How to use vlc media player. Play and save video stream in VLC Media Player. ⇡ View photos

Interest in the VLC player, developed by enthusiasts since 1996 as part of the VideoLAN project, is due to several reasons. Firstly, the mentioned product is extremely popular among free software supporters (the number of downloads exceeds 485 million!) and is available for all kinds of operating systems, including mobile ones. Secondly, not long ago there was a major release of a new build of the program, which has matured to version 2.0.x and received a lot of interesting functions. Finally, thirdly, for many users VLC is still associated exclusively with a tool for watching video and listening to audio, the powerful filling of which allows you to solve much more interesting problems in practical terms. Today’s publication is devoted to a brief summary of them, equipped with an abundance of screenshots for greater clarity.

⇡ Using videos as a background for your work environment

One of the interesting features of the VLC player is the ability to output video directly to the desktop of the operating system. To activate multimedia wallpaper, the role of which can be played by your favorite movie, you should go to the advanced settings of the program and in the “Video” field, check the box next to the “Video on the desktop” item. After this, all that remains is to select a similar menu item in the main application window and make sure that the operations performed were beneficial to the cause.

⇡ Watching YouTube videos

It is well known that in order to view the content presented on the YouTube server, you need a browser with the Adobe Flash plugin installed or HTML5 support. If you don’t have an appropriate web browser at hand, the notorious VLC player can resolve the deadlock. The technique is simple: press Ctrl+N, copy the URL of the online video you like into the form for entering and click on the “Play” button. If you have a mediocre Internet channel, it would be a good idea to open a tab with additional parameters and adjust the amount of cache memory used when playing YouTube content. This kind of forethought will help you avoid annoying pauses during video playback.

⇡ Transcription of audio recordings

The issue of converting voice recordings into text format often baffles even experienced computer users: the corresponding software tools that simplify the solution of the problem are a big deal, and often they are of no use at all. In such cases, it is much more effective to use VLC with the “Step back”, “Step forward” and “Cycle A → B” keys placed on the toolbar through the interface settings. Using the mentioned controls, you can instantly rewind the recording ten seconds forward and backward and activate cyclic scrolling of selected sections of the audio file, which is useful when transcribing lectures, interviews, dictations from translators and other audio data.

Users with good memory can, instead of customizing the program interface, resort to the practical use of the player’s hot key system, which allows performing various actions, including rewinding the content being played on the computer. It should be noted that almost all VLC controls are duplicated by corresponding keyboard shortcuts, configurable depending on the user’s preferences.

⇡ Organization of streaming audio/video broadcasting

And this task can be handled using VLC. In order to use the player as a server for streaming multimedia content, you need to make a number of program settings, guided by this (in English) or this (in Russian) instructions. In particular, you will need to decide on the broadcast source, select the network protocol that will be used for online broadcasting, set the settings for transcoding data into a suitable format, and activate the transmission of the media stream to client machines. Since multimedia broadcasts impose very strict requirements on the bandwidth of communication channels, before deploying a video server, it would be correct to make sure that the Internet connection you are using is capable of withstanding a powerful flow of outgoing traffic.

⇡ Saving streaming content to a file

Since we are talking about organizing online broadcasting using VLC, it would be logical to mention the player’s ability to not only distribute content over the network, but also save streaming content broadcast by someone to disk, automatically converting it to the most preferred format. This operation is carried out by analogy with the method described above for viewing YouTube videos, with the only exception that after entering the URL you need to click not “Play”, but “Convert”. A window will open with settings for saving the input stream and parameters of the codecs that will be used to convert the data. After cleaning them up, you can, keeping in mind copyrights and copyrights, begin to “rob” the audio/video stream.

⇡ Taking screenshots from a video stream

Unlike a number of alternative media players, VLC includes special tools for creating snapshots of movies being played. There is no need to mess around with the Print Screen key, the operating system clipboard and graphic editors - just press Shift+S and the program will automatically write the selected frame to the computer disk in the specified directory. By default, images are saved in PNG format, which can be changed to JPG if desired.

