

Done, now click on the button: Accept.

Windows tells us that preparation is taking place and promises that it may take a few minutes.

We just have to wait...

Almost done!

We have successfully installed Windows. Let's check what version this is. Open Explorer and right-click on This PC. Select Properties.

As you can see, this is Windows 10 Pro 32-bit. That is, everything is exactly as we installed it.

Windows system is not activated. As I already said: I have a separate lesson dedicated to activation.

Now let's check if my files that I saved are ok.

I open This Computer and we see that here we have a local drive C, on which we just installed Windows 10, the latest version. And also in place I have my section, which is called These Are My Files.

If you open it, we will see that everything is in order here, the files are in place.

The entire installation process is discussed in detail in the video.

Click on the video and watch.

Well, you are convinced that a clean installation of Windows is quite simple and fast.

If you do everything right.

Now you can do it yourself, without inviting would-be computer experts from the classified ads newspaper.

And do it when you need it. Since this procedure will now not cost you a penny of money.

Knowledge allows you to save and earn money!

In one of the following articles, I will talk about how to create installation disk with Windows 10 to further expand your options for installing Windows 10.

In order not to miss this video, click and subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven't already done so.

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And don't delay, do it right now. Thank you!

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Evgeniy Yurtaev was with you, see you soon

To test your knowledge and make sure that you can download and install Windows, get several video lessons.

Today it's free.

More on this topic:

  • Activating Windows 10 with a key.
  • How to download

I know that quite a lot of time has passed since Windows 10 came out, but still, better late than never, and so I decided to write a short guide on how to install Windows 10 from a flash drive or disk. We already have several articles on our website about how you can switch to Windows 10 using an update via notification or an installation utility from the Microsoft website.

Well, now I’ll show you how you can completely install Windows 10 from scratch using a bootable USB flash drive or a burned disc. But, first, we will have to download the image and make the same installation USB flash drive with Windows 10 or burn the image to disk so that we can start the installation. You can find out how to burn an image to a disk or USB drive by following the links I provided above.

Well, if you already have everything, let’s move on directly to the process of installing Windows 10 on your computer.

Installing Windows 10

Having inserted the installation flash drive into the computer, we boot from it using the boot menu or changing the boot priority in the BIOS.

After the computer starts, when prompted to start from disk, do not forget to press any key on the keyboard in order to get to the Windows 10 installation menu.

It will take a few seconds to prepare for installation and the standard window selecting the installed language and keyboard layout. Here we select everything at our discretion and click “Next”.

Since we do not want to restore the system, but install a new one, click on the “Install” button.

A request to enter a license key will appear, if you have one, enter it and go to next step, otherwise click on the line “I don’t have a key.”

We accept the license agreement. By the way, if you are interested in what Microsoft’s surveillance of users involves, I recommend that you be sure to read this agreement as everything is written about it there.

When choosing the installation type, select the “Custom: Windows installation only” option.

Now we select the disk where Windows 10 will be installed, format it and select it, move on.

The usual Windows 10 installation process will go through, which will take from 10 to 20 minutes.

Once completed, the system will reboot and will take a few minutes to prepare various devices and components.

Once loaded, we should choose to use standard settings. If you wish, you can set all the settings manually, but I recommend that more experienced PC users do this.

When asked who owns the computer, choose the second option.

Next, we can connect to the system using a Microsoft account, if you have one, of course. You can also register it or make it local account. So, as I usually use the last option, I will show the configuration and installation of Windwos 10 using it as an example.

So, click on the “Skip this step” option.

It will take a few minutes again for the system to prepare.

Well, in the end, the Winodws 10 desktop will appear in front of you.

Well, there’s little left for you to do: configure the system, delete it if you wish unnecessary applications and disable surveillance and install all missing drivers.

Installing Windows 10 - overview, step-by-step, instructions, from disk, error

Software developers strive to simplify the installation process of their products as much as possible. This allows this procedure to be performed even by users who do not have such skills. The main thing is to know certain information and stock up on an impressive amount of patience.

