Running programs in a virtual environment. Antivirus sandboxes. Introduction

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about a very useful program these days - Sandboxie. Sandboxie is a computer sandbox that allows you to protect your computer from viruses and provide relaxing Internet surfing. The program has several more useful features which I will discuss later.

How does Sandboxie work?

It's very simple, the program creates a dedicated environment inside Windows designed to safely run applications on a PC, and also blocks access to the system for malware. Some antiviruses have similar features, such as TS 360, Comodo Internet Security, and Avast! Pro. The sandbox is currently one of the best tools for fighting viruses.

By running any program in sandbox mode, you localize all the capabilities of the program in the sandbox; the program or virus cannot have any impact on your OS. Thus, in the sandbox you can run and test anything without harming the OS. If you run your browser in a sandbox, you can surf the Internet without the risk of infecting your browser or computer.

The main areas of use of the Sandboxie sandbox are:

  • Scan for dangerous and unfamiliar programs
  • Tracking program actions
  • Safe surfing the Internet

For more information about the capabilities of the sandbox, see my video review:

What else can Sandboxie do?

The program can also launch several program windows, for example, you can launch 2 or more Skype windows; in normal mode, you can launch only one program window. Some launch several windows of online games through the sandbox).

The program also allows you to use trial programs forever. For example, you can use any program that has a limited period of free use. Every time you run the program in the sandbox, you can reset the trial of the program).

If you know other methods of using the sandbox, write about it in the comments and I will add this information to the main article.

The Internet is simply teeming with viruses. They can be disguised as useful programs, or they can even be built into a working program. (Quite often found in hacked programs, so you should treat hacked programs with distrust, especially if you download from suspicious sites). So you installed the program and something else was installed on your computer as a bonus (at best, programs for hidden surfing or miners), and at worst, warriors, backdoors, stealers and other dirty tricks.

There are 2 options if you don't trust the file.
— Running a virus in the sandbox
— Using virtual machines

In this article we will look at the 1st option - sandbox for windows.

Sandbox for Windows is a great opportunity to work with suspicious files, we will look at how to start using the sandbox.
If you use antiviruses, sandboxes are often built into them. But I don’t like these things and I think it’s best to download the sandbox on the website

The program allows you to run a file in a specially designated area, beyond which viruses cannot escape and harm the computer.

You can download the program for free. But, after 2 weeks of use, a sign indicating an offer to buy a subscription will appear when turned on, and the program can be launched in a few seconds. But the program still remains fully functional. Installation will not be difficult. And the interface itself is quite simple.

By default, the program will start itself when you turn on the computer. If the program is running, a tray icon will appear. If not, go to Start-All Programs-Sandboxie-Manage sandboxie.
The easiest way to run a program in the sandbox is to right-click on the launch file or shortcut of the desired program, and in the menu you will see the words “Run in sandbox”, click and run. Select the desired profile in which to run and click OK. That's it, the required program runs in a safe environment and viruses will not escape the sandbox.

Attention: some infected programs do not allow launching in sandboxes and virtual machines, forcing you to launch them directly. If you encounter such a reaction, the best thing to do is delete the file, otherwise you run at your own peril and risk


If launch in the sandbox does not appear in the context menu (when you right-click), go to the program window, select Configure - Integration into Windows Explorer - and check the two boxes under the words "Actions - run in the sandbox."

You can create different sandboxes. To do this, click Sandbox - create a sandbox and write the name of the new one. You can also delete old ones in the sandbox section (recommended).

There is nothing more to consider in the program. Lastly, I want to say - Take care of your data and your computer! Until next time

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The so-called sandbox is a relatively new feature in the shareware Avast antivirus packages! Pro and Avast! Internet Security. This is a special security model, thanks to which the user can visit websites and run a variety of applications while being in a secure environment. This function helps to avoid viruses if you accidentally switch to potentially . If it hits a malicious resource, the browser will be automatically placed in a sandbox, and therefore infection of the computer will be prevented.
In free versions of Avast! There is no sandbox.

The new function can also be launched independently when you enable third-party programs that seem suspicious or unreliable to you. Just run the program in the sandbox and you will find out whether it really poses a threat or whether your fears are unfounded. When checking the program, your system will be protected by Avast. The sandbox is often used when checking software downloaded from the Internet.

How to use the sandbox

In order to launch a dubious application or access the Internet through a sandbox, click on the request “run virtualized process”. After that, go to the program you need on your computer. The browser or application will launch in a new special window, framed by a red frame, indicating that the program was successfully launched from the sandbox.
In the “advanced settings” tab, you can assign applications that do not need to be virtualized, as well as those that should always be launched from the sandbox.

