Navigation tablet. Pros of using a GPS navigator in your car. If the manufacturer does not provide cards

It is physically impossible to know every street. Well, what to do if you find yourself in a huge foreign city? Get lost? No. Not in our age and not with our technologies. Now almost everyone has such a thing as a tablet. And today we are talking about how to make a navigator out of a tablet.

Preparation and miraculous transformation

The very concept of “navigator” implies: an assistant in terrain orientation. And our faithful friend the tablet will solve this issue for us if we help him a little. we or walk on the tablet by and large spit. This is a question for the software being installed. But more about it below.

Now let’s figure out whether our tablet can act as a navigator. So where to start? If until now we didn’t have the information on our tablet, then it’s time to master it.

Step by step to a miracle

We go to “Settings”, which is in the “Applications” menu, and look at the “Location” button there. She is - hurray! We are on on the right track. Next, we look for “ GPS satellites" Found it? Look how it's flooded. The “companions” immediately celebrated. And we realized that we have a navigator for the tablet.

To further advance along the chosen path, we will be provided with maps of the area. There are a lot of them. The most convenient and therefore popular are Google maps and Yandex maps. And since the base of our device is called Android, we are happy to use the first one, i.e. Google.

Video on how to enable GPS on Android:

Oh almighty Google Maps

We access the application from the main menu of the tablet. The first time the program meets us, it will ask you to indicate our location. Which is what we do. I advise you to switch to a Wi-Fi connection at this stage, if you haven’t already, because you will have to download a lot.

Car owners will appreciate this application. Here you can immediately specify two points (start and end) and draw desired route. We can even set the travel time that we would like to spend on this trip. We can access Google Navigator using the icon with an up arrow. After all the operations performed, we can view in detail the entire laid path, and there is also a menu that controls the tablet.

If the manufacturer does not provide cards

Here's the problem: when we carried out the first steps in searching for a navigator program on a tablet, which are described at the beginning of the article, we discovered that it was missing. It's no big deal. We don’t worry, but install maps from the Play Market ourselves (when we have Android, if not, there are maps for any platform). And then everything follows the previously stated scenario.

Here I want to pay tribute to Yandex maps. Even if the manufacturer deprived us of a navigator in the configuration of the device, this application determines the location using Wi-Fi connections and works with A-GPS.

And in fairness, I’ll mention a few more good applications that you can install and not regret about it:

These are the applications that allow you to use your tablet as a navigator. Next, let's look at what there are that allow us to do this. After all, in order for everything to work out, our tablet must have a built-in GPS module.

Models with GPS, all the pros and cons

Today, you probably won’t find a tablet that doesn’t have a built-in GPS module. But we are concerned about something else: will such a device work as well as a GPS navigator specifically designed for terrain navigation? Will. And in some aspects, a tablet is even better than a dedicated GPS device.

Brief overview of tablets

Now we know how to use a tablet as a navigator, and below are some models tablet devices in different price categories and with different capabilities:

Pros and cons of our idea

Modern tablets have all the qualities of GPS navigators that allow them to be used in a car. Well, in what ways they are superior and in what ways they are inferior, let’s look further.

Here are the pros and cons. The conclusion from all of the above is the following: a tablet is worthy replacement to the navigator. But if we want to replace the navigator with a tablet, then the latter should be medium or High Quality . Then this replacement will be complete and will not cause us any complaints. But the Chinese are not suitable for these purposes due to their low navigation options, and the hardware itself in general.

Please add comments to the article below and express your opinion on the topic.

Android is one of the two (the second IOS) most common operating systems for tablets and smartphones Samsung Galaxy, LG, Lenovo, etc.

Its advantage is large quantities free applications, supporting GPS navigation. Unfortunately, the quality of many of them leaves much to be desired.

Some of the most popular and free GPS applications running on a phone running Android 6.0, 5.1, 4.4, 4.4 2 and so on - Google Maps, Yanosik, MapaMap, Navatar.

Your Android tablet or smartphone offers enormous possibilities and can serve as an ideal travel guide.

It can take you directly to your place of residence using various audio-visual aids.

To enable the GPS module on your Android, make sure that it is built into your phone.