⇡ Remote player control

Another documented but rarely used feature of VLC is the ability to remotely manipulate the program via the web interface. The beauty of it is that any computing device connected to a local network with an Internet browser on board, be it a smartphone or tablet, can act as a remote control. Those interested can personally see the flexibility of this tool by activating the remote control interface in the player settings and connecting to it through a browser. “Over the air” you can control almost all the main functions of the application: adjust the volume, control file playback and playlist, manipulate equalizer settings and other VLC parameters.

⇡ Assembling video puzzles

For those who like to while away their free time solving various kinds of puzzles and logic puzzles, VLC can also serve them well. No tricks or shamanic dances with a tambourine - just open a window with graphic effects, check the box next to the “Puzzle” item and get from the playing video a mosaic broken into many fragments, which must be assembled into a single whole. The difficulty of the game can be adjusted by increasing the rows and columns that make up the puzzle. Control is carried out by deftly moving elements with the mouse.

⇡ View photos

While designed for working with multimedia data, VLC copes well with other tasks. Thanks to built-in support for JPG, PNG, XCF, GIF, TIFF, LBM, PCX and Targa (TGA) graphic formats, the player can be used as a simple image viewer that perfectly complements the program's capabilities listed above.

It is hoped that the note we published will serve as good food for thought for all VLC users and, perhaps, will force someone to radically reconsider their attitude towards opensource solutions, which are often head and shoulders above commercial products. Both in terms of the quality of implementation, and in terms of the functionality carefully laid out by the developers.

Here we will talk about the VLC media player. Another player, Media Player Classic, is described in the corresponding article. Both of these programs, by the way, are absolutely free. You can download VLC media player on the official website or on this page using the link below. The program is constantly updated, in order to check if it is time to update your version, you just need to open the program and click on the Help tab --> Check for updates.

VLC runs on operating system platforms: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, BSD, Solaris, Familiar Linux, Yopy/Linupy and QNX.
VLC plays almost all video formats, with rare exceptions, so there is no point in listing them.

How to display a video on your desktop (video in wallpaper mode)

VLC player provides an interesting feature to display videos in wallpaper mode. To output video to the desktop, you need to go to the Tools --> Settings tab, select the "Video" section, in the "Display" tab in the drop-down menu, select the DirectX video output mode, and in the "DirectX" rollout, check the "Enable wallpaper mode" checkbox .
Or simpler. In the same way, select the "DirectX" mode via Tools --> Settings --> Video, restart the program, then check the tab at the top of the program window Video --> Video on the desktop. If you want to remove the video from your desktop, just uncheck this box. For better viewing, you can hide the VLC tab from the taskbar; to do this, right-click on the program icon in the tray (notification area, the one in the lower right corner) and click on “Hide VLC from the taskbar”.

Interface setup

It must be said that not all players have the ability to accelerate playback, but VLC provides this opportunity. True, the acceleration buttons by default are not very conveniently displayed, at the edges of the playback bar, but this can be corrected, because a distinctive feature of VLC is the ability to customize the visibility and location of the video control buttons. To customize the buttons, you need to go to the View menu --> Interface settings, after which the toolbar editor window will open, consisting of two sections. The first contains the buttons themselves, the second contains types of toolbars for normal and full-screen mode. Buttons are added and removed by simply dragging and dropping from one window to another.

By default, the control panel has a "Repeat Mode" button for cyclic playback of the same video file. If you press it while playing a video in desktop wallpaper mode, we will get the desired monitor video wallpaper.

Selecting an appearance

The player allows you to change your appearance (or, as they say, change your skin) to a more interesting one than the default one. To do this, you need to download the skin you like from the VLC skins page, then place it in the folder C:\Program Files\VLC\skins (the folder can also be located at C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\skins). Then go to the menu Tools --> Settings --> Interface (Tools --> Preferences --> Interface) and switch the checkbox from Use Navite Style to Use Custom Scin, and then restart the program. The interface will change, but it will still not be the one you chose. Now you need to right-click on the bottom bar in the panel, after which in the context menu that opens, hover over the “Interface” item, a new menu will open, where you can select the skin you downloaded.

