What does the VK group give? How to make money from VKontakte subscribers using broadcasting. Creation and promotion

According to statistics from the Internet portal LiveInternet, more than 320 million users visit VKontakte every month - this figure exceeds the population of the Russian Federation by 2.5 times! Naturally, the huge audience of the leading Russian social network allows enterprising administrators of popular groups and public pages to earn money amounting to hundreds of thousands, or even millions of rubles.

How much can you earn on VKontakte communities?

You can earn income from a group in VK in different ways:

  • first, sell advertising;
  • secondly, post videos;
  • thirdly, participate in affiliate programs.

We will analyze each of the above types of earnings in detail, but first you need to take into account that the income of any community on VKontakte depends on factors such as:

  1. Subject of the group - the following categories of publics are considered the most profitable: business, humor, leisure, art, personal development, beauty industry.
  2. The cost of advertising a specific public page, which is set in accordance with its focus, number, age and activity indicators of subscribers.
  3. Labor productivity of an SMM manager is calculated based on the attracted audience over a certain period of time.

How much can you earn from selling advertising?

Duration of placement: according to the standard - 24 hours, where within one hour the advertising post occupies the top line of the microblog or is fixed on the main page of the group, the remaining 23 - hangs on the wall until deleted. Also, placement conditions can be negotiated with the advertiser individually for an additional fee.

The cost of advertising is determined only by the management of the public, but in order to successfully compete with other sites, it is recommended to set a fee ranging from 1% to 5% of the total number of subscribers. Those. if the size of the community is 300 thousand people, then the price of 1 post will be at least 3,000 rubles, maximum – 15,000 rubles. Again, much will depend on the topic of the group, activity and target audience of users.

Important! The VK administration allows no more than 5 advertising publications per day, otherwise the public may fall under sanctions.

  • Sociate.ru;
  • Socialtools.ru;
  • Vktarget.ru;
  • Plibber.ru.

How can you make money promoting videos?

Publishing a video compares favorably with paid reposts in that subscribers perceive it as an integral part of the generated content. The main thing is to write an interesting summary to provoke the user to get acquainted with the video. The price of 1 view varies from 0.3 to 0.6 rubles. (300-600 RUR/1,000 or 3,000-6,000/10,000 views).

  • Viboom.com;
  • Videoseed.ru.

Affiliate programs and CPA services

Participation in affiliate programs allows publics to earn a percentage from sales of certain goods, services or information products. It is impossible to say how much money such a source of income brings in. Here you need to take into account the terms of cooperation with the marketing company, as well as the desire and financial capabilities of subscribers to purchase positions advertised by the community.

In turn, CPA services operate according to the same scheme as affiliate programs, but here the reward is paid based on the actions performed by attracted users: registering on the site, downloading applications, clicking on advertisements, etc.

How much do owners of top VKontakte communities earn?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of administrators of popular public pages on VK do not want to talk about how much they earn. We will have to make approximate calculations of the profit of a particular group ourselves, taking into account the cost of 1 advertising post. Let us remind you that according to the VKontakte rules, the maximum number of publications for marketing purposes is 5 postings per day.

  • The price of 1 advertising post/repost is 75,000 rubles.
  • Monthly income – 2,250-11,250 million rubles.
  • Subscribers – 6.9 million

It is noteworthy that before the Smolninsky District Court of St. Petersburg banned the broadcast of Mudakoff (MDK) on the territory of the Russian Federation in October 2015, the cost of advertising in the community was 80,000-200,000 rubles, this is an absolute record for Vkontakte. However, today the future of the MDK public remains a big question.

  • The price of 1 advertising post/repost is 82,600 rubles.
  • Monthly income – 2,478-12,390 million rubles.
  • Subscribers – 6.3 million.


  • The price of 1 advertising post/repost is 44,250 rubles.
  • Monthly income – 1,327-6,637 million rubles.
  • Subscribers – 3.8 million.

  • The price of 1 advertising post/repost is 25,075 rubles.
  • Monthly income – 0.752-3.761 million rubles.
  • Subscribers – 3.4 million.