This can be determined by the application GPS Test and then start the system global positioning on our device.

How to check that a tablet or smartphone has GPS and turn it on

The easiest way to find out if your phone has built-in GPS and turn it on is to use a special GPS app Test.

If you know that your device has it, then you can proceed directly to enable it.

If you are not sure, download the application from the play market, which automatically determines the signal level. Once installed, you should see a screen similar to the one below.

If there is a green icon in the status window in the upper left corner, this means that GPS is turned on. If the icon is red, then it is turned off - then you need to enable geodata.

The application will automatically take you to the geolocation options where you must enable GPS (geodata). Please note that the location of this menu may vary depending on the device and operating system version.

How to enable GPS on a smartphone with Android 6.0 and Android 5.1

If you have not installed the application, open “Settings” and go to the “Privacy and Security” section.

Then click on the “Geodata” item.

Now just move the slider to the right to enable the built-in GPS module in your Android phone.

NOTE: the above images are from a Samsung Galaxy A3 smartphone running Android 6.0.1.

How to enable GPS on a tablet with Android 4.4 and Android 4.4.2.

To enable navigation, open “Settings”, go to the “My location” section and check the appropriate boxes.

Then log into your desktop, go to “Menu” and click on the “Navigation” icon.

How to enable voice GPS on an Android phone

On Google Play Store There are many programs for GPS navigation. Unfortunately, most of them either have very limited functionality or requires payment.

Open the application, read the terms of use and accept them. On the next green screen, click Next.

Then select a country from the list and click "Import" to download road maps. You can download more later.

Maps take up many megabytes and downloading them using mobile internet (eg 3G) can be quite expensive. Therefore it is better to use wifi.

Maps may take a few minutes to download, depending on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the map. Once loaded, you will see a green screen, slide it to the left and then click "Let's get started"

To make using the application easier, I recommend starting with home address(or whatever you will use most often).

To do this, go to main screen in the left top corner and enter the address in the search field, then select an item from the list and press Enter.

The map will open. Click the gray block with the address. In the new window, click set as “Home” from the list below. In the new window, click set as “Home”.

The application will display a map. To return, click on the three lines icon in the lower right corner.

Over time you will discover that Navfree has many additional options. For example, the route can be changed in many ways. You can add stops, select a tour and set a security mode.

If you are traveling internationally, I recommend downloading additional cards in the update.

Navfree settings also allow you to switch to pedestrian mode, which is useful when walking.

Also noteworthy night mode. Thanks to it, your smartphone or tablet will not distract you with too high brightness.

How to turn on GPS without internet

At using gps it takes data from antennas. The accuracy and quality of such navigation is not ideal.

It is much better if the data comes directly from satellites. Then navigation occurs without the Internet.

For me, the best app for this is “ Navitel Navigator", it uses the phone's built-in locator, but it's not free.

Despite the growing infrastructure in our country, you can still find places where wireless access connection to the Internet is impossible, so GPS without a navigator will come in handy, and not only in places without Internet coverage.

Today there are many applications that allow you to download previously selected maps to your smartphone or tablet for later use.

Programs for GPS navigation and their brief characteristics

  • Google Maps is one of the most popular applications on the phone. Works quite well on line and has the ability to display Google orthomosaics.
  • Yanosik - works on the Internet, the service is a little complicated, but the user has access to current information about traffic jams, accidents and radars.
  • MapaMap - works offline (without internet), but the most useful feature available only with subscription.
  • Navatar works online and has many useful features.
  • OviMpas - work via the Internet. Available for Nokia phone users.
  • Route 66 - works offline (without the Internet), and online version after the purchase.
  • Vito Navigator - works offline (without internet), basic version(free) very modest.
  • NaviExpert - works online, free trial version only.
  • Skobbler free version only in offline mode, modest selection of functions.

That's all. Good luck.

Using your tablet as car navigator seems like a good idea to many. We tried to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of using a tablet as a navigator, and also collected a number of recommendations that will help you do this in the most efficient way. effective way.

Pros and cons of using a tablet as a navigator

Today satellite navigation in a car can be implemented through the built-in infotainment system of the car, using a smartphone, a specialized car navigator or tablet.

