Why is the access card not correct? After the update, the tricolor says no card. What does “no smart card” mean on Tricolor TV and what to do in this case

The largest Russian digital satellite television operator Tricolor uses in its work unique technologies and methods of encoding transmitted information. After turning on the receiver, you may encounter the error “Smart card not detected by the receiver error 5 tricolor,” what should you do in this situation?

The smart card is the heart of Tricolor, containing basic information about the client, prepaid packages and the method of encoding and decoding data. The device can be either built-in or purchased separately for installation in the receiver.

Unique software algorithms are embedded in the chip, making it unique. Loss or breakage of this part creates error 5.

Let's look at the main causes of error 5 and how to eliminate it. The most popular types of malfunctions related to the performance of a smart card are highlighted:

  • incorrect installation or blockage of the card slot;
  • card chip failure;
  • software failure or installation of the wrong firmware version;
  • the equipment is not compatible with this type of card.

Incorrect installation, clogged contacts or slot for installing a smart card are key problems encountered by Tricolor users. Correct installation and functionality can be checked using the ID key on the original remote control. If everything is installed correctly, your personal number and detailed technical information will be displayed on the screen. Reboot the receiver and wait for the channels to start showing. If the error does not disappear, the problem lies in the software.

A correctly inserted card should be in contact with the reader element. Carefully check these areas for contamination and the presence of foreign objects. The device must be fully inserted into the special slot.

The smart card has failed, tricolor error 5: how to fix it

You can only check the functioning of this element on another receiver. If this is not possible, you need to contact the official Tricolor support service. You can do this in the following ways:

  • call the support service toll-free number 78005000123. In your request, please specify that error 5 occurred;
  • contact Tricolor specialists via Skype by making a call or sending a message;
  • The user's personal account has a function that allows you to leave a request with the text of the problem. Consideration of the application lasts from several hours to days;
  • The support service has launched a special online chat that allows you to get quick and accurate advice at any time.

Troubleshooting Tricolor software

During the existence of the digital satellite television operator, several types of receivers and smart cards for them with separate software were released. This diversity creates compatibility problems for some devices. The following may help in this situation:

  • restore settings to factory level;
  • independent flashing of equipment to the latest software version.

Restoring the settings to the factory level is done using the standard method using the original receiver control panel.

Open the main menu and select “Reset settings”. Confirm your actions. Reboot the receiver and perform the initial setup of the equipment with channel search. If this method does not help, a flashing is required.

Many resources offer downloads of current versions of original firmware and publish a list of supported receivers and smart cards. Download the required component and follow the further instructions. Please note that reflashing it yourself may void your warranty. You perform these actions at your own peril and risk. To correct problems with a smart card, it is best to contact an official service center, where they will tell you what to do. If the card fails through no fault of yours, it will be replaced with a new one free of charge and promptly activated.

Satellite television broadcasting guarantees its subscribers high image quality and data exchange speed. Such parameters require the use of complex technical and software tools, the use of which may be accompanied by errors. One of the errors that occurs is the message: “the smart card is not detected by the receiver”, error 5 Tricolor: what to do and how to resume stable television broadcasting will be discussed in this material.

The operation of satellite television is based on the interconnection of equipment, where each component performs a specific task. At home, the user has a receiver that acts as a decoder of the signal incoming and outgoing to the satellite. An installed or built-in smart card serves as a user identifier, in which the following are recorded: personal profile ID, connected packages and other parameters.

Without such a card, the operation of the device becomes impossible.

"Error 5" refers to problems with the smart card. This includes:

  • incorrect installation;
  • device malfunction;
  • problems with software and firmware.

Let's take a closer look at each of the cases and identify solutions to restore stable television broadcasting.

How to fix

Having considered what Tricolor “error” 5 means, we will identify the most effective methods that will help eliminate the malfunction. Incorrect installation of a smart card in the slot is a key error that is often found among Tricolor TV subscribers. The smart card contains a microchip, damage to which will render the device inoperable. The card must be installed in equipment that is disconnected from the network.

