What to do when you drop your iPhone in water. iPhone fell into water - possible consequences and ways to eliminate them

No iPhone is 100% protected from water. Water is his terrible enemy. We can list the most common situations when water gets into the iPhone.

  • You can take it with wet hands (this is the safest case). Then small droplets of water can damage the button mechanisms.
  • Do you like to take a steam bath? Remove it from the room, otherwise moisture will appear in the device.
  • They put it on a table in a restaurant/bar, knocked over a glass/glass, and water (or wine/beer) got into the iPhone.
  • You can just drop iPhone in water- in the bathroom or even in the river (although it happens that the iPhone can fall into the toilet :)
  • The worst case scenario is to drown your iPhone in the sea. Salt water is practically death for the phone.

What need to What to do if your iPhone falls into water?

If you drop your iPhone in water, the most important thing is to immediately turn off the phone and disconnect the battery. Of course, it is better to do this if you have at least some experience in disassembling an iPhone (often people tear the cables during careless disassembly). Next, you need to dry it and remove corrosion from the contacts; this can be done at a service center. But this may not save either. After water, various elements may fail and will have to be replaced or restored.

What it is forbidden What to do if water gets into your iPhone?

Can't put in salt

Sometimes they do this so that “the salt draws out moisture.” Yes, some of the water will indeed be absorbed by the salt. But then all the water in the phone will be salty, and the oxidation process in salty water is accelerated many times over. For example, it is much more difficult to restore devices after falling into sea water than after falling into clean water.

By the way! In distilled water, on the contrary, oxidation proceeds very slowly.

Don't put it in rice

This is a very popular way to dry your phone. But alas, it doesn't help. Better dry your phone with a towel.

By the way, devices that were dried in rice and then brought to the service center are immediately visible - rice gets stuck in all connectors :)

Do not disassemble without tools and without repair experience

It is clear that the first thing you need to do is disconnect the battery. But if you haven't done this before, don't risk it. Often people in a panic tear the battery off the board, touch the microcircuits with screwdrivers, and break the housing. Often, restoring a phone after opening it costs more than repairing it after water damage.

Can water get into iPhone 7?

The iPhone 7 is advertised as a water-resistant device. Indeed, it is more secure than previous models. But water can also get into the Seven, since an increased degree of protection does not mean complete waterproofness.

On the Apple.com website, in the specifications for the iPhone 7, you can find a line that indicates the protection standard to which the device meets. This standard: IP67. What does it mean:

  1. Dust ingress is completely excluded
  2. Protection against temporary condensation, protection for partial or short-term immersion to a depth of 1 m

Note that these values ​​are far from completely sealed. You shouldn't take a bath with your iPhone 7.

Also, it is worth noting that these conditions apply to a new phone. Over time, the case becomes bent due to use and impacts, gaps appear, and the effectiveness of protection decreases. So it’s not surprising that after dropping the iPhone 7 into water, the phone will stop working correctly.

What most often fails after water?

Let's list the spare parts and microcircuits that are most often damaged when the iPhone comes into contact with water.


In first place in popularity is the display module. In most cases, the display continues to work, but streaks appear. Sometimes there are so many stains and the liquid is so dirty that it becomes very difficult to distinguish the image.

Only replacing the screen will help here. You can clean water marks, but they will not completely disappear. But we want it to look like new, right? So - replacement with a new display.


If the battery stops working first due to water, then consider yourself lucky! Without current, there is almost no harm from water (not counting stains). A discharged battery is also a good sign, but even when discharged the battery supplies a small current to the board.

If during the diagnostic process a problem is identified in the battery, then it is replaced with a new one. And the new one will also hold a charge longer than the old one.

The popularity of the iPhone is only increasing every day. This is due to the fact that the device has proven itself only from the best side. The iPhone is not only a high-quality device, but also a multifunctional device. Despite its software protection, the iPhone is not at all protected from water. It doesn’t matter whether the device is caught in a downpour or in a puddle. What to do if your iPhone 6 falls into water?

