Installing Windows 7 updates manually. Different ways to update Windows manually

Default "Center" Windows updates"works constantly, so unless it has been disabled manually, you will always receive system updates or notifications that they need to be downloaded and installed. System update when standard settings It happens automatically, but there are times when you need to start this process yourself. This can be done in different ways, both with and without an Internet connection.

Is it worth updating the system?

System updates are needed to ensure that Windows 10 does not lose its relevance and does not conflict with programs user installed. Each system update fixes any bugs found in the past, or optimizes the OS so that it can support more and more third-party applications.

Install new add-ons initial version Windows 10 is worth it, but we must take into account that there are cases when a new version eliminates previously made mistakes, but at the same time causes others. Every update made available to users is tested by Microsoft, but it's important to anticipate everything. possible consequences it’s not always possible to do even this large company. Of course, when Microsoft developers notice that they haven't really released correct update, they roll it back or replace it with another more refined one.

To avoid getting a crude version of the update, it is recommended to install it not on the release day, but about two weeks later. This will greatly reduce the likelihood that it will cause any new problems.

Updates you shouldn't install

By unique code update, you can find out its purpose and release date. If you switched to selective installation of updates, you can decide for yourself which of them will be downloaded.

  • From the experience of installed users, it follows that the following versions should be skipped, as they cause some problems:
  • Windows update KB971033 - kills the activation of unlicensed Windows by changing the activation mechanism; KB2982791, KB2970228, KB2975719 and KB2975331 - crash
  • work, blue screen, Stop 0x50 in Win32k.sys; Security update KB2993651 - BSOD, disabled or wrong job Windows Update
  • Security updates KB2965768, KB2970228, KB2973201 and KB2975719 - Some application windows may become invisible or display incorrectly behind other windows;
  • Windows update KB2859537, KB2872339, KB2882822 - programs from exe do not start, error 0xc0000005, only on unlicensed Windows, because kernel files are replaced;
  • security update KB2862330 - BSOD, even on MSDN images;
  • Security update KB2864058 - problems running applications that use Visual C++ libraries.

Some more updates, sorted by month:

  • April, 2015 - KB3045999;
  • May, 2015 - KB3022345;
  • June, 2015 - KB3068708 - blue screen, constant reboot;
  • August, 2015 - KB3060716 and KB3071756 - BSOD with error 0x0000007b;
  • September, 2015 - KB3080149 - BSOD;
  • October, 2015 - KB3088195 - BSOD with code 0x80070490;
  • November, 2015 - KB3101746;
  • December, 2015 - KB3108381 - some applications crash;
  • January, 2016 - KB3121212 - there may be problems for those who have the system activated via the KMS server;
  • February, 2016 - KB3126587 and KB3126593 - Windows does not start;
  • March, 2016 - KB3140410 - BSOD;
  • May, 2016 - KB3153171 - BSOD with error 145.

How long does it take to install and how much do updates weigh?

The time it takes to install the update will depend on its size, workload, and computer performance. Some updates are installed in background and do not require any additional actions, For complete installation others will require you to restart your computer.

If the update is large and your computer is not particularly powerful, the installation process may take several hours. But usually the procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes. The main thing is not to interrupt the process manually until it becomes clear that it has frozen. If you suspect that the procedure has stopped, then give the computer some time to restore it; it may not send progress signals to the screen, but do everything in the background. If you interrupt the installation, the computer will try to roll back, pretending that it did not try to install any update, but it is not a fact that it will be able to do this. In the worst case, you will have to restore the system manually or reinstall it.

The volume of the update also cannot be specified precisely, since it varies from 10 MB to 3–4 GB. Updates of several gigabytes are anniversary ones and bring serious changes, although not always noticeable to the average user. They appear rarely; packages of 5–100 MB are installed more often. Example big update- version 1607, you can read about the changes it brought to Windows 10 on the official Microsoft website.

