Hidden android phone location tracking. How to track the location of a phone by number. This will require

Nobody wants to lose their cell phone. But what to do if this did happen, or the phone was stolen by intruders? In this situation, you can try to find an Android device through Google using a browser or special application. In addition, this way you can erase personal data and lock your smartphone. What actions need to be taken to track a stolen Android phone using a Google account, we will consider further in the text.

Using a browser

Using the application

In order to track your Android device, Google has developed a special mechanism for called Android Device Manager. This is a special mobile application that can be used from any device linked to your account. Before you find lost phone Android using the device manager you need to go to system settings and turn on the GPS signal.

And so, if attackers managed to steal your smartphone, then without delay you need to launch the application on another Android device. Next, log in to the system by authorizing your account and entering your password. After this, a map will open which will display all the devices on this operating system, which are linked to the account. The user needs to select the desired one and the dispatcher will immediately try to determine the approximate location, indicating it with a blue marker. It is worth noting that the higher the level mobile signal lost smartphone, the more accurately the data about its location will be displayed by the application.

How to block a smartphone

If you have no chance of finding your lost phone, you can block it so that they cannot use it. To do this, you will need any device with Internet access, no matter it is a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. By authorizing your account in your Google account, which can be logged in through any browser, go to remote control. By selecting required device, next to the “Call” button there will be a “Configure blocking and deleting data” button, which you need to click.

  • Besides complete blocking, here you can use the installation of some other functions:
  • A new password for entering the phone menu, which is not limited to a four-digit pin code.

Message displayed on the screen of a locked device. For example, you can write your additional number mobile phone or your friend's contacts. If your device is in the hands of an honest person, then there is a chance that he can return the found mobile phone in this way.
Note that attackers can bypass the blocking if they immediately disconnect the phone from mobile networks and points Wi-fi access. In this case, blocking the device will be much more difficult.

How to erase data from a smartphone

If all the ways to find and return your mobile phone have not brought results, then the last thing you can use is protecting your personal data. Sometimes the value of personal correspondence or files stored in memory is higher than the cost of the device itself. Therefore, the developers provided the ability to erase data and restore the system to factory settings using Android Device Manager. If, when performing the required actions, the device is not connected to mobile or Internet networks, then cleaning will occur immediately at the moment of connection.

To do this, you need to enter the application, open the security tab, and in it select the item “remote lock and reset”. This will erase and delete all files stored in the smartphone’s memory: music, documents, photos and installed programs. The only exception is the data intended to create an account, a Google account. They can be restored on the service website by going to the login and password recovery tab. If your device uses a card MicroSD memory, then the information on it will also be saved.

Video “Spying your phone - remote control of Android!”

In this video you will see a method for remote control of Android

Lost your phone and don't know how to find it? Our article will tell you how to find it using GPS.


Any person has at least once experienced the loss or loss of a phone. Not necessarily personally, perhaps someone you know has found themselves in such a situation. Relatively recently, users did not yet have such an opportunity as tracking a phone using GPS. But technology is developing rapidly, so even a stolen phone can be found. So let's talk about some actions you can take.

How to find a phone using GPS?

First of all, of course, try calling your number, in case you hear it yourself or someone finds it and picks up the phone. So one call will solve the problem.
If you know for sure that the phone was stolen, then write a message asking to return it for a reward. Undoubtedly, you don't want to pay a thief, but sometimes this is the only chance to get your phone back. Although, there are other ways to return the phone, but it all depends on the system used.

How to track iPhone?

It just so happens that iPhones are popular among robbers. And it's not even about their high quality, but about the price. In Russia, such phones are very expensive, so selling them can fetch a hefty sum. But some attackers want to get more and buy a box of documents. And at this stage you can stop him. The thing is that Apple cares about its customers and has come up with a service for finding and blocking iPhones. Moreover, this is done so well that the gadget will turn out to be a useless “brick” for an attacker. Accordingly, he will not be able to sell the device.