  • The price of 1 advertising post/repost is 21,387 rubles.
  • Monthly income – 0.641-3.208 million rubles.
  • Subscribers – 6.2 million.

Top communities on VKontakte are successful commercial projects, which are worked on by professional SMM managers, moderators, as well as numerous teams of content makers. Naturally, every specialist earns good money from such groups. Therefore, it is difficult for us to calculate how much the expenses of popular public sites are in relation to net profit.

Nevertheless, we must acknowledge the fact that social networks have long become effective tools for promoting goods and services on the Internet, leaving traditional methods of marketing positioning in the distant past.

Modern social networks play a huge role in a person’s life, but few people realize that they can make good money using them. The most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte, is an excellent, and most importantly, reliable and long-term source of income. The most important thing here is to be able to make money via the Internet and know the basic secrets of generating income.

So, how to make money in VKontakte? What are the main ways to make money at the moment?

Earning money from groups and pages

The most popular option for making money on a social network is creation of groups and special pages for commercial activities. People who are far from making money online don’t even imagine how exactly they can make a profit from the VKontakte group.

Everything is very simple, the main thing that is required from the owner of the group is its promotion. As soon as the community is promoted and the number of visitors exceeds several hundred or thousand per day, you can start making a profit. How can you get real money from the virtual community VKontakte?


One of the most common options for making money on a social network. Nowadays, very often in groups you can find advertisements for some goods or services from other groups. By following a link in the community, a person can make a purchase.

Of course, a well-promoted group does not just post information about another resource on its page. Appropriate dividends will be received for this information. Promoted communities or pages in VKontakte receive several thousand a day just for advertising. By the way, you can find an advertiser on special resources, such as vktarget.ru, forumok.com, sarafanka.com. With the help of these sites you can promote your own VKontakte group.

Online store

The benefit of creating an online store in VKontakte is that the owner of the group will not have to pay for hosting or a domain. If he had decided to simply create his own website on the Internet, it would have been impossible to do without these costs.

The principle of operation is very simple: the owner of the group places images of various products in his online store and their prices with an existing personal markup. A good online store with a large number of subscribers earns several thousand rubles daily. It is better to create a group dedicated to certain product categories, for example, clothing or sports nutrition. In this case, it will be much easier to find buyers.

affiliate program

If a person does not want to independently deal with selling things, delivering them and replenishing collections, he can always join the affiliate program.

In this case, the community owner only needs to place a link to the product in his group, and when he purchases it, he will receive a percentage of the income. Of course, such a business is profitable only if the group has several thousand subscribers.

Selling a page or community

It is also an interesting and profitable way of earning money, which is popular. In this case, it is necessary to promote the VKontakte group as much as possible, and then put it up for sale. It is important that the group not only has subscribers, but that there are also active discussions, people comment on the news and share them on their pages.

Many businessmen on the Internet are engaged in promoting groups and pages for their subsequent sale. If you understand the algorithm of work, this business can bring considerable profit.

You can also make money through your VKontakte communities using file sharing services. This option is ideal for film groups. All that is required of the community owner is to post the material on a file hosting service and expect that subscribers will follow the link and download it. In this case, with multiple downloads, a person can get a good income.

Most often, the owners of their VKontakte groups use several options for earning money at once to obtain maximum profit.

The most important advantage of such earnings is the lack of investments. Although, in order to promote your group in the shortest possible time, advertising is required. And if the income itself in contact on groups does not require investments, then considerable funds are sometimes needed to promote the community.

Earning money from applications

Many people think that earnings in contact are limited to advertising in groups or promoting communities. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to make money on this social network, and Application Development– almost the most profitable of them.

If the owner of his VKontakte group can hope to make a profit of only a few thousand a day, the creator of the application has the opportunity to receive 500 thousand in a couple of months! At first glance, this is impossible and fabulous money, but many successful VKontakte application developers earn it.

The most important thing is to create an interesting and structured application that people will like. The more people who take part in the games, the better.