Effect of liquids on iPhone

What happens to the gadget if water gets on it? The acidity level of the liquid is of great importance. The lower the indicators, the greater the danger the substance poses to the device. The pH level of the water is 7, which is not dangerous for a smartphone. To avoid problems, you need to get rid of moisture quickly.

The most dangerous liquids for iPhone 5 are:

  • Acetic acid: pH = 2.5;
  • Pepsi-Cola: pH = 3;
  • Mineral waters: pH = 3;
  • Orange juice: pH = 3.5;
  • Beer drinks: pH from 3.5 to 6 (depending on the variety);
  • Milk: pH = 6.5.

Unfortunately, oxidation is not the only thing that can happen to the iPhone 5. Water is an excellent conductor of current. When liquid hits the motherboard, the device simply shorts out.

If you drown your smartphone, you need to react immediately. Otherwise, the device will no longer be able to be revived.

Phone in water - what to do

What to do if your iPhone falls into water or other liquid? It is recommended to calm down, as panic will not lead to anything good. It is important to quickly remove the iPhone 5 from the water. The phone must have been in the liquid for less than 10 seconds. If you do not remove the device within 40 seconds, it will no longer be salvageable.

A phone that has been drowning before should be turned off immediately. After this, you need to use a screwdriver to remove the battery. It is important to note that the cover can only be unscrewed with a Pentalobe screwdriver.

If bubbles have accumulated under the film, it must be removed. When droplets do not appear, there is no need to remove the film. As for the cover, you need to get rid of it, as moisture can accumulate under it.

Getting rid of moisture

You need to understand what to do if your iPhone . After removing it from the liquid and turning it off, you need to start drying the device. First you need to use paper napkins. This product absorbs moisture well. Since water may have gotten into the speaker and connectors, you should use a cocktail tube.

The next step is to check all moisture indicators. On the iPhone 3GS (4 and 4S), they are located in the headphone hole and dock connector. As for the iPhone 5 (5S and 6), it has one indicator located in the SIM card slot. If moisture does not get on the “sensors”, then their color will be white. When water gets in, the indicator turns red.

Changing the color scheme of the “sensor” means that you can forget about warranty service. When purchasing a new gadget, you should consider the indicators. They allow you to understand whether the device in front of you is recessed or not.

The device should not be turned on for 2-3 days. It is recommended to contact the service center immediately.

Drying with improvised means

If water gets on your iPhone, you can use folk remedies to get rid of moisture. In fact, there are about 10 ways that your device will become dry. It is worth highlighting the rice that best copes with the task.

So, to dry the device, you need to put rice in a container and then place your iPhone there. It is important that the cereal completely covers the device. The phone will dry for 24 hours.

If the iPhone 6 (or another model) falls into water, this drying method should not be used. Of course, the rice will be able to absorb all the moisture, but the minerals and salts remaining on the contacts will react. As a result, the elements will begin to rot.

What not to do

If your iPhone falls into water, you need to do everything to prevent the phone from turning on. Otherwise there may be a short circuit. To remove moisture from a phone that has fallen into liquid, many people will consider using a hair dryer, as the hot air flow will quickly do the job. In fact, you shouldn't do this. The iPhone has parts that begin to melt when exposed to high temperatures. After such drying, all that remains is to throw away the phone. Before drying the device, you need to think carefully about whether it is necessary to do so.

Those who dropped their iPhone 5 in water don't need to rely on rice. Of course, cereal will rid the device of moisture, but salts and minerals will damage the microcircuit. In this case, rice may become clogged in the connector, which means the device will have to be disassembled in any case. Not everyone can cope with this task on their own.

What happens to the device

Owners of a popular gadget (who drowned an iPhone) should know what happens to the device after exposure to liquid. First of all, it should be noted that the consequences will begin to appear in a few days (weeks):

  • The phone does not turn on;
  • The screen stops responding to commands;
  • The device turns off during operation.

All this happens after exposure to salts and minerals. If you look at the motherboard through a microscope, you can see:

  • Oxidized contacts;
  • Split connectors;
  • Rotting microcircuits.