User data is not lost or damaged when installing updates. Update the system and at the same time delete data from hard drive you can use the Microsoft application, which provides additional function, which allows you to clean your hard drive.

How to update Windows 10

There are several ways to start the update process manually. Each of them, except one described at the very end, will need stable connection to the Internet, since all updates will be downloaded from Microsoft servers and other computers.

If you receive an error when using one of the suggested methods that says the installation is not possible, try reproducing the process using any of the other options below.

Through computer settings

  1. To update the system via Windows Update, do the following:
  2. Open PC settings. Open PC settings
    Expand the Update & Security tab.
  3. Go to Update & Security section Start scanning for presence.
    available updates
  4. Click on the "Check for updates" button Confirm the start of the download if you agree to install the list of found updates.
  5. Confirm the installation of the list of updates found by Update Center Wait until necessary files
    download and install.
  6. Wait while the updates are downloaded and installed Restart your computer. You can do this immediately or set a restart time.
  7. Restart your computer
    If the reboot is running, then when you turn off and turn on the computer you will see a blue screen on which the process completion indicator will be displayed as a percentage.

Wait for updates to install by turning your computer on and off

Video: How to check for updates on Windows 10

Via "Command Line" For forced update system you need to execute two commands sequentially in " Command line

", running as administrator:

After completing both steps, restart your computer to finally complete the update process.

Via Media Creation Tool The program that is used for Windows installations 10 or updates to it from previous versions operating system

  1. , is also suitable for upgrading to the latest version of an already installed Windows 10: Download Media from the company's official website.
    Download the program Media Creation Tool
  2. Launch it and accept license agreement.
    Accept the license agreement Media programs Creation Tool
  3. In the action selection step, indicate that you want to update this computer.
    Indicate that we want to update this computer
  4. After scanning the system, look at the list of updates that are not present in it. By default, all files stored on the hard drive will be saved. But you can change this by clicking on the “Change components selected for saving” button and setting your parameters.
    Start installation or choose what data you want to keep
  5. Wait for the download and installation to complete. The computer will reboot at the end of the process.
    Wait while Media Creation Tool downloads and installs updates

Through the Windows10Upgrade program

On the same page where you can download the program for installing and updating to Windows 10, there is an “Update Now” button, which appears only if you are logged into the browser with the OS already installed.

Custom installation

If you need to ensure that some versions of updates are never installed, use official program wushowhide.diagcab.

Video: How to selectively install updates

Installation without Internet access

If the computer that needs to be updated does not have Internet access, then you can download updates from another computer, transfer them to the one you need and install them manually. You can download updates using Portable programs Update:

Installing CAB and MSU format updates

If you download the update you need in CAB or MSU format, you can install it by running one of the commands in the Command Prompt running with administrator rights:

The path to the file in both cases must be separated by quotes.

Switch to Game Mode in Windows 10

Game mode appeared in the system with the release of the version Creators Update. You can update to it using any of the above methods. Game mode will allow you to achieve maximum performance through optimization of processes running on the computer. After you update to Creators versions Update, activate it as follows:

Video: How to enable Game Mode in Windows 10

How to update the system edition

There are several system packages, each of which is intended for a specific range of users. Windows comes in Home, Professional, and Enterprise editions. If you first installed the “Home” version, and then decided that it’s time to upgrade to the “Professional” version, then there is no need to reinstall the system, just follow these steps:

Video: how to update Windows 10 edition

Stopping a system update

By default, the system update is performed automatically. You can stop the update by following these steps:

There are other ways to disable automatic installation updates, but they are more labor-intensive. If you want to install some updates and prohibit others, then use the “Custom installation” instructions given above in the same article.

Possible problems after installing updates

After installing updates and new build versions, you may experience problems with system activation or incorrect operation of applications, processes, games or devices.