Many applications provide several free levels, and further completion of the game is possible only for money. Thus, fabulous incomes are added up, which the owner can count on.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to develop the application itself. In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge in programming, you also need to promote your game. Now the competition for various applications in VKontakte is very high, and therefore it is quite difficult to earn income here.

However, a huge advantage of this earning option is that one application can generate income for many years. Of course, some changes and new items will have to be made to it to make it more interesting for people to play, but still this is a very profitable and really working option for making a profit!

Is it possible to make money from likes?

Social networks are becoming more and more popular every year, and therefore making money from likes is not uncommon. It’s worth mentioning right away that this option for part-time work won't bring in much income, but it will take a lot of effort. So, what is the essence of the work?

There are services on the Internet, such as Likeberi.com, forumok.com, Twite.ru, where it is quite possible to make money on likes. All that is required of a person is to register on this resource and start completing all the tasks presented. The cost of one like varies depending on the number of online friends a person has.

Of course, this is not a lot of money, but for many people it is an excellent option for part-time work. This kind of income has a number of disadvantages that are worth talking about:

  • The work itself is very monotonous and quickly gets boring even for the most assiduous Internet users.
  • Income from likes will be small, even if a person registers on several resources at once.
  • The VKontakte news feed will turn into a whole set of incomprehensible groups and messages, which will obviously not be to the liking of a person’s friends on the social network.
  • Many resources for making money from likes have withdrawal limits of a few dollars. That is why it will not be possible to get the money right away.

And yet, this earning option helps many people earn at least some money on the Internet in a couple of hours at the computer. By the way, on the listed resources it is quite possible to promote your group if you register not as a surfer, but as an advertiser.

Other earning options In contact

If promoting your group and creating applications seems too complicated, and making money from likes is frivolous, you shouldn’t despair, because there are several other options for working on a social network:

  1. Firstly, there is the opportunity to simply get a job as an employee in a social network. On the main page of the site there is always a vacancies section where you can find a suitable profession and try yourself in cooperation with one of the most successful companies in Russia. Most often, the VKontakte service requires programmers and Internet developers. People with really good knowledge of Internet programming are now worth their weight in gold, and VKontakte is one of the best platforms for them to make money.
  2. Secondly, you can try yourself as an administrator of a VKontakte group. This is an excellent option for making money remotely, which also brings pleasure. Typically, being a group administrator does not require any special knowledge. All you need to do is find a community of interests and ask if they have an administrator vacancy. Places on well-promoted resources are always occupied, because work there brings in income and is considered prestigious. That is why it is better to look for a position as an administrator in a less popular community that has prospects.
    If a person is really interested in the topic, then he will be happy to promote the group. Usually the earnings here are not exorbitant and range from 8-15 thousand rubles per month. However, after the group manages to be brought to the Top, having achieved several thousand subscribers, the salary will increase noticeably. All that is required of the administrator is to add photos, videos, and articles to the group. You can also come up with competitions and discussion pavilions to stir up interest in the group.
  3. Thirdly, on Vkontakte you can always make money from your creativity. In particular, many artists, writers, and musicians create groups and pages where they offer their creativity or their services for sale. Groups offering hand-made goods, that is, made with their own hands, are very popular. This is an income for those people who not only want to earn income, but also dream of promoting their creativity.

How to withdraw money from the system?

It was already mentioned above that there are special sites on the Internet that help customers and performers find each other. If a person wants to make money from advertising or likes, he only needs to register on such resources. As soon as income appears, it can be withdrawn to Webmoney and Yandex.Money. People who are far from making money online have no idea how exactly virtual money can turn into real money. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

All that is required from a person is create your wallet on Webmoney and withdraw your earned money to this system. As soon as the money is transferred to the electronic wallet, it can be transferred to a card or by money transfer through Zolotaya Korona and Unistream. You can also use virtual money to make purchases, top up your phone balance, or pay for the Internet. Very often, people who make money, for example, from likes, are in no hurry to withdraw money from the Internet, preferring to top up their phone balance or pay for utilities.

Also, if the owner of the VKontakte community finds an advertiser from his city, he may well agree on a cash payment. And yet, electronic money is a much more practical option for paying for services. If a person has developed the VKontakte application, then he cooperates directly with the administration of the social network, also receiving payments to his electronic account.

