Linux Differences – Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS Comparison

According to a message dated November 28, 2018, the operating system of the standard distribution kit of the AIS FSSP of Russia “GosLinux” is included in the “General Purpose Application Software”.

As a result of the examination, an expert opinion was prepared “on non-compliance with the requirements of Rules No. 1236.” The software is a work of CentOS, which is licensed under the GPL. The decision was made to change the class software on application software and include information in the registry.

Previously, this software product was twice denied entry into the registry. The GosLinux OS is the software of the CentOS operating system modified under the contract, the exclusive rights to which are not acquired by Red Soft Corporation LLC. The FSSP insists that the rights to the product belong to the Russian Federation.

Compatible with AlfaDoc

The Goslinux OS, in turn, is a Linux distribution based on an RPM package base that provides a secure and trusted environment for executing user application software. The developer of the distribution was the Red Soft company.

According to the developers, GosLinux is the first certified operating system based on free software, suitable for use in all government agencies, state extra-budgetary funds and local governments in Russia. The copyright holder of the product is Russian Federation represented by the Federal Bailiff Service.


Goslinux cannot be included in the register of Russian software

The application of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) for inclusion in the register of domestic software of the Goslinux OS, developed under a government contract with Red Soft, received a negative opinion from one of the representatives of the expert council. TAdviser was told about this by the FSSP in October 2016. A negative conclusion was issued, in particular, by Alexey Smirnov, adviser general director Open source software developer "Basalt open source software".

Six GLOBUS-TELECOM IT systems were tested for correct interaction with the operating system. This is a system for monitoring, inventory and technical accounting of software and hardware infrastructure “SKIT”, an analysis program network traffic“SKIT. Traffic", IT system for telephone traffic analysis "SKIT. ATS". The following were also tested: IT system for constant monitoring and hot backup of communication channels “SKIT. Duplex", business process management program Globus FDOC, multi-service integration environment for ensuring interdepartmental interaction V in electronic format"MIS.Mezhved".


Placement in the national fund of algorithms and programs

In August 2015, the FSSP told TAdviser that, together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, they placed Goslinux in the national fund of algorithms and programs.

The fund was created to store software developed with public money. As planned, customer departments will be able to place in it programs developed at their expense, and other departments will be able to use these solutions for free.

As of August 2015, the fund contains mainly specialized solutions that are not applicable to a wide range of government customers. Goslinux became the first system-wide software product in the fund.

Thus, Goslinux can be called the first operating system recommended for use by ministries and departments at the federal level.

Transition to GosLinux in the FSSP

In 2015, the FSSP planned to transfer 60% of more than 40 thousand workstations and 90% of 2.5 thousand servers to free software.


In 2014, the operating system received a certificate of conformity from FSTEC, confirming the estimated level of trust of OUD3 and compliance with the requirements of the governing document of the State Technical Commission of Russia on level 4 of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities.

“In June 2014, we recommended that territorial authorities independently carry out a gradual replacement of the outdated operating systems used (primarily Windows XP and Windows Server 2003) with the OS of a standard distribution. By July, 3,214 copies of the OS were installed in the territorial authorities,” the FSSP said.

The cost of owning open source products versus owning proprietary rights has not yet been assessed. “According to the roughest estimates, the cost of work related to Goslinux is tens of times lower than the cost of licenses for proprietary operating systems purchased by other departments,” the FSSP believes.

As of August 2015, the GosLinux OS has been installed and used by bailiffs in 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


The development of GosLinux, commissioned by the FSSP, was carried out during 2013 by the Red Soft company based on the free CentOS 6.4 distribution.

The first implementation of the OS was in the management of the FSSP of the Vladimir region. The next pilot regions were the Kostroma and Penza regions.

Many people do not even suspect that all the services that we use on the Internet are based on exactly the same computers that work in our apartments, only they are configured completely differently, cannot boast of a beautiful graphical interface and are controlled using specialized commands. These computers are called servers. Informed people, of course, know how to configure and “raise” own server. Those who are new to this business need to study more than one forum in order to finally get the hang of it. One thing is for sure: to set up an inexpensive and stable server, you need to choose an equally inexpensive and stable base, namely a Linux-based operating system. The choice of the majority falls on CentOS 7. This material contains brief information on how to install CentOS 7 and create a basic server based on it.