It is worth warning you in advance that this method will work, but only if you have activated a special function. Therefore, even before losing it, turn it on. To do this, you will also need an activated iCloud account and an iPhone linked to it. All this can be easily done in the settings of the device itself.
Activate phone search on your device. It will help you determine where your device is located.

If you link your iPhone to iCloud, then thieves will no longer turn on your phone. Even if it is reflashed, they will not be able to do anything without your email and password. Accordingly, they will have to return your gadget, at least for a reward. In addition, the message will help if the phone is in the hands of a well-wisher, but he cannot find you for some reason. It is installed in the online service, but this is not all its capabilities.

To remotely control your iOS device, you just need to log into the official iCloud website and go to the Find iPhone application. In it you will see all connected Apple devices to your account. Although, instead of a website, you can only use an application that has the same functions.

As soon as you enter the program and see that your smartphone is online, some actions will be available to you. First of all, look at the location of your device, it may be at home or at a friend's. If he is at home, then start using the site playback sound and he immediately plays a loud melody, which will make it possible to quickly find him.

If you are sure that he is not at home, then activate the missing mode. This will deprive thieves of the opportunity to view your data, write a message on the display and record all movements of the smartphone on the map. Well, if you think that the device will never return to you, then look at all the data from the device so that it does not end up in the wrong hands.

There is no way to bypass activation lock in iOS with a version older than 7. Therefore, look at what version of the operating system you have and update if necessary. Criminals do not need a non-working device, so they can sell it for spare parts. Or they will return it for a fee if it is more profitable. Although some of intruders they are trying to blackmail and threaten if you do not give them your account password. So, they want to sell it at a higher price. You should not agree to such a proposal or enter into negotiations at all. Better go to the police immediately.

How to find Android?

As for Android, this system for a very long time did not have the ability to track a stolen or lost smartphone. Therefore, manufacturers created their own systems and implemented them. But today Android itself has a built-in device search. It's called Android Device Manager and makes it possible to remotely manage a smartphone connected to a Google account using a special website.

Thanks to this system, you can determine the position of the phone on the map using GPS, turn on the lock, erase data or call it, even if the SIM card has been replaced. The only condition is that the device has an Internet connection and an active Google account.

In addition, for the service to work, you need to activate relevant function in settings. To do this, go to security settings, select device administrators and activate remote device management. If this is not done, the service will not work from the computer.

Unfortunately, Android is not as well protected as iOS. Therefore, any experienced user or attacker can change the firmware and even no programs will help.

How to find Windows Phone?

Smartphones with Windows also have a service that allows you to find your phone. In principle, they didn’t cheat with the name; they called it “Phone Search”. It can only work if you are signed in to a Microsoft account on the device. To save battery power, the feature is disabled by default. Therefore, it must be enabled manually. You can find it in the main system settings, just go to the phone search section and activate all the options available in it.

The first function speeds up the connection to services. It is necessary so that the system can contact the phone via push notifications. This is especially true if incoming SIM cards are paid. Moreover, Microsoft provides no more than 15 free messages for three days, and you can send as many sub-notifications as you like.

The second option allows you to monitor your location devices. This is useful if your phone goes missing so you can track its location. If your battery runs out or the signal disappears, you will know where it was last.

To determine the location of your phone using GPS, go to a special portal, where you select the model of your device and you will see a map and the approximate location where the device is located. The remote control functions are basically the same as in other systems. You can make a call, delete all data or block it.

Remember that your phone can be lost without a trace. But not be upset and buy yourself a new modern device and install protection on it from. In any case, a phone is just a device. Of course, it's sad to lose him, but there are sadder situations in life.

Video: How to find a lost phone - programs for Android?

One of current problems today – the opportunity to determine the location of an expensive device that stores a lot of personal (important) information. The question of how to track the location of an Android phone if it is lost or stolen is especially acute. For this purpose, many special programs have been created.