It is not difficult to earn income online using social networks. The choice of how to earn money will depend on the abilities and desires of the person himself. Just like in real work, to earn income on the Internet, you need to put in a lot of effort. And yet, a lot of money earned on the VKontakte social network is not a myth, but a reality of modern life.

Video about making money in VKontakte

The video discusses in detail several sites with which you can make money through Contact:

You will find out whether you can make money from a group on VK, how much money it will bring and what to do to increase your income. Read about what kind of group to create so that it makes a profit.

23.03.2018 Andrey Kushchev

To receive a stable and high income, you don’t have to go to the office or create a business offline. One of the most accessible and popular types of online business is the creation and promotion of VKontakte pages.

How to create a group, promote it and make money from it - read the article.

VKontakte is a great platform for making money

Advertising on the Internet is expensive. The demand for it is always great and continues to grow. Traditional businesses strive to advertise their brand on social networks, and online stores use them as an important source of additional traffic.

Administrators of large public sites earn millions of rubles. The cost of one advertising post in their communities reaches 50 thousand rubles, or even higher.

The screenshot shows how much one post costs in popular public pages. But this is not the limit. VKontakte rules allow the admin to publish 5 advertising posts per day - 3 through the official advertising exchange and 2 by personal agreement with the advertiser.

Often, professional admins have several public pages, each of which brings in a stable income.

What group should I create to make a profit?

Choosing a topic is a primary task. Success and income directly depend on this. The topic should be interesting to you and your future audience. Only with this approach will you be able to create and publish interesting content for which users will subscribe to your public page.

Three main themes are in constant demand - entertainment, women's and business themes.

Entertainment theme

Pages dedicated to humor, films and television series are the most popular. They gain an audience of millions. They usually advertise consumer goods - watches, gadgets, sneakers, glasses, etc.

Women's group

Women are the most active audience on the Internet. It's easier for them to sell, so advertising on pages with women's themes costs more.

In addition, such platforms are easier to promote - women join communities more often than men and are more active in them.

Business topics

Success stories, motivational posts and useful tips for entrepreneurs are a relevant and popular topic for the male segment of social network users.

Such sites are more difficult to promote, but they are usually attended by men over 20 years old. This is a solvent audience - a real boon for advertisers, so they are willing to pay well for placing their advertisements in such groups.

There is very high competition among public administrators on popular topics. Promoting a community and making it competitive will not be easy - it will take a lot of time, effort and money.

How to make money from a group on VK - step-by-step instructions

To start making money, you need to decide on a topic, create a public page and start promoting it. Each of these stages is equally important and requires a responsible and creative approach.

Let's try to understand each of the points.

Step 1. Select a topic and analyze competitors

Choosing a topic is the most difficult and important task, on which the success of promotion and future income depend. There is high competition in each area.

Topic selection includes:

  • competitor analysis;
  • audience analysis.

High competition is not a reason to abandon the topic that interests you. Analyze your competitors' content. Most of them will be of low quality - this increases your chances. If you are confident that you can do better, this is your topic. Perhaps you have a unique idea - that's even better.

Step 2. Create and fill the group

Depending on the selected topic, a page or group is created.

A group is an open or closed community in which people with similar interests gather. For example, fishing enthusiasts exchange their secrets, write reports on the success of trips to the pond and share interesting stories. Often promoted groups are more active than pages.

Publics are public pages. They have a more official and unified format - posting memes, news, music, movies, life hacks, recipes, stories, materials for specialists, instructions, videos, etc.

People join groups for the sake of communication, and subscribe to pages to receive interesting and useful information.

After creating a community, you need to set an avatar, and, if necessary, create a menu and wiki pages.

If you want your avatar to be unique, order it from a designer. Do not steal from competitors under any circumstances - this is prohibited by VK rules. The content must also be original. Remember: your job is to be better than your competitors.

Step 3. Promote the page on VK

Promotion is the most difficult process. It requires complete dedication and considerable investment from the page owner.

