Everything for cs go streaming. Creating a specific image

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Stream broadcasts is a broadcast of a computer game on behalf of a player who not only plays, but also comments on what is happening on the screen. At their core, they are similar to the famous genre of videos - let's plays. The only difference is that there is no editing and the game is broadcast live. In recent years, streams have gained enormous popularity, and many famous YouTubers have partially or completely left their old line of work, switching to a new format. Thanks to this format, many new people appeared who, with their charisma and charm, won the hearts of thousands of viewers, literally riveting them to their monitor screens.

Streamer career

Surely you know the answer to this question yourself. But if not, then we will be happy to answer it. Popular streamers earn good money not only from donations and affiliate programs, but also from direct advertising. If enough people watch the broadcast, then advertisers are interested in advertising their products, their services and their websites through a popular person. The advantage of such advertising is its narrow focus. Thus, on CS streams, bookmakers, roulettes with things, various kinds of services that help in the game, clothing with branded gaming symbols, etc. are most often advertised. Thus, the author of the broadcast can receive both financial benefit and the pleasure of being watched by a large number of people. Well, people, accordingly, have fun and while away their days watching someone else's game.

Today, the most popular games broadcast through specialized services, for example, Twitch, are Dota 2, League of Legends, Hearthstone and, of course, our beloved Counter-Strike. True, we are not talking about version 1.6, but about Global Offensive, but this is not so important. The popularity of a game is determined by the number of viewers simultaneously watching its broadcasts. The more viewers, the higher the game ranks in the rankings. There is also feedback that attracts the streamers themselves to broadcast this particular game due to its high popularity. Some of the most famous Counter-Strike players who broadcast their game through the above-mentioned services are cen9, cheatbanned and summit. It was they who became the pioneers in this area, establishing the beaten path for all their followers.

Is it possible to become a streamer yourself?

Of course. None of the streaming services impose any strict restrictions on their users, but these requirements are imposed by the audience. The fact is that it will not be enough for you to just play well so that they watch the broadcast. It will not be enough to speak beautifully, maintain a good atmosphere, tell interesting things, etc. and so on. By now, the competition is so high that without high-quality advertising or truly unique content, it will be almost impossible to break into the TOP. So if you are planning to start streaming, then be prepared to invest money in yourself, often quite a lot.

First of all, you should take care of purchasing a powerful computer, because broadcasting the game in high quality will require strong hardware. Without a good computer, your FPS will drop significantly, the video will be broadcast to viewers in jerks, and in general you won’t have to talk about any comfort. So the first investment is a computer. If you have one, you also need to buy a high-quality microphone and webcam. The second, of course, cannot be called a mandatory investment, but the audience loves to look not only at the game, but also at the streamer himself, at his emotions, facial expressions, etc. So buying a good camera will be a profitable investment. When there are no flaws left on the technical side, you will need to take care of advertising. People need to know about you. They need to see what is offered to them and decide whether to stay on stream or not. If the content is high-quality, then they will definitely stay and tell their friends about their find. And this is a good start for active promotion to the TOP. Then all that remains is to maintain the interest of the audience, attract and retain them with various kinds of competitions and simply high-quality content.

The number of CS GO streams today is not even in the hundreds, but in the thousands, which makes it possible to understand not only how popular the game itself is, but also how much streaming has become a mass phenomenon. However, not all users on the network are fans of such a phenomenon as Stream, so it is necessary to start with the theoretical part.

Stream, which is also translated as stream, is a type of broadcasting on the Internet that is carried out in real time. Simply put, a stream is a live recording of a specific participant playing a specific game. At first glance, nothing new, but the streaming system itself has created a whole cult, as well as an excellent way to make money. The most basic and popular site where streams are held is Twich.tv. It is this resource that can be called the ancestor of all streams, as well as one of the most visited sites in the world. Among the games, the most popular projects are the most popular ones, such as CS GO, Dota 2, Overwatch, Warface and others. Non-session and even offline games are less popular, although they can attract a certain audience.

What's the point of streaming?

You can often see the opinion that some people do not understand such a phenomenon as Stream, considering it uninteresting or unnecessary. In fact, this is a certain type of live broadcast, most often of an entertaining or educational nature. For example, if we talk about CS GO, then almost all streams broadcast the game itself, although this is not always about official servers. Some popular streamers make various mods, such as Zombie mod, Hide and Seek and others. They are significant game changers and attract large numbers of viewers.