Unfortunately, Android does not have an “official” mode (like Apple), but a series of special (third-party) tracking applications have been developed that also help improve security. The work of some of them is impossible without pre-installation to the tablet.

Search through pre-installed applications

Responsible users don't wait until they lose their Android to install one of the programs that can track its location.

Lookout Security & Antivirus (Antivirus | Lookout), allows access from personal account(via computer) to the following functions:

  • activation of loud notification, which does not depend on the set sound mode;
  • possibility of remote device locking.
  • recovering data from a lost device.

If the tablet is turned off or this application has been removed from it, the last coordinates with working (active) protection will appear on the screen.

Will help you find lost android. After sending specific code By SMS message you can:

  • make the phone ring;
  • get current coordinates.
  • The Pro version provides the ability to:
  • take a photo of the thief (front camera);
  • remove applications (uninstall);
  • block ( remote access) all functions on the lost tablet:

Android Lost Free is also worthy of attention – absolutely free application, which has a rich set of functions that can be activated remotely:

  • starting an alarm (which cannot be turned off), accompanied by a flickering screen;
  • switching on or turning off Wi-Fi and GPS;
  • deleting all existing data;
  • call tracking;
  • obtaining images from any of the available cameras.

Another advantage is a notification about a SIM card change, sent to the specified email address.

Since Android Lost does not appear in the menu, it is quite difficult to remove.

And this is only a small part of the existing software. However similar programs should be installed in advance.

The device is already lost. What to do?

How to track an Android phone if it is lost and none of the above listed programs has not been installed.

For this there is a “Plan B” (“Find my phone”) - it is provided remote installation applications from Google Play Store. The only caveat is that Android must be registered in the system (having a Google account).

The procedure is as follows:

  • install "Plan B" on lost tablet(telephone);
  • open a letter sent by the program to the linked account;
  • read information about his location.

It is worth noting that this application does not work for everyone. Android versions. And there is no confidence in the veracity of the result obtained.

It's better to try to track Android in real time through computer - Android service Device Manager or "Remote Android management", allowing you not only to see the location of your tablet or phone on a map at any moment, but also to erase data, clearing the built-in memory, or change passwords.

To track your Android, you need to:

  • Open on your PC " Android Remote Control»or Android Device Manager from another Android.
  • Log in - log in to your account using your login (lost tablet).
  • Find the tablet you are looking for in the form of a blue circle on the Google map. In addition, the address near which the loss is located will be indicated.

Correct operation of the service is possible only when the GPS module is turned on, otherwise lost device will not be determined.

The possibility deserves special attention:

  • Call using the button of the same name in the pop-up window. To confirm the action, select “Yes”. The option allows you to find a phone “hidden” nearby. In this case, Android will ring for about five minutes (maximum sound). Pressing the power button turns off sound signal. If the phone is far away, the person who finds it will be able to answer the call.
  • Configure blocking and deletion of data, for which the system will ask you to send a notification - click “Submit”.

When erasing all data from the device, you must remember that the operation is irreversible.

Blocking is done manually:

  • open Google Setting (on tablet)
  • enter "Android Remote Control"
  • find " Remote blocking and reset settings" and check the box
  • enable geolocation
  • make sure the device you are looking for is found
  • after that it is installed new code blocking
  • If desired, you can specify the text of the message that will be displayed on the lock screen of the lost tablet.

The disadvantage of this method is that constant access to GPS drains the tablet very quickly.

Advanced Mobile Care also has similar functions. In this simplest free antivirus There is a built-in function such as “Anti-Theft”. You just need to enable this function to track the location of your tablet (phone) directly on the site, after logging in first. Here you can raise the alarm, which guarantees a lot of unpleasant moments for the robber.

Many methods have been invented to help in the search for the missing Android. And yet it is easier to prevent such a situation. You just need to be careful (attentive) with your own property. Take care of your nerves!