What is CentOS?

CentOS is Linux, the main advantage of which is stability. This system, like its closest competitor Fedora, was built on the source code of the paid Red Hat Linux distribution. The latter, in turn, is an ideal tool for system administrators whose work requires predictability, stable operation and convenient management.

CentOS cannot boast of the latest versions of packages, unlike Fedora, but every system administrator will be happy about this when Fedora or another modern distribution with its latest packages “falls”, and CentOS continues to work quietly regardless of the circumstances. This material briefly describes the process of setting up and installing CentOS 7, the main features of the system and the working environment.

Download CentOS 7

Before installing CentOS 7, you must download the operating system distribution from the official website.

There are several download options:

  • An ISO file for burning to disk is ideal for most with a full system and GUI;
  • ISO file to install from hard drive and USB flash drives - the most complete set of packages;
  • ISO for minimal downloading - contains only the basic operating system with a minimal set of packages and without a graphical interface (with this version of the distribution you can easily “raise” the server without installing anything extra).

Among boot files you can find two “live” disk images with two different desktop environments (KDE and Gnome). These images are suitable for those who want to try out the system before installing it on a hard drive.

Installing CentOS 7

Even if you select a minimal image, CentOS 7 will offer to use a graphical interface to install the system on your hard drive.

This process takes place in 6 main steps:

  • Setting the date and time - at this stage, just select your time zone, and the time will be set automatically.
  • Setting up language and layout - you must select one primary system language and one additional one, as well as specify the required keyboard layouts for them.
  • Installation source - on at this stage You don’t have to change anything, then the installation files will be taken from the system media.
  • Installation software - at this stage you need to select minimum package programs, since we need to deploy a server without a desktop and a graphical interface.
  • Installation location - at this stage we select the hard drive on which the installation will be performed, as well as the partitioning.
  • Internet setup - here you need to enter information about your Internet connection.

After entering the data, you will need to create a user profile and specify the Root password. Once the installation process is complete, your computer will restart and prompt you to start the new operating system.

Installing a CentOS 7 server

Here we will briefly talk about how to deploy universal server based on CentOS 7 with a minimum set necessary tools, which are required for its full operation.

So, first you need to find the server itself. You can either hire it online (from 250 rubles) or configure it to local machine. The only thing that will be required is the SSH credentials that will be used to log into the server. Let's take abstract as an example. mailing address [email protected] and the username and password are also centos.

You should start the configuration by creating a user and giving him all the necessary rights:

  • Add a user using the useradd centos command;
  • We create a unique password for it - passwd centos;
  • We force the system to send root mail to this user - vi /etc/aliases;
  • We give the user sudo rights with the visudo command (the command line will respond with confirmation of the operation).

Afterwards you need to disable Firewall and SeLinux. This must be done so as not to accidentally deprive yourself of access rights to the server. You can pause the Firewall using the systemctl stop firewalld and systemctl disable firewalld commands. The situation with SeLinux is a little more complicated: you need to open the corresponding configuration file in the Vi text editor using the command vi /etc/selinux/config, find the line SELINUX=enabled there and replace it with SELINUX=disabled. Then you need to reboot the system.

The next setup step is to install SSH.

To do this you need:

  • Add corresponding keys from the north [email protected].
  • Change the port in the configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to Port 222.
  • Prohibit login to the server without Root rights, entering the line PermitRootLogin without-password.
  • And restart the server with the command systemctl restart sshd.

You also need to update all systems and install epel and rpmforge storages. To do this you need:

  • Update all system elements with the yum update command.
  • Upload new system components command yum -enablerepo=cr update.
  • If the existing components are not enough, you can download more modern versions epel and rpmforge, to do this, enter the command yum -y install *address of the repository where the required version of the software is stored* (a suitable repository can be easily found on specialized resources).

Checking services, setting up Apache and PHP

For installation additional components the existing server framework will require checking and disabling some services and MTA services.

