How to print something. Elena Iskhakova's blog. Printing documents on alternative operating systems

If you need to solve a problem related to how to print a photo, then first check whether the printer is connected and whether your computer’s operating system can see it. Just in case, also check the ink level in the MFP cartridges so that printing does not stall at the most important point. In addition, to answer the question of how to print photos, you should decide in advance on the images that need to be printed. In general, printing photos on a printer is very simple, just follow the instructions below.

detailed instructions

  • To solve the problem of how to print photos from a computer to a printer, find the desired image and double-click on it with the left mouse button to open it using the appropriate program.
  • Launch the print command by clicking on the corresponding icon located on the software toolbar designed for opening photographs and pictures.
  • In the window that opens, specify all the necessary parameters that will allow you to print photos really the way you need them, otherwise the result may disappoint you. And first, select the device with which you are going to solve the problem of how to print an image using a printer.
  • Also select the print quality to suit your purpose. If it is not an important parameter, then in order to save paint it is better to set its value to average.
  • Decide on the paper size, number of copies needed, and printing style.
  • Finally, save your changes and run the print command on your printing device.

If you are going to print several photos on one page from your computer to a printer, then follow these few steps to do this:

  • Click on the required photos while holding the Ctrl button.
  • Open the context menu of any of the selected images by right-clicking on it. Find the item called “Print” and click on it.
  • In the print image window that opens, you should specify the number of copies and the specific size.
  • Be sure to use the function of previewing the resulting images so that the problem of how to print a picture on a printer from a computer is solved truly successfully, and you do not have to reprint, wasting ink and paper.
  • If the result that you saw on the screen after resorting to preview satisfied you, then you can safely click on the button to start the printing process.

In general, as you have probably seen, answering the question of how to print photos using a regular printer is very easy and simple. The main thing is that you initially know what results you want to get, because the print settings you make will depend on them. In addition, never be lazy to use such a convenient function as preview.

What to do if the printer does not print photos?

  • So, if the device does not print images on photo paper, then this may be the problem. Somehow, the printer can't detect it. Try printing the image on a regular sheet of paper, and if you succeed, then the source of the problem is the photo paper you previously purchased.
  • In addition, it is possible that this type of problem is related to the print head, which prints text but not photos. In this situation, it is possible, but if this fails, then contact any reliable service center.
  • An unlikely but possible source of the problem could be the ink in the cartridge, of which there is very little left to print a full-fledged photograph.
  • The solution to this problem is to reinstall or.
  • Most likely, the reason that the printer does not print photos, but at the same time prints documents with text, is the lack of device drivers. In this case, no printing errors will appear on the PC monitor and the computer will see the connected equipment, but a message about the absence of drivers will appear on the device display. The fact is that the printer also has internal drivers, which are designed for the correct operation of the device, recognition of all kinds of commands, etc. In general, such a malfunction may appear during manual reconfiguration of the device. To eliminate it, you will need the help of professionals.
  • Another possible reason for the problem described may be related to the software itself, which is used to open the image and then print it. Try removing it, then installing it again and test printing the image using plain paper.

Few people nowadays do not know how to print, photocopy or even scan. In the age of modern technology, when in every home almost everyone in the family has their own personal laptop, there is hardly a person who cannot print a sheet of paper. But still, let's talk about how to print texts on a printer. It is quite possible that you do not know all the secrets of printing, or you simply have not had to print certain documents before.


Before you start printing, you need to make sure that the printer is turned on and connected to your computer or laptop. Yes, it may sound funny, but sometimes people forget this. You also need to make sure that there is enough ink in the printer (check the ID) or refill the device and count the sheets of paper. It's best to put in a few more sheets, as sometimes the printer can feed several sheets at the same time, and if you don't notice it in time, the printing may be interrupted, and you will have to add paper and do additional steps to resume it.

Be sure to check the print quality by printing one test sheet from this or any other document. It is possible that you will have to clean the printer (done using the "Maintenance" tab in the print window). We'll tell you how to do all this a little later.

Calling the print window

So, we checked that the printer is working and that it is connected to the computer. Now let's move on directly to how to print a Word document on a printer. First you need to open the print window. This can be done in several ways.

1. Find the print icon on the panel. This option is usually available in earlier versions. For example, in the 2003 Office suite, the print icon is located at the top of the panel and is quite noticeable.

2. Click “File” and select “Print” from the drop-down menu. This is a fairly well-known method that is used by most personal computer users. But it takes a lot of time.

3. Press the key combination Ctrl+P. Oddly enough, it is not known to everyone, although it is the fastest and simplest.

Setting the basic parameters

If you do not know how to print texts on a printer, then you should also remember what mandatory parameters should be specified when printing ordinary documents.