Saving sound level after exiting the program

In order to ensure that when starting the VLC player sound volume level remains the same as when the program was previously launched, go to the menu Tools --> Settings --> Audio and check the Keep audio level between sessions.

If you want the sound level to always be the same level when you start the program, then in the menu Tools --> Settings --> Audio, check the Always reset audio start level to

Taking screenshots (saving a frame from a video)

To capture the desired frame from a video, go to the Video menu --> Snapshot. By default, VLC will save the frame in the My Documents folder. To change the save folder, you need to go to the Tools --> Settings tab, select the "Video" section and in the "Videos" tab in the Directory line, select the desired folder using the "Browse" button. In the same tab, you can select the saved image format, JPG or PNG. To more accurately select the desired video frame, you need to pause the video, find the frame using the playback bar and, without leaving the pause, click Video --> Snapshot.

Most users prefer to customize any program they use. But there are people who simply do not know how to change the configuration of this or that software. This article will be dedicated to just such users. In it we will try to describe in as much detail as possible the process of changing VLC Media Player parameters.

VLC Media Player is a cross-platform product. This means that the application has versions for different operating systems. In similar versions, the configuration methods may differ slightly from each other. Therefore, in order not to confuse you, we will immediately note that this article will provide a guide on setting up VLC Media Player for devices running Windows OS.

We also note that this lesson is aimed more at novice users of VLC Media Player, and those people who are not particularly versed in the settings of this software. Professionals in this field are unlikely to find anything new here. Therefore, we will not go into great detail and use specialized terms. Let's proceed directly to the player configuration.

Interface configuration

Let's start by looking at the VLC Media Player interface parameters. These options will allow you to customize the display of various buttons and controls in the main player window. Looking ahead, we note that the cover image in VLC Media Player can also be changed, but this is done in another section of the settings. Let's take a closer look at the process of changing interface parameters.

  1. Launch VLC Media Player.
  2. In the upper area of ​​the program you will find a list of sections. You need to click on the line "Tools".
  3. As a result, a drop-down menu will appear. The required subsection is called - “Configuring the interface...”.
  4. These actions will display a separate window. This is where the player interface will be configured. This window looks like this:
  5. At the very top of the window there is a menu with presets. By clicking on the line with the downward arrow, a context window will appear. Here you can select one of the options that the developers have integrated by default.
  6. Next to this line there are two buttons. One of them allows you to save your own profile, and the second, in the form of a red cross, deletes the preset.
  7. In the area below, you can select the area of ​​the interface in which you want to change the location of buttons and sliders. Four tabs located slightly higher allow you to switch between such areas.
  8. The only option that can be turned on or off here is the location of the toolbar itself. You can leave the default location (at the bottom), or move it higher by checking the box next to the desired line.
  9. Editing the buttons and sliders themselves is extremely simple. You just need to hold down the desired element with the left mouse button, and then move it to the desired location or delete it completely. To delete an element, you just need to drag it outside the work area.
  10. Also in this window you will find a list of elements that can be added to various toolbars. This area looks like this:
  11. Elements are added in the same way as they are removed - by simply dragging them to the desired location.
  12. Above this area you will find three options.
  13. By checking or unchecking any of them, you will change the appearance of the button. Thus, the same element can have different appearance.
  14. You can view the result of the changes without first saving. It is displayed in the preview window, which is located in the lower right corner.
  15. When all changes are complete, you just need to press the button "Close". This will allow you to save all the settings and look at the result in the player itself.

This completes the interface setup process. Let's move on.

Basic player parameters


This set of parameters differs from those described above. At the very top of the area you can select the desired language for displaying information in the player. To do this, just click on the special line and then select the desired option from the list.

Next, you will see a list of options that allow you to change the VLC Media Player skin. If you want to apply your own skin, then you need to check the box next to the line "Different Style". After this, you need to select the file with the cover on your computer by clicking the button "Choose". If you want to see the entire list of available skins, you need to click on the button marked on the screen below with the number 3.