To do this you need:

  • Check which services are already running using the systemctl -t service command.
  • Disable all unnecessary ones and prevent them from starting, for example, to install mail services you will need to disable postfix using the systemctl stop postfix and systemctl disable postfix commands.

Then you need to download Apache and PHP, which are necessary for the full functioning of our server.

So for this:

  • Install the Apache package with the command yum -y install httpd.
  • We make changes to the configuration file (you need to specify the server address, name, signatures, etc.).
  • We start Apache and enable the autorun function with the commands systemctl start httpd and systemctl enable httpd.
  • Then add PHP with the command yum -y install php php-mbstring php-near.
  • Restart Apache with the command systemctl restart httpd.

Installing the MySql database management system

Before installing MySql on CentOS 7, it is worth clarifying that when using the standard Yum download manager, the system will download an alternative version of the program called MariaDB, so in the case of CentOS you will have to take a workaround.

For MySql installations necessary:

  • Download the MySql client from the official utility repository using the wget command *link to the file with the MySql client*.
  • Then install it with sudo rpm -ivh *full name of the rpm file with the required version MySql* and sudo yum install mysql-server.
  • Then confirm the operation twice by entering Y into the command line.

Zabbix monitoring

To install Zabbix on CentOS 7, you need to find the latest version of the client on the official website of the developer and then install it on the system.

To do this you need:

  • Add a repository with the rpm Uvh command *link to the rpm file with the current version of Zabbix*.
  • Update the list of available software with the yum update command.
  • Then install the Zabbix client on the system with the command yum install zabbix-agent.
  • Afterwards, all that remains is to check the client version (a third is needed) and answer affirmatively to all requests by entering Y on the command line.

Installing Zimbra mail server

Before installing Zimbra on CentOS 7, you need to prepare the system for this.

So, you need to do the following:

  • Correctly configure the etc/hosts and hostname file.
  • Allow all Zimbra ports in iptables.
  • Turn off SeLinux.
  • Disable all MTA services.
  • Update the operating system with the yum update -y command.
  • Then you need to download the appropriate packages with the command yum install perl perl-core ntpl nmap sudo libidn gmp.
  • Then - the Zimbra utility itself *link to the file with the current version of the Zimbra utility*.
  • Unpack the file with the tar command and go to the appropriate directory with the cd command.
  • Then you need to start the installation process with the command ./ —platform-override.
In popular usage, "Linux" often refers to a group of distributed operating systems built on the Linux kernel. In the strictest sense of the word, though, Linux only refers to the presence of the kernel itself. In order to install a complete operating system, distributions often include a set of tools and libraries from the GNU Project and other sources. Other developers in Lately use Linux to create and run mobile applications; he also plays key role in the development of affordable devices such as Chromebooks, which run the operating system on the kernel. IN cloud computing and server environments in general, is popular choice for several practical reasons:
  • Its distributions remain current and are supported by communities of other developers.
  • It can run on a wide range of hardware and fit next to existing existing systems(a useful feature of local development conditions).
  • It supports centralized installation of software from pre-existing repositories.
  • Its need for resources is low.
  • This is often the top of the mind when developers build application ecosystems and snap-ins for servers, resulting in high levels of compatibility.
  • He supports necessary changes in the behavior of the operating system.

Linux also has its origins in the open source movement, and as a result, some developers choose it for a combination of ethical and practical reasons:

  • For some developers, using Linux represents a commitment to accessibility and freedom of expression.
  • The Linux community is also a draw for some developers: when they have questions, they can turn to resources provided by that community or go directly to one of the many active maintainers.

To understand the role of Linux within the developer community (and beyond), this article will outline Short story Linux by Unix, and also discuss some popular Linux distributions.

Roots in Unix

Linux has its roots in Unix and Multics, two projects that share the goal of creating a reliable multi-user operating system.

The Beginnings of Unix

Unix developed from the Multics project computer science The Bell Laboratories Research Center. Developers working on Multics at Bell Labs and elsewhere were interested in creating a multi-user operating system with single-level, dynamic linking storage (in which running process can request that another segment be added to the address space, allowing it to execute that segment's code) and a hierarchical file system.

