Changing the icon. How to change default drive icons in Windows XP

First of all, we must turn off the thumbnails of the bedside tables. Those. so that several thumbnails are not shown inside the folder. To do this, let's go to the panel “tuning system presentation and performance”(V English version: "performance options") Just type this after pressing “start” to immediately find the desired menu item.

And in the window that appears, uncheck the “display thumbnails instead of icons” checkbox. Actually, at the same point, you can remove other effects of the seven. However, their consideration is beyond the scope of this article. So, with this action, we achieved the following look:

The next step is to replace the default folder icon in the registry. To do this, you need to have administrator rights on the system. We do the following:

  • Start->Run or win+r
  • We write regedit
  • If UAC protests, agree. After which you should start the registry editor, which looks like this:

  • Next, expand the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
  • Create another folder in it:

  • Which should be called: Shell Icons. For some, this folder may already exist, in which case there is no need to create anything again.
  • Select this folder and go to right side window. In it, right-click and select “create” -> “string parameter”. In the name, indicate the number 3 . That's all! There is no need to write anything else in the title. Then right-click on the parameter (on our C grade) and select “Change”.

  • In the value we indicate the path to our icon. This can be a *.ico file (like mine) or a library file with parameters. It is important that the icon is 256*256 in size, since only in this case is it guaranteed correct change size in the system. Keep this point in mind when choosing an icon file.
  • Click "OK".
  • Close the registry editor.
  • Log out of your account or reboot.

In order to return standard icons folders, reset the key value "3", which we created in the registry, and best of all, delete the icons you can view and download in the icons for windows 7 section

Article taken from

Replacing standard drive icons in Windows XP

Despite the pleasant and comfortable appearance GUI in Windows XP, sometimes you want to change, albeit a little appearance various elements of the Windows operating system.

Change the icon (icon) of such elements as Basket, My computer, network , My Documents is not particularly difficult. Enough for free space desktop, right-click and select "Properties". In the window that appears, select the tab "Desktop". At the very bottom of this tab window there will be a button “Setting up your desktop…”. By clicking it, you can see the desktop settings window. Next, select the desired element and change its icon. You can also restore the item's original icon.

Unfortunately, standard features Windows XP cannot change the icon hard drives. But after using the program MicroGerakL, this becomes possible.

Program MicroGerakL was developed by a group of programmers ( LASHSOFT & UNDERGROUND WORKSHOP, Lovikov Mikhail and Nemiro Alexey) in a popular programming environment Visual Basic . The program is free.

MicroGerakL is a program designed for editing icons and cursors.

Method for replacing a standard icon Windows drives XP in its own unique way will be next.

First you should take the archive with the program or . The program starts in Windows environment XP, Windows 2000 without installation.
In order to change a standard icon to a unique one, you must first find or draw the icon yourself that you want to install instead of the standard one.

For example, an icon icon could be like this

Or like this

This one also looks stylish...

In the archive with the MicroGerakL program you will find the folder Icons with a small set of icons. The Icons folder must be placed in the main directory of the disk C:\, where the WINDOWS folder and others are.

In addition to the program itself, the archive contains a rich selection of various icons.

This is necessary in order to this folder accidentally deleted or moved to another location on the disk. If these icons are installed instead of the standard ones, the operating system will “find” new icons in this folder and display them instead of the usual ones.

If you delete, rename, or move this folder with new icons, the operating system will “lose” the new icons and they will no longer be displayed. You can also place the MicroGerakL program itself in the folder with icons, so it will never get lost, and suddenly you want to change the icons again. Therefore, it is worth placing a folder with new icons on disk C:\, where it is less accessible.

You can, of course, place the Icons folder in another place. The name of the Icons folder may be different, the main thing is to rename it before changing the icons.

We launch the MicroGerakL program and on the toolbar we find a button with a picture of a disk drive.

We press the button. A window will appear “Changing disk icons” .

In the column "Disk" Click on the drop-down arrow and select the drive for which you want to change the icon.

In the column “Icon” click on the button with three dots - "Review" . In the “Open” window that appears, find the folder with new icons, and having selected the one you like most, press the button "Open" .

Now that everything is ready, click on the button “Change” . After this, the disk icon should change to a new icon.

