Disabling Wi-Fi. Turn off Wi-Fi on the router. Blocking with SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

Article. In it I talked about how to turn on Wi-Fi different ways, considered different problems that may arise. But I have not yet written about how to disable Wi-Fi on a laptop. Therefore, I will write now.

Why actually turn off Wi-Fi? Various cases there are. For example, you want to work on the Internet by connecting via network cable. And here it also connects to wireless networks, and if it doesn’t connect, it simply looks for available ones.

And if you are running on battery power, then constant search available networks discharges it faster. Therefore, it is best to simply turn off the wireless module.

I will tell you how to do this in the Windows 7 and 8 operating system. I will write on Windows example 7, but in the eight everything is exactly the same. You’ll probably tell me, what’s there to turn off? special buttons, clicking on which disables all wireless networks on the laptop. Yes, there are such buttons. But they don’t always work, and if they do work, they don’t work as they should.

Here I have, for example, on Asus laptop. I press the key combination Fn+F2(these keys are used on all laptops Asus). An icon appears indicating that all wireless networks are disabled. Like this:

And Wi-Fi worked and continues to work. If you, for example, Lenovo laptop, or Acer, then the key combination is different. If I'm not mistaken, then Fn+F3. The Fn key, and one of the F1, F2 keys... Usually there is a network icon on it.

I don’t know, maybe you need to update the drivers or something. I don’t even want to get into this jungle. There is a simpler and more reliable way.

Attention! I discovered this thing: if you press the key combination that turns off wireless networks (on my Asus laptop, it’s Fn+F2), then, as I wrote above, nothing happens.

But, if you leave them in the “off” mode, then after a reboot Wi-Fi does not work. Just a red cross next to the network. Status: "No" available connections" Power off and on wireless adapter Does not help. You need to run troubleshooting. Perhaps many people encounter this problem. Tomorrow I will write an article on this problem.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. It may be that there is a button on the laptop case that is specifically designed for turn on Wi-Fi, well, to turn it off. But on new models, they don’t seem to make such buttons anymore.

Now let's look at a simple reliable way, I would even say universal, which can be used to disable wireless network connection.

Disabling the wireless network connection

Click right click mouse on the network icon in the notification panel. Choose Network Sharing Center, and shared access (it's the same in Windows 8).

A window will open in which click on the item on the right Change adapter settings.

That's it, Wi-Fi is turned off! And the connection status on the notification panel will be something like this (however, if you have a network cable connected, the status will be different):

To turn the wireless network connection back on, just do everything the same, but select Turn on, and Wi-Fi will work again.

By the way, if you do everything this way, then even after rebooting the laptop, it will not search for available networks to connect to.

This method is suitable for any laptop, netbook, or that runs on the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system. On Windows XP this is done in much the same way. But, unfortunately, there is no way to show it in screenshots.

In this article we will talk about how disable WiFi network on the router. Completely or automatically according to schedule. When asked about this topic, I immediately ask a leading question - what is the goal of of this action? If we want to turn off WiFi due to the imaginary “harmfulness of radiation,” then that’s one thing. If we don't want anyone to use the wireless signal, then it's a little different.

Disable completely WiFi network on the router there are two ways:

  • Physically with a button on the case, if available on the router model
  • Remotely from the admin panel - also completely, or according to a schedule.

With the first option, everything is clear - we press the button on the case and WiFi turns off. Press again and it turns on. This is what this button looks like on the Tenda AC6 router

Also, many models have separate setting to turn off wireless signal Wi-Fi. It performs the same function, but to save money, the manufacturer has not tied it to it physical button.

Disabling WiFi in the router remotely according to a schedule at night

Opportunity wifi shutdown signal remotely according to a schedule is provided in many routers. For example, for the time when you are not using it, or at night.

I have already written about, but many users still think that some kind of harm comes from it.

But constantly turning off wifi manually using a button on the router or remotely from the control panel is not very practical. But setting up wifi to turn off automatically and even setting a schedule for its operation is very convenient. For example, turn off the router at night.

How to disable scheduled WiFi on a TP-Link router?

On a TP-Link router in new version panel, disabling wifi occurs in the “ Additional settings— Wireless mode — Settings wireless mode" Here you just need to uncheck the “Enable wireless broadcasting” option in each of the bands - 2.4 and 5 GHz.

To remotely activate timed operation, go to the “Wireless Broadcast Schedule” subsection in the same section and activate it with a toggle switch. Next, click on the link “Edit schedule”

and on a visual calendar we mark on what days and hours the wifi relay will work

In the old admin panel, to turn off the signal, you need to go to the “Select operating frequency” menu and also uncheck

To turn off wifi according to a schedule, go to the “Access Control - Schedule” menu and click on “Add”

We come up with a name for the schedule and assign a time - either by setting the time period and days through drop-down lists, or manually on the calendar

How to turn off Wi-Fi on an Asus router according to a schedule?