Bell Labs stopped funding the Multics project in 1969, but a team of researchers, including Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, continued to work with the project's basic principles. In 1972-3 they decided to rewrite the system in C, which made Unix uniquely portable: unlike other modern operating systems, he can simultaneously move and survive his equipment.

Research and development at Bell Labs (later AT&T), continued with Unix System Laboratories developing a version of Unix, in collaboration with Sun Microsystems, that would be widely adopted by commercial Unix vendors. At the same time, research continued in academic circles, primarily computer systems Research Group at the University of California at Berkeley. This group produced the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), which inspired a number of operating systems, many of which are still in use today. Two BSD distributions for historical reference are NeXTStep, the operating system started with NeXT that became the basis for MacOS, among other products, and MINIX, the educational operating system that shaped both basic foundation for Linus Torvalds, as a result of this basis, he developed Linux.

Basic Unix Features

Unix is ​​oriented around the principles of clarity, portability, and concurrency.

  • Clarity: Unix's modular design allows functions to be run in a limited and in a certain way. Its file system is unified and hierarchical, making data processing easier. Unlike some of its predecessors, Unix implements hundreds (not thousands) system calls, each intended for a direct and clear purpose.
  • Portability: By writing Unix in C, the team at Bell Labs positioned Unix for widespread use and adoption. C was designed to have low-level memory access, minimal runtime latency, and efficient communication between the language and machine instructions. Being based in C makes Unix more flexible and easy to run on a variety of hardware.
  • Concurrency: The Unix kernel is tailored to the goal (in collaboration with the Multics project) of supporting multiple users and worker processes. Kernel space remains distinct from user space in Unix, allowing multiple applications to run simultaneously.

Evolution of Linux

Unix picks up important questions for developers, but it also remained proprietary in its early iterations. In the next chapter of its story, how developers worked within and against it to create free and open source alternatives.

Open Source Experiments

Richard Stallman was a central figure among the developers who were inspired to create non-proprietary alternatives to Unix. Working in the laboratory artificial intelligence MIT, he began working on the GNU Project (recursive for "GNU is not Unix!"), eventually leaving the lab in 1984 so that he could distribute GNU components as free software. The GNU kernel, known as the GNU Hurd, became the focus of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), founded in 1985 and currently led by Stallman.

Meanwhile, another developer developed another free alternative Unix: Finnish student Linus Torvalds. After becoming frustrated with MINIX to obtain a license, Torvalds announced the MINIX user group on August 25, 1991, he began developing his own operating system that resembled MINIX. Although originally developed on MINIX using the GNU C compiler, the Linux kernel quickly became a unique project with the kernel developers releasing version 1.0 of the kernel with Torvalds in 1994.

Torvalds was the implementer of the GNU code, including the GNU C Compiler and its kernel, and it remains true that many Linux distributions rely on GNU components. Stallman lobbied to expand the term "Linux" to "GNU/Linux", which he argues would capture both the GNU Project's role in the development of the Linux system and the core ideals to which the GNU Project and the Linux kernel contributed. Today, "Linux" is often used to refer to both the presence of the Linux kernel and GNU elements. At the same time, embedded systems on many portable devices and smartphones often use the Linux kernel with a small amount GNU components.

Basic Linux Features

Although the Linux kernel inherits many of the goals and properties from Unix, it differs from the previous system in the following ways:

  • Its main component is the kernel, which is developed independently of other operating system components. This means that Linux borrows elements from various sources (eg GNU), which unifies the entire operating system.
  • It's free and open source. Supported by a community of developers, the kernel is licensed under the GNU General Public License (an offshoot of the FSF's work on the GNU Project), and is available for download and modification. The GPL stipulates that a derivative work must maintain the license terms of the original software.
  • It has a monolithic kernel similar to Unix, but it can dynamically load and unload kernel code on demand.
  • It has symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support, unlike traditional Unix implementations. This means that one operating system can have access to multiple processors that share main memory and access to all I/O devices.
  • The kernel is proactive, another difference from Unix. This means that the scheduler can force a switch to a driver or other part of the kernel at runtime.
  • The kernel does not distinguish between threads and normal processes.
  • Includes a command line interface (CLI) and may also include a graphical user interface (GUI).