Please note that after changing the cover, you need to save the setting and restart the player.

If you use a standard skin, then an additional set of options will be available to you.

At the very bottom of the window you will find areas with playlist and privacy options. There are few options here, but they are not the most useless.

The last setting in this section is file linking. Clicking the button “Set up bindings...”, you can specify which file extension should be opened using VLC Media Player.


In this subsection, you will have access to settings related to sound playback. To get started, you can turn the sound on or off. To do this, simply check or uncheck the box next to the corresponding line.
In addition, you can set the volume level when the player starts, specify the audio output module, change the playback speed, enable and configure normalization, and even out the sound. Here you can also enable the surround sound effect (Dolby Surround), adjust visualization and enable the plugin "".


Similar to the previous section, the settings in this group are responsible for the video display parameters and related functions. As is the case with "Audio", you can completely disable video display.
Next, you can set image output parameters, window design, and also set the option to display the player window on top of all other windows.

A little lower are the lines responsible for settings of the display device (DirectX), interlacing interval (the process of creating one whole frame from two half-frames), and parameters for creating screenshots (file location, format and prefix).

Subtitles and OSD

Here are the parameters that are responsible for displaying information on the screen. For example, you can enable or disable the display of the title of the video being played, as well as specify the location of such information.
The remaining adjustments relate to subtitles. Optionally, you can turn them on or off, configure effects (font, shadow, size), preferred language and encoding.


As the name of the subsection suggests, there are options responsible for playback codecs. We will not advise any specific codec settings, since they are all set depending on the situation. You can either reduce the quality of the picture due to an increase in performance, or vice versa.

A little lower in this window there are options for saving video recordings and network parameters. As for the network, you can specify a proxy server here if you are reproducing information directly from the Internet. For example, when using streaming.


This is the last subsection related to the main options of VLC Media Player. Here you can bind certain player actions to specific keys. There are a lot of settings here, so we can’t recommend anything specific. Each user configures these parameters in his own way. In addition, you can immediately set actions associated with the mouse wheel.

These are all the options we wanted to mention. Remember to save any changes before closing the Options window. Please note that you can learn more about any option if you simply hover your mouse over the line with its name.
It's also worth mentioning that VLC Media Player has an extended list of options. You can see it if you check the line at the bottom of the settings window "All".
These options are aimed more at experienced users.

Effects and filter settings

As befits any player, VLC Media Player contains parameters that are responsible for various audio and video effects. To change these you need to do the following:

Audio effects

We go to the specified subsection.
As a result, you will see three additional groups below.

In the first group "Equalizer" you will be able to enable the option indicated in the title. After turning on the equalizer itself, the sliders are activated. Moving them up or down will change the sound effect. You can also use ready-made blanks, which are located in the additional menu next to the inscription "Preset".

In Group "Compression"(aka compression) there are similar sliders. To adjust them, you must first enable the option, and then make changes.

The last subsection is called "Surround Sound". There are also vertical sliders here. This option will allow you to enable and adjust virtual surround sound.

Video effects

There are several more subgroups in this section. As the name implies, they are all aimed at changing parameters related to video display and playback. Let's go through each category.

In the tab "Basic" You can change the image options (brightness, contrast, etc.), clarity, graininess, and elimination of interline stripes. You must first enable the option to change settings.

Subsection "Cropping" will allow you to change the size of the displayed area of ​​the picture on the screen. If you are cropping a video in several directions at once, we recommend setting the synchronization parameters. To do this, you need to check the box next to the desired line in the same window.

Group "Colors" Allows you to color correct videos. You can extract a specific color from a video, specify a saturation threshold for a specific color, or enable color inversion. In addition, options are immediately available that allow you to enable sepia and also adjust the gradient.

Next up is the tab "Geometry". The options in this subsection are aimed at changing the position of the video. In other words, local options will allow you to flip the picture to a certain angle, apply interactive zoom to it, or enable wall or puzzle effects.