Main innovations

Each new version of the operating system includes a whole list of innovations. The tenth release is characterized by the following innovations:

Back in September 2014, the Technical Preview version became available for download. However, it is characterized by a sufficient number of bugs and errors. Thus, it fully confirms the “draft” status.

Relatively recently (in April 2015), an updated Insider Preview appeared. It fixed some bugs (for example, the appearance of a “black screen”). It is provided free of charge - there is a download link and keys on the Microsoft website.

Moreover, there is unique opportunity– update the 7th or 8th generation OS to the 10th. This procedure is performed completely free of charge, the main thing is that Windows is licensed.

Important! You can even update licensed version seven or eight, but it will turn into a pirate ten. Therefore, the easiest way for pirate users is to download the full-fledged licensed version, because for now it is distributed free of charge.

Unfortunately, some users complain that activation regularly fails. The only way to fix this problem is to disable updates.

Video: Download and install

System requirements

Oddly enough, the computer requirements for Windows 10 are practically no different from those for versions 7 and 8.

However, it’s worth describing them:

  1. dual core process with clock frequency from 1GHz;
  2. RAM: at least 1 GB (32-bit) and from 2 GB (64 bit);
  3. free space on the hard drive of at least 16 GB (more may be required for stable operation);
  4. video card supporting DirectX 9;
  5. Activation requires an Internet connection.

Please note: If you are in doubt about your PC's performance, then don't worry. Before installation begins, the system diagnoses your equipment, and if it does not meet the requirements, a corresponding message will appear.

Preparing for installation

You can install the OS using a CD or bootable USB flash drive. The first method is usually more reliable.

Creating a disk using BurnAware Free utility

If you want to install from a disk, you must burn it in a certain way. The BurnAware utility will help us with this.

This procedure is done as follows:

The common error 0x80070570 can appear if the disk you are using is damaged. Therefore, you should only use a new disk.

You can use other programs, for example, UltraISO or Nero. However, BurnAware is easy to use and “lightweight”. Nero is very demanding on the system, and also eats up RAM.

Step-by-step installation of Windows 10

If you want to switch to Windows 10, the installation instructions will help you with this. Almost all procedures are automated. Therefore, a minimum of knowledge and skills is required from the user.

Activating boot from disk

To start the installation you need to do a little digging in the BIOS.

You will need to do the following:

The installation itself

In some cases, error number 0x80070017 may appear.

If you are sure that there are no problems with the disk, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

Photo: beginning to copy system files

OS setup

Once installation is complete (depending on PC performance), you will be prompted to connect to available networks Wi-Fi. The Internet will be needed for activation, so connect it. If you have wired or 3G Internet, activation can be done later.

Then a settings window will appear. You will be offered two options: automatic (Use express) or manual (Customize) settings. It is best to use the second option, since these parameters are suitable for most users.

If you want to do everything “for yourself,” then it will be possible to customize such aspects as:

  • enable/disable updates;
  • their frequency;
  • permission to send reports.

Then a window will appear in which you will need to enter your account information. If you do not have it, you will have to register. To do this you will need to have email box and Internet access.

The next window will ask you to configure OneDrive storage. After that, click Next and after a while the desktop will appear in front of you. This means that the installation is complete.

video: Overview of all new features

Installing drivers

At the end you will need to install everything necessary drivers. If you have the appropriate disk (issued when purchasing a PC), then simply insert it and follow the instructions.

In its absence, this problem can be solved in the following ways:

  • install driver manager. An Internet connection is required for it to work;
  • download the driver package;
  • search manually for each device. To do this, we will use the identification number (it can be found in the device properties). We insert this set of letters and numbers into the search engine. Next, we find an option suitable for our system.

It is worth noting that almost all drivers that are compatible with Windows 7 and 8 are also suitable for 10. Therefore, if you have them, write them to a disk or flash drive before installing the OS.

