How to create your own hosting? First steps of a hosting provider. A simple guide to creating your own server hosting

Brief and simple: We rent a server in a data center, install it on it operating system and virtual hosting control panel. (CPanel, ISP Manager, etc.), we create a website for selling hosting services and run advertising. All. We are reaping dividends.

And now it’s long and difficult: this moment Providing hosting services on the World Wide Web is a very profitable business if you approach this issue wisely, you can build a serious virtual business. If anyone doesn’t know, hosting involves providing space on a server ( special computer, which has an Internet connection and ensures the functioning of sites). How to create your own website hosting, where should you start?

It should be understood that the concept of high-quality hosting involves not only reliable equipment, provision of space on the server, and the necessary software. It is also necessary to provide customers from a technical point of view. Today, almost any company is ready to provide the client with a place at a reasonable price, excellent software and powerful equipment, but the services High Quality, which provide support and maintenance of sites, are not at all easy to find. Then, if you are really thinking about how to create your own website hosting, you should understand that at the initial stage certain investments will be required, the size of these investments is determined by the overall scale of the project that is planned to be implemented. As a rule, experts recommend starting with cheap hosting; after some time, you can gradually increase your turnover and expand the package of available services.

How can a beginner create his own website hosting?

The most important point, which is often overlooked, is the knowledge base about the business you are going to do. If you are unable to personally understand hardware and software, you need to find people who can advise your future clients. At the initial stage, you can involve relatives, friends, acquaintances, the most important thing is that the client does not wait long while you are solving a particular problem.

It is best to prepare in advance for the fact that there will be a lot of email, calls and messages from clients, because even on a hosting that works perfectly, there are still clients with certain questions that they want answers to as quickly as possible. You also need to remember that what larger size hosting, the more people you need to provide quality technical support.

Most quick way create hosting almost free of charge - reselling. This method involves acquisition from large company places on the server, then these places are simply resold to third parties.

Hosting as a type of service has developed along with the Web and has always been most widely in demand specifically for hosting websites in data centers of providers.

Virtualization technology, which emerged later, attracted the attention of hosting service providers because it proved to be a suitable means for maximum use available physical resources.

The terms VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) or VPS ( Virtual Private Server), denoting a virtual dedicated server running on a physical server, appeared almost a decade ago.

In subsequent years, VDS/VPS as a type of hosting service has evolved along with software virtualization today provides users with ample opportunities for flexible resource allocation and changing virtual server parameters, choosing software platforms and tools, including analytics and protection against DDoS attacks. A virtual dedicated server can support the required number of websites, databases, domain zones, etc. A number of providers offer hosting with an SSD (Solid State Drive) option.

To each according to his needs

To choose best option web hosting, you need to know the requirements of your project. To do this, it is worth answering a number of questions.

▍What type of website are you planning to create?

This could be, for example, a WordPress site for publishing content, Ghost for blogging, or static HTML-website. They all have different hosting requirements.

Examples of websites: static (HTML), web applications, content management system.

▍What are the technical requirements of the site?

Once you have decided on the type of site, you need to make a list of technical requirements, including programming languages ​​and database types.

▍What level of security is required?

Although any site needs at least minimum level security, for some types of sites it is necessary enhanced protection. For example, data may be processed on them bank cards or storing personal data of users.

▍Is email hosting required?

You may be using email addresses associated with your site's domain name, such as [email protected]. In this case, you can use postal service your hosting provider, if they offer it, or use the services of another company.

▍How many websites are you planning to create?

If there are several of them, is it possible to assign each a subdomain like, or is a domain required? top level like Do these sites have Additional requirements, for example, do they need databases?

▍How much data is expected to be stored and maintained?

The capacity of your virtual server is not only a matter of traffic, but also the size/number of files. The larger the files, the greater the storage capacity and network bandwidth required. For example, if the site stores high-quality images or videos, then these requirements are high.

▍What initial traffic is expected?

Hosting services are usually segmented by traffic. In fact, most new sites have little traffic. But if he grows up, you need to be sure that virtual server will cope with it.

▍What kind of traffic is expected in the future?

Do you expect significant traffic growth in the future? If so, you need to plan ahead to increase capacity and throughput.

▍What is your budget for hosting?

If it is very limited, then some bells and whistles will have to be abandoned. Conversely, flexible financing can benefit from additional funds and functions.

