Download the Windows 8.1 launcher. “Start Menu X” – scalable menu

Windows 8 is a rather different system from previous versions. Initially, it was positioned by the developers as a system for touch and mobile devices. Therefore, many things that are familiar to us have been changed. For example, a convenient menu "Start" you won’t find it anymore, because they decided to completely replace it with a pop-up sidebar Charms. And yet, we will look at how to return the button "Start", which is so lacking in this OS.

You can return this button in several ways: using additional software or only system ones. Let us warn you in advance that you will not return the button using the system, but simply replace it with a completely different utility that has similar functions. As for additional programs - yes, they will return to you "Start" exactly as he was.

Method 1: Classic Shell

With this program you can return the button "Start" and completely customize this menu: both appearance and functionality. So, for example, you can put "Start" with Windows 7 or Windows XP, or simply select the classic menu. As for the functionality, you can reassign the Win key, specify what action will be performed when you right-click on the icon "Start" and much more.

Method 2: Power 8

Another fairly popular program in this category is Power 8. With its help you will also get back a convenient menu "Start", but in a slightly different form. The developers of this software do not return the button from previous versions of Windows, but offer their own, made specifically for the eight. Power 8 has one interesting feature - in the field "Search" you can search not only on local drives, but also on the Internet - just add a letter "g" before requesting to contact Google.

Method 3: Win8StartButton

And the last software on our list is Win8StartButton. This program is created for those who like the general style of Windows 8, but still feel uncomfortable without menus "Start" on the desktop. By installing this product, you will receive the necessary button, when you click on it, part of the elements of the eight start menu appears. It looks rather unusual, but it fully corresponds to the design of the operating system.

Method 4: System Tools

Also you can make a menu "Start"(or rather, its replacement) with standard system tools. This is less convenient than using additional software, but still this method is also worth paying attention to.

We looked at 4 ways in which you can use the button "Start" and in Windows 8. We hope we were able to help you and you learned something new and useful.

1. What's wrong with the START button

As has long been known, in the Windows 8 operating system, Microsoft decided to remove the START button familiar to users of Windows XP and Windows 7 and changed the behavior of the desktop. This caused a wave of dissatisfaction from users and Microsoft returned the START button in the next Windows 8.1 update.

However, this button had significantly limited functionality and was inconvenient to use. As a result, many programs from third-party developers have appeared that return the START button, desired by many. Some of them allowed flexible customization of the START menu and desktop behavior.

Even though this happened quite a long time ago, some users are still struggling with the new Windows 8 interface.

2. What you will learn in this article

We will look at the best programs that return a convenient START menu and familiar desktop behavior. You can download them in the "" section. Let's go from simple to complex, and at the end we will consider unusual alternative options.

3. “My Start Button” - just START

Three themes are offered in the style of Windows 2000, XP, 7 and a choice of icons for the START button.

The START menu copies the design of younger operating systems, but since the program no longer has any settings, you cannot add or change the order of items.

The Programs menu contains standard desktop applications, and the Applications menu contains modern Windows 8.1 programs.

The “Windows” button on the keyboard calls up the program’s START menu. Right-clicking the START button brings up the program’s context menu, from which you can go to its settings.

The START menu interface looks neat and adapts well to the color themes of Windows 8.1.

This program is suitable for supporters of minimalism in the interface who have never bothered with customizing the START menu.

4. “Start Menu 8” – a few settings

The program is free and offers additional programs during installation, but you can refuse them by unchecking the appropriate boxes.

If NET Framework 3.5 is not installed on your computer, the installation program will prompt you to download and install it.

After this, you will need to restart the installation and uncheck the installation of additional programs again. The program itself is also downloaded from the Internet.

After installation, several browser windows will open with advertisements for other developer programs. Just close all windows.

The left column has shortcuts for taking screenshots and going to the Windows 8.1 START screen. There are also several advertising labels that can be easily removed. Windows 8.1 programs are found in a separate drop-down menu called Modern Applications.

Under the power control button, in addition to the usual actions, there is an “Auto power off” item.

This button opens a window in which you can configure the computer to shut down or restart after a certain time. You can also set the exact date and time, configure the computer to shut down or restart on a schedule.

This feature is certainly interesting, but there are special programs and widgets that offer similar functionality.

The program settings allow you to set the START button icon, slightly change the design style and background transparency, font color and size, enable or disable certain menu items. It also supports downloading directly to the desktop and disabling hot corners in Windows 8.1.