There are situations when it is necessary to track the location of a smartphone and its owner, for example, when a mobile device is lost or a child is sent to school, a section, or extra classes. There are various ways to do this, from simple programs, built-in phone functions, third party services to powerful products used by telecom operators.

How to determine the location of an Android phone

You can search for an Android phone using tools such as:

Google Remote Control "Find My Device"

This is a built-in function, but disabled by default, with which you can easily find an Android smartphone. Using the function does not require installation additional programs on the device - it is located in the device manager.

Turn on Device Management

To use this feature, you need to run the following actions:

  1. Open « Google Settings" and go to the "Security" tab.
  2. Select “Device Administrators” from the menu and check the empty box.
  3. On new page confirm the activation of the function by pressing the “Activate” button.

Built-in service capabilities

Using Find My Device gives users the opportunity to:

  • Track a lost or stolen smartphone using cellular and wi-fi networks, GPS systems in normal condition, with a thrown away or replaced SIM card.
  • Call continuously and loudly for 5 minutes even when the sound is off.
  • Prevent theft of personal data from a stolen Android smartphone by deleting it through a factory reset.
  • Lock screen. To block, you need to enter a password in special form. You can install it in a few seconds.
  • Display an arbitrary message for an attacker on the smartphone screen.

How to find a lost Android phone using Find My Device

To track the location of a user or a lost smartphone, you need to follow simple instructions and perform the following steps:

  1. Turn on the computer.
  2. Open any browser and go online.
  3. IN search bar enter google.com/android/find, go to the site.
  4. Log in to your account using your username and password. The information will be available within a few seconds.
  5. Downloading and installing the Find My Device program is an optional step.

Finding a smartphone via Google Maps

The "Show where I am" feature is a relatively new addition to the official Google app Maps, which allows you to track the movements of users with a graph where each point is plotted as the target moves from place to place. To take advantage useful addition, you need to do the following:

  1. Install the software on your device and the Android smartphone of the person you are interested in.
  2. Go to the “victim” application by going to the main menu.
  3. Select “Show where I am”, specify the person tracking interval and leave contact information: email or phone
  4. Open the Google Maps application on your smartphone and select the “Show where I am” section at the top the right person and watch the recording with the result.

Another interesting tool from Google for determining the location of an Android smartphone is the “Chronology” service. It is very simple, but not suitable for constant monitoring, since it does not display the movements of the object that occur in real time; to use it you need to:

  1. Go to Google Maps under the data from the account of the person you are interested in.
  2. Open the “Chronology” item.
  3. Select the desired time period: day, month, year and view the results.

Phone tracking program for android

Make it easier to spy on mobile devices help various programs. Their list is very extensive, so it cannot be listed quickly, but, nevertheless, among the names there are best products, which include the following:

Where's My Droid

Simple and convenient software for tracking a smartphone takes a leading position in the Play Store. With it you can:

  • create lists of people who can use the application using text messages;
  • hide incoming messages via sending special team;
  • send sound signals to your phone;
  • receive notifications about geolocation, changing the SIM card when the battery is low;
  • to plug Pro version to expand functionality.


Is the optimal application for work, home use, helps monitor the movements of employees and children. A special feature of the program is that it is free test period in 3 days, after which the cost of the service will be 99 rubles/month. To take advantage of the tracking capabilities, you need to download the application from the play market, install it, and register for the service.

The benefits of this software product relate:

  • high accuracy;
  • minimal battery consumption;
  • simultaneous location determination using systems: GPS, GLONASS, GSM and WiFi;
  • multifunctionality;
  • sending detailed tasks to employees;
  • integrated alarm button, which children can press to send a signal to their parents, for example, when they are being kidnapped;
  • the ability to create chats between dispatchers, drivers and couriers;
  • automatic start after rebooting the smartphone.