It is impossible to get rid of such damage on your own. As for replacing the motherboard, this is not a cheap pleasure. However, finding such a component part is not easy.

Signs of chip rotting

After self-drying or poor-quality repairs in “garages”, the phone can be turned on, but not for long. After a week, the following changes will appear:

  • Rapid battery drain;
  • Reducing screen sensitivity several times;
  • Problems appearing with the Wi-Fi module (connection constantly disappears);
  • Changing the sound level, it can also disappear completely;
  • The device may be turned off.

If such “symptoms” are noticed, it will be quite difficult and expensive to revive the phone. Rarely do specialists undertake such work. It will be easier to buy a new smartphone.

Do I need to contact a service center?

Every person's phone can fall either on the floor or in water. If the iPhone is completely wet and liquid gets inside, you won’t be able to revive the device on your own. It is recommended to go to a service center as soon as possible.

Before the specialist begins the inspection, it is necessary to tell under what circumstances the phone “managed to drown.” Most likely, drying of parts, and possibly repairs, will take at least 3 days.

The specialist will have to fully examine every detail under a microscope. Remaining moisture is removed using directed air flow. As for salts, they can be removed with a toothbrush and Contact Cleaner.

If a person does not “drown” the iPhone in rice, but immediately goes to the service center, in 70% of cases the device will be revived. If the “drowned person” was taken to the “intensive care unit” a day later or after a long stay in the water, you can think about purchasing a new gadget.

Video instructions: what to do if water gets into your iPhone


It is best not to get into such an unpleasant situation. If your iPhone does fall into water, you need to quickly remove it from the liquid and then turn it off. To save your gadget, you must immediately go to a specialized center. The faster the device is delivered for diagnosis and repair, the greater the chance that the device will function normally. You shouldn’t spare money, because it’s easier to pay 1,000 rubles for inspection and drying than to then spend tens of thousands on buying a new iPhone.

Hello everyone, dear readers and users of Apple mobile gadgets running the iOS operating system. Today we will have a very vital article on our website, which I am sure will be useful to any, without exception, user and owner of an iPhone gadget. What to do if your favorite gadget accidentally fell into water, what to do if you accidentally doused it with water, etc.

Unfortunately, no matter how sealed Apple products are, they, including the iPhone, cannot boast of complete sealing. And if moisture gets in, it can have a very negative impact on the operation of the device, or it may not affect its operation at all, here, as they say, depending on your luck.

Important: the ideal solution to the problem is to visit a service center if your gadget gets wet. Where they can check your iPhone and fix problems if any are found. Only specialists can guarantee the functionality of the device after it gets wet.

Below I offer you several quick actions that you can take if liquid somehow gets on your iPhone. It is advisable to take actions as quickly as possible in order to prevent moisture from seeping into important elements of the gadget.

First actions

Let me remind you that the sooner, seconds can count, you pull your iPhone out of the water, the less likely it is that the water will have time to reach the vital components of the device.

Below I will tell you how to check for moisture in your device before turning it on.

Folk method

There are a lot of rumors circulating online that the magic way to dry your iPhone is to put it immediately after it gets wet in a bowl of rice. I don’t quite trust this method, but since it has helped a very large number of people, and, according to them, it has helped, not once or twice, then you can try it too.

Do the following:

  1. After your iPhone gets wet (falls into water), you need to blot it with a disposable towel;
  2. Take any container, such as a plastic container, deep saucer or regular plastic bag;
  3. Fill the selected container with rice, but not completely, you need to have some room left to place your iPhone;
  4. Now you need to place your wetted gadget into the selected container;
  5. Leave your device in the rice container for twenty-four or forty-eight hours;
  6. After this time, take out the iPhone and check the liquid indicator. You can read how to do this below.

Moisture indicator

Before you turn on the phone after drying, you need to check the moisture indicator. When in contact with moisture, the indicator turns red; if the indicator is red, then it is better to take the iPhone to a service center. Below I tell you how you can do this. Just follow the steps below:

That’s all for me, if you have any questions or additions regarding this material, you can ask them in the comments to this post. If the article was useful, then the best thank you to the author will be if you share it with friends and acquaintances on your social profile accounts. See you in the next useful lessons, reviews and advice articles.