1. Number of copies, if you need more than one copy of a document or sheet.

2. The pages you plan to print.

3. What kind of printing do you need - single-sided or double-sided.

4. Page orientation - portrait or landscape.

5. Sheet size - A4, A5, other.

6. Size and parameters of fields.

7. Number of pages per sheet.

By default, it occurs on the page in one copy on one side. Orientation - portrait, A4 format. There is one sheet per page, and the document itself is printed from the first to the last page.

Printer properties

For those who are learning how to print texts on a printer, it will be useful to know that when printing text, you can additionally set the printer properties. This is not necessary to know, but is useful in some situations.

The main properties of the printer include:

1. Print quality. The default is standard, but if the printer is old and does not print clearly, it is recommended to set the quality to high.

2. Shades of gray. This property also increases the clarity of the print, especially if you are not printing text, but not very successfully scanned material.

These two parameters are set in the "home" tab. Another useful thing is the "Maintenance" tab. Here you can clean and check the printing nozzles, clean the rollers and tray, and also select the silent mode of the printer. We advise you to pay attention to these properties, as they will be quite useful at the print preparation stage. Having set all the parameters, click the “Print” button directly in the main settings window, and the device will start working.

Two-sided printing

How to print texts and documents on a sheet of paper on both sides? A function such as this has been created specifically for this. You can select it in the main print properties. All odd-numbered pages are printed first. The printer then asks you to turn the sheets over and insert them into the printer (usually the sheets are placed so that the beginning of the printed page is at the bottom). The program on your computer gives you hints on how to properly turn the paper over and insert it into the machine. After this, click the “Print” (“Ok”) button in the dialog box, and the printer will print all the even sheets. This way you get a finished printed document on both sides of the sheet.

How long does it take to print?

The time it takes to print the text will depend on your printer. Each device has its own. Usually it is about 10 pages per minute, there are printers that work much faster. Again, it all depends on the manufacturer, model and year of manufacture. So, home and office devices print at different speeds.

The older the model, the longer the printing takes. We also note that various system breakdowns also affect the speed and quality of this process. Therefore, if your printer was purchased a long time ago and begins to fail, we recommend replacing it with a newer model. Otherwise, be prepared for not only slow, but also rather poor-quality printing, errors such as jamming of sheets, printing with stripes, and the like. For example, the printer may ask you to insert paper into the feeder even though it is still there). Other minor annoying mistakes are also possible, which almost double the printing time.


So, we figured out how to print texts on a printer, what parameters need to be set when printing and where to find them, and how to start printing text. We also found out that speed, as well as print quality, directly depends on the printer: its type and release date. It was determined that the older the device, the lower the speed and quality of printing and the higher the likelihood of various errors occurring. We hope this information will be useful to you.

Hello everyone, my dears! Just yesterday I realized this thing: many of my readers are very poorly versed in computers. That is, I’m talking here about how to make money using the Internet, about some cool services for saving money while traveling, but it’s all like a wallop, because computers are a dark forest for some of my guests.

So today I decided to correct this omission and start with a very detailed story about how to type text on a computer. So...

In this article:

1. Program for working with text

There are special programs for creating a text electronic document. They allow you to print text, that is, create a layout of a document in electronic form, which can then be printed on a computer or transferred to a flash drive.

There are a huge number of such programs, but there are only a few of the most popular.

1 —Microsoft Office Word
2 —WordPad
3 - Writer (rarely used, needs to be installed separately).

2. How to find the desired program on your computer

I know from my family that the most difficult thing for a beginner at the first stage is to find and open these programs.

To cope with this task, you must understand what program icons look like. Most often this is a document icon with the letter W, or as in the latter case - with the letter A(this is how the WordPad program is designated):

Look closely at the desktop and the toolbar below, programs can be placed in a prominent place, like on my desktop (by the way, here it is, don’t be alarmed):

If you don't find anything like that, then try the second method:

1 - launch the panel Start or just click on the round icon in the lower left corner, a menu will open.

In it you need to find a field to search for files, I call it Find programs and files:

It is in this field that you enter the name of the program you are looking for. For example, I enter the word Word and get Microsoft Office Word programs:

If I enter the word WordPad, it will find this program for me:

After that, you simply click on the found program, and a working window opens in front of you in which you can create a document: print text, edit it and save it.

3. Working with a document and editing text

So, in front of you is a working area, the so-called blank sheet. This is where you can print text and edit it as you please.