That's all. As you can see, the process of installing a new operating system is not that complicated. Remember that if you don’t like the “ten”, you can return to more at any time early Windows. To do this you will need to insert boot disk(or flash drive) and select “update”.

How to install Windows 10

Operating system Microsoft Windows 10, you can install it on your computer (laptop) from a DVD or installation flash drive. Carefully read the detailed instructions about clean installing Windows 10 via BIOS. To install, we will need a Windows 10 distribution on a DVD or USB flash drive. If you have already purchased licensed disk or a bootable USB flash drive from Microsoft, then you can proceed with the installation straight away, if not, you will need to use the tools to create your own installation media using a USB flash drive or DVD. How to do this, read here - Download Windows 10 - Original image from Microsoft.

Attention! Before installing any edition of Windows 10, you must ensure that you purchase License Keys, and there should be no problems activating the license. You use all cracks, activators and hacking programs in violation of the license rules. Microsoft products are protected by copyright law. This means that the copyright holder retains exclusive rights to the software. To purchase a product, you must agree to the license terms (which results in a number of limited rights person purchasing the product) under which the software is distributed (“buy a license”)

1 - Before installing any operating system on a computer/laptop, it is important to know the basic rules - Three important steps before installing all versions of operating systems. 2 - Insert a disk with a Windows 10 distribution kit or a prepared one into the DVD drive bootable USB flash drive to the USB port. 3 - Go to BIOS. Read the instructions - How to enter the BIOS. 4 - Our task is that after a reboot, the computer does not boot from the hard drive as usual, but from boot device, which you are currently using.

5 - The first window after downloading the Windows 10 installer (Fig. 1). You will need to select your installation and system language and click Next.

6 - Click the Install button to begin installing Windows (Fig. 2)

7 - Installation process (Fig. 3)

8 - Enter the Windows 10 license key for activation (Fig. 4)

9 - Read and accept the terms of the license agreement. We put a tick. (Fig.5)

10 - Select the installation type - Custom: Windows installation only (for advanced users). (Fig.6)

11 -Next stage - Selecting the installation partition. To install as in our example, you should delete all your partitions, one at a time. The result will be Unallocated disk space (Fig. 7). You need to do this if you do not have the necessary information on your hard drive, or if you worried about this in advance and copied all necessary information(photos, documents, programs, etc.), for example on a flash drive. And you can, of course, delete all partitions except drive D, where you have all your information, here you can be guided by size, drive D is usually always larger. To avoid mistakes, you need to remember the sizes of all disks before rearranging the system.

12- Let's look at our example. Mark the unallocated space on the disk (Fig. 8)

13- In our example, the entire volume of our hard drive is 100 Gigabytes and kopecks (Fig. 9), we mark in the Size area approximately 60 Gigabytes (Fig. 9). This is quite enough for a Windows 10 system for a hard drive of the size we have. You may have HDD of a different size, but do not allocate it to partition C, less than 50-60 GB. If you have HDD size 500 or more gigabytes, the best option will allocate a partition for C - 90-100 GB, no more, this is not necessary, but you should not make exactly 25 GB. This size is needed only for the system itself, but in addition to the system, you will install other programs you need, for example Office, on drive C in the future. Therefore, do not skimp, and allocate at least 60 GB for the C-Disk. And allocate the remaining gigabytes to drive D.

Another option - If you already have a system, simply delete the first and second partition so that you are left with a 3-partition, which is the D drive. Deleted partitions 1 and 2 are converted into unallocated space, then select them, and without changing the values ​​in the Size area, click Create.

15- As we see (Fig. 11), we have created sections 1 and 2. Partition 1 is reserved by the system, and Partition Two is our C drive, where we will install Windows 10.

16- You can also see the remaining unoccupied space that we allocate (Fig. 12).

17- Without changing the values ​​in the “Size” area, click “Create” (Fig. 13).