Essentially an autonomous system ecommerce is just another type of content management system. The difference is that user interface and security features are optimized for creating an online store type site. Technical requirements the same as in the case of a regular CMS. Most systems require PHP and MySQL.

Among the popular autonomous systems e-commerce - Magento, Prestashop, Opencart, Shopify, ZenCart.

If you use plugins or extensions, you need to make sure that the content management system is supported by your hosting provider, and see what requirements it imposes this plugin or expansion.
Whether you're running a standalone e-commerce site or a plugin-based site, in most cases your hosting provider should include additional security measures such as SSL certificates.


The Ghost blogging platform is somewhat different from the above systems. On the backend, it uses JavaScript-based Node.js. The best options for Ghost are hosting your site with a self-managed Ghost(Pro) service, or hosting and managing it with a service like the Digital Ocean droplet.

The first option is optimal if you have limited experience with command line and server management, and the second one can be considered if you already know how to manage your own servers or want to learn it.


You will likely need your own security measures, such as using security plugins in your content management system. But it is also important that the hosting provider uses strong security tools and features on its end.
You need to know what security measures the hosting provider takes to protect its servers.

pay attention to firewalls, detection means malware, DDoS protection, are servers monitored for unusual activity etc.

SSL certificates are needed in almost all cases when deploying an e-commerce site. You need to make sure you can get SSL certificate when using the hosting package you purchase.

Some providers offer an IP Deny tool. It allows you to block access to your site from specific IPs. This is very handy tool against hackers and spammers.


Sometimes, even with the best precautions and protections, your site may suffer from hackers or other unpredictable events. That is why it is important to choose a hosting that provides regular backups, which will allow you to restore your site.

You need to be convinced not only of the fact itself Reserve copy, but also find out with what regularity it is performed. Ideally - once a day.


If you want your hosting provider to handle email addresses, then you need to first check that email support is included in their tariff plan. If this is the case, then you need to find out how many email accounts you can have and whether this is enough for what you need. Most hosting providers include email and usually without restrictions on accounts, but this is not always the case. Alternatively, you can use third party service, such as Gmail.

▍Storage capacity and network bandwidth

Naturally, these requirements depend on the amount of data stored and the expected traffic. A text site usually does not have problems with the amount of data. Another thing is photos and videos.

For example, you have a gallery of 10 images, 200 KB each, with a total volume of 2 MB. If 100 people view this gallery, then 200 MB are transferred over the network. If there are 1000 people, then 2 GB. Generally speaking, most sites will work just fine with throughput typical hosting. However, if you especially a large number of data and you know what will happen high traffic, then you need to find out exactly how much bandwidth you have been allocated, and whether you will exceed it, and how to switch to another tariff plan if traffic and data volume grows without website downtime.

▍Additional domains

Your hosting provider gives you an IP address like, but remembering such addresses is difficult, so domain names are used. How many websites are you going to host with the provider? In many cases, the entry-level package involves creating a single site that receives Domain name. But most hosting providers allow unlimited use of subdomains like If this option does not suit you to create several sites, and you need top-level domains, then you will need an appropriate tariff plan.


If you're building multiple sites, you'll likely also need multiple databases. As with domains, entry-level plans typically only allow one database. Make sure your plan has enough databases, but you can upgrade to a different plan later if needed. As we said earlier, the most common type of database used by CMS and e-commerce sites is MySQL. However, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or SQlite may also be required. Decide on the type of database you need and make sure that your hosting provider supports it.

▍Managed hosting

We have already talked about types of hosting, so we will not dwell on them in detail. Let us only note that when you manage a WordPress site or e-commerce site yourself, you are responsible for installing the site and updating it, protecting the site from hackers and malware, creating backup copies, blocking spam and attacks, creating a CDN (Content Delivery Network), if used, as well as for registering users and protecting their personal data, processing and protecting bank card data, etc.

Types of hosting: shared hosting, dedicated, virtual server, cloud and managed hosting.

Managed hosting is usually offered for websites specific type(WordPress, Ghost, etc.). In this case, most of the listed tasks are performed by the provider. This offer is especially valuable in the case of processing personal and financial data. He is also responsible for optimizing the speed and performance of VPS. However, such hosting is more expensive and usually allows for the creation of fewer sites.