Navigation built into the car's infotainment system is still an attribute of mostly expensive trim levels. In addition, it is often limited to a certain region, and loading new maps into it can become non-trivial task. Still, most motorists choose other solutions.

The tablet has a number undeniable advantages as a navigator compared to a smartphone. The most important thing is the screen diagonal and saving the phone's charge. Navigation applications consume quite a lot of energy, as they also use the receiver. GPS signal, And wireless interfaces, but the always-on display consumes the most energy. Using a tablet, you can constantly stay connected and also make navigation more comfortable.

Compared to a specialized navigator, a tablet provides a larger screen and, as a rule, a better-functioning touch surface. It allows you to receive operational information about traffic jams, and can also perform other functions, such as entertainment. It can work autonomously, since navigators are often not equipped with any serious battery. And of course, the user is free to choose the navigation program that he likes best. It is no secret that some solutions are better for one country, while others are better for another.

Pros of using a tablet as a navigator.

  1. Large screen diagonal.
  2. Ease of use of the interface due to better job touch screen surface, and due to its size.
  3. Ability to activate other functions, including entertainment.
  4. Possibility of obtaining operational information about the traffic situation.
  5. Provide flexibility in choosing navigation software.
  6. Autonomy.

Tablets also have disadvantages compared to other solutions. First of all, these are the dimensions of the gadget. A large screen, of course, is a wonderful thing, but when installing a tablet in a car, you will have to solve several problems. First of all, find a mount that will have an appropriate frame and can support the entire tablet. Then you will need to find a place for it on the dashboard of the car so that the tablet is easily accessible, clearly visible and at the same time does not greatly impair visibility.

The tablet can also get very hot in the summer, again due to its size, which is not in the best possible way may affect his life expectancy.

Navigation applications are quite resource-intensive, so tablets can work slower than specialized navigators. After all, in addition to the navigation program itself, the processor also runs a heavier OS and other applications in background. Also, tablets can be worse identified by coordinators. Often less powerful receivers are installed in them. However, all these disadvantages are offset by the increased productivity of tablets, as well as the widespread use of A-GPS, which in urban conditions makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining coordinates.

Finally, tablets used as navigators may cost more than a specialized device.

  1. Disadvantages of using a tablet as a navigator.
  2. Big sizes and weight: it is difficult to find a comfortable place on the dashboard, there are difficulties in finding fastenings.
  3. There is a risk of slower application startup and slower performance.
  4. In some cases, worse determination of coordinates.
  5. Price.

Which tablet to choose for use as a car navigator

As you can see, the advantages of using a tablet as a navigator can still outweigh the disadvantages. At the same time, most of the disadvantages can be eliminated through proper selection of the tablet. These are the criteria we take as a basis, although everyone can choose a tablet at their own discretion.

Screen diagonal. Optimal diagonal for a tablet that will be used as a navigator, 7-8 inches can be considered. These are relatively compact devices, and at the same time their screen is larger than a smartphone or a specialized navigator. Considering that phablets today have a diagonal of 5.5-6.1 inches, a 7-8-inch tablet may not differ significantly from them in size, which means it will be easier to find a mount for such a tablet. Screen resolution is not of fundamental importance, but the higher it is, the better.

You can also take a tablet as a navigator, with a 9-10-inch screen. However, such a device will be more difficult to place in a car. At the same time, such a diagonal looks preferable if you plan to take the tablet out of the car and use it not only as a navigator.

Processor and volume random access memory. The ideal would be a mid-range processor with 4-8 cores and 2 GB of RAM, for example, the Snapdragon 600 series. However, such a platform may be more expensive than we would like. In general, for last years performance level mobile processors has grown, so today the problem of choosing a hardware platform is not so acute. It can be considered that a 4-core chip and 1 GB of RAM should be considered the minimum acceptable solution.

Storage capacity. Navigation maps can take up a lot of space, especially if you use offline applications. Therefore, it is advisable that the tablet have at least 16 GB of flash memory; if you plan to watch movies on the device or play on it, and not just use it as a navigator, then it is better to have 32 GB. Availability of card slot microSD memory will not be superfluous.