However, the key figure and the main reason for success is always the streamer himself. He must be professional, and almost always he must have his own flavor. Only these conditions will allow you to watch a three-hour CS GO stream in which a person plays and comments on his actions. The ability to work with an audience also plays an important role, which often becomes the main criterion for the popularity of a stream career. You need to understand that you can keep viewers on streams only thanks to:

  • Ability to attract viewers;
  • Advertising;
  • Creating a certain image;
  • Unique content;

To summarize, we can say that the main thing for a streamer of CS GO or any other game is the ability to be interesting for the viewer. Also, do not forget that the goal of 99% of streams is to earn money. Payment is made through donations, which viewers can send. This is a kind of payment for interesting content, because the ability to work with an audience directly determines earnings.

To give an example, we can talk about the Polish professional, player of the Virtus Pro team - Jaroslaw "pashaBieceps" Jarzabkowski, who sometimes likes to stream how he plays. One of his fans donated him a total of $25,000

How to become a CS GO streamer

There is no point in considering popular CS GO streamers, since anyone can go to Twich and select the desired channel in the Stream section. Instead, it is better to consider whether it is possible to promote your channel today in an extremely competitive environment and become a famous streamer. First of all, it is worth noting that this is possible, but you will have to work a lot more than a couple of years ago. It is also necessary to understand that without some kind of zest, you will most likely get lost in the countless number of streamers who never get a large number of views on their broadcasts. It is for this reason that girls who can work with a male audience much easier and also attract more attention are extremely popular.

In addition to personal qualities and skills, it is extremely important to have a sufficient technical base. This implies a fairly powerful PC that will allow you to broadcast without losing quality. As a rule, the best option would be the pre-top category of hardware, which will allow you to avoid a decrease in the quality of shooting and a drop in FPS (which is especially important in new games), but will not cost too much money. You need to remember that any popular Stream can potentially bring you a lot of money, which will even cover the cost of buying a new PC, but you shouldn’t rush to extremes and buy the best hardware even before promoting your channel. To summarize, for successful promotion you will need:

  • Powerful PC;
  • A good headset (which will ensure quality shooting);
  • A unique image that allows you to distinguish yourself from the rest;
  • Ability to attract and retain audience on the channel.

The most popular mistakes of a novice CS GO streamer

There are a number of basic mistakes that prevent streamers from becoming popular. They apply to both CS GO and any other game. That is why it is important to highlight each of them, which will allow you to develop exclusively in the right direction:

  1. It’s not always necessary to start your career by streaming the most popular games. Sometimes, it’s better to create a name for yourself through already forgotten or once popular projects, distinguishing yourself from the mainstream, and only then switch to CS GO.
  2. Don't try to become popular instantly. You can hardly find a streamer whose channel became famous in one day. Try to gradually gain a permanent audience that will be with you, regardless of the choice of game.
  3. Don't neglect advertising. The bigger and better the advertising campaign for your streams is, the more views they will receive. Try to make announcements in thematic groups, on various websites, etc.
  4. Never try to beg for donations, try to ignore this aspect as often as possible or pay attention to it in passing. Pay attention to high donations, but don’t go overboard with your thanks. Remember that the stream audience does not like both ignoramuses and beggars.
  5. Find your style and stick to it. You should never change images or games, otherwise you will not be able to attract a constant audience.

Recently, the concept of streaming has become known to an increasingly wider circle of people. The number of streamers themselves and their channels is also increasing. Streaming is a new phenomenon in the global entertainment and business industries, but like everywhere else, this phenomenon also has its haters. In this article we will learn how to start streaming, creating a popular channel and what you need to do and what not to do this.

Stream is translated from English as “Stream”. Stream is real-time broadcasting using any Internet resources. To put it a little more simply, a stream is a live broadcast of a game that we can see on any website. It seems like what’s so new about this, because we’ve previously seen it in detail on TV, but it has its advantages. The first advantage is that anyone can broadcast here. The second thing is that if you provide quality content, then your streams will be popular and you will be able to get paid for them. At the moment, the most popular resource for streaming is Twich.tv. This resource launched the stream into public access. The most popular games for streaming at the moment are Dota 2, CS:GO, Hearth Stone? League of Legends Minecraft and many others. Single-player offline games are the least popular, but even such streams have their audience.