GPS tracking app Pro

This Android phone tracking program works in GPS system and ensures the transfer of information about the location of family members, acquaintances, friends, children and their smartphones, regardless of the model and age of the devices. The advantages of this software product include:

  • efficiency of information transmission through the use of 28 satellites;
  • unlimited amount devices linked to your account that you can monitor;
  • the ability to create controlled zones on the map - when leaving or entering such a zone, the application will inform you with an SMS or Push notification.

Lost Android

An application for remote full control over smartphones running the Android operating system (OS). To start using it, you need:

  1. Download from play market, install it.
  2. Open and register. At this stage, an exchange occurs between the application and Google account, and then the application and the androidlost service.
  3. Go to the androidlost service, press the "sign in" button.
  4. Wait push notifications"Congratulations your phone is connected."
  5. Test the application by clicking "click Controls" in the main menu and selecting the "Alarm" tab. If there is no sound for 4-5 seconds, then you need to turn off wi-fi for 2 minutes, turn it on again and restart the application.
  6. Get administrator rights.

Using the program you can do the following things:

  • take pictures of the faces of thieves or other persons using the front camera of the missing devices - only relevant for smartphones with Android OS 2.3;
  • view the contents of the browser with your browsing history and quietly download photos;
  • translate text into a speech message, broadcast it to your phone in real time;
  • receive lists of incoming and outgoing calls;
  • notify about SIM card replacement;
  • format the memory card;
  • read data on battery charge, IMEI, SIM card ID, and receive other technical information;
  • send SMS messages via computer;
  • read messages sent from a smartphone;
  • block smartphone.

Cerberus anti theft

Not a simple location application, but a whole complex equipped with many useful functions that will help you find lost, stolen or forgotten smartphone. To use it, you need:

  1. install the program and use it free of charge for 7 days;
  2. register;
  3. go to the site, log in.

Using the program you can perform the following actions:

  • install secret code to lock an Android smartphone;
  • detect the location of the device, track its movements;
  • send a continuous beep;
  • take pictures with front camera, screenshots, video recordings;
  • secretly turn on the microphone and make an audio recording;
  • transfer information online using USB technology;
  • erase information from external and internal media;
  • receive notifications from technical information smartphone, Wi-Fi network to which the device is connected.

The service offers additional features, which include:

  • functions “Management device” and “Protect devices by Administrator”;
  • Power blocking to prevent an attacker from trying to turn off the smartphone.

Avast Anti-Theft

This is an integrated module in mobile version popular antivirus, which in automatic mode blocks your Android smartphone when you try to replace the SIM card, intercepts photos and audio recordings. To use the module, you need to do the following:

  1. Download avast! Mobile Security and open it.
  2. Go to the settings menu and check the “PIN code protection” and “Deletion protection” checkboxes.
  3. Create an account in Avast: open the official website, click on Create Account Now, enter the address Email and password.

In addition to the built-in module, the developers suggest using the following interesting opportunities:

Additionally, you can connect three premium services:

  1. Blocking applications. Protect your most visited programs and applications with a PIN code or digital key.
  2. Disable advertising. A handy add-on that helps you disable everything advertising messages that appear when working with an antivirus.
  3. Avast direct support. You can ask for help without leaving the program, which helps to resolve this or that issue more quickly.

Find Android by phone number

There are three possible options to search for a smartphone by phone number:

  1. Via SIM card. Worst and ineffective way because after the theft, thieves immediately change the SIM card from the smartphone.
  2. On the Internet. This method involves using online services, for example, mestopolozhenie-telefona or phone-location. It has medium accuracy and is suitable for areas with a short range.
  3. Using a mobile operator service

Geolocation via mobile operator

This is the most reliable and proven way to detect an Android smartphone. A similar service is provided by all major telecom operators, which include:

  • Megaphone (1);
  • Beeline (2);
  • MTS (3);
  • Tele 2.