If you dropped your iPhone and the screen does not work, you first need to calm down. The consequences of a fall can be serious, but there are effective methods for troubleshooting your phone yourself.

Reasons for display failure

Despite the fact that Apple equipment is considered the most reliable on the electronics market, under the influence of certain factors it can become unusable.

Common reasons for iPhone screen failures include:

  • mechanical damage (fall, impact)
  • moisture ingress
  • software error
  • factory defect
  • hypothermia, overheating

As a result of these factors, the display module may stop working.

If you drop your iPhone on a soft bed or pillow, this will not affect its functionality in any way. But if you sit on it, a green screen may appear, which indicates damage to the device. In most cases, the screen does not work after being dropped on a hard surface.

Symptoms of a Display Problem

After an iPhone has been dropped, signs of damage may be obvious or hidden. The phone is damaged if:

  • green, black or white screen appears
  • there is no image on any part of the screen
  • phone won't turn on
  • iPhone touch screen stops responding to touch

Hidden signs of iPhone malfunction after a fall will be helped by detailed diagnostics of the device.

What to do if a green screen appears on your iPhone?

Any equipment repair, even minor, is impossible without special knowledge. Otherwise, you risk exacerbating the breakdown or damaging parts beyond repair. Therefore, if your screen does not work after a fall, first weigh everything and make the right decision.

If your iPhone has a green screen after a fall or stops turning on, try rebooting the gadget. To do this, follow these steps:

  • simultaneously hold down two buttons “Home” and “Sleep”
  • wait 20-30 seconds until the apple logo appears on the display

When your iPhone crashes and a black or white screen appears, rebooting can help. If the damage to the phone was minor, then this will work. Otherwise, the device will need to replace the display module. Now on the electronics market there is a large selection of spare parts for Apple equipment (original and counterfeit).

If you have the knowledge and experience to repair an iPhone after it's been dropped, you can replace the screen yourself. To replace the module, you need to purchase a set of miniature screwdrivers and a quality part.

If you do not have special knowledge, then it is better not to replace the display, cable, board and other spare parts, so as not to damage entire parts. It is better to entrust this work to specialists.

How to change the touchscreen?

If your iPhone's touchscreen (touch screen) is broken after a fall, then a high-quality replacement of the display will help return the smartphone to working condition. When an iPhone with a broken screen continues to work, experts do not recommend using it, since the glass of the device performs a protective function. If the display is damaged, the iPhone will not work for long.

To replace the display module (touchscreen and screen) yourself, you need a small Phillips screwdriver, a plastic spatula and an original replacement part. is performed in the following sequence:

  • smartphone cover is removed
  • unscrew the battery cable protection screws
  • remove the battery using a spatula
  • unscrew the screws protecting the speaker cable, antenna, motherboard
  • parts are extracted
  • touchscreen is removed

After the device is disassembled, the module is replaced and all parts are assembled in the reverse order. To change the screen, a specialist will need 1 hour. If you do the work yourself, without experience, it will take more time, and there is no guarantee that the repair will be successful.

What to do if the iPhone was dropped (fell) and a black screen appeared?

If it happens that the iPhone remains intact and works after a fall, but a black screen appears, there are several ways to restore it. Here are some of them:

  • charge the device (it may be low)
  • restart your iPhone as described above
  • Turn the silent switch on and off several times

If these steps do not help, the display does not work and continues to remain black, which means that the internal components of the gadget have been damaged. The iPhone needs diagnostics to identify the causes of the malfunction.

Advantages of specialized service centers

At the service center, specialists professionally repair iPhones of all models. In case of mechanical damage (fallen, dropped, the screen does not work after a fall) or as a result of moisture getting into the case, the technicians diagnose and repair it.

When replacing the screen on mobile devices, the smartphone model is taken into account. Almost all versions of the iPhone have a single module, which consists of an LCD panel and protective glass.