Usually, beginners, when they see this sheet and a huge number of buttons, get lost and don’t know what to do. What causes a brain explosion most of all is the keyboard: it is not clear where and what to press.

So, you don’t need to be afraid of this, you will definitely be able to figure it out. To do this, just watch this informative video; everything in it is very simple and explains in detail the main features of the program.

Be sure to watch this informative video from beginning to end, not forgetting to repeat all the steps after the presenter. This will take a giant step in learning text editors.

Then all you have to do is practice, and then you will be able to navigate literally any text programs, since they are all designed approximately the same.

4. How to save text

Once you have created your document, you can save it. To do this, find the button in the upper left corner that calls up the menu, and from this menu select Save as and any suitable format, for example Word Document:

A window will appear in which you can select:

  1. where to save the file (I usually choose Desktop,
  2. what to name the file (enter any suitable name),
  3. and the file format (I don’t change it, I leave it as default).

Ready! This file will now appear on your computer's desktop.

You can do whatever you want with this document. For example, put it on a flash drive, send it by email, open it for further editing, or delete it.

By the way, if you are working on a large document, I recommend that you make intermediate saves. And the more often, the better.

5. How to transfer a text file to a flash drive

Everything is very simple.

1. Insert the flash drive into the computer.

2. On your desktop, find and open My computer(or simply Computer).

3. In the window that opens you should see Removable drive, click on it 2 times:

An empty window will open, which we will leave for now:

4. Now find our text file, we saved it in the previous paragraph on your desktop. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button, and in the menu that appears, select Copy:

5. Now go back to the removable drive that we just opened in step 3, click on the free field with the RIGHT mouse button and select Insert:

The document will be copied and appear in this field:

That's it, now the flash drive can be removed from the computer.

6. How to print a document on a printer

Let's say you have a printer, it is already connected to your computer and configured properly. I won’t talk about connecting the printer and settings now, as this is a topic for a separate article.

But if you already have everything set up, you can print the document in literally 2 clicks. But first, make sure the printer is turned on and has the required amount of paper.

1. Open the document you want to print:

2 . Find and open the menu in the upper left corner and select from it Seal, and then again Seal:

A window with a bunch of settings will open, but don’t be afraid of them, they are all quite simple.

Here you can select a printer, if you have several of them, the number of copies of the document, sheet format, print color, etc.

But if you don’t need any specific settings, you can leave everything as default and just click OK.

The printer will start printing and you will receive the document. By the way, in this way you can print not only a text document, but also other files, the scheme will be the same.

7. Become “YOU” with your computer and improve your life

Not having a common language with a computer today is a big problem. If 5 years ago it was excusable not to be able to work with technology, today this results in a huge obstacle for every beginner. This is because almost every profession today comes into contact with a computer in one way or another.

When I worked at a large military enterprise, we were installed a new version of the design program. It didn't cause any problems for me, just a new shell.

This can be compared to the updated packaging of my favorite candies: I didn’t stop buying them less, but was simply able to quickly adapt to the new wrapper.

But for many employees this was literally a disaster, they were so dependent on the program interface, and their brains were so desperately resistant to anything new. As a result, they were even trained to work in the new interface.

These are not the best times for Russian companies, and I don’t even need to guess who will be the first to be laid off...

And a completely opposite example is also from real life.

The engineer has more than 40 years of experience, is constantly developing and mastering not only the computer, but also all modern engineering programs. They don’t want to let such a specialist go; he is needed, in demand and speaks the same language with his young subordinates.

This is just one example. Now think about how many opportunities the ability to use a computer opens up to make money remotely via the Internet. Even after learning how to use a text editor, you can write .

Being familiar with a computer is a necessity today. It doesn’t matter where you study, today there is a huge amount of useful materials, courses, and schools on the Internet.

I will end here. I hope that the article was useful to you and helped you understand the main points. Move forward, improve, be better. That's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!

The idea for the article came from a subscriber’s question “How to print text on a printer? The printer icon is on the desktop, and the text is on the Computer Literacy website.

Or simply print text on a computer page where there is no printer icon either on the page itself or in the page file; in general, it is not possible to find a printer icon anywhere except on the desktop of my computer?”

By web page we mean any Internet page on a blog or website.

How can I do it? printer output web page (as well as email content and other similar information from the computer)?

1) The easiest way is to use the hotkeys Ctrl+P.

  • Turn on the printer.
  • Open the page you want to print.
  • Press two keys Ctrl+P at the same time,
  • The Print dialog box appears and you can print.

If you do not use the keyboard and its hotkeys, you can use with the mouse.

  • We also open the page that we want to print,
  • right click on it (right mouse button),
  • In the menu that appears, click “Print”.