What's the point of streaming?

Nowadays we can often notice such statements that streaming is a waste of time, that it’s somehow stupid to watch someone play. Usually people who say this don’t really understand the benefits of streaming and how interesting they can still be. The fact is that streams carry not only entertaining, but also educational information. For example, many professional CS GO players very often conduct streams in which they show all the features of a particular map, some tactics and other guides that can help you improve your skill level. In addition to tactics, sometimes various mods and add-ons are shown that do not apply to off-servers, such as Zombie mod, Hide and Seek and others.. In these games, all the rules of the game radically change and some players may like such games. These are just some of the benefits of streaming.

But still, the most important thing in Steam remains the presenter, that is, the streamer, and the popularity of the channel depends on how interesting the streamer is. Each streamer should have some kind of feature for which his fans will love him. Only on this basis, the streamer can keep the entire three hours of the stream near the screen, and if, in addition, the game is interesting and some other factors attract the viewer, then the number of fans will grow exponentially. The main factors that will keep the viewer near the screen where your stream is shown are:

  • Ability to attract viewers;

  • Advertising;

  • Creating a certain image;

  • Unique content;

Generally speaking, the most important skill for a streamer, regardless of what game he plays, is to be interesting for viewers.

The main purpose of streaming is to earn money. Payment for streams occurs through donations. This payment is not subject to state tax and therefore streamers do not owe anyone anything. Donations are made during the stream. Therefore, the better you are at communicating with people, the more likely you are to earn a decent amount of money.

How to become a CS GO streamer

There is no point in taking as an example and sorting out some famous channel, because anyone can visit Twich and in the Stream section choose what they want. We’d better look at the possibility of starting our own stream channel in the face of the enormous competition that we have at the moment. Don’t think that this is impossible, it is real, but now you will have to make a lot of effort to get promoted, not like 3 years ago. It is worth noting that you need to be an extraordinary, special streamer who stands out from the crowd in order to be noticed from hundreds of stream channels that remain unseen by anyone. This is why many female streamers become popular, because the majority of viewers are men and it is more pleasant for them to watch a beautiful girl than a man, especially if the girl also plays well.

In addition to the ability to communicate with the public and attract attention, you also need to have good equipment. By equipment we mean a fairly powerful computer that will give you the opportunity to play, if not at maximum settings, then at high ones, record a stream and not lose quality or drop in FPS. You also need a good camera that records in good quality. In general, you need pre-top equipment, which will not cost a lot of money. The point is that it’s better not to throw away a big pile of money on your hardware; of course, streaming is a profitable business and your hardware will pay for itself very quickly, but just for a novice streamer, you will still need this money to promote you. In order to promote your channel, you will need:

  • Powerful PC;
  • A good headset (which will ensure quality shooting);
  • A unique image that allows you to distinguish yourself from the rest;
  • Ability to attract and retain audience on the channel.

The most popular mistakes of a novice CS GO streamer

Naturally, when a novice streamer starts his career, he makes a lot of mistakes, unfortunately, there is no way around it. But some of these errors can either be fatal or prevent the streamer from achieving any heights and he will be limited to a hundred views. Here's some advice to help your channel become popular:

  1. Sometimes, starting to stream from popular games is not a good decision, because your channel will get lost among hundreds of popular ones, over which you are unlikely to have any advantage. It’s better to start with some slightly forgotten projects where you will gather fans and only then move on to more popular games.
  2. Don't be under the illusion that you will gain instant fame in this environment. Many streamers have been gaining popularity and their audience for years. Try to build a permanent audience that will always be with you, even if you change the game.
  3. Create a warm atmosphere in your streams, let your viewers feel comfortable being on your channel, don’t treat everyone coldly, treat them like your friends.
  4. Don’t behave like beggars, never beg for donations, try to ignore donations or pay little attention to them. Give thanks for large donations, but don't focus too much on it. Find a middle ground, because if you don’t thank for the donation, it won’t be good, and if you focus too much on this, you will divert attention from the game itself, which is also not good.
  5. Find your zest, your style. It is your style that will make you popular and different from hundreds of different streamers.
  6. It is also worth mentioning that there is no such thing as too much advertising. The more you advertise your channel, the more viewers will visit you. Make some kind of group where viewers can see your stream schedule.

Don’t be shy, because this type of income is not yet hackneyed and it is quite possible to join it.