If you flood your iPhone with water, the speaker does not work, you must urgently perform a series of procedures that will extend the life of the phone. The serviceability of the internal elements of the smartphone depends entirely on how quickly and correctly you act. In addition to oxidation processes, the iPhone is at risk of damage to contacts and microcircuits due to short circuits. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, so even a few drops of rain can damage the board, connectors and speakers of a mobile device.

Experts suggest a number of actions that will remove moisture from the iPhone. Their timely implementation will prevent damage to the mobile phone. If, after cleaning the water yourself, you still cannot hear sounds or some functions of the device do not work, contact a qualified technician.

How to restore a smartphone

After prolonged contact of water with the iPhone, it will begin to work poorly, destructive processes are activated, which will no longer be possible to prevent. It is very important that after your phone has been exposed to raindrops or dropped into liquid, you react quickly. Due to moisture penetration, the smartphone may stop turning on and even an experienced technician will not be able to restore it.

If your mobile equipment gets caught in the rain or your smartphone falls into water, you need to do the following:

  • get your iPhone out of the water immediately
  • turn off the phone (turning off the power will prevent short circuits)
  • remove the case and other accessories (the film and protective glass must be removed from the screen only if moisture bubbles have formed under them)
  • thoroughly dry the iPhone from water (try to remove water from the case and holes using any available means, make sure that the speaker does not get wet)
  • check moisture penetration indicators

To prevent the iPhone from stopping working after moisture penetration, it is advisable to disassemble the device and dry the battery. The power supply can only be carefully removed using the Pentalobe tool. If you do not have experience and special equipment, then it is better to seek help from specialists.

Liquid penetration indicators are located in the connectors. The normal color is white. If the indicator strips turn red, this means that liquid has entered the iPhone.

How to disassemble the gadget and remove the battery

After you drop your smartphone in water, do not check if it works. If the connector gets wet or the screen gets wet, quickly remove the moisture and remove the battery. When removing the power source, it is necessary to take into account the technical features of the iPhone.

Battery removal steps:

  • Using a special suction cup and a plastic opening tool, remove the front panel
  • remove the latches connecting the case and screen
  • disconnect the connecting cables from the front panel
  • unscrew the screws holding the case to the iPhone board
  • unscrew the screws connecting the battery to the main board
  • loosen the adhesive grip around the battery (use a plastic spatula to do this)
  • remove the battery

You need to reassemble the iPhone in reverse order. If after turning on the device does not work or the picture does not appear on the screen, most likely you have connected the cables incorrectly.

Ways to restore a smartphone at home

If you dropped the device in water or the connectors were filled with drops, after the above steps you can perform a number of other procedures to restore your iPhone. These include the following methods:

  • put the iPhone in a container with rice
  • download special applications that, by playing sound at a frequency higher than 150 Hz, “push” water out of the connectors
  • clean all internal elements and treat them with an anti-corrosion agent

The first two methods work effectively in cases where you have not wet the device too much. Rice has good absorbent properties, but it will only absorb the water that was on the surface.

If you flood your iPhone with water and the speaker partially does not work, or you can’t hear anything at all, then you should immediately contact a technician.

  • hairdryer treatment
  • wrapping the gadget in a towel
  • drying on a radiator

Heat from a hair dryer or battery will speed up the evaporation of water, but at the same time increase the likelihood of a short circuit. If the phone gets wet and you immediately wrap it in a towel, then the humidity inside the device will increase, which will activate corrosion processes.

How can you protect your smartphone from liquids?

There are many ways to protect your gadget from water. First of all, to prevent your iPhone from getting wet, do not use the phone in the rain, during water procedures, or in rooms with high humidity.

To effectively protect against moisture, Apple recommends the following methods:

  • use of waterproof cases
  • installing protective glass on the screen
  • use of water-repellent coating

You can purchase cases and glass at any specialized store. To apply a water-repellent coating, you must contact a qualified technician.

Cases and coatings will not 100% protect the phone if it has been dropped into liquid and stayed there for a while. Accessories will successfully prevent moisture from penetrating inside if you clean the device immediately after wetting it with water.