18- Section 3 is created (Fig. 14). In the future, this is the partition of our D-drive. You can format it right away by selecting it.

19- Click Format (Fig. 15).

21- Section 3 - formatted (Fig. 17)

22- Select Section 2 (Fig. 18), where we will install the operating system.

24- The installation of Windows 10 has begun (Fig. 20), you can leave for 10-15 minutes while the process takes place. Installation time depends on the power of your computer.

25- Happening automatic reboot systems (Fig. 21).

26- Continue installation. The process of preparing devices for operation (Fig. 22, 23)

27- The next stage is “Parameters” (Fig. 24). If you use these instructions to install the OS, then, without any problems, you should select the item - “Use standard parameters" The “Customize” item is for more experienced users. You can always return to these settings after installing the system.

28- At the next stage, select the mode for using the computer on the network. If this home computer, select the option (Point 2) - This computer belongs to me (Fig. 25).

29- Creating an account (Fig. 26) Login with a Microsoft account: enter the address Email and Microsoft account password. Here you can create a new Microsoft account if you don’t already have one. You can skip this step and create a regular Local account.

30- We are greeted by the Windows 10 operating system, we wait a little while the computer is being prepared for the first start (Fig. 27-31)

31-Installation of our operating room Windows systems 10 (Fig. 32) was successful. We have one shortcut on our desktop: “Trash”. Read how to set up other shortcuts (Icons) here.

All the best, and success in further customization of Windows 10.

Installing Windows 10

It is important!

Please note that the new version of the operating system from Microsoft is a pre-release or Technical Preview of the software, which means that it is not fully developed, something will be changed and added in the process.

Before installation

So, for installation we need the downloaded Windows image file 10 (ISO format), recorded on a DVD or USB flash drive.

If you have difficulty burning an image to media, you can read the following articles:

Burning Windows 7 to a USB flash drive

Record Windows image 7 to disk. Burning a Windows 10 image is done in the same way. When preparation for installation is completed, and you have Windows 10 media and a free partition for it, you need to restart your computer and enter the BIOS (usually using the DEL key). Next, you need to go to the section responsible for installing devices to boot the OS. So look for the FIRST BOOT DEVICE, BOOT or BOOT DEVICE menu. In this section you must install a DVD drive (if installing from a disc) or HDD drive(your flash drive).

After saving the changes (As a rule, you need to press F10, then Y), exit the BIOS.

If everything is done correctly, after reboot you will see the following:

  • When using a DVD, you will see the message “Press any key to load from CD...”. You need to press any key immediately, because after a while (about 10 seconds) booting will begin from the next boot device installed in the BIOS.
  • if you used a flash drive, the installation will begin immediately.
Remember that when installing an operating system, you should be careful and careful with functions whose meaning you do not fully understand. Only you are responsible for the results of your actions. After this, the “Windows Setup” window should appear on the screen (Fig. 1). Here you need to choose one of four already available languages interface and keyboard (American English, British English, Simplified Chinese and Portuguese), as well as time format.
Figure 1. Installing Windows 10: selecting the interface language and keyboard. After this, as shown in Figure 2, a window will appear with an “Install now” button, which you need to click.
Figure 2. Installing Windows 10: installation screen. Next, the message “Setup is starting” will appear (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Windows 10 installation: installation has begun. Then you will see Terms of use Microsoft. To use the pre-release Windows 10, you need to check the box next to “I accept the license terms”, and then click “Next” (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Installing Windows 10: accept the terms of agreement. After this, a window will appear to select the type of installation (Which type of installation do you want). As shown in Figure 5, you can choose one of the options:

Upgrade: Install Windows and keep files, settings, and applications

This is an advanced installation of Windows 10 with preservation of files, settings and applications. All of the above will be available in Windows 10. Selecting this option is only available if the computer where the installation is performed is using the Windows operating system.

Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)

Custom installation (advanced) involves full installation Windows 10 operating system from scratch. In this guide, we are performing a full installation, so it is recommended to select the second type, that is, Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
Figure 5. Installing Windows 10: selecting the installation type. In Figure 6 you see a list of available hard disk partitions (in our case, this is the only disk on which the space is not allocated).

Figure 6. Installing Windows 10: list of available hard drive partitions.

Select the disk with unallocated space, and then click on the “New” button. We will have a field to enter the volume the section being created on the unmarked area of ​​the disk (Figure 7).

Click “Apply”.

The installation wizard will inform you that for correct operation, a small partition of 350MB in size will be created, which will be used to store system files and settings (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Installing Windows 10: creating a new partition. As a result, you see that two partitions have been created (Fig. 8):

The first (350 MB in volume) is for system operation.

The second (24.7 GB) is the partition that will be formatted and where the system will be installed (the future C: drive). At this step, if you are using a real hard drive, you must be sure of the actions being performed, because the installation may destroy the data you need by deleting or formatting the working partition rather than the one you wanted for the system.

Figure 8. Installing Windows 10: two partitions created.

After this, the installation of Windows 10 on your computer will begin (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Installing Windows 10: beginning the installation process.

To complete the installation, you must restart your computer. It will be done automatically (Fig. 10).
Figure 10. Windows 10 installation: reboot to complete installation. The first stage of installation, during which the files were copied and unpacked, is complete. After reboot, the system will begin installation initial parameters Windows configuration 10 (Fig. 11).

Figure 11. Windows 10 installation: reboot.

The system rebooted, and in Figure 12 we see the prompt “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...” - Press any button to boot from bootable media. This message must be ignored, and then in a few seconds the Windows boot 10 from your hard drive, and this will then complete the installation of Windows 10 from your computer's hard drive. Figure 12. Installing Windows 10: Proceed to boot and complete installation of Windows 10 from your hard drive. Next you will see the settings selection screen (Fig. 13).

Plus, if the need arises, you can adjust them later.

Figure 13. Installing Windows 10: selecting settings options.

The next step is setting up your Microsoft account (Fig. 14).
Figure 14. Installing Windows 10: proceeding to setting up a Microsoft account. If you have already created a Microsoft account to download the Windows 10 image, then you will need to provide your login information. If you do not yet have a Microsoft account, you can click “Create a new account.” new account) or click “Next” and skip this step (Fig. 15).
Figure 15. Installing Windows 10: logging in or creating a Microsoft account. After logging into your account, to protect your data, the installation wizard will ask you to enter a verification code and offer to send it to the same Mailbox, where you registered your Microsoft account. To confirm that this is your mailbox, you will need to enter its full name in the free field and click next (Fig. 16).

In addition, there is an option “I have a code” (I already have a code) and “I can"t do this right now” (I cannot do this right now).

Figure 16. Installing Windows 10: selection and confirmation e-mail addresses to send the verification code. After this, you need to check your email to which your Microsoft account is linked and where the verification code was sent (Fig. 17).
Figure 17. Installing Windows 10: letter with verification code. Now you need to enter the received verification code and click next, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Installing Windows 10: entering the verification code.

Next, you will see information about the OneDrive feature, which allows you to combine your files and share them from any of your devices (Figure 19). Click "Next" to proceed to the next step.
Figure 19. Windows 10 installation: OneDrive feature. After this it will begin automatic setting your account (Fig. 20).

Figure 20. Installing Windows 10: automatic account setup.

Figure 21. Installing Windows 10: installing applications.

Upon completion, you will see the inscription “Let's start”, this means that the installation of Windows 10 is complete and you can proceed to use it (Fig. 22).
Figure 22. Installing Windows 10: getting started. That's all. The installation of Windows 10 is complete, you can begin to get acquainted with the new operating system, its functions and features (Fig. 23 and 24).
Figure 23. Worker Windows table 10.
Figure 24. Windows 10 desktop.