Popular Linux distributions

Developers today support many popular distributions Linux. Among the oldest is , free and open source, which has 50,000 software packages. Debian was inspired by another popular distribution funded by Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu uses the deb package format and Debian package management tools.

A similar dependency exists between Red Hat, Fedora and . Red Hat created the distribution in 1993 and a decade later split its efforts into Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora, a community-based operating system that uses the Linux kernel and elements from the GNU project. Red Hat is also involved with the CentOS project, another popular Linux distribution for web servers. This ratio, however, does not include paid Maintenance. Debian, CentOS is supported by a community of developers.


In this article we looked at the roots in Linux in Unix and some of them characteristic features. Any comments can be left in the comments below.

Despite the enormous popularity of the operating room Windows systems and relatively easy opportunity install a hacked version with impunity, a significant number of users prefer completely free product and decides to use one of the Linux distributions. But their huge variety can be a significant obstacle for beginner Linux users.

Comparison of CentOS and Ubuntu distributions.

One of the most famous Linux builds are Ubuntu and CentOS. And surely those who want to choose the most suitable version to satisfy their own needs, is faced with which of them is the simplest and most accessible for home user. In this article, we will compare these two distributions on various metrics. After reading this material, you will be able to better understand the features of Ubuntu and CentOS, and you will also be able to definitely decide which one to install on your computer or laptop.

In a nutshell, Ubuntu is primarily intended for ordinary home users who do not set too high goals for the system. It is important for them that the distribution can be very easily installed, quickly configured, so that all programs are regularly updated and do not need to be searched all over the Internet. They use the computer as a multimedia entertainment center and are also looking for various information on the Internet or communicate on social networks or through instant messengers.

At the same time, CentOS is aimed mainly at large companies and server equipment, although many are successfully used on home devices. Such users usually have an idea of ​​what exactly they want from the operating system and use it primarily for work purposes, for example, in enterprises or when organizing a server.

Both products are developed by serious organizations with significant weight in the free software market. But, given the initial focus on different groups users have their own characteristics. Let's get to know them better.

Developer and history of creation

Both assemblies are practically peers, since the first versions were released in 2004. Ubuntu is being developed by the Canonical team, which took the popular Debian distribution as a basis and relied on convenience and ease of use for ordinary users who use the computer primarily for entertainment. In addition, the company supports the development of a universal software environment, aiming to ensure that their operating system can run on almost any device, including smartphones and tablets. On the one hand, this is convenient for the end user, but, on the other hand, it is impossible to work on all fronts at the same time and in some cases the user suffers. Recently there have been many complaints regarding unstable work or unclear decisions. In parallel with the product for household consumers, Canonical is developing a server version of Ubuntu and, according to statistics, today it is the most popular distribution used on network equipment.

Regarding CentOS, this version of Linux is developed by Red Hat Linux. This is an incredibly famous and reputable developer of operating systems for large companies and servers. Since the main version is paid and it receives updates first, CentOS is built from it source code and also receives regular updates, albeit with a slight lag from the original Red Hat Linux.

It is noteworthy that all the newest features in Ubuntu are only available in the latest versions, so if you want to get the latest functionality, you need to constantly update the version of the operating system. At the same time, using CentOS, even a fairly old build, you will continue to receive regular updates. Even the support period will differ significantly: two years for Ubuntu and 10 years for CentOS.

In this indicator, preference should still be given to CentOS, since its developer is much more reputable and, accordingly, this version of the OS is incredibly stable. Due to Canonical being torn on several fronts, Ubuntu very often has stability problems, although it receives latest features much more often from a competitor.

Software and updates

Since both distributions come from different branches, they support different formats application installation files. In Ubuntu it is the same as in Debian - deb, while in CentOS it is inherited from Red Hat Linux rpm format. By by and large, there is practically no difference between them, because they are installed in the same way. The only difference is that CentOS downloads a little more data when you update the repository, and there are no recommended dependencies.