Installation can be done in the following ways:

  1. using a special adapter;
  2. straight into the reader.

In any case, you need to take into account the correct direction of the map. It has an arrow indicating the correct position for installation. If you are using an adapter, the directions must also match for subsequent installation into the receiver. Incorrect installation will not only not lead to a positive result, but can also damage the chip board.

Carefully check how the adapter is installed.

Re-extract and reinstall it, reboot the receiver. It may take some time for the broadcast to resume. Change to a free channel and then back to a scrambled channel. If the “error 5” message does not disappear, which means problems with the software or device performance, you should proceed to software diagnostics.

Software errors often occur after updates are released, which can cause system instability.

  • Go to the “System” or “Settings” menu of your receiver, depending on its model;
  • Find "Reset settings" or "Factory settings". Some firmware versions may hide these items in a separate section. Look for them, they are definitely present in every receiver;
  • Confirm your actions and reboot your device;
  • Perform the initial setup of the equipment again, specifying the required data;
  • Find channels manually or automatically.

If the above method does not help, you need to perform equipment diagnostics, which will help identify what the error is. If you have the opportunity to borrow a smart card from a friend to check the functionality of the equipment, this will be the easiest diagnostic option. Insert the smart card into the receiver following the instructions. Search for channels again. If the broadcast is successful, the problem lies with your smart card. You can get a new one at your nearest Tricolor service office.

If “error 5” occurs even after installing a working smart card, the problem is in the equipment itself.

How to fix a technical breakdown is difficult to determine. The operator categorically does not recommend disassembling the device yourself, which will immediately void the warranty.

For detailed diagnostics and specialist assistance, you can contact the free support service of the satellite television operator Tricolor TV. You can do this in 2019 in the following ways:

  1. by calling a 24-hour hotline, which may vary depending on your location;
  2. by sending a text or voice message to the operator’s official Skype profile;
  3. by leaving a text request in the subscriber’s personal account on the official website;
  4. taking advantage of modern developments - free text and voice chat with an operator, which is located immediately on the main page.

In your request, be sure to indicate its name - “Tricolor “error 5””, how to fix it, and the solutions you use. The problem will be addressed shortly. If the fault is in the technical part, a specialist will be sent to your home. A guaranteed breakdown is accompanied by a free replacement of equipment, followed by installation and configuration.

The work of the largest satellite operator in Russia, Tricolor TV, involves complex technical equipment consisting of several components. To receive, decrypt and transmit the signal to the satellite, a special receiver connected to a satellite dish is used. The user identifier is a smart card - a special device containing current information about the subscriber for further reading by the system. Request to support service “The smart card is not detected by the receiver, error 5 Tricolor, what should I do?” associated with the inability to read such a device.

In this material we will look at the reasons for error number 5 and how to fix it yourself in 2019.

What does error 5 mean?

The Tricolor TV company produces its own line of equipment that uses unique technology. The smart card can be either built into the receiver or supplied separately, depending on the model of the technical device. Such a device has a unique number consisting of a combination of 12 or 14 digital characters. This allows the chip to be used for user identification, working with a personal account and storing detailed information about the account.

Each time the receiver is turned on, it initiates a process of communication with the satellite and transmission of the corresponding electronic signal, which initiates a check of the presence of all necessary equipment and its functioning. If the smart card functionality check is unsuccessful, the message “Error 5” is displayed on the screen, which limits access to watching television and makes further self-diagnosis necessary.


Incorrect operation of the device may be due to the following factors:

  • the smart card is missing, which makes it impossible to read and further use;
  • the device was incorrectly inserted into the appropriate connector;
  • A software or technical malfunction prevents the receiver from receiving the necessary information.

Incorrect operation of the software is also common among Tricolor TV users and can be corrected using standard methods. To do this, you must follow specific instructions, failure to comply with which may lead to failure of technical components.