The START menu interface is trying to match the color themes of Windows 8.1. Its colors look a little too bright for my liking, but you can adjust this with transparency or set your own color.

Among the shortcomings, we can note the lack of the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to various actions, which some experienced users love. But the program has the most necessary settings, is easy to learn and is suitable for novice users.

5. “Start8” – smooth and elegant

During installation, an additional program is offered, but you can refuse it by unchecking the corresponding box.

At the end of the installation, you are asked to enter a key, buy a key, or start using the demo version of the program for 30 days without any restrictions.

After this, you must enter your valid E-mail, to which you will receive a message with a link to activate the demo version.

Enter your E-mail and click “Continue”. Go to your email, open the letter and follow the link. Only after this can you continue installing the program. All this is done very quickly and easily

The START menu has a modern design and fits well into the Windows 8.1 interface.

In the left column there is a shortcut to go to the Windows 8.1 START screen and the familiar “All Programs” menu. Windows 8.1 applications are hidden in the “Modern UI” subfolder.

The “Windows” button on the keyboard calls up the program’s START menu. Right-clicking the START button brings up the program’s context menu, from which you can go to its settings and perform some other actions.

The program settings allow you to slightly change the design style, background color and transparency, the START button icon, enable or disable certain menu items, and configure some keyboard shortcuts. It also supports downloading directly to the desktop and disabling hot corners in Windows 8.1.

The START menu interface perfectly adapts to the color themes of Windows 8.1 and works very smoothly.

There are all the necessary settings, they are well grouped and have clear names, making the program easy for an inexperienced user to navigate. In any case, it's worth a try!

6. “StartIsBack+” – there is an alternative

The program is paid, but has a demo period of 30 days. After that, if you like it, you can purchase it or get it in another way

There are two versions of this program - separately for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. The installation is offered to be performed only for the current user or for all users.

If someone else uses your computer and has his own account, then think about whether he needs this program and whether he can mess up your settings. After this, you are prompted to enable the computer to boot directly to the desktop. The checkbox is checked by default and in my opinion it is convenient.

In design, this program is very similar to the previous one. It fully reproduces the functionality of the Windows 7 START menu.

Windows 8.1 programs are located in a subfolder with the wonderful name “Apps on the Start Screen”

The “Windows” button on the keyboard calls up the program’s START menu. Right-clicking the START button brings up a small context menu of the program, from which you can only go to settings or open Explorer.

The settings window interface, in comparison with the previous program, looks somewhat clumsy, but has similar functionality.

Here you can set the behavior of the START menu, enable or disable certain menu items, change the START button icon, design style, background color and transparency, configure some keys and hot corners of Windows 8.1. There are also some options that are not available in the previous program.

The START menu adapts well to the color themes of Windows 8.1, but overall it is slightly inferior in design to the Start8 program.

It is advisable to try both, what if some of the unique functions of this program seem more convenient to you? Fortunately, the developer provides this opportunity, even without registering by email. And enterprising Internet users will help low-income citizens save a little

7. “Classic Shell” – choice of boom or a sea of ​​settings

The program is free and is a package of several components. This is the START menu itself, the additional Explorer panel “Classic Explorer”, the panel for the Internet Explorer browser “Classic IE” and the update service.

You can immediately uncheck “Classic IE”, since only the outdated version of the browser “Internet Explorer 9” is supported. We'll talk about the rest a little later. Initially, three design styles are offered: classic, two-column, Windows 7, and the ability to change the image of the START button.

The START menu has a modern design and fits well into the Windows 8.1 interface.

In the left column there is a shortcut to go to the Windows 8.1 START screen and the familiar “All Programs” menu. Windows 8.1 programs are located in the Applications subfolder.

The “Windows” button on the keyboard calls up the program’s START menu. Right-clicking the START button brings up the program’s context menu, from which you can go to its settings, open Explorer, or a folder with shortcuts for the current or all users to edit them.

On the first page of settings there is a button “Archive settings”, with which you can save the settings to a file, load them back, or reset all settings to default values.

Considering the number of program settings, such functionality will not be superfluous. This will allow you to quickly restore settings in case you reinstall the system or transfer them to another computer.

On the main settings tabs, you can reassign the actions of the most important keys, change some START menu options, disable loading directly to the desktop, select a different theme, icon size, adjust fonts, enable or disable certain menu items.

If you check the “Show all options” checkbox or click on the “More Start button options” link, additional tabs will appear.

On these tabs, you can fine-tune the START menu, search field, hot corners, context menu, and even the sound of certain actions.