To promote a public website, you need investments - you can’t do without them. After creating a group and starting posting content, start promoting it.

There are two main ways to attract subscribers:

  1. Targeted advertising – use of targeting tools.
  2. Advertising in competitor communities - mutual PR or paid posts.

Additionally, use competitions - they help to catch up with subscribers. For example, you have a group of fishing enthusiasts. Use it with a good wobbler, line or set of hooks. One of the conditions of the competition is reposting the entry and subscribing. The method is low-cost but effective.

Step 4. Choose a monetization method and receive income

There are several ways to make a profit from a site in VK:

  • monetize traffic yourself - sell your own products or promote an offer using the CPA model, receiving a high commission for the sale of other people’s products;
  • post other people's posts - this method is more stable - regardless of the advertiser's success, you receive a fixed fee.

Experienced administrators use both methods. If advertisers are not always placed, monetizing traffic yourself will allow you not to lose income.

How much can you earn

Income depends on many factors - the number of subscribers, their activity, the topic of the community, and the purchasing power of the audience. There are thousands of groups on VKontakte. Most of them are abandoned and inactive.

The earnings of administrators differ significantly. There is no average number. Some people earn 100 rubles a day, while others earn 50,000 rubles per post.

A lot of subscribers is not an indicator. The main criterion for evaluating a community is the activity of subscribers. The higher this indicator, the higher the publication price for the advertiser.

3 main rules to earn more

Most admins fail for the same reasons - incorrect approach to promotion, copyright infringement and irresponsible approach to business.

To earn more and avoid common mistakes, read the main rules, following which you will definitely achieve success.

Rule 1: Work hard

The VKontakte community requires full dedication from the admin, especially at the initial stage of its promotion.

To prevent the reader from getting bored and leaving you, you need to regularly publish interesting materials for him. They need to be searched, processed and published - this will take a lot of time.

Audience activity should be stimulated with surveys, competitions, and lively discussions.

Even if you already have a well-promoted community, the approach to work should not change - subscribers can always go to competitors. Always expand. Professionals create and lead dozens of groups - all of them generate income.

Rule 2: Create quality content

Low quality content is a recipe for failure. It is better not to publish anything at all than to publish bad articles, reviews or photos.

You also can’t steal from your competitors - your group will be banned, and your subscribers will be able to see who stole from whom. The administrator of a competing public site only needs to leave one complaint against you in VK support and confirm the fact of plagiarism in order for you to be blocked.

Many public administrators are interested in how to make money on a VKontakte group, how to quickly gain subscribers. Modern promotion services allow you to do this quickly and with minimal effort.

At first, when the VKontakte network first appeared, no one could have imagined that its scale of activity would be so large and that it would be possible to make money from it. Today, the VK audience already numbers more than 170 million people around the world and is a tasty morsel for many commercial companies for advertising.

As you know, the VKontakte administration has a fundamentally strict policy regarding any spam and advertising by sending messages.

For the same purposes, restrictions have been introduced on invitations to the group and adding friends, which completely cuts off the opportunity to earn money on goods, services, and brands on your own.

For VKontakte marketing, a more civilized method is provided - advertising placements in popular communities with high traffic, as well as targeted advertising. Today, absolutely anyone can create a group, gather a large audience and earn money by providing a community wall for posting advertising posts.

How much can you earn on a VKontakte group?

The amount of earnings depends on the cost of your posts (from 10 to 200 thousand rubles), the prestige and traffic of the resource.

Surely you have already realized that you can earn very decent money from this. To be convinced of this, just look at the screenshot of the advertising platforms.

One post, for example, in a public page with an audience of 5 million allows its owner to earn from 8 thousand rubles! To get closer to this result, you need a great desire and following simple rules.

How to make money in a VK group: 5-step instructions

Step 1. Find a topic that will be of interest to the public and will give you the opportunity to earn money

It could be films, videos, jokes and humor, funny animals, beauty and health - anything. It is important that the topic is relevant and interesting to a wide range of people.