GPS. You can talk for a long time about the qualities of a particular GPS module, GLONASS support, etc. However, more important for a tablet as a navigator is the presence of A-GPS. A-GPS, in addition satellite signal uses a signal to determine coordinates cell towers and other sources. In urban conditions, A-GPS increases the accuracy of determining coordinates and also reduces the start time when launching the application.

Wireless modules. It is best when the tablet is equipped with 3G or 4G modules. They allow you to receive operational status information traffic, do not limit the list of navigation applications to offline applications, etc. The minimum option is Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which can be used to distribute to a tablet Mobile Internet from a smartphone.

Battery capacity. In principle, it is not critical, since in a car the tablet will most likely be constantly connected to the network, for example, through the cigarette lighter. However, sometimes you will need to work without power. Offline mode navigation must be maintained for at least 3-4 hours. We believe that a 3000-4000 mAh battery will be quite sufficient for these purposes.

operating system. Any navigation is suitable operating system for tablets, but we will still focus on Android. Firstly, this is the most popular platform. Secondly, inexpensive models are produced on its basis, which can be considered as an alternative to a navigator.

Price. Here everyone chooses based on their capabilities, but we believe that such a device can be found for 6-10 thousand rubles and it will be quite affordable for the average motorist.

Now that we’ve figured out the main characteristics, let’s see what the market offers.

Tablets for navigation

Lenovo TAB 3 730X LTE costs an average of 9,660 rubles. This is the price for a tablet with a 16 GB drive. New model under Android control 6.0 has a MediaTek MT8735 processor with four cores and a frequency of 1000 MHz. The tablet has 1 GB of RAM and supports microSD memory cards up to 64 GB. The resolution of the 7-inch display is 1024x600 pixels. Eat LTE support and other communication standards. GPS has A-GPS support. Attached to everything is a 3450 mAh battery.

ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Z170CG costs almost 1000 rubles cheaper, its average price is 8989 rubles. The tablet's 7-inch screen has a resolution of 1024x600 pixels. The device is built on a 4-core processor Intel Atom x3 with a frequency of 1.2 GHz, has a gigabyte of RAM on a 16 GB drive. There is support for microSD memory cards up to 64 GB. The gadget works with Wi-Fi and 3G. It even has two SIM cards. A-GPS support is present. A 13 Wh battery can last for a day of work.

Continues to lower rates. Average Huawei price MediaPad T1 7 3G - 7790 rubles. The tablet has a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024x600 pixels. The device is powered by a 4-core Spreadtrum SC7731G processor with a frequency of 1200 MHz, has 1 GB of RAM and a 16 GB storage device, supports 3G and A-GPS. The battery capacity of the gadget is 4100 mAh.

Prestigio MultiPad PMT3508 4G at a price of 7380 rubles is already an 8-inch version. It has a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. The tablet is equipped MediaTek processor MT8735 with four cores and a frequency of 1300 MHz. The RAM capacity is 1 GB, the storage capacity is 16 GB, memory cards up to 32 GB are supported. The tablet works with Wi-Fi and 3G, LTE. Battery capacity 4200 mAh.

The Prestigio MultiPad PMT3108C costs even less – an average of 5990, which means you can find a more reasonable price. It's made on Intel platform Atom. The Atom x3 C3230 processor has 4 cores and a frequency of 1200 MHz. The tablet has 1 GB of RAM. 8-inch display with a resolution of 1280x800. It only has 8GB of storage, no A-GPS, and supports 3G. Battery capacity – 4200 mAh.

As you can see, the choice of tablets with suitable characteristics in the declared price category very large. These may not necessarily be completely unknown brands. Moreover, if you sacrifice some characteristics, you can choose even more cheap model.

Mount for tablet navigator

The equipment of tablets, especially inexpensive ones, like those we cited as an example above, is usually very modest. Therefore, if a person wants to use a tablet as a navigator, he will have to spend money on accessories.

The most important of them is car mount for tablet. The choice of mount depends on where you plan to place the tablet.

There are two main options. The first is mounting to the windshield. The tablet can be mounted to the right or left of the steering wheel. In this case, the tablet, due to its large diagonal, will limit visibility. However, if you place it to the left of the steering wheel, the field of view will be reduced less than if you place it on the right.