If a window was open while replacing disk icons "My computer" , then new icons may not appear. Close and reopen My Computer or select Refresh from the menu right button mice. After this, the new icons should appear.

For some disks, for example virtual disks, DVD/CD drive icons, the icon does not change. It has been verified that icons on hard drives and network drives(if you have a local network).

You can find a variety of icons on the Internet; icon files have the extension .ico . If you have the desire and skill, you can draw the icon yourself.

It's easy to use new icons found or drawn. You need to add them to the Icons folder and replace the icon using the given method.

The article describes how to change the icon (icon) of files of any type. That is, for example, the file has doc extension or nr. To the left of the file name in Windows Explorer, as a rule, there is a corresponding icon - depending on the extension of this file, i.e. depending on what type of file association it belongs to this file and, accordingly, which program this file can be opened (for viewing and/or editing).

Windows XP

In Windows XP this is easy. You need to do the following:

Explorer -> Tools - Folder Options... - File Types - Select required extension, for example, MP3 - "Advanced" button - "Change icon" button - "Browse" button.

Then - find the right application, For example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

Then click “OK” - and the icon for files of the corresponding type will be replaced with the icon Firefox browser:

Those. Instead of the previous icons, an image of a “fiery fox” will appear.

Those. in Windows XP (as well as in Windows 98) everything is quite simple. But what about Windows 7?

Windows 7

Unfortunately, such easy opportunity removed from Windows 7 (as well as from Windows Vista, it seems). There can be two solutions here:

    use of appropriate paid and free utilities

    editing system registry manually

Regarding utilities. It must be said that sometimes on the Internet you can literally find warm wishes from all sorts of talkers about the use of certain utilities. For example, a utility called Default Programs Editor is highly recommended on this one.

It is quite possible that the utility (at least externally) is good and convenient. Well, just trying to get to the official website for some reason gives the following result (as of 02/10/2017):

The last message on this forum with a link to this program is dated 01/14/2017 (as of 02/11/1017). Hmmm... somehow strange. Or rather, suspicious. Isn’t it some kind of “strange” utility... Usually it’s this kind of the programs are praised so captivatingly and even, perhaps, obsessively. Anyway.

There are, of course, other utilities. But apparently it's better to do everything manually. Moreover, everything is simple. And then, in fact, who knows what kind of utilities there are, what exactly they write into the system registry...

Let's look at replacing a file icon using the rnp extension as an example.

In order to replace the icon of a specific file type (php), you need to open the system registry editor, for example, regedit. Click the Start button, run, in the window that opens, type regedit, click “OK”.

An editor window opens. In it we find the line.php:

It can be seen that by default files of this type (on my computer) are opened by PhpStorm2016.3. Previously, they were opened using the XWeb.php.4.0 program (the value of the backup_val parameter).

However, not for every file type (extension) you can find a corresponding program with which it can be opened. For example, there is no such program for the .pl extension - the value specified parameter not assigned.

So, files like rnp on this computer are associated with the PhpStorm2016.3 program. Therefore, you need to find this program lower in the list.

To do this you need to go to the section


In it, in turn, you need to find the DefaultIcon section (this is the default icon for files with the rnp extension), i.e. go to section HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PhpStorm2016.3\DefaultIcon . The value is set there

E:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PhpStorm 2016.3.2\bin\phpstorm.exe,0

In order to set some kind of custom icon for files with the rnp extension, you must specify in the parameter value absolute path to the corresponding file with the extension ico.

As an example, we took a file located in the “My Documents” directory called Telephone.ico. This is the image used as the icon for the “Contacts” section on our website, it looks like this:

This is just an example. It is clear that in practice hardly anyone would want all files in Windows 7 Explorer with the .php extension to be displayed with icons that look like a phone. In addition, placing images with an icon in the "My Documents" folder is clearly not The best decision. Of course, it is better to copy it to some more suitable one, for example, a system directory where images for other icons are stored.

We save the previously existing value (just in case) under the name backup_value , create a new value called “Default”, and specify the path to this image as a parameter:

D:\My Documents\Telephone.ico

Then we see something like this:

For the changes to take effect, you must restart your computer.