It is this parameter that we addressed in one of our lessons.

In the next section "Overlay" you can overlay your own logo on top of the video, as well as change its display settings. In addition to the logo, you can also add custom text to the playing video.

A group called "AtmoLight" is entirely devoted to the settings of the filter of the same name. Like other options, this filter must first be enabled, and then the parameters must be changed.

In the last subsection called "Additionally" all other effects are collected. You can experiment with each of them. Most of the options can be used only optionally.


This section contains one single tab. Local options are designed to help you synchronize audio, video and subtitles. You may have experienced situations where the audio track is slightly ahead of the video. So, using these options you can correct such a defect. The same goes for subtitles that are ahead or behind other tracks.

This concludes this article. We have tried to cover all the sections that will help you customize VLC Media Player to your liking. If you have any questions while reading the material, you are welcome to leave a comment.


Igor Bersan:

Hello. In this case, you need to do the following:

1. Launch the player and open the settings window.
2. Switch to the All view mode. To do this, in the lower left corner, check the box next to the desired parameter.
3. In the window that opens (on the left side), go to the “Playlist” section.
4. Find the “Play and Stop” line on the right side of the window. Place a checkmark next to it.
5. Save your changes.

After this, playback will pause after each track.


Hello, how can I configure the player so that the Windows screensaver does not turn on when playing audio (meaning the mode without visualization - in this case the screensaver does not turn on, but in cover mode it turns on)? To play video, there is such a setting! Thank you.

Igor Bersan:

Hello. Do you have the screensaver enabled in the Windows settings itself or not?


Yes, with a timeout of 10 minutes - Windows 10 screensaver. The thing is that I bought BT headphones and switching tracks stops working if the VLC player is not in “focus”, i.e. I go to another room, everything switches normally, and after 10 minutes. — the Win screensaver turns on and the headphones don’t make noise, the VLC interface has faded into the background. Moreover, only pause/play and track forward/backward do not work. I installed different adapter-BT drivers, both native and Windows ones - none ((In the VLC settings - I tried to put it “on top of all windows”, turned on F11-full screen mode - it didn’t help. Options - either disable the Windows screensaver (not advisable) or in VLC force "visualization" in the settings - then the screensaver does not start. And I like the VLC window in playlist mode))
That's the problem)) Thank you!

Igor Bersan:

Andrey, hello again. It’s not entirely clear why you can’t turn off the screensaver temporarily in this case. Tell me, is it not an option to set an increased time for displaying the screensaver?


Turn on and off the screensaver 5 times a day, but it’s hidden far away in the Win10 settings))
I listen to music, sometimes for half an hour, sometimes for 3-4 hours, how much should I increase the time the screensaver turns on, then should I turn it off completely?
This is not a problem with the VLC player, everything is fine with it, it completely suits me. I was just thinking, maybe someone knows what settings are hidden in it or other methods for solving the problem.
Thanks for answers!


Igor Bersan:

Andrey, you need to do the following:

1. Open the standard equalizer settings using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+E”. Adjust the sliders the way you want.
2. Do not close this window. Additionally, open the “Simple Settings” of the player itself and switch to the “All” display mode.
3. Next, open the “Filters” section, and in it go to the “Equalizer” sub-item.
4. Now in the “Frequency Gain” line, write down the values ​​indicated under the 10 sliders. For convenience, we will add an image below. In the same window, in the “General gain” line, enter the frequency value indicated under the “Preamplifier” slider.
5. Now save the settings in the main player settings window. And try restarting it to check.


Igor, I did everything, nothing was saved. In the settings position - “Equalizer preset” it is: straight line, it allows you to select only from the built-in standard ones, it doesn’t allow you to make a new name ((Well, it doesn’t allow you to change “smooth lines”, the changes are not saved. I need to make two presets for the speakers and for headphones, and not change the standard ones, they might come in handy))
I ran VLC version Win10 1903 under administrator too, it didn’t work ((

Igor Bersan:

Andrey, unfortunately, there are no other ways to fix this problem. We have heard about additional patches, but we have not tested or encountered them in practice. The steps described should definitely help. We have just checked their performance. First, set the sliders as needed, and then rewrite the digital values ​​under each of them in a special field in the settings window. (Ctrl+P). Well, you’ll have to sacrifice two presets that you definitely won’t use. They will have to be rewritten. There is no other way out.