Rolling back a build

If activation fails after updating the assembly, it must be done again. If problems of another kind occur, you need to perform a system rollback:

Uninstalling updates

If the problems did not arise due to installation new build, and because of a certain update, it is necessary to remove this particular update:

Video: How to remove Windows 10 updates

System updates can either help or harm the system, so it is worth monitoring incoming packages manually. You should not completely abandon new versions, but it is not recommended to install them all at once as soon as they are released.

Updates make changes to Windows performance 7, eliminate various errors and crashes, as well as adding new features. Microsoft is still releasing security patches and fixing system issues.

Update centre

Center Windows updates 7 is responsible for downloading the latest patches of the “seven”. The icon for opening it can be found in the program list Start or in Control panels. There you can install the latest versions of system components.


In Update Center, open the menu " Settings».

Initially, the system operates in auto-update mode. But this function can be disabled, in which case it will be necessary to use the manual function. To do this, activate the search for the latest versions.

The dialog box will display a list of components for which any changes have been made. They are divided into three groups.
There are three groups of updates:

  1. Important. The group includes significant or critical system changes related to data security and the functioning of various Windows components. Any innovation from the “Important” group should be installed immediately when it is released. This will keep your computer and its data in better condition.
  2. Recommended. This includes fixing non-critical PC problems, but still quite significant. Their installation will make using your PC more comfortable and will eliminate existing problems or avoid their occurrence in the future. Both auto-update and manual download are available.
  3. Optional. IN this group includes those innovations that do not make significant changes to the functioning of the computer and do not correct serious problems. They are designed to make the system more user-friendly, but are not considered important or critical. They cannot be installed automatically; downloading is available only in manual mode.

Read about ways to disable auto-update of the system in ours.

Important nuance: Anyone can update Windows 7 for free. No board is required to load any system components from the list. But you should understand that the procedure consumes Internet traffic. This fact must be taken into account for users with limited connections.

Selecting Components to Install

The user has a choice of components to install. For example, if you have an antivirus installed from third party developer, there is no need to download the latest version of Windows Defender.

In the same way, you can disable the installation of other components. But if you are not sure of their significance or do not know the function, it is better to leave everything as is.

In any case, it is highly recommended to download updates from the first group, from the second, too, but from the third, if desired.

Recommendation: if automatic mode is disabled on your computer, it is advisable to update the system yourself. This will allow you to maintain latest version Windows 7, which includes new features as well as fixes for old problems.

Possible problems and their solutions

Various problems may occur when trying or during the process of updating Windows 7. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Problem 1: Auto-update does not work

Initially, the system is configured in such a way that it automatically downloads all new versions and installs them when the computer is restarted. But in some situations this feature is disabled or does not work.

In the first case, you need to enable auto-update. This is done through a special service:

In the second case, you need to update the OS manually.

Problem 2: Cannot update the system manually

When installing new Windows versions 7 various failures may occur. First of all, you should check your Internet connection. Setup files are downloaded from Microsoft servers, and if there is no Internet connection, downloading them is impossible.

When trying to update the operating system, you should disable any antivirus programs and computer protection tools. It is advisable to close all unnecessary programs.

If you want to download a specific Windows component, but this cannot be done, then you can download the installation package yourself from the developer’s servers.

Official Microsoft page Download Center -

There is a search area at the top of the page. Enter a name in it required component and click on the magnifying glass icon.

Problem 3: The system has crashed

If, as a result of the update, the computer began to work worse or any problems arose, then you should roll back Windows to its previous state. The corresponding function is located in the control panel. Read more about this in our article “Restoring Windows systems 7".

Only with the advent of Windows XP system update was put on stream and began to be implemented automatically. This opportunity was opened up by the development global network internet and emergence software, actively interacting with remote resources. Until this moment, there was no question of any automatic update.

Everything had to be done manually: looking for useful patches for system files, updated versions system programs etc. Another reason why this type of update has become more urgent is the increased threat of viruses.