In addition to the above, we note some other points that are worth paying attention to when choosing a hosting provider:

  1. Reasonable price. This seems obvious, but it's a good idea to compare offers and see what exactly the hosting provider includes in their packages.
  2. A user-friendly control panel, such as cPanel or ISPmanager, for which there are numerous online guides and blogs.
  3. If you have a team of employees working on your virtual server and you need several simultaneous connections to VDS (more than two), you can rent RDS CAL licenses.
  4. Competent and responsive support 24*7. It's good if there is different ways contact – phone, email, website, etc.
  5. Reliable and uninterrupted operation of servers. Usually a reliability level of 99.5% is sufficient, but sometimes 99.9% is required. A guarantee is preferable to just words. You can track your site's performance using the Uptime Robot or Pingdom tool.
  6. The payment mechanism should be flexible and comfortable for you, for example, it could be an annual subscription or monthly payments.
  7. For e-commerce sites – SSH access and SSL certificates.
  8. Opportunities for growth. Is it possible to upgrade a VPS or dedicated server? Is it possible to change the type of hosting without transferring the entire site?
VDS/VPS services have become widespread and are in demand among those website owners who want virtual hosting is no longer enough, but the allocated physical server not required. Along with low cost And convenient control VPS is attractive due to its simple scalability: computing resources, memory or storage capacity can be added without problems. VPS is often used by small companies for website hosting, development and testing software and deployment of content management systems. Add tags

Hello everyone, dear friends, topic for today, why do you need hosting? So what's this. A person who plans to create his own website sooner or later faces the question of where and how to place it. A simple way at first glance is to place it on your computer. But the quantity pitfalls, embedded in this placement path, can scare off even a very experienced user.

If you decide to install a website on your computer, then first of all you will need broadband Internet, preferably from two providers. It is very important to remember that your computer will need to work around the clock in order for site visitors to have permanent access to him. In addition, you will need installation additional programs, which are difficult to operate and configure. Due to all these difficulties, there is a second option, hosting the site.

Hosting is the service of providing space on a server. In other words, a company offers space on its servers to host web pages. At the same time, they provide servers with uninterrupted access to the Internet, and with the help of specialized software, access to posted materials. That is, to the question, why do you need hosting?, the answer is quite simple.

Good hosting is secure storage for all the files on your site and a means of securing it correct operation. Therefore, if you want to create a website and not just a website, but a truly fully functional, professional website, then first of all you should think about the quality of the hosting provided. For a serious Internet project it is better to choose paid option. Since in addition to providing such a bonus as a first or second level domain, a large volume disk space, paid hosting allows you to upload any files without any restrictions.

The procedure for placing a website on hosting depends on the type of your website. If your web page is a set of html files, then simply copy these files to the hosting, calling home page index.html. If your site uses a content management system (CMS), then the best option will install and configure this system directly on the hosting.

Now you know, why do you need hosting? So what's this. How to make your own website and place it on hosting, you can learn from my free course, you can access the course. You may also need the services of professionals; I recommend high-quality website promotion in St. Petersburg. Which hosting to choose is a topic for a separate article, but I can also recommend the hosting that I personally use and it suits me one hundred percent. good and fast support, high-quality uninterrupted work, everything works great. This is hosting from Timeweb company. You can buy hosting from this company using the link below.

In this article we will talk about an interesting question for many: how to create your own hosting, “make” it, open or organize it, we will also try to analyze all the possibilities and limitations of this idea, and in the comments clarify and discuss the remaining points.

It's no secret that modern society It can hardly exist without IT technologies that are associated with the creation, storage and processing of information. Moreover, without this, not a single decent business process can exist, the lion’s share of which takes place in world wide web and connects billions of people with communications. IN modern conditions and realities arises, therefore, an urgent need to place important information, which must be constantly on the Network (Internet). And - one of the options for such placement.

Hosting is a "service to provide computing power to place information on a server that is constantly located on the network (usually the Internet)"

To put it more in simple language, we can say that hosting is the provision of space on a server ( powerful computer) to place information on it (for example, websites) that is constantly accessible from the Network (Internet).