The START menu interface adapts to the color themes of Windows 8.1.

Now a little about additional options. If during installation you did not uncheck the “Classic Explorer” component, then a panel with customizable buttons, a status bar with file information, and some other features that can be configured will appear in Explorer. Try them, you might like them.

To summarize, we can say that the quality of execution and abundance of settings will not leave the most demanding user indifferent. But you have to pay for everything, and on weak computers (for example, netbooks) slight slowdowns may occur.

8. “Finalbird” – create and manage files

A unique free program of its kind with very interesting functionality for real gourmets! Its main purpose is to improve file management, and the START menu is implemented as an additional option. However, it deserves your attention!

Installing the program is very simple and, in addition to the “Next” button, you only need to check the checkbox in the license agreement window.

The START menu is designed in a unique style and has slightly different functionality than the usual START menu in Windows 7 or XP. This is dictated by the connection to the file management concept implemented in this program.

In order to understand whether it is convenient or not, you need to use it for some time. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that this menu is practically not customizable; you cannot even change its color.

When you select Original Menu, the Windows 8.1 START screen appears.

The “Windows” button on the keyboard calls up the program’s START menu. Right-clicking the START button brings up the program’s context menu, from which you can go to its settings or open the favorites folder to edit shortcuts, which we’ll talk about later.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that it does not support loading directly to the desktop and disabling active corners. Although the left active corner, where the START button is located, is still turned off and this, in principle, is enough. But what opportunities does this program offer in terms of file management!

The program adds a special pop-up menu that appears when you click on the mouse wheel or other user-defined key.

This menu can contain shortcuts to different folders, files and programs. They can also be accessed from the START menu and the taskbar, to which the program adds a Quick Launch toolbar.

But this is not the main feature yet! When saving or opening files in different programs, a panel appears that allows you to select the desired folder to save from a user-defined list. This is incredibly convenient, since you no longer have to trawl through the disk in search of the desired folder.

The same menu can be called up by clicking on the mouse wheel in any Explorer window. There are also advanced features when working with the popular Total Commander file manager.

It’s so convenient that I can’t imagine my life without “Finalbird”! Until this time, I was terribly irritated by working on new projects with a large number of files located in different folders. Because to open and save them, you had to crawl through the entire disk hundreds of times in order to find the desired folder. With this wonderful program, you can immediately open the desired folder in any program with one click of the mouse. All you have to do is add it to your Favorites once!

You can easily add any folder, file, or even program to your Favorites by right-clicking on them and selecting “+ add to Finalbird.”

All the shortcuts you added are located in the “My Documents\Finalbird” folder and they are very easy to edit there (add, delete, move, rename).

Another unique feature of the program is automatic backup of parameters on a schedule! This way you won't lose your settings in case of an accidental crash.

As for the START menu, if you don’t like it, no one bothers you to disable it and additionally install one of the programs we reviewed.

9. “Start Menu X” – scalable menu

Price for free
Disabling hot corners Yes
Menu themes own
Appearance assessment 4
Evaluating Settings 4
Peculiarities scalable START menu, power timers
Flaws no selection of items in the START menu

The program has both a free and a paid version costing $10.

You are immediately prompted to skip the “Home Screen” upon startup.

When installing the free version, additional programs are offered, but you can refuse them by unchecking the corresponding box.

The START menu has a unique interface that allows you to adjust its size and position directly with the mouse. You can pin various folders and files to the menu as you wish, and folders are opened in the form of drop-down menus like in Windows XP, which may be more familiar to some.

There is computer power management (sleep, reboot, shutdown) with the ability to set the time when these events will occur.

If you click the hourglass icon next to the desired action, a power management manager window will appear where you can set the time after which you want to shut down, restart the computer, or other action. You can also set the exact date and time.

This functionality is certainly interesting, but as we already said, it can be easily obtained using an additional program or desktop widget.

The Windows button on your keyboard brings up the Windows 8.1 START screen. Right-clicking the START button brings up the Windows 8.1 context menu, where you can access various computer settings, which is convenient in my opinion.

You can enter the program settings through the “Settings” button in the START menu.

On the first settings page, you can change the behavior of the Windows key and disable various hot corners.

On the next page, you can change the theme to a more scary one, set the width of the right column, and change the START button icon. There are also two unique options – “Scale” and “Manage virtual groups”.

Changing the scale of the Start menu makes all its elements and text larger or smaller, allowing users the flexibility to adjust it to their needs.