Tabletop custom systems are subject to regular attacks from malware, and even the presence of antiviruses does not fully solve this problem. If there is a hole in the OS, it needs to be patched. And the most The best way to do this is to regularly send appropriate “patches” to users’ machines.

There are several ways to obtain service packs (Windows update packages):

  • They are transferred in the background, almost unnoticed by the computer owner. That's what it is automatic update.
  • An offer to the user to download packages from the website of Microsoft and other companies involved in the security of our information environment.
  • Providing the user with the ability to independently determine when to start installing service packs.

In life we ​​encounter the first, second, and third methods. Some people prefer pure automatic mode. Someone determines when to adjust the OS themselves. Well, some PC owners generally do not trust any outside interference in their operating systems and look for “patches” on the Internet on resources known to them. By the way, the third alternative only at first seems like a stupid thing to do.

Same Debian Linux invites us to take everything into our own hands and decide for ourselves which OS components to install and which ones to refrain from installing. This policy based on the concept of a repository. There are similar repositories for Windows on the Internet, but few people know about their existence.

With their help, you can do one wonderful thing - revive a system that seems to have disappeared a long time ago, since updates are still being released for many such OSes. Even after the manufacturer stops supporting them. However, these questions are of last interest to us. The topic of our review: how to install updates on Windows 7 manually. This is exactly what we will do as we go along.

Microsoft Convenience Rollup

First, let's discuss one interesting way update using the tools provided by itself by Microsoft. It was created specifically for those who, firstly, want to receive all service packages at once (that is, in one fell swoop, and not in tiny portions, as usual), and secondly, want to do this manually at a time convenient for them. There is a utility for this called "Microsoft Convenience Rollup" It is not difficult to use at all. Here detailed instructions:

As you can see, nothing is simpler. Is it possible to do something differently? Yes, you can. And we read about this further.

Disabling the service machine

In the Windows 7 update settings, there are three options that determine the nature of this process. These options are installed in the “Windows Update” => “Options Settings” window:

Looking at the figure, it is easy to see that the method for obtaining service packs can be determined manually in the “Important updates” list. In one case, downloading and installation will be performed automatically; in another, the user downloads packages to his machine, but reserves the right not to install them immediately; in the third mode, everything is left to the user himself. And finally, the fourth option allows you to completely disable the update subsystem.

If you want to decide everything yourself, select the notification option: the system will notify you that new patches have appeared on the Microsoft website, and will not do anything else.

With this setup, the question immediately arises: how to activate the download process if the decision about its necessity has been made?

The OS itself will inform us about the release of new patches, all in the same interface of the Update Center window. As we have already agreed, Windows does not download or install anything, but it signals us with a message on a yellow background. Like this:

A button appears at the bottom; by clicking on it, we start the process of adjusting the entire system. If you are not used to waiting for the weather by the sea, then you can check the availability of fresh service packs manually. For this purpose, in the same “Center” there is a search subsection.

Some users prefer to decide for themselves which updates (updates) to install on their operating system, and which ones it is better to refuse, not trusting the automatic procedure. In this case, you must perform the installation manually. Let's find out how to set up manual execution this procedure in Windows 7 and how the installation process is carried out.

In order to carry out updates manually, first of all, you should disable auto-updates, and only then perform the installation procedure. Let's see how it's done.

  1. Click on the button "Start" at the bottom left edge of the screen. Select from the drop-down menu "Control Panel".
  2. In the window that opens, click on the section "System and safety".
  3. In the next window, click on the subsection name "Turn automatic updates on or off" in the block "Windows Update"(CO).

    There is another option for moving to the tool we need. Call the window "Run" by pressing Win+R. In the field of the window that opens, enter the command:

    Click "OK".

  4. Windows CO opens. Click "Settings".
  5. No matter how you got through (via Control Panel or by means of a tool "Run"), the window for changing parameters will open. First of all, we will be interested in the block "Important Updates". By default it is set to "Install updates...". For our case, this option is not suitable.

