Russian language pack for Windows 10. Download Russian language pack in Russian for free

We will talk about how to Russify Windows 10 Pro using the English system as an example. In a similar way, you can Russify the professional “top ten” of any localization: German, Chinese, etc.

First of all, make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet, because... To perform the Russification procedure, a connection to Microsoft servers is required.

1. Right-click on the button Start and select Control Panel:

2. From the control panel, select Language:

3. Click Add a language:

4. Select Russian and press Add:

After this, Russian will appear in the list of languages.
5. Click Options next to the Russian language:

After this, a new window will open. At the top of it you can see the area Windows display language. Wait while the system checks for the presence of a language pack.

7. In the window with a request to increase rights, click Yes:

After this, the download of the Russian language pack for Windows 10 will begin, and then its installation:

8. When the language is installed, you need to press again Options near the Russian language.

The interface language in Windows 10 is selected when installing the operating system. But after the installation procedure is completed, it can be changed. To do this you will need a language pack.

Why do you need a language pack?

A language pack (hereinafter referred to as “LP” for short) is a set of words and sentences that provides translation of the system into a specific language. For example, by installing a Russian language, you will translate all system messages, applications and settings into Russian. Accordingly, by choosing a language of another language, you will be able to use Windows in the language most convenient for you.

YAP installation

Windows 10 has several built-in methods that allow you to work with the language. Thanks to them, you can select a language from already downloaded packages, as well as install new languages.

If you need to change the language on one computer, then the easiest way is to use autoload, that is, let the system itself download and install the necessary package. If you need to change the language on several PCs, then it is more convenient to download the language file once, and then transfer it using a flash drive to each of the computers, thereby saving Internet traffic. PL files have the extension .cab. You can download them from third-party resources, since Microsoft does not distribute the language in the form of separate files on its official website.

Installing a language using Windows settings settings

Windows 10 has a built-in Settings utility that allows you to manage system settings. If the OS on your computer has already been updated to version 1803 April Update, then using this utility you can download additional language. If you have an older version of Windows installed, then use any of the methods described below - the result will be the same. To load a language using the “Options” utility, do the following:

Installing a language from the Windows Control Panel

Users who have not yet updated their Windows to version 1803 or later can change the language through the control panel. To do this, do the following:

  1. Once in the control panel, go to the “Language” section. The control panel can be found using the system search bar.

    Open the Language section in the Windows Control Panel

  2. Click on the “Add language” button to select the desired language. A list of languages ​​available for adding will appear. Select the one you want to add.

    Click the "Add Language" button and select the desired language pack

  3. Go to the properties of the selected language.

    Click the Properties button for the language you want to add

  4. In the language properties window that opens, click the “Download and install language pack” button, after which the download of the language will begin.

    By clicking on the “Download and install language pack” button, start downloading the language of the selected language

  5. After completing the language installation process, go to the language properties again and assign it as the main system language.

    Set the selected language as your default Windows interface language

Ready. The new language has been downloaded and applied. You may be asked to log out to apply the changed settings. Agree, then log in to your account again and check the result.

Adding a language from a cab file

If you have a separately downloaded language in cab format, then follow these steps to install it:

  1. Press the Win + R key combination to open the Run window. Enter the lpksetupe command in it and start its execution by clicking OK.

    Type and run the lpksetup command

  2. The YAP installation window will appear. Indicate that you want to download a new language and not delete the existing one. To do this, click on the line “Set interface language”.

    Specify that you need to install a new language pack

  3. Open the cab file by clicking the Browse button and finding it on the disk. The line next to the button will display the path to the file. If the file contains several languages ​​at once, select the ones you want to install. Start the installation procedure by clicking Next and wait for it to complete. Then go to the Settings window or the Windows Control Panel, select the new language as the main one (how to do this is described in the two previous paragraphs).

    Specify the path to the file and select the desired languages

Changing the interface language

Installing a new language does not guarantee that the system language will change. Typically, this requires entering the appropriate command, which will change the interface language. Follow these steps:

Video: working with language packs in Windows 10

Welcome language changes

If you want to see the same language as the interface language when you log in, follow these additional steps:

Installing the language on the Single Language version

There is a special edition of Windows - Single Language. It includes only one language and does not allow you to download additional languages ​​through the control panel or the Settings utility. This was done to ensure that an inexperienced user does not accidentally translate the system into a language he does not understand.

If you are faced with the fact that the Single Language version is installed on your computer, and you need a new language, then use the method described in the paragraph “Adding a language from a cab file”. You can install the package and start using it by first downloading the cab file from a third-party resource.

Program language changes

Third-party programs run in the language you chose during installation, but built-in Windows applications and utilities downloaded from the official Microsoft store rely on system settings to determine the interface language. The language they use is selected based on location data.

In earlier versions of Windows 10, language packs are installed through Control Panel, and in recent versions, through System Settings. The universal way is to install the language using a cab file. After the package is installed, go to the regional settings and change the language of the interface, welcome and standard programs.

Russification of Windows is necessary if an operating system in a foreign language is installed on the computer. Situations can be different: a computer was purchased abroad (naturally, there is no Russian language there), the user independently installed an operating system on the PC in English (or any other) language, etc.

Unfortunately, not everyone is fluent in foreign languages. Therefore, for full operation, the user will need to install the Russian language on Windows in order to change the Windows interface language.

How to change the Windows language to Russian? To do this, you need to download and install the Russian language package in the operating room to localize the system. After the installation of the language pack is completed, Windows will work in Russian.