Let me start with the fact that I was lucky enough to get my hands on an entry-level Asus R540SA laptop, which is supplied and naturally sold in our stores without any operating system. I decided to install Windows 10 Pro on it, pursuing 3 goals: to find out the installation process itself (I haven’t done this for a very long time), to check the possibility Windows activation 10 key for Windows 8 (fortunately, one key was lying unclaimed for 3 years), and also see how the system behaves on fairly average laptop hardware. First things first.

A little about the Asus R540SA laptop

Despite his budget price, the laptop looks quite stylish. The dark chocolate lid made of durable plastic and the light brown body look very good together. I was struck by the lightness of the laptop, only 1.9 kg, as well as the body thickness of 25.4 mm, which is very unusual for budget laptops. Therefore, it is very light and easy to transport. It would seem, what can you expect from a laptop for 6,000 hryvnia? But it is equipped with all the connectors necessary for operation. Here they are all located on the left side of the case: a 3.5 mm headphone jack, one USB 2.0, 3.0 port and also a new USB Type-C connector, which is quite rarely found on laptops in this price segment. Nearby there are HDMI, VGA and LAN RJ-45 connectors, that is, you can connect to the Internet not only via wireless interface, since the laptop is equipped Wi-Fi module 802.11 a/b/g/n, but also use wired, which I’m sure will please many, because manufacturers Lately For some reason, budget laptops prefer to get rid of this connector.

Also ASUS R540SA bluetooth module 4.0, allowing data transfer between devices at speeds of up to 1 Mbit/s.

Particularly noteworthy is the island-type keyboard, which allows you to quickly and easily type text without the risk of making a mistake when pressing keys, and a fairly sensitive touchpad with an increased area that supports some of the gestures. Of course, you shouldn’t expect that such a laptop will have the latest hardware installed.

The 15.6-inch ASUS R540SA has a standard resolution of 1366×768 for an inexpensive laptop and a glossy surface, although it does not reflect much in the sun, which makes it comfortable to work on.

It is worth noting that ASUS developers were able to implement, even in such an entry-level laptop, a whole range of software and hardware designed to improve sound quality. Watching movies, TV series, videos and listening to music on it is a pleasure. He will definitely get his money's worth in this regard. But with the camera for video calls, everything is sad: it is only 0.3 megapixel resolution in our time!!! For me, such a camera is no longer very pleasant and convenient.

It's even worse with performance and memory. I understand that for such a price it’s still divine, but still. In a laptop, 2-core is responsible for performance Intel processor Celeron with a maximum clock speed of 1.6 GHz (2.16 GHz in Turbo mode Boost), 2 GB random access memory and integrated graphics Intel core HD Graphics. The processor is built on a modern 14-nm process technology, which means it does not heat up and has low power consumption. Okay, it's a mid-range processor, but in 2016, 2 GB of RAM is very little. I'm thinking about adding memory, but if the module is not soldered to motherboard. It's worth mentioning that it supports DDR3L 1.35V low voltage mode instead of the 1.5V that DDR3 typically uses.

The laptop has a non-removable lithium-ion battery, which will allow you to work for up to 4 hours, according to the manufacturer. I can tell from personal experience, which works up to 3 hours no more.

As you can see, I have a very average laptop and still without any operating system, the installation of which I want to tell you about later.

Installing Windows 10 Pro

I already wrote above that I haven’t installed an OS on such laptops for a long time, so it was very interesting how exactly new Windows 10 will cope with this task. I, from yours permissions, I will omit the details of preparing the ISO image of Windows 10. I have already written about this many times in my articles. I will only note that I have once again become convinced that no third-party utility other than MediaCreationTool is simply needed. It does an excellent job of installing the OS.

Since my laptop is completely naked and there is nothing on it, my first step was naturally to look into the BIOS. This has also been written and discussed many times. Let me just post a picture with possible key combinations for entering the BIOS for almost all laptops.