How to create your own hosting: several ways to start

Organizing your own hosting involves many conditions that you must have or specifically create in order to provide high-quality and reliable hosting services. Now it’s no secret that hosting services are provided a huge amount companies and providers, from small to large. In these conditions, there is great competition, in which you will not only have to get on your feet, but also win your “place in the sun,” and this is impossible without really quality work. Therefore, the question “how to create your own hosting” involves thinking through unique ways to solve this issue related to your entry into the market.

Reselling as a way to create your own hosting

Probably, the first thing that novice hosting providers and hosting owners most often turn to is the so-called reseller hosting. Reselling literally means reselling hosting services. This is perhaps the fastest and cheapest (and sometimes absolutely free way) start in creating your own hosting. The bottom line (see the link for our offer on reseller hosting) is that you can purchase from a large hosting company, for example, a ready-made hosting solution (reseller hosting plans, virtual server or rent a physical server), which, as a rule, specifically created by such companies for resellers (i.e. resellers). For many companies, reseller hosting involves you first purchasing hosting from a given company, and then you can resell it to your clients at a price that is favorable to you. Unlike this approach of other companies, our project website offers a completely free one, with the help of which the question “how to create your own hosting” turns into a simple solution. There are more pros than cons when reselling hosting, as these are:

  • cheap(in fact, we have this fast start from scratch at zero costs);
  • reliably(we take care of technical support and support for your clients);
  • available possibility of permanent income by attracting more and more new clients, as well as receiving monthly income from clients who are already using our hosting.

Renting a server as the answer to the question “how to create your own hosting”

There is, of course, another, second way to answer the question “how to create your own hosting”. And this method is associated with (both virtual and physical). IN in this case you rent a dedicated server from a hosting company, fully prepare it for full-fledged “combat” work and manage its resources the way you want. This approach is already much more labor-intensive and requires the necessary and sufficient experience both in managing the server and in organizing the hosting itself as a business process. In this case, you yourself will be fully responsible for and solve all the problems that arise with your clients and hosting customers and bear responsibility for this.

Third answer to “how to create your own hosting”: buying your own server

In this third method for creating your own hosting, you buy your own server, register it and place it in the so-called data center. This will be the most expensive option for you as a beginner hoster. One thing here is that there are very big advantages in the future. You will be the full owner of such a server and will be able to dispose of it as you wish and entirely at your own discretion. One of the costs you will have to rent is space for a server in the data center in which you will place it.

How to create your own hosting? Try to start simple!

In all of the above options, we briefly showed growth of your capabilities as your hosting equipment grows. Naturally, what better conditions to start, both financially and in any other way, the better things can go for you. However, you should not forget about the serious risks that may lie in wait for you: this is competition, and the insufficiency of your experience or competence in solving upcoming problems and business processes, and much more.

Therefore, in concluding this article, we would recommend that you start with more simple options when deciding on the question of how to create your own hosting, and move towards more complex and profitable options gradually. Start with, for example. If you have success, then you can move on to more complex schemes. At least for at this stage You may already have developed and worked out a scheme for attracting future clients of your hosting, understanding the nuances of organizing business processes that are associated with.

Gradually developing and improving, as well as earning initial capital, you can gradually enter more serious business processes, which ideally should allow your clients and customers.

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So, as mentioned above, we decided to publicize our existing skills, experience, and ideas for building hosting. For this purpose, we will try to prepare a series of articles and in them we will try to describe the most important things that a person who wants to create a business in this area needs to know: possible options work at minimum investment, where to start, etc. This article Let's make it introductory and generally informative.

Hosting is a complex of main components:

1. Brand

Decide how you want to position yourself in the eyes of clients, develop a slogan. But remember, the slogan must convey the main message, the main idea of ​​your project. Slogans based on “ best hosting”, “fastest hosting”, “ great service, excellent result” Unfortunately, they can have the opposite effect. To claim that you are the best, you need to be the best. But to achieve such a result you need to work hard and selflessly.

2. Domain name

The domain name for your hosting site is a similarly important element, since throughout the existence of the Internet and hosting, many “interesting” domains have already been taken, so the task will not be as simple as it might seem at first glance. As for me, the main factor when choosing a domain is its ability to be heard. Of course, if you wish and have the opportunity, you can promote any brand and name, make it popular, but ideally, of course, it is advisable to choose a name that will be associated with hosting and remembered by people.