A more significant difference is in the amount of available software. Ubuntu has an advanced Software Center where you can find almost any application, even the newest ones. Yes, you can download programs manually from the developers’ website, but not all of them offer a ready-made installation file, and in this case you have to deal with dependencies manually. But it’s much more convenient to do this when there is an excellent online catalog in which everything is collected in one place. In addition, in the system settings you can add any repository and the programs contained in it will automatically be available in the application center. So with the software on Ubuntu problems Hardly ever. The only thing to consider is the unavailability of some old software.

In Centos the situation is somewhat different, and the difference is more related to the developer’s policies. Since the emphasis is on stable work, you may not find latest updates, and some programs may be completely unavailable. But it is much easier to find old, but proven software.

In this indicator, it is quite difficult to give preference to any distribution. It all depends on how you feel about software updates. If you like to have the latest and receive regular updates, go for Ubuntu. If stability is more important to you, for which you are willing to neglect novelty, you can choose CentOS.

Desktop and graphical shell

In this component, the difference is even more significant, since different graphical shells are used. Ubuntu uses its own Unity development, which the company created based on the Gnome 3 desktop. It uses many graphic effects, among which we can note translucent background. The notification panel is located by default at the top of the screen, and the icons of the most frequently used programs are at the left edge. The shell is constantly being improved and various improvements are regularly announced. If you're switching to Linux from Windows, the menu organization can be quite confusing at first.

CentOS, on the other hand, uses the old and proven Gnome 2. Interestingly, it is considered outdated, new versions are practically never released, and its appearance very old fashioned. But everything works very stably, and the built-in functionality is quite enough to perform everyday tasks. Of course, there is no problem changing the shell in Linux, but if the system was originally designed for Gnome 2, then the system will work best with it.

Installation process

Each version of Linux uses different installation utilities. But again it’s worth paying attention to who the distributions are primarily aimed at. Since Ubuntu is intended primarily for home users, its installer is much simplified, you only need to select the offered functions. It has a convenient graphical interface, and also provides basic settings, disk partitioning and creating user profiles.

CentOS has a more complex installer, but much more is available. large quantity parameters. Therefore, for proper installation you need to have at least basic knowledge and an idea of ​​what you expect from the operating system.

In this component, Ubuntu will still be preferable for a household consumer because of its simplicity. You will only move from step to step and choose from the proposed options, whereas in CentOS you need to independently select the parameters of each item.

Operation stability

Ubuntu releases several types of releases: with a regular support period and with long-term support, the so-called LTS. The company claims the latter as a very reliable and stable distribution. But this is a very controversial issue, especially if you read the support forums. By default, everything works quite stably and without failures, but as soon as you install some unusual program or activate a non-standard function, many errors pop up that significantly affect the stability of operation. It is noteworthy that the developers are not particularly eager to eliminate shortcomings. Maybe they just don't get around to it.

CentOS, in turn, undergoes thorough verification and testing before release. Yes, this distribution has more than old version software, but everything is carefully adjusted, configured and tested.

Therefore, if stability is important to you, choose CentOS. If you want to use the latest software at the expense of stability, choose Ubuntu.

Support and community

On any operating system you may need technical support. And given that you are just starting to use Linux and it is significantly different from other operating systems, it is quite expected that you will have various questions. It is for this purpose that various forums and communities are created. The more popular the distribution, the more information you will be able to find. At the same time, it is advisable that it be in your native Russian language, since not everyone speaks English.

In this regard, Ubuntu is the undisputed leader. The vast majority of all instructions and almost all materials for beginners are designed specifically for this Linux version. You can be sure that whatever question you have, it will not remain unresolved. In addition to the advanced official support portal, there are many communities on social networks and forums on various sites where more experienced and advanced users share their experiences with beginners.

CentOS is primarily designed for server hardware and large organizations, so there is significantly less information for beginners and home users than its competitor. Yes, there is official documentation, but it is written in rather complex technical language, and in the vast majority of cases in English.

ADVICE. Therefore, if you are new to the world of Linux, it is better to install Ubuntu, naturally. If you have some experience and want to try something new and more challenging, try CentOS.


We only compared two popular Linux distributions: Ubuntu and CentOS. Let us briefly recall the main differences between CentOS and the Ubuntu system.

