The driver does not start after reboot. Fix by changing the Timeout Detection and Recovery parameter in the Windows registry. How to find out driver versions

Many users complain about Windows 10, because after installing it on a computer or laptop, the video card refuses to work or functions abnormally. The problem especially affects users who have a weak integrated video card and a discrete one on their device. There are no problems with the second one, it works no matter what, but the first one, alas, often . Although the developers of video processors claim that all devices have normal drivers compatible with the “top ten”.

Let's try to understand this issue, which will not be entirely easy to do due to the lack of any specific information in the vastness of the global network.

So, if all the drivers, according to the developers, are debugged, then the reason lies in Windows 10 itself or in a “crooked” assembly, after installation of which the video card refuses to work normally. And the first thing you should do is update the software that controls its operation.

Update nVidia Drivers

Removing old software

The point is that during Windows installations 10, the latest versions of drivers released by nVidia are not always installed on the computer. This is one of the reasons for the unstable functioning of the video adapter or its operation with standard drivers.

The first step you need to take is to remove the existing one. software video cards.

  • Go to the “Control Panel”, where we call the “Programs, Features” applet.
  • We select products related to our nVidia video card, which is unstable, and manually uninstall all components.

  • After completing all operations, reboot your Windows 10 computer.

Please note that this method does not guarantee complete removal of all system software components, so it is recommended to use Display utility Driver Uninstaller or DDU.

The application is intended for complete cleaning systems from any components related to software for video cards from nVidia, AMD and integrated graphics chips from Intel. The program developers recommend deactivating the antivirus while the DDU utility is running.

  • We launch the program and switch its language to “Russian” in the lower right corner if it is not detected automatically.
  • Select the driver for which graphics system must be removed in Windows 10.
  • Then click on the “Delete and reboot” button.

It is recommended to use this of the three proposed options, as it is the safest. The second and third methods may cause a black screen to appear and do not guarantee complete Windows cleaning 10 from all components related to the video adapter .

The program always saves logs and creates a rollback point to avoid problems that may arise after uninstallation or during installation new version drivers.

Downloading new drivers

  • Let's go to official resource video chip developer, go to the download section and select the parameters that correspond to your device and OS edition.
  • After downloading executable file we launch it and choose the option of selective software installation.

It would be better if you download the driver before removing the old one, so that after rebooting the PC it will boot without network connection, for example, in safe mode. This will avoid automatic search and software installation.

  • We select the components we need. If PhysX is removed, it is better to leave the checkbox, and most users will not need the 3D Vision elements.

  • We reboot the computer, after which the video card usually works normally.

AMD Driver Update

Removal software products from AMD is no different from a similar procedure for removing software related to nVidia video adapters. And installing a new driver for an nVidia video card differs little from a similar process in the case of a device from a competing company, so pay attention to updating drivers for Radeon video adapters we won't. The process is extremely simple.

  • We go to the AMD company resource and select the appropriate software in the download center.

  • Delete old driver manually or through the DDU utility.
  • Reboot Windows 10.
  • We launch the downloaded installer, familiarize ourselves with the license, accept it and follow the instructions provided, selecting only the necessary components.

Updating the driver using third-party software

One of best products For automatic update drivers after Windows installations 10 is Driver utility Booster. Its website contains huge base drivers for all computer components, which are constantly updated. A special feature of the application is that it automatically performs the actions described in the previous sections.

  • To do this we launch installed Driver Booster and wait ten seconds while the system is scanned.
  • After scanning the system and comparing the drivers used with those in the utility database, click on the “Update” button in the line with the name of the video adapter or click “Update all” to download and install software for all components that need an update.

  • Reboot the computer as soon as the process is completed.

Selecting a driver source

It seems nothing complicated, but the problems don’t end there. Even after updating the divers using the above methods and even through Task Manager or other similar Driver Booster programs, the video card does not work on some devices. Microsoft does not comment on this situation in any way, so users who have become victims of such problems began to look for solutions to the problem together.

One solution is to fix a small mistake made by laptop owners. After installing the “tens”, they tried to get the video card to work by installing the driver from the video adapter manufacturer’s website, but, as practice has shown, this is not always the right solution. The right step would be to download the driver from the developer/support site of your laptop model, unless it is quite outdated.