Igor experimented again, and this is what happened:
The entered numbers in the “Frequency Gain” field are saved, but do not replace the selected preset. Those. after rebooting VLC, the saved values ​​are loaded, but the preset field remains empty, you can select built-in presets, but after the reboot, an “empty preset” with previously saved equalizer values ​​is loaded. That's all that happened))
And yet, in the advanced settings, if you check the “Show only applicable” checkbox, the ability to adjust the equalizer disappears. Maybe I have a version with insufficient rights and that’s the whole point?
Thank you!

Igor Bersan:

What version of the program do you have installed?


Recently updated and currently installed: Vetinari


And here's something else I discovered. I tried to listen to my BT headphones through standard Windows Media Player, everything is fine, they work both with the Windows screensaver turned on and in minimized mode, i.e. when you lose focus. But with VLC this doesn’t work, switching tracks doesn’t work, as I wrote about in the posts above ((

Igor Bersan:

Hello. You have the current version of the program. Unfortunately, VLC Player has a lot of bugs. Loss of focus and “crutch” saving of equalizer parameters is a prime example of this. And this cannot be corrected at the moment. The only way out is to find an alternative player.

VLC Media Player- one of the most successful programs for watching videos and listening to audio. VLC player does not require any third-party codecs, and therefore works flawlessly and “accepts” almost any format. It is easy to install, configure and use. These advantages have made VLC rightfully one of the most popular media players(according to the results of a survey on the Rutracker.Org forum, it takes an honorable second place). Few people know that in addition to the ability to play media files, VLC has a number of other useful and interesting features.

1. Streaming in VLC

Those who use VLC player on their local network to watch IPTV (an alternative to the IPTV-Player program) probably know about the possibility of playing a streaming signal. But if you haven’t heard about such a function yet, let’s dwell on it a little.

Signals from all kinds of media sources (video files, DVDs, radio, satellite and digital TV, etc.) are broadcast via servers with VLC installed and configured on them to the Internet or local network using SAP, UPnP, podcasts.

On the client side, the “sink” of the stream can easily be VLC Media Player. To receive a signal in local network Just open the Playlist (CTRL+L), go to the “Local Network” section in the sidebar and select the protocol (a Windows Firewall window may pop up - allow the program access in Private and Public networks).

To view/listen to podcasts, hover your mouse over the “Podcasts” item in the “Internet” section. A plus sign will be displayed to the right, by clicking on which you can add the podcast address to your Favorites list.

Well, finally, it’s very easy to open any streaming source on the Internet or local area using the menu Media -> Open URL .

As we noted above, the streaming function is implemented in VLC, but for the average user it is quite difficult to set up and is the topic of a separate article.

2. Record and convert video and audio in VLC

Well, we think many of our readers are hearing about this for the first time. Yes, VLC really can convert media files and make rips. And not only! It can also record streams/video from capture devices and even video from your computer screen! The menu item is responsible for all these “magic” functions of VLC Media Player Media -> Convert/Save .

As you can see in the window that opens, you can record/convert 4 things into VLC: a local file, a disk (CD/DVD), a stream or a signal from a capture device. Settings for each item are available in the corresponding tabs.

Let's look at two small examples.