A magnetic tablet holder looks like a convenient option: easy to remove, easy to install. However, it will only hold devices with a mechanical housing well. Such a gadget costs about 2500-3000 rubles.

We are more inclined to the classic option, for example, like this TiTech TT-CHU10. The tablet is fixed using fasteners. The cost of this option is cheaper - about 1000-1500 rubles. When choosing a holder, it is better to evaluate it visually: it should be strong enough, with a good suction cup.

The second option is to place the tablet a little lower and attach it to the blowers. This solution also has a peculiarity. The tablet does not block the driver's view, but at the same time he must tilt his head to see the route and be distracted from the road. In addition, attachment to the duct will automatically result in winter time Warm air will blow on the tablet, however, in the summer the gadget will be additionally cooled by the air conditioner.

As with the windshield mount, you can choose a magnetic holder. It will cost about 2500 rubles, or a more traditional option for 1000-1400 rubles. As an example, we chose Scosche MagicMount Vent and Kropsson HR-S200Tab.

The car will also need Charger. The USB cable is already included with the tablet. You will need a cigarette lighter adapter. If your car does not have a separate outlet for charging devices, it is better to take an adapter with a USB splitter so that you can charge both your tablet and smartphone. Its price is about 300-400 rubles. However, you can find more expensive options.

Navigation programs

The offer of navigation software for the Android platform is also huge, as is the selection of tablets.

Generally navigation programs can be online and offline. The first ones, as a rule, are paid, and you will have to pay both for the application itself and for the cards for it. The latter are often free, but either do not work or have extremely limited functionality without an Internet connection, so you will have to pay in any case: either for the application or for traffic.

You should also take into account that navigation is not so much an application as it is maps, which must be of high quality and constantly updated. At the same time, it should be noted that in addition to global map providers, there are also those whose Russian maps will be better than foreign ones and vice versa. In this sense, domestic navigators may be more useful than foreign ones. Although this is a matter of taste, wallet and habit of one or another interface.

Finally, navigation apps can have online services, such as live traffic information.

By default, all owners of Android tablets have access to them right out of the box. google maps Maps. With their help, you can navigate the terrain quite well. They also support satellite view. Google Maps can provide directions, but in practice they only work correctly in the USA and parts of Europe.

In our latitudes, Google Maps does not always know house numbers, it can lose streets and roads, and when plotting a route, they often choose very strange methods of movement. As full-fledged navigator There's actually no point in using them.

Navitel Navigator GPS & Maps

  • Developer: Navitel.
  • Grade: 4,2.
  • Number of downloads: 10-50 million.

One of the most famous Russian programs for navigation. It traces its history back to Windows times CE. Android 2.0 and higher are supported. During this time, Navitel has gained extensive experience in software development and map creation. It should be noted that Navitel is very often installed on specialized navigators, so if you migrate to a tablet, then you can preserve your familiar environment with it.

Navitel supports 64 countries around the world, including all former USSR and neighboring states. The program is offered for 7 days free of charge, after which you will need to purchase the application. Cards also need to be purchased, however, at a discount you can take a card for a certain period - 1 year - this option is convenient in case of a relatively short trip.

Navitel supports 2D and 3D navigation modes, traffic jams are supported, POIs are supplied with the maps, there is a list of speed cameras, good statistics movements (speed, altitude, distance traveled, etc.).


  • Developer: Yandex.
  • Grade: 4,2.
  • Number of downloads: 10-50 million.

Yandex.Navigator developed from Yandex.Maps, but has already grown into a good online navigator.

Yandex.Navigator has, perhaps, the best implementation of up-to-date traffic information. The navigator can automatically adjust the route taking into account the traffic situation, including traffic jams and road repairs. Also monitors toll roads.

Route history and favorite points are supported. They are always saved in the cloud, so they can be accessed on other devices.

Yandex supports navigation well in the CIS and Turkey. Outside of them you can find better navigators.


  • Developer: NFB Investment Corp.
  • Grade: 4,9.
  • Number of downloads: 1-5 million.

PROGOROD is another Russian navigator with a good history, although not as popular as others.