Having entered that same BIOS, our main and only task is in the section BOOT, which is easy to navigate using buttons up-down, right-left, find your bootable USB flash drive here, which do not forget to insert into the USB connector of your laptop. Now you need to put it in system boot priority using the same keys up down, then press the key F10 And Enter. We kindly ask you not to click or change anything else in the BIOS.

You will know that the download has started when you see a page with a choice of interface language, country and operating system version. That is, the procedure is actually similar to a clean installation of Windows 10. But I had one nuance, the solution to which I want to tell you about. When selecting a disk to install the operating system, it turned out that I could not do this, since my disk partitions had the format MBR, and for installation you need GPT. Many people encounter this problem, so I think it is necessary to describe ways to solve it.

You can solve the problems of converting MBR and GPT partitions using Command line, which can be opened with a set of keys Shift+F10.You need to run the utility diskpart, then enter the command Listdisk to display a list of physical drives connected to your computer. Next, select the desired disk from the list that appears with the command selectdiskN, Where N- the number of your disk you want to convert. It must be cleared by entering the command clean. All that remains is to enter the command convertgpt and the disk is ready to install the operating system. In the same way you can convert from GPT V MBR, changing the last word when converting. I also want to note that last years I stopped partitioning my hard drive into separate partitions. I once asked this question on the Microsoft forum, to which I received an explanation that new HDDs/SSDs do not require special partitioning. While HDD drives are usually divided into partitions, many manufacturers do NOT recommend partitioning SSD drives. I predict your reaction to this phrase and therefore point out that NOT recommended does not mean IMPOSSIBLE. It all depends on your personal desires and needs. Everything works fine for me without dividing into sections and there have never been any force majeure circumstances.

I was very pleased that the installation took me no more than 40 minutes. Just answer the questions and click next. There is one observation: recently, when installing Windows 10, the system asks you to enter instead WI-FI password router PIN code, which can be easily found on the body of your device. I don’t know what this is connected with, but the fact remains a fact. And I highly recommend that when installing Windows 10, you must have access to the Internet. The reason for this request is very prosaic: if there is an Internet connection, then Windows 10 installs the drivers itself, providing a digital signature. Simply put, you don’t have to dig through manufacturers’ websites to search for necessary drivers. Forget about it if you bought a new laptop, even without an installed operating system.

After a while, the desktop will open and everything will be downloaded to your laptop. preinstalled programs and applications from Microsoft, which means you can safely use your device.

Activating Windows 10 with a Windows 8 license key

As I said above, after installation the Desktop opened, the system works fine, but it needs to be activated. This can be done in two ways: when the system asks you to enter the key during activation itself (I simply skipped this point) or through Settings-Update and Security-Activation. Since I did not have a Windows 10 activation key, I decided to try to activate the OS using the Windows 8 activation key, which had been quietly waiting in the wings for 3 years. I read that there is such a method, but I had to check it.

To my surprise, everything went smoothly and without surprises. Literally a minute later, my Windows 10 Pro was activated, which was eloquently written about in the Activations section. That is, there is also this method of activating Windows 10. I don’t know how long this loophole will exist, but it saved me a decent amount.

How Windows 10 Pro works on a budget laptop

For almost a week now, I have been working daily on a new laptop: writing articles, making presentations, communicating on in social networks, read news on portals, etc.

Of course I don’t play on it, I rarely play games at all. I can say with full responsibility that the laptop copes with its task “excellently”. Yes, he's slower Surface Pro 3, yes, it lacks RAM and a not very fast processor, but it is worth the money. In today's economic crisis, if you set it up correctly and don't expect anything supernatural from it, you can easily buy budget laptop for home use and study. Windows 10 works great on it and copes with all the tasks necessary for the average user. It is important to configure the system correctly, do not download programs from unfamiliar resources, and do not search for drivers and utilities. And then using Windows 10 will only bring joy.