Designed primarily for complete beginners and for home users who use the computer for entertainment and light work.Designed for use on server equipment and in large companies.
Developed by Canonical, which, in addition to Ubuntu for the computer, is developing versions for the server, as well as for mobile devices. The distribution is based on Debian.It is a fork of Red Hat Linux and is maintained by this developer. In essence, it is a free version of the enterprise offer, and new versions are released shortly after the main system is updated.
Uses the installation format deb file. You can find almost anything in the Ubuntu Software Center required application, even released just recently. If necessary, you can add repositories in the settings, thus significantly expanding the number of sources.Uses the rpm installation file format. The software is somewhat outdated and you may not find the latest or greatest popular programs. It also has a software center with the ability to connect additional repositories. The emphasis is on job stability.
Uses graphical shell own development- Unity, created on the basis of Gnome 3. Various innovations are constantly announced.It works on the basis of outdated Gnome 2. At the same time, it works very stable and the functionality is quite sufficient for most tasks.
A very simple installer with a user-friendly graphical interface is used.The installer is aimed at more experienced users and requires more fine-tuning.
The newest versions have noticeable stability issues.It works incredibly stable because it undergoes more thorough testing before release.
A huge reference database, including in Russian, a very large community of users.Most documentation is only available in English, no. reference materials quite limited.

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, choose exactly the distribution that will meet all your needs. In the comments, tell us which version of Linux you decided to choose: Ubuntu or CentOS.

In this article we will take a look at another popular and current Linux distribution -Centos (Community ENTerprise Operating System) . The commercial basis is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the OS appeared in 2004. Each version is supported for a period of 10 years, releases are updated every 6 months. The system is considered a free and popular analogue of RHEL. It is characterized by characteristic stability and can work perfectly on computers with 64-bit and 32-bit architecture.

An important feature of Centos is All software products designed for Linux run on this OS.. The system is supported by enthusiasts, but nevertheless new versions are released every two years and are constantly updated. The Centos installation process is simple and straightforward, even for regular user, and this does not at all mean that the system is inferior; on the contrary, Centos is a full-fledged OS.

System characteristics : updates for this OS are received through the yum program; a rapidly growing support community with a build, test, and bug fix system; support is provided through forums, there is a large and clear FAQ; It is possible to buy paid support.

One of the most popular and relevant releases -Centos 7 (there are currently 5 OS versions in total). Whichmajor changes were introduced in this version compared to previous releases:

  1. Kernel update to 3.10.0
  2. Providing Linux Containers
  3. Open VMware Tools and 3D graphics drivers out of the box
  4. OpenJDK-7 - JDK configured by default
  5. Providing an update from version 6.5 to 7.0 (only from 6.5, many significant changes)
  6. LVM snapshots with ext4 and XFS
  7. Switching to systemd, firewalld and GRUB2
  8. XFS - default file system
  9. iSCSI and FCoE in the core
  10. Providing PTPv2
  11. Support network cards 40G Ethernet
  12. Ensuring installation in mode UEFI Secure Boot on supported hardware.

Main features of Centos OS as a whole. Well, first of all, Centos attracts users because it is free, unlike RHEL, which is provided on a commercial basis. On the technical side, the efficiency of RHEL repositories is distinguished by high level, which ensures the security of the system. GCC technologies like SSP (stack protection), PIE are used. The software set is relevant and typical for modern operating systems: versions of office, server and development packages, programs and utilities are provided (KDE and Gnome with compiz and AIGLX, Firefox and Evolution, MySQL and PostgreSQL, Apache and PHP, etc.). Detailed technical documentation is also provided and there is a large OS support staff that you can contact and get answers to all your questions about this system.

To work with Centos OS on our VPS servers, we provide you with several instructions on our blog:

About system shortcomings , users often note that the distribution kit is not always included latest versions programs, including the Linux kernel, are also not always new. That's why this system not suitable for those who like daily updates. Although any system can be updated to your “taste”, and this disadvantage will not be considered as significant.

Centos OS is recommended for organizations and individuals who do not need expensive licenses and maintenance, and server stability is a priority. Company Hyper Host™ will install for free Centos OS the latest version on any of its tariffs or .

Read about how to choose the right OS for running a server.

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