The program offers up-to-date information about the traffic situation, there is support for three-dimensional mode, automatic switching into it on difficult sections of roads, voice input, speed camera warning, gesture support.

The app uses OpenStreetMap, which is generally good since it's free. Also, the application is not limited by geography. However, OpenStreetMap's update speed leaves much to be desired, as does its accuracy.

PROGOROD still attracts affiliate programs, by participating in which you can get discounts on fuel or some services.

The application is offline, but paid. You can use it for free for 10 days, if you register - another 20.

iGO Navigation

  • Developer: NNG Software Development and Commercial LLC.
  • Grade: 3,9.
  • Number of downloads: 100-500 thousand.

iGO - once popular navigation application for smartphones on Windows based CE and others. The release on Android was quite delayed, but it finally came out and has a stable audience.

iGO - paid offline maps with convenient and intuitive clear interface, the ability to choose routes depending on your goals (speed, distance, fuel economy). Supported in almost all countries of the world. There are three-dimensional and two-dimensional navigation modes. Three-dimensional models of landmarks are offered separately.

One of the disadvantages of the program is monetization; you will have to pay literally for every sneeze, including for voice prompts.

Waze - Navigator with traffic jams

  • Developer:Waze.
  • Grade: 4,6.
  • Number of downloads: 100-500 million.

Waze is an example of a navigator based on an open project with an open community. The application is free, but requires an Internet connection. The application content is generated in to a large extent by its users. They correct maps and provide up-to-date road information and POIs. Therefore, the quality of the application directly depends on how active the Waze community is in a particular city. The larger it is, the better cards, those more benefits, not only in terms of prompt notification of traffic jams, but even in choosing the lowest price at the gas station.

At the same time, Waze constantly works with both GPS and the Internet, and the engine is clearly not optimized, so even on the Play Market page the battery drains quickly. We also note that the interface is not the most intuitive.

To summarize, we note that ideal application no for navigation. A lot depends on the quality of the cards. If for cities with a million population this is not a problem, then for smaller ones settlements may become the main selection criterion. Detailing can be very poor.

In our opinion, the most critical characteristics for navigation applications are:

  1. the presence of two-dimensional and three-dimensional modes, especially at interchanges;
  2. POI support, preferably supplied with maps and at the same price;
  3. the presence of a night mode so as not to blind your eyes;
  4. Availability of a service with up-to-date traffic information.


Tablet as a navigator - real solution, especially when driving in a car and even on long distances happens often. It will also help if you go on a trip and, in general, are lovers of auto tourism.

A tablet will be more expensive than a specialized navigator, however big screen and the ability to enable entertainment features or keep track of orders/deliveries offset the extra costs.

If you drive exclusively within the city, then a navigator may be preferable.

Trend modern world- wide use mobile devices. Tablets are conquering the market with enormous speed. It is not surprising that this device began to combine functionality that had not previously been used in pocket computers. We will talk about a tablet navigator. Were needed before individual devices. And today this role is successfully fulfilled by the tablet.

To describe briefly, main detail process is GPS receiver. This is a small module inside the tablet that exchanges signals with satellites. The most common system is based on the use of a network of foreign satellites, the so-called GPS. To clearly determine the position on the ground with an accuracy of up to a meter, signals from several stations are processed at once.

In general, the process can be compared to radio direction finding. From one source you can determine the direction, from two - approximate coordinates. The method works on a plane, but has low accuracy when changing the height of the desired point. Three satellites already make it possible to carry out the clearest possible tracing. In reality, the GPS module works with at least four sources, since one is needed to correct time references, because the navigator is constantly moving in space.

  • worldwide coverage;
  • available at any time of the day or night;
  • There are many more satellites over Western countries, which increases the accuracy of tracing;
  • .has been released to work with this structure.

In general, the system is free. Manufacturers software may charge money for their work, which, for the most part, consists of providing additional services. For example, the Navitel company sells detailed maps terrain. Other companies charge for convenient search services and restaurant selection services, for example.

Additional systems

Now let's talk about how the navigator on the tablet works. Searching for satellite signals takes quite a lot of time. Especially if the tablet user is surrounded by reinforced concrete high-rise buildings.