How to fix error 5: methods and instructions

When considering the question “Error 5 Tricolor, how to fix it?”, you should initially check that the smart card is installed correctly in the appropriate connector of the receiver or TV. Some modern devices come with a built-in receiver where you can install a card through a special CAM module. The card must be installed straight and facing up. A complex technical device should not be subjected to physical impact and may fail. If you have made sure that you installed the module correctly, but it does not function, try inserting it into the receiver of another Tricolor TV user. If it does not work there either, contact the nearest operator service center, where the equipment will be diagnosed. If the case is under warranty, the replacement is free of charge, otherwise an additional fee will be required. This also applies to the receivers themselves.

The problem with reading the smart card may be software related. The receiver and module require the installation of separate software components that are compatible with each other. If you updated the software incorrectly, or other errors occurred in the system, the message “Error 5” may appear. To correct this problem, reset the hardware settings to factory settings.

This can be done in standard ways using a standard control panel:

  1. Go to the “System” or “Settings” menu;
  2. Find “System Settings” and select “Reset Settings”;
  3. Confirm the actions and enter the confirmation code “0000”;
  4. Re-tune and search for channels.

The names of functions and their location may vary depending on the model of technical equipment used. If the above methods do not help resolve the problem, contact technical support using any of the available methods.

You can do this:

  • by calling a toll-free mobile or landline number;
  • using the message system in the user control panel;
  • by writing a message or calling in a free text or voice chat, available for use on the operator’s official website;
  • by contacting a consultant on Skype.

Formulate your request by providing personal information, error number and actions taken to resolve it. The operator will promptly review your requests and tell you what error 5 means and how to fix it.

The Tricolor TV company, one of the leaders in satellite television, began to inform its customers that old cards must be replaced for normal functioning with Tricolor equipment and full use of all services available to the provider. Informing occurs through receiving SMS messages, or at the address specified in the client service agreement. A new smart card will be sent to the same address.

The Tricolor card is a special plastic card equipped with a unique identifier and a chip with information built into it. Modern cards are issued at the factory with a special 8-digit number; in the first type, this method was not implemented.

Replacing an old Tricolor smart card is carried out in several ways. To do this you can:

  1. Write a written appeal to the company and send it by mail.
  2. Fill out the application form on the official Tricolor website.
  3. Contact support.

All existing subscriptions for subscribers will be restored with service according to the conditions.

New card registration process

In order to complete registration, you need to enter a unique 12-digit equipment number (identifier). Receivers are included with the card. After registration, the client will have access to the following options:

  • viewing the basic package throughout the entire operation of the equipment;
  • free viewing of “Premium” and “Super Premium” packages for cards of the second type;
  • To watch channels included in the paid package, you need to pay a subscription fee according to the tariff.

What to do if your smart card is lost

How to recover a lost Tricolor card? If for some reason the card is lost, it will not be restored, but the situation can be corrected. Contact your nearest authorized dealer who provides service in your area. The lost card will be replaced with a new one, according to the price list.

What is a CAM module

Suppliers in the satellite communications market are actively promoting this device. However, the best and most interesting devices in this area were the Tricolor TV package devices and the NTV module. Using the module allows you to decode channels that do not broadcast in the public domain. This became possible thanks to the use of equipment binding technology. The only point to consider is that you can only view or record from one private channel at a time.

Tricolor provides its subscribers with a wide range of topics: scientific, music, children's, sports, and other channels.

The kit offered by NTV includes a smart card with 600 rubles credited to its balance. The user receives access to the package of encrypted channels immediately after activation. As in the previous case, you can view no more than one channel at a time.

Any person who has been using satellite television for at least a year knows how to troubleshoot the main problems with this service. But even the most experienced Tricolor users can be confused by the message: “Smart card not defined, error 5.” Card-related failures occur quite rarely and, as a rule, cannot be corrected on your own. But some operations to eliminate such an error can still be carried out at home. Let's tell you more about them.