Megafon offers users an option called “Radar”, designed in the form mobile application. To start using it, you need:

  1. Select the type of service. There is a choice of “Light Radar” or “Radar” version. In the Light version, you can connect only one device for tracking, but, nevertheless, it is possible to expand the list of subscribers to 5 people at a cost of 3 rubles per day.
  2. Open the dialer and enter the ussd request: *566*56 - “Light Radar”, *566# - “Radar”, and then press the call button to activate the service.
  3. Follow the link from the SMS, download the application to your smartphone and log in.
  4. Add users, start searching.

Before connecting Beeline to the service, you must agree with the person whose device you plan to link, since the locator will not be activated without the subscriber’s consent. The service can be activated for free, but actual use will be charged at a rate of 7 rubles/day. To start using the service, you need:

  1. enter code 0783 in the dialer and make a call;
  2. follow the link from the SMS, download the application to your Android smartphone, register and log in;
  3. dial the number of the subscriber whose location you want to detect;
  4. wait for an SMS about the person’s consent, which should be sent in response to the notification received.

MTS has developed one of the most convenient concepts for determining a person’s location, which does not require installing an application. It helps relatives determine the location of loved ones who have given their consent using text messages, even without an Internet connection. The service is paid, tariff plan 100 requests = 100 rub. The service has a two-week free period for new users. To activate the service, you need:

  1. Send a message to 6677 with the name and number of the person you want to track.
  2. Wait for consent to tracking.
  3. Before each subsequent tracking, send a message with the word “Where” and the person’s name.

You can find out the location of Tele2 network subscribers using the Geosearch function via satellite, with GPS turned off. To enable the option, you need to dial *119*01#. During the first three days there will be no charge for the service, as there will be a trial period. After this period, the tariff will be activated - 3 rubles / day. Adding clients for search is done by entering the combination *119*1*number (starting with 7#).


There are many cases when you may need to find out where a person is - from simple curiosity to quite serious fears for him. You can spy on smartphone users both secretly and quite openly.

Secret ways to determine the location of a person with a smartphone on Android based two, they are completely legal and in fact they are Google tools. Both of them require you to enter the username and password of the user you need to locate, but in some cases this is not a problem.

The first way is to look at your movement history on the website. Here is a map showing where the user was and when. Data is collected via GPS and Wi-Fi, is available for the entire time you use your account and is never deleted automatically.

The second way is using the "" application. You launch it, enter someone else’s username and password, select the device that you think the user should have with him - and see where he is in currently. This application does not show your movement history.

If the user has two-factor authentication installed, this application bypasses it, and the person is not notified in any way that someone tried to find him through this service. Through the application, you can even erase data on someone else's device, but this requires that the other user has allowed this function. If it is not allowed, you can submit a request.

To determine location Windows users Phone and iOS, you can use phone search services on the websites windowsphone.com and icloud.com. But this will also require entering the username and password for the device that is currently in the possession of another person.

There are other ways to track the movements of people with smartphones - using special beacon applications.

“Mom Knows” is a cross-platform application available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. It is mainly intended to ensure that parents are aware of where their children are. The algorithm for working with it is slightly confusing: you need to install the “Mom Knows” application on the parent’s smartphone, and “Mom Knows: GPS Beacon” on the child’s phone. Then you need to go through the registration process and on your first smartphone choose from phone book child's phone number or enter it manually. After this, the smartphones will periodically transmit information to each other. It is important that the Internet is turned on on both devices, and on the child’s one as well. GPS module. The application provides a history of movements indicating the time and location on the map. In addition, the application shows the charge level on someone else’s smartphone, so that a sudden loss of connection does not cause panic.

The Navixy application works in a similar way: install it on the smartphone of the person whose movements you want to monitor, register in the system and receive information on your smartphone or in the web interface. Tracking is carried out by GPS signals or by Wi-Fi networks. The application has status buttons “On line”, “Free”, “SOS”, which can be used in various situations.