Rollback and reinstallation of "tens"

The last thing that can be recommended to a person who, after installing Ten, is faced with the problem of a video card not working, is to roll back and re-upgrade to Windows 10. This option is only suitable for those computers on which Ten was installed by Windows updates 7 SP1 or 8.1. In this case, Microsoft allows you to roll back the operating system to the old one while preserving all programs, their settings and user data.

  • Go to “Options”.
  • Select "Update, Security".

  • In the “Recovery” tab, click “Start”.

After rebooting, the computer will start running your OS until it is updated. Next we will use Media utility Creation Tool, downloaded from the Microsoft website.

  • Launch the application of the appropriate bit depth.
  • Move the switch to the position as in the screenshot and click “Next”.

  • We accept the terms of the “very democratic” license agreement.

  • We wait while the updates are installed. A lengthy procedure that can take tens of minutes.
  • Click “Install” and wait for it to finish re-update"tens".

Basically, that's all that can be said about software problems in the functioning of the video card on Windows 10. Let's hope that Microsoft will soon respond to the problem properly.

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Afterwards, the computer’s performance will necessarily increase or, in extreme cases, errors will be corrected... This is what system software developers tell us, and this effect is not always positive. Now only owners of old computers who will not be helped by installing a new driver will be able to understand me.

If, after installing the driver, the PC begins to experience malfunctions or nothing appears at all, then Be prepared to roll back to old drivers, or if you are installing everything from scratch, then look for other drivers.

Typical types of problems.

Many users on the forums complain that after installing the drivers Windows stops loading normally. By the way, many users decide to use dubious programs to automatically search for “firewood”. It is very comfortable. It is when using such “dubious utilities” that most users begin to have problems.

One day, an old friend approached me. HE decided to install updated drivers— his computer stopped turning on normal mode. Wild “brakes” appeared, in addition to everything, strange dots and straight lines appeared on the screen yellow color. Naturally The problem lay in the new drivers for the video card. This problem was solved only after "". But more on that later.

Often, after installing drivers for the processor or power supply, the system begins to noticeably slow down. In worst cases, after installing the drivers, the operating system simply does not boot. Such signs indicate serious incompatibility between new software and hardware. who owns this software. By the way, a conflict can arise in any device, so try to remember what kind of firewood you installed and for which devices.

Problem solving.

The longest way to eliminate all of the above troubles is This option will bring 100% results, however, it takes time, and we won’t have much of it. Therefore, I suggest resorting to the simplest possible operations.

If the operating system does not load at all, you will have to enter safe mode and roll back through it. While turning on the PC, press F8 to bring up the boot menu.

Having selected safe mode, wait until the system boots. After this, Windows will boot, but everything will look slightly different...

The theme and other parameters will change. After the final download, open the Start menu, then go to the All Programs tab, then Accessories and Utilities. Here you will see “System Restore”, this is exactly what will help us solve this problem.

On the first window, the system will offer to create a restore point or go directly to a rollback. We select the second option, then find the very inscription that describes the installation of the latest drivers. The operating system will automatically erase all changes, returning the machine to the state it was in before the software update.

The recovery process will begin during the reboot. That's all, you got a properly working PC using old drivers.

If safe mode is not downloading, you can do a similar trick with the F8 key, subsequently selecting “load the latest successful configuration"(for XP) or "Run Startup Repair Tool" (for 7), it is quite possible that this will help.

If all of the above did not help, then you need to reinstall Windows, because simple ways there is no solution to this problem.

In order to avoid such problems, I advise manually download drivers from official sites.(Everything is checked there) This is especially applies to laptop owners.

Happy rollback and pleasant work!

When you deal with computer problem contact some “computer specialist” or read a thematic forum, in some cases one of the guaranteed tips will be to update the drivers. Let's figure out what this means and whether you really need to do it.

Drivers? What are drivers?

Speaking in simple words, drivers are programs that allow the operating system Windows system And various applications interact with computer hardware. Windows OS itself does not “know” how to use all the functions of your video card and for this it needs an appropriate driver. Just like other programs, updates are released for drivers that fix old errors and implement new functions.

The main rule here, perhaps, will be - do not repair what works. Another tip is not to install various programs, which automatically update drivers for all your equipment: this may cause more problems than to bring benefit.