This is the only way to attract a large audience, and the more subscribers, the more earnings. Statistics of popular search queries in Yandex.Wordstat, TOP-10 popular groups will come to your aid with this.

Ten most popular communities:

  • 5 best films – 5 million people;
  • Clear jokes 😀 +5.6 million hours.
  • Killer humor +4.9 million hours.
  • MDK+6.1 million hours
  • Evil Corporation+5.4 million hours
  • iFace+ 4.6 million hours
  • Film mania+5.7 million hours
  • You won't believe it!+5.4 million hours.
  • New music - more than 11 million subscriptions.

From this we can conclude that most people are interested in topics such as humor, films, interesting facts, world news, music. By choosing such a niche, you

You can earn 100%.

Step 2 - Create a public page to earn money

Come up with an original name, develop a unique design for the community (you can order it from freelancers if you are not “friendly” with Photoshop). In the description and on the wall, be sure to use hashtags and the most popular queries that correspond to your topic (you can view them in Yandex. Wordstat).

Step 3 - Filling the public with content

This point is the most important for promoting the group. You should always have something new and terribly interesting. You need to publish new posts several times a day; the wider the audience, the more content there should be.

If your personal time is limited, you can set up automatic posting at specified intervals or hire a group administrator. Autoposting sites (feedman, megapo.st and others) allow you to publish posts on the community page on a specified day and time on behalf of the community without your participation. It is best to diversify the information and post pictures, articles, videos, audios one by one.

Where can I get information to promote a group on VK?

To begin with, information can be taken on the Internet (in other communities and search engines), but as the public develops, posts must be unique. You must have your own direction and your own image that distinguishes you from all other groups. Therefore, arm yourself to the teeth with Photoshop, fantasize and be creative. 🙂 Alternatively, you can order work from freelancers (work-zilla, fl.ru and other exchanges).

How to set up auto posting?

For these purposes, there are specialized free services. For example, you can use FeedMan.ru, which allows you to set up scheduled publications at any time of the day or night for a month in advance. You relax - and FeedMan.ru does all the dirty work for you. It is enough to allocate just one day a month, select a lot, a lot of interesting information, pictures and upload them all to the exchange, set up publication once an hour or more often - and your public page will be automatically filled with information. An alternative to feedman can be the VKontakte community management service Cleverpub.ru, which is used even by the administrators of the “Clear Jokes” public, or megapo.st. With the help of such platforms, you can make money on autopilot.

Step 4 - Promote the group

There are many ways for promotion - special programs, buying subscribers, advertising, etc. Read more about this below.

Step 5 - Register your public page in special exchanges as an advertising platform

As a rule, to start earning money, you need to get at least 10 thousand subscriptions, since many sites have an entry barrier. Of no small importance is not only the number of subscriptions, but also the activity of participants - daily attendance, likes, reposts, churn% and other parameters.

10 ways to collect subscribers and promote groups

  • Collecting subscribers yourself is the cheapest way, but it requires a lot of free time. But since there are restrictions on VKontakte (you can add no more than 40 people as friends/invite to a group per day), the process will proceed at a slow pace, and you may lose all your enthusiasm already at the first stage of your endeavor. Blocking your account by the VK administration for spam will help you finally give up the idea. Therefore, this is not the best option for promoting a group. You can create several fake VK pages - this way you can reduce the time for promotion. For these purposes, you can buy accounts of users who have lost access to their page. For example, on the website www.buy-ak.ru – from 10 rubles/piece. Another option is to buy SIM cards in bulk without a balance and register them on VKontakte. You can buy them on Avito, from hand to hand or in the online store sim-bez.ru - from 15 rubles/piece. You can automate the work process using software, both free and paid - for example, vkbot. However, when using it, blockages are also possible. Another option for creating fake pages is registration sites on social networks using SMS.
  • Free cheating services - oliker.ru, vkrutilka.ru, turboliker.ru, xlikes.ru, yoolike.ru can also lead to a ban, since VK moderators know about the existence of such services and monitor the actions of participants - both accounts and public pages are blocked.
  • Spam in other communities and on free message boards is an ineffective and dangerous method.
  • Purchasing subscriptions. This method can be called “gray”, but it works. VK users will voluntarily join your group for a fee (0.10-1.5 rubles). Blockages when using this method occur extremely rarely. The most important thing is to take breaks (add no more than 50 people per hour). Verified sites for purchasing VK members:
  • vktarget.ru from 0.30 rub.
  • smmok-fb.ru
  • v-like.ru - live subscribers from 0.50 rub. (Account requirements - a real page, 80-90% complete, at least 20 real photos).
  • SARAFANKA. Subscription, joining the public, participation in a meeting - 1-2 rubles. It is possible to target by city, gender, age. Cost 1 hour from 0.30 rub.
  • vkserfing.ru - from 0.20 rub.
  • forumok.com.