“Virtual groups” allow you to group programs by category (System, Graphics, Office, Games, Internet). But in the free version, their number is limited to five, which in principle may be enough to separate some groups of applications whose use predominates on your computer.

For example, if you have a lot of games, then they can all be placed in the “Games” group so that they do not interfere with program shortcuts. If you have a lot of programs for the Internet, graphics processing, video or music, then they can also be placed in the appropriate groups. And rarely used programs can be left in the general list or placed in a group such as “Office” or “Other”. This is what it looks like in the START menu.

Also in the settings you can set many hot keys for controlling the computer, change the icon of the START button and remove the labels for the “Power Management” and “Settings” buttons, which allows you to make the START menu much narrower.

This is what the START menu looks like without the labels next to the buttons.

The START menu interface adapts well to the color themes of Windows 8.1 and looks much better when selecting other themes.

I would also like to see the ability to turn on and off additional START menu items and change their order. But maybe I want too much from the free version...

10. “Windows 8 Start Menu” – favorite applications

The program is free and requires Internet access to install it. It is immediately suggested to use the default START menu of this program, which is logical.

The program adds a second START button to the taskbar and is not a completely conventional implementation of the START menu. On the one hand, this seems to be not entirely familiar, but if you look at it from a different angle, bending a little, the second button can be used as a nice addition, without infringing on the original concept of Windows 8.1. This will allow you to gradually get used to the new interface and master its functions.

The START menu interface is simple, unobtrusive and at the same time pleasant and neat. The main feature of the program is that it allows you to create a menu of favorite applications in the form of icons. Moreover, it can contain not only program shortcuts, but also links to system applications from the control panel.

Icons can be easily dragged and dropped with the mouse. You can place up to 25 icons on a tab. There are 5 tabs in total, which can be easily switched using special indicators at the bottom of the menu. This number of icons should satisfy many users.

In the settings, you can select one of the design themes (light or dark), if you wish, set your own background for the buttons, select sidebar items or disable it altogether, select an icon for the second START button, enable loading directly to the desktop and completely disable advertising

Disabling active corners is not supported, but if the START button is implemented as a second button, this does not particularly interfere.

The Windows button on your keyboard brings up the Windows 8.1 START screen. Right-clicking the second START button brings up the program’s context menu, from which you can go to its settings and check for updates.

And right-clicking the Windows 8.1 START button will bring up the usual context menu, with which you can configure various system parameters.

The color of the program buttons skillfully adapts to the color themes of Windows 8.1. In general, everything looks quite stylish.

The main disadvantage is the very limited set of settings. Therefore, this solution is suitable for those who do not need anything else from the START menu other than launching their favorite programs.

11. Which program to choose

If you only need a START button, then the “My Start Button” program will suffice.

If you want to get to the desktop immediately after booting your computer, disable inconvenient hot corners and at the same time have a simple interface with clear settings, pay attention to “Start Menu 8”.

The paid programs “Start8” and “StartIsBack+” have higher quality visual design and more advanced settings. Try each of them, dig into the settings and determine which one suits you best.

The Classic Shell program has the widest capabilities that can satisfy the demanding user. I recommend it to experienced users, as you can get a little lost in its settings. Also note that it is less suitable for weak computers (for example, netbooks).

Undoubtedly, the Finalbird program deserves high praise, providing additional convenience in working with files. It can be installed together with any simple program that recreates the START menu. And in combination with “Classic Shell” it will provide a high level of functionality that can satisfy any computer geek and all this is completely free!

An alternative option is the Start Menu X program, which has a scalable interface and drop-down menus in the style of Windows XP. And also the Windows 8 Start Menu program, which offers a simple, unobtrusive and at the same time stylish interface for launching your favorite applications.

12. Links

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Many users, after switching from previous versions of Windows to Windows 8, are faced with an acute problem of the lack of a standard “start” button in the lower left corner. For unknown reasons, the developers of Windows 8 removed it, replacing it with other options. You have two options, either get used to the new method, or download the stardock start8 program and make a beautiful “start” button on Windows 8. The program is easy to configure, does not load the system and allows you to make a familiar and convenient “start” button for everyone. In addition to all this, the program has many interesting settings that will allow you to customize the functionality and style of the button. At the moment, Stardock Start8 is the best and simplest program that will create a “start” button on Windows 8.