If you have some kind of problem with your computer and, apparently, it is caused by the operation of its hardware, then you should think about updating the drivers. With a high probability, if, for example, a new game crashes on your computer and a message appears saying that something is wrong with the video card, installing the latest drivers for it from the manufacturer’s official website can solve this problem. You shouldn’t expect that after updating the drivers, the computer will work faster and games will stop slowing down - most likely this will not happen (although this is also possible if, after installing Windows on your computer, you have WDDM drivers installed for your video card - i.e. , which the operating system installed itself, and not those developed by the video card manufacturer). Thus, if the computer is already working as it should, there is no need to think that “it would be worth updating the drivers” - this is unlikely to bring any benefit.

Which drivers need to be updated?

When you purchase new computer without an operating system or running clean install Windows on old computer, it is advisable to install correct drivers. The point is not that you always have the latest version of drivers, but that they are designed specifically for your hardware. For example, immediately after installing Windows, you will most likely already have it working Wi-Fi adapter on a laptop, and also some not very demanding game, like Tanki Online. This can lead to you being sure that the drivers for the video card and wireless adapter Everything is fine. However, this is not the case, as can be seen when errors appear when launching other games or when trying to connect to wireless points access with other parameters.

Thus, the drivers available in Windows OS, although they allow you to use the computer, are mandatory must be replaced with original ones: for a video card - from the website of ATI, Nvidia or another manufacturer, for a wireless adapter - the same. And so on for all devices upon first installation. Then, maintaining latest versions these drivers is not the most meaningful task: you should think about updating, as already mentioned, only if there are certain problems.

You bought a laptop or computer in a store

If you purchased a computer and haven’t reinstalled anything on it since then, then it’s highly likely that everything is already installed on it. necessary drivers For network devices, video cards and other equipment. Moreover, even with reinstalling Windows, if you use a laptop or computer reset to factory settings, not Windows drivers will be installed, but those suitable for your equipment. Thus, if everything works, there is no need to specifically update drivers.

You bought a computer without Windows or did a clean installation of the OS

If you purchased a computer without an operating system or simply reinstalled Windows without saving old settings and programs, the operating system itself will try to detect your hardware and install most of the drivers. However, most of them should be replaced official drivers and here are the drivers you need to update first:

  • Video card - the difference in the operation of a video card with built-in Windows drivers and with the original NVidia drivers or ATI is very significant. Even if you don't play games, be sure to update the drivers and install the official ones - this will eliminate many problems with graphics (for example, jerky scrolling in the browser).
  • It is also recommended to install drivers for the motherboard and chipset. This will allow you to get the most out of all functions motherboard- USB 3.0, built-in sound, network and other devices.
  • If you have discrete sound, network or other cards, you should also install the necessary drivers on them.
  • As mentioned above, drivers should be downloaded from the official websites of equipment manufacturers or the computer (laptop) itself.

If you are an avid gamer, then, moving away from the previous tips, we can also recommend regularly updating the drivers for your video card - this can affect performance in games.

A common error in Windows 7 and less commonly in Windows 10 and 8 is the message “The video driver has stopped responding and was successfully repaired” followed by text about which driver caused the problem (usually NVIDIA or AMD followed by the text Kernel Moe Driver, options are also possible nvlddmkm and atikmdag meaning the same drivers GeForce video cards and Radeon respectively).

This instruction contains several ways to fix the problem and make sure that messages that the video driver has stopped responding do not appear in the future.

What to do first when the “Video driver has stopped responding” error appears

First of all, about several simple, but more often than not other effective ways to fix the “Video driver has stopped responding” problem for novice users who, due to ignorance, may not have tried them yet.

Updating or rolling back video card drivers

Most often, the problem is caused by incorrect operation of the video card driver or the wrong driver, and the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. If the dispatcher Windows devices 10, 8 or Windows 7, reports that the driver does not need to be updated, but you did not install the driver manually, then the driver most likely needs to be updated, just do not try to use the device manager for this, but download the installer from the NVIDIA website or AMD.
  2. If you installed drivers using a driver pack ( third party program For automatic installation drivers), then you should try installing the driver from the official website of NVIDIA or AMD.
  3. If the downloaded drivers are not installed, you should try to remove the existing ones using Display Driver Uninstaller (see, for example,), and if you have a laptop, then try installing the driver not from the AMD or NVIDIA website, but from the laptop manufacturer’s website specifically for your model.

If you are sure that you have installed latest drivers and the problem appeared recently, then you can try to roll back the video card driver, for this:

After rolling back the driver, check if the problem continues to occur.