Error value

So, the subscriber sees the message “Error 5” on the Tricolor TV screen. what does this message mean? The instructions for the equipment state that this failure appears in cases where the receiver cannot detect the smart card connected to it.

The reasons for the failure may be the following:

  • physical disruption of the connection between the card and the set-top box connector;
  • the firmware of the set-top box does not comply with the operator’s requirements;
  • failure;
  • receiver failure.

How can I find out what caused the problem in a particular case? You will need to carry out a small diagnosis, step by step eliminating all possible causes.

What is needed for diagnosis

No special equipment is needed to determine the causes of the problem. If the subscriber has the opportunity, you can use another receiver to check the smart card. But this is not a prerequisite.

Troubleshooting procedure

When Tricolor displays error 5, there is a disruption in the connection between the set-top box and the smart card through which this set-top box receives data from the satellite. To fix a problem, you must first eliminate the simplest causes of its occurrence.

Checking the physical connection

First of all, we recommend turning off all equipment, removing the smart card from the connector and inserting it back, tightly, until it stops. Perhaps, due to some physical influence, the contact between the card and the receiver was simply broken, as a result of which the signal does not reach the device. Also, after removing the card, it is worth checking the cleanliness of the chip built into it. If necessary, its surface can be wiped with industrial alcohol to remove dirt.

Advice: if there is a special tester in the house, and the subscriber has skills in working with electronics, it is worth checking the functionality of the contacts of the connector into which the card is connected.

These actions are necessary both in the case of a regular receiver and in a situation where error 5 appears on the Tricolor. If the signal does not appear as a result of reconnection, proceed to the next step.

Restoring set-top box settings

Often the cause of failure No. 5 is a hardware firmware glitch. Here you should proceed as follows:

  • set new parameters according to the instructions;
  • check the current software version;
  • if necessary, to the version recommended by the operator.

Tip: you can find out the current software version for a specific receiver model on the Tricolor website, in the “Support” section.

We have already written on our website about how to properly reset equipment parameters, subsequent settings, etc. We recommend using the appropriate instructions.

Checking the functionality of the smart card

Let's assume that the software is updated and the settings are restored, but the user still has error 5 in Tricolor. What to do in such a situation? We recommend checking the smart card for functionality.

The most convenient way to do this is if you have a second, known working receiver from the same satellite operator at hand. In this case, you just need to connect a card to it and see how the equipment reacts. If the failure persists, it means the card is faulty. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • physical damage to the card;
  • expiration of the card;
  • defective chip production.

Advice: if more than three years have passed since the card was issued, we recommend immediately replacing it with a new one, without waiting for more serious failures.

What if there is no second receiver? It is better to immediately contact the dealer from whom you purchased the equipment and instruct its technicians to solve the problem.

Checking the receiver

If the subscriber has a second working receiver at hand, checking is quite simple. A smart card from the faulty one is connected to the working set-top box and the reaction of the equipment is monitored. If the failure does not recur, then the problem is not with the card, but with the receiver itself.

There is only one solution here - contacting the operator’s service center or one of its dealers. If the console needs to be repaired, it will be repaired. But, as practice shows, in most cases it is more profitable for the subscriber to replace a device that has become unusable with a new, more modern model, using one of the company’s shares.

Before making a replacement, you can try by loading software into it from a working set-top box. True, this can only be done if their models match.

Important! You should not reflash the TV's CAM module yourself! It would be safer to contact a specialist.

When nothing helps

As practice shows, most often checking the physical connection and resetting the settings helps to cope with such a nuisance as error 5 in Tricolor. How to fix the failure if the simplest methods did not work? There is only one answer - contact the dealer where the equipment was purchased, or directly to the satellite operator.

Without proper experience, you should not try to repair the receiver yourself. And if the device is still under warranty, then independent actions may result in losses for the subscriber. So it is better to entrust this work to specially trained people.