Features of Stardock Start8:
Improved Windows 7 Start menu style in Windows 8
Search by Metro apps
Boot directly from the Windows 8 desktop
The Windows 8 (Metro) Start screen is accessible from the Start menu
Unified search system for applications, settings and files
Access to shutdown PC, devices, music, documents and videos in one click

This version of Stardock Start8 is already activated, it has a key embedded in it. After installation you will receive a full-fledged program.

English language, Russian
Activation: yes

Download Stardock Start8 1.45

When developing Windows 8, Microsoft relied on gesture controls and the new Metro user interface. Neither one nor the other was to the taste of users. In Windows 8.1, the Start button returned, but with changed behavior and no start menu. The interface has become clearer, but many users still prefer the classics. How to replace the Start button on Windows 8 to return the system to its usual appearance, you will learn from this material.

It is impossible to return the full start menu using standard means. Microsoft didn't give us that option. However, you can configure its semblance, which allows you to do without switching to the “tiled” interface.

  1. We use the ability to create a new toolbar, present in all versions of Windows. Click on an icon-free area of ​​the existing taskbar to bring up the context menu. Go as shown in the screenshot and select the “Create” option.

  1. Type “shell:Common Programs” in the text field. Click the “Select folder” button.

  1. A new “Programs” area will appear on the taskbar.
  1. By clicking on the double arrow, we can display the list shown in the screenshot. It includes user-installed operating system programs and utilities.

  1. To disable the created panel and remove the control area, you must again access the context menu. An additional item will appear in it, marked with a checkmark. By removing it, we will make the panel that is no longer needed disappear.

This solution cannot be called a full replacement for the Start button, but it does provide quick access to installed programs.

Programs for changing the interface

The lack of ability in the operating system to change anything using standard means encourages developers of third-party software. In the case of Windows 8, this concerns the return of the classic Start button. There are quite a lot of programs that allow you to perform this operation, so we have selected only those worthy of attention.


Developers have several approaches to changing the OS interface. Some are trying to completely replace the existing menu, while others are trying to introduce additional functionality into the system.

  1. After installation, Pokki suggests placing another button next to the system button, which is responsible for calling up the program menu.

  1. The program's settings are quite flexible. You can change the color scheme, specify your preferred folders for the navigation area, and choose the appearance of the icon.

  1. Stars next to applications allow you to mark them as favorites. As a result, the icon is copied to the main page, providing quick access.

  1. By default, only the icon of your own application store is placed on the Favorites page.

  1. Various popular applications and games are available for quick installation from the PC Store.

The application is developed by IoBit, whose main product is Advanced SystemCare.

  1. The program is shareware with a one-month trial period, as indicated by the activation button in the settings field. During installation, users are prompted to select an icon to display. The standard one should disappear and change to the one selected from the set.

  1. On the Style tab, you can choose the appearance. Enable the Start menu as in Windows 7 or customize the Modern UI to your liking. Transparency adjustment is carried out over a wide range. If desired, the main window can be made transparent so that the desktop is visible.

  1. The remaining settings tabs allow you to detail the appearance, customizing it to the user's needs.

  1. The Modern UI block contains the parameters of the “tiled” interface. You can disable hot corners and the miracle bar to make the appearance more reminiscent of the classic versions of the OS.

  1. As a result, the Windows 8 Start button will work in a different mode. The control area takes on an almost standard form for previous editions.

  1. The right mouse button, which allowed you to call up the Power User area, opens the Start Menu settings. To go to system management, you must press the hot keys Win + X.

  1. The user will be reminded that within a month they need to decide on a purchase and receive a license code by an always active red button. You can remove the program to restore system defaults by using the marked item.

Settings documentation is available as web help in English. This is not a problem, since everything is presented in the form of detailed instructions.

Classic Shell

The latest program is completely free. Classic Shell has the richest settings and is fully localized for Russian-speaking users.

  1. At the initial stage, the user can select the components that he wants to install in the system.

  1. Once the installation is complete, full Russian help for all program parameters opens.

  1. By checking the box indicated by the frame, the user opens the full settings menu. Here you can change everything, from the appearance to the voice acting of events. The shell allows you to add additional custom sounds to the basic scheme used by Windows.

  1. A separate tab is responsible for settings for interaction with Metro “live tiles”. Hot corners can be made to disappear completely or left only on the start screen.

  1. Classic Shell allows you to make the main system menu perfectly similar to Windows 7 and at the same time use system colors that match the selected window design.

The program's flexibility is appreciated not only by users. In Parallels Desktop, developers offer to install it immediately when setting up a virtual machine with Windows 8. You can find and download Classic Shell using the link provided. Unfortunately, the creator of the shell announced in December that he was stopping work on the project. The source code is freely available and can be used under a free license.