    In order to carry out the procedure manually, select the item from the drop-down list "Download updates...", "Search for updates..." or . In the first case, they are downloaded to the computer, but the user makes the decision about installation himself. In the second case, a search for updates is performed, but the decision to download and subsequently install them is again made by the user, that is, the action does not occur automatically, as by default. In the third case, you will even have to manually activate the search. Moreover, if the search gives positive results, then to download and install you will need to change current parameter to one of the three described above, which allow you to perform these actions.

    Select one of these three options according to your goals and click "OK".

Installation procedure

Algorithms of actions after selecting a specific item in the Windows CO window will be discussed below.

Method 1: algorithm of actions for automatic downloading

First of all, let's consider the procedure for selecting an item "Download updates". In this case, they will be downloaded automatically, but installation will need to be done manually.

Method 2: algorithm of actions for automatic search

As we remember, if you set the parameter in the Windows CO "Search for updates...", then the search for updates will be performed automatically, but downloading and installation will need to be done manually.

Method 3: Manual search

If in the Windows CO when setting parameters you selected the option "Don't check for updates", then in this case the search will also have to be carried out manually.

By the way, even if you have one of three modes installed, according to which the search is performed periodically automatically, you can activate the search procedure manually. This way, you don't have to wait until it's time for a scheduled search, but start it immediately. To do this, simply click on the inscription on the left side of the Windows CO window "Search for updates".

Further actions should be performed in accordance with which mode is selected: automatic, download or search.

Method 4: Install optional updates

Apart from the important ones, there are not mandatory updates. Their absence does not affect the performance of the system, but by installing some, you can expand certain capabilities. Most often this group includes language packs. It is not recommended to install all of them, since the package in which you are working is quite sufficient. Installation additional packages will not bring any benefit, but will only load the system. Therefore, even if you have auto-update enabled, optional updates will not be downloaded automatically, but only manually. At the same time, sometimes you can find new items useful for the user among them. Let's see how to install them on Windows 7.

  1. Go to the Windows CO window using any of the methods described above (tool "Run" or Control Panel). If in this window you see a message about the availability of optional updates, click on it.
  2. A window will open containing a list of optional updates. Check the boxes next to the items you want to install. Click "OK".
  3. After this, you will be returned to the main Windows Central window. Click "Install updates".
  4. The download procedure will then begin.
  5. When it’s finished, click on the button with the same name again.
  6. Next comes the installation procedure.
  7. After it is completed, you may need to restart your computer. In this case, save all data in running applications and close them. Next, click on the button "Reboot Now".
  8. After the reboot procedure, the operating system will be updated taking into account the installed elements.

As you can see, in Windows 7 there are two options manual installation updates: with preliminary search and with preload. In addition, you can only enable manual search, but in this case, to activate the download and installation, if the necessary updates are detected, you will need to change the parameters. In a separate way optional updates are downloaded.

I’ll start with conclusions, and then there will be detailed instructions on how I recommend updating the Windows 7 system, as well as about automatic updates, about checking for updates manually, how to turn off the update and why you shouldn’t turn them off. Go!

Updates need to be installed. A good way to do this is " Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is up to me».

And when messages appear from Windows Update that new updates have been found, you need to take the time to download and install Windows updates.

Periodically, you can manually check for Windows updates using the “Search for updates” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), without waiting for these updates to be detected automatically. And, if updates are found manually, also install them on your PC.

With this approach, the Windows 7 operating system is up to date and will be maximally protected from.

Let's now figure out how to set up updates and how to install them so that they remain useful without being annoying. Windows users 7.

Where is the Windows 7 update program located?

This program is called Windows Update. She can be found

  • through the Search line (the “Start” button – enter the text without quotes in the “Search programs and files” line: “Windows Update”),
  • or through the “Control Panel” (the “Start” button – “Control Panel” – “System and Security” – “Windows Update”).