1. Convert files and rip DVD/CD/BluRay discs. Conversion of individual files is available on the “File” tab. All you need to do is add the files to be converted, click “Convert / Save” and select the desired format in the window that opens:

With RIPs everything is also very simple. First select the media type and Disk device, then click on the “Convert / Save” button and select the rip format:

2. Capture video from the Desktop using VLC. This function is implemented on the “Capture device” tab. Select Screen Capture Mode, enter the capture rate (in fps), click Convert/Save and configure the output mode by specifying the location of the recorded file and the output stream format:

For those who are thirsty and suffering, I will say right away: convert into DivX/Xvid VLC can't do it =)

3. Video and audio effects

VLC can convert video and audio on the fly using built-in filters and effects. You can configure them by going to the menu Tools -> Effects and Filters . Useful functions include an equalizer, dynamic range compression (makes audio louder), image adjustments, cropping, desynchronization of video and audio signals, anti-flicker filters, etc. Various artistic filters and effects are also available.

4. Saving video frames (screenshots)

Surely many have tried to take screenshots while a video file is playing, using the PrintScreen button and then inserting and saving the image in the Paint program. In VLC this is a waste of time. You can take a screenshot in one click using the command Video -> Make snapshot, or using the context menu:

The folder for saving screenshots can be found using the menu item Tools -> Settings -> Video , section “Video images”:

5. Play video in ASCII style

The function, of course, is humorous, but it still arouses curiosity... probably everyone has seen pictures “drawn” with text. So, VLC can play videos in this style. You can enable this mode in the Tools -> Settings -> Video menu. In the “Display” section, select “Output with color ASCII graphics”:

If you had a file in the playback queue, restart it. The result of applying the filter is below =)


VLC developers never cease to amaze us with the necessary, or simply interesting, functions that they provide their product with. The main thing is the simplicity and versatility of this program, which made VLC one of the most popular media players in the world. If you are ready to report any function that, in your opinion, is worthy of being in our review, write in the comments.

Thanks in advance for likes And reposts! Also don't forget to subscribe to our updates at VK group(community widget in the left panel)!

Windows' built-in media player is great for playing basic music and videos, but it's far from a universal option. VLC Media Player can help with this. It can play audio and video from almost any source without the need for additional codecs.

  1. VLC Media Player() includes various plugins and extensions that allow you to easily integrate with your operating system and other software. It is not only a powerful, customizable and versatile media player, but also a universal application that works on all platforms!
  2. The installer is pretty self-explanatory and you don't need to change any of the default settings. The only section you need to pay special attention to is “Select Features,” where you may want to choose which items and extensions to install. When in doubt, leave everything selected.
  3. The main interface of VLC looks simple. The first thing you need to do is upload the video. You can do this by dragging the file into the program window or clicking the Media menu and then Open File. Note that you can also open video streams and CDs.
  4. At the bottom of the program's window are controls similar to those you'd find in any other media player: play, stop and pause, volume control, and a progress bar that lets you jump to a specific section of the video. VLC Media Player allows you to take granular control over audio and video playback with customizable options and filters.
  5. VLC gives you a lot of control over how your videos look and sound. Click the graphic equalizer button at the bottom of the window, or click Tools > Effects & Filters to bring up audio and video controls. To adjust the sound, you'll need to check the Enable box and then use the sliders to adjust the different audio frequencies to your liking. In addition to the basic settings, you can also use the Compressor and Spatilizer tabs to experiment with more advanced effects.
  6. If the sound and image in a video do not match in playback time, VLC Media Player also offers an easy way to synchronize them
  7. The Sync tab can be used to troubleshoot the problem of audio and video being out of sync. By introducing a pause in the audio or moving it forward, you can repair damaged videos.
  8. Moving to the Video Effects tab in the middle, there are a variety of controls you can use to enhance the look of your footage by adjusting settings like color, tint, sharpness, etc. There's even the ability to rotate video - great for viewing videos you've shot in the wrong mode on the phone.
  9. If the video you select already has subtitles, VLC Media Player can display them. It also allows you to download subtitles. Click the View menu and select the Download Subtitles option. You can search for any subtitles that exist for your video. VLC will automatically search for subtitles based on the file name you downloaded, but you can change this search to any other file name.
  10. The program runs in windowed mode by default, but if you plan to watch a movie, you'll probably want to switch to full-screen mode—just click View > Full Screen Interface or press F11.

Video:How to use VLC Media Player