The process can take from ten seconds to several minutes. Therefore it was created A-GPS system, which is designed to speed up the start of navigator systems. In this case, the tablet does not take the first location references from satellites, but receives them, which tracks the location of the device using its towers.

A-GPS accuracy is poor, especially in rough terrain. On flat steppe, positioning is possible within 15 meters. However, such information is enough to carry out primary data processing and build a map.

It should be remembered that supporting A-GPS is quite a troublesome task, especially since it requires additional equipment. Therefore some operators mobile communications may provide such services for an additional fee.

Domestic positioning system

In order to prevent surveillance and provide their own secure structure for global positioning, Russia and the CIS countries have created their own system of satellites. It's called GLONASS.

GLONASS is a domestic analogue of GPS

This structure has undeniable dignity. It works in Russia and the north of the Eurasian continent much more accurately than the system American satellites GPS. In addition, searching for sources is faster, navigation starts and tracks the device's position in seconds.

But there is also a drawback. Outside of Russia, you can forget about using GLONASS. Negotiations on expanding the satellite system throughout Earth did not give results. For the same reason GPS system over Russia has less accuracy - the number of American satellites was limited as a response measure.

Today, a tablet navigator that can work simultaneously in two positioning systems has become widespread. This is convenient, as it allows you to achieve maximum accuracy in any country and city. Most navigation programs can work with both GLONASS and GPS.

Other options

In addition to the convenience of determining your location and plotting a route to your destination, the GPS module also provides others:

  1. Working as a lighthouse. The device can be tracked by knowing the identifier;
  2. GPS is widely used in a complex of car alarm systems and security systems- to search for stolen cars;
  3. Tracking possible Vehicle, analyze the routes of movement of personnel, for example, couriers;
  4. After all, they can find out where their child is at any moment.

The navigator on the tablet has already given rise to many rather loud discussions about the ethics of employers’ demands to record employee location data, the admissibility of analyzing such information, interference with privacy, and similar critical issues. But technology is developing and improving. Sooner or later, this will change people's attitude towards such problems.

Video on how to use the navigator on Android:

A tablet navigator has given a person the opportunity to lead an active life without having to carry around a suitcase of various devices. If earlier, navigator, phone, Notebook, the voice recorder were separate devices, then the tablet successfully performs these functions. Moreover, it does it better, because it combines advantages, almost excluding disadvantages.

It is not surprising that the navigator in a tablet has become an almost integral program for those who often travel while driving. You don’t have to worry about charging, and information about your location, route, and traffic congestion is at your fingertips. A tablet with a navigator has really changed the life of a modern person.

GPS navigator is the most useful thing for people who often visit new places or travel by car. Orientation in space via satellite is an incredibly convenient feature. Previously, only special devices had this feature, but now many tablets can boast of this function. Gadgets have many advantages over classic navigators, so purchasing a “tablet” is much more logical. Choose the most suitable device our traditional rating will help best tablets with a GPS navigator, which will definitely not allow you to get lost in an unknown area.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T580

Today's most popular tablet with a 10-inch diagonal boasts rich and rich Full HD resolution and good sensor responsiveness. The GPS navigator works very quickly, showing the slightest movements, and also supports GLONASS. High quality and convenient tablet from Samsung with a fast 8-core processor with a frequency of 1600 MHz, as well as an excellent 8 MP rear camera. With GPS turned on, the operating time of the device can reach 13-15 hours, since it runs on Wi-Fi, which is much more economical than transmitting data over mobile networks.


  • capacious battery - 7300 mAh
  • good amount of RAM - 2 GB
  • good front camera – 2 MP
  • Supports many video and audio formats
  • high-quality assembly


  • all speakers are on one side only
  • no support for 3G and LTE

Huawei Mediapad T2 7.0 Pro

If you want to choose a tablet with a GPS navigator and GLONASS module with small screen, nose a huge amount additional functions, it’s worth paying attention to the new product from Huawei. The proposed model has a 7-inch display with a 1920x1200 image format, slots for two SIM cards and an excellent 5 MP front camera. The rear optics with a 13 megapixel matrix are also worthy of attention, which you will definitely need when traveling. For a price tag of 15,000 rubles, this set of functions is simply wonderful. Fans of high-quality stylish electronics should definitely watch the official video review of the tablet.