After this, the Windows Update window will open on the screen, as shown in Fig. 1:

Rice. 1. Windows Update window

In this window we will be interested in two options: “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1) and “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1).

Setting up Windows 7 updates

To configure updates, click on the inscription “Setting parameters” (number 2 in Fig. 1). A window will appear to select how to install Windows updates (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Window for setting up Windows 7 updates

Screenshot in fig. 2 was made in the Windows 7 Professional operating system. For others, the update window may look different.

Windows Developers 7 offer users of this operating system 4 ways to install updates (numbers 1 – 4 in Fig. 2).

If you are interested in the question “How to enable Windows 7 update?”, You need to choose one of three methods:

  1. “Install updates automatically (recommended)” (number 1 in Fig. 2).
  2. “Download updates, but decisions about installation are made by me” (solid twos, because in Fig. 2 there is a number 2).
  3. “Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” (number 3 in Fig. 2).

The question of how to “turn off Windows 7 update” is solved using the fourth method:

Let's look at all four methods in more detail.

I would also recommend this method, if not for one thing. It consists in the fact that searching, downloading and installing Windows updates is a rather complex and time-consuming task for a computer. This process does not go unnoticed by the user. While searching, downloading and installing updates, the computer loads heavily and slows down the execution of other tasks and programs. And at the end of installing the updates, it generally begins to require a system reboot.

And all this happens, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. When there is no time to stop (pause) work and restart the PC.

For some reason, here I would like to recall Murphy’s law: “Left to themselves, events tend to develop from bad to worse.” That’s why I don’t want to give the operating system the ability to search for, download and install updates on its own.

Let's look at the second method of installing Windows 7 updates.

Method 2 “Download updates, but installation decisions are made by me”

Understanding that installing updates requires additional loading PC and requires a reboot for the final installation of new programs, Windows developers offer us this, more simplified option than the previous one (“Install updates automatically”).

Because the automatic search updates and downloading them also require PC resources and also diverts computer power to these processes.

And this makes it difficult for users, again at the most inopportune moment, as luck would have it. And here I would like to remember Murphy’s Laws: “When things are going well, something is bound to happen in the very near future” and “When things are going badly, in the very near future they will go even worse.”

Therefore, let's leave this method Windows updates alone, and let's move on to the third method.

Method 3 “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me” or How to disable automatic updates in Windows 7?

Here we see minimal distraction of computer resources. Namely, resources are diverted only to find updates for the Windows 7 operating system via the Internet.

Found updates will not be downloaded to the user's computer until the user decides to do so. This method is especially convenient for those who have Internet with limited traffic. Because downloading updates is extra megabytes downloaded from the Internet

Therefore, despite the fact that this is only the third method on the list for installing Windows updates, this is the one I recommend for PC users.

We will look at how to download and install updates further, but for now let’s move on to consider the fourth last method installing Windows updates.

This is the last, 4th method to update the Windows 7 system.

And here I agree with the Windows developers that this method cannot be recommended for computer users.

Because by using this fourth method, the PC user thus refuses to receive and install any updates. And this can lead to an increase in security threats to the operating system and an increase in its vulnerability.

In addition to selecting the method for downloading and installing Windows updates, in the window for selecting a method for installing Windows updates, check the following boxes (see Fig. 2):

  • "Receive recommended updates in the same way as important updates» (number 5 in Fig. 2). Windows developers, in order to completely confuse PC users, came up with not only important (or in other words, mandatory) Windows updates, but also so-called recommended updates. It is not possible to distinguish one from the other. Therefore, in order not to get confused, you need to check the box next to this inscription.
  • "Allow all users to install updates on this computer"(number 6 in Fig. 2). Why is this? If there are several accounts on the computer that can be used various users, or even one user under different accounts, then this checkbox gives all of them the right to download and install updates. The checkbox is useful, because otherwise you can forget about updates for a long time if you work under account, where updates will not be allowed. And this can lead to an increased threat of computer vulnerability.
  • "When updating Windows, provide updates for Microsoft products..."(number 7 in Fig. 2). This is also a useful checkbox, since it allows you to receive not only updates for Windows operating system files, but also receive updates for application programs, such as Microsoft Office Word, etc. These application programs They also improve over time, and receiving updates for them allows you to have the latest versions.
  • "Show detailed notifications when new Microsoft software is available"(number 8 in Fig. 2). You don’t have to check this box, since this is a kind of consent to receive advertising information. You can do it, it won’t be any worse.