2) Use the clipboard and text editor.

It is more labor-intensive, but it allows you to print exactly the information from the web page that you have selected.

Now we are preparing a springboard for accepting the cargo, or more precisely, for accepting the information that we have already placed on the clipboard. Open a text editor, for example, MS Word and press the hot keys Ctrl+V or in the top menu of the text editor click Edit – Paste (depending on the version of Word, there may be a Paste button).

Let's summarize. If you use hot keys, then after the text on the web page is selected, press Ctrl+C. Open a text editor and press Ctrl+V.

If there are no hotkeys, then after selecting the text on the web page, click Edit–Copy in the top menu, open a text editor and click Edit–Paste in the top menu.

How to print in Word? To do this, in the Word text editor, click in the upper left corner on the File menu or on the Office button, depending on the version of Word. In the menu that opens, click on the Print option, the Print dialog box appears, set the settings if necessary and click OK. The picture shows the Office button for Word 2007:

In this method, we looked at how you can copy information from a web page and place it automatically on the clipboard, and then paste it into a word processor so you can print it out for closer inspection.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you cannot re-post a copied web page anywhere on the Internet (on a blog, on a forum, on a social network, etc.) without indicating a clickable link () to the source site and to the author. This is called “content theft”, “copyright infringement”, infringement of intellectual property. As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

3) You can print the contents of a web page through an Internet browser.

This can be done using the File–Print menu or a similar button in the upper left corner of the browser menu.

The only drawback of this method is that all blog information is printed: the contents of the article, the contents of all columns, in general, absolutely everything that is on the open blog page.

This is how you can avoid it. Before printing, do a Preview and remember the page numbers you want to print. Then print only the necessary page numbers, and not everything in a row.

4) Some sites have the ability to print the text of the article.

On my blog there is such a button at the end of each article:

Just click on it, after which you will be able to preview the print. Scrolling through the preview page, at the very bottom we will see:

5) Take a screenshot of the web page and print it.

Perhaps, while wandering around the Internet, you have come across sites or blogs that have copy protection. This is how website (blog) authors protect their materials from theft, i.e. their pirated distribution on the Internet without reference to the original source site.

What to do in this case if you need to print output? I can suggest the option of using the PrtSc (Print Screen) button, placing (pasting) the screenshot in the Paint graphic editor or in a text editor, and finally, using the File menu, printing it.

A video tutorial about 4 ways to print a web page can be viewed below (the sound is turned on in the lower left corner in the video viewing window):

6) Online service to help

I suggest that experienced users use

This is a free service, albeit in English, that allows you to print a web page by its URL. First, using the tools of the online service, you can remove unnecessary elements from the web page: advertising, sidebars, etc.

Computer Literacy Exercise:

From the above options for printing a web page, choose the most suitable one for yourself and print the text of this article.

I will be glad to see your comments and questions.

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After making sure that the printer is connected, the drivers are installed and the device is working properly, you can start printing. Using the Word office program as an example, let's look at how to print text.

Open a ready-made text document or prepare it yourself, for which you need to copy or type the text on Word sheets, then edit and format it.

Further actions, based on the Office version, may vary slightly.

In version 2010 The printer icon for quick printing is displayed on the quick access panel. Pressing it will help fast printing.

In Word 2003 You will also find the printer icon without any problems.

IN 2013 There is no version of the Word icon on the Quick Access Toolbar by default, but you can easily add it by clicking the drop-down list and selecting . There is also a point below View, if you want to preview the design of the document.

You can also access the window responsible for sending to the printer through the menu File/Seal.

A universal combination will work in all versions Ctrl-P. Next you will go to the settings window. For the 2010 version it looks like this.

For 2003 So.

Here you can tune page range or specify specific numbers, select the number of copies, and specify the printer to which you want to send the document. Among the many other settings, let’s focus on the setting color or black and white print. To go to the window for setting these parameters, you should open Properties.

Here you choose Color and press OK for confirmation.

It is worth noting that these actions similar for any program that works with text.

Printing a web page

There are two ways to do this. First - copy(Ctrl+C) the desired text from the web page and insert(Ctrl+V) in text editor(for example, the same Word). Then print as shown in the first paragraph.

The second way is to print directly directly from the browser.

The easiest way to do this is by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P– a window will open settings. You can also open it using the menu button in the browser - Seal(example for Google Chrome).

Here, in settings, you can set all the same parameters as in a Word document with a slightly different interface, but quite intuitive.

How to print a picture

You can open the picture print window without even opening it by selecting in the menu, after right-clicking on the icon, item Seal.