In this article we will look at the process of Russification of Windows 10. The process of downloading and installing the Russian language pack takes place directly from the system settings: using online and offline installation.

Russification of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 takes place according to the following algorithm (in Windows 10 the procedure is similar):

  • download the Russian language pack by starting the download from the system settings, or by clicking on the link
  • install Russian language pack
  • enter Windows settings, select Russian as the main language of the operating system
  • restart your computer

In this article I will tell you how to change the Windows 10 language to Russian in an operating system (Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB), which by default does not have a Russian interface language. In other editions of Windows 10, the Russification process is similar.

How to install Russian interface language in Windows 10 (1 method)

In the Windows 10 operating system, go to the Start menu, click on Settings. In the Settings window, select the Time & language section.

In the settings window, open "Region & language". In the "Languages" section, click on the "Add a language" button.

In the “Add a language” window, select the Russian language (Russian, Russian).

After this, Russian will appear in the list of added languages ​​in second place. The Russian language has not yet been downloaded and installed on Windows.

Select “Russian” and three buttons will appear in the language area. Click on the "Options" button.

After this, the Russian language settings window will open. Here you can download the Russian language pack for Windows 10, enable full support for the letter “ё” (by default, this function is disabled in Russian builds of Windows), download the voice pack, and add a keyboard.

Click on the “Download” button to download and install the Russian language.

After this, the download and installation of the Russian language pack on your computer will begin. This process will take some time.

After the installation of the Russian language is completed, the message “Language pack installed” will appear in the language settings.

Enter “Region & language”, highlight “Russian”, click on the “Set as default” button.

After this, the Russian language will move to first place in the list of supported languages. This means that Russian will be used by default in the Windows 10 operating system.

Restart your computer. After launch, you will see that the Windows 10 interface works in Russian.

Russification of Windows 10 (method 2)

For the second option of installing the Russian language in Windows 10, you will need a pre-downloaded Russian language pack. The localized language pack in the form of a file with the extension “.cab” must match the version and bitness of the operating system installed on the system computer.

  1. Go to the Start menu, run Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. In the command line interpreter window, enter the command “lpksetup” (without quotes), press the “Enter” key.
  3. In the window that opens, click on the “Install display languages” button.
  4. In the next window, you need to select the path to the Russian language pack previously downloaded to your computer. Using the "Browse" button, select the file with the ".cab" extension, and then click on the "Next" button.
  1. Next, accept the terms of the license agreement.
  2. Then the process of installing the Russian language on your computer will begin.
  3. After completing the installation of the language pack, go to the system parameters, in the “Setting” window, in the “Region & language” option, in the “Languages” section, click on the “Add a language” button, and then select Russian in the window that opens.
  4. Return to the “Region & language” settings, under the Russian language item you will see the message “Language pack installed” (the language pack is installed).
  5. Highlight “Russian” and then click on the “Set as default” button that appears. Russian language will move to the beginning of the list of installed languages.
  6. Restart your computer.
  7. The Windows 10 operating system will boot in Russian.

Conclusions of the article

If Windows is installed on a computer in a foreign language, the user can install Russian on Windows 10 in order to change the operating system interface language to the native or desired language.

If a non-Russian version of Windows 10 is installed on your computer, and not in the “Single Language” option, you can easily download and install the Russian language of the system interface, and also enable the Russian language for Windows 10 applications, which will be shown in the instructions below.

Note: if, after installing the Russian interface language, some documents or programs show crappy language, use the instructions.

Installing the Russian interface language in Windows 10 version 1803 April Update

In the Windows 10 1803 April Update, installing language packs to change the language has moved from the Control Panel to Settings.

In the new version, the path will be as follows: Settings (Win + I keys) - Time and language - Region and language (Settings - Time & Language - Region and language). There you need to select the desired language (and if not, add it by clicking Add a language) in the “Preferred languages” list and click “Settings”. And on the next screen, download the language pack for this language (in the screenshot - downloading the English language pack, but for Russian it’s the same).

After downloading the language pack, return to the previous Region and Language screen and select your language from the Windows Display Language list.

How to download the Russian interface language using the control panel

In previous versions of Windows 10, the same can be done using the Control Panel. The first step is to download the Russian language, including the interface language for the system. You can do this using the corresponding item in the Windows 10 control panel.

Go to the control panel (for example, by right-clicking on the “Start” button - “Control Panel”), switch the “View by” item in the top right to Icons and open the “Language” item. After that, follow these steps to install the language pack.

Note: if your system already has the Russian language installed, but only for keyboard input and not the interface, then start from the third point.

The next time you log in, the Windows 10 interface language will be Russian. Also, during the steps above, the Russian input language was added, if it was not installed previously.

How to enable Russian interface language in Windows 10 applications

Despite the fact that the previously described actions change the interface language of the system itself, almost all applications from the Windows 10 store will most likely remain in another language, in my case - English.

To enable the Russian language in them too, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the control panel - “Language” and make sure that Russian is first in the list. Otherwise, select it and click the “Up” menu item above the list of languages.
  2. In the control panel, go to “Regional standards” and on the “Location” tab, in the “Primary location” item, select “Russia”.

Done, after this, even without a reboot, some Windows 10 applications will also acquire the Russian interface language. For the rest, run a forced update through the application store (Launch the store, click on the profile icon, select “Downloads and updates” or “Downloads and updates” and search for updates).

Also, in some third-party applications, the interface language can be configured in the settings of the application itself and does not depend on the settings of Windows 10.

Well, that’s all, the translation of the system into Russian is completed. As a rule, everything works without any problems, but the original language may be preserved in pre-installed programs (for example, those related to your equipment).