Using our example, 8 years ago, being young romantics, we decided to choose HyperHost and we saw in this brand hyper speed, hyper quality, hyper convenience, in general, hyper hosting! Honestly, even now we are trying to grow, develop and do not stop working to become exactly that Hyper Hosting, the idea of ​​which was born then! Also important recommendation Upon registration of a domain name, you will select a domain zone. If we look at the example of hosting in Ukraine, then it is best to choose the domain, but taking into account the fact that our notes are designed to describe and help in raising hosting without significant investment, and for this domain zone it is necessary to have trademark and time to receive it, then I think we can limit ourselves to the same .ua, .net .ua, it is better if it is a top-level, which was intended for organizations, or .net - domain zone For network structures. in these areas it will be relatively inexpensive. About 10-20 dollars. How to choose a domain for your company? What you should pay attention to? More details.

3. Website

Using our example, we can say that we still do not stop working to ensure that our website is pleasant and understandable for any visitor and client, because this point is very important. You can, of course, chase new trends in design developments, beautiful banners and full-screen pictures, but analyzing the work with clients, and in trying to at least a little understand the priorities of the consumer, we can say that the website of a novice hoster should be as simple and informative as possible. Many even large Western hosting companies often serve as an example of this. So at the very beginning, you can not spend a lot of money on developing a website, but try to make it yourself, or involve developers in this, who will make the website for not a lot of money. We were very lucky in this regard, because the HyperHost website was made by good developers.

4. Working with clients - the technical side.

Hosting is primarily about working with clients, and therefore we need a system for accounting for clients, tariffs, invoices, and a ticket system. In short, you will need billing for all this! In principle, if you plan to start selling hosting at own network interested contacts, then in order to save money, you can not buy billing first, but maintain the entire this information manually, for some time at first. Of course, this doesn’t look very serious, so it makes sense to use a billing system. Of course, the first thing we can recommend is the development of our partners ISPsystem - this is BILLmanager. BILLmanager is a fairly affordable control panel, costing about 10-15 dollars.

5. Budget

Calculate your budget and answer the question “What are you going to sell?” It was put there for a reason. Having assessed the budget and calculated expenses for implementation previous paragraphs, You will be able to determine where to start based on the services and tariffs that you will provide and on what equipment. There are several options (we will try to provide information on all options in the future):

a) the cheapest and simplest- This reselling or reselling hosting. Choose where to order this service– this is also an important task. Your clients should receive stable and Good work server, and you get free and fast technical support when solving their problems. In this hosting option, the costs are minimal. Let's look at the example of our tariffs for reseller. By ordering the “reseller-start” plan for just $7 per month, you can get the opportunity to host 50 customer sites. Transfer them to the plane of even our cheapest “Mini” tariff for 1 dollar per month. You will place at least 25 clients on the “reseller start” tariff, and even if you sell them hosting for the same 1 dollar per account, you will receive 25 dollars. Not poor profitability of 357%, as for resale. Therefore, one cannot be skeptical about this option. on working with the reseller service.

b) an option for organizing hosting with a higher cost of hardwareVPS/VDS server rental, why VPS, since many hosters provide it with free technical support, including we do this. In this case, there will be savings on the costs of salaries for administrators and technical support, the work of which, in fact, is best organized 24x 7. Again, in terms of considering this issue in our company, you can purchase a powerful VPS / VDS server on SSD drives (that aka VPS - mega-host), with round-the-clock technical support and also a free control panel. Calculations for profitability can be made based on the point above. That is, it all depends on what tariffs you will have and how many of them will be placed on this VDS.

c) – the procedure is, of course, clearly more expensive, since in fact only 1 server will be rented, which, in order to save money, you can, of course, split into several VPS servers using virtualization: for shared hosting, and, if necessary, install others when ordering VPS tariffs /VDS. But the price is at the forefront, because you and I agreed to sell quality services and build quality hosting, and for this you need a lot good server. Which will cost quite a pretty penny.

d) colocation– accommodation own equipment in the data center. A very similar situation to renting a physical server, but even more expensive because it requires large starting investments, since the price of server equipment is very high and requires investment. And we agreed to save

d) build your own data center. =) We can’t help much here, we didn’t build it ourselves, but we simply have to indicate all possible Options.

We tried to describe all these points in more detail in Thank you for reading, we hope our experience will be useful to you and bring the expected result.

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