After the reboot, for example, go to any folder containing files with the rnp extension. And this is what we can see:

The file called class.phpmailer.php (having the .php extension) now has a phone image as its icon.

Thus, it is possible for any type (i.e. for any extension) used in Windows system 7, make any icon (icon) that you like.

Of course, it is more advisable to store files with icon images not in the “My Documents” folder, but somewhere else, so that they are not accidentally deleted later, and so that they simply do not get in the way.

This concludes the main part of the article, if you are interested, you can read the discussion about the reasons for the difficulty of changing the icon (icon) of a file in modern .

With respect to you.

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Now I will show you how to change the icon of the Windows folder to another one. Folder icons can be easily changed to the ones you need, you just need to master a few simple rules. I am not considering complex cases of a special nature here, but you will find the answer to a very common question on the Internet about changing the folder icon.

Is it possible to change the folder icon?

Let's first see what the difference is between folders and files. Technically speaking, a folder in Windows is a container that can contain both files and other folders. Since a folder is not a file, essentially all folders are the same and differ only in their contents. And if so, then there is absolutely no need to assign them different icons. Exactly because of this reason By default, all folder icons are the same within a specific operating system.

For example, in Windows 7 all folders look the same, and in Windows 10 they also look the same, but their appearance may differ from the appearance of folders in Windows 7. In operating system Android all folders also have the same icons. This is done on purpose so that you can always see that this is a folder and not a file.

Still, some folders on the system look different than others. For example, the Computer, My Pictures, or Control Panel folders have different icons than the default ones. This led users to the idea that it would be a good idea to change the icons own folders, which they create, into their icons. Well, or at least change the standard icon to something else.

In fact, changing the folder icon is very easy and quick. Now I'll show you how it's done. Read carefully to the end, and then watch the video where all this is shown with an example.

Change the folder icon to another one

This article is posted on the site with the goal of resolving this issue once and for all. The fact is that, that is, those that you yourself created, are a very common task. And my practice shows that it is easier to explain everything well once than to listen to the same question many times. A lot of times...

Now let's look at an example of how to change the icon of a folder. It's very simple. First of all you need to call context menu for this folder, that is, click on the folder icon with the RIGHT mouse button, then select “Properties” (the lowest item), and then... It’s easier to show than to describe. Enlarge the picture and take a look.

The numbers in the figure show the sequence of operations that need to be performed to change the icon of the selected folder. Just do as shown in the picture and everything will be fine.

It is also worth keeping in mind that the icon installed on a folder does not have to be saved when the folder is transferred to another computer. The fact is that the icon set for the folder by you or some program (this also happens) is NOT stored in the folder itself. In a folder, when the icon is changed, the system creates a special hidden file desktop.ini, which specifies the path in the icon of this folder in one of Windows files. So when you transfer a folder to another computer, there may NOT BE such icons there, or they may be there, but they look different. In this case, the folder icon will again become standard.

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How to change the icon of a file?

In a similar way - no way. The fact is that, unlike folders, files can have their own icons. However, in order to accurately answer the question about changing the icon of a file, you need to divide all the files into two large groups.

  • Data files (text, films, sound, pictures and others);
  • Executable files, that is, programs;

The files in the first group do NOT have their own icons. Within one computer, such files are assigned an icon for the program with which these files are opened. So only by changing the program with which you want to open files of this type on your computer, you will thus change the icon for ALL files of this type. Simply put, leave the icons of these files alone.

As for programs (in Windows these are files with the *.exe extension; in Explorer they are of the “application” type), each such file has its own icon, which is located inside the program file. You can change it if there are other icons inside the file, or you can specify an icon from system library or other executable file.

In practice icons executable files never change, but if you really need it, the figure below shows how this can be done.


If you have any questions, watch the video. There, the folder icon change is shown in Windows example 8.1. In the rest Windows versions The operation of changing the folder icon is performed in exactly the same way.

Video tutorial on changing icons for Windows folders

Standard folder icons can be replaced with absolutely any icons. The video shows only the simplest ways to change the folder icon.

Let's sum it up

You can quickly change the icon of a folder that you created yourself - this is included in the system properties. Badges system folders change is not so easy and usually not necessary. You can also change the icons of executable files, as well as files with data, but there is no point in this.