A characteristic feature of the sandbox is the ability to embed it in the context menu. To enable this option, in the “Options” window, check the box next to “embed in right-click context menu.” The option can be made available both to all users and to users with administrator rights. With its help, you can launch any application in the sandbox by just right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting the “run with” command.

Please note that if you right-click on a sandboxed application, the context menu that opens will give you the option to run it once outside the sandbox or to remove the application from the sandbox.

The Internet and computer technology have completely taken over the modern world. Now almost every person has an electronic device with which he can find the necessary information on the Internet or chat with friends at any time and anywhere. But we should not forget that sometimes there is a hidden threat behind this - viruses and malicious files created and launched into the global network to infect user data. In addition to standard antiviruses, sandbox programs have been created to help prevent their access to the computer.

Purpose and principle of the program

Sandbox programs are designed to ensure the security of your computer while surfing the Internet or executing various programs. In simpler terms, we can say that this program is a kind of limited virtual space in which all user actions are carried out. A program that is launched while the sandbox is running works only in this environment and, if it is a malicious virus, its access to system files is blocked.

Advantages of the sandbox

Perhaps the first advantage of this application can be taken from the paragraph above - it limits the access of malicious files to the system. Even if viruses, for example, Trojans or worms, were picked up while surfing the Internet, but at that time the user was working with the sandbox turned on, the viruses will not penetrate anywhere else, and when the sandbox is cleaned, they will be completely removed from the computer without a trace . In addition, such programs help speed up your computer. Since most sandbox activities are related to work in browsers, each time you launch it (Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox), the user will see an absolutely clean and as if newly installed browser, which does not have the usual slow-down garbage - “cache” "

Disadvantages of the sandbox

There are those too, and the most important thing is deleting personal data, be it bookmarks, pages saved while browsing the Internet, or even history. The program is not configured to recognize what exactly is harmful to the device, so when cleaned, absolutely all data is permanently deleted from it. The user needs to take this into account and, if necessary, synchronize the necessary bookmarks or use special applications designed to save such data.

At the moment, there are many names of such programs, among the well-known ones are Sandboxie, Comodo Internet Security, etc. Everyone chooses the one that is more convenient and understandable for him. In any case, you should not forget about the disadvantages of these programs and use them carefully.

Avast is one of the antivirus programs. Installation and registration are as simple as possible. There are versions for PC and mobile devices. In this case, a license for the first year of use can be obtained absolutely free. Avast offers various additional security options. The ability to add exceptions is also implemented here.

You will need

  • Computer, mobile device, Internet.


Inside the file system screen, click the “Settings” button, then select the “Exceptions” tab. By clicking on "Browse", you will see the contents of the hard drive. Select exceptions by double-clicking the desired folders or files and clicking OK. Confirm your choice in the next window by clicking OK again.

Sandboxie is a program that allows you to run applications in a protected virtual environment (sandbox) and exercise full control over their operation.

How Sandboxie works

The sandbox creates a special protected shell. Any program launched through Sandboxie will not have access to system files, the Windows registry, and will not be able to affect its performance in any way, because runs in an isolated environment.

Running applications in a sandbox allows you to protect the system from viruses and various malicious objects, completely isolating Windows from any unwanted influence.

In addition, Sandboxie makes web surfing safer. By running any browser (, etc.) in a sandbox, you don’t have to worry about viruses and other malware from the Internet getting into your computer.

Sandboxie also protects against unwanted updates and can monitor email, identifying viruses, Trojans, spyware and other malicious objects.

Limitations of the free version

Please note: Sandboxie is a shareware program. You can work with it for free only under the condition of home, non-commercial use.

  1. Only one sandbox can be running at a time;
  2. After 30 days from the moment of installation, a proposal to upgrade to the paid version will be displayed (upgrading is not necessary, the program will remain fully functional at all times, with the exception of point 1.).

The paid version does not have the above restrictions.

Download Sandboxie

The latest version of the Sandboxie sandbox for Windows 32 and 64-bit in Russian is available for download on our website.

Download Sandboxie for free, without registration.

Sandboxie is a program that allows you to run applications in a protected virtual environment (sandbox).

Version: Sandboxie 5.28

Size: 5.93 MB

Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP

Russian language

Program status: Shareware

Developer: Ronen Tzur

Official site:

What's new in version: List of changes