At the first stage, when the public has not yet been promoted, purchased subscribers will allow you to increase the weight of the page. Plan how many people you want to attract and in what time frame.

The most important rule is that the public should develop smoothly without sudden jumps and an influx of participants. Let's say you need to recruit 50,000 people in 6 months. This means that 277 people need to be attracted per day. The minimum budget (assuming the cost of one participant is 20 kopecks) you will need is 55 rubles/day. You can earn this money on the above exchanges by completing tasks, then promotion in the first stages will not require additional costs from you.

  • Advertising the group in other communities. When your public grows, you can negotiate with those relevant in terms of content and number of participants about mutual placements - then you will grow in parallel.
  • Reposts. Using this method is very effective. It is best to filter out accounts with a large number of subscribers (from 1000) on the SMM platforms listed above and order advertising placements. Placement will cost you 0.30-3 rubles/piece. For 100 rubles you can reach an audience of 300 thousand people.
  • Targeting. This type of advertising can be ordered on VKontakte (in the left panel, the “Advertising” section). It is best to choose the pay-per-click option rather than the pay-per-view option as it is more efficient. Despite the fact that the recommended price indicated in the service is quite high, nothing prevents you from indicating a lower one (minimum 0.50 rubles).
  • Search traffic. Hashtags are the easiest way to receive search traffic from both VKontakte and Yandex, Google, Twitter. With the help of hashtags, you can easily wedge yourself into current trends, topics that are heatedly discussed on the RuNet, touch the audience that doesn’t read you yet, make jokes and be ironic. Hashtags are keywords marked with a hash mark that become active hyperlinks and are tied to your posts. Hashtags, like a virus, spread across the Internet, involving the audience in discussion. The most important thing is to use hashtags that are relevant to the topic, and not too long, unclear or confusing. The optimal size is 8-10 characters, 1-3 words. SEO optimization for specified key queries for promotion in search engines. It's no secret that posts on social networks are ranked by search engines. By composing unique content and including a semantic core, you can attract subscribers and traffic from search engines. To enhance the effect, you can buy links, announcements on blogs, order the placement of articles on your topic on third-party resources - in war, all means are good.
  • Viral marketing. The most important secret to quickly spreading word about your public is useful and high-quality content. If you publish a cool video, a picture, a super interesting post, be sure that word of mouth will spread the news throughout the Internet in a matter of hours. Your task is to make this post so funny, interesting or shocking that you want to show it to all your friends.
  • Competitions and gifts for reposts will help maintain the interest of the audience.

Ways to make money on the VKontakte group

No. 1 - Participation in the VKontakte advertising exchange

This method of earning money will bring you income from placing advertising posts (no more than 5 pieces per day, two of them can be placed through the VK advertising exchange). Exceeding this figure is followed by penalties from the administration - a ban on publishing any hyperlinks for up to 2 months.

The opportunity to earn money on the VKontakte advertising exchange becomes available to public pages automatically when the average daily reach of 20 thousand users is reached (there are no other connection options). This value is calculated in the community statistics in the “Reach” tab for the last 30 days. Some sites have information that you can connect by writing an e-mail [email protected], however, this method was available at the testing stage of the service, and today it is no longer relevant.

The VKontakte administration receives 20% of the cost of your earnings, the rest is your advertising platform.