Fixing a bug on some NVIDIA graphics cards by changing power management settings

In some cases, the problem is caused by settings NVIDIA video cards defaults, which lead to the fact that for Windows video card sometimes it freezes, which leads to the error “The video driver has stopped responding and was successfully restored.” Changing the settings from "Optimal Power" or "Adaptive" may help. The procedure will be as follows:

After this, you can check whether this helped to correct the situation with the error that appears.

Another setting that may affect the appearance or absence of an error in the panel NVIDIA management and affecting several parameters at once - “Adjusting image settings with viewing” in the “3D Settings” section.

Try turning on " Custom Settings with a focus on performance" and check if this has affected the problem.

Fix by changing the Timeout Detection and Recovery parameter in the Windows Registry

This method is offered on the official Microsoft website, although it is not entirely effective (i.e. it may remove the message about the problem, but the problem itself may persist). The essence of the method is to change the value of the TdrDelay parameter, which is responsible for waiting for a response from the video driver.

After you finish working with the Registry Editor, close it and restart your computer or laptop.

Hardware acceleration in browser and Windows

If the error occurs when working in browsers or on a desktop Windows desktop 10, 8 or Windows 7 (i.e. not in heavy graphics applications), try the following methods.

For problems on the Windows desktop:

In case the problem appears in browsers when playing video or Flash content, try it (or enable it if it was disabled).

Important: the following methods are not exactly for beginners and in theory can cause additional problems. Use them only at your own risk.

Overclocking a video card as the cause of the problem

If you have overclocked a video card yourself, then most likely you know that the problem in question may be caused by overclocking. If you haven’t done this, then there is a possibility that your video card is factory overclocked, as a rule, the letters OC (Overclocked) are present in the name, but even without them clock speeds video cards are often higher than basic ones, provided by the manufacturer chip.

If this is your case, then try installing the basic ones (standard for this graphics chip) GPU and memory frequencies, you can use the following utilities for this.

For NVIDIA video cards - free NVIDIA program Inspector:

If it doesn't work and the problems are not fixed, you can try using GPU (Base Clock) frequencies lower than the base ones. Download NVIDIA Inspector available from the developer's website

For AMD video cards you can use AMD Overdrive V Catalyst Control Center. The task will be the same - install base frequencies GPU for video card. Alternative solution- MSI Afterburner.

Additional Information

In theory, the cause of the problem could be any program running on the computer that actively uses the video card. Moreover, it may turn out that you do not know about the presence of such programs on your computer (for example, if it is mining malware).

Also, one of the possible, although not often encountered, options is hardware problems with the video card, and sometimes (especially for integrated video) - with RAM computer (in in this case it is also possible that " blue screens death" from time to time).

Sometimes it happens that updating drivers can lead to hardware failure. This may be due to a variety of factors. But most often this happens after updating sound drivers using Windows 10. This OS has long been seen in inadequate work with updates. If there is no sound in Windows 10 after updating drivers, then this is definitely an incompatibility issue. What to do in this case? We will look at the most popular and effective options solving the problem.

Why does this happen?

The fact is that Windows 10 downloads updated versions drivers with official servers"Microsoft". And no one can vouch for their compatibility with this or that equipment. And if you also take into account that usually own servers"Windows" are mainly outdated versions drivers, then it is not surprising that after updating the latest ones, the sound disappeared. However, not only the “ten” sin wrong versions drivers when updating. And such cases are far from isolated.

But it also happens that the operating system has nothing to do with it. Often manufacturers themselves release drivers with errors. And in this case there is only one way out: roll back to previous version. But sometimes this can be problematic. We will consider all options for solving the problem if, after updating the drivers, the sound on your computer or laptop suddenly disappears.

It's worth starting with the most simple solutions. Complex ones are not for everyone. So, how to solve the sound problem in modern operating systems? Very simple.

Fixing bugs in the Windows 10 update

So, if there is no sound on your laptop after updating the drivers using the operating system, you will need them complete reinstallation. However, we will not download them manually from the manufacturer’s website. We use the capabilities of the operating system:

  1. In the list of devices, look for sound devices and select them.
  2. Click right click Click on the name of the audio device and select “Update driver” in the menu that appears.
  3. Next, select “Search for drivers on this computer.”
  4. Click "Next" and wait for the installation to complete.
  5. Reboot your PC or laptop.

This option will help if the problem is not global. By reinstalling the drivers in this way, you can count on them to be fully functional after rebooting the machine. However, it also happens that this method does not help. Then you can use a more advanced method.