As you can see, the task is quite within the capabilities of any user. Software interface settings allow you to use Windows 8 as a more modern system than the “seven”, and at the same time be in a familiar environment with a classic control menu.

Video instruction

In the videos below you can clearly see how to install programs to replace the Start button.

Windows 8, released at the end of 2012, seriously hit the stereotypes of users who, over the years of using the system, had become accustomed to the traditional Start menu. This was the main tool for navigating the system for most. The Start menu, many versions of the system in a row - up to the seventh inclusive - modestly huddled in the lower left corner of the desktop, always ready for use by the user.

And in the eighth version of the system it disappeared, and the Windows button threw the user to the still alien start screen of the Metro interface.

Metro interface Windows 8

Despite the fact that to solve this problem, third-party software developers immediately created a lot of offers - both free and paid with additional functionality, and to return the traditional Start menu, what was required was to install one or another, as a rule, lightweight program, Microsoft still received a huge portion of negative reviews for such a reckless step.

But the software giant was in no hurry to correct the situation, and in the evolutionary continuation of Windows 8 – in version 8.1, released about a year later – the “Start” button still sent the user to the Metro start screen. True, for the Windows 8.1 Start button, an additional context menu was implemented with the ability to quickly open current system sections and standard services.

Context menu in Windows 8

Microsoft took decisive steps towards resentful users yearning for a natural return to the Start menu relatively recently by introducing the world to a preview version of Windows 10, the successor to Windows 8.1. B returns. Its traditional organization is complemented by the presence of Metro application tiles, which can be removed if desired. Deprived of the Metro interface tiles, the Start menu will take on a familiar look, familiar to many from the Windows 7 system.

You don't have to wait until Windows 10 officially launches to experience an improved Start menu. A very interesting implementation of it can be implemented in Windows 8.1 using the Start Menu 8 program from the developer IObit Software.

The program can not only implement the traditional Windows 7-style Start menu, but can also launch the Metro start screen as a pop-up panel directly on the desktop. At the same time, the Start menu can be flexibly customized to suit your preferences. Let's take a closer look at the capabilities of Start Menu 8.

Download the Start Menu 8 program installer from the developer’s official website: Download Start Menu 8 for free

After a simple installation on the “Start” button, we will see that you can now call up two context menus. One is, as before, a system one, it appears when you click the right mouse button at the very extreme point of the lower left corner of the button image. And the other is the Start Menu 8 program's context menu, which appears when you click in the center of the Start button. In this context menu, select “Settings”.


The program's settings will open in the first active tab, where you can choose the Start menu style. There are two styles to choose from - the Start menu, as it was in Windows 7, and the Windows 8.1 Metro start screen, which can appear directly on the desktop as a pop-up panel. Let's choose the Windows 7 style.

Windows 7 style

When you press the “Start” button, you will see the usual menu, only with a couple of additional options. Additional Start menu options allow you to switch to the Windows 8.1 Metro start screen. Metro applications installed on your computer are also visible in a separate list.

Let's select a different Start menu style in the Start Menu 8 program settings - the same Windows 8 style that will transfer the Metro start screen to the desktop. Now we press the “Start” button and see all the beauties of the Metro interface (see below), which harmoniously fits into the traditional desktop system. By the way, in order for the Metro start screen to become transparent, you need to open the side ribbon menu while on it, select “Options”, then “Personalization”, then – the tile with the desktop background.

In the settings of the Start Menu 8 program, you can customize the Windows 8 style by setting the size of the Start screen window. This is what the high panel style will look like.

High panel style

And this is how the small window selected in the settings will appear. The low but wide start screen window will look good on monitor screens with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

Wide start screen window

The subtleties of the Start button operation can be assigned in the general settings tab of the program settings. The Start button settings tab will offer a choice of several images of the Start button itself. The Menu settings tab will allow you to choose which sections of the Start menu will not appear and which will.

Settings tab “Digger Start”

Fonts, icons, background, number of programs in the Start menu list and other details are configured in the User Interface settings tab.

User Interface Settings

Simple, clear, convenient, relevant, beautiful - that’s what can generally be said about the Start Menu 8 program. Having pinned the “live” tiles of Metro applications with real-time data display at the very beginning of the start screen, check incoming messages on the social network or watch You can change the weather in one click without leaving your desktop. Read also the great review.

Screenshot on the main page:Start Menu using Start Menu 8