No. 2 - specialized exchanges for placing advertising posts

No. 3 - direct cooperation with the advertiser without intermediaries

To earn money without intermediaries, you can place an ad on the page stating that you accept advertising posts for placement and indicate the cost of services. You can accept applications on your own website (if you have one and you link to your public page on it).

How to make money from your group on VK: 7 services

  • Viboom allows you to earn money by watching videos posted on your group’s pages. Viboom works with such social networks. networks such as VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. To connect your public as an advertising platform, you must have at least 10,000 subscribers. Payments occur at the end of each month through the WebMoney system. You will receive the entire amount that was in your account at the time of payment. The minimum payment amount is 100 P. Operating procedure on the Viboom exchange: 1. Registration. 2. Receiving applications. 3. Video posting. 4. Pay for each click.
    The cost depends on the site, audience, viewing price and type of video.
    Example. Attendance is 20,000 people per day, of which 5,000 will watch the video. At a price of 50 kopecks per view = 2500 rubles. /day (requires access to attendance statistics).
  • Blogger. At the moment, there are just over 1 thousand communities registered on the site that are already successfully making money. There are no restrictions on adding a community. Minimum cost – 15 rubles. Opportunities for earning money depend on the topic of the group and its popularity. On average, advertising in a public page with up to 1000 subscribers costs from 15 rubles. 1000-5000 – from 15 rub. up to 500r. 5000-100,000 – 50 rubles – 1000 rubles. 100,000 – up to 1 million people. – 100 – 2400 rub. From 1 million and above. - up to 5800 rub.
  • FEECLICK. Pay per click – from 0.50 rub.
  • Sociate.ru. Earnings on the Sociate exchange depend on the platform, daily audience coverage, and the number of subscribers. Price range - from 32 to 116,000 rubles.
  • plibber.ru is another advertising exchange on social networks, which gives you the opportunity to earn money on public pages from 100 rubles per placement.
  • advk.me - on this site you can earn money by advertising from 20 rubles.
  • Socialtools.

Read about other 60 ways to make money on the Internet in

The question of how to make money from a group on VK worries many enterprising people today. Any social network, and especially one as popular as VKontakte, provides the opportunity to easily interact with a large number of people. This, in turn, is a direct path to earning money; you just need to decide on the direction of your activity, develop an offer of a product or service and present it to a potential target audience. How you can make money on VK and what kind of money it will be are the main questions that concern most enthusiasts.

Without going into details, we can say that you can make money on VKontakte and many people do this. Depending on the level of effort and skill in action, you can earn from several thousand to millions of rubles monthly! Of course, achieving such a result will not be easy. If you don’t understand your chosen field of activity well enough and act incorrectly and ineffectively, then you can simply waste time and get nothing at all.

Many may have a question - where does money come from on social networks, where can I get it here? The answer is simple - where there are people, money will always circulate. Monetization of your efforts on VK can occur in many ways, each of which will be discussed in detail below.

Interesting fact! All large public social networks bring their owners, without exaggeration, millions.

How to make money on VK: main ways

You can make money from a group on VK in a variety of ways. The most commonly used options are:

  • Promotion of the group, increasing its popularity and attendance, and then selling advertising here. Advertising sources can be anyone: other groups that want to get additional subscribers, manufacturers of goods and services, individual users, search engines, etc.;
  • Maintaining a personal blog. The methods for monetizing a blog (for example) are the same as in the previous version and are based primarily on advertising, but here you will have to create qualitatively different content. A blog is the author’s personal creative workshop, in which he shares his knowledge, assumptions, and comments on any events with an interested public;
  • Selling goods or services. Since there are a huge number of people on VK, numbering in the tens of millions, here you can select a target audience for almost all occasions. You can sell anything on social networks: food, clothes, handicrafts, gadgets, etc. The social network page can be used as a full-fledged one;
  • There are other equally attractive options: earning money from likes, creating beautiful page designs, broadcasting, creating original sticker packs, etc. Each option is good in its own way and, if taken seriously, can bring in good money.

You can make money from a group on VK using any of the following methods. But there will be a noticeable result only when a person really invests in his business, and does not expect miracles.