  • 8-core chip with a frequency of 1500 MHz
  • RAM 2 GB
  • 4360 mAh battery
  • fingerprint scanner
  • fast connection to satellites
  • good sound


  • minor problems with backlight settings
  • inconvenient location of the fingerprint scanner

Lenovo Tab 3 TB3-850M

Next in the ranking we will consider a good one Chinese tablet with GPS from Lenovo. The 8-inch diagonal model with HD display allows you to enjoy a responsive touch and fast work a system that interacts perfectly with navigators from Google and Yandex. Two SIM cards are a great opportunity to use inexpensive tablet even outside your region or country.


  • picks up the signal perfectly
  • working in mobile phone mode
  • good battery 4290 mAh
  • processor with 4 cores and a frequency of 1000 MHz


  • The top part gets very hot sometimes
  • weak cameras

ASUS ZenPad 8.0 Z380M

If on new gadget You have allocated only 10,000 rubles, the question of which tablet with a GPS navigator to buy should be clear - ASUS ZenPad 8.0. A fast 4-core chip with a frequency of 1200 MHz, an 8″ diagonal HD display, 5 and 2 MP cameras – a chic set of parameters for a budget device. Confirms excellent value for money good job tablet by connecting to the network from the cigarette lighter: this method allows you to charge a 15.2-watt battery in a couple of hours.


  • The battery lasts for 8-10 hours
  • fits comfortably in your hands thanks to ergonomic curved edges
  • fast operation of GPS navigator
  • great appearance
  • tablet with good screen


  • little RAM - only 1 GB
  • weak Wi-Fi module
  • no flash on the main camera

Prestigio MultiPad PMT3118С

Our TOP continues with a high-quality budget tablet with a GPS module from Prestigio. It may not be very well known in wide circles, but this does not reduce its attractiveness. Combination of simultaneous operation with 2 SIM cards, metal case and an 8-inch HD display – an offer you shouldn’t refuse. The tablet can be bought quite inexpensively, the price will not exceed 5,000 rubles.


  • 4000 mAh battery
  • 4-core processor at 1200 MHz
  • display with good viewing angles and good brightness
  • combination of price and functionality
  • light weight and compact dimensions


  • weak cameras
  • quiet speaker

Irbis TZ745

After looking through several forums and looking at many driver reviews about this tablet, you might think that only taxi drivers use it. Of course, in this profession, a gadget for 3000-4000 rubles is an ideal option inexpensive GPS navigator, but the Irbis public sector employee is also popular among ordinary buyers. Inexpensive, easy to use, does not slow down, works with two SIM cards, cards load quickly... What else does a driver need to be happy? Of course, the tablet will not handle toys well, because its characteristics are frankly weak for them, but the device is not intended for entertainment at all.


  • there is support for A-GPS
  • processor Spreadtrum SC7731G at 1.3 Ghz
  • display with good resolution
  • combination of price and quality
  • good navigation quality


  • no light sensor
  • small amount of RAM
  • light indication not installed

Prestigio MultiPad PMT3147

Another cheap tablet with GPS navigator from the one mentioned above Chinese company slightly more functional compared to its predecessor. Front-camera received a 3.2 MP matrix, rear – 5 MP. The 4-core processor works with an increased speed of up to 1300 MHz frequency, which even allows you to play some games. Two SIM cards are an excellent option for any driver, so having two slots is definitely worth adding to the mix.


  • 7-inch screen, picture format 1024x600
  • The battery, despite its small capacity of 2800 mAh, holds a charge well
  • good optimization
  • latest version of Android OS 6.0
  • fast 3G internet


  • no flash on cameras
  • Screen viewing angles

Which tablet with GPS navigator should I buy?

A good tablet, optimized for GPS support, is the best travel companion for any traveler. Buying a simple navigator today does not make sense, since most “tablets” are capable of accurately plotting a route and telling you the way to your destination using maps and the Internet. In addition, the devices also offer many additional features that will definitely be useful on the road. The TOP 7 best tablets with a GPS navigator, selected by our experts, which have received the best reviews from customers, will help you find the ideal model.