The same thing, but using the console

Team Windows string- a unique instrument. With its help you can even solve the problem when, after updating sound driver the sound disappeared. And if the previous option may fail, then this method will always help. You just need to know what to do:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and call system component"Run".
  2. Enter cmd in the line and press Enter or OK.
  3. The console starts. In it you should enter the pnputil/enum-drivers command. It will display a list installed drivers for devices.
  4. Now we choose original name intcaudiobus.inf and remember (or write down) its published name (for example, oemXXX.inf).
  5. Enter the command pnputil/delete-driver oemXXX.inf/uninstall. It will remove the existing driver.
  6. Now open the "Control Panel".
  7. Click "Device Manager".
  8. Choose necessary equipment and click "Update drivers".
  9. After the update, restart the computer.

This method is good because it first completely removes it from the operating system. problematic driver. And in its place you can safely install the “correct” software.

Rolling back the driver after updating Windows

Another option that can help if, after updating the drivers, the sound disappears in Windows 7, 8 or 10. A rollback can really help, since it is installed instead of a new driver previous version, which was definitely functional. The best thing about this method is that even a beginner can handle it. You just need to strictly follow the proposed algorithm, and everything will be fine:

  1. Open the "Control Panel".
  2. Click on the "Device Manager" item.
  3. Select the sound card from the list of devices.
  4. Right-click on the device and select "Properties" from the menu that appears.
  5. Click on the "Rollback" button.
  6. The wizard will automatically install the previous version of the driver.
  7. Reboot the computer.
  8. Checking the functionality of the sound.

This method is good because it allows you to install exactly those versions that definitely worked at the time. This helps to avoid possible errors when using newer versions. But, despite the fact that this method is very effective, it does not always help. It's good that there is alternative options.

If the sound is not completely gone

It also happens that after updating the sound driver the sound disappears, but not completely. That is sound accompaniment there is, but the sound itself is either too quiet, or hisses, or is somehow distorted. In this case, the issue is clearly in the sound driver settings. Apparently, the operating system configured it automatically. And this led to such distortions. There is only one thing you can do here - configure the equipment correctly.

  1. So, open "Playback Devices" using a simple click by the image of the speaker in the system tray.
  2. Next, select the device that contains the problem and click on the “Properties” button.
  3. Move to the tab " Additional features".
  4. Check the box "Disable all effects" and click "Apply".
  5. Move to the "Communication" tab.
  6. Check "No action required".
  7. We apply everything that we just configured.
  8. Checking the sound quality.

Now everything should play cleanly, without any interference. If so, then the problem was in the settings. Now everything is all right. If not, then you will have to further figure out why after updating the drivers the sound disappeared or was not of sufficient quality.

If you have VIA Audio

It is laptops based on this chipset that are most susceptible to sound problems. This is largely due to the chipset itself. It is not a very high quality product. And the developers of drivers for this chipset are often not very attentive. As a result, users have to solve the problem themselves when the sound disappears after updating the drivers:

  1. Go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Open "Device Manager" in a familiar way.
  3. We remove the driver in exactly the same way as described above.
  4. Go to the "Sound and gaming devices" section.
  5. We also remove these drivers.
  6. Open the browser and look for the latest drivers from the manufacturer.
  7. Download (necessarily the previous version) and install.
  8. Reboot the computer.

This algorithm of actions should solve the problem on laptops with a VIA chipset. Installation old version The driver should definitely solve the problem in this case. In general, it is better to purchase an external sound card and not suffer with the built-in “bits”. WITH external card there are never any problems. Now there are very interesting and inexpensive models on the market.

If all else fails

If there is no sound on the computer after updating the drivers and none of the above helps, then there is a high probability that this update itself did quite a lot of damage system files responsible for sound. The solution to this problem will not be simple. Actually, there are only two options: rolling back the system using a checkpoint or completely reinstalling it.

The first option is suitable only if you have previously created control points to restore the operating system. If OS protection was completely turned off (for example, in the case of Windows 10), then rolling back will do nothing.

But again, in the case of the “ten” there is another method that can help if the sound disappears after updating the drivers. It's about about resetting to factory settings. At the exit, the user will receive absolutely clean operating system With basic set drivers. It's worth trying this option. He can really help. If after that everything goes bad, then perhaps sound card It just failed for some reason.


So, we looked at the question of what to do if, after updating the drivers, the sound on your computer or laptop disappears. All of the above methods can help. If only the sound card itself still works.