Switch off wifi module on an Asus router, you can from the “Wireless Network” section on the “Professional” tab. There is a function here like complete shutdown radio module, and creating a schedule for network operation - separately for week days and for weekends.

How to disable WiFi on a Tenda router?

In order to assign a schedule for when to turn on and when to turn off WiFi on the Tenda router, go to the “ WiFi Settings— WiFi schedule"

We activate the scheduled operation mode and assign days and times to turn off WiFi.

We save the settings and wait until the router reboots, after which the schedule will take effect.

Disabling the WiFi network according to a schedule on the Zyxel Keenetic router

U Zyxel Keenetic It’s very easy to completely disable Wi-Fi - go to settings “ Wi-Fi network" and uncheck the box "Enable access point"

If you need to turn off WiFi only in certain time, then the “Schedule” section will come to the rescue - it’s also quite flexible settings by time and day of the week, and you can also assign multiple schedules for individual devices.

In the latest version of Keenetic software, this setting is located directly in the configurator " Home network»

That's all - now you know how to automatically turn off wifi on a schedule or completely disable the signal on your router. As I get more models, I'll be adding instructions here on how to set them up, so stay tuned!

Video instructions for turning off Wi-Fi

Hello. The title sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? It would seem, why Wi-Fi router don't turn off Wi-Fi, that's why it's a Wi-Fi router :). But not everything is so simple, different things happen, and even such advice should be on my website. In fact, after looking at the information, I noticed that requests like “How to turn off Wi-Fi on a router” there is, which means people need it and they are looking for it.

For those who do not yet understand what I will write about, I will explain. I will write a short instruction in which I will show how to disable Wi-Fi module on a Wi-Fi router. That is, whatever the router itself broadcasts Wi-Fi signal, but it was turned on and working. What is this all for? Yes, it’s very simple, for example, you have a laptop and a computer, the computer is connected to the router via a network cable. And you rarely use the Wi-Fi connection. So you can turn off Wi-Fi in the router settings, why do you need these radiations in the house, by the way the dangers of Wi-Fi Read the article Is Wi-Fi harmful?

Or perhaps you don’t yet have any devices that connect via Wi-Fi, but you bought a Wi-Fi router and connected your computer via cable. In principle, you did the right thing, because sooner or later you will have such devices that will connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. But until then, the Wi-Fi module can simply be turned off. There are many options.

I will write instructions on how to disable the Wi-Fi module on routers from TP-Link, and more specifically TP-Link TL-WR841N, I have one. But even if you, for example, D-Link router, then I think that this process is not very different in it. And if your Wi-Fi is already turned off, then this way you can turn it on.

Disable (enable) the Wi-Fi module on the TP-Link router

So let's get started.

At the time of setup, you need to connect the router to the computer via a network cable.

Go to the router settings. Open the browser and address bar enter the address , then enter the username and password to access the router settings and click “Submit”.

Next, go to the “Wireless” tab. And if you need to disable the Wi-Fi module, then simply uncheck the box next to “Enable Wireless Router Radio”. If you need to enable it, check the box, it's simple :). To save the results, click the “Save” button. The changes will take effect after rebooting the router.

That's all friends actually are. As I promised, everything is very simple. I hope you find my advice useful. Good luck!

Hello. The title sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? It would seem, why turn off Wi-Fi on a Wi-Fi router, that’s why it’s a Wi-Fi router :). But not everything is so simple, different things happen, and even such advice should be on my website. In fact, after looking at the information, I noticed that requests like “How to turn off Wi-Fi on a router” there is, which means people need it and they are looking for it.

Or perhaps you don’t yet have any devices that connect via Wi-Fi, but you bought a Wi-Fi router and connected your computer via cable. In principle, you did the right thing, because sooner or later you will have such devices that will connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. But until then, the Wi-Fi module can simply be turned off. There are many options.

I will write instructions on how to disable the Wi-Fi module on TP-Link routers, and more specifically, I have one. But even if you have, for example, a D-Link router, I think that this process is not very different. And if your Wi-Fi is already turned off, then this way you can turn it on.

Disable (enable) the Wi-Fi module on the TP-Link router

So let's get started.

At the time of setup, you need to connect the router to the computer via a network cable.

Go to the router settings. Open the browser and enter the address in the address bar , then enter the username and password to access the router settings and click “Submit”.

Next, go to the “Wireless” tab. And if you need to disable the Wi-Fi module, then simply uncheck the box next to “Enable Wireless Router Radio”. If you need to enable it, check the box, it's simple :). To save the results, click the “Save” button. The changes will take effect after rebooting the router.