So, let’s set the third method for installing Windows updates: “Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me.” And check all the above boxes (numbers 5-8 in Fig. 2).

Then click the “OK” button (Fig. 2). The window for choosing how to install Windows updates will close.

Let's move on to installing Windows 7 updates

Windows Update is now set to constant search new updates. While there are no updates, the Windows Update window will display the message “Windows does not require an update” on a green background, as shown by number 3 in Fig. 1.

But as soon as new updates appear and they are found, you will see the inscription “Download and install updates” with a yellow stripe (Fig. 6) indicating the volume that is to be downloaded from the Internet. The information is useful because for owners limited internet traffic, it allows you to decide whether updates can be downloaded.

For example, if traffic is limited to 50 Megabytes (for example, when using mobile Internet), and you will have to download 100 Megabytes of updates, then such information will be a warning that this is not necessary.

Checking Windows 7 updates manually

Updates can be checked manually, without waiting for an automatic program to do it for us. To do this, in the “Windows Update” window, click on the inscription “Search for updates” (number 1 in Fig. 1). A running green line “Search for updates” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Manually check for updates using Windows Update

After some time, the search will end. The search result may be

  • lack of updates,
  • found optional (recommended) updates or
  • Mandatory (important) updates found.

Both required (important) and optional (but recommended) updates can also be searched simultaneously.

Installing Windows 7 updates

In Fig. 4 below shows the Windows Update window after searching for updates, when one optional (recommended) update is found.

Rice. 4. Windows Update window after completing the search for updates, when one optional (recommended) update was found

In the window that opens, check the box (number 1 in Fig. 5) opposite the name of the update (in in this case– this is an update for the program), and then click on the “OK” button (number 2 in Fig. 5):

Rice. 5. Prepare to install the optional update

After this, we will return to the Windows Update window (Fig. 6), where the message “Download and install selected updates” will appear indicating the download size (in this case, it is a small volume, only 417 KB). Here you should click on the “Install updates” button (number 1 in Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Completing preparations for installing the optional update

Immediately after this, the installation of Windows updates will begin. In the window (Fig. 7) the message “Updates are being installed...” will appear (number 1 in Fig. 7). And below it the installation progress will be shown. The installation of updates can be interrupted at any time by clicking on the “Stop installation” button (number 2 in Fig. 7).

But in general, it is not recommended to interrupt the installation of updates. It is better to wait until the installation is completed, although in some cases this may take quite a long time.

Rice. 7. Performing the Windows update installation procedure

Once the installation is complete, the message “Updates installed successfully” may appear, as shown in Fig. 8. But if there are many updates and they are complex, then you may need to restart the operating system. In this case, a Windows Update window will prompt you to reboot. It is advisable to agree to this and reboot the operating system to finally complete the installation of updates.

Rice. 8. Windows update installation completion window

When rebooting the Windows 7 operating system after installing Windows updates, you must not turn off the computer until the complete cycle of unloading (stopping) the system and then booting the system has been completed. This can also take a decent amount of time, but you need to be patient and complete this process in a normal manner without interrupting it halfway.

Also during reboot to blue screen You may receive messages about the progress of installing Windows updates. It will show what percentage of the installation is complete.

As a rule, when unloading the system, updates are installed at 30%, after which the computer turns off for a moment and begins to boot again. During download, updates are already installed 100%, which may also result in messages being displayed on a blue screen.

And yet, why do we need updates?

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